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Posts posted by TML

  1. Willie is definitely a Hantz and he's one of very few actually playing the game... I don't like him, but I've got to give him credit for the fun he generates by way of his paranoid evil twin Skippy Hantz.

    Week One in Willies World:

    1. Willie makes a 'secret' alliance with Frank.
    2. Willie nominates Frank... Huh?????
    3. Willie does everything in his power to 'save' Frank, including some entertaining moments of paranoia...
    4. Janelle tells Brit that she thinks Willie has a 'secret' alliance with Frank... (pretty obvious 'secret' alliance)
    5. Brit tells Willie about Janelle's thoughts on the none too 'secret' alliance...
    6. Willie loses him mind...
    7. Willie decides he has no choice but to sideline Janelle in order to discredit her...

    Sooooo, Willie leads a revolution and chooses an opening gambit of throwing all of the coaches under the bus.... Viva Che Hantz...

    Wow, nut cases do make for interesting TV... Even more unbelievable is the reaction of the other cast members to his ridiculous rants... Incredibly, they buy into his nonsense... What a first week!


    And this is Week 1! Haha

  2. So looks like both sides picked Frank. Both sides have Frank. Not sure how the lines are split yet.

    Looks like maybe

    1) Willie - Shane - Frank - Ashly - JoJo

    2) Joe - Wil - Jenn -

    unsure about Ian - Danielle and Frank

    I think Ian and Danielle have no choice but to go with #2. Frank's a complete wildcard (but could likely be in the best spot by the end of this, kinda like Memphis when the house split in BB10).

  3. I'm hoping so but he acts pretty loyal to Willie when he's in his presence too. I heard Jojo and Ashley talking earlier and they both talked as if they are really loyal to Willie but they sure put on award winning acts with everyone else.

    All of these people are master liars. :cookie:

    Hey he has to cause he's on the block and needs votes. Next week its a whole new game.

  4. But Joe is on the list to be evicted first by the HG now. They don't trust him. This is not the coaches game at this point. They don't get HOH and they don't vote.

    I don't know about that. Listening to Dan's group and Janelle's group he's not a target for them. Seems like only Willie is targeting him.

  5. Joe grabbed Janelle and is ratting the meeting out. FOTH but I think there is going to be a lot of drama soon.

    I can't stand Joe! puke!

    Joe made a good move by doing that. He'll be in Janelle's good grace should she win the coaches challenge.

  6. Was thinking the same thing. It seems like this season there has been nothing but conversations about the game. I've only seen BBAD but from the sound of it, only a small % of the convos are out of the house related. The coaches do nothing but try and brainwash the newbies.

    Yup it always happens. The only time I remember this much game being played on a normal season was when Brian (BB10) tried to get everyone into a side alliance. Rarely happens with completely new players.

    Even the last season, the returnees were in the game right away. From when it began, I recall Dick pulling people aside to get some sort of side deals.

  7. Those idiot newbies are overplaying...too much too soon

    Don't think this would be happening if they were alone. The reason why this game is moving faster is because the coaches are there. Anytime we have returnee players, the game us much faster.

  8. Booger is been preaching to Ian telling he how to act and going into detail how he is not acting right and saying he just wants to protect him. Ian is playing along like he is the meek little newbie. I think Ian is playing Booger. Booger has been preaching to Ian for about 30 minutes telling him how to act.

    What reason does Ian have to play Boogie?

  9. He's pissed me off already by sending the only AA in the house out of the game the first night. During the competition, he talked about how great an effort she was making, and then he dumped her in the end in order to keep the pretty girls. Not a good game move, nor a good move for the show's AA audience.

    Why would he send someone who who actually picked with the 4th and 5th pick. Would have been a terrible move.

  10. team is so sucky it may work to his advantage

    but his picks reminds me of michale jordan drafting kwame brown with first draft pick :animated_bouncy:

    Haha, don't think its that bad. His two remaining players have entering the Jury potential. Gotta see how they interact with the others now.



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