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Posts posted by TML

  1. If you have watched BB12, Britneys original season, you will see a 4 man,alpha male, alliance, where they were basically glued to each other all season and called themselves the "Brigade" Britney was so thrown off course at the end when they told her about that alliance. How she didnt see that coming was unreal and shows how clueless she is at the BB game

    Well one of the things that managed to do really well was make side deals. So it never seemed as though they were all together. Don't forget, they had the whole house fooled and not just Britney.

  2. This is like the Boogie bashing Topic. I think i may be one of the only people on Morty's who likes Boogie. Okay so hes a snake, okay so he manipulate lies and is arrogant with a huge ego. But i love to watch him, he makes for funny Tv. Hes about the only reason i've laughed this season, and watching him mess with everyone's minds is hilarious. I doubt hell win but im rooting for him to make it as far as he can so i can keep watching his DR sessions and such.

    TML said it right, his downfall this season will be he doesnt have Dr Will to bail him out. But hes not doing too bad so far with Frank right behind him to win the comps....

    I'm going to enjoy this week, whether he back stabs the secret 6 or not, it will be entertaining

    I'm with you in rooting for him. I think he's played the best game so far out of anyone in the house.

    But I think it's just a week or two early from going after his alliance. I think it would have been smarter to throw the competition this week and have him and Frank compete the week after.

  3. I remember in Season 7 Boogie and Will were kinda committed to that Legion of Doom alliance for a couple weeks. It didn't last, but they were kinda loyal for a week or two. I expect this to hapen with the secret 6, or atleast I hope so. Boogie owes them one. But it is Boogie after all....

    Boogie will use them until he doesn't need them anymore. But this year, he doesn;t have a Will to help him get out off the bad situations.

  4. Wow the no eviction thing caught me by surprise. They've not gone from having too few players to too many? We're gonna have to have like 2 double eviction weeks. Boogie looked pissed and almost like he was thinking of walking off the show.

    I think he knew he had a better shot at 100 K than 500 K. Especially if Frank would re-enter the game.

  5. The vote split idea was just an idea that they tossed around then quickly decided against. Joe blew that totally out of proportion (good gameplay on Joe's part??), putting huge doubts in Frank's mind about Willie's allegiance to him. When it came out, after Willie discovered that Frank was calling him a homophobe (good gameplay on Frank's part??), Willie did a lousy job of defending himself, explaining that the idea was simply tossed around BY ALL and discarded. Willie's not articulate and you have to be in that house in order to defend yourself properly.

    I don't think it even has to be being articulate. It's just the manner of which he decided to go out and attack Frank for saying it.

    Willie messed himself up. You guys need to stop making excuses and just accept the fact he's a fool.



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