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Posts posted by JEDI

  1. At around 5:00pm BBT

    (Just before the 15 minute mark on Feed 4)

    (alternate view at the 55:43 mark on Feed 3)

    The houseguests are mostly all in the kitchen, where Tim and Kelsey are making either chicken or fish, or both, along with some other things.

    Nick asks everyone, generally: "Guys' what's the first article of clothing you want to buy when you get out of this place?"

    Kelsey says that she wishes she had all her little black outfits here with her.

    Nick asks what she would want to buy, though.


    Suddenly Arisa Cox appears (wearing a white dress) on the living room screen and says "Houseguests, please come to the living room!".

    (Phil and Kelsey spot her in the split-second before she started to speak and both say "What the Hell?!?!"


    You can hear some of them say "Oh my God" (Tim?), and "it's an eviction" (Cass?).

    Phil says "are we in trouble?"

    Cass: "No, I'm getting evicted."

    Kelsey tells Cass to shut up.


    Cass: "Arisa, oh I don't look good today for you!"

    Kelsey: "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God" (very rapidly).

    (At this point, they have all made their way into the living room and have sat down on the couches, Tim and Cass seated in the positions where the nominees sit.)


    Arisa: "I have some news; there is something you need to know.  <long pause>  In LESS than AN HOUR, <long pause, during which Tim and Cass look at each other, and Tim throws his arm around her> one more of you will be leaving the BB Can Grand.  Welcome to a surprise eviction!"

    (The long pauses give them ample time to film everyone's facial expressions, most of which were fearful.)


    A split-second after Arisa finishes saying the word "eviction", all the feeds go down simultaneously, showing the familiar screen we've seen all season, which says "Locked Out! We've temporarily locked down the Big Brother Canada house. But don't worry, the feeds will be back on soon."


    Almost 4 minutes later, this is replaced by a similar-looking screen which says "Stay Tuned! Don't miss the final week of Big Brother Canada.  Tune in on May 12th to find out who wins."


    And the feeds have not come back, and probably no longer will, until next year.

    In all likelihood, live feeds are now officially "done for the season"!


    Porky Pig: "That's All, Folks!"


    (But there were a few hours earlier today which we did not log/cover, and for the moment the rewind feature still works, so if you're going through live feed withdrawal, you can always head over there and rewind to some point before 5:00pm BBT today.)



  2. Tim goes to the washroom, finds Cass in there doing/folding laundry.


    Cass walks over to the pink bedroom with some laundry, tells Kelsey that she just crossed paths with Tim in the washroom and told him not to bullshit her.

    And that he asked her what she was talking about, and she replied that she didn't want his fake sympathy, that she thinks it's bullshit.

    Kelsey says that she doesn't think it is fake.


    Cass leaves and goes to the blue room

    Tim soon comes from the washroom and also heads into the blue room.

    (Once again, sounds of the production team disassembling the construction in the backyard can be heard.)


    Cass asks Tim if he's going to sleep in the HoH with the brothers, as she heads out to the washroom again.

    Tim says "no".

    Cass comes back in (they are alone in there, just the two of them), and says "honestly, just don't kick me when I'm down.  I already know I'm going.  I don't want yo uto pretend to even think about doing the friendship thing when you know that you won't, like I just can't even have my hopes up for nothing."

    "You guys are all across the hall, pissing your pants laughing hysterically, while I'm in here upset."

    "Like, I know you're not going to do that for me, so why have you said... why are you talking to them acting like you might actually do that?"

    "Like, what is your motive? Like, what is in your head?  I just don't get it."

    Tim: "I want to be alright with my decision.  It's not always about what YOU want."

    Cass:  "It's not what I want.  It's never been what I've wanted."

    Tim: "Well then, I wanted to consider all options, like I always do"

    Cass: "You always consider all options, but you always do what you know you're going to do from the start."

    Tim: "But you've got to make sure you know, like you gotta make your decision and then play devil's advocate."

    (Tim: "I just want to know what time it is!  I feel like..."  Big Brother: "Cass, please put on your microphone".)

    Cass: "Like I know you're not going to do that for me.  So why would you even, if you were my friend, try to give me that hope that you would, when you know you're not going to."

    Tim: "Cass, you know that I..."

    Cass: "You came into this house telling me 'I want to help', like 'I'm not here to win', I just want to guide the best players to the end'.

    Tim: "And I think that all the three last players that I'm with have played good games and are all good players in their own right."

    Cass: "There's always something, it's like... I feel like anything you've ever said to me is just... kind of... just like... you thought I was an idiot."

    Tim: "nooooo... not at all.  None of this is a surprise to you, Cass.  We said going into the week ,that the three of us had made a decision already, it's not my... this isn't a shock, this isn't a betrayal, on your part from me, so don't, don't ruin like a really great game that we've played together, by painting it as something that it's not."

    Cass: "You've never said that you've come here to win."

    Tim: "And I'm not playing on to win. I'm not..."

    Cass: "Then what ARE you doing?"

    Tim: "Playing on, because I've earned my place here.  And I'm not giving up that place to someone who I don't know if they WILL win, or who didn't play in the same..."

    Cass: "That's not my point right now.  I don't want you to do that.  I've always said I don't want you to do that.  I'm saying why are you saying... I really think I might, actually, do it."

    Tim: "I didn't say I might do it.  I'd just like to ask myself what does it mean, if I WAS to walk away.  What does it mean, if I was to support you to keep going?"

    Cass: "And you know that you wouldn't do that."

    Tim: "Don't... I don't... know it.  That's why I asked myself that.  I don't know what you're wanting me to say right now."

    Cass: "Just that you're not going to do it."

    Tim: "I've already............ I've already said that."

    Cass: "You were just saying that you were considering doing it!"

    Tim: "About an hour or two ago!!  Before we left..."

    Cass: "And when did you come to that realization that you're not?"

    Tim: "When we were here!" (motioning to another area within the blue room)

    Cass (sounding dejected): "Ok, Tim."


    Tim: "I said 'let me sleep on it'."

    Cass: "But if you were really... if you were friends with me, you'd be sitting here with me, just hanging out, not across the hall, hysterically laughing, where I could hear you guys laughing from over here in this room where I'm sitting here alone, upset, because I know I'm going home.  And that's my own fault, it's not your fault."

    Tim: "BUT, I did come and hang out with you, and then it turned into something... negative?  And you were accusing me?"

    Cass: "It wasn't negative!  I wasn't accusing you of anything!  You're the one who was still thinking about it, then you went over there and were talking to them about it, then when I came in it was all sombre and... whatever."

    Tim: "when we were laughing, it was TOTALLY unrelated! Like, which is what we all agreed on.  We just wanted to have like a light-hearted week.  Sometimes, that can go a long way.  It's not a game decision that I'm making, it's a personal decision, so you don't convince someone..."

    Cass: "I'm not trying to convince you of anything right now.  If I was, I wouldn't be talking to you in this way.  I'm just being honest with you, of how I'M feeling about it."

    Tim: "I, like, don't know what you want me to say, like..."

    Cass:  " I'm just saying you say we're friends, bla bla bla, I'm saying yeah, we're friends.  So... just be a friend.  Stop trying to get my hopes up, when..."

    <Tim: "It's not about that.">

    Cass: "... like, I'm going home, I know that.  So just hang out and be my friend, don't... avoid me like the plague."

    Tim: "I'm not trying to get your hopes up.  Cass, this is like, in al honesty, I wouldn't like, I don't bullshit... it just really quickly turned from me, really, my heart breaking, for the situation that you're in..."

    Cass: "but you're over there, laughing about it!"

    Tim: "to feeling... and like every other decision along the road in this game, where you haven't agreed with me, slammed the door on me, kind of."

    Cass: "I've never... I did that when you and Nikki were, whatever, nothing game-related, when I just needed my alone time, bla bla bla.

    Tim: "That's what I'm saying, this isn't game-related.This is just..."

    Cass: "That what I'm saying.  It's not game-related with you, YOU'RE MY FRIEND!  So act like my friend right now!"

    Tim: "I AM!  I'm in here with you!  I'm not..."

    Cass: "You don't have to be in here if you don't want to be.  I just hope you would want to be."

    Tim: "I want to be.  I want to be, that's why I came in here, and sat on your bed, and... the same reason why Kelsey sat on that bed over there, she's your friend, like..."


    Cass: "I just don't want you to vote, like, you said 'OK, I made my decision when Nick and Kelsey were sitting here on the beds'.  Ok, then don't go over there, to the HoH room after, and continue to talk about me, you know... walking out of the game, for m, your friend, as a friend, and still saying maybe I'll sleep on it, when you're not going to do it, just be honest, Ok, then... that's it."

    Cass: "My point was, I don't like my friends leading me on, or, giving me hope when I'm already devastated that I'm leaving."

    Tim: "Leading you on... I'm not."

    Cass: "Well, that's what you kind of have been doing... in the last hour."

    Tim guffaws quietly.

    Tim: "I haven't, Cass."

    Cass: "And you're laughing, and you were laughing in the HoH room about it."

    Tim: "I was not laughing at it in the HoH room, that was..."

    <Cass: "yes, you were laughing in the HoH room about it.">

    Tim: "... about Jon Pardy."

    Cass: "Alright, well, not when I was there, at least.  He wasn't laughing about it at all."


    Cass: "Final 3 club, bla bla bla."

    Tim: "I don't think we said that once."

    Tim sighs.

    Cass: "I worked my ass off in that veto to win it for myself, I was off by one minute, because I would never want you to do that.  And for you to think that oh, whenever something doesn't go my way... no, I'm mad at myself, that's it, you're the one that says, oh, maybe I would do that for you"

    Tim: "I'm not offering false hope."

    Cass: "Ha ha ha ha ha, you HAVE been!  Because you're not going to do it!  You're like, oh, maybe you still have a chance, no, you're just bullshitting me."

    Tim: "I told you! 

    Cass: "You didn't tell me anything!  You told me that you're going to think about it, and that you're going to sleep on it."

    Tim: "I'm saying, I'm not going to walk away from the game, I'm here as a player, let me sleep on it."

    Cass: " What are you sleeping on?"

    Tim: "That decision!  If I'm not doing it.  Jesus!  What part of this do you not understand?"

    Cass: "So what are you... so you might wake up tomorrow and realized, oh, maybe I WOULD do that for my friend Cass?"

    Cass whispers "Oh my God" in an exasperated tone.


    Cass: "I think what ticked me off, is when I walked in there..."

    Tim: "I said to the brothers, you guys are at the final, you're going to be remembered as Jon Pardy is remembered, and laughed at that.  At the beginning of the game, <couldn't make out that part> how much Phil, that's what we were laughing at.  It's nothing to do with you."

    Cass: "No, that's not what I'm talking about.  I'll tell you when it's just you and me in here."  (I don't get it, they are alone right now.)


    Tim props himself up on one albow facing in Cass's direction, with a big smile on his face and says "do ou want me to go put a pizza on?"

    Cass: "No, I want you to just... want to be just by myself."

    Tim: "Ok."

    Phil comes in.

    Cass says "it's too loud in there, I can't sleep in there, it's too noisy.

    Phil says "goodnight, guys" and leaves.


    Tim is looking at Cass, from beneath his covers, you can only see the top half of his face.

    Cass asks him "what?!"

    "Do you want to sleep in the same bed?", he asks, his face coming out from under the covers, with a big smile.

    Cass: "No, I'm leaving tomorrow."

    Tim: "We don't know.  We don't know when the eviction is."

    Cass: "It's all today because it's going to be tomorrow, so they can put it on the Sunday episode."  (Not true, Sunday will show the HoH competition, fallout from it, and the <almost useless> nominations.  Possibly the BBCAN AWARDS as well, although that may only get shown on Wednesday, before the PoV competition.)

    Big Brother: "Cassandra... please FIX your microphone."  (Thanks, Big Brother, it had been a little hard to hear her, of late!)


  3. Around 4:10 am BBT


    Tim brings up, in a roundabout way, that they would have a better chance of winning jury votes against Cass than against him.


    But they all tell him that they all prefer having him in the final 3 with them than her.  They prefer to take their chances with him and the way he has played than have her stand next to them.


    Nick says he wants to be able to show that people who don't know all about the show can do well, and that you don't have to play a dishonest and disloyal game in order to win.


    Phil brings up that none of them (the final 3) will be going to jury.  They will all just be walking out onto the stage on finale night.

    Tim laughs in wonderment.


    Kelsey thinks this is fate.

    They all say they never believed in fate before, but do now.


    Talk turns to dreams they have had, Nick about the game, Tim about Kelsey's sister crying.

    Kelsey changes the subject to the craziness of how her and Loveita ended up sharing a secret room together for a week.


    Nick: "I'm so proud of us.  All of us."


    Kelsey, to Tim: "that's so weird that you had a vision of my sister..."

    Nick:  I had visions of your sister too!"  (They all laugh at his amusing comment.)


    Tim: "Today was the biggest day of this whole season."

    Kelsey: "I thought I was going to win that veto."

    Tim: "I remember thinking - I didn't fly halfway around the world to do homework, and that's really going to bite me in the ass today".  (They all laugh.)

    Kelsey: "Mine was the one on the picture frame, I just couldn't see it"  (Talking about the keys they had to find during the PoV comp today.)

    Kelsey "I hate when I do bad at comps"

    Nick:  "I'm a mechanic, I don't care about that stuff.  I didn't even notice the pockets."

    Tim "What pockets?"

    Nick "on her shirt, Oxy-Clean".  (Previous PoV comp, not the one from today)

    Tim "Oh!  yeah, yeah."

    Nick "I fumbled that one so hard"

    Nick "Big Brother came on and say 'alright... the flaw is on Kelsey', and I stood there for another 5 minutes"

    Tim "it was really hard, that one"

    Kelsey gets up.  At the HoH door she says "I'm going to bed.  Goodnight boys!".  Exit Kelsey.


    Phil holds up a framed photo of his parents, and says he can't wait to see them.

    Mentions that "especially since we left on a bad note"

    Tim says that he can't wait to see them either, so he can apologize,,,, says that it's a strange journey and that they will see when watching the show that he said he had really hoped to take them, that he had picked them to work with, and wanted to work with them to get through the game... and that that's why he went a little strange after the veto that he won, because he realized that the stupid alliance of 3 (the 3reeakshow) had kept them apart.

    Tim "I think that we were meant to e Big Brother family".

    Phil: "My mom is going to be all over you, like 'I love your accent' and everything."

    Nick "my family is going to love you, man!"


    Tim "you've become one of the greats.  Like, the way you think of Jon Pardy, that's how people will be thinking of you."


    Phil: "the driver who drove me in... he drove Jon Pardy... and went 'you're going to win too'."

    Tim "they might have little bets on it"


    Cass comes back in.

    Phil joking yells "No!"

    Cass "what are you guys talking about in here?"

    "Jon Pardy", they say.

    Cass looks at herself in a mirror, and leaves.


    Phil brings up the driver again.

    Nick doesn't want him to talk about it because he'll jinx them.

    Tim says it's alright, and that he also had little premonitions throughout the season he won BB Australia.


    (In the background, we can hear the banging of the production crew demolishing the PoV comp set.)


    The boys discuss Kelsey, and how their first impressions of her were wrong, because they thought she had been cast as "the ditzy one", and how later Maddy was putting into people's heads that Kelsey was a certain way when she actually wasn't.


    They discuss what just happened where Cass came in but quickly left.  They think that she may have thought that really they were talking about her.


    They realize that Cass (the next evictee) will be going out after being evicted, into an empty studio, with no audience.

    Tim refers to it as being "an instant eviction".


    Nick compliments Tim, saying that he gained a lot of respect for him from the way he came in an was just so open and easy to talk to, without having to feel guarded around him that there was some game stuff behind everything.  Phil joins in to agree.


    Phil says that he realized of late that up until around day 35, like after Dallas left, that the game settled down, having been very intense beforehand.

    Tim agrees, calling the first few weeks "volatile".

    Nick says that the advice he would give any future player would be to not play hard the first couple of weeks, but just to build relationships with everyone.

    The brothers bring up that they had no choice but to play right off the bat because they got thrown into it (the pre-existing relationship pair, being thrown into isolation the first night)


    Tim gets up saying "alright, I think I'll go to bed.  It must be 5 a.m. or something."


    Tim "you set a first for the season - first HoH to win veto!"

    Exit Tim.


    Phil, after a couple of minutes "we're going to be legends of the game."

  4. Phil decides that he really wants to have a beer tonight, so goes down to get one.

    As he steps out the HoH room door, Nick yells after him that he will split it with him.


    Phil gets 2 beers out of the pantry fridge and opens them, takes both bottles upstairs and gives one to his brother.

    Nick puts on a shirt (for TV, he says), and makes a toast to "coming this far, me actually winning comps... standing together as huge targets in this house and standing here today..."

    They drink.

    Phil tells Nick that he will need to pound some studying in to him.  He tests hi with a few rapid-fire questions (like: "how many people have never won HoH"), and Nick answers each of them immediately and correctly.

    Phil: "OH!  You DO know youe shit!  Nice!  I was not expecting that!  Alright."


    Around 4:00 am BBT


    Kelsey and comes up and join the brothers in the HoH room.

    They discuss sleeping arrangement.

    Apparently, the production unbuilding of the PoV comp set is very noisy from the pink bedroom, but not the HoH room, but Phil says he just can't sleep when forced to share a bed with his brother.  He tries to get Nick to go sleep in the other bedroom, but Nick isn't budging.

    Nick even offered Kelsey the other side of the HoH bed.


    They bring up Cass, and Kelsey says not to worry about her, and not to feel bad.

    They say that Tim will NOT self-evict for her.

    Phil asks them all to stop talking game.

    Phil tells Nick that he thinks Nick has a crush on Kelsey.

    Nick is happy to discuss it.  Kelsey brings up that she thinks he has more of a crush on her sister.


    Tim comes in.

    Says that "it's horrible" referring to the feeling of knowing that Cass, his best friends throughout the game, will be leaving.

    And he says that Kelsey must know how he must feel, because she felt it with Raul.  (LOL, no mention of Jared)


    Kelsey brings up that "this is the treaty" (the brothers, Tim and Kelsey, who are now all sitting there in the HoH room).


    Tim tells them that all he wanted to do was to get to the finale, because that's what he has done in his other two shows.

    Cass comes in right after this.

    Nick offers Cass a beer.

    Cass leaves.


    Kelsey tells them that she told Cass that there is no way she will be swayed.

    Tim says that pretty much everyone who has left has said that making the finale had been their dream.

    Tim says that "I couldn't ask what she's asking"

    They start agreeing that Cass wouldn't be able to win anyway, so that any of them giving up their spot to her at this point would be senseless.

    (Except that by that logic, isn't she the perfect player to bring along with you to final 2 if winning the game is your priority? - Jedi)


    Cass returns.

    Tim says it's a bit of a sombre mood because that was the final challenge.  They were trying to repeat their success of last week, and it didn't happen.

    It's just separating the player and the person.  He feels sorry for the person, his friend Cass.  But as a player, he need to make his own decision based on what is best for his game.

    (Tim is topless this whole time, and now debates going to go put a T-shirt on.  He doesn't go, too tired and lazy right now.)

    Cass just sits there, silently and looking a little distracted and dejected.

    Meanwhile, Kelsey is joking around, talking in funny voices and laughing.  The brothers also can't suppress a joyous mood.

    Finally, Cass gets up and says she is going to be in the blue room, and says something about having (or not having) a fun night without her, then asks that they wake her if any alcohol turns up (not beer, she doesn't like to drink beer).

    "Have fun, Final 3", she says as she goes out the door.


    Kelsey: "She doesn't want us to stop talking, but then when we start talking about something other than the game, she's annoyed with us."

    Phil: "Man, people leave this game, that's just the nature of it.  Not eeryone can win."

    Nick: "I have a hard time feeling bad... she feels like ok, we're ripping her dream away from her, but at the same time..." - "she's tried to rip OUR dream away 6 times", finishes Phil, "... and then lied about it", adds Nick.

    Nick "that's why I wanted to see a final 3 of integrious (sic) players".


    Kelsey states that when Tim won the veto last week, and they ended up making the treaty, she just KNEW that it would end up like this, that the three of them would end up being the final 3.

    Tim asks them if it's ever happened before, that a final four has decided beforehand on a final 3.

    Nick starts saying "yeah..."

    Kelsey says "no, probably not".

    Tim asks "we're not going to look like assholes???"

    The others says "no", and "not at all".  Tim agrees, saying "I don't think we are, either".

    Tim thinks that the others are fine, but that he, as her friend, is going to have a lot of questions to answer about it in the diary room.

  5. Phil comes back with the iPod.

    Kelsey begs to listen to just one song.

    He tries to decline, even offering to only listen with one ear, so they can still chat.

    But she says please a few more time.

    They keep bargaining for it.  (in a flirtatious way)


    They come to a deal that after he finishes the song he is presently listening to, she will get 2 songs, then have to give it back.


    Meanwhile, he continues to drink her orange juice.

    Phil claims that he is "in a position of leverage".

    He ends up giving her the juice, but tells her that before he gives her the iPod he needs to go into the HoH bedroom and dance to the music for just like a minute.

    He does so and soon returns.

    He gives her the iPod and she relaxes in the tub alone for a while.


    Around 3:45am BBT

    Eventually, Kelsey gets out of the tub and goes to the bathroom to change.

    The brothers take the opportunity to talk.

    They are excited that they might actually win Big Brother!

    They talk about all their achievements, including all their competition wins, and only being on the block for 24 hours out of the whole game.

    (It's a real mutual admiration society, except that they are technically playing as one player.)

  6. Around 3:20am BBT


    Kelsey teases Phil about his competition record compared to Nick's.

    "How many comps has HE won, and how many have YOU won!"

    Phil tries to defend himself.  "He's literally played in like 8 comps.  I've played in 2, and I won one of those.  And I played in 2 Have-Not competitions and won both of those."

    He brings up the "poker chip challenge", where they had to find hidden poker ships that Kelsey and Loveita hid in the house. Kelsey is aware, however, that most of the ones he "found" were given to him be someone else.


    Kelsey points out that both herself and Phil have each won one comp each.

    But Phil brings out that he's only played in half of th HoH comps, while she's played in like 10 or 11.

    She says that she was gone for a week, so she missed some.

    (This is all in fun, they are not actually arguing.)

    She's says they've each won one, so that makes them equals, but he brings up that you have to go with winning percentage!


    They share some orange juice from a glass.

    Kelsey again wonders if they'll get to go outside again. Phil says "not tonight!"

    They talk about that production has to go unbuild a whole house out there.  First they had to build a whole house, now they have to unbuild one.

    Big Brother asks them to stop talking about production.

    Kelsey mentions that there was a spiral staircase in this PoV comp to climb up to the second level.


    Phil again mentions that he will be in the pink room tonight.

    Kelsey asks why the brothers don't like sleeping together, saying that the girls have had no problem doing it.

    Phil says "yeah, but you're girls... and he snores... and I'm a boy.. a man... a real live man."


    Phil asks out loud "Big Brother, is my iPod ready?", adds to Kelsey "looking to have some tunes".

    Kelsey says "I need to go to bed soon.  I'm tired."

    Big Brother says "Phil, please go to the diary room."

    Kelsey, all excited, says "Phil, can I have it?"  (LOL)

    Phil says "we'll see", then runs to the diary room.

  7. Sidebar:  It's easy to forget that the brothers have been playing as one player, when counting up competitions won.  Yet, If you compare them to other individual players over all the seasons of Big Brother CANADA, they now have a very impressive record. The brothers have won the most comps of all BBC seasons. They have now won 7 comps in total - 3 HOHs and 4 POVs. If they win the final HoH, that will make 4 and 4.

    By comparison, in season 1 - Emmett won 5 comps total, in season 2 - Jon won 6 comps total, in season 3 - Ashley won 4 comps total.
    The brothers are the Canadian veto kings, having now won the most veto comps out of any player over all the BB Canada seasons.


    In the kitchen, cooking turns to eating, and no game talk takes place.

    Tim goes to eat at the dining room table.


    Feeds switch to the HoH room.

    Phil is telling Nick not to talk about "I", not to start sentences with "I" (since they are a duo?)

    Phil then goes to join Kelsey in the HoH bathroom.  She is running a bath for himself, while in the tub, wearing her black swimming outfit.

    "Yeah, you're like a sister to me", Phil tells her.


    "I have no place else to go" he says, when she appear uncomfortable that he is just looking at her while she is in the tub.

    He lies down on the floor next to the tub, so that he won't be looking at her.

    He mentions that he has just spent over 5 hours alone while the others were participating in the PoV, so he needs some human interaction.


    Kelsey asks what he thinks the coming schedule will be, and Phil is pretty convinced that they will be having a Sunday eviction.


    Tim comes into the HoH room.

    Phil mentions that he "will be sleeping in the pink tonight".

    Tim starts to leave, and Nick tells him that he is happy with the way it turned out, and that one of the "threety" member won and can "take care of it".

    Tim mentions that it's cool that the HoH and PoV were won by the same person.

    Tim (about Cass): "she had a good run, fair and square.  I would congratulate her."

    Phil mentions that Tim knew this is how it would be.

    Tim says that it's just going to be a sad week, and he's not sure how to be around her.

    Nick says something like that he hopes she'll just accept her fate, but Tim is convinced that she won't, and will start offering deals.

    Kelsey chimes in from the HoH bathroom that Cass has already started to talk to her about the upcoming vote.

    Tim makes a joke to Phil about making sure to watch out for "Team Vagina", which is what all of them, even the girls, have been calling the Cass+Kelsey alliance.

    Phil says something about that Kelsey will be sheltered right there in that bed (gesturing toward the HoH bed) between the 2 brothers all week.

    Kelsey yells "have a little faith in me!" from the bathtub.

    Tim strolls in saying that Cass will probably be in his ear trying to convince him to self-evict.

    After a few more assurances, Tim exits.


    Phil goes back into the HoH bathroom to keep Kelsey company.

    She offers to tell him a story.  Finding Nemo.  He declines.  She is surprised by this.  She says it's a story that she knows really well.


  8. Around 2:50am BBT


    Tim "I can't believe there's (only) a week left!"


    Phil: "are we going to be able to go outside?  Did they say?  I freaking hope so!"


    Tim continues to prep food.


    Kelsey is now worried about being the only person to have to go into the room and say... (regarding voting out Cass)

    Now they all worry that she is going to hate them all.


    Kelsey decided to go take "a quick bath".


    Nick "I just knew I was going to win, going into that, but then I just had a freak out.  It's really exhausting to prepare for comps the way I've been doing it.  I've been going into animal mode."


  9. Tim is doing dishes in the kitchen.

    Nick mentions to him that that was the last competition we will be playing in, and that "the future is in Paqo senior's hands now... I'm not sure how I feel about it".


    Kelsey mentions that it has been 8 hours since she was last able to see what time it is, and since they've eaten.  "I'm exhausted", she says.


    Meanwhile, Cass is in her bed in the blue bedroom.


    Phil says "that was a really cool set".  Tim agrees, saying "so RAD!".  Nick chimes in with "I wanted to have a sleepover in there".


    Tim wonders "What happens now?  Surely there's some drinks coming, or something?"

    Phil: "you want to have a couple of beers from the fridge?"  (Then goes to get them.)


    Tim says "we were really well-behaved today!"


    Phil enters the HoH room (where he is alone) and says "What?  Once again!  Woo!  Woo-hoo!  Once again Nick pulls through for the Bros!"

    "Fire it up!  We're unstoppable!  Unstoppable!"

    He grabs 2 beer bottles (which look like they are from a Quebec micro-brewery), and heads back out to rendezvous with the others downstairs.


    Kelsey (about the veto): " I literally was done in like 10 minutes.  And then I spent 10 minutes looking for this....  I'm like 'oh, it's locked, there must be a key', and then running downstairs to place something, ran back, reached in the pocket, grabbed the keys and then I'm like 'I'm the smartest person alive!' and then I continued to not find the one that was literally staring you in the face."


    Nick says "I think I went above and beyond, I was ripping shit off the bed.  I went through all the pillows, everything, I just couldn't find the last one."

    Nick "well, I can officially say that cold showers work.

    Tim "what?"

    Nick "ever since I started doing my routing of cold showers before comps..."




  10. Tim, the brothers and Kelsey were in the pantry when feeds came back.

    Kelsey said that she knew the answer to every question.

    Nick mentioned that the PoV comp was the last competition he would be participating in (because next week it will be Phil's turn to compete), so he HAD to win it.

    Kelsey hugs him and says "I'm so proud of you!"

    Phil: "why are we still in the pantry?"

    (Apparently, it was some kind of "timed" competition, and Phil was probably secluded alone in the pantry.)

    Tim and Phil exit, leaving Nick alone with Kelsey.

    Nick mentions to Kelsey that now Kelsey will have the only vote, and that Cass will be campaigning to her so hard, and being emotional.

    Kelsey: "I don't care!" (about Cass's campaign efforts)

    Kelsey: "There's like absolutely no way I could be swayed."

    Kelsey looking to the fridge wondering out loud what she should eat, but then saying that all she really wants is a cigarette (but they are locked out from the backyard, perhaps until after a winner is crowned, at this point.)

    They leave the pantry as well.

  11. At 11:!2 pm BBT, Feed 1 shows a quick flash of Marsha the Moose in the Have-Not room.


    Around 11:20 - 11:30 pm BBT, the brothers and Tim prepared and consumed some chicken, which they then are unsure of whether it had been properly prepared.

    Nick is wondering if he should go try to throw up in the bathroom, while Phil is brushing the whole thing off and telling Nick that it's fine.

    Nick makes mention of salmonella.

    Tim jokes "good luck in the veto competition tomorrow".


    Cass returns to the high roller room to finish her wine.


    Eventually, she goes upstairs to the washroom and brushed her hair, then creeps over to the HoH door and eavesdrops some more.

    She soon tires of the boring conversation she overhears and heads back downstairs, fetches her wine, and goes to rejoin everyone in the HoH.


    They talk about how Kelsey's return into the game changed everything, as without that they may have been sent out the door one by one, but that with Kelsey making Mitch a target, that led to Maddy being the target the following week, and so on.


    The brothers get called to the DR.

    They stop on the way to talk about that if Kelsey or Tim win veto and the final HoH, they probably will NOT take the brothers to the final 2.


    Meanwhile, in the HoH room, Kelsey is trying to get Tim and Cass to admit that they love each other.


    Cass mentions that she knows the 3 others (Counting the brothers as one) are all against her, and that if she doesn't win the veto she is gone.


    Kelsey makes the claim that the only reason Cass is still here (and not Joel) is because Kelsey decided a few days earlier to keep her, and then made it happen.


    Cass tells Tim that if she wins the veto, he is leaving.

    Tim responds that if he wins it, she will be the one leaving.

    Then he says that if Kelsey win, Cass will also leave.

    Then Tim winks at Cass when he is sure that Kelsey can't see him doing it.  He does this again a moment later, to be sure Cass sees him.


    They go over when the brothers were HoH, and Kelsey had to prod Jared into going up to talk to them in the HoH room to not get nominated.


    Cass and Tim are "pumping Kelsey's tires", telling her that they both think that she will win this show.

    That there is avery good chance she will make it to the final 2, and if she does then she will win.

    (Kelsey is talking a mile a minute, probably because she is hyperactive after drinking alcohol.)



  12. When feeds returned after the eviction episode, everyone was in the HoH room.

    The brothers have photos, and are telling stories about them.

    (It sounds like the brothers, who won HoH, got some rum in their HoH basket, and be the time Cass came out of the DR, which apparently took a very long time, the rum was all gone.  She was unthrilled.)


    A little later, Tim tells a story about a time (New Year's 2014/2015), when he got so drunk (apparently, he though he was drinking plain vodka, but someone had mixed something else into it to make it more potent) and ended up "shitting himself".  When he woke up with a hangover and went to the bathroom, he discovered this, kicked his boxers into a corner and took a shower, then went back to bed (the bed was clean, as his "accident" was contained in his boxers).  When next he awoke, the dog had found the boxers and had torn them to shreds, mostly on the living room carpet.  One of his roommates was still asleep (sleeping off a similar hangover), and Tim began cleaning up the mess, but his other roommate came back (with a girl) before he had finished cleaning.  The girls were a little traumatized (and amused) by this tale.


    One by one, they get called to the DR (to comment on tonight's events - Joel's eviction and the Paqs brothers' HoH win).

    While Cass is in the DR, Kelsey and Phil share Phil's iPod, while Tim and Nick share Nick's.


    Later still, (just as Cas comes out of the DR, after being in there for perhaps a half hour), Big Brother announced that "the pantry is open", and everyone goes down to see what is new to find in there (as they had previously been talking about always getting a little treats/feast after every eviction. And... they find alcohol!

    Cass complains that she has a migraine, and needs wine to get rid of it.

    The girls still start drinking wine, while the boys have some beers.

    The go back upstairs into the HoH room.


    Around 10:00pm BBT, Cass goes down to the kitchen, grabs some snacks (crackers and spinach dip?), and her once-again-refilled glass of red wine, and goes into the High Roller suite.

    There, she proceeds to do a little studying alone, and a lot of talking to herself.  (What she earlier refers to as "the Cassandra show".)

    Here are some of the highlights of what she said (which lend insight to her true beliefs and motives, as well as her hopes for the future, and strategic planning.)

    Since she is ALONE and TALKING TO HERSELF, for ONCE you can be sure that the words coming out of her mouth are NOT LIES. LOL


    (It's sometimes difficult to listen at times, as she is eating practically the whole time, and not too quietly at that.  Crunch, crunch crunch, munch, munch, munch.  She also breathes heavily into the microphone very often.)

    "This is where you lost the HoH competition, how do you feel about that?  Loser!"

    "sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but you're always uncomfortable because you almost go home every week"

    "they call you the black widow for a reason"

    "you can't win a competition, but you are VERY... persuasive"

    "most peace in the game ever... snacks, wine, alone time... away from the brothers, away from Kelsey, who is on another planet"

    "Tim is a weirdo... doesn't stop talking"

    "Shit, you really should have won the HoH, Cassandra!"

    "just study your dates!  Ok.  Week 1..."

    "I could probably get someone to throw the veto to me"

    "Kelsey probably would"

    (She continues to study, going the weeks and days, but appears to be getting drunker, based on her exaggerated facial expressions.)

    "Big Brother, can you help me win a challenge here?  I can't win a challenge on my own!  I suck!"

    "I've played a better game than these people, individually"

    "Your lips are chapped right now, Cassandra" (after having taken a big sip of wine)

    "You HAVE played a good game."

    "Can this next one be mental?  Because physical, you will not win."

    "I have tried to get the brothers out, can't say that I haven't"

    "If they had lost that veto, Jared would have stayed, Jared would have carried me to the end. But he had to go, too, because he was a weirdo."

    "... and my father won the HoH.  Thank you! I can't win one on my own."

    "I should have won tonight!  F#$%! I'm an idiot!"

    "Should have won tonight's.  We had to.  You might go home because of it.  F@&%!"

    "You might go home now, because you lost that HoH competition tonight... unless, Tim wins veto, because I trust him."

    "I'm proud of myself, though, for staying through this week, I am."

    "You came here to win, you didn't come here to get fourth place."

    "You gotta win.  You gotta get to final 2."

    "HOW are you going to get there?"

    "Whatever the competition is, I'm going to try 120% to win it."

    "I pray to everything that I love, that I win this veto."

    "I want to control who stays and who goes... and I'll keep Tim, and break that promise."

    "Kelsey and the brother!  Because they think they are 'King Shit' right now!"

    "They think the own this house.  They think they are already in Final 2!"

    The thing is... you're not, you're in final 4, so they have to get rid of two people before they even get there, and they think it's so easy to do that... which PISSES ME OFF."

    "... and they don't think there's any chance of me winning veto"

    "I stuck to my word (air quotes), threw the HoH, and you know what?  I need to win this veto! 'cause they don't expect that, and I'm gonna get Kelsey out, keep Tim, and me and Tim will hopefully win that final HoH, get the brothers out and hopefully be in the finals together.  And if I win it... (the rest is unintelligible)"

    "It makes me so angry, that they already think they've won this game"

    "Because they can win competitions, and I can't"

    "Give them the worst case scenario of me winning the veto, I will win the veto somehow, and I will control the vote.  And guess what, I will break the word that I made to them of 'I will get rid of Tim', no, I'm not doing that, I'll get rid of Kelsey, because she's the only one that I can, keep Tim... that'll be a shocker!"

    "I wish I won that today!  F#$%!"

    "What was the final veto for season 1?  Season 2 was a boardgame, wasn't it?  In season 3... it was that train thing, with the dates"


    Tim finally emerges from the DR.

    Cass crawls over the the door of the High Roller suite and calls to him.

    He climbs up the stairs on his way to the HoH room.  Cass tells him not to tell the others where she is.

    Tim goes into the HoH room.

    Cass: "I wanted to tell him to come here, but I don't want Kelsey or the brothers to know I'm here."

    "F@%$!  Why did I lose that HoH!  I'm an idiot!"

    "Its the one competition... this would have secured you in the final 3... and now you might not if Tim doesn't win veto... and you don't"

    "Idiot!  You had... one. competition. to. win!"

    "The one veto you DID win, you weren't supposed to win!  What the heck!"

    "Ha.  You idiot, you can't think on your feet!"


    She gets up to go pee, stops on the way outside the HoH room to eavesdrop for 10 seconds or so, but doesn't hear anything interesting, so moves on.

    When she comes back out, she rnd into Tim, who has been tasked by Big Brother to do a battery change.

    She goes back to the High Roller room afterward, and resumes drinking her wine and talking out loud.

    Cass whispers "I want to kill myself. (chuckles) I want to kill myself.  (deep sigh)"

    (more deep breathing, sipping wine and loudly munching chips and chewing ensues)

    "Big Brother... help me out.  Can we have a veto competition where we just stand there looking good?"


    "Should I go play 'Social Game' and be friends with these people?"

    "Or do you want to just celebrate your victory of staying after this last week, by yourself, and enjoy your time?"

    "Enjoy your time!"

    "These people drive me nuts!  It's just, the brothers... so young and stupid, Kelsey is just irritating."

    "You don't want to hang out with them."


    (She finally gets up and leaves).

    Cass joins Phil, Nick and Tim in the kitchen area.

  13. 11:20 pm BBT


    Nick and Phil in the hot tub.

    Nikki and Tim have come out to see the almost-full moon.


    Nick apologizes to them for saying they want a Canadian to win (during the nomination ceremony?)


    One of the brothers (Phil?) says to Tim that his strategy of taking the weak players to end is smart.

    Tim is a little astounded at the audacity.


    Tim and Nikki leave.

    Nick and Phil start dissing Tim.

    Nick says "the guy is wearing an American flag shirt to a Canadian show!"

  14. Feeds were blocked out this afternoon while the houseguests had some kind of wedding-themed activity, in which Nikki played the bride and Joel played the groom.

    The rest were dressed as the wedding party.


    After feeds came back, we saw Cass smoosh a piece of cake into Tim's face in retaliation for something similar.


    Cass had a long talk with the brothers.  Tim came in halfway through and stayed.  They tried to get to the bottom of whether or not the brothers were trying to work with Maddy and cause Tim to be evicted (which they were), but the brothers would not admit it, denying it over and over, while trying to throw Jared and Kelsey under the bus.


    Next, Jared came up and claimed that he was just bored.

    He talked to Cass for a while (mostly about Tim), and then Kelsey came and joined them.

    Cass very quickly went to call Tim.

    The four of them discussed nominations and it sounded like the brothers would be going on the block up against Nikki as a pawn.

    The discussion eventually concluded with Jared saying that he's happy he came up here after all.


    Nikki was brought up by Tim, and then he proceeded, with Cassandra's help, to convince Nikki that she would be going up on the block solely as a pawn, and that there was nothing to worry about, because even if the brothers somehow won the PoV and took themselves off, Jared would go up in their place, and that there were enough sure votes (Joel and Tim, with Cass as the HoH tie-breaker) to save her and evict Jared.

    (Nikki seemed unsure how the PoV works, thinking that everyone who played in the PoV would be safe from nomination.  LOL)


    Joel finally got a chance to come talk to Cass (in which he whispered everything very quietly; so quietly that even Cass was telling him to speak louder because she couldn't hear him), but that was short-lived, as Jared returned shortly, this time on his own.

    He asked Joel if he could speak with Cass alone, and Joel obliged.

    Jared them proceeded to lay out the standard "this is YOUR HoH, not anyone else's, so I want you to do what's best for YOUR game" line.

    Mostly, Jared was bad-mouthing Tim, and throwing Tim under the bus for saying that Cassandra should go, on at least 3 occasions, the last of which was just a couple of days earlier.

    Feeds were going down and coming back up at strange intervals.


    Finally, when feeds came back, Jared was gone and the brothers were back, asking Cass what Jared had been saying.

    They also jokingly told her that during her nomination speech, when putting them on the block, it would be funny for the audience if she compared them to Derrick, the mastermind of BB16.  She nonchalantly said she didn't yet know what she would say in her speech, and was very blasé about it.

    She said that she had to start getting ready for the nomination ceremony, and the brothers took the hint and got up to leave.

    But just before leaving, Nick asked if he could just listen to one of her songs on her iPod first.  She didn't deny him permission, but did not seem very enthusiastic about it, so the boys just left.


    Phil and Nick were saying something about preparing a watermelon smoothie, and maybe having Nick throw it in Phil's face during the ceremony.


    Everyone started getting themselves ready for the nomination ceremony, and the feeds eventually went down.


    When feeds return, it is almost certain that the Paqs bros. will be up on the block against Nikki.



    As of 10:15pm BBT, feeds are still down, as we await the results of the nomination ceremony.

  15. 10:10 pm BBT


    Feeds just came back.


    Cassandra said something about maybe seeing her letter (could mean she won HoH).

    Jared and Kelsey talking in the kitchen.

    Jared asking Kelsey if she spoke with Cass.

    Asks if she thinks "we're good".

    They mention that Cass's Dad liked Jared, and him being from Winnipeg.

    Kelsey's sister liked Cass.


    They mention that Phil and Nick's mother liked them too (so even though they were outgoing HoH, sounds like they had a family member there too.

  16. 9:20 pm BBT

    (Hot tub area)


    Everybody back now.

    (Jared couldn't find any paper towels, so he brought back a "finger bowl" for them to wash their fingers.)


    They decide they will go around and say one thing that they love about Ramsey.

    Kelsey: "I wanted to say that he was always so kind. And if ever I was feeling down, he was always somebody that came in and tried to cheer me up or make me feel included.  I thikn that he was a very, just kind soul."

    Cass: "He was one of the most sensitive people, I always liked that about him. But he actually has the biggest heart, he cared about every single person.  He loved everyone, and treated everyone equally.  He was so kind to everyone."

    Next is Maddy.  (Someone, probably Cass, jokes that she will say "he was a good kisser".)

    Maddy: (trying, and failing, to hold back tears) "I don't know, I'll pass."

    Tim: "He was a really nice guy, but we all know that. He had a really funny sense of humour, sort of cheeky, it was really really funny, we could look at each other across the room, and it was just hilarious.  I think he was a nice guy, but he was also cheeky, naughty."

    Jared: "I saw a lot of my friends in him, except closer in age.  I really admired that he was so passionate about his religion, always good to his word, I really admired that."

    Joel : "For me, I mean, like everybody else, whenever I would get down on myself, he was always like the first one there to just be like, don't worry about it, or like, there's tons of challenges here, don't let any of that get you down.  But for me the most relatable thing that we connected over the most was love for his sister and his mom and dad, his siblings and things like that.  Family was number one for him, and you could tell that he had a really really good bond with his family.

    (The camera is focused on Maddy, who is trying to compose herself, and biting her nails a little.)

    Phil: "Ramsey had such a big heart, and he was genuine in all his conversations to me, and probably to all of you as well. Just a great guy.  Caring, never wanted anyone to feel left out.  Cheers to Ramsey, we'll be great friends after this, I'm sure.

    Nick: "I think Ramsey, as you all said, has a huge heart, I think not only that, he's a really good listener, and despite whatever he believed, he always had a good way of picking up what you were putting down. I could say my words all wrong, and he would find the meaning behind it.  It shows that he can relate to people and he's a good guy, just charismatic.

    Nikki: "I totally agree with Nick, he always listened, and he always remembered anything I ever told him... names of my friends, names of my family.  He really, he was sincere.  He meant what he said.  He always made me laugh, and always made me smile, and some of my funniest memories will be of Ramsey, in this house.  And he was an incredible housemate, and he should be so proud of himself... and he's going to be missed."


    They all raise their glasses and say cheers as they clink them.

    Joel: "Cheers, Ramsey, wherever you are."


    A few seconds later they all cheers to big brother, this time with much less ceremony, simply yelling out "thank you" and "cheers".


    Then they all go back to feasting (before the food gets cold).

  17. 9:15 pm BBT

    (Hot tub area)


    The houseguests get beer, red wine, white wine, vodka, along with nachos and fried chicken.

    Have-Nots are allowed to eat.


    Lots of "Thank You, Big Brother!" being yelled out.

    Everyone is also happy for the Have-Nots, that they get to eat.  They tell them to eat as much as they can.


    They are waiting for Jared to return from the washroom, then they will do a cheers to Ramsey and a thank you cheers to Big Brother.

  18. 9:08 pm BBT

    (Hot tub area)


    While Joel is gone, Jared tells them that Joel told him a good joke earlier.

    After some prodding, he tells it to them.


    This mushroom walks into a bar, and buys everyone a drink.

    Q: What kind of mushroom was he?

    Cass starts guessing... portobello?

    Eventually either Cass or Nikki hit upon the correct answer... he was a fungi.  (A "fun guy", get it?!?)


    Joel soon returns and tells them that the pantry is now closed.  (Meaning that there will soon be some alcohol stocked in there.)

    And the houseguests rejoice.

  19. 8:50 pm BBT


    After a long chat in the Have-Not room, about double and triple evictions, and how Tim will probably be the replacement nominee, but should have nothing to worry about against Maddy, and also about how Tim has realized in the last few days that getting Nikki out will be very difficult, but that she is an obstacle to getting to the end, Cass and Tim head outside.


    At the Hot Tub area, they find the brothers, Jarek & Kelsey, Nikki and Joel.  (So, basically everyone!)

    Soon they start talking about wanting wine out here in the fresh air, and how nice it would be.


    Joel suggests they could have a toast for Ramsey, and everyone thinks that is a great idea.

    Tim suggests that Joel go to the diary room to ask for it, since "they listen to you".

    Joel agrees to go.

    Jared adds "and show them your sunburn!", and everyone laughs.

    (Apparently, he has a pretty good/bad sunburn developing on the back of his legs.)


    Joel eventually returns, and they start talking about his latest fashion trend of looking like gangster (and not quite pulling it off).

  20. 6:50 pm BBT (But the houseguests think it is 7:30 pm)

    (Feed 3)


    Phil and Cass, in the HoH room.

    Cass: "On a human level, I feel bad for Maddy for feeling alone... now that Ramsey's gone especially."

    Cass thanks Phil for not throwing he name under the bus to Maddy.

    Cass says that Maddy made a stupid comment outside earlier, about not being ready to go to jury, and how Maddy said to Cass that she has no idea how Maddy feels.  No clue.

    Cass goes on to say that she told Maddy she has only tried to be a friend to her.  [Confirmed, I just saw this exchange happen a little earlier, and it went down just that way. - Jedi]


    Phil to Cass: "Who are your loyalties?"

    Cass: "You (brothers) and Joel."

    Phil: "I believe you."


    Phil says he's not even thinking about jury votes, just trying to play a good game.


    Cass: "Tim pisses me off sometimes.  I love Tim, but..."


    Cass: "After this Thursday, 7 people!"


    7:00 pm BBT


    Cass: "Do you have any ideas for if it's a double eviction this Thursday?"

    Phil: "It wouldn't be, because two people left this week, so even if it was going to be..."


    They talk about how they have always voted to evict the same person, every week.


    Cass: "Final 7!  That's nuts!  Did you think you'd make it this far?"

    Cass: "I thought I was going to get voted out first week."


    Cass says her father (who is a super-fan) always told her that if she ever got on the show, she was sure to get voted out first.


    Cass: "I see what your logic was this week.  You put your target up against one of her allies, and she's still going to be up there after the veto, and you've eliminated your target."


    [Phil is not mentioning anything about the plan to switch it up and vote out the replacement nominee, which at this point is Tim. - Jedi]


    7:05 pm BBT

    Feeds go black.


    [[I'm going to take a break, to watch tonight's episode.  Don't know yet if I'll be back later.]]

  21. 6:30 pm BBT

    (Hot Tub)


    Now Maddy and Tim are talking game, while Cass continues to sit in the round lounge chair.

    Maddy trying out possible pleas she could make to the brothers.


    Tim saying he's under the impression that now the brothers don't want to rock the boat at this point.


    They talk about getting the brothers to put up Jared.

    Tim says he offered to go up against her as a pawn, and that if they choose that, she'll have to work with that.

    Maddy "having a unanimous vote it so heart-breaking".

    Tim "it might not end up unanimous".


    Tim "they've lost so much respect that if they get to the end of the game, they won't win".


    He explains to Maddy how and why he told Phil last night to put up Jared against Maddy, and why he "feels pity for them" and is disappointed in them for going with a weak move.


    Now Tim saying that Jared would be a "strong pawn" instead of a "weak pawn" like him.

    Tim says that putting one of the Internationals (Tim & Nikki) up against anyone will have that person go home.


    [If Tim ends up going up on the block and being voted out, this will all be very funny in hindsight! - Jedi]

  22. 6:00 pm BBT


    Kelsey comes back from the diary room.


    Tim and Maddy have come out to actually use the Hot Tub.

    Joel and Nikki are out there too.

    Nikki says that she has just apologized to Big Brother for being a horrible person this whole time.

    (Feeds go dark)


    6:20 pm BBT

    Tim is now out of the Hot Tub, wrapped in a towel, looks like he's eating some slop chips, dipping them in salsa?

    Maddy is still in the Hot Tub.

    Phil was sitting in the round lounge chair.


    Cass comes out to the Hot Tub area are says "dinner is ready".

    Phil gets up and goes inside.


    Tim tells Cass that the rest of them will be for her.

    They discuss making more slop chips.


    Tim says that he was a little "emo" last night, having a breakdown.

    And says that the despair was brought on by the slop.

    Cass says that she has herself been very emotional.

    Tim says that he was just frustrated.

    And he made the decision that he wasn't going to talk to anyone ever again in the house.  "You CAN do that, it would just be lonely, I guess!"


    Tim gets back in the Hot Tub with Maddy.

    Cass gets under the blanket in the chair, and keeps muching.

    Tim and Maddy discuss the contents of slop.

    Cass: "Why is my pee so yellow?"


    Big Brother: "Tim... please put on your microphone"

    (Unlike last night in the pool, he proceeds to put it on.)


    Disussion of slop contents continues.



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