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Everything posted by Lady_Jani

  1. I was so happy when Julie called her out. And when the audience laughed and booed and Aaryn looked stunned made me smile. Remember people, this is the same person that over turned Candice's bed, and then that whole fight happened. I teared up at that part. No one deserves to be treated like that ever. Yes Aaryn is a gorgeous girl but that doesn't give her the right to do what she did. She deserved the interview and everything else that people will call her out on at the finale. Does anyone think she will be telling the others in jury how her eviction interview went? I think she will mention into Helen.
  2. Like Aaryn said on the show tonight, she told Gina Marie to vote with the house because Aayrn knew there would be no way of her staying tonight. She didn't want her friend to be a target after Aaryn left for giving her the sole vote to stay.
  3. That was amazing! She deserved every minute of that!!
  4. I am so glad she won! She needs to team up with Aaryn and Judd. Like someone mentioned earlier, Aaryn has shown loyalty. Even she knows its time for Amanda to go.
  5. Does she still think Nick is going to marry her after the show is done?? I'm wondering if she thinks he will propose to her at the finale? Lol
  6. "It's just not going to be very delightful this week." Lmao. Elissa is cute. I loved how she was talking about her yoga mat when she was having her one on one with Aaryn. She just seems so out of it all the time.
  7. I am a huge Elissa fan and soooo happy she pulled out a win today to save herself. I find it very funny that Helen will be leaving on Aaryn's HOH. I hope she is blindsided on Thursday when she is evicted, and Candice or Judd, two people she could have saved, win the comp and re enter!!!!! This week is going to be good. Lol
  8. Hahahahaha! Kathy. Kathy: "I'm taking my time on this one." Britney in the DR: "Your taking your time on this one Kathy? Oh ok" Lmao. She was funny
  9. This incident that I'm about to mention happened earlier on in the season however I forget and just want to clear a few things up I guess. I watched a video on YouTube that is thirty five minutes entitles The Big Brother 15 experience Bullying Candice Edition. There is a part where Aaryn accused Candice of sitting on her cowboy hat. She said she knows its true because someone told her. After that argument was over in te backyard it cut to the colorful bedroom and Aaryn said Candice made a condescending remark about her hat and how Candice referred to it as only costing 10 dollars. Seeing the Aaryn from back then to now, I sincerely hope in my heart of hearts, that people do not forget the rude horrible racist comments she has said and things she has done. I will admit she is playing a great game. She has four hoh's, I'm sure she has a veto win. She is doing more then the other house guests, and she is a good competitor. I will give her that. I really would not like to see her win. She should not be rewarded for making people feel the way they did when she was with the 'cool clique'. Just my two cents. BTW, did Candice or anyone for that matter really sit on Aaryns hat?
  10. Her starting that fight today drove me bonkers. She is insane. Was it her dress that Helen was wearing? And what was with those glasses?
  11. I like Elissa and was hoping real bad she would pull out a win tonight. I really hope this is all an act and she starts kicking butts and taking names!! BTW, I love her dark hair. My husband, who never watches this show, watched it with me tonight, took one look at Elissa and said "wow she looks like plastic". I showed a pic of what she looked like before, she is a beautiful girl.
  12. I hope Helen is nominated and then evicted!! Also on Thursday I hope Candice (whom she could have helped save) or Judd, enter the house! Helen is an idiot and a BIG liar. I can't believe she would do that to Jessie. At least Andy now told Amanda that Jessie was telling the truth and Helen was/is after Amanda!
  13. Can someone please evict her?!?! "Well there goes that plan". She is crazy. "Nobody comes between me and my pizza boy"
  14. She was very annoying in the way she got excited when Jessie lost the veto. Ughhh! She is always yelling in the diary room!!!!
  15. Omg! I am such an Elissa fan, but wow... Her reply on how to guess tonight's veto made me want to scream! Lol.
  16. At this point in the game, with only watching the shows and none of the live feeds, it seems Elissa and Jessie will be the only people willing to turn their back on Amanda and Mccrae. They need to go! As well, someone said a long while ago that it seems like production is giving Elissa bags of clothes as she is rarely seen wearing the same thing twice. Lol.
  17. I was viewing some of the videos on YouTube of everything going on this season (all the racisim and bullying), She has been caught saying some pretty hateful things as well. Even caught in the room with the others laughing as they are saying rude things. The whole situation bothers me.



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