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Posts posted by WickedOne

  1. Oh my, another one! Aggressive style? I simply stated my opinion concerning a houseguest and was accused of being "passive aggressive" for bothering to point out her nicer attributes as well as critique her (non)gameplay. I don't care for bullies, especially when they pretend to have class. Have a lovely evening. :)

    Welcome to Morty's and it's select fav's. :food-smiley-005:

    On that note.. I still think Jordon's a dimwit. she has her sweet moments but dumb is dumb. Jeffipoo is a bully and not only did he talk down to her their last time around.. but he was extra demeaning on TAR. Their cutesy cutesy didn't blind me to that. But hey, if she wants to put up with it let her.Que sara sara. One does wonder whether or not she has DUN learned how to tell time on a FACE CLOCK yet? :animated_rotfl:

  2. Dan made two positive moves during the Q&A that launched him into the 7-0 win.

    1. He immediately clarified it was all about the game. Every word, every decision, every choice. G.A.M.E.

    2. He was honest and explained why he did what he did whether or not they liked hearing it.

    I believe BB10 really set a good tone for making the point that this is a GAME for the money. It's not about friendships or feelings or personal BS. Now if we can just get some posters to realize that...........

  3. Will not comment any more because I will get some hating from her forum fans

    Screw that. I'm not a renny fan. ( Gee, did I forget to capitalize her name? ) * shrugs * I don't compare HG's to each other. So letting her stand alone I found her less bawdy than I predicted, snottier than I expected, more boring than entertaining, more of a floater ( see Keesha's stretched out coattail ) than a player and holy crap when she raised her voice cattle dropped dead in the fields. I vote for game players whether I like them or not. Age, cutesy and gee whiz nice doesn't get it.



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