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Posts posted by Dade

  1. 5:53pm BBT Vanessa says he goes rough. Shelli says if he gave a Dmn he wouldnt go after her sister. Liz says you have no idea how much I dont like him. Liz finds out he told them he kissed her. She says nooooo. She has told him he has a girlfriend and she doesnt want to be seen like that on national TV. He tried to kiss her and she turned, he pecked her. Shelli asks her why she trusts him more then them, he is a huge target, making her a target. Liz says she would never lie to them. Vanessa says the bad thing is she had Austins back and then he lies, throws her sister out of the house. Shelli asks what was his point for voting for Audrey. Liz says he wanted ppl to think Steve was americas player.


    5:55pm BBT Liz says she had no idea his intentions to get her sister out. Liz says Julia told her Austin never talk to her. All Liz's old BF put Julia on a pedestal. Shelli says he is into her bad but not emotional. Vanessa says you dont throw her sister under the bus on national TV. Vanessa mentions Judas, Liz says she has known since the day on the hammock. She says that was his wrestling name before. Vanessa asks if its better for her if Julia is here? she says yes. You cant believe how much Liz doesnt like him, cant stand to be in the bed. He repulses her with the beard. Shelli asks her what she is doing. Liz says she loves his personallity, thought he was her friend. Vanessa says he wants you in jury A L O N E! the problem is he is a vote on their side, who do they recruit if he is gone?

  2. 5:35pm BBT Shelli/Austin/Vanessa talking in HOH. Shelli says it was so hot out there, she was running on adrenaline, doesn't matter now tho. Austin goes to leave and Vanessa asks him to send up Liz...with out him. He says yeah. Vanessa says she knows his lie face now, his heart starts beating and his eyes scramble.


     5:39pm BBT Shelli wants to talk to James, Vanessa tells her to be careful what/how she says stuff. At the end of the day do they trust James? Shelli says if Jackie was still in power it would be so bad. In WA: Austin/Liz talking. Austin says no wonder the DR has been asking him all these weird questions...Julia F'd them. He tells her he didnt do it (the vote for John), she has to tell them he didnt do it. He didnt do it Judas did it, so he didnt do it. He tells Liz to say Julia was wrong.


    5:45pm BBT Liz goes to HOH. Shelli asks her what is wrong. Vanessa tells her that Austin told Jason about Julia, they can go after Julia and he can go to Jury with Liz. Liz says if she hadnt won BOtB she would be going home. Liz says Austin likes her a lot more then she likes him. Julia does not feel the same way. Vanessa says we have an alliance and he lied to her face. Austin doesnt realize what he did was create a giant target on his head. Liz says he wants to split Liz/Julia up. Vanessa says Jackie was putting you guys up no matter what, she help take the target off them. Austin says that Liz will never be loyal to them with Julia in the house.


    5:49pm BBT  Vanessa says if he was looking out for her he wouldnt have said that. Vanessa says Julia told her that Austin was the vote to Audrey. Liz says she cant lie to them, he wants her to cover it up. He wasnt the vote for Jeff, he was the vote for Audrey and trying to blame it on Steve. Vanessa tell Liz that everyone will come after her if she doesnt go along with this plan. Everyone thinks Austin is the target. No body knows that we knew about Julia before, they think we just learned about you. Vanessa says there is no doubt in their mind that she is loyal. Vanessa says Austin just wants to wait for Jury so he can get a piece. Liz says she doesnt like him.

  3. ***************************************


    2:49pm BBT If the clock on the feeds wasn't moving I would think they were paused. shhhhhh as everyone waits for BOtB


    2:55pm BBT Austin tells Vanessa that ever since he cast the demon out of the cloak Audrey left behind he has been sick. He thinks he caught the demon.


    3:03pm BBT Liz called to DR, Austin says YES!! He gives Jula a little wave as she goes to the DR, Austin swears and goes to WC, comes right back out and preens in the mirror. He tells John in the CR that it might be getting better.


    3:12pm BBT Camera 1 shows John in CR...leaning back on the pillows, knees bent with hands on the back of his neck. Camera 3 shows Austin ....leaning back on the pillows, lknees bent with hands on the back of his neck.



    3:27pm BBT Liz comes out of DR, Austin is there to greet her. They hug and go to WA to talk. Liz says she is dieing inside. Austin tells her that James was trying to throw the HOH but eliminated him. Clay comes in. Austin tells her everyone is on the same page so don't freak out.


    3:31pm BBT Austin tells Liz that if James wins POV Steve will go up.  Clay wakes Shelli up and she tells him about Judas.  Back in WA Liz is upset, Austin reassures her she is safe. Austin tells her he almost dominated HOH. He tells Liz that he talked to Steve and Steve said that if he plays for POV he will throw it to Austin. As they go to the CBR they pass the memory wall where the noms are pictured, he tells her not to look.


    3:50pm BBT Austin catches Liz up on what has happened while she was gone. He tells her his vote, he is clear on it cuz he didnt vote against the house....Judas did.  He tells her that Julie must have been talking to Audrey for a while cuz they stood in the KT for a long time. FOTH....He tells her he told Steve that he had a chance to do last season but didnt because of "her" (former girlfriend).


    3:55pm BBT BB: Everyone it's time for the final performance of Whack Street Boys!!!  HG are gatheringin the LR.

  4.  2:11pm BBT James wonders how many feeders there are right now. He guesses 1 mill, Jason says no. James says 3,000. Jason says more like that. James says it turns into more like 6,000 when "they" (hey that's me) tweet, screen shot, post to facebook.


    2:15pm BBT James tells a story about a guy at a hotel he was staying at who went over a railing and hit the floor several stories below. The guy didn't die but it took a while for him to recover. Austin tells about a guy he saw get run over by a car. James tells about when was a correctional officer and was on his way to work and this little girl (11 or 12) ran out in front of a car that was in front of him, it drug her. It was pretty gruesome. He gets to work and a coworkers daughter had been hit by a car. He didn't tell the guy he saw it.


    2:37pm BBT John has been in the CR eating crackers w/peanut butter. Austin informed him he (Austin) had a demon in him, he had been to the WC several times in the last hour. HG are checking their eye lids for leaks. Austin lays on the LR couch.

  5. 1:37pm BBT It's time to eat in the BBH. The HG are in the KT or at the table. Some one said that BB told them the temp, why would they do that if BOtB wasn't soon. James says comp prob wont be for several hours yet, BB just wanted them up.


    1:48pm BBT Talk about the table turns to sneezes: sneezing into your hand vs sneezing into your sleeve. They change to everyone wearing each others clothes. And when comp will be, Vanessa is still in DR, she isn't hosting tho. Who will the host be? They need the SR restocked.


    2:01pm BBT HG are waiting for BOtB to begin. Austin/Clay talking about having to wait for their sports to begin, eat/sleep/eat/sleep until evening.


    2:04pm BBT HG speculate BB is waiting for it to cool down..but why would they wake them up Jason asks. Shelli says it was boring in here with them all sleeping. James says Meg is definitely not a floozy. Compared to the girls he hangs out with she is an angel. News flash:Julia calls Steve out...he farted, in the privacy of his own bed. He asks if next time she wants him to spoon with her first and she no he might dutch oven.

  6. 1:06pm BBT Shelli/Vanessa going over who Austin would think he has the votes. It will freak him out to be on the block with Liz. Vanessa rereads part of her letter from her mom and says she doesnt usually talk about Melody to her, she has only been out to her mom for 2 years. She loves mom and its good to hear from her.


    1:13pm BBT Vanessa/Shelli chat about miscellaneous stuff. John has put on his White suit. He tries to get into DR but Austin is in there. Austin comes out and BB lets John in.


    1:19pm BBT Austin and Shelli in the KT saying they are both nervous. They talk about HN and will they get to eat before it starts. Austin says it could be they walk into the house with stuff on the table. Shelli says the additives never make sense. Austin says don't do this to him, don't be cruel, don't do the hair cut veto, don't do that sh*t. Steve walks by saying he should wear a hat but doesn't want to upset Clay...his hair cut. Shelli says Clay wont mind.


    1:26pm BBT Austin goes in WA with some clothes in his hand. He sets them on the bench and lifts some towels up, looks under them, mouths something, looks around some more, shakes out his shirt, looks in the WC, goes back to CBR and looks thru the clothes on the floor. What ever he is looking for he cant find it. Some asks who is hosting the BOtB. Think Steve will be. Austin says he hasnt hosted yet.


     1:32pm BBT John in SR cutting his nails over the trash can (he has his foot up over the can standing on one leg) Clay comes in and gets some tuna fish. Becky comes in and John asks her if she is throwing it, she says no they are definitely playing.

  7. 12:32pm BBT Vanessa says she did so many things for Austin, she gave him the fast forward and so many little things. It sucks but at the end of the day she is ready to say he got caught. Jackie says he's getting sloppy, say thing things that don't need to be said. Just like Jeff did.


    12:36pm BBT Jackie going to get something to munch on, she says before every show she would get a Cheezits and a Blue Redbull. We see a quick flash of Jeff reels before getting FOTH.


    12:39pm BBT Vanessa tells Shelli that Julia said Austin told her that he was the odd vote. He did it to stir up sh*t for Clay and Steve. Shelli says she is soooo mad. Vanessa tells Shelli that Austins wrestling name is Judas, the biggest trader in the Bible. Shelli goes Nooooo, WHY!? Vanessa says he has been using that in DR all this time.


     12:44pm BBT Shelli tells Vanessa that she hasn't trusted Austin this whole time. Her and Clay were careful how they talked around him. Vanessa says that in wrestling he plays the villain. Shelli says and he goes in the DR as Judas, that is so disgusting. Which one is he? Is he a beast or an angel. Vanessa says at the end of the day he is man thinking with the wrong brain.


    12:58pm BBT Vanessa/Shelli still talking about Judas, Americas choice and the Twins. Downstairs John is taking a shower.

  8. 11:59am BBT In WA, James thanks Austin for going to Jackie. Austin asks him which time. James says last night. Austin says he was willing to go up (on the block), he wanted to protect Liz, for her not to go up. James says he will fight for it..


    12:03pm BBT Austin tells James that if he wins BOtB he will go to Jury with them. James says this may not be Becky and Clays day tho. Austin says Ppl shouldn't count him out yet. James says he will do his best, he and Liz will come together and do what they got to do.


    12:09pm BBT James asks Austin if he would shave his hair off for Liz. Austin points to the camera and says forcefully--"Don't you F'n do that!!" Why would you want to change his appearance for a weeks worth of drama. If hair grew back over night he might do it. He wouldn't let Liz do it either.


    12:14pm BBT James asks how Liz(Julia) is doing. Austin says she is fine. She knows she's not the target. Austin says Steve not taking the chance to feel the goods may be the dumbest move in BB history. James has been trimming his hair one hair at a time, he says he can tell he is bored. Austin says it might be about an hour or two till comp. James is going to catch some shut eye.


    12:26pm BBT Vanessa/Jackie in HOH talking about John, he is worried about Becky being on the block. Jackie tells her that Clay/Shelli ate and are now sleeping. They will play hard. Clay wants to prove himself to the rest of the house. Vanessa says she felt she could put one but not both of them to go up. Jackie says the only weird thing is if Liz wins POV then Austin would be up against James. Jackie says that when Austin goes up it will be a few days of weird, she is glad Vanessa is there for her.

  9. 11:04am BBT Vanessa/Julia in HOH. Vanessa asks if she minds of she tells Shelli/Clay that Austin was the odd vote. Julia says no, then tells Vanessa that Austins alter name is Judas. Vanessa tells her she isnt the target. 100%!


    11:10am BBT Jackie comes in HOH hugs Julia and says sorry, she had to make it look good. They will play for BOtB and go from there.


     11:16am BBT James/Steve/Julia talk about comps in CBR. Jackie nominated Liz and James. Vanessa nominated Clay and Becky. The target for both of them is Austin.


     11:23am BBT James joins HOH where he confirms they want him to throw BOtB. Vanessa assures him that he is not going home. Jackie reaffirms it. Vanessa says she doesn't want to stay HOH, they better lose it (BOtB). Shelli says that the veto WILL be used on Clay. They told Liz the veto will be used on her.


    11:29am BBT James says Austin said he told Jackie he wanted him (Austin) and Steve. That he threw himself at Jackie. Jackie says no, he came up to say not to put him up.


    11:37am BBT In CBR Austin tells Julia that if they win BOtB they can relax. Julia asks if Becky knew she was going up. Austin says she (Becky) knows the house wants Steve out.


    11:42am BBT Julia tells Austin that Vanessa wants to be dethroned. She says they will switch soon. Julia is hungry but there is nothing to eat but turkey bacon. Julia expects to be a HN, they will probably be on slop after BOtB. Steve walks in and Julia says Steve volunteered last night. Austin says that if Liz is a HN he wants to be one too. Steve says he doesnt care. Austin says it would be funny if both couples were HN.


    11:49am BBT Julia tells Steve to not worry about the things they cant control. He says to do the best with what they can control. He tells her basically to eat/sleep/bathroom needs.


    11:51am BBT Johnny Mac is a happy man. (he isnt on the block)In the KT Jackie tells John that she doesnt want James on the block. But he will be safe either way. John looks in the fridge and asks if there is any more slop. He says if it was there he would eat it, do you know how many oats sacrificed themselves for that slop. Jackie says OMG if you really ate that stuff.....

  10. 3:06pm BBT Vanness/Shelli in HOH. Shelli saying that she (Audrey) was telling them to "come with us" but she was telling others "lets go with them or target them" Vanessa says its quiet, no body campaigning. Shelli goes on to say that Audrey was saying things did make sense. Like her saying that Vanessa should be the replacement nom when Vanessa held the POV.


    3:13pm BBT Austin/Liz talk about how Audrey is acting like a toddler, how they are all going to be friends after the show and she wont have anyone. In HOH Shelli/Vanessa rehash what Audrey said to both of them or what she said to others that was not what they said.


    3:18pm BBT Shelli says Steve makes deals with everyone that he wont put them up if they wont put him up...then he wont ever in HOH. Shelli says its a good strategy. They talk about how the house knows the twins and can easily tell them apart and know when they change.


    3:25pm BBT Liz/Austin talk about his tats. he needed to have the ones on his hand redone, he also has the BB7 logo. In HOH: Vanessa/Shelli talking alliances. Steve is out of DR, Meg gets called to DR. Steve LOL and says he got his new Americas Choice info.

  11. 2:27pm BBT Meg doing legs in the LR, Austin sitting to the table, James pours hot sauce on his lunch/breakfast then stands at the beam counter (its chest high on him) to eat it. He finally sits on the red beam. Steve cooking something.


    2:37pm BBT In LR Meg asks James if he wants to watch TV. He asks her if she has the remote. Meg asks the ppl in the KT if they want to watch a movie. Meg has bites and James suggests bed bugs, she says they are no where else. James says if she gets any more in that same bed...Meg says EWWWWW. She thinks they are from outside.


    2:40pm BBT James says Megs bed it always gross, with substances and bugs. Well two guys doing that in her bed. (John and Jason both had wet dreams while sleeping in Megs bed) James says thats why he stays away from her bed. The comic room is named that because its so funny in there. They are always joking around.


     2:45pm BBT James is playing with the roller pillow, he lays on his back on it and catches his (oops sorry Megs former) hoodie between it and his back. Meg says she would feel funny wearing that hoodie now. James does some moves with it that Meg was just doing and she LOL. Shelli comes in to watch the show. They cant believe its July 22, day 35.


    2:57pm BBT Meg says it will feel weird to talk to her mom on the phone. She wants to a restaurant, to go out. Austin/Liz talking in WA, he is stroking the hair out of her face with blue fingernails. They talk about Ian being like Steve. Liz knows how many whales, fish, sea urchins there are.

  12. 12:29pm BBT Jason/Clay/Shelli/Becky talking about Steve's game, Dan wrote the book and Steve read it, Steve is playing Dan's game. Female BB: HG can you hear me? FOTH Hammock is empty and they are cleaning up towels etc. Austin/Liz sit in hammock for 3 more minutes. Austin says that after she is gone he will implement plan Jason.


    12:41pm BBT Vanessa tells Steve is getting a hair cut tomorrow, but not a buzz. They talk about who had to have a buzz cut as part of a comp. Jason says he has had men crushes on BB HG but cant think of who. Vanessa says she has been with men and enjoyed it but has better relationships with women, she is in a monogamous relationship now.


    12:47pm BBT BB must have called IDLD during FOTH, the HG in the BY are coming inside. Vanessa says she is hung over. In the KT: Liz finds pool chalk in water in a red glass. why would anyone do that?! Liz throws the whole thing away.

  13. 12:02pm BBT Jason upset that he only had about an hour and half of sleep before BB called them to dance. Vanessa says DR was going to call them on today. Jason asks if she (Audrey) was in their room. Becky says no, she was prob in the other room. John asks how my more dances they have left? Jason says they needed two more. John doesnt care anymore.



     12:16pm BBT Jason comes over to hammock to talk with Shelli/Clay. They talk about when they will be locked down. Jason says they did it on Wed last week prob cuz the ppl that had to practice. Shelli says they were just talking about last night convos with the twins and all that. Jason says Steve tried to make a deal with him. He said Steve wont win so he said yeah Steve. Clay says its almost worth it to throw it to him. Jason says if he would win it while the twins were here it would be easy for him.


    12:19pm BBT Jason says he would put Austin/Steve up together. Clay says not now that you made the deal. Jason says no and he wouldn't be the target anyway. Shelli asks what the comp was at this time last season. Jason says questions. He goes through the week last season. Jason says he is dieing for an enduro but doesn't think it will be one, not with BOtB. Jason says he wants to back door Austin but might be better to just put him up with so many ppl knowing whats going on.


    12:24pm BBT Jason says Austin is big but not a comp beast. He hasnt seen Liz in anything but HOH comps. Jason says if the twin thing was like Season 5, they would evict Audrey and Julie would announce the twin. He says there could be one extra juror so they could save it for the 5th eviction. FOTH

  14. 11:34am BBT Austin/Liz in bed. Austin has his arm over Liz's chest stroking her forehead. She grunts something and he stops. He pecks her on the cheek. A few seconds later Liz sits up checking her mic pack and folding her uniform. Austin strokes her back. In KT John and Becky talk about allergies.


    11:45am BBT Jason on couch in BY, Clay gets in the pool. Shelli adds some laundry to Clays in the washer. Liz brushing her teeth. Becky and John in KT talking slop/protein while she takes off nail polish. Becky says the DR door is locked and the button isn't working.


    11:55am BBT In KT: Jason asks John if the sleeps in the outfit. John says yes. Jason says he got in trouble for taking his off to work out. BB called him and Liz in and told them they had to wear it at all times unless they were in the pool. Thats why they got another set. At the hammock, Vanessa tells ClayShelli that Jackie is with Jason, she heard them talking game last night.

  15. 11:04am BBT Clay looking for clothes to add to his to make load. Becky curling her hair. Shelli taking a shower in HOH. Austin is back in bed.


    11:10am BBT Clay goes in WA asks Becky if she is getting beautiful. She says she is trying, the good curling iron broke and she is learning to use a straightener to curl her hair. He walks over by the HN shower area and says something smells like rotten eggs.


    11:19am BBT In BY Clay teaches John to juggle pool balls. John changes to oranges, they are softer. John asks Clay if he thinks Audrey will try something. Clay says no he thinks she's down for the count.


    11:23am BBT John asks Clay if he has every done Devil Sticks (sticks you juggle back and forth in front of you). Clay says no. John says he wasn't very good at it. John goes in for breakfast. He tells Becky its kinda scary, she (Audrey) is gone, at times.

  16. 11:09am BBT BY is open. Austin working out. Clay and John talk on BY Couch. Clay telling him he came in to play an honest game, Jeff lost it with him when Jeff lied to him. It's not beneficial for him to be associated with her (Audrey). Audrey can throw out 400 scenarios and maybe 1 of them is right. She doesnt know when to stop talking game.


    11:16am BBT Clay tells John that if there is anything they can do for him, let them know. Dont let them know they are together. Clay says no one has said anything to him about John. Meanwhile: Austin is huffing and puffing, gasping for breath.


    11:24am BBT John says the house will feel better w/o her (Audrey) here. He says the feed watchers will probably feel better too. Clay says that Shelli would want confirmation that if its not 100% sure that Audrey goes that Shelli is safe next week. John says Shelli was never an option for him. Clay says its like they cant wait another week. John says he is down! Clay says Vanessa is firey down.


    11:32am BBT John goes back to bed...errrr chair. Clay says he is going to get something to eat. Austin dead lifting 275lbs.

  17. 10:00am BBT Meg is blow drying her hair and putting make up on. The 4 HN are not so snug in the dentist chairs.


    10:06am BBT Meg is moving really slow and limping. When she sat down on the couch in the WA she used her hands to pull her leg up so she could sit sideways. Looks like they are on IDLD, the sliding door is black. FOTH


    10:21am BBT It was wake up call. Steve and John and Austin in KT. Shelli and Clay crawl out of bed. Shelli changes her batteries, Clay brushes his teeth, John puts lotion on his hands, Austin stirs eggs, Steve eats cereal. Shelli goes back to bed while the guys speculate how long they will be IDLD. They think BB is putting the rest of the awnings and the mics back.

  18. 8:50am BBT John and Jason in the BY. BB must have asked them to put the awnings up. Jason says there are no awnings, he didnt know they could be removed. They put awnings up by the wts and hammock. Jason says he asked if they could take their stuff off and hop in the pool. John says they can all throw their stuff in the washer and chill in the HT. They wonder what will happen when the twins switch, the other one will be doing all the wrong moves.


    9:05am BBT Jason/John chatting in BY. Jason saying morning to ppl on the east coast. Jason says he isnt going to let wearing the outfit ruin what could be his last week in the house. John agrees. Jason says he hopes some one else goes up that the whole house wants up. Jason says if he stays he will have to put on his customer service. He tells John that after his convo in HOH they are both ok this week.


     9:20am BBT Jason heads back to bed leaving John on the BY couch by himself. James asked Jason if they played music already, he says no but there are batteries available. Meg says sorry she didnt go out for their last performance but she looks foul. Jason says Liz was mad.

  19. Highlights from last night: 12:30am -2:20am BBT Steve does the dishes, Meg going to sleep in plaid on plaid, Jason sleeping in his boxers as he has to be ready to jump into his white pants at a moments notice. Becky put a nut in her mouth and spit it back out (she is a HN) James gives John tips for sleeping in the HN chairs.


    Flashback: 2:25-2:45am BBT Audrey, James, Becky and Jackie in KT looking at memory wall wondering where they would put a twins pic if there was one in the house. Steve talks to himself in the shower. BB opens the BY, Jason runs out in his boxers then remembers his Outfit, he runs back inside.


    Flashback 2:47am BBT Liz cant find her headphones. Whack Street Boys perform in the BY...we get FOTH so don't see it. Liz stage name is Bizness.


    4:20am BBT James hides in a black trash bag in the SR. Audry (knows about James in the bag) pulls Liz in and tells her that Steve is romantically curious about her. Tells her he thinks she is one of the most beautiful girls in the house. Liz is bent over laughing saying "honestly?!" James yells and grabs Liz's foot, she screams OMG!! James comes out of the bag saying Gotcha.


    4:26am BBT Audrey/James continue scaring ppl in the SR. They got Austin and Steve then Jackie. Jackie wonders why they are acting so weird, James gets caught this time.


    5:37am BBT Steve talks to himself by the pool table, he drops a ball on his foot. HG finally make it to bed.


    8:40am BBT We have FOTH...wake up call?

  20. 2:26pm BBT Jackie says she lost her clothes she wore in the last comp. They were nasty and her top and pants got thrown out. She got her sports bra at least. Shelli asks Jackie if she wanted to talk to her lastnight. Jackie says no Audrey said that. Jackie doesnt feel comfortable with Audrey. Audrey waits in the lounge room.


    2:29pm BBT John comes in and asks what the plan is. Shelli says the plan is for you to do what you do. She figures it will be used and sleep head (Shelli) has a lot to think about. In SR: James/Audrey talk, he tells her HOH said they will have to see who wins POV before they talk. James says Jason picked him to play so if he wins he feels he has to take Jason off. Audrey asks about replacements and he says no. James says she doesnt have anything to worry about with Shelli.

  21. 12:52pm BBT FOTH


    12:56pm BBT still FOTH1:05pm BBT Still FOTH. Are they picking players for POV? Is BB playing them some more 90's music? Are getting ready for POV? When we know you'll know. Stay tuned.


    1:15pm BBT Feeds back, HG talking about music. Jason says: Johnny Mac is going to go solo, Liz will be the one to develop a drug problem.  Liz and Jason are wearing white tops. They cant sing any more Backstreet Boys songs.





  22. 10:41am BBT Meanwhile downstairs: Meg is in the KT, she finishes a drink, puts her glass in the sink. She then goes to LR, lays on the floor and does some stretches.


    10:44am BBT Vanessa says the house will feel better with Audrey gone. Clay agrees. Vanessa asks about how he feels about Austin. Clays says he doesnt think that he is disloyal but him running and telling things is to cover his ass, it makes them a target. But he wouldnt feel bad with him going.


    10:47am BBT Clays says Austin is playing more and more with his emotions. That's why Jeff left, he let his emotions get in the way. Clays says on a personal level he would miss Austin but not on a game level.


    10:49am BBT Clays not to pressure Shelli to put Audrey up. Shelli is afraid that if she puts her up she wont go home. Vanessa says the whole house wants her out. All the alliances she made early are done. Vanessa admires Clay for keeping it cool around Audrey. Clay says he feels the way Vanessa does.


    10:55am BBT Austin joins Vanessa/Clay in HOH talk changes to who want to play for POV. Clay says if Jason was up against John on Thurs Jason would go home. Clays says until they see who is picked for pov and who wins POV they will just be talking in circles. (Ummmm...no comment--Dade)

  23. 10:15am BBT Vanessa/Shelli talk about who John would pick if he got HG choice. Austin had said John would pick him but Vanessa was told it would be her. They wonder what Austins motive is for saying he would be picked. Vanessa felt like she was sleeping with the enemy last night. After that B* (Audrey) spent hours and hours in the HOH yesterday talking crap about her (Vanessa). Vanessa loaths her and she slept next to her last night. Now she believes Jason.


    10:20am BBT Clay says that how Shelli stuck by her side and then Audrey had the audacity to go behind Shelli's back. Vanessa says she is panicking that Vanessa was going to tell them. Audrey told Clay that this weeks twist would be a rewind and this whole week would be rewound.


    10:24am BBT Vanessa feels hurt, she is going to explode. Shelli tells her not to explode. Clay says that Audrey is doing everything she can to stay week to week, she has to be here for so many week or she doesnt get paid. (they still think Audrey is Americas Choice)


    10:27am BBT Clay tells Vanessa to not say anything until they draw for POV or even play POV. Shelli says dont say anything important w/o me and she goes to DR. Vanessa keeps saying she (Audrey) took advantage of her, she is so hurt. Clay says for Audrey to go against Shelli....


    10:35am BBT Clays tells Vanessa that he trust Jason 10x more then Audrey. Jason and James are not as close as ppl think, Meg is the connection between Jason and James. Clay says he likes Jason as a person, he is funny, he stuck by Da no matter what. He is a good hearted person. Vanessa asks who would be better to be up with Audrey? Jason or John? Vanessa counts the votes against Audrey then says it would be unanimous and then no more Americas Player.

  24. 9:30am BBT What's that I hear? NOTHING! HG are all snug as bugs in their beds.


    9:34am BBT lights in CBR flicker (like a florescence bulb burning out) the camera aims at the floor, the light comes and now at 9:38am BBT we have FOTH. Could be wake up call.


    9:52am BBT Feeds back, Meg in the shower with Jason talking to her about weither James would take him off the block if he won POV. They think he would take down John before Jason. Shelli comes in to WA looking for a hair brush, she is missing 2 of them. She says DR talked to her 4hrs ago and just called her back, why couldnt they have asked her that 4hrs ago...FOTH


    9:56am BBT Jason says its pretty much him unless he can figure out a way to pull himself off. He says she's not the back dooring type. Shelli washes her face in the HOH.


    9:59am BBT Jason says he's going to go lay in bed until she calls them out. (for POV comp) He thinks that's why they are calling her to DR. Meg asks already?


    10:04am BBT BB: Vanessa, Clay there are fresh batteries in the SR. Shelli wakes Clay up and tells him to they want him to get new batteries. He asks her if she heard them call him to DR at 6 this morning...FOTH (someone is fast on the button today.)Shelli says they need stuff for the show tomorrow.

  25. 3:02pm BBT Julia asks why the spy screen doesnt work. Austin says cuz the BOtB is about to happen and it never works then. Shelli telling Clay that Liz/Julia/Austin dont know how to play the game. Austin tells Julia that Steve has a crush on Liz...or Julia...one of the two.


    3:12pm BBT Austin still talking about what went on the last few days. Shelli telling Clay she was confused on who to noms. Clays says John is a POV master. Audrey has an eye for detail.


    3:17pm BBT Shelli goes into the other HOH to get a tank top. Clay lays in bed and poses a white pillow over his groin area. The camera pans him from head to toe, zooms in on the pillow. (He's on his right side with his left knee raised, he is propping his head up with is right arm.) Shelli takes to long to come in and he rolls over onto his back.


    3:36pm BBT Shelli/Clay flirt back and forth. Julia/Austin still catching up.


    3:47pm BBT Shelli/Clay play the "do you prefer" game, still flirting. Julia puts the head phones on....FOTH


    3:50pm BBT Steve and John in the KT talking about past season comps. Steve says he is surprised BB brought back BOtB since the internet didnt want it back. John says he liked the idea of the Coaches. Steve says the problem was that became a freeby for the coaches. It would have been better if there were 14 HG and kept the coaches for the season.


    3:57pm BBT Talk in HOH turns to food as John joins Austin/Liz. Austin opens the Guacamole and they dip the chili Doritos in it.



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