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Posts posted by snancypants

  1. It's already boring b/c predictable. Not only do I usually root for any and all underdogs but I hate to see someone as nasty and

    vile as Amanda (throw in Helen too!) bully their way to the top. Plus, the whole idea floating around that Amanda may have been

    a pre-season favorite of producers makes me want it to not work out even though producers always get what they want.

    I felt the same way about Donatos the year they were slated to carry the storyline and be the winners. I got really bored that year.

    That is kind of the way life is though. The big fish eat the little fish. Survival of the fittest. Once in a while a little fish like Andy or Jessie makes it thru to the end but rarely.

  2. But they didn't get the fame that they were looking to find. So many of them seem to think that they will get 'offers' when they get out. Other than BB related appearances and online things, I don't think any past HG has really done anything in TV or film. Well, maybe some porn. Since GM doesn't have a job, porn might be something she could look into. Her experience BB and in pageants might help her out there. And since Spence might be also be unemployed, he will have plenty of time to watch porn. Maybe he can blog about that.

    Actually Rachel has been on The Bold and Beautiful several times as the same character. Now I believe Jeff Schroeder is going to be on that show also. Elisabeth Hasselbeck was on Survivor and got the job on the view from that. Remember Travis Stork from The Bachelor? Well he is not only a doctor in real life but on the TV show The Doctors. Granted they are the exception rather than the rule but they do get a good resume filler and many of them use the so called celebrity they receive to do some good things. They have a fan following and do a lot of charity work.

  3. Putting the MVP - America's vote - did indeed change up the game. After 15 seasons people were too sure what was next! CBS didn't mix it up enough so a formula that superfans knew was easy to give them the edge. They knew if one week would be skill or endurance. They knew if POV would be OTEV etc. CBS had to do something to change it up.

    I wish I was more confident the America's vote was more honest and not a way for CBS and AG to manipulate the game.

    I don't like them soliciting people to be on the show - I think everyone should apply and have an equal chance. You can't tell me that out of the thousands of people that go to casting events and submit video's they can't find 20 that are "pretty enough" to make people watch.

  4. I wonder how much influence the DR is having in making McManda think it might be America voting? We know the DR likes to toss info to the HG as a "what if" scenario. They need someone to appear to have a brain this season and Amanda seems to be the chosen one.

  5. Elissa's nasty and insulting comments were not a joke. She meant them...then tried to cover by laughing and saying she was kidding. They were not funny.

    Don't get me wrong, I've no problem on this show with name calling and insults...just can't stand it when some people give their favorites a pass on it, and then call others out on it when they do it.

    So Elissa saying "who wears a one piece" and saying generally that Amanda looked fat and looked like a stripper (she did in my opinion!) is nasty and insulting and worth Elissa hate! BUT Amanda saying she wants to slit Elissa's throat and pass her around for the guys to rape her OR calling Candice a Cword with nappy hair is not you giving your favorite a pass on it?? Okaaaaayyyyyyyyy then!

    Personally I would never want to be in that house with 24/7 surveillance because I am sure I might say something that could be misconstrued. I think many of them have said things they would not like to remember saying. Amanda is generally a more aggressive and crude personality while Elissa is more of a let's read the bible and do yoga type of personality. In the house I like Elissa better. In life Amanda would probably be more fun to party with! JMO

  6. She calls him "queer boy" and while he accepts that he knows she means it in a derogatory way. He is this season's ultimate floater. He doesn't cook, he doesn't clean, he wins nothing and he doesn't even wear cute clothes!!! He sure does spread the word though!

    Ready for him to be gone!

  7. well since no one in that house knows how to clean may be the reason for dirty feet. They are floors of a tv set! Has anyone ever used a mop in there? Nope.

    I don't like Aaryn at all. Not surprised she won HOH though. That is the game of Big Brother. The momentum shifts every weeks.

  8. I seem to be a minority but I like Elissa. Never cared for Rachel but I do like Elissa. Don't like her lips but I think she is a pretty decent person. This is a tough game and people like Aaryn, GM and Spencer do get ahead. The plan had been to evict her for the horrible things she had said and the bed flip etc etc. Now she will probably make jury at least and will get paid for being a racist and bigot. I feel sad for Candice and Howard having to try to be nice to Aaryn and GM. Shaking my head.

    I'd rather see botox girl get the money than racist/bigot girl.



  9. Sorry but by dumb high school grad ass had to look up "proclivities" to see WTF it meant. Here it is in a sentance. "His proclivity for cooking made him a big hit in the homeowner’s association." I'm still f'in confused. :hide:

    Proclivity means a tendency for things. So his tendency for cooking i.e.he likes to cook. Lol

  10. Agree, kywildcat! Want to see Aaryn out the door but would love to see Amanda going into panicked overdrive.

    me too! Amanda is feeling a little bit too safe right now. She and McCrae took over Judd's HOH room and bed while he is in lock down. And the story of her convo with Candice is totally getting bigger and more of an attack than it really was.



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