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Everything posted by Jem

  1. http://www.mortystv.com/cgi-bin/media/stre...eam.cgi?bb6m131 This is what is STARTED out about. It got a little off track. New thread. http://www.mortystv.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=4669
  2. Janelle giving Howie a back rub. He was giving her one before.
  3. Please see this thread. http://www.mortystv.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=266
  4. Feeds are back. Kaysar and Janelle talking outside.
  5. Janelle and Kaysar still talking James called to DR
  6. Kaysar talking to Janelle about who needs to go if she gets HOH. Kaysar: Take care of James and then go from there. You guys made deals that you were not sposed to. If they want to get rid of Sarah let them do it. Go for the big people. You cant waste a HoH on Sarah.
  7. Think you can't help us out because you don't get the Live Feeds? Then you would be wrong ... We are trying something new out this year ... We need people to write what they see on the televised show, preferrably as you are watching it, but even within the hour later ... then Ranster (me) will swoop in and gather it all up for a neat upload for the BB page. Wanna Help? Volunteer here! Watching the show? Post what you see here in as much detail as you can! This is all a part of Morty's Team Coverage ... Any takers?
  8. LOL, we can use them again later. Just while BB is going it will help the boards.
  9. Thank you for posting this CeCi, it will help. Jem
  10. Please post ONLY "real time" Live Feed observations here! We need to keep pictures in Pictures Forum! Thanks for understanding ... if you post a picture here it will be quoted and moved ... http://mortystv.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=22 to post pictures and screencaps
  11. Thank you for the Interview Marcellas. Just so none of our posters miss it. Here is the link. http://www.mortystv.com/big_brother_marcellas.shtml
  12. From around 4.50 EST (computer trouble sorry) Rachel and Kaysar talking outside while Rachel does laundry. He is summarizing Maggie and his conversation for the night before. Rachel: People in this game are going to do what they want to do. I don
  13. Wishing Dave (Maggies other half) a happy birthday.
  14. BB: Janelle, please change you batteries. HG's Dumbass Beau: Dumb b*&ch. All talking around the table. April pulled the blankets off James and Sarah at some point. Sarah teasing that April expected to see "something".
  15. Janelle still in bed in the Gold room.
  16. Best BB Site Which is your favorite Big Brother website? [2323 votes total] Morty
  17. Fish... probably a wakeup call for the rest of the HG's.
  18. Pancakes and scrambled eggs for breakfast in the BB house. Rachel burned the first 3 pancakes as the pan was too hot. Ivette is cooking the eggs. Maggie comes down stairs.
  19. Maggie and Beau in the HoH room out of bed. Feeds changed to another room with someone sleeping.
  20. Ivette and Rachel in the kitchen. Jen and April just came down.
  21. Best BB Site Which is your favorite Big Brother website? [2266 votes total] Morty



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