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Posts posted by snancypants

  1. I have been getting crap from people for being so angry about his "joke". Is Spencer a pedophile? I have no idea. What I do know is he made a statement to the effect that he likes to masturbate watching child porn and especially likes 3 & 4 year olds and even likes it better if you can tell they are in a basement. It is supposed to be funny because he used McCrae's microphone to make people think it was him. It was Spencer's brain that came out with that crap. Was it a "joke" that Spencer told the HG that he let's female hobo's ride on his train for free if they give him sex??? Does anyone else wonder how old those so called hobo's are? Is it a 15 year old runaway? Is it a 13 year old runaway?? Is it a 50 year old abused woman hiding from her abuser? Exploitation is exploitation. He is disgusting any way you put it.

    I have worked with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and One Missing Link for over 15 years. I have sat with families while they wait to learn if their child will be found alive or dead, dismembered, raped, molested etc. I have held them and cried with them when they got the news. I have lived this life in my own family. If I heard someone comment about getting off on child porn I would report them. I could never live with myself if a pedophile stayed free because I thought a statement was "a joke".


  2. What the hell is wrong with him.... I am sitting here wishing that there were some sort of grounds for the FBI to get a warrant and pull his computer. Behind EVERY joke is a shred of truth. Every time someone says something hurtful, they always pull that whole "I was just joking" excuse. I'm sick of it.... I think we need to get back to the time where if you opened your big fat stupid mouth and said something crappy, you could expect a punch right to the face because you deserved it. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

    I agree. I hope his computer gets confiscated and if there is child porn he goes to jail. It is not funny and that no one speaks up is so sad.

  3. Spencer joking about jerking off to child porn- and his 3 or 4 yr old age preferences???. Flashback approx 7:06pm Cam 1 Aug 5th. He needs to be removed from the house. That is NOTHING to joke about. That is sick sick sick.

    CBS needs to just pull the plug on this season. The mere fact that they JOKE (if he was joking) about crap like this and the whole attitude is wrong. It is time for CBS to take a stand and say no. Enough is enough

  4. NYROSE I doubt Julie Chen will tell her about her job loss. They have a psychologist they see immediately after they leave the show I think. I know they have one on staff. Julie probably will tell her the same type stuff she said to Kaitlin.

  5. I don't hear her blaming every one else. I just PERSONALLY feel she never had a chance to get a game started due to the gang up mentality. It started with Aaryn's bigotry in the first HOH and sort of set the domino theory going. NOW with that said - she screwed her own game, IMO, when she opted to spend the last 3 weeks hiding away with Howard in a bed and not mingling with the rest of the house.

  6. Aaryn is just flat mean. It doesn't matter what she says or does. She makes racist remarks without even realizing they are racist remarks. She delights in the discomfort or pain of others. She seems to feed off the reactions of others to her remarks and they get bigger and bolder. People want to take her to the end because they think no one will vote for her and they will win. I don't think America voted to keep her as much as they voted to reject AMANDA. While Aaryn was not in the spotlight for a couple of weeks and her world was falling apart, Amanda was getting so sure of herself America began to see her true self. Well now that Aaryn and GM have been in the spotlight, their ugliness is coming back to the forefront.

    Sad that the entire cast (or 85%) this season is so negative.

  7. This was the convo about 5:30BBT

    Aaryn says about Amanda "It really was funny when she said the cock thing, that really cracked me up."

    GM says "That was f'n great"

    Aaryn says "It was Amazing"

    Judd says "What cracked you up?"

    Aaryn says "Ok, so she was like Amanda says 'yeah your mouth is so huge, so you could fit Howards cock in it"

    Candice yelled back "yes I did"

    Amanda says "well the funny thing is, he wanted to put his cock in me"

    GM says It was f'n great, dude. And she said her and her flat ass. I'm like flat ass, who the f' wants your f'n fat ass, Candice...nasty bitch.



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