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Everything posted by mommy2kaitlyn

  1. Rachel is up. Got up about 5 min ago. It is 7am BBT
  2. They were talking didn't hear all of it but I heard Ivette talking about the kind of girls she dates.
  3. The cake is yellow cake with buttercream filling and chocolate fudge icing. There is ice cream also.
  4. Howie just spun it again and landed on food. Eric told him not to do that to himself. Howie said he shouldn't have passed.
  5. April is fine and I heard something about ventricular tachy cardia.
  6. Still fish. [ I doubt fish will go away before the show ]
  7. Eric and Maggie went inside and they were talking and Maggie says Janelle can't put me up, cause I gave her my vote. Eric says WHAT? Maggie said yeah then Eric interrupted by saying oh we can't dicuss votes and Maggie said oh yeah.
  8. Eric, Sarah, Jenny, Maggie, Beau, Ivette, Rachel and James are all outside talking about frats, sorities, family, etc. They are also talking about the bad beer. And what they asked for. Just idle talk
  9. April, Ivette and Beau maybe others are gathering stuff from the yard to bring in cause it is starting to rain. I see the drops in the pool.
  10. Someone (maybe howie) says it is drizzling rain outside.
  11. Beau shaved the back of Michael's neck for him while he(Michael) was showering.
  12. Howie is cutting nose hairs and popping zits. Beau is shaving his legs. James was messing with his face to.
  13. I just posted what was said between Michael and Eric under show updates. Yep I sat and wrote it all down. Sorry but Eric was bated and bated bad! I do agree nothing would have happened physically atleast on Eric's end cause no fists were brought up. I watched. It was all finger pointing. Michael's first gesture was either a finger pointing or come here it was blurred. I admit Eric lost his cool but he definitely did not deserve being thrown out. I am soo glad he wasn't. It was great of Kaysar to try and diffuse the problem but tensions where HIGH at that point. He needed to either do it differently or wait til things cooled down. He could have said something like I heard Michael said something wrong to you, what did he say? Instead of what did he say, What did Michael say to you. That can be taken as him about to defend him or the other way to. I am truly shocked they showed it. But glad. I am even more on Eric's side now. I was leaning after reading posts here.
  14. Interesting. Cause I waited to hear what they said during the ending of the show and they said who will go Michael or Janelle? I think they would have hinted there. I remember last year they did stuff like that to. Probably did it cause it is soo set on Michael. Wanted to keep interest. I am praying no Eric out and Michael doesn't stay. like the one person pointed out we will have a thought cause everyone will be packing. They don't have enough time between HOH and that to let Eric pack properly.
  15. I did not see it. It happened around the fight right? I was just watching it over and over to get the exact dialogue and I didn't see it.
  16. Here is what was said in the fight: Eric: You got a F***king problem Michael: Yeah I got a F***king problem. Whatcha going to do about it. Eric: Not a F***king thing. Michael: Yeah that is what I thought, midget. You talk a lot and you can't act on it. (Hand gesture towards Eric while saying that). You got a small penis. Eric: Talk about my family. Gets up out of chair fast. Not sure here Michael was interupting here and others but I heard something then talk about my family. Michael: I didn't talk about your family. Midget. Eric: Talk about my family. At this point both are restrained finger pointing is all that has happened and Big brother steps in and says Eric to DR and Michael to Storage room. Eric while leaving says Go ahead talk about my family b***h.
  17. I don't think the fish are any worse than last year but that is me. The whole feed thing with all on same thing does bother me to but it seems to be better lately. Like right now it is on two different things. As for the fight I won't go down that road in this post. I am definitely not on the side as most people on this site. I like the cast. It is a good mix. And I certainly think it has been an interesting ride so far.
  18. About 5 min ago you hear the BB voice say Kayar stop masterbating. :shock:
  19. James caught Howie and Rachel talking. And they said that was wierd. James said that at 3:45am Howie and Rachel were talking. And that as soon as they heard him they ran opposite directions. They brought up how Howie got off the board so easy. Maggie came in and just said good night. Sarah walked in right as they were talking about her. Eric popped her back.
  20. Eric says he doesn't mind if they want to put Maggie up. Ivette says no, no not that.
  21. James, Eric and Ivette are in the HOH room talking strategy. Mentioning Howie and Maggie. [hahaha] Now we have fish.
  22. Eric is telling about how he asked his wife's parents permission to ask her to marry him. He is also telling about how he asked her to marry him.
  23. Eric just confirmed it is with the Triscuits.
  24. Eric is now doing his own form of shake n Bake [his words]. looks like Triscuits [box right next to him] and spices. He was beating the heck out of the ziploc bag with the crackers in it.



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