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Posts posted by sparklet

  1. I have been listening to Candice chew up Howard and spit him out and called him and asshole that is trying to set her up. She is going on and on and on.

    He promises her that he will make sure that HE will go home if she goes up.

    She is harping and harping harping :argue:

    so disappointed in you Candice.

    No all the ladie minus GM Jess aryan all gang up on her last night and made a DAYUM good case that he was using her! If I wasn't looking from the outside I would have believed it to that's how good they were! He should not have left her in the dark! It made him look guilty I really feel for him bad because she's believing them!!! And when Then when he tries to talk to her she started that having faith in him again And then he turns around and ask her to talk to Judd which made him look guilty! It brought her back when he ask her to talk to Aaron! Which put a huge target on my back! She doesn't know what to believe and she Right now she think she's looking stupid on TV! This guy really cares for her and because does shehags step in! She's looking at him twice now she doesn't trust! Evil shehags!!!

    Somebody send a frickin plane!!! Howie cares for you Candace!

  2. I seriously hope what Howard is doing right now is some type of twitsted sympathy plan he is executing.. He is telling Helen to vote him out in order to keep Candice in the house :rolleyes: .. I really hope this is a plan of some sort because I dont understand why he cant just be forthright and say can we evict Amanda this week? is there anything that can be done so both of us can stay? he vaguely mentions something about if anyone wants to "do" something, I guess he means flips the script and backdoor Amanda.. ugh..

    a new day,a new riddle.

    I think he knows that is not going to happen! He tried that angle.

    Racism ruined his game, but I don't see it in the way others do. Although all that crap was said, life went on for Howard and he didn't acknowledge the remarks until the producers shoved it in his face and said "here, look at this, this is racism." He would have been completely happy to ride the coattails of the MC, but in order to save face eventually had to step up and comfort Candice otherwise he would have made himself look like a jerk. He didn't pay attention to Candice nor did the others up until that time. So, yes the racism impacted his game, but not to distract/disturb his game play but to have to take a path in the game he would have never chosen-Candice.

    This is what happens every season. Same scenario, different players. I don't find this season more "sad" than other season. Turning each other against one another, lying, cheating etc is the game.

    I've said this a thousand times, if you are unemployed you spend time looking for a job, you don't spend time on a TV show where you have a 1 out of 14 shot of winning.

    They are wannabe actors who are mooching off CBS for a 3 month paid vacation.

    Well it's a dream come true. He will probably make all stars

  3. I feel bad for Howard because he really did care for Candace! He was able to separate game from personal feelings in the end! He did what he had to do with the aid of spencer ugh! He is unemployed so he had to do his best to stay in the house! I believe the ladies just turn her against him and its so sad! Now she thinks he has been using her! Sad!

  4. No I'm not going to say that because they made a cute couple! But she can't fight all the lies that were said against her and the person she really trusted Helen has threw her under the bus! And Elissa and Jesse has turned their backs on her she just feels alone! Like why try to fake it when these people don't want her here anyway! That is what I gather from her conversation with Andy! She will probably be ok tomorrow. All the lies and aryan of all people might be the one to send her home because of her close Ali Helen.

    Now Howard! He is a good man! He is umemployed and he knows he needs to stay in that house until jury! He doesn't know that Helen is lying on Candace about the threats! He feels as he has to do damage control! I still like Howard and Candace and hope they can resolved things when they get out of the house!

  5. So I watched tonight's episode...Helen's lie about the conversation she had with Candice got bigger and bigger as she retold it. It's time for her to go! She really gets on my nerves. I think she and Amanda read the same pamphlet "How NOT to win Big Brother".

    Oh it gets much worst! She is on the I hate Candace bandwagon!!!
  6. so you think amanda is going home? If they wanted H out then getting Candice makes sense bec she is a two with him.

    I didn't say that!! I'm saying she has to fight! She needs to throw Helen under the bus! If she does that then they may realize that Helen is a bigger target becuz Candace has nobody!
  7. Yes she did. Take a look in Helen's thread I posted some info about it last night. She is upset because Howard is on the block and because she is going up as the replacement nom. Her argument makes sense, Helen is aligned with her, but Helen made a deal with her enemy, Aaryn, and now she is going on the block because of it.

    Why did Candace threaten Amanda and McRae Elissa ???



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