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Posts posted by yawnie

  1. One of the best seasons, not really. Dan is completely manipulating Danielle. Has been since the beginning. If she were smart, she'd back-door him NOW!

    As for losing Jesse's #, I totally agree. That large-necked, over-bloated ego of a jerk is a pain in the ears, head & elsewhere.

    Also, tonight's (Sept 12) "luxury" item has to be the worst ever on the show. I could think of better gifts to give the guests. Danielle & Shane looked so unimpressed, like they were faking interest & smiles, I'm surprised they even told the other HG's what Shane had won. I understand Americans loving their "heroes", but come on, as luxury prize. It could have been much, much better.

    The idea of bringing back early exits is a good idea for a season. Might be interesting to see what they could've done. But then, you might also end up with a house full of floaters.

  2. I would like to see F3 Ian, Shane & Danielle. Apparently, no one seems to be targeting Dan, so he will most likely be one of the F3 and, if he gets his way, Ian will be gone. It would be a total shame if Jenn made F3 since she floated up until the last two weeks. If Shane makes it past this elimination, it would be nice to see him in F3. Dan or Ian will have to go in order for this to happen.

    I don't understand why everyone is choosing Jenn over Danielle. Dani has had more wins and played a better game than Jenn. Dani was responsible for Janelle going home. Jenn got lucky at one challenge for POV. Dani has more chance in the end then Jenn.

  3. It surprises me that Ian hasn't figured out that Dan blew up the Quack Pack to Frank. If he's playing strategically, he needs to get rid of Dan. Dan has played everyone in the house and has promised everyone a F2. No one is safe where Dan is concerned. Please Ian, think over the past few weeks and realize what happened when Frank came after you....it was Dan. Get rid of him and your only real threat at comps will be Danielle.

  4. I don't think the coaches ruined this season. I really would have liked to have seen which coach would have gotten at least one of their players to the end.

    Each coach had a different set of tactics, but some of the newbies weren't interested in the assistance they were getting from the coaches, ie Wil and some

    were just ignored by theirs, ie Ian & Jenn.

    Could have been interesting for the coaches to go the full distance in the game as coaches, but we'll never know what would have/could have transpired.

    Kind of a let down.

  5. Since I am under no illusions regarding myself, I would definitely go on the show. I have been bullied one way or another my entire life, ie my looks, my height etc and have come out stronger for it. So, anything anyone would say about me would roll off my back. The only opinion that matters to me is my loved one's, so others wouldn't bother me.

    It would be a great experience to meet new people. I have always liked that aspect of my life and have always sought out employment that allowed me to do so, so I think it would be nice in this type of setting. Also, comps would be fun and interesting.

    Wouldn't go in expecting to win, but if I did, all the more to be excited about.

  6. I've been watching BB since the very first season and have seen & heard some really great and some really disgusting things.

    However, IMHO, Thursday, August 23rd had to be the best goodbye messages and save me from eviction speeches ever!

    Britney's play on the Chiltown diary room goodbyes was awesome, especially when she noted she was sticking it to Boogie for Janelle!

    Ian's confesion to Boogie was also awesome. I was surprised that MB had the decency to take his hat off to Ian after learning that Ian was responsible for MB's demise. (LOVE IAN)

    Joe had to have had the best ever "save me from eviction" speech in the history of BB. No words needed and hilarious as hell!

  7. ... She handled it like the sore loser she is ... Calling someone a douche bag on National TV ... You can't tell me if the roles were reversed and Boogie was evicted and she left a message (You know it would have been similar) and he called her a douche bag all hell would break loose ... Its called the law of double standards. Just calling a spade a spade!

    Janelle was classy. Booger spent the last two weeks in the house calling Janelle a c*nt, skank, bitch and whatever other ignorant, nasty thing he could think of. Compared to this piece of unrecyclable trash, Janelle has more class in her pinky than this ass has in his whole body.

    Boogie will be loyal to Frank for awhile no question but he's already thinking about how to get the other members of the Silent 6 out without doing it himself ... Of course the other 4 are hoping to find a way to have someone else get rid of Boogie or Frank ... (Mainly Frank first)

    Boogie and Dan along with Dr Will are probably the 3 best BB players in the history of the game ... Without a win I don't consider Janelle to be much better than Britney ... Let's be fair Britney came in 4th but she was on season 12 just 2 seasons ago not exactly who had 2 seasons 1 of which was all returning players ... This season will be tough for any of the coaches to win. Janelle played horrible this season IMO outplayed by Britney

    Don't forget, Booger only won because Will took him to the end, as did Will & Janelle in the All-Star season. Without either of these two, MB would have been kissing pavement long before evictions to jury house!

  8. Janelle was really the only strong woman in the house..Ashley and Jenn are coasting along...I do respect Danielle for her backdooring Jani but that was really Boogie's move...Brit I like a lot but she was blindsided by "The Brigade" in her season...I do not see these remaining four women aligning at all as a seperate alliance

    Boogie keeps claiming it was his move, but Dani was already on it before he started sucking up. She wanted to get rid of Janelle out of outright jealousy! She just happened to have a "herd of haters" with her (that includes Britney!) Boogie had as much to do with Janelle's exit as I did.

    That would be funny!!!

    Throw in a few hot lesbians lol and I'd find it amusing to watch the girls cat fight over each other.

    It usually comes down to them casting multiple girls who want to play the same role. Where they team up with a guy and take it to the end, and since whatever girl ends up a threat to their romance they turn on each other.

    But I would be curious to see how things changed with an all girl BB.

    There was an all-girl group in Janelle's first season. Janelle, Maggie & Ivette

    Britney is the queen of catty. She must think very little about herself the way she constantly seems to need to tear down all the women around her. She has no business in the BB game except she creates drama for Grodner. Pathetic.

    Sadly, I think they look for women with catty personalities. And, if you think about it, to some extent every player has to be somewhat of a sociopathic liar in order to lie throughout the game and have other believe them. Some are more socio than others.

    There was a female alliance season 6 and the fans hated them, oh yeah that was the first time Pignelle lost.

    Jealous of Janelle much?!

    Britney thinks as long as she has male attention, all is good. She is probably the one who will lose the most by having Janelle out of the house. I think some part of her

    was starting to connect those dots but I also think she's not quite ready for the full consciousness of being disadvantaged as a female. Being around the guys just feels

    too good to her! Hope she realizes it's a half million feel-good!

    She was the same way in her season and she still didn't even make F3.

  9. Congrats to Boogie for getting Pignelle out of the house, don't care if he wins or not although I wouldn't be disappointed if he did win.

    Obviously a thought from another woman-hating pig! Like MB, just disappear cuz no one cares

    I personally have no problem with it and some of what he says definitely makes him come off as one for sure.

    My only objection is that people were saying Janelle's exit was "classy", but calling someone a "douchebag" isn't exactly classy.

    You may not consider it classy, but it is the honest truth!

  10. This is like the Boogie bashing Topic. I think i may be one of the only people on Morty's who likes Boogie. Okay so hes a snake, okay so he manipulate lies and is arrogant with a huge ego. But i love to watch him, he makes for funny Tv. Hes about the only reason i've laughed this season, and watching him mess with everyone's minds is hilarious. I doubt hell win but im rooting for him to make it as far as he can so i can keep watching his DR sessions and such.

    TML said it right, his downfall this season will be he doesnt have Dr Will to bail him out. But hes not doing too bad so far with Frank right behind him to win the comps....

    I'm going to enjoy this week, whether he back stabs the secret 6 or not, it will be entertaining

    He's not funny, entertaining or amusing. He's an ugly, ignorant, woman-hating, male-loving pig! The sooner he goes, the better. His chances at comps are thin. He didn't really win anything in the other two seasons until it was just him & Will (the real player) and one or two others. He' the biggest piece of crap to ever play BB. His boasting about BB producers wanting him back so much because he's supposedly so funny & entertaining is all in his puny little delusional mind. Evil Dick has always been the most entertaining on the show. As for "Chilltown", Will Kirby was the entertaining, fun-to-watch, actually in the game player. He just took this jerk along for the ride.

  11. Just like this big-mouth, egotistical floater to take credit for something that Danielle had already planned. He's chicken-shit scared of Janelle. She would have kicked his ass in the comps and tossed it in the trash bin if Danielle hadn't been such a whiny bitch. "Janelle didn't cheer me on in the HOH comp. I hate her." Jealousy is an ugly thing for both these players (D & MB) and on Boogie, it only proves what a whiny, ignorant, pig-faced asshole he really is! Hopefully, Janelle has no contact with him outside the house. She is a wonderful person with a great fan-base. And, she can still claim the title of one of the top three BB players of all-time. That's a title this jack-ass could never claim!

    All the ad hominem, but you can't deny that Boogie did work in getting Janelle out. Stellar move objectively speaking.

    Danielle didn't need his help. She had it all in place before he even started sucking-up to her. He wanted to take the credit as usual, but we all know the truth. This asshole has no game. Never has had, never will have. He's nothing without a back to piggy on!

    The fugly bitch has no class...

    You must be talking about the ugly bitch this forum is about---MB himself!

  12. I lost all faith in this show after she was evicted again by the Boogie man. It's ridiculous. Idiot already won once, and has to let his ego and jealousy go crazy. Such a moron. I hope Boogie man gets evicted soon, but I may not watch Big Brother anymore. This episode thoroughly p*&&ed me off when Grodner (who we all know is the one really controlling the show) would not give Janelle a decent chance to win this game. I mean, come on. Boogie's already won once. Get him out first so I can see some more of Janelle's entertaining manipulations and backstabbing. And his speech to her after she was evicted was anything but classy.

    Not to worry. Boogie won't win this season. He has no Will Kirby and Frank is too simple to have the brains that Will had. Even if by fluke, B makes it to F2, no one will vote for him. You can't play the game by hiding in the back rooms and distancing yourself from the other players. At least two of the remaining players (Ian & Dan) will catch onto this and kick his a*s out the door long before F4 even.

    EDITED: Rule Violation

    Odinsraven98 You have one of the coolest user names!!!!!!! BB!

    Well said!!!!!!!

    Touche mss911

  13. Whichever one wins HOH (except her, of course) needs to make nice and not even drop a hint that she's getting backdoored this

    week. Would love to see the look on her face from being extremely blindsided by EVERYONE.

    Unfortunately for you, she knows the game too well and reads people and their lies! Too bad, they lost one of the greatest players of all-time. It would have been nice to see her voted out on strategy, not jealousy and hate! Some people are just too emotional and don't play wisely.At least Janelle gets to go home to people with values and morals.

  14. Ashley - Flip-flop bimbo. Lays in bed all day with Janelle then becomes a member of "the herd". She will be gone within three weeks. Couldn't play first HOH, just sat on the floor for how long doing nothing! And by the way bimbo Ash, she said Shane looks emancipated. Big Brother, pleasegive these people a dictionary. The word air-head is emaciated! Even Danielle should have corrected that one, brilliant wanna-be physician that she is.

    Britney - Lousy Liar. Pay attention and you'll catch that stunned deer-in-the-headlight look on her face - eyes wide, mouth half-open looking dumb

    Dan - Best player after Ian (now that Janelle is gone); Danielle's puppet master

    Danielle - puppet to Dan. Folly to not-yet-out-of-the-closet Shane's awkward advances. Grow up D, highschool is long over for you! (Why is it that females named Danielle's on this show are always so jealous of others and are/or become so unlikable?)

    Frank - the spirit-tard is his true calling; bimbo cheerleader style. Daddy Psycho Sid emasculated him. I'm quite sure that if the spirit-tard had been shorter as he requested, it would have looked more like camel-toe than junk-in-the-front! Not as big a threat as everyone seems to think he is. HOH comp this week must have been about road-kill or some simpleton challenge.

    Ian - Intelligent and has great game. Currently the best player in the house. Should win overall. Also, the best looking male in the entire house; comes off more masculine than any other male in the house.

    Jenn - Who? This year's player, who when you start counting up votes, you forget she's there to cast one. Could float to end if others weren't aware of her presence. Just joking!

    Joe - loud-mouthed story-telling jackass. Production, tell him to stop screaming at the camera; we can hear him just fine. I'd bet any money that his family is enjoying the peace & quiet of his mouth not being around.

    Mike - Whiny, piggy-backing ignorant woman-hating pig! His bromance-showmances have more to do with his personal preferences than his game plan. Wake up. You dress and act like a 12-year old kid who runs and pouts when he can't get his way. Hopefully, his child is not privvy to his ignorant ways.

    Shane - Tom Cruise look-a-like. Likes a LOT of pink. Come out of the closet already and stop teasing Danielle! Boogie wants to nuzzle up to you.

    Wil - in"flamed" egotistical irritant. Started out great and personable but can't except that someone saved his game for him two weeks running. And where is he now? Block, block baby! Social game will only take you so far.

  15. Where Shane is concerned, Danielle's school-girl crush makes me want to hurl. She seems to come off as sweet & innocent, but it's all an act. Watch her closely and you will see the evil biotch come to the surface. And as for lying, she's the first one since she came into the house lying about her occupation.

  16. I just mean .. the way he talks about women, and the way he dresses, and everything.. he just comes off as one of those guys who "straight" but you know, kinda .. not straight. He does have an obsession with wearing pink and styling his hair..

    I don't get today's metro-sexual guys. As a woman I don't want a guy whose prettier than me, and more high maintenance than me lol I've known a few different guys in school who were into lots of girls, but somehow .. never really into them. Years later they came out .. and I was the only one not that surprised.

    That's sort of how he seems to me. /shrug

    Though I don't blame him for wanting to stay clear of Dani, girl is coo coo.

    Shane is rather Tom-Cruiseish, and we all know that Tom hasn't come out of the closet yet! And yes, he does wear way too much pink.

    Well said!

    The Bunny Boiler!



  17. Janelle is my all-time favourite player. If they vote her out, I'd like to think it's because they're afraid of her (as they should be). But if they vote her out for spite (Danielle, "She didn't cheer for me on the HOH challenge, boo-hoo), then it would be the dumbest move they've made. However, with a game like this, you usually want to keep the biggest target in the game to get you further by making deals with them. The fact that they all believe she lied, (maybe she did, maybe she didn't but who doesn't) is the dumbest reason to put her out. And if you want to look at the biggest liar, look to Britney. Everytime she's lying about something, her eyes grow big and get that deer in the headlight look. To keep Boogie around who is causing a lot of drama, and is extremely rude about the females is a very big mistake. Either he or his b-buddy, Frank has to go. If Janelle leaves Thursday, I stop watching. I will check back after the final show in the hopes that F & B didn't make it to the end and fully pulling for Ian to win.

    BTW, if Danielle was paying any attention on HOH challenge night, she should remember that Janelle did go over and congratulate her. Where were Boogie & Frank? In the house. Didn't see either of them congratulate her.

    Straight shooter? Loogie does not know how to tell the truth...

    He wasn't being a straight shooter except to let Janelle know that he's afraid of her (not that he doesn't trust her). She has gone to final 3 both times she was in. He's just afraid of that and wants her gone. He sucks at this game and always has without having someone to piggy-back through the seasons on.

    I'm surprised that Boogie is the least favourite. Not sure what he has done this season to garner such dislike. Or is this purely based on his past.

    It's not based totally on his past. His ignorant remarks regarding women in general should be kept to himself. As for this season, as in the past seasons, he has had to clutch the coattails of the person he believes will take him the farthest and hide behind them. He has no game play of his own other then this. He's an arogant, useless pig!

  18. Didn't matter whether the coaches entered the game or not. Most of the players weren't listening to their coaches. Dan & Danielle are the only ones working well together. Janelle chose loud-mouth Joe (I mute the tv cuz it seems like he's yelling at me) and egotistical Wil who doesn't realize that Janelle DID indeed save his sorry ass for two weeks. Britney had two big-mouths in Willie & Jo-Jo (thank goodness their both gone) and a strong player in Shane whose showmance with Danielle, I believe is all for show (he wears a little too much pink and looks too much like Tom Cruise, who still hasn't come out of the closet). As for Mike, he cozied right up to Frank believing him to be a formidable player (like he did with Will Kirby) and completely forgot he had two other players, useless Jenn and the strongest player on their team Ian. I would like to see Ian in the F2 and maybe Danielle. I don't believe the players will let the coaches get that far unless the coaches win a LOT of comps. If it came down to Ian and anyone else in F2, I honestly believe that Ian could win it all.

  19. I was being sarcastic using Boogies words about himself.

    Apologies. I did notice him refer to himself that way. But, also noticed him correct himself on next episode to say that Dr Will was the greatest player of all time. I guess he must have gotten a text from Will or something. Couldn't see him admitting it without prodding.

  20. First and foremost, I like Frank and think he is a good person. But to be honest, for Mike, I think he thinks Frank is his new "Will Kirby" and so he is going to any means to keep him. Dan wanted Mike to go with him and the other coaches to the end. But now Mike is trying to oust Janelle with a plan for final 6 with others. In my viewpoint, this is not a genius game play but an overaggressive maneauver to keep Frank and make enemies out of Janelle. I know this is harsh, but I think they need to get rid of Frank because this is screwing Mike's game play. He has to be free of Frank so he can stand on his own and play a smarter game without him.

    Please Mike, WAKE UP! I doubt Frank has done the maneuvers that Will Kirby did and therefore is not a "Will".

    If it's the right thing to do, I think they should keep Frank.

    But for the sake of Mike's game, I really think they have to get rid of Frank for Mike to focus on his own game and not rely on Frank.

    Sorry, can't like or respect any male that disrespects a female, even if it is out of earshot. Human beings should respect each other, and if they can't at least keep their rude comments to themselves and not spread over tv or the internet.

    Also, most should see it's quite obvious that Boogie does NOT have a game without piggybacking someone. He couldn't play the other two seasons without someone's back to ride on, and if Frank leaves (let's hope he does), Boogie won't be too far behind him unless he nuzzles up to Dan. He won't nuzzle up to Janelle or Britney since he has such a distaste for women.

  21. Boog's screwed all the coaches with his big idea of getting Janelle out before the JH. If he and Frank would happen to make it to F2, it would be great to see Frank beat him because Boog will never beat any newbie. No coach will win without the votes. If a coach had at least 3 sure votes (from the other coaches), it wouldn't be that hard for those coaches to sway only one newbie. What a duma$$ Boog's being.

    But, if he and Frank are successful with this, kudos. Are they really that skilled at convincing others they're trustworthy or are the others just that stupid?

    Don't see either Boogie or Frank getting to end, maybe not even jury house. Boogie is nothing without someone to pull him to the end and Frank isn't as strong at comps as everyone seems to think. He would have won more than one if that were the case. As for the chance that they could get there, I would hope that all the females would get an idea of their ignorant comments about them. It's too bad that there isn't an option of neither to win in the end. Sometimes, there are those that just don't deserve to be there.

  22. Take Wil down and replace him with Mike, that way they will both have to fight it out to get the votes to stay. Stinky or Slimmy, which do you want in the house?

    Brilliant suggestion, but will anyone have the common sense to think of it? Most likely not, but we can hope.



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