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Posts posted by smassadi

  1. Exactly. Poor Ian was used, brilliantly tho. Brit and Shane didn't want Frank and Boog mad when F got put on the block so Br/S used that particular instance (where Ian hesitated and didn't give a definitive "no" answer about putting Shane up next week) to soften the blow and make F/B think that they (Br/S) were just guaranteeing that F/B wouldn't float back to Janelle's team after the pov ceremony. After all, Ian's hesitation had made them leary of Boog's team so they were totally justified in not fully trusting Boog's team with 3 votes. Lol. Frank/Boog fell for it hook, line and sinker too.

    Janelle outplayed Brit/Shane & Boog/Frank and then Brit/Shane outplayed Boog/Frank too. It was fun to watch. It's been really fun watching them all convince Frank that he's staying when he's not. (unless things have changed in the past couple of hours.)

    Not yet but I won't believe the surprise until I see Frank actually writhing on the floor in agony!!!! :sly:

  2. That's not the way I saw it. Janelle did make it happen and last night's show didn't reveal nearly what all Janelle did to make it happen. That was played down, imo. Shane was totally on board with Frank until Janelle got to them the night before the pov ceremony. She stayed up half the night talking and talking to Brit, then to Brit/Shane together, until she got them to see her point that Frank was a huge threat to them all. She worked the point privately with Brit that the coaches were coming in the game until Brit believed her. Boogie and Frank went to bed quite early, not worried at all, which was stupid. Janelle took full advantage of that and it worked.

    I know I saw it on BBAD. Janelle whispered every secret she could in Brittney's ear for 3 hours. When BBAD was finished, according to live feed discussion on sucks, Janelle's whole team went at it for about 8 hours more. You're right-- It had nothing to do with Ian.

  3. I agree. He is Mister Ready-Reply man. Shane does that to everybody. Makes them think that he is listening intently to what they are saying when in fact, his mind has moved-on. Shane is way more calculating than people realize and Shane pays very little attention to Britney; most of all. Notice how it is always Britney following Shane from room to room.

    Yes I suspect Shane is really sly. Daniele should wise up or get really hurt.

  4. anyone else get a Jason BB3 vibe from him? Without the church and virgin stuff of course

    I don't. Jason was one of my favorite HG ever. He was kind, gentle and sincere. I still say he was the only religious person on the show who wasn't a hypocrite. he said he loved God, didn't preach, point the finger at others, just loved God and was kind. Some of the other nuts spent a lot of time caterwauling, god bless you god, praying loudly, using the bible to judge others etc. Shane is not religious in the same way Jason was. Jason is a good example of a great human being.

  5. Brittney and Dan said something about the show not being live on the feeds but thank goodness they and or/people reporting were wrong! If this goes down the way it should it will be great! 22 hours! :)

    OK this is what I have for the format tomorrow

    "The live show is still live it will just have a different format - no nominee speeches and no Julie HoH interview."

  6. LOL. No way I could stay in that house and not tell that guy that he looks like and is a fool. That stupid piece of hair on his chin is repulsive.

    It's really disgusting--and his FACE gets SO RED!!! His eyes bulge with a wild look! He looks like he is really going to have an anyeurism!

  7. I have flip flopped a lot on some of these HG and Shane is gone way down on my list.

    Yesterday Ashley was up in HOH and flirting with Shane. She told him she could hook him up with agents for modeling that she has connections. He lit up like a Christmas tree and was so excited. He showed me he is not a regular guy house flipper but a wanna be star. Ashley disgusted me the way she was playing him and he disappointed me that he was falling for it and so excited.

    He/she wore WAY too much hot pink tonight--that did it for me. Yech!!!! :nuke:

  8. This morning Frank, Boogie and Wil were on the couches making some eye contact and they all giggled. Boogie looked really happy. It would be such a funny blindside.

    YES! This is what I wanted to hear! PLEASE GOD/GROD don't let this change! In fact usually Wed. is not that great of a show because obviously we know the facts about veto--however I really want to see the look on Frank's face at the ceremony!!! woohoooo!



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