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Everything posted by hazelnutz

  1. The tutus have to go. Stuff the birds with them, I don't care. The other thing I am over is watching Alex tweeze, pluck, gouge and clip her person aaaall over the house. I swear her DNA is everywhere.
  2. Ha ha ha! I so wish I could have been a fly on the wall when he went in to JH! His thinking that Raven was so wonderful and her telling him to push her to the jury for the win?? Not to mention that he supported Paul and all of his endeavors. He's in for a real surprise with those people. I can't wait to see his arrival. And the shirt! I should have known Raven would have kept it. I thought oh, noooo when I saw it. That's one for the rag bag.
  3. LOL! I was wondering if we were still talking about this guy. Wondering more as to why? I don't think I've ever watched a more nothing HG ever. You could hear a pin drop in the audience when he was talking to Julie. It sounded like they were in a vacuum or something. I had to laugh after Ravens good-bye message and he started clapping. No one else made a peep! hahahaha.
  4. Alex doesn't listen to her own advice. "Trust no one. Ever. Not even me."
  5. Then there's, Matt and Jason were OTB. Matt won POV and used it on Jason.
  6. Her biggest move was breaking her foot. I don't think she would still be there if she hadn't.
  7. The worse they treat this guy the more I want to vote for AFP on his behalf. I wasn't sure about him at first and grew to really think he had some slick moves then, I don't know what happened. Treating him poorly just breaks my heart. Vanessa did this to JMack and he was one of my favorites. What the gang did to Donny was unforgivable. I think the family would really appreciate AFP and it would go along way to help them get past the things Jason has said. Boy, did Jason screw himself out of AFP!
  8. I have always seen BB as a condensed version of community/society in general. You are in a situation where you have to cope and react to certain stressors. Succeed or fail at challenges. Live without sometimes and face a jury of your peers. So, flipping the bird and thumbing your nose at authority is all a part of it. Personally, I still have an innate sense of, "We're going to get in trouble!" yet I can have a rebellious streak. I would take my licks with my fellow insubordinates though. It is another way of forging alliances and can actually be useful later in the game.
  9. Oh, my goodness. You remind me of Helen Kim saying that America will think THEY were the greatest of all time. She and Elissa did make the biggest move on their season but, it happened by accident. LOL! And the rest will be forever known as, s15.
  10. Honestly. I miss out on all the fun. Seeing their mouths drop open when they hear what viewers really think. It would warm my cold black heart.
  11. This is one show that I would love to see a reunion. I should probably be ashamed of myself. I really would love to hear them admit how stupid they were. I just don't know if they will even get it. Josh thinks they are all awesome! lol
  12. As far as I know from the feed updates.....YES....so far... Kevin isn't in the offering as a BD so, if he just keeps quiet he won't go up. They want to evict Jason...I'd rather see Alex go. She has a hold on Jason. We may see more spontaneous gaming without Alex.
  13. Not to antagonize you...season 20 is probably a given since they usually renew for 2 years as they did for 19 and 20, season before last. What they show during primetime is making CBS lots of money.
  14. Doesn't surprise me in the least. She is the most disagreeable person in there right now.
  15. No you can't shit in some ones bed and you can't use their toothbrush to scrub the toilet either. I can't believe she even asked.
  16. I thought condoms were supplied as well as a few other basic toiletries. Also on BBAD tonight one of the poll questions was Matt is 'racking up' penalties...is this chivalrous or infuriating. The viewers said more infuriating and they posted the question a couple times. It was the wording that made me wonder if we would get a final count on Thursdays show...they may not need a vote.
  17. I've grown to abhor Alex and Jason. PLEASE put them up next week. I don't care how they do it. Paul can have the money if they just get rid of these two.
  18. I can't stand Matt. I don't care if they evict him, expel him or roast him on a spit.
  19. I guess it's Kevin's turn to get the BB19 household bum-rush. Makes me sad.
  20. America's Favorite Player is the only thing we should vote for unless we go back to voting out the HG each week. The HGs could vote on the DE nights.
  21. IDK...watching him drag that idiot by the hair to the end could be fun.
  22. Matt has some serious issues for hooking up with her during the show. Then again, Matt just has some serious issues. He really is a very strange man.
  23. I don't know that he did for sure and it sounds like Jason is also responsible for Matt making a fool of himself.



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