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Posts posted by JEDI

  1. 5:45 pm BBT  (Feed 2 - Rewind time: 47:25:30)


    Joel:  "Pretty big of him, and gutsy of him to come back after all that and say goodbye and stuff.  I might not have been able to, I can't even imagine, in the state I was in, you know, I'm just going to stay here with my family, and then..  for him to come back and like see all of us and say goodbye and stuff was pretty good.


    Cass: "Well, he did say that he didn't realize until he was driving back.  See, he called his Mom and said he was staying in the game."

    Cass: "I wonder if Live Feeds are still down."

    Jared: "I don't know."

    Cass:  "I wonder if they'll say on tonight's episode?"

    Jared: "No."

    Joel: "Sunday, no that would be, uh, nomination one."


    Joel: "I wonder what they'll do in terms of Thursday, for live show?  Another one of those things we'll find out soon enough, I guess."


    [Could this mean that because of Ramsey's departure from the game, there will be no eviction this week?  Stay tuned! - Jedi]


    (after a long pause of silence)

    Cass: "It wouldn't be fair to the brothers, if they just wrote off this week."

    Jared: "Yeah.  Ramsey was on the block and would use the veto to save himself, so the brothers would have to nominate a replacement."


    Cass asks if anyone has ever left the show before.

    Joel says not in Canada.

    Joel explains about the time Evil Dick left the show in BB13 due to testing positive for HIV.

    And about Neil in BB9, who left because his cousin was involved in a shooting.

    Then they talk about 9/11 and Monica during BB2.


    Now talking about Chima getting expcelled during Jeff & Jordan's first season.


    The Hantz brother getting expelled for head-butting.


    Frankie and Derrick losing their grandfathers in the same season.


  2. 5:40 pm BBT (Feed 1 - Rewind: about 47:20:00)


    Joel has joined Cass, Kelsey and Jared outside in the hot tub area.

    Jared asking what Joel does in the outside world.

    Joel talks about following sports, and the Calgary fringe festival.


    Kelsey talks about riding the rides and the Calgary stampede.

    Jared says he'll do them, but he hates them.


    Cass, out of nowhere, asks "Wait, now is the jury is going to be an even number?"

    Joel says that probably tonight someone will explain to them what's going to happen.

    Cass, to Joel (as Kelsey and Jared continue talking about the Calgary stampede), "What do you think is going to happen?"

    Joel : "No idea. I'm sure they're probably thinking about it right now.  I haven't really thought about it."

    Cass whispers "Maddy has to go!"

    Cass: "I just feel bad to even bring it up." (the fact that Ramsey is gone)


    (Big Brother calls Kelsey to the diary room.)


    Cass: "It's so weird that Ramsey is not here!  Already, you know."

    They all agree.

    Jared: "It was weird, today."

    Cass: "We're down to 8 people!"

    Joel: "I know"

    Jared: "Maybe seven".

    (Kelsey heads to the diary room.)

    Jared: "What if they bring someone back in? Oh Fuck, I wonder!  They could!"

    Cass: "Last person before jury... Dallas? LOL"

    They speculate about bringing someone from jury (Mitch or Raul) back, but that they'd know things.

    Joel explains that Gary from BBCAN season 1 did it.

    Joel says "it depends on Ramsey, if he wants to go to jury, or just go home, like if he doesn't want to be part of the jury process.  If he wants to be with family and not be in jury house, then maybe they'll either just have 8 jury members and then think of a tie-breaker..."

    Jared: "...Canada's the tie-breaker."

    Joel continues "or just do like they did in season 2 and give Canada one jury vote and have Canada be the 9th jury member."

    Cass: "No, he's not going to jury."

    Jared: "I don't think so either."

    Cass: "Canada being the jury votes would be awesome."

    Jared: "I think so too."

    Joel: "We'll wait and see, I'm sure they'll tell us soon enough."




    4:50 pm BBT (Feed 3 - Rewind time: 1:25:20 or so)



    Joel, Nikki and Cassandra in the washroom area, Nikki brushing her teeth.


    Joel talking about Ramsey, "...you just go through a crapload of different emotions in your mind, like everything from anger to sadness, to even happiness, thinking back on memories and stuff.  It's really weird to wrap your head around it, when you hear stuff like that, so..."

    Cass asks what he's talking about, as she just joined them.


    Joel explains that he "can kind of relate to what Ramsey's going through, like when you just randomly hear bad news like that.  It's something I went through, and it's hard to really comprehend what goes on, and it's hard to really control yourself, in that situation.

    There's not really anything that anyone can say or do, except hope for the best."


    Joel: "I totally get his decision, it's just too bad that it has to... his experience has to end, in a way like that, through no control of his own sort of thing."

    Nikki: "I know."

    Joel: "That's what's hard, but..."


    Cass: "I just can't even fathom how overwhelming it must feel, I mean how much we all put on the line to be here, having our dream, and such a terrible family thing..."

    Joel: "Especially going through everything that you go through here, on a daily basis, you're always on one extreme or the other, it seems, when you're playing this game."

    Joel: "But I think family means the world to every one of us, and given the same situation, we all would have done the same thing.  It's too bad we have to lose somebody like that, in this game."  [sounds like Ramsey is out and not coming back? - Jedi]

    Nikki: "It really is."

    Joel: "He was a great guy, and added a lot to this house."

    Nikki: "He did, and he'll be remembered."

    Joel: "Yeah, for sure."

    Nikki: "He's a great, great tema player."


    Feeds switch to the brothers in the HoH room, talking about Tim going up next to Maddy, and what Tim might say to get out of it, and who he might say to put up instead.

    [So it sounds like they are still on the same track as last night when they finally went to bed. - Jedi]


    Nikki comes in and asks if she can have a shower in the HoH shower.

    Phil and Nick say "of course!"


    Feeds switch to Tim doing Yoga in the living room, while Maddy sits near him on a couch and eats from a bowl.

    They chit-chat about yoga and numerous topics for the next 30-40 minutes.

  4. 5:15 pm BBT - HoH room

    (Feed 1: Rewind time - 149:50:00)

    (Feed 2: Rewind time - 46:51:30)


    Phil lying on the HoH bed, listening to his iPod.

    Nick in the HoH bathroom, brushing his teeth.

    Cassandra comes in, gives Phil a hug and says she just came to check up on him, and how he's doing.

    He tells he she smells nice.

    She tells him he's such a nice boy, and sensitive, big-hearted, making lots of Canadian girls fall in love with him now.

    Cass says "Poor Ramsey, I just can't put myself in his shoes".

    Phil: "I'm good.  Let's just hope his Dad's alright, and he can see up in 20-something days... the healthy Dad, you know.  It would suck to see him lose his Dad over being in here.  Whatever, I don't even want to think about it.  I'm sure he'll be fine, just let him get that... hospital and stuff."


    Phil asks "What's eveyone else doing?"

    Cassandra runs down where everyone is and what they are doing.

    Cassandra exits.


    Feeds switch to Jared and Kelsey lounging in the big round chair at the Hot Tub area.

    Cassandra comes out to join them, gets under the comforter with them, next to Kelsey.

    They silently enjoy the warm weather, staring up at the sky.


  5. Actually, I spoke too soon.


    3:27 am BBT  (Feed 3)

    The brothers decide to go to bed.


    After a quick bathroom visit, Phil comes back to the HoH, confirms the plan, says they'll work on what to say to each person individually about it, and that tomorrow, Tim goes up and will be going home.


    At 3:30 am BBT, he heads to the pink bedroom (lights are out) and gets into his empty bed.

    He says something to Ramsey about having a talk, so Ramsey was probably either not asleep or was awoken by Phil's entry into the room.


    On Feed 4, Ramsey is visible propping himself up and taking a sip of water from his water bottle near his bed.


    After a minute, Phil gets up to visit the restroom.

    Comes out quickly, (washes his hands, with soap!), then heads back to bed.


    That's it all houseguests in bed at 3:37 am BBT.


    Feed 1 - Tim sleeping

    Feed 2 - Jared and Nikki sleeping (separate beds, in the blue bedroom)

    Feed 3 - Was showing Joel and Phil, in separate beds in the pink bedroom, but now a close-up of just Phil,

    Feed 4 - Ramsey and Maddy in the same bed in the pink bedroom (not cuddling, facing away from each other)


    If Ramsey is indeed going on an excursion outside the house (read somewhere else it could be to see his father?), he will have to get up before 7am, since that is when he (and other) have mentioned multiple times that he would be departing (and each time it was mentioned, the feeds were cut soon after).


    Could be a long and action-packed day tomorrow, before the PoV ceremony (when Ramsey gets back, or only on Monday???), filled with scrambling, indecision, maybe some yelling, screaming and calling out, undoubtedly many many lies, and oh-so-much fun and entertainment for us feed watchers!


    [I'm out for good this time.]

  6. 3:15 am BBT  (Feed 4)  HoH room  (Rewind time - around 112:55:00)

    Nick comes back into the HoH from the diary room.

    [Note:  They are now BOTH wearing maroon/burgundy hoodies and dark shorts, so it's almost like watching two split-personalities have the inner monologue that goes on in someone's mind when they are faced with weighing a tough decision - Jedi]


    Phil says "Nicholas, I just came up with a big move.  Tomorrow, TIM goes up, TIM goes home!"

    They quickly talk and realize that then Maddy stays, and they would still be "good" with Maddy and Ramsey, plus Jared.  (No mention of Kelsey - LOL)

    (They move into the HoH bathroom so that they can't possibly be overheard.)

    They count votes.


    Phil says, let's just put up Tim and let things happen.


    As talk goes on, they start wondering if anyone really would vote for Tim to leave.


    3:22 am BBT

    After much debate, they say that they'll tell Maddy she wanted a shot to campaign against a big player/threat, they are giving her that chance.

    Nick once again uses the phrase "taking 20 thousand dollars out of a Canadian's pocket", in regards to letting "the Australian" win.

    The phrase "he didn't fly all the way out here not to try to win" is used again.

    Phil says "tomorrow we put Tim up", Nick says "Done!".

    So now Tim is the official nominee.

    [Lots can change in 20 minutes, folks!  - Jedi]


    [That's bedtime for me, so I wonder how many more times it will change before they all get up tomorrow morning! - Jedi]

  7. 2:50 am BBT - 3:03 am BBT (HoH room)  Feed 2  (Rewind time - 32:13:10)


    After talking to Tim (in the pool) and Cass (once Ramsey had left) about replacement nomination strategy, Phil goes back upstairs.

    He proceeds to tell Nick what transpired, and tells him what he was thinking during the conversation.


    They are on to Tim, and say he will be their next target, along with Ramsey, once Maddy is gone this week.

    Nick keeps repeating he has been telling Phil this about Tim for a month now, ever since Tim entered the house, in fact.


    They soon talk it over and decide that the only safe choice is that Nikki must be the replacement nominee tomorrow.

    They think that otherwise Nikki is a sure vote for Maddy to stay, over whoever else they could put up (Joel or Cass, probably).


    After 3:03 am BBT, they start back-tracking and re-analyzing, to make sure they will be making the right move for them.


    They talk about exposing Tim's game to the whole house, and how everyone would respect them for that move.

    Phil says that tomorrow they will all see that he won't let a non-Canadian win this game.

    They talk about doing it by throwing Tim under the bus for suggesting (while in the pool a little earlier) that the brothers should put Jared up as a replacement (when earlier he had offered to go up as a pawn, but had now retracted that offer).

    They throw out possible scenarios of what else to say,

  8. 1:55 am BBT


    Ramsey and Tim still by the pool.


    Ramsey says that the brothers said they would put up a pawn next to Maddy, and it wouldn't be Cass or Joel.

    And that next week, Maddy would be gone, and Ramsey would still be here, alone.  (Sounds like, at least subconsciously, he plans on staying.)


    Talk continues about the brothers' questionable thinking and strategy this week.

    Ramsey asks if Nikki told the brothers to put up Maddy and Ramsey.

    Tim says she didn't.


    Tim tells Ramsey that he told the brothers to put him (Tim) up against someone (Jared or Maddy), and if they won the veto, put up the other one.


    Ramsey says he isn't threatened by Jared, but by the others behind him.

    Tim says, just say it, Kelsey.

    Ramsey admits it.

    Ramsey "they're all blind and no one is admitting it", says that she is running this game.


    2:00 am BBT

    Ramsey telling Tim about how Maddy and he were earlier trying to convince the brothers to put up Jared and let Maddy and Jared campaign it out.

    And how saving Jared from the block may save the brothers in the short term, but it will hurt them in the long term.

    Ramsey says that Maddy got mad at the brothers today because she felt hurt, because they never said anything about respecting her or her game, like they did for Ramsey, and Jared.

  9. 1:45 am BBT (Pool area)  Feed 2 (Rewind time 31:24:00)

    Ramsey finally comes out of the diary room, and mentions he was in there for over an hour.

    Tim is preparing to go for a swim.

    Ramsey asks Tim is he's alright.

    Tim says yeah, that in comparison with what Ramsey has had to go through today, it's nothing.


    Ramsey a little later mentions something about not even knowing if he'll still be here tomorrow - and feeds go black.

    When feeds come back a couple of minutes later, Ramsey is explaining to Tim what Ramsey thinks the brothers should do in terms of putting up the other side as a replacement on the block.

    Big Brother says "Tim", because Tim is not wearing his microphone, since he was about to go int the pool before Ramsey came out and started talking to him.

    Ramsey recounting how earlier Maddy was yelling to the brothers to get everyone together so they could get to the bottom of who "the house" wants up and out, and where the votes would fall.

    Tim smiling, and denying that he is to blame in any way.


    Ramsey saying how Maddy has so much respect for Jared, way more than the brothers.

  10. 1:38 am BBT (Feed 4 - rewind time 111:20:00 - Hot Tub area)


    Jared is talking about not wearing shirts often because it's so hot, and suddenly mentions "when we had that team meeting earlier, with Ramsey, I put on a shirt for that, and within like 3 minutes I had already sweated it up" as he mimics having wet armpits.  Not sure if he's talking about a Big Brother reveal about the Ramsey situation, or an actual sit-down talk with Ramsey, but the fact that he felt he needed to put on a shirt makes me tend to think it was because it was a Big Brother thing which he though would eventually be televised.


    Jared and Kelsey say goodnight and go inside.


    Joel starts giving out shout-outs to small towns and goat farmers

    Nick chimes in with some Montreal-area shout-outs to St-Lazare, Hudson, Vaudreuil.

    Phil puts in some shout-outs to schools the brothers have attended.


    The feeds get blacked out, and when we come back the three boys are talking about changing the subject (as they were probably warned by Big Brother).

  11. 11:48 pm BBT (Washroom)

    Tim, Cass and Nikki speculate if one of them three will be the replacement nominee.

    They say it will be best to leave the brothers alone to make the decision.

    Nikki: "Ramsey is a complete fool if he doesn't use that veto on himself".


    11:54 pm BBT (Kitchen/Dining area)  Feeds 3/4

    Joel, the brothers and some others are there now.

    Nikki exclaims "It's one o-clock in the morning!".  [Evidently, the time on the microwave or stove must be set wrong.]


    Feeds 1/2 (Living room)

    11:55 pm BBT

    Kelsey is giving Jared a play-by-play of the movie "Frozen".  Sounds like he's never seen it.


    12:05 am BBT

    Joel tries talking about "Turtles" chocolates without mentioning the brand name... "pecans and caramel covered in chocolate, named after an animal... a slow animal".

    Wonders if they are just a North American thing, or possibly even just a Canadian thing.

    Nikki doesn't know what he's talking about, says "Goodnight" to Joel, Maddy and Nick, and heads off to bed.

  12. 11:40 pm BBT (In the "High Roller" room)

    Five minutes after telling Phil and Nick that she won't tell them who to put up as a replacement, Maddy is telling them to put Jared up.

    She keeps repeating it for the next 5 minutes, in different ways, losing her temper and raising her voice.

    Phil finally says "we can't put up Jared next to you, you're stronger than him, plus you have Ramsey".

    Maddy really raises her voice, throws in a few F-bombs and sarcastically thanks them for making what will be her last 4 days in the house enjoyable.

    When she finally stops talking, Phil and Nick take the opportunity to make a hasty exit.

    After a minute of calming her down, Ramsey exits as well, saying he will go get her some food.

    One minute later, BB calls Maddy to the diary room.

  13. Feeds back.  On feed 3, Ramsey said that he won PoV.


    Sounds like they had to throw something (like a T-shirt), which Ramsey said he would fold or tie in knots to make it easier to throw.

    Some kind of spinning platform.

    Spotting differences between 2 different pictures/versions of houseguests, such as different colors of clothing, missing articles, so memory and observation was involved.


    Definitely a timed competition.


    Ramsey said his time was 1 minute and 1 second.

    Maddy was something like 1 minute and 10 seconds.


    There was also a $5000 prize.


    EDIT:  Those times are not right, but it's what I heard at first listen.  30 minutes later heard Phil say something about Maddy's time being 11 minutes.  (So Ramsey's time was only better than Maddy's by 1 minute and 1 second.)

  14. At about 3:35pm BBT

    Rewind info: 123:42:50 (Feed 3)


    Phil follows Maddy up to the pink bedroom, where Ramsey is laying on a bed, on top of the covers.

    Phil: You alright, man? 

    Ramsey: Yeah, Dude.  I appreciate it, I'm good.  Just shocking, and weird, and there's so many things just running through my mind.

    Phil: Just know, you got our support, we got your back.

    Ramsey: Oh, for sure.  I know that.  And I appreciate it, so much.

    Phil: No one in here can imagine what you're going through, at this time.

    (Feeds cut for a few seconds)

    Phil (getting up, pats Ramsey's knee, and walks away, saying): think about family, and home, and stuff.  We got your back, man.

    Phil exits. 123:43:20

  15. (Just a couple of things from earlier tonight)

    11:40pm - 11:45pm BBT (Feed 3)

    In the Have-Not Chapel, Kelsey is crying while Jared and Mitch try to comfort her.


    Mitch mentions something about the high-roller suite still being open, and people still going in and out of there.

    He speculates that maybe it has been left open for a reason.  (But no more mention of it is made.)


    Mitch also says that the only reason he and Joel played rock-paper-scissors to decide which of the two of them would be HoH this week (after the two of them finished first in the HoH competition), was because they were both thinking to nominate Dallas and Maddy at that point.


    Jared tries to stop Kelsey's crying with a lame joke...

    Q:  What did the melon say to the strawberry after it proposed?

    A:  I'm sorry, I "canteloupe".

    (It kind of works, as it distracts her enough and changes the subject.)


    We hear Tim's voice say "today actually sucks"!

  16. Tim's Image

    Tim Dormer

    Unique and energetic, Tim's greatest challenge will be keeping himself out of mischief and off the chopping block.

    Age: 31

    Hometown: Bondi Beach, Australia

    Occupation: TV & Radio Host and Social Media Influencer

    Describe yourself in three words:

    Unique, Energetic, Annoying

    Do you have a strategy to win Big Brother Canada?

    Play nice. Which is hard because I usually play mean! In Australia, it’s different. It’s all viewer voted, so even if you’re mean but you’re entertaining, you stay in the house. Whereas, here if people hate me in the house, I’m out. I’ll have to hold my tongue. My goal is to think before I speak or act. It’s going to be a challenge.

    If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why?

    My dog! I have a French Bulldog called Meat Loaf and I love him and I miss him! He’s the only thing I’ve ever loved. That even includes human beings!

    Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?

    I’m very determined so if I decide I have to win, I’ll sit down and kind of meditate on winning for hours and focus in on it, and it works! I am really smart at mathematical puzzles – I have a thing for patterns or numbers. In terms of physical challenges, I’m so uncoordinated but nothing scares me. I might not be the strongest or the fittest but I’m definitely one of the most courageous.

    If you won, how would you spend the winnings?

    On something stupid like a pet dolphin? No, I wouldn’t – I don’t believe in keeping dolphins as pets. I would buy another dog! A girlfriend for Meat Loaf!

    Many of your soon-to-be competitors will likely know you and may have even studied your BB strategy. Do you have a plan to use this to your advantage?

    If they’ve watched me in Australia, they’ll probably know me as quite loud and overbearing. That said, I’ll just work to remind everyone that this is a very different type of show and competition, so I won’t be coming in with a leg up at all. They’ve got the advantage – I’m the new guy! I think I’ll just win them all over with my Aussie charm!

    What is your favourite or most important Big Brother memory from your experience in your prior season(s)?

    Ooh. Good question. We had a challenge once where we had to nominate people for eviction and I wanted to do something to show everyone I wasn’t afraid of them and didn’t care whether they put me up for eviction so I nominated myself for eviction. That way I controlled my own fate. I knew that Australia would save me. And I was saved! I knew at that moment I could win. Like wow! People are rooting for me. It was a moment where I was doing something different, and that’s what I like to do in life: look at things differently. In my opinion the way to approach things is that you aren’t going up against your houseguests, you are going up against Big Brother the whole time. The other houseguests are just my toys to play with while I’m in Big Brother’s house.

    What do you think the most significant differences between Canadians and Australians?

    From who I’ve met so far, Canadians are lovely and polite and probably don’t really rock the boat. Peaceful. Australia is a country built basically by convicts! We arrived on a boat, rebelled against the government at the time and built a nation. Wild people in a wild, dangerous land. Aussies rock the boat. We’re nice and genuine, but there’s no politeness needed.

    Why should Canadians choose you to enter the house this season?

    As a fan of the show, I’ve always played in a way that I think will be interesting to watch. I don’t want it to be boring for people. I’m something different. I’ll add a totally new flavour to the mix. It’s a very strong flavour but it won’t be bland. Whether you like or hate me, you’ll always have an opinion. That’s what I want – I don’t really care if you like or hate me. I enjoy making people think differently about things.

  17. Nikki's Image

    Nikki Grahame

    Adventurous, brave, and loyal, Nikki doesn’t play Big Brother with any sort of strategy in mind, and just enjoys the experience and people while she’s in the house.

    Age: 33

    Hometown: London, UK

    Occupation: TV Personality

    Describe yourself in three words:

    Adventurous, Brave, Loyal

    Do you have a strategy to win Big Brother Canada?

    I haven’t even considered winning Big Brother Canada. It’s enough of a shock to me that I’m in Canada. Even if I get into the house I would just be elated to get to live that experience of Big Brother. Ten years ago, I did it for the first time and it’s like I’m doing it for the first time all over again if I go in there. That would just be so exciting!

    If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why?

    My phone. I’m always on it. That was hard the first time too – I was texting loads of footballers at the time so it was sad to have to stop that. Now in the UK, I’m on all these dating apps – Tinder and Bumble – speaking to all of these guys. Now they’re just going to wonder where I’ve gone!

    Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?

    I hate – absolutely hate – things like gunge. Anything to do with mess in my hair or on my face or creepy crawlies, being cold – I cannot abide. Disgusting. I almost shouldn’t tell you this so I don’t give the challenge producers any ideas!

    If you won, how would you spend the winnings?

    I would buy a massive apartment somewhere – like a holiday home. I’d take all of my friends on an amazing trip like a world cruise or something. I’d just have a damn good time. And obviously make sure my family was all set – my sister and my nephew.

    Many of your soon-to-be competitors will likely know you and may have even studied your BB strategy. Do you have a plan to use this to your advantage?

    If people in there do recognize me I don’t think it would affect how I behave. With me, what you see is what you get. I never had a strategy – I know some people do but I never had one. I just try and be nice to everyone so no one would nominate me for the chopping block. I think I would struggle with that. I can’t help telling people when they annoy me. Sometimes I’ll find myself saying things that I realize halfway through I shouldn’t have said. If someone pisses me off, I will definitely tell them.

    What is your favourite or most important Big Brother memory from your experience in your prior season(s)?

    In my first season I was put up and voted out of the house and then the public voted me back in. I was out for two weeks and at the next evictions the audience was chanting “We want Nikki back! We want Nikki back!” I made it back in and was there until the finals, and I hooked up with Pete, this guy who I was in love with in the house. It was all quite magical.

    What do you think are the most significant differences between Canadians and British people?

    Canadians are a lot friendlier. English people are a bit harder to read, and maybe more judgmental. We’ll see!

    Why should Canadians choose you to enter the house this season?

    I will promise to bring my energy, vibrance and positivity to the house. I would try to control my temper tantrums – I’m getting better about that – although it’s something people do like to watch I suppose. I love Big Brother. It just feels like home to me, so I’d be thrilled to go in.

  18. Who will be the Wildcards???

    You decide!

    Vote at the GlobalTV BB-Can4 website: http://bigbrothercanada.globaltv.com/

    1 GUY AND 1 GIRL

    This Season, two international Big Brother Icons will enter into the Big Brother Canada house. You decide which world players you want to see added as the Season 4 Wildcards! Cast your vote for one guy and one girl – it’s time to really shake things up!



    Jase Wirey
    Hometown: USA
    Many Big Brother fans know Jase Wirey from his appearances on two seasons of Big Brother US. Jase is a born entertainer who has seen fame as Brad Pitt’s body double and an actor, but now wants to bring his past experience to the other Big Brother Canada houseguests about life after the show. More than anything, he wants to bring the fun to the house and win for the sake of the game, not for the money.


    Tim Dormer
    Hometown: Australia
    He will happily admit that he is annoying, but that hasn’t stopped Tim Dormer from succeeding in reality tv so far. The former winner of Big Brother Australia, Tim loves to keep the audience at home (and himself) entertained.  Confident and brimming with Aussie charm but not afraid to rock the boat, this houseguest from down under’s greatest challenge will be keeping himself out of mischief and off the chopping block.
    Veronica Graf
    Hometown: Italy
    Veronica Graf may not be a household name in Canada but in Italy her sexy appearance and lifestyle caused an uproar among her Big Brother housemates and led to her becoming the most infamous houseguest ever. Having put her wild child, dancing at the discos of Ibiza, ways behind her, Veronica wants a fresh start in the world of Big Brother, and hopes Canadian houseguests will be quicker to overlook appearances and see the heart of gold within.
    Nikki Grahame
    Hometown: UK
    Nikki Grahame is a Big Brother legend loved by her UK fans, and fans worldwide. Known for her diary room tantrums, she admittedly doesn’t play Big Brother with any sort of strategy in mind, and just enjoys the experience and people while she’s in the house. That said, what you see is what you get with Nikki and she doesn’t hold her tongue. If she has a problem with you, she’ll let you know!
  19. Big Brother 17: Vanessa & Austwins Reunion In Las Vegas


    Over the weekend Big Brother 17’s power alliance of the Van Austwins reunited in Las Vegas on Vanessa’s home turf for some fun times in Sin City. Austin Matelson, Liz Nolan, Julia Nolan, and Vanessa Rousso along with her girlfriend Melissa caught up and shared pics from their adventure.

    With no green beanie in sight (or Scamper Squad’s Steve Moses) it looks like Vanessa got to show her former allies and fellow Big Brother Houseguests a good time including a trip to Cirque du Soleil’s Love show. And yes, if anyone was wonder if Liz and Austin were still together, it definitely looks like they’re going strong.

    Austin and the twins were living it up at the Wynn and made an important stop to see “Sigmund and Freud.” Good times. They weren’t the only Big Brother reunion this past weekend though so keep an eye out for more pictures from another BB17 clique.


    (Source: http://bigbrothernetwork.com/big-brother-17-vanessa-austwins-reunion-in-las-vegas/ )



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