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Everything posted by Jcrow

  1. I read my post you replied to and realized I wasn't clear. I don't mind that there is drama or bullies, I just don't watch the show because that's a part of it. But I feel cruelty should be dealt with by the BB producers. I agree about needing villains and heroes. Often times as HGs are evicted, a hero of mine, in my eyes, will become a villain due to the change in house dynamic. I guess I should also let you know that I'm a person who watches the funny/cute animals and soldiers reuniting with loved ones (that's right, I admit it) videos on youtube and not the fails and fights and car wrecks and disasters that some of my friends like.
  2. I love Sesame Street! Although there is that Oscar the Grouch character I could do without.
  3. I see your point and I agree. However, I read a post that said "I would vote for Cody just to piss the other HGs off". Not, to my understanding, that Cody was his favorite and thus deserving in his or her eyes to win AFP, but because he or she just wanted to cheese off someone else. This is what I was referring to. Maybe Cody is his or her favorite but it didn't come across like that.
  4. Just for my curiosity, and I've asked this of many others, why does the F-bomb or any other curse word bother you? I'm not talking about taking the lords name in vain, or cursing at someone to be cruel or abusive to someone. I'm just talking casual usage like "F yeah! These new shoes are awesome!" or "Oh S**t!" when someone spills a drink in their lap. I grew up in military housing and went to public schools where cursing was a part of everyday life. As I got older and came to respect the wishes of those around me who didn't like hearing any curse words in any context, I pick and choose when I use expletives. I just don't understand how anyone can get upset or feel uncomfortable when mere words are being used in a non-negative, non-abusive, casual way. Again, not judging, just curious.
  5. This is almost exactly what I came here to post. Why the hell didn't Jason "Cowboy-Up" and tell them it was the whole houses plan to break up the last showmance and that the way the game is played is to NOT tell the people you want gone that you secretly want them gone! But after watching the episode and watching Jason try to handle the situation it is VERY clear he doesn't do well in confrontations and doesn't like lying and doesn't do well with remembering what lies to keep track of. He should have just played his own game instead of Paul's and Alex's. I think he would have been much better off. I still like him though and hope he gets it together.
  6. Gotta' say, I lost a little respect for Matt due to the way he went off for having to stay on the block. You got played, take it like a man.
  7. I've always thought the Have/Have Not was unfair and boring. So many other things BB can do with the time spent on this especially if the rules aren't obeyed as stated above. Turn the H/HN comp into a reward comp instead. The rewards could be letters from home or a night out of the house or all other HGs be come servants for sometime or any of a million things that would be much more fun for us, the viewers to watch. Sorry, I had to edit this just to find out if I'm wrong when I said It would be much more fun for us viewers to watch. Would anyone miss the H/HN stuff? Is it entertaining to anyone who watches the show?
  8. Just FYI, I don't often get the chance to watch BB when its on, I have to record it and watch it later so I get behind in reading and replying to posts. That said... In response to all the posts about religion (those that I read anyway) I feel the need to point out that just because you follow a religion doesn't mean you're perfect or better than someone who doesn't. We're all human and fall prey to all that entails. Everyone, as far as my personal experiences go, religious or not, does something at sometime that can be frowned upon. They get judged by most who witness it because that is human nature. Those who are judging, I'm sure, have plenty of skeletons in their closet too. The very act of judging people is frowned upon by many as being wrong or a sin. So my point is, religious people have just as many faults and problems as those who aren't religious and shouldn't be held to a higher standard than anyone else when on a gameshow such as this one. This is just my opinion though, but think about it.
  9. I pretty much realized that the A-holes get to the end in Big Brother US-CAN-UK-AU, Survivor and to a smaller extent The Amazing Race (due to their "Strategic" Non-Elimination Legs) early on because they are the ones most talked about in the various social media outlets. Most viewers like the show for the drama that it brings and some like it when the HGs are down-right cruel. I agree with you on wanting nice people to win, and it does happen sometimes. Drama always ensues even when the a-holes are evicted because the nice people have to turn their sights on each other. Maybe there is less cruelty and nastiness which drops the ratings and that speaks volumes for the state of our society, very sad. We also have to remember that the HGs are put in an enviroment that causes stress and stress can make people do and say things they don't mean or at least later regret. With the possible exception of players like Evil Dick. I still root for the HGs I perceive as nice and/or the underdog. I don't watch live feeds or BBAD or anything other than what CBS airs 3 nights a week so thats all I have to go on. Sorry for the ramble, I'm done.
  10. I like Paul ok. Gotta' say hes playing hard and smart using his BB celeb status on the fan-boy/girls. If he makes the final it'll be hard not to give it to him. I personally, at this moment in time, like Alex for the win. Still have to give Paul kudos though.
  11. This is why I hate 'America' votes. So many people won't vote for a deserving person for AFP because they are to butt-hurt about something that happened on the show they didn't like. Get over it and give it to someone who deserves it.
  12. I've never liked this show because it HAS bullies or the over the top drama queens. I can't stand it when the HGs are being cruel to one another. It makes me sick that people still think Evil Dick was a great player and deserving winner. There are many others in past seasons that fit this bill too. I wish so much that production would punish the house when any HG is cruel in any fashion.
  13. I wouldn't like NO evictions for the first week, but I would LOVE for the first eviction to be America's vote. There would be no HOH or POV. Maybe one or two comps for safety during that first vote so we could see who could do what and how it effects the house.
  14. I don't turn the channel, I record every episode so I can fast forward through the garbage. i.e. when ONLY Cody and Jess are on screen and when Josh is in the DR. My fast forward button has gotten quite a work out this season.



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