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Posts posted by Rmichaelsm

  1. 5:40PM BBT I think this is still animal feed. Lazy being laying on bed staring around doing nothing.  BB HG or kitty.  Oh, whiskers. It’s still kitty feed. 

    5:48PM BBT Time to LFU the kitties! For a while you couldn’t tell if the kitty was asleep or was the video paused? Still photo? Then, through a hole in the back wall, an upside down dark blue cat bed is moving. You can’t tell what it is for a while. Finally, a cat emerges, walks around by it and looks through the hole at you. Then he walks towards it and in. Says hi to the other now alive again kitty and then nose in camera. 

  2. She plans to say something tomorrow. She thinks she should lay low tonight and both of them get a good nights sleep. They want to try to go to the final four with Cliff and Nicole. 

    Christie claims he (Cliff) gave me his word. She gives more of her f this game. Then she yells in out ears after whispering so long that she is late and its the stress. 

    Tommy says they are throwing this HoH to us. We need to just make sure that Holly is out. [They brag on each other. I’m out to other feeds. - rms]

  3. 8:35PM BBT Nicole telling Michie that Christie says she has completes her deal with them. They both reassure each other that they are solid. Michie says how Tommy and Christie are trying to play Michie/Holly against Cliff/Nicole. They may be planning to throw the HoH and try to get them to target each other thinking thye (Christie/Tommy) are safe. 

    [Sounds like they all know what Jess/Tommy/Christie, JTC, are doing. All of them have sniffed it out and are talking about it so sounds good for Cliff.  Holly/Michie are fed up with Christie.  They also know that Christie has control of Jess. - rms]

    8:49PM BBT Cliff and Michie playing backgammon on DT, no game talk with others in KT. 


    Jess campaigning to Holly. She is promising to work for people as described earlier in day. Holly telling Jess that she thought Michie was gonna want to get Cliff out this week. The Jess offering to be a pawn pitch they already fell for with Christie so not expecting this to work.  Holly says she wants Jess to stay here. 

    [More likes and drug out words and sentences. Ugh. Hard to stay on the feed.  No real pitch. - rms]


    Holly repeatedly says Yeah and Yep all throughout. 

    Holly asked if Tommy and Christie said how they were gonna vote. Jess said they were gonna check with Michie and honor his HoH.


    9:00PM BBT  A barrage of likes from Christie and then Christie complaining to Tommy about how they have to walk on eggshells around Michie, so frustrating.  [Karma, they all had this problem during the reign of the 6/8/9 alliances. - rms]

    Tommy speculating Cliff will throw HoH because he wants Michie and Holly out. 

    Christie is sick of Holly complaining that she isn’t playing her own game and is seen as Michie’s girlfriend.

    She claims Holly doesn’t clean a dish and only makes tuna salad. She can’t live with them any more. 

    Christie says she isn’t washing his dishes or bowls any more. She will wash everything else but not his. 

    Christie claims Cliff told her that Michie said if you hear that we are working with Tommy and Christie that it isn’t true. He is just telling them what they want to hear. Tommy claims he was told that as well. 

    They try to figure out how to call them out and make Michie and Holly vote Cliff out to prove it. Christie says she has a hard time believing you see Jess as a bigger threat than Cliff. 

    They practice a few attempts at ways to approach Michie. 

  4. 2:37PM BBT Christie talking to Nicole in Wa about Cliff. [Christie and Tommy are working on Nicole for this eviction. Heard they are trying to flip her to get Cliff out. I have not been on to hear for myself. - rms]

    Christie asked Michie how Holly was doing. He said, not well. Christie and Tommy are making homemade chicken noodle soup. 


    2:40PM BBT Nicole catches Cliff in TBR as he is packing. She asks how he is feeling. He says, you tell me. She says he has been her guy and still is. Jess has given her campaign to Nicole and she said it was very enticing but she had made her choice with him and is sticking to it. 

    They talk some about the future in the game. She tells Cliff that Christie was asking her about Cliff and she had told her Cliff is a deals guy so maybe approach him with a deal. 

    Cliff says if you and I progress, they will target me. Nicole says she would rather be second to Cliff than 4th in their group. 

    Cliff wonders if he is gonna have to promise things to someone and then go back on it. 

    Cliff says if Nicole and Holly are voting to save him then he doesn’t want to promise anything to Christie. They talk about how Nicole should respond when asked who she is voting for. They decide to say she is leaning towards Cliff today instead of waiting. 

    They also debate if one of them wins and it is a DE who should they put up. 

    Nicole did tell Cliff that Christie has a lot of questions for him and he said he would go campaign to her next. 

    [This is the most game talk there has been in days. This is how it goes as we near the end, I guess. - rms]


    3:00PM BBT Holly very sick in HoHR. Michie getting her 4 ibuprofen.

  5. 10:23AM BBT HGs are slowly waking up. Lights are on. Christie in KT. Cliff to WA. Jess sitting up in her bed staring straight ahead. 


    11:15AM BBT Jess and Cliff talk some about their kids. Cliff mentions how he was not as outgoing until he got into sales and had to start talking more to others for work. He would still prefer staying home with Sharon than being out in social situations.


    He says he is afraid of heights, not in buildings or in planes but where he is exposed and gust of wind could take him. He wants to skydive thinking it would help him face his fear but Sharon won’t let him. 


    She doesn’t want to lose him. He explained stats and how safe it is but NOPE. She isn’t having it. 


    Jess suggests zip lining and he said he has done that. 

  6. 10:08PM BBT Still drinking and talking about some scary movies.  Nicole points out Michael Meyers was originally dressed as a clown when he killed his sister before he got his mask.

    Jess takes credit for the alcohol due to her crying.

    10:30PM BBT More Jess talking with Nicole in WA.

    More Jess crying.

    She tries to explain why she doesn't feel like she knows a lot.  She doesn't like to pry into people's "situations."  She feels like if you ask too little, you don't find out stuff but ask too much and you become sketchy.

    10:50PM BBT Tommy telling Holly that he trusts her judgement with Christie jumping in some.

  7. Michie says he has a bottle upstairs.

    Michie asks Tommy if he wants to shotgun a beer.  He says, sure.  They ask Cliff and he says  no, I value my beer too much for that. 

    [To clarify, A&M does not do CHEERS, they are yells.  The yell leaders can be men or women but as of yet no woman has been voted as one.  Midnight Yell, is the yell practice Friday, midnight before home games at Kyle Field where 10-30,000 people show up.  For away games, Yell practice was Thursday night at the Grove, an old amphitheater that is now gone, but was there while Cliff was. In addition, after being outscored, the Yell leaders conduct a y'all practice in the stands following the game.  After a win, the freshmen cadets chase the yell leaders and, upon catching them, carry them to the Fish Pond (a fountain by Sbisa dining hall) and throw them in.  They then lead the cadets to the YMCA building where they gather with the band and a yell practice occurs for the following opponent.  The different ways he showed by class are their ways to "wildcat."  Also, Cliff forgets that the drinking age was still 18 when he was in school.  It changed while he was there but after he likely turned 21. He missed Yell practice by 2 days this week since the game was Thursday.  A&M BTHO (beat the hell outta) Texas State 41-7.  Okay, I refuse to correct the rest of this.  He gets most right.  A&M was originally "The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas" but overall his info was pretty correct.  Not military until 70s, the Corps membership became voluntary in 1965.  Come civilians went well before then, even women went while an all male college.  They were family members of faculty, military after their service using the GI Bill. Formal admission of women came in 60s.  - rms]


    Jess says the handbook says there will not be alcohol the night before a veto.

    BoB says you are not aloud to talk  about production.

  8. 1:30PM BBT Cliff is crawling around on hands and knees and laying on KT floor counting stuff. 

    Might have seem something unusual and thinks there may be a tie to a comp. may also be looking for hiding spots. 

    He’s expanded his search to the DT.  Live Feed camera is following closely. 

    He checked for anything under the tree, rock thats under tree. [The deer looked a little worried he would check him too closely. - rms]

    Michie comes into KT and Cliff says BoB told them to clean all the grease off floors. He says it made him think they may want floors clean for hide and go veto. He found some places and maybe later they could go over places they thought of and if others thought of it they wouldn’t be that good. 

    1:47PM BBT Jess comes into KT and Michie says he thinks it will be hide and go veto. He says Sam was spectator and Zingbot was host. So if they had outside host they would have one spectator  this would be the week it happened. 

  9. 12:15PM BBT Michie pitching to Jess how much she threatens him in the comps he expects to be coming up. He repeats a bunch how Cliff, Nicole and Tommy don’t really threaten him and he won’t put up Holly. 

    Jess presents it as though she is surprised that he is threatened by her. She acts like she is honored by his belief that she is a big threat. She says she is disappointed because she doesn’t think she has done anything to make him think she wouldn’t protect him. 

    She says she would not have put him up as HoH. [She forgets that she did put him up before, I guess. - rms]

    She tries to spin it to if he feels like she isn’t a number for him. He has to assure her that is not it. It’s just that he sees her as having strengths that don’t match his. 


    She says she has not thrown comps and tries to prove she deserves to be here. 

    She claims she doesn’t see him as her competition. 

  10. Tommy is up there now and it is on Jess. 

    Christie says, As long as I have your word that I am not the target.

    Michie replies Jess is. 

    Tommy and Christie say that with our votes and Holly’s we decide who goes out. 

    Michie and Holly have both the other “couples” (Cliff/Nicole and Tommy/Christie) believing they are each the ones that are their partners. [I believe Cliff and Nicole are the real partners. -rms]

    Christie leaves.  Michie discusses how he does not want Cliff to go home. Cliff leaving and Jess staying would be lose lose. 

    Michie re-emphasizes he wants Jess to go. If someone comes down, Cliff goes up as pawn.  [Note that then Nicole would vote to keep Cliff and then up to Holly to vote to keep Cliff and Michie to tie break. That would expose the group if the evicted person is Christie.  - rms]

    Michie tries to make sure Tommy feels like he is included. He says he can do what he wants with veto if he wins. 

    Not sure who is asleep at the controls but Michie goes into the HoH toilet. Mic wasn’t muted until after he flushed. Thanks BoB!

    12:04PM BBT They discuss Nick and how genuine they thought he was. Michie says he could have been almost everyone’s #1 and that’s why he had to go. 



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