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Posts posted by Rmichaelsm

  1. 11:48 PM BBT HoH Room...

    Michie is trying to open the door and says 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ... 1,2, Dale, Jr. 4,5,6,7 Dale Jr.  [Wait til he hears about Dale, Jr's accident on the same day he said that. What a coincidence - rms]

    They all ooo and ahhhh over the family pics.  Maggy the dog.  Pic of him in Kindergarten.

    He has at least 4 watermelons on one table.

    11:56PM BBT Letter was from his dad.

    PoPTV gave him an owl sweatshirt.  Holly held it up and is now holding it.  

    [Guessing she will be in it in no time. - rms]

  2. 11:00PM BBT Bunch of general talk, slop talk, gaining weight on slop, calorie count of oats, ending in watermelon talk.

    Michie said is dad is from the delta (Mississippi delta) and mom from Jackson which is what he i named after.  If he was a girl, his mom wanted to use the name Magnolia, Maggie for short.


    11:17PM BBT They talk about how much clothes they had taken away.  Jess said she doesn't dress like this.

    They are wondering how they were being shown versus how they are.

    Bob tells them 3 times to not talk about production.

    Who's gonna sleep where talk.

    Michie thinks Holly has been in the DR for an hour and half.

    Hurry up and wait for HoH.

    Holly is out and they joke that she has a shared HoH.  Tommy says they had a split one before,...

    Bob says stop using production as your strategy. 

    Soon after, a Please stop singing.

    Nick says he went into SR once and Holly said she just flashed the mirror.  She says it was in BY.  She changed her real bra with a sports bra.

    Nick thinks the feed cameras are only ones they can see.  [Oh, how naive! - rms]


    11:32PM BBT Earlier, Michie said he hoped they would call him by his whole name.

    Just now Bob said, "Jackson, Michie, please come to the DR downstairs."  They all celebrated and then remind him to ask about his retainer.  He took it out for the competition.


    Nick starts talking about indicators when a kid is on the spectrum.


    He talks about some of the types of kids he works with.


    11:38PM BBT Cliff Notes.

    He said he is alright, put his new sleeve on to help with healing of his muscle.  Told his wife he loves her.

  3. 10:00PM BBT Holly whispering to Michie at DT that someone told her that they quit trying because they didn't want to win.  They didn't have to. You are preaching to the wrong choir.

    Michie says, Let's not forget what y'all have been doing to us the last 20 days, 18 days?

    Holly says, do you really think that you have everyone wrapped around your finger and you can do anything you want and there will be no repercussions.  That's not how the real world works.

    Michie: Sis, Chris, BAMN!


    They head into the WA where Tommy, Jess and Nick are.  I think Nicole is in the Shower


    10:09PM BBT Christie and Sis in the BRL talking about being tired and dirty, exhausted.


    Christie says she doesn't feel like Nick tells him anything any more.  Sis says apparently Kat dropped so many bombs, but they don't know what they are.  Too many people were walking in.  She says apparently it was about Cliff and Nick.  Christie says but Tommy is all over Nick.  They say they would be heart broken if Tommy protects Nick over them.

    Sis says he (Michie) loves being a man in power.  Christie agrees. [Um, pot, kettle, ... - rms]

    Sis says he is really immature.  He's a total bro.  

    Sis YELLS out to Holly.  [RIP my eardrums!  - rms]

    10:16PM BBT Tommy came in to BRL with Christie and Sis.  He discusses the "bomb" kat dropped on him.  Tommy said he was wondering if he kept the right person briefly but said they did.  It was something about Nick saying that when Jack was up, Nick said to take Michie down and put up one of them to make sure Jack went home.  

    They all agree voting Kat out was the right decision.

    Christie said Kat said she would vote for whoever goes up against Nick if he makes it to the final.

    They start talking about who Michie may put up. Tommy says it will be someone in the deal.  They ask about Jess.  He doesn't think he would put up Jess.  Her against anyone, she would go. 

    Tommy says he doesn't think Michie will get rid of Cliff.


    10:30PM BT Tommy said Kat told him today that she would have put up Jackson and Tommy.  Christie said you would have been a pawn.  Tommy says, if people would have been smart, they would've voted me out.

    Sis says I love Nick, I trust him so much but it sucks he is at the root of all the problems.

    Tommy tells Sis, I might need your protection from Cliff at some point  He's gonna put me up.

    Sis doesn't think Michie is very rational and just likes to make big moves.   Tommy said if he put up Cliff and Nicole, Cliff would go home.  Here's the other thing, does no one notice I put up...



  4. 9:32PM BBT Nicole and Nick talking in WA.  Nick asks how she feels.  She is worried.  They said he killed the comp.  When Nick saw the comp, he knew Michie would win.  Nick saw him going and just let up.  He knew he wasn't gonna win.

    Cliff talking to Nicole and Nick without his mic.

    Bob tells Cliff to put on his mic!  [HA, Sick'em BOB! - rms]

    I think it was just him explaining about making the deal.

    Nick is explaining more about having made the deal more for the others than him and Cliff.  

    Tommy came in and "had to tell you (Nick) something."  [Bet he was trying to stop game talk without him being in it. - rms]

    Now they are debating if one or 2 DEs and Battlebacks.

    9:46PM BBT More Comp talk in WA with Cliff, Nicole, Nick and Tommy.

    Oh, and NOW Tommy remembers what he came in to say.  Shelly's (Shepherd's? - probably leftover from last night) Pie is in there.

    Cliff wasn't allowed to finish since there was so much left for him to fill.  BoB shut him down.  (He said he is only on BB once so he was gonna keep going until he finished.)

  5. 9:23PM BBT Michie in Shower in WA telling Cliff he isn't his target.  

    He lists off all the people he overheard them saying that they don't have but they have Kat, so they wanted to disarm them.  Cliff asking for Michie to leave Nicole out of it and he says he is glad he said that.  It makes it easier on him.

    Michie says he won't put him up and if he thinks it will result in him getting put up he won't.

  6. 8:53PM BBT Holly questions if they can trust Tommy.  Kat did not trust Tommy at all.  She thinks Tommy is powerful and manipulative.  He is an actor.  She doesn't know if he is playing her.  She says she feels like she trusts him and she goes to him.  

    Michie says he is interesting to hear their pitches.  He says they just hung them out to dry.  Ignored them last week. 

    Holly let up some because she didn't really want to come in 2nd because it just paints a target on her back but she didn't let up.  She was worried if his foot would give out but she says he would have crawled and won.

  7. 12:08AM BBT Jess comes into the BRL where Michie, Holly and Tommy are talking about who to evict.  Jess comes in.  She has been trying to bake a flour/salt/water craft design she made.  She has had it in the oven but she just found out it hasn't been on.  She just turned the timer, not the Bake knob,...

    Michie says it's hard for everyone.  Michie said he's tossing and turning tonight.  As Jess leaves, she says, I heard it, Yep I HEARD IT!

    Michie, Holly and Tommy all wonder what that was about.  They wonder if it was a snarky remark aimed at them.


    Holly hopes next week that they don't realize they were dumb keeping Cliff.  Tommy agrees but he says her stuff isn't adding up and doesn't know what she is thinking ever.  Her answers to their questions don't add up.


    Sis is in TBR asking Jess what she heard.  She heard her yelling, I heard it.  Jess keeps saying she heard but won't say what.


    Sis says she never said alliance.  Jess said, no I didn't hear alliance.  Jess says she heard Cliff has something with Her, Christie and Nick.


    It sounds like Jess overheard something in the RV (CBR) just before this.

    Jess says she values too many people in this house to start WW5!!! [Did I miss WW3 and WW4?!!!!  - rms]

    Sis keeps offering to answer any questions.

    12:28AM BBT Christie and Tommy come in to the TBR and tell them Cliff is deathly allergic to Baby powder and he is up in the DR seeing a doctor.  They call her out for trying to prank them.  She laughs and says she isn't good at this.  [WOW, lying about a serious medical incident for a prank?! - rms]

  8. 11:36 Christie, Nick and Sis in WA dissecting Kat's campaigning.  Some seemed to have started falling for Kat's campaign but they look at things she said and words she claimed Cliff supposedly told someone and they don't make sense.  She said he told someone they were dragging them in a room.  Christis says that isn't a word he would have used. 

    11:52PM BBT Kat is complaining to Holly and Jess in the BRL that she wants to go into the DR.  She said, "Why didn't the DR take me?  I feel really offended!" (In an almost crying/laughing voice.)  "Like, aren't we allowed to go in there just to talk?"  

    Jess: What? There's too much sh*t going on out here for you to talk to people. Sorry, I know you're,...

    Kat: "I just want to go to the DR. I just want to get a rag(?).  I literally feel like I have been hit by a truck and run over."  

    [Why would BoB let them escape into the DR so much they have this attitude?  Wouldn't that be avoiding exactly what they are supposed to do? BE IN THE HOUSE?- rms]

    11:54PM BBT Cliff talking with Sis, Christie, Nick and Nicole.  Christie agrees with Sis that they will both be saying they don't know what they are doing all day tomorrow.  She will tell them right before hand.

  9. 9:22PM BBT Tommy, Holly working on 2 dishes in the oven adding cheese on top.  It's Shepherd's Pie. Cliff is washing dishes.


    Kat telling Christie and Sis in the TBR about her implants.  She wanted a full C but she is actually a DDD.  They agree they don't look that big.   She thinks it's because they are fake and they distribute differently.


    9:45PM BBT Eating.  Nicole may be in the DR.

    10:00PM BBT Cliff comforting Kat in the CBR.

    10:10PM BBT Cliff says we are just cannon fodder that happens to be up on the block. They will vote for whoever helps their game and we are the ones paying the price.  He asked her if she is the one that said Tommy talked about how easy this week has been.  Cliff said it's easy to be carefree when you are not on the block.  Cliff said he has been on the block the same times.  

    Kat says he has only sat on the block twice.   [Way to forget that he was not only on the block but also EVICTED! - rms]

    Cliff says he was on three times but only 2 times on eviction night.

    Kat complains she just isn't done yet.  She says she hasn't been able to be HoH. She hasn't been able to take a shot.


  10. They both want to make top 5 or so. Nick says after that it’s all vetos. 


    Holly says Cliff has played 14 comps. She is complaining she hasn’t gotten to play anything [Hello, EVERY HoH but the one after she was HoH and that Veto - rms] 


    They both are glad they talked. 


    1:32 PM BBT Kat goes into BRL with Christie to campaign after leaving her campaign cookies to  rest on the counter. Christie likes them but Kat says you are the husband that says i love burnt food. 

    Cliff says he came out of the DR yelling it’s official, Hogg house cookies are the best campaign cookies. Christie apparently turned and said thats f’d up. Cliff didn’t know they went so poorly. 


    She thought Ovi’s recipe said 4 cups of brown sugar but it was 3/4 cup. She thought that was a lot and only used 2? Cliff thinks she may have also used both oil and water. They came out like grey big soft lumps. 

    1:40PM BBT Nick is showering in HoHr and joking with Tommy about joining him. At some point he yells out that he dropped the soap. Michie was in there and makes some other jokes. Cliff also came in at one point right when one of the risky things was yelled out. 

    Tommy asks Cliff about the loofah  story. Cliff tells him he asked for seeds and planted the gourds that loofahs come from.  He talks about gardening and he also does some wood working. Tommy is very interested in both. 

    Cliff talks about the 60 yr old lake cabin and what he has to fix and replace out there. 

    1:53 PM BBT Nick and Michie talking in SR. Nick recaps some of his talk with Holly confirming they are good. 

    Nick says he didn’t play that veto for Christie.  He did it for Tommy. He wanted to explain. He also says he has built a better relationship with her because she isn’t talking as much. They give each other their words that they aren’t putting each other up (Nick includes Holly as well)

  11. 1:05PM BBT HOlly talking to Nick outside CBR about how both feel so neutral that it scares them. They don't know how some people are leaning. Nick wonders if Holly and Michie are targeting him. She says no. He plans to play with people from both sides. He was wondering about them because they started talking to Christie. 

    They both don’t want to go out in a double. They also think Cliff will go after big targets and they respect that. 

    Nick says he’s good with Tommy, Sis, Nicole and Holly agrees she is too. Nick says he was gonna save Christie because he didn't like the twist causing someone to go home. He is trying to keep the sides even since he is good with people on both sides. 

  12. 12:25PM BBT Battle of the campaign cookies today. Cliff is walking around with his Hogg cookies as bribes. 

    Kat is busy preparing her cookies. Chopping up mini-Hershey bars into chunks for her cookies. 

    She says she used 4 cups of brown sugar. Hope she used only that and a double batch!  That is a lot of brown sugar!

    12:43 Nick and Christie tell Kat that she used salt instead of sugar. She is confused. Then they say Cliff swapped out the sugar and salt. Kat melts down!  Nick grabs her and they say they are kidding as she cries. 

    Hard to believe she fell for that because she tasted the batter when she was telling Sis about how much brown sugar she put in it and had eyeballed adding more flour. 

    She gives Christie a taste and she likes it. 

  13. We are all adults capable of making our own decisions.  And, yes, Miss Nicole/Miss Anthony is having a drink and that's ok, everything in moderation.  I am in control of myself.  I am in control of my behavior and that's what's important in life.

    'Cuz at the end of the day you want to live life with no regrets.  Yes, that can mean you don't want to regret missing out but it also means you also don't want to regret doing or saying things that can make your life more uncomfortable, more difficult, or not what you want it to be.

    [Probably got a few tick marks in the AFP race with this.  Good for her. - rms]


    11:52PM BBT BoB calls Nicole to the DR.


    Well, BBAD only has Michie left to show in the WA.

    [Shame Nicole and Michie also aren't using this time to talk.  Michie is missing a good opportunity. - rms]


    11:56PM BBT Michie grabs some food from the fridge and microwave and sits down and prays before he eats.


    [GN Orwell - rms]

  14. 11:34PM BBT Tommy says they should play never have I ever.  Nicole leaves.  They all yell for her to come back.  They say she doesn't have to play.  Cliff goes out to tell her she can be the judge but she says she is going to be with Michie.  Tommy says that is like his brother.  He says it's so cute.  Christie explains the rules.

    [I agree with grannysue1154.  No reason to let peer pressure make you do something you don't want to be involved in! I would be out. The sad thing is she decided to have a beer while she normally doesn't drink.  Instead of her being able to be included, they take it too far.  She could have just stayed and not played, but I would leave, too. - rms]


    Nicole went to the BY and straightened it up some and talked to Michie.  He finished working out.  He heads to the Wa to shower.  She is reassembling pillows after the covers were washed.  Heads back to the dryer.


    11:44PM BBT Nicole says I have a statement, as she enters the CBR.  She explains that she wants to be true to herself.  She makes a public service announcement.  Everything in moderation.  Don't do drugs. Drugs are bad.  They make your mother sad.  You can have a drink but be safe.  Make sure you have a designated driver or a ride home.  Always use protection or abstain.  That is my message to my students.  Make smart choices.  I have chosen to be true to myself.  I have accepted myself and the fact that I do not want to drink and play a wild, crazy game.  Why, because that's not me and you know what.  I have accepted the fact that that's ok and I can move forward with that.  So yes, be true to you.  If you want to play said game, do so with a clear mind and make sure you are making good choices that you won't regret. And if you don't want to do such things, don't do such things.  You do you.  Be a leader, not a follower.  That's the public service announcement.  


    Because the #1 thing I have learned about being comfortable with yourself is admitting and accepting when you are uncomfortable.  It's ok if you are uncomfortable and you can remove yourself and make yourself comfortable and that's ok.  Don't let anybody ever tell you otherwise.

    Yes, there is such a thing as peer pressure.  But, you don't need to feel it.  You are in charge of your own self and it's ok to be an individual and it's ok to make you'r own decision even if it is not with the crowd.  Michie is doing his thing. I am doing my thing.  Everybody else is choosing to do something different and that is ok.  

  15. 9:40PM BBT Christie (chomp, chomp) says (chomp) with mouth open, the more upfront someone (chomp, smack, chomp, smack) is, the harder it is to hear (chomp, smack, swallow) the scarier it is but at the same time (bite, chomp, smack, see food ) it's good to have insight so you can kind of alter (bite, chew, smack) your approach for campaigning.  It's gonna suck no matter (chew, smack, chomp) regardless no matter what happens.  (mumble with mouth completely full as she talks) I THINK she said she didn't care who goes home.


    [PoPTV code: BACKYARD - rms]

    Jess says Michie tried to come talk game to her and she was like why the f' would I tell you, dude?

    Christie said he tried to talk to her, too.  She thought it's probably been like 8 days and now. (Mouth full of food mumble) Maybe the word annoying? 

    Sis comes out and Jess yells, Look at you looking so fresh and so clean.

    Food talk

    Christie: Chewing and smacking and starts to talk to Jess again.  Nobody knows since no one has officially campaigned, yet.

    This goes on and on, same game talk about Kat being friend, past things Jess didn't know about stuff Kat new.  [Moving on... FFWD - rms]


    9:51PM BBT Tommy and Kat join Sis, Christie and Jess in the BY.  Everyone talking and no-one listening.  People eating.

    Michie walks past and says Future me hates past me.  They agree because they don't ever go to sleep when they plan to.

    Tommy has to explain to Kat how he cooks his grilled cheese.


    Michie is out in BY working out for quite a while and he folds clothes when dryer is done.


    10:33PM BT Christie tells the HG she is already late going to bed.  Others claim they are going to bed.  Dishes being washed.


    10:45PM BBT Michie comes in with stack of folded clothes.  Holly, Nicole and Jess are in the KT finishing food, some dishes.

    10:54PM BBT Michie back to working out in BY.


    11:07PM BBT BoB asks HG to go to SR.  Kat tells Tommy, Sis in HoHR.  Yes, I didn't want to tell y'all but surprise.  [Really have to wonder what they are told in the DR.  Seems like more goes on that one would expect in a game like this. - rms]

    Bud Lights, Heineken, white/red wine. 8 beers, 2 bottles of wine.  They have some beer left from before.  Some of the HG decide they would have a pool party tomorrow.  They wonder if BB expects them to drink it tonight.  They tell BoB that if they double down, they will drink some tonight.  BoB says you are not allowed to talk about production.  Kat wants a glass of wine now, but others override her.  They count up the total beers including the left over from before and have 13 beers total.  


    People head to bed anyway.


    11:13PM BBT Cliff comes in to the CBR and tells the HG that they were told to drink them tonight or they would be taken away.  Cliff says it's probably PoPTV. They said you are lying.  Cliff said, no, Kat went in there and they told her.  [These people never learn to not challenge BoB! - rms]




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