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Everything posted by georgectv

  1. 8:05 Maggie to Eric: oh, your a fireman but can't lift a hot plate... Eric: but I can answer right! Rachel is tweesing her eyebrows Ivette teases Eric for calling the Milk 'deary' I: and people say I have an accent, it's dairy, not deary... James: what is a plasmodium... April: we don't care... is it gross? James: it's bile... it comes out of your liver... kitchen group teases April for BB saying her mic is obstructed, Rachel is drying her hair, Kaysar is still sleeping... 8:10 Howie strolls to the kitchen, Eric asks when he got to bed, and Ivette calls him a vampire... Ivette says some come to restaurant and ask for their bagel burnt... how she says it gets Eric laughing... the two talk about old Jewish ladies and how they order at restaurants... I: have you heard of IGT card? In Good Taste... you connect it to your credit card, and you save 20%... I have ladies come back saying, I didn't realize it was on the IGT card... they'll talk to a friend when they get home.. E: I'll go to Vegas, someone with the most flashy stuff on... I'll tell them you are from the east coast, aren't you... I: (with jewish lady accent) I want a cup of decaf coffee E: (same accent) is the decaf fresh? has it been sitting long? E: we go to eat, Julie goes thru 5 minute disertation about not eating dairy... I think I'll have to halibut... is it good?(to the waiter) Ivette talks of someone eating tuna sandwich and blowing up, allergic to peanuts... acts like a mind reader... you are aleeeeergic to.... peanuts! 8:16 Jenny makes it to the kitchen, to oohs and ahhs of little Jenny... Ivette gives up her spot at the counter for Sarah... Sarah starts saying Beau in the spa yesterday was soooo funny, doing a head-bopping thing... laughing about Beau/Howie interaction(when Howie teasingly comes on to Beau) Michael is pushing on the wall gold room, trying to find another summer of secret Sarah asks the others if they would be better off not eating, if the food comp involves eating... E: it's on a need to know basis, and you don't need to know... H: we may need to eat? talk of past BB, with people throwing up, and Josh filling his pants with food... they found him annoying, and wanted him gone the first day... E: and he was from New York, was probably a Yankees fan! Sorry, it ain't happening this house! I:and when he'd go to the cauwsh( they tease how she says couch)... I think everybody's an idiot in this house! they go on about Josh, and how he talked of his girlfriend 'Mare-wit' BB: attention HGs, there are fresh batteries in the DR 8:25 Sarah tells of a dream to go to DR, she goes in and asks what's going on, and BB says nothing... fish... 8:27 back from fish.. HG getting fixed up for food comp at 9:00-ish... talk of spending $4/day at Starbucks... E:$4/day times 7, $28 a week... call it $30/week... $112... almost $1300/year, your car insurance, on coffee... I: he's being a jew people, never mind him... E: when I can go to the store and buy a bag... it will last me 2 months... Eric talks of Julie having a sensitive stomach... at 30 became lactose intolerant like that... 8:30 April and Kaysar discuss PBJ in bathroom while getting ready... A: I say it PB M J.. say it all together.. hyphenate it... should be PB and J... Kaysar mentions burger joint, In and Out... they think for food comp they will work together... think it will be fun... A: like jumping in a jelly pond... taking off clothes... K: ohh, I'm not striping down... A: yea, Michael said that too... well, if they told you.. K: it won't matter.. A: ...they said you have to compete in the competitions K: they said you have to deal with your customs... A: how many times have I worn makeup, 2 times? I'm just trying to look a little bit decent... Maggie comes in, recognizes Aprils top as one she used to have M: they had that at the Gap, in 50 different colors 8:34 Eric, Ivette talk about beds for their kids... E: we already had this discussion,and I lost... we already have queen sheets... April looks at a bump on Ivettes head... Eric mumbles to April, Ivette at the counter(James close by also) that " it doesn't have to be an elaborate scheme, I'll just put him up.. that's what kept me up last night... I can't do that'[the big plan to decieve Michael?] E: I said this was a game... I don't think it hit everyone until Ashlea left... I think it's going to start rolling now 8:38 April tells everyone that Beau fixed the sink[bathroom sink was leaking] James: just because you fixed one sink doesn't make you a plumber! lol E: Beau, you fixed the sink? B: all you have to do is turn it tight, so it doesn't leak E: I told everyone, all these macho guys, and... oops, it's still leaking, they think it might be the seal isn't seated[reminds me of an early Steve Martin joke, I thought you said socket, not sprocket.. isn't this the plumbers convention?] Eric suggests they have BB look at it during lockdown... 8:42(18 minutes until annouced food comp) Eric/April whispering at counter about Michael again... A: only thing is, Janelle might say... talk seems to be of putting up Janelle, and April telling Janelle she is safe... and also strategy of 'Eric saved you'[after the fact when Janelle isn't evicted?] [4 feeds all showing Eric/April, but they are at counter whispering, and others talking are over powering the audio] 8:45(15 minutes to FC) [all gets oddly quiet] A: I get... when he touches me, it's wierd, like he has a wierd spirit E: all I can tell you, is you are safe, you are safe... James/Eric/April... doesn't matter who he nominates, it's a lose-lose for him... then Beau comes running out with a shirt of Howie's, throws it on the floor and jumps on it(not really sure why, except the don't seem to like it lol) Ivette talks of (tommy-bomma?) clothes E: when they said how many were watching, I was... [feeds caught BB last night telling HGs before the show that 10 million would be watching] James: that's when I got nervous! 8:50(10 minutes til FC) feeds switch to gold room, Howie, Jan getting ready.. Howie being Howie... Jan thinks she's too tan... J: what do you think the secrets are Howie? H: I think there's money in the safe... I'll find it and you'll want to have your way with me... Michael comes in to get ready also... Michael asks her for a morning hug... and he steals a kiss at the end... Howie asks where his hug is! 8:55 BB: Maggie, please go to the Storage room
  2. 7:30 everyone up and moving around, thanks to the BB announcement Eric mentions some that were up at 2:30 in the morning... vampires... Ivette notices it's VERY cold in the house this morning 7:37 April asks Eric if he knew about getting up early today, he says yes, and she asks why he didn't tell everyone... he says he couldn't... says he did tell those up still at 2:30am that they should get some sleep... Eric is asking Michael if he put fish in the freezer to cool, because all the ice smells like fish... then he starts doing the 'this stinks, smell it' routine with everyone at the counter, and Maggie calls him on it [lol] 7:40 quick whispered strategy session in the kitchen between Eric, Maggie, James, Sarah, Ivette and April... Jen is in the shower shaving her legs... April says someone made the comment, 3 months in the house, this will be fun... "you weren't out there"... is saying 'he is flirting all over" (may be talking about Beau, not sure) Ivette is eating, says she's going to eat an english muffin also, in case she ends up on PBJ [three letters I have the worse time typing!] Eric: I think I've listened to that cd twice already E: that's probably why they are doing it so early(food comp), so that it's not blazing hot out there 7:47 April is searching for the english muffins, thinks they are all gone... Ivette says there are more in the storage room... Ivette comments about staying in a hotel, it's a dream... Beau was in the dream... Sarah says she had a dream about a hotel also... Ivette describes the dream, says Eric was disappointed about something, ends with I and Beau going shopping 7:50 Eric shows his hand to Maggie, then starts telling others, when he is stressed his finger swells, arm and lymph node will get red... Ivette: so your job doesn't stress you, but this house does?! lol E: all they said to me(BB), is that we were getting up early, and to keep my mouth shut... and I went to bed at 2:30... I have a feeling it's physical, so they are doing it before it gets hot out [or before their bodies have a chance to wake up? lol] 7:54 pairs are subtly becoming more obvious.. Ivette and Beau sitting at the counter, Maggie sitting at the counter, Eric leaning from the otherside chatting with her.. What's up hippie Maggie.. 7:56 still sleeping... kitchen talk about CoasterToss... Howie going crazy trying to beat Eric... they played again last night... talk of Howie at work, how crazy he must be... James explains that the kitchen water is on separate heater from bathroom... James: genius, if you haven't figured out yet, this one is on a separate tank than that one talk of the theory that hot water freezes faster than cold water [sounds like a job for the Myth Busters team!] 8:00 Howie is up in the gold room... Ivette commented there will be a HOH and co-HOH [not sure where she got that idea, may be teasing Eric]
  3. 7:29 Rachel and Beau sitting at the round table, Beua eating breakfast... Beau notices a fish and questions if it is dead... Rachel says no, and whispers to Beau that they aren't supposed to talk about it... then they comment about overfeeding the fish and that being just as bad for the fish... Cam 1/2 swith to the HOH room, show Eric moving around... 7:30 BB: Good morning HG, it's time to get up today... BB: Good morning HG, you have 90 minutes until the food competition...
  4. 3:30 Howie, Rachel and Ivetter in the bathroom... H: if you get it wrong, you are out... sounds like the rules to HOH game... it's questions... if everyone gets the question right, slowest person is eliminated... but if you get it wrong, doesn't matter the speed, you are out...
  5. 2:38 Michael/Jan are in the gold room, Michael is showing how smart he is to her... but telling her the difference between I'm good and I'm well... and further vs farther... she tries to explain, then he explains Jan: that's what I said but not in those big words.. M: ok, I'll give you a D - Jan is waiting 10 minutes to rinse something off her face or body he asks what she looks like without a tan... she says that was her when she came in the house... M: get the feeling we are being watched? Jan leaves to rinse(something in her mouth?), the a BB voice speaks to Michael, and he leaves to change living room is arranged for show... 5 on each couch, and 4 stools at the far end of the room back to fish...
  6. 1:45 Michael/Jan play their game again, of repeating each other, saying the phrases with different intonation, going from statement to question to emphatic... You're making me nervous You're making me laugh... you're mocking me... you're fascist... you are mocking me [i think my feeds are stuck? lol] [4 cams of this? lol] he thinks we're retarded you're making me laugh (it turns sexy for a second) you're getting angry you are getting angry I'm smiling you are smiling you are/aren't happy I am happy you are interjectic you have fleas I feel offended you have bugs in your mouth! I do not have bugs in my mouth! you are annoyed you're questionable I disagree [anyone getting this recorded, it's pretty good if you can hear it] you are on my nerves (we get a cam of Ashlea watching for a second) dork you are an extreme dork you make me laugh you make me cringe I'm getting annoyed with you Jan:I have to go to the bathroom, excuse me! Michael: that was classic... He trys with Ashlea.. jeans and a top... doesn't last more than a few seconds [if any one knows how to save a real player clip, let me know quick, I'd love to have this exchange recorded]
  7. 1:38 (conversation about who is a lesbian in the house didn't go any farther) back to random comments A: James said aparently you haven't been able to blow dry your hair, and I said yes I have! [lol] Michael is dancing with Jan, gives her a big dip before they stop... Beau is putting something on James pinky, after asking who wanted to be in the pinky club, but saying April can't because she is married [not a pinky swear I hope! lol] April says she doesn't think hers will stay... April asks Sarah if she's wearing jeans tonight... April says Kaysar needs to wake up... goes to find him... cam switches to bedroom, where Eric is making a face to us...
  8. 12:50 back from fish... someone tells eric Janelle has been blow drying her hair for 1 1/2 hours... Howie gets onto Jen for singing... Howie says Jen jumped into bed with him 2 nights ago... J: because I thought you were Beau! Howie walking thru asks if a table has been cleaned... [lol] Ivette says she broke her diet, had an english muffin James says 'these are only 25 grams' Michael is helping Janelle make bed in the gold room... sheet is fieldcreast, Jan says it's from Target or Macys Howie: if I'm evicted, can I take one of these? I mean, it's my house can't I take my couch? [lol he really is funny, IF you can edit out all his lewd/gross comments] H: you think I should sit next to my little Jenny or Jan during the live show tonight? R: sit between them... H: yea... Howie talks of playing CT after he wins HOH tonight... tells Jen and Jan he sitting between them tonight... 12:56 Howie tells Beau his toothpaste thing is awesome someone tells James he looks like Woody from Toy Story... then they decide Eric is Buzz.. 1:00 H: you can't have everything, where would you put it... Jen:the sad thing is, there are probably women outside who can't wait to meet you... H: you deserve a kiss-i-poo... she tries to pass, but he leans over the couch and kisses her, then acknowledges others in the living also... even James[james must be ready to kill Howie] Howie start kissing up to Eric for no real reason... example of what he will say if Eric gets HOH... H: Lets say Jenny goes back to her dull life... would you really go back to your dull life, or be here? or Michael going back to his fake accents, his swords on the wall, polishing them while he watches his favorite movie, or Beau, doing his gay travel thing, or be here with the fellas and girls... or Sarah, going back into her shell again, being anti social.. or Cappy, you really think you like sliding down poles for a living? you'd rather be here... in the BB6 household E: have you watched this show before? H: twice, serious I: Howie, you're the man! If you'd clean up your mouth, Rachel would be all over you... [lol this is so good, I'm getting farther behind live trying to get it all!] I: he'd appreciate you, but he has to put up this facade for the demographics... lol Maggie to Beau... did you look at my outfit? Howie to Beau... for a guy that doesn't work out and sits on his butt and eats like a slob, you have some nice body parts... I: he's helpful, he's sweet, but he's just a mess... he's one of those friends... he's great... I and Jen together... BUUUTTTT... Rachel: just don't talk to him H: all right, let me prep you all for live show... don't look in the camera, when you look at Julie... try to look over her left shoulder, she's a righty... like cable tv, there's a slight amomoly.. anonoly... look to her left, and you'll look right at her... don't answer unless she asks you directly... this is live national tv with millions of viewers... I: (BB voice) could I please have 5 and 5 sitting please... H: I'm in the middle of Jan and Jen tonight... next week will be Ivette and Sarah... I: Julie has yet to come back and tell us who won HOH... H: they are changing the HOH room, we should go get one more look, they are sliding it around, each week, I read that in... Howie to Jan... I'm giving everyone the drill, millions and millions of viewers.. do make sudden moves to the lens... look slightly to the left... the camera is slightly off... 1:05 Howie says he won't curse, because he wants air time... [lol now he thinks of this? lol] Howie asks if the gold room is cleaned up... [he's soooo helpful! lol] Maggie and Jen ironing, doing a bit of whispered talking, discussing going for HOH... Ivette is sure show will be on live at 5... because it's on at 8 in Miami Rachel, so it's on at 6 in Colorado? Ivette says it's only live on the east coast... Howie corrects her that Central time is live also.. Ivette remembers her brother in Chicago sees shows live... discussion if it's on live of tape delay west coast depending on how 'big' a show it is for the network... H: 5 isn't primetime James: yea it is, because no one in California works 1:18 Ivette, Sarah and James agree Howie is the funniest in the house... Ivette says only Michaels eyes look good... James says Micahel has breasts from possible steriod use... I: Howie is perfect, says funny stuff... I won't get time because of my potty mouth... James: yea you will, you'll be the drama queen... I: he likes me, but I'm too much... he would like me but as a friend... you(sarah) are perfect, you're sweet, cute... a nice balance... James: my parents never cared when I brought home Latin girls... Howie back on the couch with I/S/James I: Howie is at a point in his life when he wants a 3 year lease, not ready to settle down.. it's half time for you... Mrs Longterm you aren't even going down that path right now... the 4 then discuss their time in the house and what Howie may accidently do when he meets Julie if evicted[read between the lines, Howie is in the conversation] 1:30 I/S leave to get fixed up... Michael walks into/out of the room... True or false, Sean Connery was in Mr Universe... true... James and Howie discuss beating Eric at CToss... Howie comments the place looks good... they get up... [and the 4 feeds stay on the living room for a second! then ALL 4 switch to the gold room?!?!?] where we find Howie, Michael and James, but James leaves... Howie, tapping safe: there's a gold nugget in there M: there is, my xray vision tells me so H: you're lying, because it's lined with lead... M: really? Howie then gives an explanation of lead coming from tree bark [which must be a secret, because we go to FOTH] 1:35 Howie rubbing Jan's shoulders at the counter... few others sitting around... Howie: ok, week one's over, who do I bash next week... Sarah, you'll be my project... only cause I love you... Howie asks if there is always a gay guy in the BB house... Rachel: ever a gay girl? Michael(I think) says there is in this one... they start to ask how he knows... A: unless they told you, you can't know... R: I told you not to tell! H: who is the lesbian? I could care less who is.. tri quadro... I've been asexual the last couple weeks... MOD PICK UP!!!! :!: :wink:
  9. 12:35 sound of vacuum in the other room James: Michael, could you tell them to stop vacuuming, I'm trying to take a nap... Jen and Ivette cleaning windows, Jan still working on her hair(it was Rachel not Jen at the mirror a few minutes ago) April is in the shower, says the water is cold, it's freezing... Maggie telling Michael she has a blister Maggie: it's from my... oh wait, it can't be from my own shoes... someone asks Jan how long it takes her to do her hair... Michael asks Maggie how long she's been a nurse(3 years), how much school? (6 years) do you like it?(love it) wear a little white outfit(scrubs)[she's a nurse, not a dancer] Mike: when you see someone walking in scrubs, things over their shoes, it's because they were in surgery? (yea) so when you see them walking around outside, that's because they are just done, didn't bother to take them off? Mag: yea, that's wierd Howie comes in the bedroom, gets confused when Maggie says everyone will come in to put on more makeup Michael... the truth is, if you boil a condom, you can fit it over a telephone booth... it can fit over a mini cooper, it's been done before [i only includec that because it didn't get worse, and was so odd to hear! lol] 12:45 Michael walking thru the house, stops when passing Jen J: what? M: (shaking hands) nice to meet you (and he goes on walking Howie is walking around, watching everyone clean... H: those dots are on the inside(to Ivette washing a mirror) I: you can get these H: you just need to rub harder Ivette and Eric are cleaning mirror next to each other... I: listen, cappy... E: don't get me cranked up... I: I was going to say something, but never mind... James walks up: you know what, I left my water bottle outside and I know it's gone now... because I ran into the be-- and FOTH... 12:47 the fish are swimming around, appear to be trying to clean the tank for tonight with their fins... two fish are in the corner playing gravel toss... and one fish keeps hitting on another one, calling it 'my little fin'...
  10. 12:15 everyone is getting ready for tonight... well, except Eric who is perfecting CToss[i get dibs on making a gif of CToss for my new icon!] Maggie joins him for a game, but pausing to whisper VERY softly... H: are you still playing this coaster.... E: come on, at least give me a challenge... E/M start a new game... Beau, Sarah, Ivette in the bedroom, Ivette thought a glasses case was a cd case... April and Rachel are in the Gold Room, April complaining that 'she has three drawers of stuff.. Howie calls Eric into another room, and Eric replies to a question by Howie with "Brian Bosworth", then returns to play CT/whister with Maggie 12:20 James repeats his claim of seeing April moon him this morning(she stood on tip toes to see in the fish tank)... April will only admit to maybe one cheek James tries on Kaysar glasses, is said he looks like Dexter from Pinky/Brain cartoon... April says the bathroom doesn't need to be cleaned because they won't do a view of that... Eric/Maggie still having fun with CT, crack up when Michael walks in and trips on the table... he joins in the game of CT... M: are we playing 'in the middle'? E: anything... on the table... [i know what I'm getting my kids for christmas!] 12:25 M: hey, you guys have more than me, let me use the blue ones also... E: I'm just unbeatable... (Beau walking thru making cat noises) Michael leaves the game to join the bedroom group laying around... Eric, Maggie are at the vacuum, Eric changing the filter/bag, we get some zoomed feeds of the BB vacuum, Maggie is going in the DR to ask for a... [what? didn't hear it, will risk my feeds to rewind it in a sec] [advil cold/sinus] Howie: Rach, the worse that happens is you go on the nomination block, come on? 12:30 Beau steals the vacuum while Eric is leaning the couch back for Maggie to straighten the rug... Eric fights Beau for the vacuum, but Beau uses it to help with the living room... Eric moves the CT table, then leans another couch back so Maggie can straighten the rug [hope CBS shows the rug tonight for all the effort they are putting into getting it straight!] 12:32 Jan: (to Michael in bathroom) I don't smell like cabbage? M: that and sulpher... M: these are definately the most comfortable chairs in the house(in the bathroom corner) Michael watching Jan, Maggie, Jen prep in the mirror, James and Sarah laying in two beds just staring at each other, James may have fallen asleep...
  11. 11:22 [back from lunch here, sorry, I'll try to eat only during FOTH] two feeds of Eric, Ashlea, James, Howie playing/watching Coaster Toss... Janelle, Kaysar in the bathroom going over HG stats(relatives, siblings, ages/etc) while Janelle noisily brushes her teeth Janelle asks Maggie if she has a brother(yes, older) Ivette(2 brothers, both older)... Maggie asks Janelle the same(her mom remarried) 11:26 the HGs keep losing one blue coaster... Eric says it blends in with the carpet Janelle, Maggie at the counter deciding HOH comp will be based on questionaires they filled out Ivette talking with Beau(ironing) in bedroom while April tidys up some April and James talk about something being or not being there before the lockdown(a glass sitting out?) April says a few have gone in the DR[questioning if they have all come back out? Jennifer asking Maggie about a powdered meal... Maggie says the guys do it to bulk up.. Jen looks at the package, says they look yummy[credit packaging for that!] 11:30 Ivette, April, Beau still talking in bedroom Ivette is upset at Kaysar for bringing in the bible[haven't seen it myself, but that's always a complaint in the house, isn't it?] Beau says what he would say to Kaysar, about confiding in him.. Jen asks how to heat up salmon April planning, what if K gets HOH... Ivette takes over the conversation... I intimidate these people, they would put me up.. if they get HOH, I will not act any differently [hard to hear them talking softer at times on quad feed when the kitchen audio overpowers bedroom whispering] 11:34 Howie in kitchen giving Janelle a shoulder massage, turns it into a chance to say erotic things to Janelle[oh wait, Howie is breathing, so of course he is making it erotic] Ivette just talked about 100 words a second... Beau, regardless I can't put up J... (to Ivette)you'll end up putting up your two people, (to April)you'll put up your two, I'll put up mine(basically saying everyone will nominate who they want) Rachel walks thru, evidently with a basket from HOH room, everyone says for her to keep the basket(my guess is the basket is what her things came in, she was going to leave it in the HOH room, but the others felt she should keep it with her) Rachel is moving out of the HOH room now, getting some help carrying her things... Rachel tells Ivette not to drop her underware on the way downstairs 11:38 Michael eating in kitchen, 2 cams of April, Beau cleaning bedroom, Rachel putting her clothes in bedroom Maggie at kitchen counter with Janelle, complains about bruises from last POV comp, rope burns April talking strategy with Ivette and Beau.. says you should put up strongest that could beat you, this is a competition... Ivette is going to shower and lay down on bed... focus... 11:41 general chatter in kitchen, James walks thru bedroom and sits down... Michael talks about a movie from 1996, Sam Rockwell, Confessions of Dangerous Mind... Ivette, Eric, Beau, April, James in bedroom... E: relax, win HOH 11:43 Rachel and Jan are arm wrestling on counter... they debate who won... J: you really think I'm strong? Eric leaves the bedroom, I,A, James keep talking.. Rachel: I used to spend hours working out Jan: what's the most you've sold a horse for? R: I've honestly rather not say... not under the... [doesn't want the world to hear I think] R: I really haven't made anything... goes on to explain the costs 11:46 April: if they won't take them out, we'll take them out... he listens to me, even if he goes to tell someone else, he is scared of us(Kaysar) James: I'm always playing the game Jan/Beau in the bathroom, Jan blowdrying her hair 11:48 A: we need to take out the ringleader James: for some reason they like you(Ivette) A: for some reason lol J: when I told you that group wanted to put up you and Beau, that should have been enough... A: he's trying to play both sides J: he's trying but not doing too good I: he's being shady, trying to use Allah... you(James) aren't bringing out your Bible... he was saying this stuff to me, saying he can't say mean things about others... he said I told the people, higher ups, about the game but not details... their whole life is to get closer to Allah, I hope he stepped back a thousand feet... 11:52 they break up the Kaysar session... everyone moving around, showering, getting fixed up for tonight... [what's tonight, something going on tonight in the BB house? hehe] 11:54 Howie doing some Coaster Toss Trash Talking(CTTT) to Eric... Kaysar and Eric start up a game... Howie still CTTT... 10 coasters... if a guy can't beat me with 10 disks... (Eric beats Kaysar) H: even with Allah he can't win H: I'm stuck in a house with a fireman, who sits around the house all day tossing coasters... Howie is cleaning hall mirror, Kaysar and Howie notice marks, but realize it's on backside of the glass[cameraman's fingerprints?] Janelle just burned her finger on a curling iron, wouldn't let Michael kiss it, but they model/pose/stare in the mirror... discuss height, Jan-5'9... Michael, 6'2, Sarah comes over and it's decided she is 5'10, Beau is measured back to back with Jan, who debates with herself if she is 5'9 or 5'8 3/4... [for this I missed a quick strategy meeting in the storage room with Eric, Ivette and James] 12:00 Janelle and Beau are getting catty about Jan being 5'9... Beau and Jan debate height of Cindy Crawford... Beau having dressed her for a show, Jan having read it in Cosmo... Maggie is doing Ivette's hair... or using it as a source to whisper strategy... M: people I trust are my sources... you have to be careful of snakes in the grass... 12:10 Michael: I have a really nice sword collection... [surprised Howie missed the chance for a lewd comment] Michael:(talking about someone he knows) he has swords that are so old it's just the blade... M: talk of a movie... guy at a pool table knocks a pool ball out of the pocket and kicks it so hard it hits another guy in the head... Howie comments all kung fu movies are the same... then tosses in a comment about 'my little jen'
  12. 8:30 Eric, Rachel, April, Ivette, James in the kitchen E: we call him no condiments Joseph(son?)... doesn't like condiments... 7 yrs old... comes out in morning and takes sports section from Eric to check on the Red Sox... James says that's the sport to keep him in... few injuries, and he can even get fat when he's older and still play [lol] Eric's voice gets soft as they start to strategize... then everyone... [except for loud snoring on feed 1... and cam 2/3 switch to pan cooking on stove? BB worried HGs will get so wrapped up in strategy that the food will burn?] E: you can't be worried about what is possible... I understand what he is saying, he doesn't want a split vote, we can't take any chances... They discuss an agreement made last night by a group sitting at a table last night, not to put anyone up from the table... turns out James wasn't there... (which is good, because they thought an option was out because of the agreement, but James could still do 'it') 8:37 Eric says again they have 75% chance of winning HOH... 9 of 12... James questions todays vote... April mentions talking to Beau, that Beau can't vote for Michael... Eric says April needs to find out where he stands... April changes it to Beau wouldn't put Michael up, but would vote him off... James: he has to be convinced that Michael will go, it's fear of retribution.. R: people are afraid of him, and afraid to put him up... 8:40 April says she feels awful because she can't smoke this morning... A: I'm a smoker while I'm here... I'm not gonna lie.. the first couple days.. uh uh.... J: Rachel, what did you major in college? R: I took some classes about horses... J: did you finish? R: no, I regret it.. when I was little I wanted to be a vet... 8:43 James, April, Rachel at the round table... April stands on tip toe to look at the fish... James claims she mooned him [lol not quite, but it makes for good BBtv, right? lol] James tells everyone, and Eric wants to see also, April teased him some, then they discuss that the women show more in their bikinis... Rachel suggests April dry her hands with a paper towel because it's cleaner than a rag... they say thank you mommy to Rachel... [away from feeds from 8:45 - 9:45]
  13. 7:50 R: food comp should be sat... I hope it plays out... (thinking PBJ challenge will happen)... I'm surprised Maggie isn't up... E: I was supposed to wake her but she can't workout(yard is closed), so why... R: maybe we should start breakfast... everyone was down here pigging out at 11:30 last night.... E: James wanted up at 8, so I'll let them know... they get up from counter and start moving around in the kitchen E: I think we are going to be lock down all day[bB preparing for tonight's show?] R: I don't think it will be real strenuous(HOH comp) E: after I clean I'm going to study this house R: usually they do a how well do you know your HG... I don't get to play... 8:00 they go to storage room for batteries and start doing the breakfast thing... Eric went away for a bit, came back.... R: is Maggie is getting up? E: I told her there's no reason, told her about the lock down... 8:05 male HG walked by (offsite of camera 1 feed) R: are you going back to bed? HG: yea... 8:15 Eric has finished making breakfast.. April stumbled out to the kitchen for a minute... then goes away... Eric and Rachel talk to the camera for a second... getting in a better position to watch me eat? James wanders in, and April comes back to the counter... April starts to take some of the 5 rolls of paper towels on the counter... R: could you leave one of those, so I can take it up to the HOH room to clean? James: yea, get my room ready [lol] Eric and Rachel notice James is measuring out one cup of cereal... Ivette has come out also... Rachel says if she had brown sugar she could make something, but it was all used up making cookies or apple crisps... April: they can't be setting up too much, because I guarantee it's a mental thing 8:22 A: Kaysar said last night I can't help it that my momma spoils me they start to talk[not bash yet, but I reserve the right to come back and change the word] about Muslim family life... subject quickly changed to yogurt... no bashing... good HGs 8:25 James: this is the good yogurt for you, because it isn't loaded down with sugar... E: (to Ivette) you're going to stick your hand down there, aren't you?[in box of cereal? my video is frozen]
  14. 7:07 Eric and Rachel alone in the kitchen, morning chat, some about strategy and votes and pitching in to help out, just to keep from being a target... E: I know you are sweet and all, and don't like to complain about others, so you can sit and listen to me... [lol] R:I've tried tactics(talking about past roommate)... I'll let it pile up... and they ignore it... so I end up clean clean clean or fight fight fight... R: I have to move out by 1(from HOH room?) E: let's go thru this... (they are looking at the HG pictures, discussing ages of the HGs... guessing some, knowing some...) 7:14 now discussing where everyone is from... after naming Florida so many times, Eric says there's got to be something to it, out of thousands and thousands... and Janelle and James are from the same modeling agency... supposedly they are only a year apart... discuss who is married, who has kids... the possible Florida alliance, but that won't happen because Ivette and Jenelle hate each other.... E: there are 6 green chairs... dots on the door, 2 puzzles... E: everything is like 3, 6 and 9... see how there are 9 spices... R: (something about 317?) E: there are 3 safes... only reason I'm sharing this with you is because I trust you... R: all good observatsions... if Michael got it, who would he put up? E: I have no idea, he is a total wildcard R: it was good you talked with Howie last night... E: I don't mind taking him as far as I can.. I hate when others cut him down, he's a good looking guy, thick skinned like me... he's a sensitive guy who cares deeply R: Jen was upset he was calling her Chunk, he said I'm sorry.... E: that's the difference between H and Michael... he snap... like when you came to me and said I was being crabby and need to watch it... you have to realize and accept it... like when Jen locked herself in the room, and you freaked out R: no matter what it was, I'm letting it go E: exactly, those are the things that will... long as you have people like myself that will put you back in shape R: we have to watch each other E: I don't want to be in the house with the Ashlea's and Janelles... R: we'd all be misreable... it will be interesting to see who Janelle bonds with after Ashlea leaves... Kaysar... E: oh, yea, he's done... R: would Howie put up Kaysar and Michael? E: yea, Michael needs to go, he's much more dangerous R: what if you get it? E: long as I know for a fact, if I put up Michael... oh, POV... Janelle and Kaysar, and after POV I could put up Michael.. because I have a reason to put up Kaysar... I told him at the beginning, don't break my trust... as long as I know I have the votes to do it... I'd put up Michael and Janelle... she's(?) gunning for me, but I'd put her off to get the more dangerous R: right now, what's best for the house is Michael, he's scary... E: and he's using that... 7:25 E: long as I know we've got the votes... R: you've got mine E: I'd say it's a game and you're a strong player... and he knows because of what happened to the girls... he said I know you command respect... but this has nothing to do with the game, I don't want a girl feeling uncomfortable in the house... R: I'm not sure where his mentality is coming from.. E: I think it was reactive, then intimidation... he didn't try you because you know better, he goes after April... blames everything on her R: sounds like they are doing something out there(the yard) E: I'm going for it(HOH)... if it's between me and Ivette, I'll let her get it... R: POV will be big E: you have to put up two people you want going, you can't depend on a variable... I personally don't think Janelle can win one comp R: she gives up easily E: she cares more about how she looks than... that picture was a great picture, I want it... but the first thing she said was my arms look fat... indication of where she is in her life.. did you see how much she had in her bag? it was FILLED with cosmetics.. I mean filled, to the top... I'm used to being with someone like you.. Julie will go out looking good, she'll put on blush and eyeliner and call it good[would like to hear from Julie if that's all she does hehe] 7:30 E: Michael and Kaysar are going, and Janelle... then it's going to get tough R: you are right about Sarah and James.... E: watch when Jen is all over James, watch Sarah... I don't know what it is, but there is something going on... I trust James to a point, I've seen him work his magic on some people, but is he working it on me? He's very emotional, quick to read... he was talking about the war... I walked away... someone told me, if you argue with a fool, who's the fool? I asked one question... is Iraq better liberated? He said ask Kaysar, who said absolutely not... and he(James) went off... very quick with the tongue, very sharp, when he's being attacked... Rachel, you saved me the first week, I owe you, I told you how loyal I am, that's serious... R: it will be interesting... E: today will be a huge day... could mean the difference in upsetting the balance... putting people on edge.. the odds are in our favor.. R: Kaysar could get it, and then what... E: I think he puts James up in a heartbeat.. then we need to think about that... R: I would hope he wouldn't put me up... he might put up Janelle... E: then we have to make some decisions... Janelles an odd factor.. that might be a hidden blessing... I can work Kaysar R: we'll cross that bridge when we come to it... E: he was upset with James at one point... said to James I can't believe how irrational you are.. then James went ding ding ding, and followed him out and talked, realized he'd just made an enemy.. I want to take James as far as I can, but that might be devistating... 7:36 R: well, I think we need to start cleaning the bathroom... E: let someone else clean it, you've cleaned enough... you have to do yours... R: they said we might be interviewed by Julie.. I said whyyyyy E: just be yourself R: let's go down the list.. Jen-she'll follow suit Mic- we don't know James-Kaysar, he says Michael needs to go Sarah-she's following suit Beau-she'll do what Ivette wants R: if Janelle gets it... ohhhh E: if I go up, people could be thinking the same thing, he strong, let's get him now... she's the one that can't get it R: she may put me, because I got Ashlea out.. oh wait, we have an agreement(surfboard pact)... interesting... E: I don't like interesting! lol E: have to consider all angles... I'm not the type to start kissing up to her if she puts me up.. I'm not risking my integrity to stay another week... but the odds are way in our favor, April is sharper than we think in the mental stuff R: if someone we like gets put up.. if I play POV, I wouldn't want to win it, be in that position... E: be honest, if they ask you, say when I was HOH I didn't want it used, and you want to respect it... unless there is a predetermined plan... like if Michael isn't up and we want him out... R: if Ivette got put up, and asked me... E: I don't know if I could use it... have to respect the decisions, have to be dead honest with them... if you say you will take them off, and then you win POV and don't use it, and they stay, you are screwed with them... that's why there are so many variables... like if Ashlea won POV, I told them we'll worry when we get there, you worry about things you have no control over... right now we have 9 out of 12... I'll take those odds that we can win it... we've got some strong players... Maggie, she's strong as it comes Jen says she's strong in memory Howie, he's smart as they come... not in a bad way, I can just tell it Kaysar, no intestinal fortitude, he's jumping, like a rat looking for cheese I misjudged him, he's out there smoking cigarettes R: they aren't supposed to smoke? E: I'm sure they aren't... that's cool but don't preach it to me, that you are so solid in your convictions... I don't preach because I know I have faults... R: it's good we can get this out now! lol E: our little coffee talks.. I'm not upset in the least, but it's good to get our emotions out R: I'm sure I'll get to know others better when I move down here E: Janelle has no integrity, doesn't even know how to spell it[hope I spelled it right lol] E: I don't find her attractive, she's got weaved extensions... she's so plastic R: it's sad E: sad place to be when you are uncomfortable in your own skin... and you look at the opposite, take Maggie who could care less, or you, you don't spend an hour trying to make yourself up... doesn't mean you can't get in highheels and look smokin... R: well if she got HOH she'd spend all her time in her bathroom...
  15. 2:06 group in the kitchen.. Eric/Ivette yelling at each other(I think playfully, but could be underlying tension growing)... Rachel takes a picture right as Eric is saying something, the flash causes him to turn and pose, complete with smile, of course after the picture was taken... [wondering how much memory the camera has/how many pictures they can take before it fills up] 2:15 James/Eric hold a non-officially sanctioned coaster-toss game(only official when Sarah gives the ok to start, she was laying on the couch but didn't say to start lol) off to the Gold Room for pictures... 2:20 Maggie, Ivette are cleaning up the kitchen... they point out to Eric the oranges left over after Kaysar made OJ... Kaysar comes by about 15 seconds later cleaning up... looking at pics, they decide picture of Eric wrapped in gold blanket can be used for ransom at his fire station.... Michael is out by pool with Janelle and Ashlea... telling a story, sounds like movie storyline... 2:25 Howie returns dishes to the sink... Eric tells him they don't clean by themsleves... Howie gets the hint and starts washing them.. others ask how long is he going to leave the wax on his back? (left over from wax job women didn't finish on him earlier today) 2:30 group in living room reviewing the pictures... James, Rachel, Ivette, Sarah, Jennifer, Eric, Maggie(shuffling coasters 2:35 (feeds stuck for a bit) 2:43 Ashlea: when I break out of jail(leave the house), I can start catapulting cartons of cigarettes over the wall... (just noticed)Ivette and Sarah did a midget picture in the living room 2:53 (distracted here also with taking/posting pictures, not updating feeds as much, but not much happening) Howie, Jennifer, Kaysar in living room, Howie calling her Chunk... they take a picture, Kaysar makes a comment, calling her Chunk also... K: why am I calling her Chunk also? E: Howie, I just want you to shut up!! [lol] K: he get's more grumpy the older he gets! H: sorry gramps... E: I'm just kidding with you... Howie watches Eric practice coaster toss... H: in a vote of 10-1, the fish tank has been evicted from the BB household... I'm just kidding little Sarah, we'll keep the fish tank forever, it will be here for BB 8 E: I think after us there won't be another BB.... 3:00 Howie and Eric discuss haunted house... good place here to check with all the cameras and night vision cameras... Sarah: my friend has a Ouijie board, they'd throw it away, and find it later in the house somewhere... K: I believe in black magic... E: put it this way, if there is a God, there is an opposite... J: our live is based on suffering... think of one animal eating another animal.. the one eating doesn't feel anything... but the one dying... yep, we are here to suffer... E: I find it hard to believe Charles Manson is going to the same place I am... J: let's say he atones for his sins... how do you account for someone born with a mental deficiency... E: that's different.. is he clinically... more about Jeffery Dahlmer... E: I'd had to get to the pearly gates and find him next to me... talk of another mass murderer(Gasey house?) Howie said he got a picture in front of the driveway... Howie, Eric, James talking, Sarah listening on... talk of the Amneityville Horror movie... Eric mentions Saw(Shaw?) movie.. and Sarah freaks out... Howie wants to hear about it, Sarah starts to describe it... 3 guys, one dead, how did they get there, etc... The Ring, The Grunge.... fish(!?!?!) [lol] 3:14... ALERT... check my picture posted at this time... possible new room?
  16. [see the picture thread for the two group pictures they took, I was with a second of the flash! lol] 2:00 random picture taking, and people cooking/eating in the kitchen
  17. 1:13 Michael/Janelle by the pool, Ashlea and Jen? in bathroom... BB:Rachel, go to the DR J: what should I call you? M: Sampson M: what would the world be like if merchandise didn't have advertising on it? it would be better, because the focus would be on the quality J: why are Dior glasses so expense? M: these were $400... I didn't buy them because they are expensive, I did because they fit just right J: I was going to buy Dior aviators with the stud(?) in the middle... M: I almost bought a PSP... very cool... then I realized that... J: what's your favorite game? M: Hit man... oh, Chronicles of (something) you? J: Sony Playstation, TMNTurtles, James Bond M: do you think I'd make a good Bond? J: definately, you are smart... M: alright guys, I'd like to recommend I be the next Bond J: I'll be Ursulla... M: one, I think in Octopussy, she was drop dead beautiful He continues saying "My name is Bond, James Bond" J: what do I say? I don't know their names, just they are Bond Girls... I also like Who Wants to be Millionaire M: now you look like Victoria Svelt(something) they are getting playful again M: My name is Bond, James Bond J: and I am a Bond Girl, I don't have a name... M: let's go upstairs and drink champange M: My name is Bond, James Bond J: I'm a Bond Girl... what name am I... (he tosses out some names she turns down... Robertta... J: this ankles always been broken, it's my bad ankle (more pool flirting) Ashlea comes back out(she left her mic)... Rachel comes out, suddenly has a camera, says she only has an hour... takes a picture of April, then they go to get drums for the pictures... 1:30 more picture time... BB:Michael, put on your mic Jennifer: I always look like a cancer patient, can we take that one over? R: wait, April and Beau are in everyone! [lol] 1:37 all in the HOH room for a group picture [i'm 'snapping' here as well lol]
  18. 12:19... Janelle has returned poolside with Michael.. M: it's nice to be out here with nobody else... want to go in the hottub? (no reply) M: I can see me being buddies with you... J: I can see it too... M: but you are wierd... J: you are too M: don't give me that much credit... what would you be doing right now? J: it's 4 in Miami? I don't really know... (got her bikini at a sports shop for $15) M: so it's 4:00 J: I was going to get a real estate license... when they called me... 12:24 J: what would you be doing? M: I would... depends if I was working from home or not... if at home.. audio switch to Rachel/Howie in HOH bath R: did you have to vote? H: yea, did you? R: I can't vote... did you vote her out? H: I can't talk about it, but I did the right thing they start listing pairs.. Maggie/Eric, Kaysar/Michael, April/Jenny, Ashlea/Jenelle... and me and you... R: they are worried about HOH... H: Michael is an allie to us... if I get HOH it would create some tension R: they think of you as a wild card, because they don't think of you as a threat... H: good to put up not the couple R: they don't see us as a threat, we are low on the radar... [they seem to have their game figured out] Rachel leaves and Howie does some personal grooming/staring at himself in the mirror.. he goes to HOH room and picks up the remote and sits to watch some feeds... he appears to be learning how to use it... [is this new to him?] 12:30 now acting like a guy, can't settle on one channel... gets bored, puts it away and leaves HOH room... James is debating oatmeal qualities with Ivette in the kitchen, Howie joins them and Beau... Beau takes his hat, but Howie leaves with it on still B: (reading a card? off a package?) where are oldest dinosaurs found? (South Am) Howie went into bedroom, where Jenny is trying on clothes/heels, suggested to try runway walking for Beau to critique B: don't move your arms so much.... you are little too stiff... first off, you aren't moving your arms at all... be natural with walk... I'll teach you to walk first, then to turn... Beau spends 10 minutes walking with Jenny, practicing... 12:50 all women minus Jan, Beau and Howie in the bedroom chatting[i'm on the phone, no, not with them... so I can't hear them talking] 12:54 Ivette talks of being tired from working out... Howie says to pace yourself.. walk a lap, rest 20 minutes... they suggest getting 'the dvd' and all watching it together... Maggie tells some of the mic rules they were told by BB... Janelle is awarded the BB mic champ of the world by Howie(not sure if they meant she does or doesn't get chastised for her mic) Ahslea is folding/packing clothes, they debate time of the live show tomorrow/Thursday... Ivette comments about west coast not seeing live shows live, like AIdol or BB... Howie talks about NFL games being at 1pm on Sunday... Howie: what if you are in Hawaii, and you are betting on a football game? Maggie is asking Ashlea if she can leave an outfit out, so if she leaves the house it will be a memory 1:00 Michael, Janelle and Jennifer are at the pool now (feeds struggling) M/Jan show sympathy to Jen because of Howie calling her Chunk... I think Jan/Jen agreed to buy/sell one of their swimsuits to the other... (feeds doing better now) Jan called to Storage to exchange her mic M: I'll be waiting for you here, sugarpie Jan: ok Michael... you're getting as bad as Howie! lol
  19. 11:20 April got called back to the DR... Janelle is called now to the DR 11:27 (one feed keeps going to fish, killing the sound, I'm hiding in the kitchen now) Howie is up and being Howie... seems to have been getting someone(a blond, Jan?) to wax his back... but stopped, Michael was finishing.... Beau is now naming friends to match up the HGs outside the house... Howie wants Beau to find him someone H: come on, you know I'm good looking B: but your attitude... April can be seen outside hosing off the patio... Beau, Michael, Kaysar, Sarah, Rachel sitting at the round table, Jenny massaging Beau's shoulders... Howie calling Jennifer 'Chunky' and others say it's not nice of him... Howie trys on Beau's sandals, his heels hang off the back 11:32 Michael: I heard one of those cameras move yesterday, one of those that look like R2-D2 hanging upside down... Howie just drank from Michaels glass or cleared it from the counter(and Michael didn't go into a rage and kill anyone) BB: Howie, please go to the DR James comes out with a Nixon "I am not a crook' tshirt on, says he will wear it to the DR Ivette, Jennifer in the living room couches I: this is what happens when you are fat(laying down after doing sprints) I: what kinds of jeans are those? you get discounts though, right? J: I'll get you lots of gifts when we get out... I can only get discount for a husband/kids, if I got you something I can't accept money for it... she start playing coaster toss game, tossing coasters at the silver table between the couches... J: I'm going to be ready for the next tournament.... 11:40 April comes to play coaster toss with Jenny... 11:44 Michael, Beau are outside on the hammock.. Michael gets out some mints B: you always have your mints, don't you, it's like your purse M: yea... normally it'd be gum... but... 11:50 group on couches discussing rodents/lizards/pets of the house... Jennifer hopes her parents 'got the eye, so they can see me' A: I know what I had a dream about... I had a dream I was evicted.. why are you putting me up... because you always want ambien and robutussen to put you to sleep, and we are afraid you are addicted... I'm totally... what am I trying to say B: (as April)"I'm in control of my drug problem" A: no, I'm proof you can take ambien 3 times a week for sleep and not be addicted... someone mentions they are gatherd for a meeting... (Cappy/dishes) Michael, Beau start playing coaster toss... when asked if they know the rules, James says yes because Eric explained them yesterday... Beau wins... shutout M: that was as much fun as a dentist appointment Beau mentions it's 12 coasters each [in the official version of the game] there are some coasters missing... April finds something under the couch, Jenny jumps over and grabs it... April says it's a herseys kiss wrapper? BB calls James to the DR, and Howie comes out dressed in shorts and a robe Rachel beats Beau in a game of CToss... April says Howie is getting cuter and cuter each day... April asks if DR asked Howie about (shaving?).. he doesn't remember.. H: this is like a game at the carnival, when they have it rigged... 12:00 feed 1 switches to Michael who has joined Janelle pool side to tan... M: so who would you put up right away? J: Eric and Ivette, hoping Ivette would go M: with those two gone, you'd have more power J: if Ivette wins, she'll come after me... if I win, her.... you? M: if I put anyone, it'd have to be a tactical move J: you don't think mine is? M: it is, I just haven't thought about it J: I'd love to see them campaign against each other M: so you reallythink I'm wierd? J: yea, but I am too... you didn't answer my question... M: I'm not sure yet... J: would it be me? M: you're harmless... J: to me maybe... Michael moves to the pool J: Michael, would you put up the school professor... James? M: that's more emotional, I don't find him threatening, he only has silly things to say.... I'd be inclined... J: are you going to try to win it? I thought everyone was going to throw it so Ivette and I would go after each other M: that's according to someone elses plans... I play my own game... would you put me up? J: no M: I think if we get rid of one of them, the other one will go...(talking of Beau/Ivette)...but if we go strategic, the king and queen(Eric/Ivette?), we get counter balance in the house... only thing is the repercussions... but I don't think it'd be that bad... it's like a sea snake, at the bottom of the ocean, it's enemies to come him, but he still sits there J: if you were an animal... M: I'd be a shark... what would you be? J: an angel fish... or a star fish... or coral... no, coral is a plant... or a dolphin... 12:08 BB: Beau, please go to the DR M: what do you think of April? I don't like Maggie, she doesn't have a personality... 12:15 (feeds locked for a bit, then fish... now back) 4 cameras on Michael laying by the pool alone[did we jump to last week when no one else is in the house?] M: people are strange... people are strange, including me.... whisper/talk to himself...
  20. 10:55 Rachel, Maggie want cards or Monopoly... Ivette is stretching... April comes out all made up to go in the DR, says the camera was broke so they will call her back later, said Cappy caught her practicing eviction speech in the mirror.. "I vote to evict..." 11:00 a group is forming on the patio for morning group chat Ivette is running sprints... her leg gave out/cramped and she decides to stop for a while... 11:02 Ivette is running again, James says if she is cramping it's because of the heat... a few runs and she stops again (feed 3 keeps going to fish, causing bubble audio to drown out other feeds) 11:05 Ivette is doing sprints again... does about 5 or 6 and stops James had 760 in graduating class
  21. 10:20 K: I'm not part of the click M: click, huh(a thinking huh) K: let's be real, I don't know what you are thinking M: you'll be pleasantly surprised when you see my DR K: it bothers me the way people talk, I'm not like that... people make personal jabs M: you need to watch who makes the personal jabs, because they will make them at you... here's the thing, people like to stir the pot when it's not needed, negativity breeds negativity, there's nothing wrong with listening and saying um-hmmm K: I still don't know who's sensible... I'm fortuate to be given one more week M: things will change dramatically when you aren't on the block... you can make an observation, and a personal insult, those are two different things... like I can say Ashlea leaves her stuff out, and Ashlea sleeps with any guy that comes along, two very different... just watch, and observe, people are sly... very sly about their things... K: who is? M: people... that's why when you asked do I feel safe, I don't know... I'll talk to you in more detail later after the walk... Ivette is at the washer, asking how long they've been walking... 44 minutes for Maggie... "sweet" M: I'm afraid to run out here, I'm afraid of falling... did you see me? I was walking, and almost ran into the weight bench K: running at night, it feels so good... even though it's early, it's still hot out here M: I do an hour, hour and half each morning, this is great, I don't get to do this at home, I'm up at 4:45, I leave at 6:10, start my shift at 6:45 in the room, takes half hour to get info from night to day shift, they leave at 7:15, come back at 7 at night, I get home around 8 at night, no breakfast or dinner break, so I eat dinner at 8pm... K: don't you get breaks? M:you never get just one patient... never get a breather, no... every now and then you'll get lucky, only have 4 patients, but when you least expect it, someone will die... it's harder for me to see animals die than people... you saw that K: it makes sense, not you value animals over humans, but what Ashlea said made sense(?) M: at times, you'll see a grandma/pa, she's dying, and watch him holding her, like he's been holding her for 50 years... it's easier to watch someone die when they aren't being held by a loved one, I do great if I don't know them, but if they've been a patient before, ohhhhh, a lot come in and grab you, and say I'm going to die... they know... when someone looks you in the face and says I'm going to die.. you get this adrenalin, to do something to stop it... K: that's amazing... K: my passion is business M: I wouldn't last a day on wallstreet K: I love to draw, did it to pay my way thru college M: until someone would start to pay you? lol K: part of the reason I'm here is to do something else, get away from graphic design (Maggie runs into wall) K: one thing I'd like to do is be a police officer... before I get into my profession, I'd like to do something humble, something in social service M: but you see the bad in people, all the time K: so, yea, you must really see things, like seeing the elderly couple... M: pulls at the heartstrings K: I think that's where wording, I want to go out for civic duty, but I have selfish reasons too, because it's fulfilling M: but if you don't think about it that way... shouldn't I do my job for free? it has to be rewarding for me also, personal, financial... everyone's opinion changes as you mature (BB: April, please go to DR) M: everyone is born for a reason, I got lucky, knew what I wanted to do as a kid, be a vet, then we put my dog down, and I said, I'll do people... first one to die in my hands, I sobbed like there was no tomorrow, I'll never forget my first death... (to someone) 10 of my steps are like one of his! K: I feel like I need one of those things (mouthharp, does Deliverance tune) M: you calling me a hippie? K: no, because I'm barefoot M: it's funny, before I was in here, I was never called a hippie in my life Eric mentions wearing socks... argyle K: what's Argyle? M: pattern on my slipper socks 10:45 M/K talk Muslim religion K: live by religion, law of the land, unless it goes against... religion is commune, there is no social degradation, it wouldn't make sense to go against law of the land... M: that makes sense K: it's got to, or I wouldn't do it M: any others in your family? K: I've never met my family, they live in Iraq... now, it's crazy, before it was crazy, we had to flee... when I was 2... M: how'd they get here, legally or illegally? (pause) K: we had to..... apply for aslym... we had to go to Jordan first.. not too long... tried to get aslym from these other countries, and couldn't get it... M: why? K: I don't know, there was a war going on M: which one? K: Iran they finish walking and go inside 10:49 Eric/Rachel at patio A: I was playing with the cameras earlier, jumping around in the kitchen... I can't believe Maggie can't look at my finger... she came out and said she can't look at it E: I knew there would be down times, but not this much (plane heard overhead) R: only excitement are the planes going over [Oceanic flight again?] Michael comes out E: when did you go to bed? M: 1, 2, 3, whatever E: not like you have to go somewhere Maggie comes back out with water, Ivette doing laundry... Eric drops his shorts so they can get washed, left standing in his underwear... then goes back inside to get more clothes to wash.... 10:55 Maggie, Rachel, Michael at the patio Maggie asks Ivette her shoe size(7 1/2, 8?), wants to try on her 'squishy' shoes, says nurses are starting to wear those...
  22. 10:13 A: if I die and come back, I'd want to be a girl in one of those hip hop videos, like 50 cent and LL Cool J... for just a little bit, not for life... you know that song, it's kinda nasty... whispers it to Kaysar... ohhhhh ohhh, it's our ghetto love song... April goes outside, Maggie/Eric tease about her dance... wants her to do it, but April says she can't without doing the beat, and she'll get in trouble A: did she say I was cute? M: yea, it was cute and awesome E: well, she didn't saw awesome Sarah takes a load of folded towels inside, Maggie catches April doing a 2 second encore of her dance by the washer [lunch time here, someone take over for a while]
  23. 9:36 E: hey Jenny, diet starts today, right? James: it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle! someone asks to see Rachel's cut, but they decide not to... neosporine is all used up from minor stuff HGs have used... James was hoping for a 'constant spotter when I came here... when I was working at the gym, I had 90 (lbs) and my friend wasn't watching... didn't break it but... (unheard comment) James: no, Sarah's the nice, sweet, innocent girl... if I did her wrong, you guys would nominate me that week!" A: Cappy, I'm calling you Pappy also E: we have so many nicknames J: Eric, watch my left E: I've got you, I'm not like your buddies, J: yea, you actually don't like me! lol J: oh oh, look at the left one, it's not in... (something with the weight bench, don't ask me, I do this instead of working out) E: yea, that would have killed you A: Eric, please go pack your bags J: that's was scary E: I didn't even see that dude 9:42 April goes inside... Eric starts talking about Jan/Kaysar being up at 4:30... they deside Kaysar is spilling to Jan because he's scared, telling Jan that they said she is next... both saying they will go off if they are put up.... J: I don't think this stage in the game, you would put people that are liked up... if we both went up, someone would have to go, unless we won veto, which is why they'd put Ivette/Beau... or put us and back door them... who would you pick for veto? E: Maggie or Rachel J: I think Howie threw it... if Ashlea had done what I did, to pick Michael, the whole thing would change... why do I keep giving advice? E: we need to stop giving advice... Ivette and Beau are on need to know... 9:45 Kaysar is up... J: on 3 hours of sleep, he's up K: I was up to pray... E: ohhhhhh K: if I stay up til 4:30, I can get in my morning prayer, it's between 4:30 and 5:45 J: now, can women go to Mecca, or just men... (both) E: I was wondering... you tell me we're cool, then we're cool K: because I was sitting there... E: long as we are eye to eye... (they grasp hands) talk of it being nice out in the mornings, hotter later E: it's like a heat box... it's like a shoe box, only bigger Sarah... K: so you decided to wear your shoes? E: they are definately 80s, I fit right in Rachel, Maggie, Jennifer are walking April asks about eggs for breakfast, James teases her, she teases back A: number one, I'm not talking to you, number two you don't want any... James: don't think you ladies can rearrange everything just so you can walk E: you should be jumping over it M: quite stalling and get back to your workout Sarah is laying on hammock, squeeking S: we need to WD-40 this... E: you know where it is, under the sink! (lots of teasing each other) M: quit stalling and get back to your workout J: have you had your chocolate milk and cookies this morning? James: so Sarah, what are you waiting for, week 8 to work out? S: I worked out yesterday! J: Kaysar, you're chest getting sore... means you are getting one! BB: Kaysar, please go to the DR E: hey, did you vote today? J: they aren't allowed to talk about it, in the principal's office S: does that mean I need to get presentable E: no, stay unpresentable like you are now James teases her also S: I don't like you at all... we are supposed to be team... 9:55 J: my left shoulder is cursing at you right now... E: you should be in the circus(his shoulder keeps popping while working out) M: we are making a track in the grass.. R: I wanted to move the hammock the first day J: I'll tell Howie to run the lawn mower a little lower in that area Kaysar comes back S: if I get called in, do I need to look presentable? E: no, you can't do anything to do that... why are we all over her today? J: because she first walked by us and said, good morning to you too boys... April asking about a Dodge truck, her brother has one, what's the name for it... E: it's like the Dodge RT, with a Viper engine in it A: it's like a $50-60,000 truck... I'd pay it off for him... E/J talk about cars, James didn't get into cars until he started drag racing[nights after teaching school? lol] 10:00 J: watch, tomorrows HOH comp will be hanging from our chest... but with the Bionic Woman over there... (Rachel/Maggie walking) we'd hate for Maggie to get injured before the comp... E: if she trips over a weight I happen to lay out S: Maggie, I had a dream about you last night... Maggie sees a bug and freaks, Eric pretends to flick it on her J: so funny, girls are so scared of bugs, but don't want them dead Eric is off camera but by the pool J: Eric, let me hold your mic for a minute E: no, that's a guarantee you won't get pushed in (someone, BB voice) Please give us $4,000 (cost/fine for ruining mic?) someone said Eric figure out how much they get for winning E: 360... 28%, I asked the producers J: no, they aren't right E: of course, the producers are wrong and you are right James James goes on his soap box about taxes while jumping rope 10:05 April, Jennifer, Ivette, Kaysar in kitchen, James working out, Sarah on hammock, Eric is cleaning pool, Maggie walking M: shouldn't the pool boy have an outfit, little speedo or something? E: Maggie, can I be in your dream?[strategy to flirt with her] Rachel went in to do stairs, James teases Maggie still walking about losing workout partners for being too hard on them A: in college, I had to go to the hospital with heart palpitations, I had to quite drinking caffiene... I highschool I weighed 125, now 108... I went to NY and dropped to (90 something)... I look at pictures, I look annorexic Eric folding towels, Sarah teases him about it, he gets her to talk over for him while he finishes working out 10:10 E: Julie would be happy if I was just doing the laundry, she doesn't care how I fold it! April is singing, nothing specific, off camera, maybe dancing also, Ivette teases that Matt(husband) is watching, laughing at her attempts
  24. 9:34 Maggie back from DR... Eric spotting James on freeweights BB: Ivette, please come to the DR Oceanic flight 815 is heard flying over the house... [ :shock: ]
  25. 9:20 talk turns to Rachels cut finger A: we do need a 911 phone in here, just in case [lol] R: I didn't even need to ring the storage room door, they just opened it I: they are staring at us the entire time April questions if she exposed herself to Michael, says that he did see her, but Eric said no... I: they told us that we have to get comfortable because we forget... they said they won't film us changing, but if the camera goes by and we change, someone online could freeze it and... they won't turn the shower cam on unless two people are in there at the same time... CBS isn't running a porn site... James said he keeps forgetting to ask about the camera in the common area of the bathroom April says someone was snoring loud last night... Eric says he knows Kaysar and Janelle were awake at 4:30... April feels they should be able to turn the lights on at 10... Rachel thinks sleeping in so late could hurt them in games... 9:25 Eric does something off camera, the others joke around James: Eric, please go to the storage room to get your suitcase... Ivette questions hole in the patio roof J: it's all set up for lighting they decide to leave the stuff out that the others leave out... April says Ashlea told her a maid comes to her apartment once a week.. Ivette says Ashlea told her she makes $600 a night, works Fri/Sat only A: she told me she gets up, goes to school, then to work, never stops I: she told me, up at 6, etc... work Fri/Sat, never stops.. go, go go They discuss going on the morning show the day after eviction... April says the show on NBC, Rachel corrects her, Early Show... April says Ashlea expects to have lots of fans 9:30 Jennifer showed up... I didn't know about all the stuff you do afterwards I: that's not guaranteed, that's later on... remember Ashlea's been here 2 weeks, but tv time only a week... I hope they show the way they leave stuff around, and Eric picking up R: I hope they show last night with Howie(Jennifer gave him a pedicure) Ivette tells story of Howie losing finger from a bomb at 13... they took a piece of skin from his back grafted to his hand... and he has hairs because it's from his back[i'm wondering if he made this up] Ivette continues with story of her grandmother... man chopped off her finger with a machete in Haiti(?)



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