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Everything posted by Jem

  1. Now Ivette is going off about the song (the usual - read any day that Ivette has had a conversation) Ivette is saying. Janelle is a plastic f(*&ing bitch. SHe is just jealous that Ivette is all natural.
  2. Ivette, Beau and April whining about Janelle... Maggie thinks its funny that she called Maggie a space cadet. Now beau is telling Ivette that Janelle was signing a song about Ivette.
  3. Kaysar and Jen in the kitchen Kaysar, I don
  4. Kaysar just waking up from a nap and is a little out of it. Jen is asking him if he wants to talk to her about anything. (please)
  5. Jen is talking to Howie in the gym to find out why Howie wont talk to her. He is saying that she is always telling him off. She is mad at him farting right next to her. Jen says, if you have a problem with me then you need to tell me not ignore me.
  6. Beau just asked if April was having doubts about Ivete. She said.. No No No..
  7. April says, We can not talk infront of Rachel or James and Sarah. Sarah sat here and told us what Kaysar and that are saying. Then the story changed to me hearing it from the storage room and came running back up here. Now Jan wants to go and talk to Howie and find out why he isnt talking to her but he is in the gym with Janelle.
  8. 12.27 Feeds are back. April. I dont forget easily. It might look like I do but I dont. Im not going to forget Kaysar did and Im not going to forget what James did to you and Eric. Maggie How many times do people need to prove to us that they are that they are bad people. There are people that are still grey. Cause Ive not see it first hand. But once youa re black to me. You stay there.
  9. In the HoH room... April - Everything we say can not come out of here. It will break us up. Sarah told April that Kaysar said they are all on the losing team and that he hate Ivette. UGH FISH!
  10. I, J, S and R all talking about the competitions of this season.
  11. Two feeds on nothing and the other on Ivette James Sarah and Rachel
  12. Ivette is now saying. She is at peace now. Even if Janelle is still here. James said Janelle will be going home next week. (What a snake) Rachel joins them and they stop talking.
  13. Sarah and James on the Hammock saying they like Ivette and they should keep her around. (gawd) Ivette walks up and James tells her.
  14. Best BB Site Which is your favorite Big Brother website? [2236 votes total] Morty
  15. I have clips of some of the show and ranster will have his recap. But I can not post it till after 12am. Sorry. http://www.mortystv.com/big_brother.shtml
  16. Partners have been pick. Now waiting for the competition.
  17. Best BB Site Which is your favorite Big Brother website? [2005 votes total] Morty
  18. James, Ivette and Kaysar in the kitchen getting something to eat.
  19. Howie talking to Sarah James and Janelle Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.... So you can fart on them!
  20. Kaysar and Howie are going to have a shower. Janelle is teasing howie about his underwear and white ass. Howie flashes her his butt and she says, "You are nasty Howie." Janelle is a little drunk.
  21. Janelle must have poured wine all over her shirt. (we didnt see it) she has had a little too much to drink and she is using the hair dryer to dry the shirt she washed wine out of.
  22. HOH room all dark. Spy screen is still on. Ivette and Beau on the floor. Some chit chat going on. Maggie, April and Jen in the HoH bed. Sarah and James in the Gold Room in bed. There was some movement going on under the covers. (nothing to report) Cant see Kaysar, Rachel, Howie or Janelle



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