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Posts posted by Depeche221

  1. People, get real. There was serious incident in the house tonight and they need to address it and take appropriate action. I am almost sure that if we all ent back and read the small print whenh we signed up for the live feeds, it has something realting to this type of situation. Go to bed, and when you get upo, hopefully, the feeds will be back. This is not a common occurence and they need to protect themselves as well.

    I would love to see Erics ass being walked out the door as much as anyone, but I also understand they have a volatile situation on their hands and they need to protect EVERYONE involved.

    Just chill


  2. Thaqnx Shockalot for the link. It does show that, even though sometimes these sad events happen, they do increase ratings. So BB will prolly be thinking of that as they reach their decision. When it comes to right and wrong and the almighty dollar, I wonder which they will choose. Will be interesting to see the ads for the coming weeks shows after tonight. I keep hearing "On the most dramitic BB yet" and "the Summer of secrets has been turned into the "Summer of Scandal", and of course, all the news stations will have to have special, in depth reports on "Reality TV" and if it is safe and if the bounds are being pushed too far.

    And the scary thing is, in this day and age, it could all play in favor of what the right wing has been saying about TV going too far and we could be without shows like these.


    Don;t blame the alcohol, blame the 'roids and the "short man syndrome"


  3. Maybe they will just be given a week of no HOH, no POV, no food competion. A week (well, till thurs at least) to just decompress? I kinda think they all need it and it might make people actually forget about the game for a bit, talk to others, make new alliances, etc. They can definately fill Thurs live show with clips and discussion about the events, no one gets evicted, they have the HOH comp and go from there. They could throw in a luxury challenge during the week to help get things back on solid ground. I think that is what they have done in the past.

    It is interesting though that it seems like the one's who crack always do it in the first 3 weeks. Goes to show that even with psycholigical testing and all that, you never really know how someone will react to living in a fishtank until they are actually there.


  4. God, if looking at people was a crime, I would have been sent to the electric chair starting at about the age of 7, that was when I really perfected my stare.

    As a fan of 80's music, I can not resist

    "Fish Heads, Fish Heads, rolly polly Fish Heads, Fish Heads, Fish Heads, eat them up yum."


  5. I can honestly say that the producers will either evict Eric, or Eric and Michael. I for one wouldn't feel safe in the house after what I saw tonight. The people who were thrown out in previous seasons did much less in my opinion. Throwing a chair.....yawn, the whole thing with the knife was overblown, but this time, you obviously have 1 person who is guaranteed violent. You don;t wan't to keep that kinda energy in the house and risk another spectacle like this in the future. Remember, we are in week 2. The producers have to look at the fact that if Eric is so violent this early, what will happen down the road when the competion gets even more intense? Michael is safe as far as I am concerned because all he did is trash talk, Eric is the one who visibly was bubbling over and got violent over words. Words people. Think about that. As a gay man, I have been assaulted with words against me, my family, my friends, all my life and I have never been put into a rage by them like we saw tonight. Let someone call me a fag, let someone say I have a small dick, let someone call my mother a whore. I just laugh and try to come up with a quick retort, or just walk away. They are words, not knives. If yuou are secure in yourself, you have no probloem handling that. If you are insecure, you react with violence. Michael has put up with hate words for a week and has not acted out physically. Eric hears a few commenst tonight, supposedly confident that Michael would be gone in a few days anyways, and gets violent.

    You be the judge


  6. but Wolfrider, the only reason everyone is say9ing they are threatened by mMichael is because Eric has drilled it into them that he is a threat. And so they go along becuase it takes the attention off of them. Michael has not been a threat to anyone in that house physically. As for the knives being removed, where did you see/hear that? That is new info to me


  7. Will be interesting to see what the sheep feel about Cappy after this if he stays. I means, hasn't most of this week been about them feeling "unsafe" around Michael? I think if Eric is in the house, Michael, Howie, whoever would feel more safe than the insane midget from hell. Even the girls. I just watched the closeup feed that someone posted of Eric as the fight was breaking out and it truly gave me chills. The anger in his eyes, the violence that you could see bubbling. It was uncomsfortable just to see, imagine being there. But the sheep will probably stand up for him regardless.

    If Eric stays, CBS is asking for trouble.


  8. But this is the best "Twist" yet if Michael was actually able to get Eric to go off by trash talking and not breaking the rules. It may be underhanded and it sure as hell puts a target on him, but at least Eric will be gone. Maybe then, we will start seeing some real playing instead of Eric and his flock.


  9. First

    Nebartist, you crack me up!!! Thank you for the laughs.

    Wolfrider, you hit the nail on the head. But, this year there don;t seem to be as many folks on here who can agree to disagree and not go for blood. Hell, ScottichTxn (sorry to be bringing you up again Scottish, but you are a GREAT example) and I disagreed on stuff last year and bickered, we disagree this year on some stuff, and we definately have different views outside of the game, but he is one of my favorite posters, and even if I met him in real life, I would be happy to sit down and buy him a drink and talk. And he is intelligent in his posts, I on the other hand am many times not and go on emotion and what I am feeling at the moment, or I do things like post my "Anyone know where Eric's firehouse is" post last night. That post was strictly a bet between someone else and I on what the response would be and if a certain person would respond and how. It worked, and I won the bet.

    I always like to push peoples buttons, and I love to be able to show certain sides of people by just posting a certain word. It is all part of the game for me. But I never intend to hurt people and what I say on here, I say in a game sense, not in a real life sense.

    This show is rats in a cage and many people on this board and others are the same way. I just find it all amusing.


  10. Hey sc-Steeler

    You can dislike every post I make because you obviously don't agree with many of my ideas or opinions, but please do not assume you know what I do or do not know about. That is very ignorant on your part. If you don;t like my posts, then don;t read. Respond if you want, but remeber this is a "discussion" board and people will disagree.

    What happened to all the nice folks from past seasons who even though they didn;t agree could still get along?


  11. Ok, in the past, people have been removed from the house for bad behavior, but if I am remembering correctly, it has never been the HOH. If Eric is removed (please BB Gods), then do they not have an eviction this week? Or if they give him a penalty nomination, which we have all heard about but never actually seen, does that mean that the 3 of them would be up? If that's the case, considering this is a week where a tie could result, who would break the tie and do you think that the sheep would still vote out Michael after seeing this?

    God bless Michael if he was smart enough to push the right buttons and get Eric evicted without doing a thing. He could have actually saved himself and Janelle for this week which no one thought was possible.

    Regardless, I have been saying and think this proves that Eric is the unstable one. Like I say, I really liked him at first, but after so many hours on the live feeds, he is definately the creepiest out of all of them.

    Also, is he is removed, what does that do for Maggie?


  12. Of course it is ok for Cappy, he is GOD in that house, remember? I can't remember a more power hungry, arrogant houseguest as he is. At least not this out in the open. It would be ok if he was doing his dirty talk and backstabbing in the DR and quietly controlling (Remember the love to hate Dr Will?) But he just totally got infected with power and all his sheep joined in and egged it all on. I mentioned last night, Mob Mentality" and we saw it's outcome here tonight.


  13. Oh my God, I am soooo happy there is the possibilty that Eric will get booted out on his sorry ass. He has definately turned from one of my faves in the first week, to the lowest person in the house besides Ivette and April. I do feel kinda sorry for Maggie though as she seems like a nice person. Like the say, what comes around goes around and with the antagonastic crap they have all been playing on Michael,.....welll, I hope it does bite them in the butt.

    There was also talk the other night (and I have NO idea if this is true or not in reality) but some of the houseguests were prettu sure that Eric had used Steroids in the past. If he was drinking and that is true, he definately could have had roid rage. It can happen even after you stop taking the drugs.

    Well, I truly hope that if nothig else, the BB folks put Eric up on a penalty nomination and make sure he understands that his crap is nopt entertaining in the least.


  14. Ummmm, Howie touches all the time. Not sure what feeds you are watching. He also smells the girls dirty panties and asks if he can sleep with the panties after they have worn them.

    Oh and Michael stares and gets werid loooks on his face and hugs the girls.

    Yeah, Mike is definately more sexually harrassing.....Not.


  15. It really depends on where they live. Seeing as how a mojority of these HG's live in FL, they have no state tax so that definately makes it easier. I also don;t think there is state tax in TX where ScottishTxn is (if I am wrong, please let me know), but here in VA, we pay $1600.00 on mortgage alone and that is cheap these days, other bills easily add up to $1,500.00, so the $3000.00 a month would just cover bills, it would not cover food or anything else. It expensive here!

    But, from what I have seen and heard over the years of BB, many have money already and many have family members who are willing to help them out. Also, remember, that if any "Exits voluntarily" or walks out, they lose any money they would have received, so that is definately an added incentive to stay and put up with the BS. If these folks were all rich, they wouldn;t hesitate, but it seems that money does matter for the most of them.


  16. ummm, Thank you ScottishTxn for lifting up your kilt. I think I now have a new crush ;)

    As for the original poster. Get a life. I am 36, gay, and a DEMOCRAT ((wink ScottichTxn) ) and you know what, even with all of that and with the fact that I DO find some of the stuff said offensive? I still am a huge fan of of the show, a HUGE fan of the posters, and would not ask for anything to be edited. If you don;t like what the people in the house are saying, then why do watch the show? I was amazed that on the Live show last night they actually showed Howie in all his glory with the female underwear. I was glad, but knew some people would be offended, but that's ok. Supposedly, that is what our faithfull troops are fighting and dying for over in Iraq. Here is a novel idea....If you don't like what you see on this site, then don;t log on. There are plenty of other sites that you can log onto. But if you want the best, up to date, non biased, real time reports of the feeds? Then stay here. We at Mortys accept everyone, regardless of race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, or age. We are here to enjoy the show and realize it is a show for adults (notice the warning at the beginning of the tv show). If you don;t feel you can fit in with a community that can agree to disagree, but still love everyone, then you need to either find another place to get your updates, spend the 30 bucks (which is nothing is you have internet access) or come into the most welcoming group of misfits you will ever meet. No we don;t always agree with each other OR what is said, but we tell it like it is regardless.

    My hat's off to everyone who is posting the live feed updates and God bless Morty for having this site where we can all agree to disagree, but still be friends.



  17. You guys are blowing this WAY out of proportion. I sat and watched the whole conversation between James and Sarah on the Hammock and it was ALL in jest. I have been with my partner 17 years and I know we do the exact same thing. Srah even even said (and obviously joking) "Hello America, you see that my botfriend, James Ryan, is an asshole" and then she gave his this cute smile. If you saw both of their faces during that conversation, it was totally in fun. The bigger problem is that Sarah is getting to jealous about James flirting with the other girls in the house. I can see how she might be threatened since their relationship is only 4 months along, but she is gonna be the one to ruin for them if she can't just chill. I truly believe that they make a good couple and that he cares for her, but they both need to put things on hold and play the game. It is a hard thing with such a new relationship and I really hope they survive. If they can get through this, I think they will have a great relationship.


  18. Also, I don;t think Julie would have told Ashlea that the big prize was 1 million and 2nd was 250K if there was any chance she would be going back in. Since none of the pairs were told the reward or making it to the end, they wouldn;'t let someone back inside who had that info. It would truly be unfair and I think they would see major problems coming from that. Although evicted HG's could still play some part in the show, I don;t think they will be re-introduced to the general population.





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