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Posts posted by TML

  1. Reminds me of a convo I had last week!

    My grandmother (MiMi)is my BB buddy (my friends are "too smart" for reality tv, I think they're in the closet LOL)...

    though for some reason MiMi likes Brendon (can't believe this is the woman who raised me)!

    Here's our phone call from last week:

    Me: Hello?

    MiMi: I just had to call, I'm so confused

    Me: about what?

    MiMi: Shelly

    Me: Shelly who?


    Me: OH! What about?

    MiMi: I can't decide if she's lying or if she believes her own lies?

    Me: LOL, OK...it's not even 7 AM here, can I call you when I wake up?

    MiMi: clearly disgusted with me...OK, BYE! CLICK!

    haha that's awesome.

  2. I find this laughable, Dani is not one of the GREATS to play the game, she is gonna be number 2 in the jury house, the only reason she was anywhere nea winning her season is because of ED, and she is only here to prove she should've won that season and not him, I heard her say that which shows me what a silly vindictive person she is, what a beauty she would be if her personality and who she is inside matched the outside. Jeff is being smart not ot go off and say things to her to aggravait her any more, refferring to your DR comment you think Jeff is a coward?? that too is laughable, oh but you want Dani to let it out on Rachel and Jeff, to bring out the ED on them , Sorrry Dani is not her father if she was she surely would not be in this position, and I am sick of hearing how Jeff did not keep his promise well lets just Quote Dani when she was backdooring Brendon, "I'ts only a game" alls fair in love and BB,lolol Cannot wait till she walks out the door

    We should add to this. Not only cause of ED, but cause America's Player as well. Dani proved one thing when she was in the house, she can win Competitions. But the rest of her game just lagged. Kinda like Janelle.

  3. 6Borders, I'd have to agree with you but Keith is a wildcard himself. This guy is an idiot when it comes to the game and they might be better off with him gone because he'd probably tell Dani everything about his own alliance. Last night he called out Kalia (someone's whose vote he needs) and then was throwing Dominic under the bus. He's a wildcard himself and with him being unable to compete for 3 weeks after this he might as well be useless.

    I believe if any of the Newbies win HOH, they still have the votes to control who goes.

  4. He's smart enough to figure out everything except...how to play the game. Anybody who has ever watch BB knows that you never ever put your a** on the line. Never ever throw a veto if you are on the block. It may work out since his partner is also dumb. I don't know what BB he watched but he should know that the only sure vote is when you are voting for someone else.

    How about never call out people who are voting for you?!

  5. I hope all is well with his family. Dick likes this game way too much just to walk out, there has to be something going on here. It doesn't make sense that his daughter got the pass (why can't they just bring someone in, the game started like a week ago no?)

  6. I always love when people bitch and claim that Dick only won his season because of America's Player. Yes it saved him one week, but it did not wipe out the other things Dick needed to do week in and out to survive.

    I think the key here is that you mentioned it saved him that one week. Had he not been saved that week he would have been gone.

    I'm not saying he's an idiot. I understand that he knows the game really well, but he has to change it this time to get the win.



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