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Posts posted by georgectv

  1. Jeff Schroeder interviews Spencer

    Jeff:How you feeling?

    Spencer:Just being out of the house after 90 days, seeing faces, amazing experience

    Jeff:What have you heard?

    Spencer:Things that happened during the show, ruffled feathers, how I was percieved

    Jeff:Some inappropriate things said

    Spencer:I'm still trying to wrap my head around it, I may have used some poor judgement, people who know me know I don't have hate in my heart. I don't want to blame it on the social aspect, but I apologize if I offended anyone, hope the good outweighs the bad of any jokes I made

    Jeff:Were you really not surprised Andy didn't take you to F2?

    Spencer:I was always concerned about depth of his relationship with GM, I knew they were tight

    Jeff:I didn't see it coming, I thought you had $50k locked

    Spencer:He was my best friend, but he didn't want me to win the POV cause he didn't want to put up GM, he never entertained evicting GM. But no one wanted him out.

    Jeff:You set a record, was that a plan?

    Spencer:9 times counting tonight.. um no, I had no allies, so everyone could put me up and keep their hands clean, I spent 40 days out of 90 on the block. I know on the block you stay quiet and calm and cool

    Jeff:Other record you broke was wearing the conway shirt every episode! What was your best game move?

    Spencer:Getting good at being on the block... and likeability, and play an honest game, knew what butt to kiss and when.

    Jeff:I think you played a good game, kept a level head, got 3rd place, it hurts but you took 3rd. My dollar store gift is bug spray with your picture on it. Would you come back?


  2. Jeff Schroeder interviews Aaryn

    Jeff:How's life after BB?

    Aaryn:ok... shocking

    Jeff:How about Julie's interview?

    Aaryn:caught off guard

    Jeff:what was your take when the audience didn't cheer?

    Aaryn:It was surreal, I don't really remember it, I was overwhelmed, I regret the Texas comment...

    Jeff:You were thinking about it, putting pieces together

    Aaryn:I've learned a lot, I was youngest, I hope people learn from it

    Jeff:did you grow from this?

    Aaryn:yes, 100%

    Jeff:would you do it again?


    Jeff: Candice said you/her have mended things?

    Aaryn:We got along in the jury house, and the bed flip wasn't race related, it was other things, I was frustrated about the whole day, I knew I was going up, and I thought whatever...

    Jeff:There were some racial things said, not just by you.. You played a great game, tied HOH win record, anything you'd change?

    Aaryn:I felt I needed to get myself on a level playing field when I joined McCranda alliance...

    Jeff:Any showmances going forward?

    Aaryn:David was just a flirtmance


    Aaryn:Was that aired? That shouldn't have aired, it wasn't storyline

    Jeff:all you can do is apologize and grow from it, that's what I've done. So here's my gift to you from the dollar store. It's a giant eraser with "MY BAD" written on it. Best of luck to you. You'll be back if they invite you?

    Aaryn:Heck yea!

  3. Jeff Schroeder interviews McCrae

    Jeff:I was pulling for you

    McCrae:You said you were Team McCrae

    Jeff:How was the experience? I know you're a huge fan

    McCrae:I think I did well, went home cause I didn't do well on that HOH. Amanda strengthened me, I only blame myself

    Jeff:You think Amanda helped your game?

    McCrae:Yea, there were aspects, but I was able to do damage control, I always could push her out front

    Jeff:I thought you were doing that, she was always the target, like Jordan knew I would go first. So you had a shot

    McCrae:Amanda said I was the Jordan in our relationship

    Jeff:Who wears the pants?

    McCrae:Me, but I was the mastermind in the relationship

    Jeff:So what's next?

    McCrae:Minnesota winters suck, nice in Fl, so... but I'll still deliver pizza

    Jeff:What town?

    McCrae:St Francis

    Jeff:You should open a pizza place! Fav moment?

    McCrae:Playing the Veto with Ian cheering me on

    Jeff:I gave you encouragement before you went in... anything you'd change?

    McCrae:I'd have thought more how seconds work?(due to HOH tie breaker)

    Jeff:Still allign with Amanda?


    Jeff:Fan question, why afraid to make big move and get Andy out?

    McCrae:I thought he wanted to work with me, that was why he got out Amanda, didn't go with my gut

    Jeff:Why do you think Elissa didn't stress it more?

    McCrae:I think they executed their plan very well, I had to keep things calm, in hind sight I should have

    Jeff:You played a great game, would you come back?

    McCrae:Yes please! Vote me in, I'd go back in right now!

    Jeff:You should talk to a therapist with that answer. Here's a dollar store gift for you, huge yellow tie with red dots

    McCrae:You should sign it for me!

    Jeff: I will!

  4. Jeff Schroeder interviews Elissa

    Jeff:Here with America's Fav HG... me, no this year it's Elissa

    Elissa:THank you America, I'm honored/flattered, don't you think?

    Jeff:yea, and some cash! They gave you the MVP votes

    Elissa:that was huge, I'm opening a wellness center, will put it towards that

    Jeff:Being MVP, do you think you'd been out without that power?

    Elissa:For sure, I had a target, my sister was a big BB player, the house wanted me out

    Jeff:How does it feel playing, what was the experience?

    Elissa:I owe Rachel so much, I didn't understand the intensity, it's all so complex, in depth

    Jeff:It's harder than you think going in?

    Elissa:a million times, I thought it would be easy-freezy

    Jeff:You turned it on during OTEV comp, Rachel side came out, made big moves, what sparked you?

    Elissa:I wanted to play with everything, didn't expect to be target so fiercely and agressively, it put me back, I didn't want to cause an uproar around me.

    Jeff:Why was that? the Rachel thing?

    Elissa:Obviously they didn't embrace that

    Jeff:Will you be friends with anyone?

    Elissa:Candice/Helen have a great bond, I like Andy, I'm so happy about tonight, and to have played. CBS puts so much into the sets, loved the challenges

    Jeff:Are you happy the interviews are done? Here's my dollar store gift, it's long eyelashes, you and Rachel can wear them, cause her favorite colar is sparkle!

    Elissa:Thank you, I enjoyed every minute.
  5. Jeff Schroeder interviews Jessie

    Jeff:Looking good and sexy tonight, will have to keep my eyes up here

    Jessie:Thanks Jeff!

    Jeff:You said I gave you advice before going in the house

    Jessie:You said remember this moment, you'll have down times in the house.

    Jeff:Thanks, you're my fav interview so far. How was the experience, any regrets?

    Jessie:no, I didn't want to float, people say I could have coasted to the end, but I didn't want to be that person, I wanted to get Amanda out

    Jeff:I think you stepped it up the last week, may have been too little too late

    Jessie:I tried to get to know others, but didn't really gel with anyone. people who partnered up had longevity

    Jeff:well you tried to partner up

    Jessie:we had some attractive guys, but it didn't work out

    Jeff:did you try to showmance?

    Jessie:I'm a relationship girl, I'm single, why not partner up, like you/Jordan did!

    Jeff:Anything with anyone?

    Jessie:I'm friends, but no romances

    Jeff:how was the jury house?

    Jessie:house was beautiful, but it was odd, there were flare ups

    Jeff:give us dirt, the game is over!

    Jessie:Amanda/Elissa had a tiff, but that's expected, right before leaving the house, I think pent up frustrations came out

    Jeff:how about you?

    Jessie:just little tension, like sister stuff, nothing from the game, honestly I read a lot in the jury

    Jeff:I used my time to decompress

    Jessie:I tried to enjoy my time there, it was fun, should have had cameras there, one night we were in bikinis partying, and thought cameras are in the wrong house.

    Jeff:learn anything?

    Jessie:I'm my own best friend, trust my instincts

    Jeff:you came in the house 'unemployed', that was your tag, so whats next?

    Jessie:I'm moving to LA, going to see if I can do some tv action

    Jeff:steal my job? I'm wrapping this up now.

    Jessie(takes mic): ok Jeff, what do we have here?

    Jeff:it's a flashlight from the dollar store, cause you were in the dark some time in the house.

  6. Jeff Schroeder interviews Kaitlin

    Jeff: Do you guys remember Kaitlin?

    Kaitlin: probably not!

    Jeff: How was your time in the BB house

    Kaitlin: Love/hate relationship, glad I got my foot in the door.

    Jeff:Would you do it again?

    Kaitlin:probably, it was a crazy season

    Jeff: you were part of the crazy, guilty by association, mean girls club

    Kaitlin:looking back, I was part of it, I've apologized. Some tonight have a rude awakening

    Jeff: Anyone you'll be close to?

    Kaitlin:The first 5, visited with Jeremy, David, Howard

    Jeff:Big question?

    Kaitlin:How are me/Jeremy? no pressure, we are doing good

    Jeff:He said the same thing, did you two practice this?


    Jeff:I gave him a doll of you, with a wine glass

    Kaitlin:I didn't drink the wine!

    Jeff: Biggest moment?

    Kaitlin:Helen got me voted out, then they got voted out, Karma! Personal attacks, people on twitter have told me what the House said about me

    Jeff:Who did you root for after you were out?

    Kaitlin: My perspective on Elissa changed, I wanted her/Judd for F2. I was rooting for GM, she's got a rude awakening, happy for Andy, didn't want him to win, but he played a good social game.

    Jeff:Fan question, LeeAn asks, if you didn't go out week 4, how would your game have changed?

    Kaitlin:I wouldn't have had Jeremy, I probably would have worked with Elissa. She stepped up...

    Jeff:And you were a gamer too, Elissa showed her stuff with OTEV POV.

    Kaitlin:I feel bad how she was treated, and I was part of it. I'll talk to her. We are all part of this big disfunctional game.

    Jeff:any advice for future players?

    Kaitlin:keep your mouth shut.

    Jeff:my gift for you... a sticker book, with a picture of you eating ice cream. Anything coming up?

    Kaitlin:well I'm in Vegas now... don't want to jinx it

    Jeff:contact you?

    Kaitlin:I'm on twitter...

  7. Big Brother Live From the Backyard with Jeff Schroeder:

    Jeff interviews Jeremy:

    Jeff notices Jeremy's hair is slicked back. Jeremy says he was somber tonight. Jeff asks how the season turned out. Jeremy says it was chaotic, he enjoyed it, the comps, never lived with 16 gross people before, he grew from it, he's a fan of BB.

    Jeff: Did you expect Andy to win?

    Jeremy: no, expect the unexpected

    Jeff: you played an agressive game, people called you a bully?

    Jeremy: one word, Amanda, I took second place to her

    Jeff: was that you, or just playing the game

    Jeremy: I'm compete, compete, compete, then I had to soften up, that's where the baby costume came in

    Jeff: what about you and Kaitlyn?

    Jeremy: we were something, we aren't nothing, taking it day by day, we live far apart, I have a soft spot for her, we spent last week in Vegas

    Jeff: doesn't have your letterman jacket?

    Jeremy: no but she has my pinkie ring

    Jeff: let's not put a name on it. You are tall and handsome, I'm intimidated, real men wear pink. My gift from the dollar store... a doll that looks like someone you know, and I put little glasses of wine in her glasses.

    Jeremy:this is fantastic, from the best BB player

    Jeff: What is next?

    Jeremy: I'll be out here

    Jeff: LeeAnn asks, would you do Survivor?

    Jeremy: yes cause I'm a Cherokee warrior

    Jeff: If you could bring one item on Survivor, would it be that doll I gave you?

    Jeremy: Yes but not for good reasons!

  8. 1:30am bbt F3 are in the LR. Andy says it's 1:30 and suggests going to bed. Spencer says it's the last night, let's stay up til 3! GM says maybe 2 or 2:30. Andy heads off to pee. GM can't believe it's the last night in the house. Spencer/GM conversation turns to the Triscuits Spencer is eating. Andy returns, and Spencer reads the story of Triscuits written on the box. GM asks what else Nabisco makes. Spencer starts reading the nutritional information off the box. GM asks Spencer to read the Triscuit story again, this time 'like you mean it'. Andy starts to quiz GM about what is written on the Triscuit box.

    1:35am bbt Andy questions if they have the choice of Chilis, Applebees, TGIFridays, where would you go. Spencer choices Fridays, Applebees, then Chilis. Andy/GM select just the opposite, agreeing for GM to come to Chicago to eat at Chilis with Andy.

    1:42am bbt GM says she thinks 2am is her bed time. Spencer/Andy agree. All three silently lay on the couches/chairs in the living room.

    1:46am bbt Andy gets up, says he is sleepy, checks the clock in the kitchen, and heads to the WC. GM/Andy head to bed, Spencer takes a minute longer in the LR, then heads to the WC to brush his teeth.

    1:55am bbt Spencer is now in bed also, reads over his HOH letter once more before going to sleep...

    8:30am bbt It's the final morning in the BB15 house! The HGs are still sleeping....

    8:47am bbt Andy is up! However, it's just to use the WC... by 8:54am he is back in bed...

    9:00am bbt We have FISH....

  9. 1:30am-1:38am bbt GM sat quietly in the hammock playing solitaire

    1:38am-1:56am bbt GM laid in the hammock, silently thinking about... the final HOH? winning BB? Nick?

    1:56am bbt GM goes inside, waking Andy long enough to ask her if she's going to bed. By 2:00am, she is under her blanket and all is quiet in the BB house.

    7:00am bbt All are asleep, and I don't expect that to change any time soon this morning...

    8:00am bbt still sleeping...

    (I have a dentist appointment in this next hour, but I doubt the HGs are going to surprise us and do anything this morning)

  10. 12:58am bbt Andy finds a deodorant stick, asks GM if it belonged to Judd? She asks Andy if he wants to smell like Judd. Andy isn't sure that Judd had a definitive scent.

    12:59am bbt Andy asks who the 4th toothbrush on the sink belongs to.. GM thinks it belongs to Nick.(really?)

    1:00am bbt Andy tells the others he finally wrote his name on the bathroom door. He says BB was yelling at him, 'so it was rushed, not my best work".

    1:04am bbt BB calls Spencer to the DR. Before going, he thanks GM for bringing him water last night. She says she was up and heard coughing, wasn't sure at first if it was Spencer or someone in the walls(BB). She says good night in case she is asleep before he gets back from DR.

    1:07am bbt GM/Andy get in bed, turn the light off. They compare notes, Spencer is telling both of them they will lose if they take the other one to F2, so they need to take Spencer to win. They confirm plans to take each other to F2, GM says she is excited about music in the morning, and they settle in for bed.

    1:20am bbt Spencer is out of the DR, heads to the WC, then climbs in bed and gets his HOH letter out to read before falling asleep.

    1:30am - 7:00am bbt It was a very restful night for all 3 HGs. No one got up in the middle of the night...

    7:15am bbt Only 3 more days for the HGs to sleep in.... and they are still this morning...

    8:30am bbt If you were wondering if the HGs are still sleeping... yes they are...

  11. 4:54am bbt GM is up from sleeping, goes to K for a snack, trip to the WC, back to the K for a drink, and back in bed by 5:03am.

    5:05am bbt Andy is up from bed, heads to... BB doesn't show where... until 5:07am when he is climbing back into bed.

    7:40am bbt The F3 HGs are still sleeping. GM said BB told them to expect an 8:15am wake up call this morning.

    8:15am bbt Feeds went from sleeping HGs to fish... must be time to wake them...

    8:39am bbt Back from 25 minutes of fish, Spencer is finishing his shower, and GM is doing her makeup.

    8:42am bbt Andy is also up, says it's 'shower time'. Spencer says the 'shower feels good brother, go get you some'.

    8:44am bbt Andy is in the shower, Spencer lays on bed in color room while GM sits in her bed doing her makeup.

    8:48am bbt GM/Spencer discuss what time they will be eating. Spencer says 'they said it would be brunch, so breakfast-y things".

  12. 9:25pm bbt Andy asks GM how much longer she could have held on? She says not for long. We hear a "boom", and glitter starts falling from the sky. GM starts screaming, lays on her back and starts making a glitter angel. In her excitement, she chokes on glitter that she swallows. She then tries to slide thru the bubble area of the floor, but finds it's not slippery enough.

    9:27pm bbt Andy/Spencer congratulate GM for winning part 1. Andy has his skates off and starts walking from the comp area. After brief Trivia, GM has her skates off as well.

    9:29pm bbt Back to the "HGs are playing a game that is secret" message, then trivia again.

    9:31pm bbt HGs are back inside. Spencer says that was quick! We went out at like 9 o'clock! GM says she definately swallowed glitter. They wonder what part 2 is like, Andy thinks it's like putting all the HOH's in order.

    9:35pm bbt HGs are in SR removing mic packs and talking food. After they leave SR, cam 3 gives us a brief glimpse of a BB crew member in the SR.

    9:36pm bbt GM says she knew there was going to be surprises, because she could look up and see things. Spencer says his method was to 'stomp' instead of skate, and points out McCrae would have been strong enough to pull himself up and skate longer than them. They decide against eating pizza tonight.

    9:38pm bbt GM is brushing wet glitter off onto the floor, saying she'll vacuum it up after it dries. Andy wants part 2 now, then tells GM part 3 is usually answering questions about jury members.

    9:40pm bbt Andy/Spencer don't feel too bad about losing the comp, because they tried hard. GM hopes that Nick is proud of her for roller skating/winning the comp. GM thinks it would have been a fun comp with a lot of them, then Spencer points out it would have been scary/dangerous. He says he never lasts long enough for the special effects.

    9:42pm bbt GM says she's always afraid to let go when she thinks she has won a HOH. She always asks 'Am I good?' before she will let go.

    9:44pm bbt Andy wonders how long they(BB) expected them to last, once they got the floor wet? "When they said 'endurance', I thought I could do this for 5 hours". Spencer says they lasted maybe 15 minutes after he fell, and he went for maybe 7-8 minutes? (Andy went down 11 minutes after Spencer, who went down at 9:12pm bbt. The comp had started when the feeds came back at 9:05pm bbt, but Spencer said they started around 9pm).

  13. 9:05:46pm bbt Feeds came back finally from Trivia. Part 1 of final HOH has the HGs wearing roller skates and holding on to a ski-bar device above their heads. They are roller skating in a circle, pulled by the device they are holding on. There are 3 separate rows of cones about a foot high that the have to step past/over/around. Spencer is 'walking' on his skates more than Andy/GM, who appear to be letting the bar drag them around the circle.

    They are making a point to avoid the cones, so I'm guessing if they knock one over, they are eliminated(other wise I'd just kick them out of the way.

    9:11pm bbt GM/Andy encourage Spencer with "come on Spencer, you've got it". His breathing is much more labored than GM/Andy.

    9:12:05pm bbt Spencer falls and is out of the competition.

    9:12:45pm bbt GM tells Andy he's going to get a surprise up top. Andy isn't sure what she means, she replies with "you'll see". Spencer yells out "I'll bet I hung on longer than ya'll thought I would!".

    9:13pm bbt Andy pulls himself into the air to go over a set of cones, doing a 360 while in the air. GM asks if he's trying to do some tricks?

    9:14pm bbt GM: You know, this isn't fun to do with a broken toe!

    Andy: You've got this... well, hopefully you don't!

    9:15pm bbt (Not sure if they were present before now, but I see) Bubbles are now falling from above onto the HOH comp area.

    9:18pm bbt The bubbles have stopped and GM/Andy are back to regular 'all skate'.(All except Spencer, so I guess it's 'couples skate'?)

    9:20pm bbt All feeds go to trivia for 5 seconds, when it comes back, a white fog is blown out from ground level in 3 different places. Feeds go back to trivia for 5 seconds. When they return, there is now water(?) coming down on them.

    9:21:20pm bbt Andy appears to be slipping quite a bit as he goes around.

    9:22pm bbt Both Andy and GM are pulling themselves up to get over the cones.

    9:22:10pm bbt Andy: ohhh my knee, f&*k, oh my god... he was going over a set of cones when he seems to have hurt his knee.

    9:22:30pm bbt Feeds cut to trivia

    9:22:55pm bbt Back from trivia, there is now foam on about a third of the course, covering one set of cones.

    9:23:25pm bbt Andy falls, GM wins! Spencer asks Andy how his knee is, but feeds go to trivia.

    9:23:50pm bbt Feeds are back, Andy says his knee is ok. Andy and GM both sitting on the ground, removing elbow/knee pads they had on.

  14. If I was McCrae after finding out about the Exterminators and knowing the plan is to evict him, I'd have started asking the others what their plan is for their end game, and give it one final shot with GM, to get her to realize that if she keeps Spencer, Spencer/Andy will take each other to F2, but if she votes out Spencer tonight and keeps McCrae... never give up until Julie says your name...

  15. 1:00am bbt Final 4 HGs sitting in LR talking about furniture, led by Spencer giving out the "you get what you pay for" advice.

    1:07am bbt Andy says good night and heads off to HOH. GM heads to kitchen for snacks, Spencer/McCrae start preparing for bed.

    1:14am bbt GM's doing dishes, Andy is pacing the HOH room while snacking.

    1:15am bbt Spencer watches GM clean dishes, they both agree they are going to bed. GM says she's going to do her nails while in bed, looks for bottle of nail polish, Spencer asks if that is the bottle that Candice put in the microwave. GM says it is and calls Candice an idiot. They head off to bed.

    1:20am bbt McCrae/Spencer are in their beds, lights off talking about their vision. Spencer says he has 20/15 eyesight. McCrae says he needs glasses. GM is sitting in her bed, painting her toenails.

    1:25am bbt McCrae/Spencer talk turns to finances, and McCrae's plans for a road trip to Florida this fall. Spencer suggests he take a train tour of the US, from Minnesota to Florida, thru Arkansas to stretch his legs at Spencer's house. They both see BB as an adventure in their life. Talk turns to 'everything happens for a reason' and what will happen next in their lives. Spencer says they got to experience everything, winning HOH/POV, he got 'taken to Candyland'... they both say they came in deciding to be themselves. Spencer plans to get married, have a kid, pay off his house, tells McCrae the sky's the limit for him.

    1:33am bbt GM is done doing her nails, now laying down in bed but still has the light on in the room.

    1:38am bbt Spencer/McCrae agree they don't want a job where they sit behind a desk working with numbers. Spencer says you spend 1/3 of your life working, so do something you enjoy, he enjoys his railroad job. Spencer continues to give McCrae life advice.

    1:45am bbt GM is out of bed, heads to WA to get ready for bed. McCrae/Spencer discuss going to Chicago and having Andy take them to gay bars to get hit on for free drinks. Spencer thinks it would be a confidence boost to get hit on by gay men.

    1:49am bbt GM is now in bed with nights off. Spencer/McCrae talk has turned to movies.

    1:58am bbt Spencer/McCrae wonder if the jury will be bitter. McCrae thinks this will be the most bitter jury ever. Spencer says he would be happy with any of the ones left in the house winning the money. He could see McCrae winning America's favorite player. They both would be sick if Elissa won it. They would like it split up between multiple people. Spencer says he thinks Amanda was the best game player in the house, and McCrae agrees. They feel the way Amanda played took a huge emotional toll on her.

    2:05am bbt Spencer knows that he has been the pawn so many weeks, but knew he had to make sure not to mess up while on the block. Spencer/McCrae talk turns to Jessie not being able to keep her mouth shut. Spencer says it's not about being right, it's about being here.

    2:13am bbt Spencer/McCrae still talking... Spencer asks if McCrae will still be a big fan of the show, now that he's been on it? McCrae thinks so... he remembers seeing a tweet from Matt Hoffman before this season started, saying Matt was excited for the season to start. Spencer questions if 3 from this season went to allstars... McCrae says GM, Amanda.. Spencer thinks Amanda, Andy, and GM, cause she has some wild, magnetic quality. Spencer then includes McCrae as a duo to come back with Amanda. Spencer says he would be overwhelmed if asked to come back again. They agree it was amazing for Dan to make it all the way to F2 twice.

    2:17am bbt McCrae starts to whisper... Spencer needs to keep talking to Andy on Thursday, that GM could beat him in F2, plus the bitter jury thing(McCrae is wanting Andy to use POV to nom/evict GM on Thursday). Spencer tells McCrae there is no way he would take GM to F2 over McCrae. McCrae says he doesn't know what is playing in Andy's head. Spencer says he will try to get in Andy's ear on Thursday.

    2:21am bbt Spencer/McCrae say nighty-night to each other and another day in the BB house comes to a close...

    7:01am bbt Spencer makes a trip to the WC, goes to SR to change batteries in his mic, and is back in bed by 7:05.

    7:30am bbt Houseguests are still asleep

    8:00am bbt Still sleeping...

    8:30am bbt Nothing has changed...

  16. 2:05am bbt In the HOH, Spencer is up for a trip to the HOH restroom, but goes right back to bed.

    2:08am bbt Downstairs, GM makes her way to the WC, checks her knee bandage out, and heads back to bed.

    3:55am bbt It's Andy's turn to visit the WC...

    7:00am bbt Everyone is still sleeping.... Judd/McCrae are the only ones to have stayed in bed since before 2am...

    7:58am bbt Feeds switch to Trivia?

    8:15am bbt Feeds are back! The lights are on and we see... Spencer and McCrae sleeping...

    8:16am bbt GM limps to SR, and then the feeds go back to trivia. For a few seconds, the feeds displayed the message "The Big Brother Houseguests are playing a game that's secret until the next tv episode. The live feed will be up again soon". So don't be surprised if there isn't much to report on today.

    8:22am bbt All 4 feeds are displaying this message: "The Big Brother Houseguests are playing a game that's secret until the next tv episode. The live feed will be up again soon", then go back to rotating trivia questions again.

    8:30am bbt ... and trivia continues...

  17. (going to go back and check the house from 2:30am forward last night)

    2:30am bbt Spencer/Andy only ones awake now, in HOH Spencer congratulates Andy on his game play, how he could bust into any room and people would include him in their game talk, while they would decide to go to bed if Spencer walked in. Spencer tells Andy if he gives a shout out to Staten Island in his final 2 speech, he'll be certain to get GMs vote.

    Spencer feels if he is in final 3 with McCrae/GM, either of them would take Spencer to F2. Spencer feels McCrae would take Andy over Spencer to F2(laying the groundwork for Andy to vote out GM if McCrae wins HOH next week and Andy wins POV, putting SPencer/GM on the block and Andy the only vote).

    2:36am bbt Spencer asks Andy about the 3 AM alliance and how long it lasted. Andy says only a few weeks, Amanda started it by telling Andy that she had pulled Aaryn in, so how could Andy say no? Spencer gives Andy credit for breaking up the moving company.

    2:27am bbt Judd gets up, causing GM to get up and tell him what he should say to Spencer/Andy about the McCrae/POV idea

    2:40am bbt Spencer/Andy still reviewing the season in HOH, Judd wanders thru kitchen, passes McCrae who is awake. McCrae tells Judd it's 2:40, and Judd heads back to bed.

    2:46am bbt McCrae has joined Spencer/Andy in HOH, discussing how much they never could trust Helen. Spencer says Helen always talked about her game in terms of being in the final 2. Andy says, when there were people like Helen/Amanda out in the foreground making moves for us, why should we stick our neck out and mess up our game? (making a good case for F2 speech in answer to the jury question of being a floater?)

    2:52am bbt Andy asks McCrae about his talk with GM(and the idea of him using the POV on her). They all agree it would be a dumb move on McCrae's part, even though he does trust them. They agree they have great odds of all making it to the final 3. Andy asks if they are leaning towards voting out Judd? Andy would prefer keeping him in the dark about the vote. McCrae says not having cigarettes will make him all the more anxious, so Spencer says give the guy some, there's only 10 days left and it will make Judd so much easier to live with the next few days.

    3:00am bbt Spencer/Andy/McCrae still in HOH, Andy snacking on Spencer's HOH food, all still rehashing moments in the season.

    3:05am bbt Andy heads to kitchen for more snacks, comes back and they discuss Howard's stray vote the week Nick left.

    3:18am bbt Spencer/Andy/McCrae are still in HOH discussing the season. Spencer feels the Moving Company being outed caused the others to allign quickly. Andy laughingly points out the house was scared of the 3 person alliance of Spencer/Howard/Candice. Judd is awake again, roaming the house, then heads outside to patio, somehow has a cigarette to smoke.

    3:20am bbt Spencer asks McCrae when the Moving Company formed? McCrae says day 2, causing Andy to get upset cause he was hoping to see it happen on the feeds when he goes back to watch.

    3:22am Judd heads back inside to the kitchen, Spencer points out seeing him on the HOH screen. Judd joins them in HOH and they continue reminiscing about the season.

    3:31am bbt HOH talk is about Howard. McCrae says Spencer was right about Howard, he should have been on Road Rules, divide up into 2 sides and just go at each other each day.

    3:34am bbt HOH talk turns to Candice. Andy says part of his plan became "when in doubt, blame Candice". Spencer says if Howard/Candice had kept their mouth shut and just smiled/laughed, instead of scrabbling and getting nervous about the votes, they would have been ok. Andy can't imagine what it would have been like trying to talk strategy with Candice if she had won HOH.

    3:41am bbt Judd leaves HOH, heads to kitchen, Spencer/McCrae/Andy still talking about the season/HGs. By 3:45am, Judd is back in the HOH with the guys.

    3:48am bbt Andy asks McCrae if it was obvious to the cameras when him/Amanda were having sex in the house. He doesn't think so(but yes, it was). McCrae says she took advantage of him every time. He says if he could do the season over, he would do 'without that stuff'. Spencer questions him, and McCrae says he was referring to the extra curricular activities in the house.

    3:57am bbt McCrae's turn to go to the kitchen for snack, the others take the time to discuss GM's attempt to get McCrae to use the POV on her(don't expect that to happen).

    4:00am bbt McCrae is back in the HOH with the guys. By 4:10, they are playing F/M/Kill with the female HGs. When McCrae selects Elissa as a choice of 'kill', McCrae jokes they are going to use that in their final 2 speech against him.

    4:15am bbt Judd is frustrated there have been so many puzzles. "Next we are going to have to solve a puzzle to use the bathroom!" Talk turns to the racist events in the house, black/white-fish-gate...

    4:24am bbt Andy heads downstairs, preps for bed, and is in bed by 4:35. Spencer/McCrae/Judd are still in HOH discussing which BB season had the best looking females. (All of this HOH conversation has been extremely boring!)

    4:58am bbt Judd heads downstairs to bed, leaving McCrae/Spencer to discuss game a little. Spencer says Andy has kept him safe in the game, McCrae wants to know if they have "anything", or if GM/Andy have any deal? Spencer doesn't think so, saying he can't beat Andy in the F2, he is the most dangerous for anyone to take to F2. McCrae says he's worried about getting cut at F4. McCrae says GM is willing to make a deal after the POV ceremony. They agree Andy wants to take GM over Judd into next week, and that it's probably for their best as well. McCrae's only fear is if GM/Andy have a deal.

    5:20am bbt Spencer/McCrae head downstairs, get ready for bed, and all is dark/quiet in the house by 5:40. Spencer is listening to music still in dark HOH room until 5:50am, when feeds switch to sleeping HGs downstairs.

    7:15am bbt Everyone is sleeping...

    8:20am bbt Nothing has changed... they are still sleeping....

  18. (going back to catch what happened after Niteslacker's great reporting :) )

    4:58am bbt Judd/Spencer in HOH doing some Amanda bashing in the HOH, Andy and 'friends' GM/McCrae settling into beds in the color room.

    5:00am bbt Judd/Spencer head downstairs. They check in on Andy/GM/McCrae, then head to WA to brush.

    5:05am bbt Spencer is back in HOH going to bed, Judd is in color room with others. Judd mentions getting the pillow Elissa had, causing them to start a chorus of 'Ding dong, the witch is dead', giving us FOTH.

    5:09am bbt Everyone is in bed and lights are off...

    5:10am bbt BB: Give me 15 jumping jacks! Judd gets out of bed, does his 15 jumping jacks in the dark, and get's back in bed.

    BB: I don't like your attitude!

    The HGs have named the voice 'Sargent Big Brother'.

    BB: Stop your whining!

    5:15am bbt BB:Give me 10 sit ups little girl! Judd says he can't even see the floor, but gets down in the dark again and does them. Andy says he did them and is going back to bed, so you don't have to say anything.

    BB: If I wanted your opinion, I'd give it to you!

    GM cracks up laughing, says she loves this guy.

    7:30am bbt They are all still sleeping...

    8:00am bbt Still sleeping...

    8:07am bbt BB whistle blows, signaling time for Judd to exercise. It blows 3 times, and Judd hasn't moved yet. On the 4th blow, he wakes up and gets out of bed.

    BB: Give me 10 push ups, maggot!

    Judd: push ups? Godddd... He starts does them, then crawls back into bed.

    BB: I don't like your attitude!

    8:40am bbt Just because the HGs are sleeping, doesn't mean I am... still watching them do nothing but rest...

  19. 5:16am bbt Judd got up to visit the WC, then heads... 5:20am bbt back to bed.

    6:16am bbt Judd is up and on the move again, this time BB keeps all 4 cams on the bedrooms until... at 6:26am bbt We find Judd sitting alone in the cockpit. He heads to the kitchen, and comes back to the cockpit with a snack. It's 6:30am bbt and Judd is having an early morning snack alone in the cockpit. By 6:36, he is finishes, cleans up, and heads back to bed by 6:42am.

    7:30am bbt Everyone is asleep this morning in the BB house, but tonight's live double eviction episode should be amazing!

    8:15am bbt HGs are still saving up their energy for tonight's live show.

    8:30am bbt If you aren't watching the feeds, don't worry, I am and you aren't missing anything(no surprise)

    8:45am bbt No change... every still sleeping...

    9:00am bbt We are still waiting for BB to wake the HGs and start preparing for tonight's live double eviction show.

  20. 2:10pm bbt BB calls GM to the DR... and comes up yelling for everyone to get up, it's HOH camera time. She tells Andy her blog went well, she did good, she was on top of it, she says she had a birthday, the zingbot, the chickensuits, Judd came back, Aaryn left, did it real quick, used spell check, it was really good. She needs people to take pictures of... GM... so whoever wants that job... Andy is the only one awake and playing photo-time with GM. (Elissa is still silently sitting on the patio)

    2:13pm bbt GM heads to the Kitchen, takes a picture of herself with her key. BB calls for an ILD, causing Elissa to come inside. GM wants Elissa to go upstairs to take pictures of her in the HOH room. Elissa says they can do a full photo shoot. Andy is up out of bed, but everyone else is still sleeping.

    2:15pm bbt Andy/Elissa join GM in the HOH room. Elissa starts playing photographer for GM's photo shoot, GM is wearing the HOH robe, picture on the bed, GM in the tub. While GM changes to her BB Baseball jersey, Elissa/Andy take a picture together. GM is changing into her bathing suit. Elissa says the music yesterday was so good, but today was a letdown, "When Jennifer Lopez is your best choice..."

    2:20pm bbt Elissa is listening to Britney Spears cd while Andy takes pictures of GM. Elissa: These are for Nick! Andy says BB is going to yell at GM for wearing heels(because of her toe). Judd gets called to the DR.

  21. 1:00pm bbt Everyone is asleep, except GM, who is still doing her makeup in the HOH room.

    1:15pm bbt GM has made her way downstairs to the WA. Using sink to wash/condition her bangs. Now on to the blow dryer.

    1:23pm bbt BB:Gina Marie, please report to the Head of Household bedroom. GM: Yes sir!

    1:24pm bbt GM climbs the stairs, opens the HOH door, and says 'yeaahhh'... but we don't get to see anything... all cams switch to sleeping HGs.

    1:27pm bbt BB calls Elissa to the DR. She lifts her head, rolls onto her back... then gets up... (it's an exciting day in the BB house)

    Judd wakes up, tells Elissa he is so sleepy. He is going to go take a shower, thinks GM should be getting the HOH camera soon. Elissa wants to work out. They suggest possibly running together. Elissa thinks the air quality is worse here.

    1:34pm bbt Elissa has gone to DR, Judd is back asleep, but Spencer is now up and headed to WA...

    1:37pm bbt ... and Spencer is back in bed asleep.

    1:44pm bbt Elissa is back out of the DR, in the kitchen cleaning out the coffee pot. Andy comes walking thru, she tells him her concerns that Judd/Spencer are working together, and reconfirms that Andy is ok with voting out Spencer on Thursday. Andy agrees, then heads to the WA.

    1:45pm bbt BB calls Spencer to the DR, so he is back up and heads in.

    1:50pm bbt With Spencer in the DR, Elissa is now the only HG visible that isn't asleep. She is cleaning the kitchen. Spencer comes out of DR and goes back to bed.

    1:53pm bbt BB calls Andy to the DR, but we don't see him on any feeds, to know if he goes or stays in bed. BB gives Elissa a 'thank you' for cleaning the camera glass in the kitchen.

    2:00pm bbt Elissa is preparing a bowl of grapes to snack on...

    2:03pm bbt FOTH.. for about 15 seconds, then back to... Elissa on patio eating grapes, and everyone else sleeping.



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