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Everything posted by Ziggy49

  1. Not a chance, and their relationship won't last outside the house. She's too material, and he can't afford to get his truck fixed. If you listen to him tell her about himself you can tell they didnt know each other.
  2. And Cody was just doing the same with Jason, coaching him to vote to evict Ramses and accuse someone else of it to get the house wound up
  3. If I were Cody there were multiple times I would have said F off and left, but his little "1 or 2 people knew my plan" has been driving the whole house nuts since.
  4. She's currently crying to mark because everyone is against her because of Cody. She can't understand why she's being grouped with him. What's funny is the HGs don't even know all the shit she's talked about them when she's been alone with Cody.
  5. She's "hosting" the BBAD talk show interviewing Cody, she's grilling the hell out of him about his gameplay and his relationship with jess. She's pretty rude with her questions, the other HGs are doing the same. It's starting to get pretty rough and uncomfortable.
  6. 4:12pm BBT feeds back just as HOHLD ends. Everyone still in HOHR except Alex heads down to kitchen
  7. 3:45pm BBT Raven comes back in with an ice pack. She says she needs stitches (which they'll do on site once the doctor gets there). They call a HOHLD while they clean the stairs and everyone needs to put on shoes 3:49pm BBT FOTH while they clean the stairs
  8. 3:15pm bbt Raven falls down the stairs, hits her head and elbow, cuts her foot, they call for a medic and we get FOTH
  9. They also think he tried to win the POV which would have screwed up their plans to backdoor Cody
  10. People need to learn the difference between "reality tv" and reality. I can't stand Cody, I want him out of the house with a passion (not because he didn't hug xmas) if I saw him on the street I'd shake his hand and say "hey, I saw you on BB 19, hated you!" With no malice. Living in a fishbowl 24/7 is strange. I did it for a week in the late 90s (and I was able to leave the house and didn't have to evict people) and it was stressful. This world of everyone and their family being on social media has led to people thinking they're entitled to inject themselves into someone's life just because they're a fan.
  11. I find him very entertaining and someone I'd hang out with, as far as his gameplay I'm not so sure where I stand with him yet
  12. "The winning houseguest will be tempted with the Halting Hex! Whether on the block or not, they can halt any one of the next four evictions during the live show, making it a non-eviction night. But remember, every temptation comes with a consequence." Who do you want to win the next DOT?
  13. After last nights "show" they did during bbad about all she's been through and how she's still so positive, the older brother in me comes out (as it has/will with others in the house) and I just have to love the kid and want to protect her. The damn kid names her pacemakers! Thumper, Thunder, and now Thor. The next one will be Theodore.
  14. She's really making an attempt to talk to the HGs and include herself. She actually has a chance to redeem herself since all the really nasty stuff she said about everyone was alone to Cody.
  15. Really? You missed everything Cody did to josh? Paul is a dick, and I hope he's gone in 2 weeks when he's off of his protection, but he still doesn't make Cody look good.
  16. I'm very impressed Jess has left Cody in the have not room and joined the rest of the HGs for the "show" tonight she's even laughing and smiling
  17. The Diesel Brothers talk less about broken down trucks than Cody does
  18. She's the hot girl's annoying friend. The reason your wingman drinks for free all night hahaha
  19. I'm not sure if it's her or Matt since they're always together when it happens, but one of them makes a ton of noise when they eat.



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