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Posts posted by georgectv

  1. Just found this from last night as well...

    1:48am bbt Helen checking in with Jessie... (ends up being Helen making the subtle case that she won't have Judd's jury vote)

    Jessie: I know that Spencer is a really good friend of yours, so it's hard

    Helen: yea.. every one is hard. Judd was really hard. I mean he lied, but I get that he may hate me...

    (Jessie reminds Helen she doesn't have her mic, Helen retrieves it and comes back)

    Helen: he's a good guy, and he's going to think it's my doing, but it was a cumulative doing... yes, Aaryn won the POV, and I was the one that talked to Aaryn about it... while we had conversations about the shadiness, she didn't know that was what we were thinking, not that day.. a couple of us thought, if the opportunity arises, let's see what we can do... and now I'm glad we did, it was sad that night, but...

    Jessie: It seems more clear now

    Helen: He was doing to much stuff, all over the place, he's a nice person, tried out 4 or 5 times, quit his job.. everyone has their thing, but that's not a reason to keep you here... reasons to keep you are you're loyal, trustworthy, I've told you things and they haven't been leaked.

    Jessie: What can I do to strengthen my game with you, moving forward. I want to be someone you can count on moving forward. I know that's hard since there are people that have been loyal to you since the beginning

    Helen: This week, I'm doing what HOH wants. Last week I did what GM wanted, but then with Aaryn, the house kinda pushed something on her. I'm not here to bully people, I'm here to support people too, just like some people support me, I want to give back. I don't want to just do Amanda's agenda, or Elissa.. sometimes it's my agenda, or Andy, or Jessie, you have to give and take, Aaryn said it perfectly, you can't just take take take, you have to do things for others too.

    Jessie: I haven't had any power, except using POV on myself

    Helen: Assuming you stay in the game, which is the plan, going forward, it's always stay loyal to the people you are loyal to, no matter who is in power. If someone else wins HOH and puts Elissa up... the people that have stuck with me... Andy is one of those people, so for me, he is HOH, I'm going to do what he wants, he's done so much to help me, I look at the game that way. I feel like things I do, helps the entire house. The Jeremy things helped exponentially... Judd, there's no running around, storage room things. People are afraid.. if you aren't going to do it, he's going to go to the end, he was playing too many people... he had Final 2 with 8 people... what was he doing? He may hate me forever, but he needs to realize his game was flawed. He's good at this, because he could lie to your face. But why lie here when you lied there, he didn't make a cohesive story... I don't blame him, good for him, lying is what part of this game is.. hopefully he forgives all of us for it... I don't want to make a ton of enemies, in my life, hopefully he won't hold this against me

  2. finally had time to check overnight... here's the main thing I found of interest...

    Sunday late night, lots of general talk about movies...

    1:43:30am bbt Andy/Amanda/McCrae sitting on the patio, Andy/Amanda discuss how easy/hard it is to evict people from BB...

    Andy: The week I get you out is gonna feel really good haha... I know it's just a game, but it's like you are crushing someone's dream

    Amanda: I don't look at it that way

    Andy: But you're a cold hearted b!$@#

    McCrae: I just focus on stuff I don't like about the person

    Andy: Aaryn made a comment tonight that refocused me, so when the time to get her out comes, I'll be able to... we were talking about David, and someone made a comment about David being gay, and Aaryn said "That's disgusting!"... (Spencer joins them) What was that comment Aaryn made?

    Spencer: I said if they casted David, Jeremy and Nick, because they had gay tendencies...

    Andy: And she said "that's disgusting"

    Spencer: I said what if you got in here and you turned David? And she goes, "that's disgusting"

    Andy: I just got quiet, and Spencer noticed

    1:45am bbt

    Amanda: Have I ever said anything?

    Andy: The only thing you ever say, and I don't think Aaryn's a bigot that hates gay people, but I was like, that's insensitive. The only thing you say that I don't like is 'retarded'

    Amanda: I don't like saying that either! To be honest with you, I have family members in my family who are mentally challenged, and when I say it, it's like me saying, "It's so gayyyy!!"

    Andy: right right

    Amanda: Like, it's not what you say, quote me on this, it's your intent behind it.

    Andy: Oh, and believe me, I was telling Spencer this, I completely understand this, yea

    Spencer: I was saying earlier, I have a problem, I say the 'R' word, and I don't mean to... I've probably said it twice or 3 times in the house

    Andy: But at the same time, I was telling Spencer it's pertinent to me, because I grew up with my cousin, who is mentally challenged, and my parents were like don't ever say that word.

    Amanda: But so were mine, but I don't mean it in a negati... that's the whole thing.. you can say the 'N' word.. they're f^@%ing calling me a 'JEEWW', I make fun of myself.... for me, I'm the least racist person...

    Andy: There's never been a time when I've been like 'AAARRRGGGHHH', like there's never been a time like that

    McCrae: It's all about being sensitive, to the situation

    Spencer: and what you allow yourselves, is no excuse for what other people should allow themselves, does that make sense? (umm not really?)

    Spencer(to Amanda): I'm not getting on to you

    Amanda: I understand what you're saying... wait, say it again?
    Spencer: like, you didn't mind when Jeremy called you "Jew-girl"

    Amanda: yea, I really didn't mind

    Spencer: and you can call yourself a Jew, but there are people that are Jewish, that might not, be as ok with that?

    Amanda: but that's their own f&*$ing problem

    Spencer: yea, I know, but that's not how 'sensitivity' works (Andy/McCrae laugh along with Spencer)

    1:47am bbt

    Amanda: Anyone who knows me, knows when I call f&*#ing Andy "Faggity Andy", knows that I'm f*&^ing kidding, because I love Andy, more than most of the f$&%ing people in this house

    Andy: yea, that's the difference

    Amanda: So if you want to call me a bigot, because I call Andy a "Faggity Ann" and I'm just kidding around, then you can hate me. Hate me, because I'm not a hateful person, I love Andy, it has nothing to do with that, it's funny.

    Spencer: Absolutely, I totally agree... and like y'alls relationship, in and of itself, is ok. But the fact that you're open to so many viewers, you have to expect them to form their own opinions, regardless of how you feel about each other.

    Amanda: That I don't care about... Honestly, if people are going to watch and be like "oh my gosh, she said this", if they want to turn my words in to something else, a meaning that I didn't mean

    Spencer: I couldn't agree with you more, however, if you go by the rule of, 1% of all the people that watch this, hear some of the things you say... not you, but any of us, at least 1% will have a problem with it.

    Amanda: The reason that I believe people don't perceive me that way... look at when Aaryn says the word "Shaniqua", and look at live television, on the veto competition, and I say "Shaniqua" and call myself racist, in front of everybody, and nobody says anything about it, because they know I'm not racist. I'm not racist.

    Amanda: I've had a black penis inside me at one point in my life, I'm not racist!

    McCrae: oh that means you're not racist?

    Amanda: It does mean I'm not racist! If I was racist, I would not f*&$ a black guy!

    (Shakespeare: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks.")

    1:48:44am bbt

    Andy: I do understand there is a difference. With you and I's relationship, and me and Aaryn, if you had said "that's disgusting", I'd have been like "go f*&^ yourself Amanda" and I'd have known you were kidding, but I don't think Aaryn was.

    Amanda: Aaryn is more sheltered than I am, it just get's down to that. I've lived all over the United States, from the melting pot, to Austin, Texas, you know what I mean?
    Spencer: I think all of the United States is considered the 'melting pot'.

    Amanda:New York City is considered the melting pot of the United States, and I have lived there, and I've been the only Jew in Austin, Texas, and had Christians tell me I'm going to hell...

    Spencer: You're the only Jew in Austin?

    Amanda: Literally, in my high school, I was the only Jewish person. So, I get it, I understand it, it's mostly Christian in Texas, where I live, and they were like, "You're going to hell", and like fine I get it, whatever, it doesn't bother, maybe I have a thicker skin, and I'm more wordly..

    Spencer: Well I'll tell you, I consider myself a Christian, and I don't have the right to tell anyone where they are going in their afterlife. Anybody that has f*&^%ing said that to you, is just f*&^ing a lunatic.

    Andy: Who is super-religious? Is Jessie?

    Spencer: I'm not super-religious, I don't think she is either

    McCrae: I think Elissa is the only one

    Spencer: I just believe in a positive afterlife. I think that regardless of any type of religion, the main rule is to just be kind to one another, you know, and that's like my religion right there. My bible would be very short if I wrote it, it's only one page, just stick this in your back pocket.

    Amanda: My only thought about religion, is that if it works for you, works positively in your life and gives you structure, then I commend to you, but for me, I believe that there's a God, but I believe that sometimes you have issues and problems that are beyond you, that you can't solve, and I'm such a f*&^ing solver and a controller, that sometimes you just have to leave it in God's hands, but who that god is, I don't f*&&^%ing know, but I believe that there's a God out there, and I would never, ever insult someone else's religion, unless it was inflicting harm on other people.

    Spencer: It stands to reason that there is a creator, you know, like, it just does. I don't think that given, f*&%ing trillion and trillion of years, hydrogen could have done all this. Big Bang Theory doesn't make sense to me, in some ways, but even if that was the origin of life, something would have caused that bang. Something had to start it... and something had to start that too... I don't know, the universe and everything is so f(*&ing vast... people say God created Adam and Eve and that's where it started, and I'm like that's not where it f*&%ing started. You limit the scope of God if you only think he started, in 7 days created the earth and these 2 people. To me, a better God is one that created an environment that single cells organisms evolved into us. That's a smarter God, that's the one I want to be f*%&ing rooting for.

    Amanda: That's the only thing I dislike about religion, the reason why I don't affiliate myself necessarily with one religion, because I think, not I think the facts are religion is the base of a lot of war, and a lot of hatred, and people use religion with hatred. If everyone just believed that if you did good things, for good people, and you were a good person, you would all go to a good place, and whoever thinks besides you is wrong.. it's all a belief... if you are going to base your life on something that isn't hard facts, to me that's just asinine.

    Spencer: there is nothing more dangerous than the religious extreme, regardless of what the religion is, like the Westboro Baptist people, those people are nuts. Like the jihadists... religions extremists are the most dangerous people in the world, they think they are completely right in their beliefs, and they are willing to die for it, because they think there is only positive that will happen after that...

  3. 1:37pm bbt We are back from fish, and the LD is over, HGs are back inside, Andy, Aaryn are in HOH, others are in K with HN food revealed: Mung Beans/Mackarel!

    1:39pm bbt Andy/Aaryn talk in HOH
    Andy: I want to take out Jessie this week. It breaks my heart cause I feel she has my best interest, but I feel she wants to make a big move, against people we don't want her to make it against.

    Aaryn: You don't think Spencer is?

    Andy: I think Spencer 100% has my back, and he's really cool with McCrae, so I don't think he would go after McCrae, Amanda, you or me.

    Aaryn: I think Spencer would definitely go after me, but I don't know who he would put up with me.

    Andy: I insured him he is not leaving this week, so he wants to work with us. He will be thankful I am letting him in, with him here, you aren't going anywhere. The problem with Jessie is she can flip like that. Next week she could put up you and Amanda.

    Aaryn: You don't think Spencer would?
    Andy: I've been working with him for weeks, now that Judd is gone, I'm his only go-to.

    Aaryn: Is he not going to be the target next week then?
    Andy: Oh yea, I'm appeasing him. I'm telling everyone Jessie is more dangerous. What I told Jessie is, if you go up today, realize you're not my target, I'm ready to get a big target out. But she's my target.

    Aaryn: If she wins POV, would you put up GM? Would she become the target?
    Andy: She almost has to be, she only sees things in black/white. I feel like if I put her up, she's going to be coming after me, you know? Would she be the best option if Jessie uses POV?
    Aaryn: yea.. I'm just scared of Spencer

    Andy: don't be, I can get him to go after other people

    Aaryn: but I've put him up twice

    Andy: I'm putting him up today... he's gotten zero votes... I've been working on him... so basically that's what I told Jessie. Come veto, one will come down, and if it's not used, Spencer goes. So if you win, don't use it. I kinda want to blindside Jessie. If I win POV, I pull Jessie aside and tell her I thought about it and decided it's not time to make the big move. I'd almost want Spencer gone over GM if she did get put up, but I'm worried she'd come after me

    Aaryn: Yea, she'd likely put up you and Jessie

    Andy: If you get picked to play POV, play hard, and keep the noms the same.

    Aaryn: If GM goes up, she'll need to go, cause she'll go crazy. I may have to be a single vote against Spencer in that case though.

    Andy: Are you cool with this? Is this an ok plan? What would you do if you were HOH?
    Aaryn: I understand and I'm on board, but I'd be going after Spencer

    Andy: We can see how Jessie is this week, I want to be the one to decide who goes this week, but maybe we would blindside Spencer.

  4. 1:24pm bbt Andy hasn't been to Vegas, asks if anyone else has not been to Vegas? Then...

    Andy: Since I'm a cheap b&*&@$, like I'll drink a bunch at my house before I go out, and then let's say I have a friend that's gonna give me a ride home at 2am, but my dad will drive me to the bar, and so I just wish I could video tape the conversations that I have with him, cause I'll be like 7 shots in, and I'm sitting in the car with my dad, trying to act sober.

    Aaryn: Me and my dad drive around in the truck and drink beers.

    Andy: My dad is like, I just don't want you out there, taking shots and getting ridiculous, and that's like all I do.

    (feeds cut to fish)

    1:35pm bbt (still fish)

  5. 1:03pm bbt Everyone is on the patio, discussing kids snacks, goldfish are crowned the favorite.

    1:07pm bbt Andy: Quick poll everyone, Olive Garden, yea or nay? Yea wins... Andy loves Chilis, Amanda loves Cheesecake Factory, GM says an ex felt Cheesecake Factory was too expensive so wouldn't take her, "Why did I date him? Well he was good in bed"

    1:10pm bbt Andy tells story of woman who died when a whale grabbed on to her pony tail. He felt guilty, because he/friend were joking about this happening a week early. "God heard us and thought 'on that is a good one'."

    1:15pm bbt HGs talk of travelling to Europe. Andy says he would love to see the Eiffel Tower, would likely cry because he's always wanted to see it. Spencer says go in the summer to see it, the summer heat expands the metal so it's about 15 feet taller.(Google says 3.25 inches) In the middle of everyone, Helen is asleep.

  6. 8:34am bbt Elissa summarizes the morning: In the ubber glamorous s Have Not room.. it's fun... and when I say fun, I mean that in the totally worse way... I mean that in the most unglamorous, puffy-eyed, lack of sleep way...

    (Elissa opens the HN room door, laughs at everyone still laying in bed, and talks to BB)
    Well, everyone takes you seriously, these guys are up, with coffee, everyone is already into their morning routine, showers and dressed to impress... Spencer looks like he might be going to a business meeting...

    (Elissa is back in the HN room, monologing to a laughing Aaryn)

    McCrae/Amanda decided this morning they were going to ditch the hippie look and wash their hair, they were scared when BB said that, it could potential be a threat, so they decided to get dressed today.. and when I say dressed I don't mean in sweat pants and ripped tshirts.. but their best attire has to be when they get their dirty clothes out of the hamper, that's when they think they are clean, when they get them back out... We thought the laundry bag meant, the clothes were laundered.. so they got confused and put their dirty clothes back on... they were going for a business look as well. They are talking about their big plans for the morning... they looked in their laundry bag and found clean clothes, and by clean I mean they weren't on the floor... McCrae put his hair up, he wanted to look a little more professional for his job... they got in a few fights, McCrae said he was moving out, Amanda didn't really care if he did or not, she said she might self evict as well, and Spencer encouraged it... so that's what we've got so far... that's what happens when BB says "You have to get up in the morning!"

    (The bizarre/fun aspect of BB is watching HGs, who were enemies at one point in the season, spend time together and gain a mutual respect for each other, and end up bonding and becoming allies. Last night and this morning, we see that has happened with Elissa/Aaryn. I remember a couple weeks ago when these two could be in the same room and not say a word to each other. This morning they are sharing giggles and making breakfast together. Such is life in the BB house.)

  7. 1am bbt The backyard is open. Comps are gone, yard is 'reset' to being a backyard again. Everyone is outside, general chatter about the night, Judd leaving, Candice/GM fight on live tv... this goes on, uneventful, until HGs start to get tired and head to bed or other parts...

    3am bbt We find GM, Elissa, Aaryn, and Helen in the HN room. They volunteered to be have nots for the week, so Andy wouldn't have to choose people. Andy stops in to say good night.

    3:10am bbt The 4 have nots(GM, Elissa, Aaryn, Helen) start whisper talking strategy in the HN room. They are in agreement that Spencer and Jessie should be the nominees this week. Helen/Aaryn are driving the conversation, pulling Elissa/GM along to form a 4 woman, anti-boys alliance.

    Aaryn: Spencer will do whatever he wants, but if Jessie were to win HOH, if us 3 would talk to her, I think she would listen to us more than Spencer would.

    Helen: I agree with that. Jessie is more.. maliable. She will feel like she owes you, because of the whole Judd thing.

    Aaryn: I'm going to talk to Andy tomorrow. I won't throw out any names besides Spencer and Jessie, those are the only 2 and I think he's on the same page. I'm more worried about him than Jessie. He's won a veto, Jessie didn't really win hers, Judd did.

    Helen: Spencer's really good at comps

    Aaryn: I don't know what he would do, maybe put up Amanda and one of you, or me and one of y'all, that's not good for anyone. He said he would put me and her(Aaryn up)

    Aaryn: now he's looking towards Jessie and I don't know, me or maybe GM. After the way he freaked out when Judd left... I don't know...

    Helen: I think Judd was MVP, he wanted Amanda to leave, so the 4 boys could work together.

    Elissa: Which is so weird, because Judd never campaigned to get her out, did he?

    Aaryn: No, because he was smart enough not to

    Helen: no, because McCrae's his friend. He hoped she would cause so much drama, the house would decide to vote her out. The 4 boys want to stick together. Amanda has never done anything to us.

    Elissa: Judd was saying 'the girls are taking over'

    Aaryn: He was pissed. He told me he wanted me and GM to get with the house and go after you 2(Helen/Elissa) and whichever girl stayed, Jessie or Candice.

    Elissa: Do you think he meant that? He always told me he wanted final 2 with me.

    Aaryn: He told me he wanted final 2 with me.

    GM: Yea, he told me the same thing too.

    Helen: I think he slipped up, he told "me this HOH is so critical, I may have to throw it so I don't get blood on my hands." I told him I hope you don't throw anything! You have friends here, you don't need to throw anything.

    Elissa: I wonder if Judd liked Jessie and thought she was distracting him?

    Helen: Maybe he liked her, but she was doing things that didn't help his game? So he would hook up with him, but...

    Aaryn: he came up to me and kissed me, in the bath room, the night of the party...

    Elissa: Was it like romantic?

    Aaryn: Well not on my end...he just came up to me, kissed me on the mouth, and walked away, and I was like, hmmm

    Helen: I now Andy and McCrae are upset, but Judd was going to come after them eventually. Judd was probably going to have you guys go after them, and use you guys because it's easy, since you weren't friends with the house at the time that Judd decided to save you, and would be able to manipulate you to have you do whatever Judd wanted you to do. (Insert "HELEN" for "JUDD" in the above statement, and it sounds suspiciously like Helen's strategy the last 3 weeks hehe)

    Elissa: He probably wanted to form his own moving company and separate us again.

    Aaryn: Well the thing with Spencer is he knows he is going up every week. If he wins HOH, he has to make a big move, he can't put up pawns, he has to go after people running things. I think he's going to be way more dangerous, but I'll do what Andy wants. Nobody trusts Jessie, but Spencer is making friends.

    3:20am bbt The 4 girls break up their conversation and decide to head to bed. Helen/Elissa leave to use the bathroom, leaving Aaryn/GM in the HN room.

    Aaryn: what a day... somehow things keep falling in to place.

    GM: Andy seems cool, he won't put me up will he?
    Aaryn: No... Jessie's gonna go up

    3:25am bbt Helen/Elissa have returned... and it's time for bed... cya in the morning!

    (sorry I missed seeing the wake up this morning! I had a second window open with the 'live' feeds, but it was still showing them sleeping)

  8. (I thought ever one was asleep by 2am but discovered Amanda/McCrae talking while half asleep. It's clear to me that Amanda being on the block has her awake still, while McCrae is falling asleep.)

    2:12am bbt Amanda:Just giving you a little heads up, if I leave this house before you, and you share a bed with another girl, I may come back in Pandora's Box and strangle you to death.

    2:13am bbt Amanda: Are you now not going to watch Judd to go? Well too bad cause he put me up for MVP 2 weeks in a row... honey... (no response from McCrae) Is this happening right now? Are you contemplating not getting rid of him?
    McCrae: what do you mean?

    Amanda: what do you mean 'what do you mean?'

    2:14am bbt Amanda: Judd has to go... (no response from McCrae) Why aren't you talking?

    McCrae: (incomprehensible, half asleep mumbling)

    Amanda: He's lied to all of us

    McCrae: (more mumbling that is hard to understand)
    Amanda: Honey, he put me up on the block 2 weeks in a row!

    McCrae: you don't know that for sure

    Amanda: Yes I do know that for sure, and you do too! McCrae, really? I'm not arguing this with you. If you want to have him here more than me, then go for it. He's your final 2, right? He wants me gone! If anyone said that to me, about you, they'd be gone in a heart beat!

    McCrae: Helen said it

    Amanda: No, she said she wants me here longer than you, that's it. And don't make me regret telling you that, because, like, whatever...

    McCrae: (laughing) you walked yourself into that one

    2:17am bbt Amanda: I can't believe he put me up and contemplated getting me out for the past 2 weeks... (no response) hello? You're not responding to me.

    McCrae: You didn't ask me a question.

    Amanda: Yea? You should respond, "I'm not"

    McCrae: No

    Amanda: No?

    McCrae: Yea

    Amanda: Huh?

    McCrae: Yea

    Amanda: Yea what?

    McCrae: Yea I'm not

    (It's a cute exchange, watching her paranoia, trying to get assurance/sympathy from him, as he struggles to not fall asleep)

    Amanda: Well you play your game however you want, because obviously it's the McCrae game

    (Amanda is silent for a moment)

    2:18am bbt Amanda: If anyone ever put you up, I'd be gunning for them like a mad woman. But you don't feel like protecting me I guess. He tried to get me out before jury! (no response) CAN YOU CONVERSE WITH ME PLEASE? I'm like baiting you, and you're not saying anything!

    McCrae: why are you baiting me?

    Amanda: Because I want you to answer me, and tell me that you love me! Talk to me, tell me how you really feel?

    (On behalf of men, or the half of a couple that is trying to fall asleep when the other half is wanting to talk, I feel for you McCrae)

    Amanda/McCrae are close to falling asleep again, each facing the outside of the bed, away from each other.

    2:24am bbt Amanda: Honey? You're scaring me... I feel like you are going to try to go after me tomorrow.

    McCrae: Why would I do that?

    Amanda: Because you are afraid if we go up together, that you would go home. No one is going to put us up together. I'm scared now!

    McCrae: I'm not going to evict you.

    Amanda: Come here and comfort me...

    (McCrae moans and rolls onto his back, then spoons her)

    Amanda: Are you evicting me? Do you have a final 2 with me? Promise? Swear to God?

    8:55am bbt First up today is Spencer... everyone else still sleeping...

  9. 1:58pm bbt Helen/Andy meet in the cockpit

    Helen: I wanted to ask you something.. someone close to me heard, it wasn't Jessie or Candice, you in the storage room talking to Judd, and they heard you tell Judd the only people you trust in this game are Judd, Amanda and McCrae.

    (Andy stares for a couple seconds)

    Andy: I may have said that, but only because I don't want us(motions between himself and Helen) to be super evident.

    Helen: ok, someone just told me to be careful of you, and I wanna let you know... I'm gonna.. there are certain people you have to put your faith in, you have to trust some people. I'm really putting my trust in you, as I want you to put your trust in me. So I'm not going to scream about this. I don't take every conversation as true...

    Andy: You know I trust you more than Judd

    Helen: I know, I don't want anyone putting wedges in between us

    Andy: Don't believe it.

    Helen: well if you hear anything, you need to come to me to..

  10. 1:40pm bbt Judd/Andy on patio speculating/joking if GM got a special power as HOH but didn't understand how it worked and wasn't allowed to tell the other HGs about it. Jessie says GM took over the POV meeting because she thought as HOH she was supposed to do it. Jessie says "I had my speech all planned, then GM got up and talked for 10 minutes". Judd said everyone told him 'go for prizes during the POV competition, you are safe', but was worried everyone was just saying that so he wouldn't win POV and was going to get nominated.

    1:55pm bbt Judd/Elissa realize they both would visit Myrtle Beach, SC while in high school.

    Elissa: wouldn't it be funny if we were related?

  11. 1:25pm bbt Helen joins Judd/Jessie on the patio

    Helen: It's so wierd, I said for the first time all week, I don't know what happened, but production didn't leave me something fun in the storage room.

    (feeds cut to fish for 30 seconds)

    Helen(holding/talking into her mic): I was totally joking, Andy puts labels on things in the storage room and leaves them for me. He puts labels on the tampons and pretends they are from production. I was joking, it's Andy's fault.

    Judd asks if Elissa is going to marry Andy, then tries to decide if Polygamy and Bigamy are the same thing.

    1:28pm bbt Andy joins Judd, Elissa, Jessie on the patio. Candice, Helen in WA doing hair/makeup, Aaryn showering after her elliptical workout.

  12. 1:00pm bbt Jessie sharing about her life/siblings with Helen on the patio, Aaryn still on the eliptical, Candice showering.

    1:05pm bbt Helen asks Jessie what life is like in Beaumont, TX? Farming, industrial, etc? Helen says a friend of hers in college was very sheltered due to being raised in Jackson, MS. Jessie says 'everyone in Beaumont gets married right out of high school and stays there'. Jessie's mom/step dad met in a grocery store, she had Nascar shirt on, he had a Nascar hat on, bumped carts, got talking about the race that weekend, exchanged emails to talk about the race.

    1:10pm bbt Judd is up, joins Helen/Jessie on the patio talking about Nascar and Aggie football. Jessie's mom was born in 1959, Aaryn says her dad was born in 1955, mom born in 1959. Aaryn says her dad knows 'every female around her age from there. They call him Georgeous George, he won the Mr Sexy Leg contest at Texas State, before going to Texas A and M'

    1:15pm bbt Helen, Jessie, Aaryn, Candice, Judd are the only ones up.

    Judd: There are only 5 people up and it's 1 o'clock, this is crazy.

    1:17pm bbt Aaryn goes inside to pick out a bikini for the day. Her drawer is next to Andy's bed, so he wakes up.

    Aaryn: Are you naked under that blanket?

    Andy: No, I have underwear on.

    Aaryn: 11 million people have a screenshot of you in your underwear.

    Andy: whatever, I'm over it.

    1:19pm bbt GM is up. Aaryn wants to take a shower in the HOH, but GM says 'they locked it, I'm doing my blog soon and they are setting up for that.'

    Outside, Jessie tells Jude she is worried that if she doesn't win HOH, she's going up. Judd asks why, saying he wouldn't put her up, but avoids answering who he would nominate when Jessie asks. Jessie feels the order out could be Spencer, Jessie, Aaryn, GM, Judd, Andy... then it would be Helen, Elissa, McCrae, Amanda left.

    Jessie: Tell me if you don't see it that way. If you don't then I won't be worried.

    Judd: Who are you working with?

    Jessie: just you, and Helen and Elissa

    Judd: I really trust Helen, not Elissa as much

    Jessie: the only thing with Helen, is she is always going to do what's best for her.

  13. 2:35am bbt Andy/Amanda in cockpit, agree there is no plan to flip the vote this week. They speculate(again) that Judd is MVP, and decide if 'one of us'(Andy, Amanda, McCrae, Helen, Elissa) wins the next HOH, nominations should be Jessie/Spencer, with a backdoor open of voting out Judd.

    8am bbt HGs are still asleep. Checking late night, nothing changed regarding sending Candice home this week.

    8:30am bbt zzzzzzz....

    8:53am bbt no wakeup call yet, but Elissa is up and in the WA...

    8:57am bbt ... and Elissa is back in bed

  14. 10:50am bbt Helen/Elissa in SR debating who to evict. Elissa wants Spencer out, Helen wants to stick with Candice. Andy joins them, they don't include him in the debate. Helen leaves, Judd enters, then Elissa leaves. Andy tells Judd that Helen said no matter what, Helen is voting out Candice. They agree to let Elissa shoot herself in the foot with her vote. Helen comes back and they all agree Candice is out.

  15. 9:40pm bbt Andy has pulled Helen into the cockpit to tell her what GM is thinking about the nominations. They agree they may have to lose Jessie or Candice this week. Elissa comes in with the bullhorn to interrupt them. Spencer gets the bullhorn from Elissa, leaves and Elissa/Andy/Helen are left in the cockpit talking about the HOH comp and how happy they are for GM.

  16. 9:25pm bbt Tacos are served....

    They discuss that GM may get a Pandora's Box this week. Everyone says she has to open it, they won't be mad at her. Andy jokes whoever opens the Pandora's box, he will put on the block. Elissa is playing with Spencer's bull horn.

    Andy: Can we all agree that Elissa is way more annoying than Spencer with the megaphone?

  17. 9:15pm bbt Aaryn again tells GM, make sure when she talks to everyone, that she states if I don't put you up this week, then you agree not to put me up next week. GM reviews the discussion that Howard/Candice had with her last night, when they told her Andy was on board to evict Amanda. GM wants to share this with Helen, but wants Andy with her when she talks to Helen. Andy says Howard/Candice did the same with him, telling him that GM was on board.

    9:18pm bbt Helen joins them, talk turns to the 3rd BBQ spot contest. GM says they have lots to talk about. Aaryn/Helen leave GM/Andy alone in the cockpit. They review the Howard/Candice conversation again. GM tells Andy he is not going up, they hug and join the house.

  18. 9:00pm bbt Aaryn/GM in the cockpit, they are agreeing that the nominations will be Spencer and Candice, and Jessie the replacement nom if POV is played.

    9:10pm bbt Aaryn/GM are joined in the cockpit by Andy(surprise!). They discuss which two between Jessie/Spencer/Candice would be better to put up as nominees, to minimize a)who wins POV and b)who will seek revenge next week for being nominated. Aaryn tells GM to make sure when she talks to Helen that she says as HOH I want Candice out this week, because Helen respects what the HOH wants. Andy thinks this will be an easy week for the house, because whoever the HOH puts up won't matter, there are enough votes to get out who GM wants out.



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