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Posts posted by yawnie

  1. It's ironic that there is an "Amanda Conspiracy" thread when it's pretty clear to me that the only reason Elissa is in the house is because she is also a friend of the producer through her sister. I doubt Elissa had to send a video tape and audition for the show. And what about those MVPs the first few weeks of the game-that was a nice favor thrown out to Elissa by production?

    Production didn't throw those to Elissa, America did. This is evidenced in the fact that America also put Amazonbitch up twice. She is despised by so many people and when she gets out and sees that it was America who voted her that way, she still won't have a clue.

  2. I've been eagerly awaiting an interesting week in the BB house and evidently I'll have to do some more waiting... The chances for even a small part of this season to become interesting have been greatly diminished... On the plus side... Elissa gave us a got a couple of days of widespread HG panic....

    If it keeps up like this, ( and there appears to be a very good chance that it will) this season will be the most boring season in BB history.


    This looked like it was going to be an interesting week, but who knew that production would throw POV to that gutter-mouthed bitch? It could still be somewhat interesting if Andy is replacement. Watching him & Aaryn campaigning for votes should prove interesting. Who would the McNasty's want to save? Their informant or their power player?

    So I guess since things aren't going the McNasty's way they will just stay in bed even more than usual and pout.

    At least it WON'T be in the HOH bed!!!

    That's disgusting. Can you imagine what those bathrooms look like?

    No wonder Amazonbitch has a yeast infection :kwasny:

    She had the best week to make a power move but didn't. She's cooked now because the others won't save her next week and I can't imagine her not getting nominated.

    Well, she could have a chance if Judd is her ally and Spencer wants the nasty hag out. If one of them could win HOH, she may still have a life in the game.

  3. Does the Conspiracy Theory that Season 15 is set up for Amanda to win Big Brother hold any truth? After a Facebook post appeared under the fake name of Hailey Jones, stating houseguest Amanda Zuckerman is predetermined to win as a personal friend of producer Allison Grodner, forums (like ours here at Morty's TV Fan Forum) have been lit up with opinions. Jones claims to have been involved in the selection process for this season of Big Brother and also claims to have evidence to support his/her statements that will be released the day before the finale. As of this time - week 9 - the theory seems to be holding some weight.
    Zuckerman, who had won nothing this season, and her boy toy McCrae Olson (who won the first Head of Household competition but nothing since) have seemed to be in charge of every decision that is made in the house all the while rarely leaving their shared bed. They have not been at all shy about having an active sex life in the house, allowing the world to watch, and have bullied their way to the top of the list of probable winner. The world of live feed watchers has been astounded that these two who have won almost nothing, have never washed a dish, cleaned a bathroom, leave food and clothing laying everywhere, have attacked every other houseguest and made statements like "I'd like to slit her throat and pass her (Elissa) around to all the guys for them to rape her" and " "I will murder her (Elissa) in her sleep she better watch out for me." continue to be in charge. Zuckerman's style of game seems to be to make everyone too afraid to do anything but her bidding!
    While other houseguest racial and bigotted statements have cost them jobs and endorsements outside of the house, McCrae and Amanda (McManda) don't seem to be suffering the same fate. Is this indeed a case of production manipulation? Does the fact that Amanda has worked on CBS shows in the past play into her ability to play this game? Is she being fed information in her private Diary Room sessions to help her have an advantage? Do Production Assistants perhaps manipulate game play to get their favorites to the final few spots? How did Zuckerman have the intellegence to advise Aaryn that she was making racist statements and to cool it, when she later is doing the same thing and no one seems to be shocked?
    I admit when I heard Amanda would be playing this week in the veto competition I immediately felt she would win and all danger of her likely eviction would be history. I got that one right. Seems McManda is here to stay. On a positive note -- if Amanda was evicted poor McCrae would not know when to shower or brush his teeth so it is in the best interest of his health that she be there to remind him to use soap when he washes his buttocks!
    NOTE: The FCC position on the show Big Brother is that it is not a game show it is entertainment and therefore the outcome is at least partially predetermined. They are allowed to manipulate the game.
    The bottom line is this all equates to ratings for CBS. With everyone yelling FOUL PLAY it has created a frenzy of non live feed watchers to tune in and therefore boosting the ratings.

    I've had an inkling since the early weeks when nothing was done about her rant which appeared on youtube and other sites. Seven minutes or longer of racist, homophobic, crude and nasty name calling about other hg's and yet she is still there. Last season, Willie got chest to chest with another hg and got immediately evicted. Chima threw tantrums and didn't follow rules, destroyed CBS property and got evicted. So one has to wonder exactly who put this piece of trash in the house and is allowing all the crap to happen that she and her scuzzy bf are getting away with.

    I don't believe Amanda is pre determined as the winner. I can't blame production for every single player being idiots.

    But, you can't really not wonder why she gets away with so much sh*t. She is the trashiest thing they have ever put into the house, and that includes ED who she is absolutely nothing like.

    I believe Amanda is getting help from production, she is too confident for a person who wins nothing, oh I'm sorry 1 POV.

    I don't think they are assisting her in what the comps will be, but I think they are informing her about other diary room sessions, so she knows a lot more about who will be nominated, saved with POV and who will be evicted before voting, I'm sure production asks them who they're voting for when they tape good bye messages. That's why I think she is so sure about her statements in her DR sessions.

    I also noticed something strange after tonight's nominations. When they showed McCrae in the bedroom, he was holding some sort of card in his hand with writing on it. It looked like it could have been production info. If so, America needs to stop watching and boycott this. Whether it is a game show or any other type of show, it is unfair to the other players and the viewers to lead them on only to have already made their decision. Just hand the tramp the money and put something worthwhile on. Repeats of any show would be welcome.

  4. Amanda running Elissa out of the photo room blowing the horn. She is planning on terrorizing Elissa all day. She is making up her face to harass her.

    Elissa has to see every time today Amanda starts harassing her everyone leaves the room and nobody will call Amanda out for being a bully.

    That says a lot about this cast.

    Unfortunately, Marty, this cast has been known for the cowards they are since about week two. All the racist, homophobic, nasty name calling has never been addressed by anyone (except Chenbot) and they continue to be dictated to by the Amazonho & her dickless boyfriend.

  5. McNasty is now saying just as awful things about Elissa as Amanda is; they are two of a kind and deserve each other's nastiness. I mean, how DARE anyone put them up!! If this is where BB is going, I will not watch it ever again.

    I honestly think McCrae was well liked in the beginning, but being that he sits by, laughs and doesn't say anything when his "p.o.s.queen" (eeewww!) goes on her rampages, he has become extremely disliked. Kaitlyn said earlier that she was "guilty by association" with respect to Aaryn's & GM's earlier behaviour. This is exactly what McCrae is. I'm sure his parents are not really pleased with their little boy right now. I know I wouldn't be if he was related to me in any way, shape or form. These people are supposed to be mature adults. Obviously, they have not grown up or don't give a sh*t how they are being portrayed to the world. Even Andy is no better, sitting around laughing at the crap spewing out of the others mouths. He is a disgrace to his GLBT counterparts.

  6. i hope Amazon gets a penalty for messing with Elissas things ..maybe take her veto away? that would be awesome

    i can dream can't i? :laugh4:

    :notworthy: I absolutely agree. Amazonbitch has gotten away with way too much whether during tv nights, after dark or live feeds. Her meds obviously are not working, so BB needs to get her a therapist & quick. Taking away her POV would be awesome, but you just know they'd never have the balls to cross the McNasty's.

    And some are mind boggled as to why most BB fans hate Amanda..

    I've seen some on here say I just don't get the hate directed towards her... This is why.. Vile is becoming a word not fit anymore to describe how disgusting she is.

    America's hatred of her started after she screamed at Aaryn about being a racist and then proceeded to spout vile things about race, sexuality, calling every other hg by some ignorant, derogatory name. There is no redemption for this piece of trash. She should leave after bb is over and find herself a sewer to crawl into. Wait, the rats will probably find her too vile to be around as well. Wonder if there's a short pier near her home that she can take a walk off of?

  7. I applaud Elissa for showing true brains. She has made her decisions regarding nominations, hasn't been bullied by the McNasty's or anyone else in the house; doesn't buy the lies being fed to her, especially by Aaryn. Now she has the sense to lock herself in her HOH room because Amazonbitch has decided she has to rain more tyranny on Elissa. This is exactly what I would do. Also, bravo to Elissa for not allowing those two douchebags in her bed. It's about time someone stopped that crap. I just hope that BB laundered all the bedding and fumigated the mattresses and room before setting in up for Elissa.

  8. The show is all about her and I can only imagine how much editing they had to do because she can't formulate a thought into words in the alotted slot time.

    I really don't think the show is about her. It's more about the McNasty's otherwise, the loud-mouthed Amazonbitch would be gone due to the fact that she has physically threatened more than one person in this house. He rant about killing Jessie was the most vile thing I've ever seen. I don't know why the producers insist on including anyone on medication in their shows. Amazonbitch obviously is not getting help from her meds because she has a mouth that is obviously fed from the gutter.

    if she has any guts she'll put up Judd as a replacement (most likely to win if he makes it to the final jury vote), but given how predictable this season has been, my guess she'll put up Spencer.... How more predictable could it be.

    Why would she put up Judd? Everyone in the house already evicted him once and large-mouth-bitch would only dictate that he be gone again. Elissa is wise in keeping Judd close this week. Being in the cesspool of a building cannot be good on anyone's psyche. Judd is a good retreat from the nastiness going on in that place.

    Ok. Please help me understand is Andy I know is trying to study off the block. Would spencer Judd and Andy vote Aaryn out if ginamarie goes up is the Amanda spell cast over them too

    Absolutely NOT. Loud-mouth-bitch & her scuzzy boy-toy have been throwing GM under the bus ever since Elissa won HOH. They need Aaryn around because she is the only real comp threat in the house (unless production is planning on throwing more to the McNasty's). I noticed after nominations tonight, McCrae went into the bedroom and had something in his hand that looked like a production info card. Did anyone notice that and were you able to tell what it said? I think Judd will vote to evict Aaryn regardless of the replacement. As for GM & Spencer, who knows. It's all up in the air and Elissa made them all paranoid. Good job, Elissa. At least someone made this week bearable to watch.

    Well I cannot think of where Amanda and Mcdirty have been as hypocritical since they never flaunted having high morals which Elissa says she practices so clearly Elissa is the better of the two in that regard.

    Well, Arrowhead, if you think back within the first couple of weeks when Aaryn was spouting off racist crap, Amanda had the nerve to "confront" her about it. She told her how she was looking bad to America and that she had to stop. Not much later, there is a seven to eight minute video of Amazonbitch spouting racist, homophobic, filthy names etc about each and every houseguest. So, whether she actually claimed to have morals, she certainly proved otherwise and has continued to do so everyday in that house. Amazonbitch is the worst p.o.s. in that house and there is absolutely nothing she can do to redeem herself. Aaryn, GM & Spencer have all lost jobs because of their behaviour. One can only hope that the public completely tanks Amazonbitch's real estate career and hopes of any other job she may ever apply for.

    I'd hardly call going on Big Brother good judgement or telling someone they're gross for wearing a one piece moral. She's chock full of injections and as phony as her boobs.

    Elissa is probably the ONLY ONE in that house without fake boobs. Amazonbitch has had hers done and the only reason anyone can figure is that she needs them for the attention she craves when her loud-mouth behaviour doesn't do the trick. So for any of them to comment on Elissa's "injections" is ludicrous because not one female in that house has the courage to go a minute without makeup. And there is no difference in any of it.

  9. Amanda winning the PoV is perfect example of why I failed to understand Elissa's nominations (McCrae an Aaryn), unless Elissa simply wants to get out Aryan, which would be soooo dumb.

    And guess what? Given that Elissa failed to make good nominations, let us all take a wild guess as to who she going to put up once McRae is taken off the block? Good Golly.... do ya think it might be ....(let me think for 1-2 seconds) SPENCER?

    And guess who's going home this week, Good Golly, and other safe bet that they all fall in line and evict spencer.

    Every week is so damn predictable, except when they do something unpredictably dumb (ie nominate McCrae and Aaryn)

    The nominations make sense if one of the McNasty squad goes home, doesn't matter if it's guttermouth Amazonbitch or racist Aaryn. The plan was to bd the large bitch, but who knew production would throw her the POV? (Maybe hers or McCrae's production relative). Anyway, Spencer will NOT be going up, so count that one out. And at this point, I don't think it matters if it's GM or Andy, since Elissa can't trust either of them to vote against Aaryn. She'll just have to see what happens. The McNasty squad are the largest group of idiots ever put together in one place, and they may as well hand the $$$ to their scuzzy leaders now because not one of them has the balls to cross them. Since the big bitch says she needs Aaryn for two more weeks, guess the replacement will be going home. BB never should have changed the policy on the POV. If you win it & use it, you should be in danger of going out if you are that stupid.

  10. Don't forget "fer sure!" Yes, she is quite the smart one.

    Just because Elissa called a duck a duck doesn't make her anything like the McNasty crew. Amazonbitch was looking like a slutty hooker and she got called on it and then said her feelings were hurt, as if she actually has any.

    Elissa has and always will have more class than any member of their crew. Just because you're a hater, doesn't mean what you say is true. People with morals have good judgment, and Elissa doesn't need forgiveness since she hasn't done anything close to being as ignorant or disgusting as the rest of them.

    Amazon walks around like a dirty slut ..look at what she just did to Elissas drawer..she's the one who is jealous with good reson!!!

    Amazon should buy some class she's just :singer:

    Sadly, Edieann, you can't buy class and I don't know of any act of kindness that could redeem that skanky ho, Amazon. Even becoming a nun wouldn't excuse any of the things she's done.

    She didn't get that rich guy on those duck lips alone!

    No, she got him through being moral, sweet & polite. She is an honest person with her own mind. She didn't have to latch on and "hoover" her way to a man like a certain piece of trash in the house does.

  11. I agree. I think that he might like her. Maybe. Who knows/cares but right now I'll bet he is seriously hoping that she is evicted and out of his dirty hair.

    I'm sorry, but when he referred to Amazonbitch as his "queen" in his goodbye message to Helen, I about tossed my cookies. He is younger than her in age & maturity. He even said that her type, pushy, bitchy type, is wrong for him, yet he insists on playing the game with the wrong head, from bed with her constantly "on him". If she hadn't latched onto him, and went for Nick instead like she said she wanted to from the start, McCrae may have not only had Nick evicted by AB as well by this time. People may actually have some respect for this douche.

    McStupid just threatened Elissa. He said if he goes then Amanda is going to be so pissed and there is no telling what she would do.

    I'm surprised that with all the med's she takes, Amazonbitch hasn't flown off the handle and actually gotten herself evicted by now. With the physical threats she's made against people, I'm surprised she hasn't been tossed. But for some stupid reason, production thinks she is the reason people are tuning in. And then they throw her the POV today. Hopefully the other hg's wake up and band together against these two nasty pcs of s**t.

  12. BB self-proclaimed "super fan", McNasty, told Andy before he went to bed (Andy that is) to be sure he gets up early today to talk to Elissa because he (McNasty) is "not an early riser". Just goes to my point that he isn't even playing the game...get him outta there.

    The way he only ever leaves the room only for cigarette breaks, and doesn't shower but once a week or wash his clothing or bedding, I can only believe that he calls some member of production by aunt, uncle, cousin or some other relative name. He's disgusting and can only think with one head, and it's not the one most of the other players are using. I also think that when they start speculating about which comp type is coming up, BB should be throwing a wrench into the miss to totally mess up their games and heads. Expect the unexpected since he always seems to know what is coming up.

  13. I cannot believe that elissa doesn't know that it is andy. Is she stupid? (you are excused from answering that, arrowhead and chief slapaho). Why is she so concerned with aaryn? Is she 30 with a 13-year old grudge? Put the cow and birdlegs on the block, dummy. It's easy. Do it.

    Elissa is much more savvy then you know with respect to Andy. Why do you think she talks very little game in front of him anymore. She won't even hint as to a replacement. Andy is getting his info from the McNasty's who are fully & continually targeting Elissa & GM, and anyone else who dares cross them or get in their way.

  14. I think she should nominate Aaryn and mccrea and back door Amanda. I am worried about the guys forming an alliance so maybe Elissa should back door Mccrea.

    The only flaw in that plan is that Amazonbitch may actually win POV, which she did. Now Elissa has to lose Aaryn. One less vote for the McNasty squad and hopefully, three new allies for Elissa in Judd, GM & Spencer. Amongst the four of them, they should be able to destroy the McNasty's. It should have been both McNasty's on the block with a back door plan on Aaryn if Amazonbitch won. Unfortunately, it wasn't played right and now Elissa has to hope for a strong HOH winner next week that isn't part of the McNasty alliance. If both the McNasty's had been on the block, at least one of them would have gone home. The rest of the HG's have to work their butts off for next HOH (except butt-monkey Andy....can't trust him as far as he can throw "Clownie") and the right plan to destroy McNasty.

  15. She was bragging a few days ago she owned Elissa - We will see now.

    There in lies Amanda's biggest problem. Her ego thinks she owns a piece of every person in that house. Unfortunately for her, Elissa is not one of them. I don't believe Judd will be either. And if things are as they appear to be in the last couple of days, she really doesn't own GM either. As much as I don't like Aaryn's behaviour, I'm hoping she really does realize that she has been used, especially during her HOH's to carry out McScum's dirty work. The only way she gets to the end is to turn the tables on the gruesome two-some, if she gets to stay this week, that is.

    When McIcky was nomed I posted that the camera man would see a weird shape crawling up onto Elissa's bed and that it would be Amanda with a knife between her teeth. She has confirmed that she is thinking about that.

    Considering her threats of physical violence against at least two different people in the house since the start of the game, I'm shocked that this pos hasn't been evicted by the producers. How the producers can consider this entertaining in the least is beyond me. I'm sure there are millions of viewers that will refuse to stay tuned If the type of behaviour that has been prevalent since week one continues.

  16. Probably the same towel she gives mccrae to clean off with after sex!

    Now that Helen is gone Elissa is the only one to pick up anything. I have not seen Amanda or McCrae clean a dish or even carry their dirty stuff to the kitchen! really really gross people. Big Brother needs to MAKE them clean that house

    In order for either of the McNasty's to clean anything, they'd have to actually get out of bed for anything other than a cigarette. Apparently, he doesn't show except for once a week, which means he must have an allergy to soap & water. Wait, he definitely does because he always feels the need to be in filthy sheets with a filthy, gross pig humping on him. He won the first HOH and hasn't been without that pos attached to his side every minute of the day. Of course he wouldn't clean or shower. I'm curious as to which production member he calls aunt or uncle.

  17. She had the best week to make a power move but didn't. She's cooked now because the others won't save her next week and I can't imagine her not getting nominated.

    She can still get rid of Aaryn and with the help of GM, Judd & Spencer, form a new alliance that won't fall into the tyranny of the McNasty's. Between GM, Judd & Spencer, at least two of them are strong enough competitors to win HOH. And who knows, maybe production has decided it is time to throw something to Spencer. And, if he wants Amanda out as desperately as he's been saying, the destroy the McNasty's plan could still be implemented and work as long as they are both on the block at once. Elissa's fatal flaw was that she likes McCrae and believes he is innocent in all the previous evictions. He is no better than the other three in his alliance. The fact that he puts up with all the rudeness and disgusting things that come out of Aaryn and Amanda's mouths makes him just as guilty as if he's said those things himself. He is 24 years old and thinks with the "wrong head". I can't imagine his parents are too proud of his "relationship" with his "queen". Such a loser.

  18. Elissa being secretive about her replacement nominee will be is a good strategy. She would not put up GM or Judd and possibly not Spencer. She wants to replace with Andy, then vote out Aaryn which would be her next best move. By removing the 3AM's strongest competitor, she has a chance of staying if her alliance with GM includes Judd & Spencer. That way, if one of these three wins HOH next week, they can put another McNasty plan into action. Judd wants the she-devil gone and Spencer has been saying all along that he wants her gone. If this is true, and they can form this alliance and keep it strong, it just may work. GM is a strong player and Judd is a great competitor as well. The plan to destroy the gruesome-twosomes alliance could still be implemented. With both of them on the block, at least one of them would go home & I believe they would go after the mouthiest one. There is still at least one more week for Elissa's safety if the four of them strategize well.

  19. Does anyone know what the comp was?

    I can't imagine it was anything too hard. It had to be something for the very scattered-brained, simple-minded person and geared right toward Amanda. The fact that they have made it so the winner cannot be targeted if they use it to take someone else of the block sucks. It totally messes with the integrity of the game. But then again, so many people on the different forums state that Grodner "chooses" what games, and what players they are geared to. I'm starting to believe that this is true. If Elissa had been smart, she'd of put both the McNasty's up and then one of them would have definitely gone home. That's the one flaw in any HOH's plan. Now this Amazonian piece of crap is already going around dictating the same old "I'm-the -boss-you-better-listen-to-me" rules. Elissa's only hope for next week is that GM or Judd actually win the HOH, or maybe even Spencer if he is true to the fact that he wants Amanda out!. At least they can probably get rid of Andy now, the two-faced, McNasty-butt-kissing little troll.

  20. Elissa is doing exactly what I believed she would do the minute she won the HOH. She is planning on back-dooring Amanda. I had to laugh when Amanda told McCrae she "could win POV" and take him off the block. Even if Elissa has distanced herself from the house most of the time due to the lack of respect and decency of the other HG's, she is a very smart cookie who has known what is going on in the house & who was orchestrating it all. I love that she has Amanda so paranoid. I also hope her plan to bd Amanda comes full circle. If she does make it happen and goes home next week, so many people will be so happy that they actually got to play the game the way it should be played because of Elissa's move. She should be very proud of herself. As for taking out Aaryn causing devestation for 3AM and especially Amanda, it won't make a difference to Amanda. She will continue to manipulate people. Hopefully, if Amanda does stay this week, the other HG's will smarten up and form their own new alliance and target the McNastys. With GM, Aaryn, Judd & Spencer (who has repeatedly said he wants to put Amanda out), they would have the numbers. I don't think anyone really sees McCrae or Andy as being able to carry out the tyranny without Amanda's loud-mouth instruction pushing the other HG's.

  21. Anything Amanda

    Amanda constantly grinding on McCrae

    Amanda thinking she will be Queen bitch right to the end and will manipulate everyone including Elissa

    Just McCrae

    McCrae constantly sucking face with Amanda....want to hurl

    Mostly Aaryn

    Aaryn's constant belief that she has never done or said anything inappropriate

    Aaryn's flipping her mind between McCranda & Helissa; get a backbone already and make the big move you say you want to make.

    Spencer's constantly picking his nose and wiping it on the nearest flat surface he can find anywhere in the house

    Andy's snake behaviour of lying to Helen & Elissa and reporting back to the McNasty's

    Amanda, Andy, McCrae & Spencer constantly sticking their hands in their pants (Amanda's in McCrae's) and diddly with themselves & then putting their hands on food that's eaten by other people. DISGUSTING!!!

    The holier than thou attitude of the 3AM idiots thinking they are the only decent people in the house...have to choke when I even think of that one.

  22. Any smart player know that the only choice for nominations are McCranda. Then if one wins POV, at least one is gone. This duo cannot remain in the game as a team. Watching McCrasty try to manipulate Elissa was disgusting. Hopefully, she still realizes where all the problems lie and it is not in Aaryn. I noticed she questioned McCrae about throwing everyone else under the bus. Let's hope The one thing I would do if I were Elissa is make the big move, take out Amanda and worry about myself in the following week. If I went to jury, I wouldn't care because the rest of the house is left to actually play the game. They may have to make new alliances, turn on their alliances or at least play for themselves. It would turn the season into a somewhat viably interesting finale. I definitely hope that Elissa does the only right thing at her disposal now and nominates McCrasty (McCranada).

  23. To all those that are saying men get away with saying things, this is NOT true.

    Spencer is one of the most despicable males to ever inhabit the BB house. And he has not gotten away with the things he has said/done. He has a pink slip waiting for him from his employer when he exits the house, not to mention that the police went to his home and searched it and his computer after he made crude comments about child pornography.

    I don't really think anyone needs to say much more about the crude, irritating and disgusting things coming out of the mouths of Aaryn, GM, Amanda or Spencer. Once they leave the house and find that some of them have lost their jobs and that they have disgusted most of America and how much they are disliked, it should be enough for them to slink away and not be heard from or seen again. I don't think you can really blame the cameras for their actions and/or behaviours. To believe that this is not the real them is very far-fetched. And if it isn't their real selves, they should be extremely ashamed of themselves. I don't think that a PR agent is going to do much to repair the damage they caused themselves.

  24. So many people dislike or "hate" Elissa. You say she is useless and only in the house because of her relation to Rachel. Most dislike her because of her relation to Rachel. That's your choice, but I don't see the need to make such disgustingly disparaging remarks about someone you only know from viewing a television show.

    I'm not sure if you are watching the same show as I am, but Elissa has been playing. How many forget that she won the POV in week four and saved herself? That was the week she didn't have MVP, America did! As for her game play, it's hard to make alliances when, from week one everyone knows exactly who you are and is targeting you for that reason. Elissa has played hard for all comps and to state otherwise is ridiculous. She has played just as hard as anyone else if not harder considering people have recently being throwing comps for the sake of McManda and then they can't even win them.

    I applaud Elissa for being in such a nasty, volatile situation and still standing by her beliefs. I know that there is no way I'd be teaming up with any of the people left in the house with the gutter mouths and despicable way they talk about everyone else. Elissa has a mind of her own and chooses not to partake in any of the crass and nasty scenes the others must always be making. If she wanted to walk, I'm sure she would have by now. She knows she is there to play the game and will see it to the end. And possibly, just possibly, you will see a fierce contender in her as she realizes she needs to fight even harder than usual to stay in this game now.

    One last thing. Rachel is in no way comparable to Amanda. Rachel has dignity and couth. Sure she cried a lot, but she never bullied anyone. She also had a mind of her own. You may have seen her and Brendan together, but not once do I remember talk of sex or remember seeing them have sex in a house you know is full of cameras. A lot of people that disliked Rachel in her first season ended up liking her by the end of the second season. So like them or not, both sisters are good players.

    I'd like to see Elissa in the end, but don't believe that will happen unless all the others wake up and stop handing everything to Mcrae and his "other". McCrae is a strong player, but his weakness is Amanda and it could be his downfall in the end. If the others don't wake up by the end of this week, they may as well all walk and just hand first and second to McManda.


    Just like it is every year. The current contestants are a pale comparison to what a **** Evil Dick was.

    IMO, the stuff that has been said in this season is pretty tame. Mildly racist at best. Said more for dark humor than for discrimination.

    Seriously? You think the racist and homophobic remarks were mild at best and attempts at dark humour. Hardly. This is the worst cast that BB has ever put in the house due to the actions and/or remarks of a handful of people. Hopefully, if BB continues with further seasons, they will make it clear that this behaviour will not be tolerated and will be cause for immediate removal from the house. It is a game but that doesn't give people the right to verbally abuse others any more than it gives them the right to physically abuse someone. The only seasons that have been worth watching after BB6 were Allstars and ED's season. Certainly, the producers can provide much better entertainment than they have in the past few years. Summer is long, and television is boring. They have to provide better viewing or they will be going down the tubes. I honestly think this show has "jumped the shark" and needs to do a serious overhaul in order to stay afloat.



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