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Everything posted by Kelly6

  1. 12:31AM BBT: Kevin walks into the PBR, he starts to dance. He leaves the room and Dani and Nicole F start to whisper, but Cody barges in. He says Christmas wants to talk to him and wants to know why. Nicole F and Dani don't know why, they ask him how he's feeling after eating. Ian walks in and sits down on Kevin's bed, Dani tells Ian that Kevin wants to go to sleep soon. They discuss the various bedrooms in the house, they all agree the KBR "stinks." Ian huffs (he sleeps in the KBR.) 12:34AM BBT: Cody leaves. Ian says he needs to take his melatonin. He says he has to "request" it every night and has to take it in the DR in front of the camera. Nicole F proceeds to ask him 100 questions about melatonin. The three go on to discuss the next HOH comp. Ian's hoping it will be an endurance. Nicole F says she doesn't think they'll do that because they want some "drama." After Nicole F asks Ian 100 questions about melatonin, Dani asks him if he's taken it yet. Ian says he hasn't, because he has to request it. Nicole F wants Ian to make sure he gets a good sleep tonight. Ian discusses throwing the HOH comp to Christmas. They believe the HOH comp will be a wall comp. 12:39AM BBT: Christmas and Cody are whispering in the CBR. BB switches cameras mid conversation, Cody is talking about "helping" someone. Christmas agrees, she says she keeps trying to "reach out" as well. Christmas says she confronted "him" that morning because "he" kept saying the day before he wanted to talk to her. Cody and Christmas discuss "him" lying to them. Christmas continues to tell Cody about the conversation she had with Memphis. She calls him arrogant. 12:49AM BBT: Cody and Christmas discuss the rest of the house, Christmas says Kevin does not like Memphis and has no interest in working with him. They discuss what next week could look like. Ian leaves the PBR and walks through the CBR, game talk pauses in the CBR while he walks through. Christmas and Cody go back to whispering. Kevin walks through to go to bed in the PBR, Dani leaves the PBR. Christmas and Cody go back to whispering until Ian joins them. 8:13AM BBT: BB cuts the feeds for the wake-up call. 8:22AM BBT: The feeds are still down for the wake-up call, but BB has put the control room view on camera 1. Music plays in the background while the HG's are waking up. Memphis continues to sit in the KT.
  2. 12:09AM BBT: Enzo is up and refilling his plate. He says he's ready to try the mac and cheese. Da'Vonne tells him it's better if he heats it up in the microwave. Enzo says he doesn't have the patience for that right now. The rest of the HGs continue to eat and chat. 12:18AM BBT: The HGs finish up eating and start to clean up the KT. Nicole F and Da'Vonne have left the KT. Da'Vonne is in the CBR and Nicole F is in bed in the PBR. Nicole takes her medicine and settles into bed before opening the Bible. 12:22AM BBT: Dani walks into the PBR. Nicole F asks Dani how she reads the Bible. Nicole F says she's trying to start at the beginning. Dani tells her not to read the book of Genesis because it's "too crazy." Dani tells Nicole F that "Proverbs are good because they're like prayers." Nicole F wants to know why "Genesis is so crazy," Dani tells her it's the "Old Testament" and "it's crazy." Nicole F says her "jaw is dropping." Dani explains how "Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John" work and then again tells her to start with "Proverbs." 12:25AM BBT: Dani and Nicole F talk in the PBR. Nicole F says she doesn't want to be social tonight, she says that next week is going to be "unpleasant." Dani disagrees, she says next week will be "easy." Dani says the only way it would be crazy is if Christmas were to win and put Bayleigh and Da'Vonne up and then one of them wins VETO. Dani says it doesn't matter, as long as they get to put someone up on the block. 12:27AM BBT: Nicole F goes back to talking about the Bible, she says she thought it was supposed to give her "inspo." She picks up the Bible again and turns to Proverbs, she says "oh yeah, this will be good." A few moments later Dani and Nicole start to talk about David. Dani doesn't believe BB should put the conflict with David on Thursday's show. Dani and Nicole F both agree it's not right.
  3. 1:16AM BBT: Dani, Da'Vonne, Enzo, and Nicole F are still chatting in the KT. They talk about the wake-up calls and changing batteries. Two cameras switch over to Kaysar and Christmas. Christmas is saying her son gets to have a lot of really great time with his dad while she plays the game. They talk about their time in the house so far. Christmas says she feels "genuinely connected" to people in this house. 1:22AM BBT: Kaysar and Nicole F join Kaysar and Christmas in the CBR. Dani is in the WC and Da'Vonne is in the WA, Da'Vonne says she's trying to make sure her "dark circles" aren't so "dark." She leaves the WA and walks into the DR. General conversation in the CBR as Dani gets ready for bed in the WA before joining the group in the CBR. The group talks about celebrities watching TV, they think more celebrities watch Survivor over BB. Kaysar says they should all go on Survivor. 1:38AM BBT: Enzo leaves the CBR, Da'Vonne is out of the DR and in bed. The HGs start to move towards their own beds as they say good night. Enzo appears to be the last one out of bed as he makes his way upstairs to the havenot room. 2:00AM BBT: Everyone is in bed and asleep and the BB house is dark.
  4. 1:02AM BBT: Enzo, Dani, and Nicole F are in the KT talking. Da'Vonne walks in. Enzo tells her about Nicole F "trying" to scare him in the WA. Enzo talks about asking Tyler if he wants to be a havenot next week. "All he eats is chickpeas anyway," Enzo says. Dani says BB doesn't let her "be funny." She doesn't know why Enzo gets to be the funny one. They discuss what Enzo has talked about in the DR. All four cameras are on them. "You're the star of the show," Dani tells Enzo. Eventually, BB tells them to stop talking about the DR.
  5. 12:42AM BBT: Da'Vonne and Kevin discuss the Nicole A vs. David vote. Da'Vonne is still upset. Kevin says he's "tired of this sh*t," and that it's all just distracting from the "main goal." In the CBR, Kaysar is whispering with Christmas, they discuss what will be on today's episode. BB tells Christmas to put on her mic. Christmas tells Kaysar what she told Janelle earlier, Christmas says she told Janelle that she feels closer to Kaysar. Christmas tells Kaysar that it's a "long shot" for Janelle. Christmas says they should discuss what's going to happen going forward. She believes that others in the house will think Kaysar will pick up the "outliers." Kaysar says he's hoping to lay low for a few weeks while people start to get mad at each other. Christmas says that's already happening. Kaysar wants to know who, but Christmas says she won't say right now. 12:47AM BBT: Da'Vonne leaves Kevin in the PBR and walks back to her bed in the CBR. Christmas and Kaysar's conversation stops. They discuss the "Call to Prayer" in the Middle East. Christmas says she was on vacation and didn't realize they played it over a loud speaker. She says it was "beautiful" and "powerful." Kaysar agrees. Nicole F, Dani, and David are chatting in the KT. 12:58AM BBT: Tyler is in the HOHR with the lights off, he's talking to himself. Enzo is out of bed, he walks into the WA and asks if anyone is in the WC. He knocks on the WC door, opens it, and Nicole F is standing there laughing hysterically as she runs away. "Oh sh*t," Enzo says. In the CBR, Kaysar and Christmas continue to discuss the Islamic culture and their experiences in the Middle East.
  6. 12:30AM BBT: Janelle is in the HOHR talking to Tyler about votes. She says Nicole F is voting for Kaysar to stay and Ian is "of course--done." Tyler agrees. Janelle says "David freaking hates me." Tyler asks her about that. Janelle says David "absolutely hates" her. Janelle goes on to say that David is "weird" and asks Tyler if he talks to David much. Tyler says "sometimes." In the CBR, Da'Vonne has been in bed, she's looked deep in thought for several minutes. She gets up and says "I'm going to go get on his nerves one final time before the night is over." Christmas asks who Da'Vonne is talking about, Da'Vonne says, "Kevin" and leaves the CBR. 12:33AM BBT: Da'Vonne walks into the PBR where Kevin is in bed. She tells Kevin that she came to "annoy" him. Kevin tells Da'Vonne that David wants to talk to him. "Oh, really?" Da'Vonne says, she goes on to tell Kevin that David will tell Kevin not to tell Da'Vonne about their conversation. Da'Vonne is upset with David, she says David is "lying" to her. Da'Vonne says if David lies about one thing, she can't trust him not to lie about other things. 12:36AM BBT: In the HOHR, Janelle tells Tyler that she thinks she has three votes, "maybe four," if she tries hard enough. Janelle promises Tyler safety if he keeps her in the game. She says she would not be going after Tyler for a long time. Janelle says she doesn't hold grudges in this game, she says it's "pointless." Tyler says he was forced to put Janelle on the block. Janelle says she's not mad at him. Tyler says he'll try to swing the votes to keep her. In the PBR, Da'Vonne is updating Kevin on her conversation with David earlier. She says she's very upset with David. She says she put her "game on the line" for him. 12:39AM BBT: Da'Vonne and Kevin try to figure out who said what and who told who what in the PBR. In the HOHR, Janelle tells Tyler that she's "totally down" to make whatever deal Tyler wants. Tyler says he'll be "straight up" with Janelle, he says he's been "straight up with Kaysar" this whole time also. Janelle leaves the HOHR. Tyler starts to make a funny face at the camera, but BB cuts away to the KT where David, Nicole F, and Dani are.
  7. 2:42AM BBT: Dani is the last one in the HOHR, they just continue to discuss staying in power and Janelle going home. Eventually she leaves the HOHR and starts to get ready for bed. The lights are off in the PBR. 2:48AM BBT: Dani gets into bed, it appears she is the last HG awake. 2:53AM BBT: Christmas' star babies start to cry. They cry that they are hungry. Christmas holds the bottle up to each of the star babies and goes back to sleep. The star babies cry again, Christmas takes one to the WC before leaving and going to get all of the other star babies. She changes all of their diapers. 3:20AM BBT: Christmas is still tending to her star babies. She carries them upstairs to the havenot room, where she tells everyone in the room how cute the babies are. Cody follows her out of the havenot room. Christmas puts her star babies in the stroller. Cody walks into the WC. Janelle gets up a few minutes later, walks to the WA and opens the door to the WC. She is startled that Cody is in there and apologizes over and over again. Cody finishes in the WC and washes his hands. Janelle apologizes again and then uses the WC. Christmas is now pushing her star babies around the BY. 3:45AM BBT: Christmas puts the star babies to bed and then gets back into bed as well. BB cuts the feeds for a few moments. When they're back, everyone is in bed, everyone is asleep, and the house is dark. 7:47AM BBT: Memphis is the first HG awake.
  8. 12:00AM BBT :Nicole F, Cody, and Dani are still up in the HOHR. Da'Vonne and Bayleigh are whispering in the lounge about conversations they've had today. They discuss the boys "throwing" the HOH win so that a girl can win HOH. Da'Vonne says they should then throw the HOH to Kaysar. "That would be nice," Bayleigh says. 12:22AM BBT: Bayleigh and Da'Vonne leave the lounge. The three in the HOHR are still chatting. Dani says Cody and Nicole F are just "bickering." 12:47AM BBT: Bayleigh and Janelle are talking in the havenot room. Janelle tells Bayleigh about her conversation with David. 1:22AM BBT: Kaysar and Tyler are still in the HOHR discussing the game, while the rest of the HGs are joking around and getting ready for bed in the WA. Tyler tells Kaysar that this is just "another layer" to the game and they can figure it out. Kaysar says he feels like he believes Tyler. Tyler says he's not a "f***ing liar." Bayleigh walks in, she asks if she can use the HOH WC. 1:34AM BBT: Cody and Dani are whispering in the WA, trying to figure out who is upstairs with Tyler. They talk about Nicole F. Dani says Nicole F overthinks everything because she doesn't want the viewers to dislike her this time. "She doesn't want to come off looking bad," Dani says about Nicole F. Dani says Nicole F is mad at Da'Vonne because Da'Vonne tried to flip the vote to keep Janelle and Nicole F considered it an attack on her because Janelle would come after Nicole F. 1:51AM BBT: Kaysar has left the HOHR and is now outside alone in the hammock. Enzo is in the WA with Cody and Dani. Tyler walks outside, "damn it Kaysar, you're giving them the sad shot to use after our conversation." Tyler tells Kaysar to stop and not to let his "head spin." Tyler tells Kaysar good night. The group in the WA continues to talk about the Nicole F/Janelle drama. Everyone leaves the WA, Cody joins Tyler in the HOHR. Enzo and Dani follow Cody and Tyler into the HOHR. Dani wants to know what Kaysar said to Tyler in the HOHR.
  9. 10:50PM BBT: Kaysar and Janelle are whispering in the WA. Kaysar says he has no interest in talking to Cody about anything. Janelle says Cody has a huge grudge against her from week one because of Keesha. They discuss Nicole A telling Nicole F everything she said about Nicole F. " Kaysar says that "he" mentally broke Nicole A, but we're not sure who "he" is. Both Kaysar and Janelle agree that destroyed their "credibility in the house."
  10. 1:46AM BBT: Kaysar wants a commitment tonight and he wants them all to work together. "Just for the vote," Nicole A says. Christmas wants to know what happens if it's a tie vote and they don't know what Memphis does. Kaysar asks if he can secure Memphis' vote will they all vote to keep Nicole A? Da'Vonne says they're "f***ed" if it's a tie and Memphis votes to keep David. Da'Vonne says if Memphis will confirm to Nicole A that he would vote to keep her in a tie, they will vote to keep Nicole A. Kaysar says they'll talk tomorrow, he and Janelle leave after Nicole A asks to talk to Christmas, Bayleigh, Kevin, and Da'Vonne alone. 1:50AM BBT: Nicole A repeats her same argument she's been having all night with the other four in the lounge. Nicole A is upset, "so it's done, that's it. It is what it is. Damn." Nicole A thanks them for talking with her. Bayleigh says she doesn't feel comfortable with people putting her in positions where she ends up being the "crazy person." Bayleigh says she's trying to be calm. Nicole A says she doesn't care if everyone else targets Janelle and Kaysar, she says she doesn't want them here either. She tells everyone to go to bed, Nicole A says she didn't mean to annoy anyone. Nicole A says when they're in this position they'll understand. Christmas says they do all know what it feels like to be evicted. Christmas tells Nicole A that this is all amplified for her, because she just came out of the house last season.
  11. 1:25AM BBT: Nicole A is starting to get impatient because it's just her and Janelle in the lounge and she wants everyone in the lounge. Nicole A is upset, she says her message to all of them is that they're "f***ed" and she's going to "sit at home watching her TV watching them go out one by one by one." She says they "better not cry to any of these cameras" wishing she was here. Nicole A says she'll sit at home and laugh, "because yeah b*tches, you wish I was there!" Nicole A says when they all lose the comps they're going to wish that Nicole A "the sucky comp person" was here. 1:27AM BBT: "Nicole," Janelle tells Nicole A, "I am a vote for you to stay no matter what. Even if it's just me and Kevin, you have my vote. I don't know what else to do. I'm trying." Janelle and Nicole A sit in mostly silence while the rest of the HGs get ready for bed. 1:32AM BBT: Kevin, Christmas, Da'Vonne and Bayleigh join Janelle and Nicole A in the lounge. Nicole A asks if Bayleigh is upset with her. "No, no, no, no," Bayleigh says. Kaysar walks in after them. He says everyone is tired and cold and they need to "make this quick." Kaysar makes a speech on why they should keep Nicole A over David. Kaysar basically says they'll be picked off if they don't keep Nicole A. He says he didn't leave his "wife and kids" just to be picked off and made into a laughing stock. Kaysar says this decision isn't emotional, but they need to come together. He says he doesn't want this to be the moment where you look back at the season and know this is where "they f***ed up." 1:35AM BBT: Kaysar says if they don't win HOH, they will be picked off one by one. Nicole A tells them to "vote wise." Nicole A tells them that after the VETO ceremony, David told her he has all the votes locked. Kaysar explains why they need to keep Nicole A. Nicole A says she will repay everyone who gives her a vote. Bayleigh asks if Memphis has told Nicole A that he will break the tie. Nicole A says Memphis will decide tomorrow. Janelle says Memphis told her he will vote David out. Kevin and Bayeligh both say he told them he would just randomly pick. "He don't give a f**k about us," Kevin says. Janelle doesn't understand why Memphis would lie to her. Nicole wants to bring another person in to get seven votes. Janelle tells her no, they don't have seven votes. Kaysar wants everyone in the room to confirm they are voting for Nicole A so they can put this behind them. 1:39AM BBT: Da'Vonne wants to know why Nicole A didn't play the safety suite. Nicole A says it was her taking a "leap of faith." Nicole A says she told Memphis she would play next week and use him as her plus one. She says Memphis told her he was telling everyone to play in the safety suite. Nicole A offers herself as a pawn in order for her to stay this week. "Do what you need with me," she says. Da'Vonne says she doesn't like to be lied to, she says she was led to believe that Bayleigh and Christmas were both locked in to vote to keep Nicole A and Da'Vonne says she feels she's been lied to.
  12. 12:01AM BBT: Nicole A tells Bayleigh about her conversation with Ian. Nicole A says she needs to lock their votes in so she can go back to Ian and tell him she has it. David walks in, he tells Nicole A to "do her thing" and then leaves. 12:03AM BBT: The HGs sing Happy Birthday to Dani's daughter, they clap and cheer in the KT. 12:04AM BBT: The HGs sing happy birthday to Dani's daughter, they clap and cheer. BB zooms in on the birthday cakes. Dani gets sad, she goes to the PBR. Da'Vonne and Kevin walk in to try to cheer her up. Dani says she needs a minute. 12:31AM BBT: The HGs eat and enjoy their meal. Ian's punishment is activated, so he does a scene on the KT table. Ian's director tells Ian to do it again, but faster. So he does. The HGs laugh. 12:58AM BBT: The HGs clean up after their dinner. Bayleigh, Kevin, and Da'Vonne are in the CBR talking, Kevin tells Bayleigh not to put any unnecessary attention on herself. Bayleigh says she wants to stay away from everyone. David and Nicole A walk into the lounge. Janelle and Bayleigh are now alone in the CBR, Bayleigh tells Janelle that she's getting upset with Janelle. Bayleigh says she's not going to play that game with everyone. Janelle says she's sorry. Bayleigh tells Janelle that now she has to "look of her shoulder." Janelle says that's the other side of the house playing the game, trying to upset her. Bayleigh tells Janelle is not the time to "excite" her because her mouth is "smart" and she doesn't want to be in that position. 1:02AM BBT: Balyeigh tells Janelle that she's just trying to let this week "pass over." Various HGs walk in and tell them good night. Janelle tells Bayleigh that she needs to talk with Christmas and Da'Vonne. Bayleigh says they talked this morning. Bayleigh says no one is going to openly say what they want. Bayleigh says even if they all vote for Nicole A, it's still just six votes. Bayleigh tells Janelle she needs to stop trying to make decisions for other people. 1:09AM BBT: Janelle leaves the CBR. David and Nicole A are still in the lounge, talking about their time on BB so far. The other HGs are getting ready for bed. 1:16AM BBT: Janelle and Kaysar are on the couch in the LR, they aren't talking. Kaysar is playing with the puzzle toy. Bayleigh walks in and gives Janelle a hug. Kaysar says he wants a hug too and then Bayleigh hugs him. 1:19AM BBT: Janelle, Kevin, and Nicole A are in the lounge. Janelle tells Kevin and Nicole A about her conversation with Bayleigh. Nicole A leaves the lounge and walks to the WA, she asks if Christmas, Da'Vonne, and Kaysar will join her in the lounge. 1:23AM BBT: Kevin asks if he should get Bayleigh too, Janelle tells them to leave Bayleigh alone right now, because she's really upset. Nicole A starts to get upset because she can't get Bayleigh too and she says she needs everyone in the lounge. Janelle tells her to leave Bayleigh alone for now.
  13. 11:16PM BBT: Ian walks into the CBR and interrupts Kevin and Da'Vonne for a few seconds before he leaves. Kevin is still trying to figure out where Da'Vonne stands. Da'Vonne doesn't know. 11:19PM BBT: Christmas is in the PBR, she's upset with the way Kaysar is cooking. Dani talks about how she hates Janelle in the KT because she's a "rude person." Christmas and Dani continue to complain about the way Kaysar is cooking. Da'Vonne tells Kevin that Kaysar said he could be swayed this week. Kevin says it's because Nicole A is being "emotional." 11:30PM BBT: The HGs continue to cook in the KT. Kevin and Da'Vonne are still whispering in the CBR about the vote. Ian and Cody are chatting in the WA. 11:40PM BBT: Enzo, Nicole A, Kaysar, Da'Vonne, and Kevin are talking about Enzo's season of BB. In the SR, Cody tells David he has his back. Nicole F walks in. 11:56PM BBT: The HGs are getting ready to eat, while Nicole A and Bayleigh are whispering in the KBR. Nicole A says she tried to tell Janelle to stop trying to follow Bayleigh around to talk to her. Bayleigh says it's not a big deal, she just feels bad for Nicole A. Nicole A tells Bayleigh that she told Kaysar and Janelle that she was mad at them, and they both said they would vote for her to stay. "That's because they want you to be in their alliance," Bayleigh says. 11:59PM BBT: Nicole A asks Bayleigh which way she's leaning on the vote. Bayleigh says she's going to vote for her personal game, she says Nicole A has some good points. Nicole A says that people should want to keep the people that they can beat. Nicole A says she needs an answer from Christmas and Da'Vonne. Bayleigh says all three of them are in the same boat. Nicole A says regardless if she leaves or not, the three of them will always be in the same boat.
  14. 10:01PM BBT: Nicole A asks Memphis if she can talk to him, they walk up to the DR. All four cameras follow them. Once inside the HOHR, Memphis asks her what's up. Nicole A says Janelle told her she spoke to Memphis, and that Nicole A says she wants to give Memphis a "heads up," that she could potentially be a tie. She tells Memphis that she's not a threat and that's her "pitch." "We'll see what happens tomorrow," Memphis says and Nicole A leaves the HOHR and Memphis brushes his teeth. 10:02PM BBT: The HGs in the KT talk about food and cooking. In the PBR, Da'Vonne, Dani, Cody, and Enzo talk about people napping all day. BB cuts the feeds. 10:07PM BBT: Feeds are back, Nicole A is in the CBR with Da'Vonne. Tyler is called to the DR. Da'Vonne is telling Nicole A that she doesn't know why everyone is looking to her. Nicole A says she needs "all of you" or it's a bust. Nicole A says her game is "literally on a thread" and if she can get Da'Vonne, Bayleigh, and Christmas to vote for her, they'll have a tie. Da'Vonne doesn't say anything. "It sucks," Nicole A says, "would you feel more comfortable if I spoke to them?" Da'Vonne tells Nicole A to talk to Christmas and Bayleigh and "see what they have going on." Da'Vonne says she should talk to Ian. Nicole A says she doesn't know how to talk to Ian, she doesn't know how to approach it. Da'Vonne tells her to ask Ian if she has six votes if he would be the seventh. "See what he says," Da'Vonne says. Nicole A doesn't seem to like that idea, Da'Vonne tells her she needs to get going because it's down to the line and it's "Big Brother." 10:12PM BBT: Nicole A leaves the CBR and walks into the LR to talk to Ian. Nicole A and Ian walk to the KBR to talk. Ian asks where Nicole A's head is out. Nicole A says she wants to shoot straight with him and asks Ian for his vote. Ian asks if he's the swing vote. Nicole A says Ian would be the seventh vote and they would avoid the tie. Ian says if it's a tie she would win. Nicole A says she doesn't know for sure because Memphis did put her on the block. Nicole A says she didn't mean to put him on the spot. Ian says he wasn't prepared for this and is thinking. Ian says he didn't know it was going to be tied. Nicole A says she'll "double check again" on the votes to confirm it would be a tie. 10:15PM BBT: Ian says he didn't think the house would split, he says he thought it would be a majority. Ian says he wants to be honest with her, he says the way he was leaning was voting for David to stay. He says he's not "locked in" but was leaning that way earlier this afternoon. Ian says this "split vote thing" is something he didn't know about. Ian says that if it is a tie, he assumes Nicole A would stay. Ian says he hasn't promised a vote to anyone, but he has played chess a lot with David. Ian says he understands they both had bad experiences last season. Ian tells Nicole A that he wants to be honest and he was leaning towards David. He says he was about "66%" sure he was going to vote for David to stay. But now he's not sure. He says he doesn't want to lead her on, he's an honest guy, and he doesn't know. Janelle walks into the KBR and then leaves. 10:20PM BBT: Ian asks if he can get back to Nicole A tomorrow, because he needs to think. Nicole A says she would never "expose" Ian if he didn't want everyone to know he was the swing vote. Nicole A promises Ian her plus one if she wins safety suite. Ian asks her what votes she has. Nicole A says she doesn't want to say the names of the people she has, but she says she has six votes. She says she'll talk to them again and see if she can tell Ian who they are. "That's my pitch," Nicole A says. Ian thanks her, he says their talk helped "a little bit" and he says he's about "55/45" on who he's going to vote for to stay. He still says he's leaning towards David. 10:23PM BBT: Ian tells Nicole A as she gets up to leave the KBR that this is a difficult vote. In the LR, Janelle and Kevin are whispering. Janelle asks Kevin if he'll meet her in the SR in a few minutes. Janelle gets up and walks to the SR. Nicole A leaves the KBR. Kevin tells Tyler and Nicole A that it "smells like fish, but not good fish." 10:24PM BBT: Kevin walks into the SR, Janelle says Da'Vonne told her that "keeping David" does nothing for her game. Janelle wants to get everyone in a room and "lock the vote." Janelle says it's hard to get everyone in a room because there's no privacy in the room. Janelle says they don't have their own room because Ian is with them. "And Ian goes to bed," Kevin says. Kevin wants to know why they all have to meet in a room, why they can't just split up. Janelle says it's "more pressure." "Da'Vonne wouldnt' f**k us over, right?" Janelle asks. Kevin says he needs to talk to her, because last time he checked she was "50/50." Kevin leaves. 10:27PM BBT: Memphis tells everyone good night. Most of the other HGs are in the KT getting ready to eat. Cody, Da'Vonne, Enzo, and Dani are in the PBR chatting. They talk about winning HOH and how they want music. Enzo wishes BB would give them Netflix when they win HOH. 10:28PM BBT: Kevin and Nicole A are in the WA, she tells Kevin about her conversation with Da'Vonne and Ian. Janelle and Ian are in the KBR, Janelle asks him who he's voting for. Ian says he "honestly doesn't know." Ian says he just talked with Nicole A and she told him it would be a tie. Ian says he doesn't think it matters if he's the seventh vote because he thinks Memphis would vote in Nicole A's favor. Ian asks Janelle what she's doing. Janelle says she's voting to keep Nicole A because David is a physical threat. "I'm done taking out little players," Janelle says. 10:31PM BBT: Ian asks Janelle who the biggest physical threats are. "There are so many," Janelle says. Janelle says the vote isn't going to be a tie, she says she doesn't know where Nicole A is getting those numbers. Janelle tells Ian that Nicole A needs his vote. David joins Nicole A and Kevin in the WA, he hugs Nicole A. 10:33PM BBT: Tyler is called to the DR. "Again?" Kevin asks. In the KBR, Ian and Janelle are talking about what they think will happen this season. Janelle says she wants to win. 10:40PM BBT: Janelle and Ian are still talking about this season of BB in the KBR. In the WA, Nicole A and David dance around. Ian is telling Janelle in the KBR that he won't "jerk people around" with his vote. Ian tells Janelle he's ready for people to "self destruct." Janelle asks Ian who he thinks is almost there. Ian says "David." Janelle doesn't agree, but she says she has caught him in a lie already. Janelle continues to try to get Ian's vote. 10:54PM BBT: Kevin is in the SR with Da'Vonne, she says she feels like she's "talking in circles." She tells Kevin she doesn't know what to do. Kevin tells Da'Vonne they don't need to be playing anyone's game but theirs. Nicole A is called to the DR. Kevin says if they keep Nicole A in the game, they'll have the numbers. He says they could make an alliance for a week to stay in the game. Kevin says the other side of the house is going to run "everyone else into the ground." Kaysar walks into the SR and game talk stops. Da'Vonne and Kevin leave to go talk in the CBR. 10:57PM BBT: Kevin and Da'Vonne are on her bed in the CBR. Da'Vonne is barely whispering, she's just mouthing words to Kevin. Kevin says eventually the other side will pick them off. Kevin says he's just trying to figure out the pros and cons going into next week.
  15. 9:02PM BBT: BB has cut the feeds for a few minutes, when they're back David and Nicole A are whispering in the KBR while Dani, Nicole F, and Cody are talking in the PBR. Nicole A is telling David that "it's just the way the cookie crumbles." In the PBR, the three are talking about the previous comps. Cody tells Dani at least she didn't have to hold a ball in the air. They talk about Nicole F's wedding invitations. 9:07PM BBT: Two of the cameras cut away from the PBR to Kevin and Ian on the couch in the LR. Ian is saying he plans to talk to Nicole A. Ian says he feels "so bad," because Nicole A and David "are so nice." Ian is saying they're both fighters and they both want to stay. Kevin is saying Nicole A is repeating how she played last year by "attaching herself" to the wrong people. Kevin is telling Ian that Nicole A should have played better by playing the safety suite. Ian tells Kevin what Memphis told him about playing the safety suite. 9:10PM BBT: Ian tells Kevin that he's not "locked in" and that whatever his vote may be is not an "endorsement" of how he's going to play in the future. Ian says he doesn't care about the vote count, he doesn't care to vote with the house if he doesn't want to. Ian tells Kevin that being on the wrong side of the vote isn't a big deal. Ian says this is the "most difficult vote" he's had in his entire BB career. 9:12PM BBT: Kevin says this vote is easy for him, because he already told David that he's voting to keep Nicole A because she's already "been done dirty enough." Ian says that's a good point. In the PBR, Cody, Dani, and Nicole F rehash the various drama of the last few days and who said what and who did what. Cody says he's shaving tomorrow. Cody is called to the DR. Dani gives Cody a hard time for being in the DR so much. Dani says Cody is "scheming" and it's "shady." Cody laughs. 9:15PM BBT: Enzo walks into the PBR, Dani talks to Enzo and Nicole F about how she's irritated Memphis didn't go for her backdoor suggestion. Enzo says he's ready to go to bed. In the LR, Kevin and Ian are discussing comps. Enzo, Nicole F, and Dani talk about who will be havenots tomorrow. 9:20PM BBT: Janelle has joined Nicole A and David in the KBR, where she's talking about her previous seasons of BB. Enzo, Nicole F, and Dani talk about how they feel bad for Nicole A. Enzo says if anyone else had won HOH she wouldn't be on the block. "It's so crazy," Enzo says. Dani says she hasn't been called to the DR in three days. Enzo says "there's something going on if we're not getting called in." Dani agrees. "There's gotta be some sh*t going on," Enzo says. Cody walks into the PBR. 9:25PM BBT: They talk about how much Janelle is in the DR. Enzo is worried that an evicted houseguest may be coming back in a few weeks. He thinks it could be Janelle if she goes home next week. Dani says she wants Janelle to get her "two weeks of air time" and then get out of the house. Dani is called to the DR. She asks Cody if he did his goodbyes. Cody says he did. 9:27PM BBT: Enzo tells Cody in the PBR that there's so much "paranoia" in the house. Cody says if he wins HOH he's putting up Janelle and Kaysar and if one of them win POV he'll put Da'Vonne up. Cody then corrects himself, he says that would be "so stupid" to do. He says he doesn't want her to know they aren't working together. Enzo is upset because Da'Vonne is trying to make him a havenot for next week. 9:29PM BBT: Janelle is telling Nicole A and David that lying in the BB is the worst mistake because once you're caught in the lie it's over. In the PBR, Enzo asks Cody who he would pick after Janelle and Kaysar. BB cuts the feeds. 9:32PM BBT: Nicole A is talking about her season of BB in the KBR with David and Janelle. Janelle says Cliff was "manipulated" last year with his "gentlemen's agreement." David agrees. Nicole A says there was so much stress in the BB house at that point. David talks about all the drama Jackson and Holly had in the house last season. In the PBR both Enzo and Cody are in bed, the room is silent. 9:36PM BBT: Dani is out of the DR and back in the PBR, she says she asked for different music to play in the morning than Disney. BB cuts the feeds. When the feeds are back, Memphis, Tyler, Kaysar, and Christmas are in the loft area upstairs chatting. Nicole A and Janelle are now alone in the KBR. Nicole A doesn't understand why she's on the block. She says Memphis is a "smart guy" and she doesn't get it. Janelle says Memphis is not smart. She says Memphis was an "alternate' and wasn't supposed to be in the house. Janelle says once Memphis is done being HOH she's going to have the worst "heart to heart" with him because he's a "moron." Janelle says Memphis "f***ed them." Nicole A just doesn't understand why Memphis doesn't understand her "character." 9:39PM BBT: Nicole F is called to the DR. Nicole A says Ian won't talk to her. Janelle says that means he's locked in. Nicole A is upset because people should still talk to her even if they aren't voting to keep her. "F**k them," Janelle says. Nicole A just keeps saying she "doesn't get it." They discuss Memphis. Janelle says Memphis doesn't think Janelle is a target next week, she rolls her eyes. She says Memphis wants to play the game alone. Nicole A doesn't understand why she's on the block. "Memphis doesn't care," Janelle says. 9:43PM BBT: Janelle and Nicole A believe it will be a tie vote tomorrow. Nicole A says they'll need Memphis to break the tie. "That's a done deal," Janelle says. Nicole A says if she stays it will be a "miracle." David and Kaysar are in the WA joking around, Kaysar walks into the WC and David leaves as Tyler walks into the WA. David joins Bayleigh in the KT, Tyler follows seconds later. 9:45PM BBT: Janelle asks Nicole A where Kevin stands going forward in the house and if he would be open to going after the other side of the house. "He's a fighter," Nicole A says, "he wants HOH." Janelle says they're going to "pick us off" and then get into jury so "one of them wins." Janelle says "that side doesn't talk" to them anymore. In the KT Bayleigh is making smothered potatoes. 9:48PM BBT: Nicole A is upset in the KBR, she keeps saying she doesn't understand why people won't talk to her. Nicole F and Kaysar have joined Bayleigh and David in the KT. Nicole A says it's terrible to go home to be a havenot, eat slop, not use her safety suite and then go home. Kaysar is called to the DR. "Again?" Janelle asks. Alone in the KBR, Nicole A says she "just wants to know" so she can pack and get in the right mindset. 9:55PM BBT: David, Kevin, Ian, and Tyler are in the LR talking about the Amazing Race. Christmas, Memphis, Bayleigh, Nicole A, and Nicole F are in the KT chatting about food. Cameras cut to Da'Vonne, Enzo, Dani, and Cody are in the PBR, they're laughing about the house. "This house is f***ed up," Enzo says. Dani tells Da'Vonne she needs to paint her nails. They're all laughing. "This isn't a house," Enzo says, "it's a bunker. We're caged in and it's so hot this year." They talk about how the house is freezing but it's so hot outside. "Get our noses stabbed every Tuesday," Enzo says. They laugh. "If I win HOH I'm nominating four people," Enzo says, "I don't want anyone in my HOH room." Enzo says if he wins HOH he wants to go around the room and tell everyone what he thinks of them. They all laugh. 10:00PM BBT: All four cameras are on the KT where the HGs chat about food. General conversation throughout the house.
  16. 8:58AM BBT: BB instructs the HGs outside to "'lower the outside awnings." All four cameras are on Bayleigh and Da'Vonne in bed in the CBR. 9:01AM BBT: "Wakey Wakey, Houseguests," BB says and then cuts the feeds again. 9:09AM BBT: Feeds are back, David is cleaning the KT counters. Kevin stands there, he tells David that if he wants to stay he needs to get "more than seven" votes. Nicole F walks through the KT. David tells Kevin that he doesn't know if he can "sell an idea beyond what people think already." Kevin says David is "so smart." David promises he wouldn't go after Kevin. Kevin says he's voting for Nicole A to stay. The coffee maker brews loudly in the background. 9:12AM BBT: Nicole A walks into the KT, interrupting what David was about to tell Kevin. Nicole A doesn't understand why they woke up so early. David says it's because they'll have their COVID test tonight. They laugh about how upset BB was this morning. 9:14AM BBT: Tyler walks into the KT, they talk about the new avocados in the SR. David says they'll save them for Wednesday night. Tyler wants to know why BB woke them up so early, he says he thought it was noon based on how upset BB was. Kevin makes a cup of coffee and walks outside. All four cameras are on David cleaning the KT. 9:18AM BBT: Tyler is back in the KT filling up his shaker bottle. David says he's trying to figure out the "source of all this sh*t." Tyler and David whisper back and forth about people seeing through the lies. David says he'll talk to Ian again. Tyler leaves and David resumes cleaning. Da'Vonne walks into the KT, David offers her avocado toast, but she declines. He asks if he can talk to her, Da'Vonne keeps walking to the WA and David resumes cleaning. Christmas walks inside to the DR. David walks into the SR and then the CBR, before walking back to WA. Da'Vonne is in the WC, David says he wishes "Memphis shared his bathroom." 9:23AM BBT: David walks into the havenot room and puts on socks and shoes as he sings to himself. David notices the cameras and starts singing that he "wants to stay in the Big Brother house." David then whispers that he wants to stay and go after "the people who are conspiring against me." He ties his shoes and leaves the havenot room. 9:26AM BBT: David cracks the ice into a bowl in the KT. Janelle, Memphis, and Kaysar are outside talking. Kaysar says Kevin will vote to keep Nicole A. "Enzo?" Kaysar says, "Hell no, he'll tell you what you want to hear." Kaysar says he cornered Ian yesterday. Memphis says Ian is the "easiest to break down." Kaysar says you can easily "piss" Ian off. Memphis says Ian wears his "emotions on his f**king sleeve." Kaysar says you need to know what Ian's triggers are. Janelle walks inside.
  17. 12:53AM BBT: Cody tells Tyler in the PBR that he hopes the pandemic get's sorted out while they're in the house. BB cuts the feeds. 1:14AM BBT: The feeds are back and both Nicole A and Nicole F are swinging in the hammock. Nicole F says that the "other side" has hurt Ian's feelings. In the CBR, Bayleigh and Da'Vonne are talking. Bayleigh says she talked to Christmas earlier and Christmas will not be "throwing her game away." Da'Vonne says she needs to "pray on that one." Bayleigh tells Da'Vonne everything is going to be ok. Da'Vonne says she's not going to let this game stress her out. Bayleigh says she'll make the best "calculated game move." 1:17AM BBT: Bayleigh tells Da'Vonne about her conversation with Nicole A. Bayleigh says this "sucks" because she has a great relationship with Nicole A. Bayleigh says she told Nicole A that she couldn't commit to voting for Nicole A right now. Da'Vonne says she hates how this week has played out. Da'Vonne says she's trying to figure out what's going on between Tyler, Dani, and Cody. 1:19AM BBT: Nicole A tells Nicole F in the hammock that she's not playing the game that Janelle is trying to play for her. Nicole A says she's going to "plead" for herself to the whole house and hopes to get various people on her side. Nicole A says she doesn't like there being two sides in the house. Nicole F says Janelle didn't need to "force" people together. Nicole A promises safety to Nicole F if she wins HOH. Nicole A also says she'll take the havenot if Nicole F needed to pick someone. They discuss Janelle creating sides that "don't exist." Nicole A says she "needs to calm down." Nicole F says she hopes Janelle doesn't win HOH. 1:23AM BBT: Nicole A says she's playing nice, but that she's not on Janelle's "side." Nicole A says she's ready to "stay" and she's ready to "fight." 1:25AM BBT: Kaysar, Christmas, and David are talking in the havenot room. BB tells David to put on his mic. They talk about food. Outside, Nicole F tells Nicole A to speak her truth, otherwise people will make up stuff. Nicole A says she's not stupid and that's why she's mad about what's been said in the house. Nicole F says Janelle is "scary." Nicole F says she and Ian don't want to work against Nicole A. Nicole A says she doesn't like that Janelle is making it Nicole A's side or David's side. 1:49AM BBT: Nicole F has left Nicole A outside and is now walking upstairs to the havenot room. Nicole A talks to herself as she goes through the list of people she's talked to and who she believes will be voting for her. She thinks she'll have nine votes. Nicole A says she'll "ride" tomorrow out and just check in with everyone and do the same on Wednesday. She says if she hears that her association with Janelle is "screwing" her she'll have a house meeting and "blow sh*t up." Nicole A believes if there is a tie, Memphis will keep her. 1:53AM BBT: "I think I have this," Nicole A says. She talks to her mom. The four in the havenot room are all in bed and joking around. 2:04AM BBT: Nicole A appears to be the last one awake as she sits in the hammock outside. The lights in the havenot room are now out as everyone goes to sleep. Nicole A says she needs to shower. 2:12AM BBT: Nicole A is brushing her teeth, the lights are out in all of the bedrooms. 2:34AM BBT: Enzo is out of bed, he walks to the WA to use the WC. 2:40AM BBT: Enzo is back in bed, the lights are off throughout the BB House and everyone is asleep. 8:06AM BBT: BB cuts the feeds for the wake-up call. 8:20AM BBT: Feeds are back, most of the HGs are still in bed, but the lights are on. Janelle is up in the KBR, getting ready for the day. Memphis and Christmas are in the KT. Kevin and David are in the SR changing out their batteries. BB cuts the feeds. 8:29AM BBT: The feeds are back and David and Kevin are in the WA as they get ready for the day. 8:34AM BBT: Kaysar, Memphis, and Christmas are outside, they talk about today's music and being hungry. Janelle is in the WA putting in her contacts. 8:40AM BBT: Janelle joins Kaysar, Christmas, David, and Memphis in the BY. "Good morning, Houseguests. It's time to get up for the day," BB says, "there are fresh batteries in the storage room." BB cuts the feeds for a few minutes. 8:44AM BBT: General conversion throughout the house as everyone gets up and around. Janelle tells the group outside she's happy she went to bed early last night. 8:55AM BBT: Bayleigh and Da'Vonne are still in bed in the CBR. BB says "there are fresh batteries in the storage room." BB cuts the feeds for a few seconds.
  18. 12:25AM BBT: Nicole F is upstairs in the loft area. Kaysar and Christmas are playing pool and Nicole A and David are swinging in the hammock. Ian walks upstairs to the lounge area where Nicole F is sitting. He asks her what she's up to as he sets up a game of backgammon. Nicole F asks Ian what he knows. Ian says he believes Nicole F is safe unless she starts making noise. He says Janelle's group is going to go after the boys first. Ian says if they win HOH she shouldn't have "too much trouble." 12:33AM BBT: Nicole F tells Ian that she's not going to kiss anyone's butt. In the PBR, Cody says he wishes they could skip to the HOH comp. He says the next few days are going to be rough. They talk about Nicole A campaigning. Tyler says Nicole A is pretending to be mad at Kaysar and Janelle so he can get both sides of the house to vote for her. Tyler tells them to be careful what they tell her. Cody says he talks to Nicole A all the time. Bayleigh says Nicole A should go out with a "bang." 12:40AM BBT: Christmas joins Ian and Nicole F upstairs. Enzo, Tyler, Cody, Dani, Bayleigh, and Da'Vonne are still in the KBR. They repeat their game talk but also talk about food here and there. Cody talks about how he can't believe BB can't get a deal with an apparel company or even a water brand. Bayleigh says she can get a sponsorship. Cody says tomorrow will get "f***ing chaotic." Bayleigh says she's going to hide tomorrow, Tyler says he's going to do the same outside. 12:43AM BBT: Kaysar has joined Ian, Nicole F, and Christmas upstairs. There's no game talk upstairs. The group in the PBR ends their meeting. Cody tells Dani that he can't believe the other side of the house has made up so much "sh*t." The rest of the HGs are getting ready for bed.
  19. 12:03AM BBT: Dani and Da'Vonne are in the lounge. Dani tells her that she has an "alliance" that she likes and "people" she "enjoys." They discuss not having final two deals. Outside, Bayleigh leaves the hammock, she says she's not sure if she's going to sleep but she's going inside. Nicole A says she's not going to sleep anytime soon. 12:05AM BBT: Enzo is whispering with Tyler and Cody in the PBR about next week. Enzo says he's tired and he doesn't want to talk to any more people tonight. Dani and Bayleigh walk into the PBR, Dani tells Tyler, Enzo, and Cody "they're stupid." Bayleigh runs to go get Da'Vonne, she tells her that "everyone" is in the back room. Da'Vonne says "these people are annoying." Both Bayleigh and Da'Vonne hurry to the PBR. BB doesn't put any cameras in the room with them. Instead, all four cameras are on the BY while David and Nicole A swing in the hammock. 12:10AM BBT: Big Brother still has not put any cameras in the PBR where the big meeting is being held. Instead, all four cameras are on David and Nicole A as they talk about family and their pets. BB cuts the feeds. 12:12AM BBT: The feeds are back and BB finally has a camera in the PBR where Da'Vonne, Bayleigh, Dani, Tyler, Enzo, and Cody are all talking. The group agrees that Memphis has "rubbed a lot of people the wrong way this week." Da'Vonne wants to know why Memphis isn't up for grabs next week. Cody says he is "so set on Kaysar" because he's "f***ing out of control." Cody says Nicole F and Ian are always around each other. Cody says they need to make sure David knows that he's going to stay, because it'll be a lopsided vote. Enzo says he "likes this group." Tyler asks everyone in the group if they want to keep David, they all say they do. 12:15AM BBT: The group in the PBR all agree that "six is the number" for the rest of the game. Enzo says there will be times they won't all be able to meet. Tyler says they will win HOH next week and have "plenty of time." Dani says everyone can come into the PBR at night and talk. The group jokes around. BB cuts the feeds. 12:19AM BBT: The feeds are back and the group in the PBR is chatting. Cody says he is friendly with a lot of people, but he is very loyal. The group tries to figure out a name and a handshake. They agree their handshake is everyone locking little fingers. Cody says if they walk by each other and hold out their pinky finger, they need to talk. 12:24AM BBT: The group in the PBR talk about sports and then the DR, BB cuts the feeds.
  20. 11:12PM BBT: Dani and Bayleigh are alone on the hammock whispering. Bayleigh tells Dani about her day, she says she cried for "twenty minutes" in the DR because she misses Swaggy. Bayleigh says she doesn't know if people in the house "have her back." Dani wants to know who. Bayleigh says Dani and the rest of her group. Dani brings up the four person alliance rumor. Dani promises she has Bayleigh's back. 11:18PM BBT: Nicole A is eating pizza in the KBR, talking with Janelle. Janelle says the "other side is super scared." "Wow," Nicole A says. Nicole A says that makes her happy. Janelle tells Nicole A that David cornered her in the SR to campaign. He told her wants to go after Memphis. Janelle says David offered her a "one week pass" because she's a "legend." 11:22PM BBT: Janelle tells Nicole A that she's "fine." Janelle says that Da'Vonne is struggling to vote out David, but that it's a "game" and she's coming to terms with it. Nicole A says she should go back and mingle with everyone else. Janelle tells Nicole a to "be positive" and to still "campaign hard." Their conversation switches to traveling. Outside, Dani and Bayleigh are still rehashing the same conversation from earlier. 11:35PM BBT: Cody and David are sitting at the table in the KT while Enzo walks around. They talk about how tired they are. Nicole A is still in the KBR with Janelle. Cody tells David that the other side of the house keeps grabbing Da'Vonne and Bayleigh to talk. 11:38PM BBT: Dani and Bayleigh leave the hammock and walk into the house. Da'Vonne and Nicole A run to the hammock outside. David tells Cody in the KT that "they're tying to take" Da'Vonne and Bayleigh. Cody says "these two" (Janelle and Kaysar) are a problem, because they screwed Keesha last week and this week they're screwing Nicole A. 11:39PM BBT: Nicole A starts to campaign with Da'Vonne, she tells Da'Vonne that Janelle said she was safe because of the alliance they all have. Nicole A says she doesn't know if Janelle is being serious or if she's "just blowing smoke." Da'Vonne says Janelle isn't lying to Nicole A, that Janelle is trying hard to keep Nicole A. Da'Vonne tells Nicole A that she told Janelle she needs to "sleep on it." 11:41PM BBT: Tyler, Nicole F, and Christmas are in the PBR whispering. Christmas tells them about the conversation she had with Ian earlier. Nicole F says Ian "loves alliances." Tyler tells them that David said there's "no way" Da'Vonne and Bayleigh would vote him out. Christmas isn't so sure about that, but she says they should keep David. Tyler agrees. Nicole F says that Nicole A still has her safety suite, which is another reason to keep David. Nicole F says she needs to talk to Ian and leaves the room. 11:46PM BBT: Christmas and Tyler are still whispering, Christmas says Dani isn't just sitting back and being quiet. Christmas says Dani is playing. Christmas says if Enzo wins the safety suite next week, they're "screwed." Christmas discusses next week and what would happen and who would go on the block if Kaysar or Janelle won. 11:47PM BBT: Kevin tells everyone outside good night. Da'Vonne and Nicole A are still swinging in the hammock. Nicole A asks Da'Vonne if there's anything she "should know." Da'Vonne says no. Nicole A asks Da'Vonne if she would be interested in an alliance. Da'Vonne says if she agreed to that, she would just be telling Nicole A what she wanted to hear. Nicole A says she's really upset with what the other side of the house did to her this week. In the PBR, Christmas is still planning out their next week in the house and who will win the comps. 11:55PM BBT: Christmas is in the KT, she asks Cody if he wants to pay backgammon. Cody says he can't "focus on that right now." He promises to play with her tomorrow. Outside, Bayleigh is now with Nicole A. Bayleigh tells her she's looking to do "what's best" for her game. Nicole A says she "appreciates that." Bayleigh asks what Da'Vonne said. Nicole A tells her what Janelle told her, Bayleigh tells her it's all true.
  21. 10:00PM BBT: Bayleigh, Kaysar, and Janelle are talking in the KBR. Da'Vonne and Kevin are whispering in the loft area upstairs. Kevin and Da'Vonne discuss Nicole A potentially going over to the other side of the house if she stays. Da'Vonne compares it to a "toxic relationship." 10:04PM BBT: Kaysar tells Bayleigh and Janelle what he and Ian talked about earlier. Kaysar says Ian can't be some "scrap" in their alliance, he has to be part of it. Janelle says she doesn't feel good about that. Janelle says she doesn't like large alliances, she says she was happier with six, not seven. Janelle tells Kaysar and Bayleigh that she is not interested in working with Ian if he is still working with Nicole F. 10:07PM BBT: Kaysar says he wants to go into next week strong. He leaves the KBR. Janelle and Bayleigh talk in the KBR, Janelle says Da'Vonne is "so paranoid." Bayleigh says it's because of all the information she has. Upstairs, Da'Vonne and Kevin discuss votes. 10:12PM BBT: Bayleigh and Janelle laugh out Kaysar leading an all girl's alliance. Janelle says she'll try to calm Kaysar down. Bayleigh says it's fine as long as he wins HOH. Bayleigh and Janelle joke they're ready for a week off. They discuss Bayleigh's season. 10:15PM BBT: The conversations turn into a game of telephone, repeating everything they've already said. Da'Vonne is upset, she tells Kevin she's not mad, she's just "annoyed." Outside, Tyler and Nicole A are talking. Nicole A says Memphis should know better than to put her and David up together on week two. Tyler says the way Memphis treated David wasn't right. Nicole A says she woke up this morning and decided to fight for herself, but not fight against David. Nicole F is called to the DR, Ian joins Tyler and Nicole A. 10:20PM BBT: Christmas, Bayleigh, and Memphis are outside by the hammock chatting. Da'Vonne and Kevin are still talking upstairs about the previous comp. Kevin says he tried to help Nicole A during the Veto, but she wasn't listening to him. 10:24PM BBT: Many of the HGs are outside chatting and eating. Da'Vonne and Kevin are still upstairs. General conversation throughout the house, aside from Da'Vonne and Kevin who are talking about coming back to the game. Kevin says this is "so stressful." Da'Vonne says it's not the same game it was. 10:30PM BBT: Kaysar burns his slop on the stove, the house is very smokey. Da'Vonne is irritated, she says this is not good for people with asthma. Da'Vonne says Kaysar should "eat a turkey sandwich" and "go home." She says it would make her life "so much easier." "This is ridiculous," Da'Vonne says. She tells Kevin if the sprinkler system turns on and her wig gets wet, she's "going off." 10:34PM BBT: Cody and Enzo are playing pool, while Nicole A, Tyler, Ian, and Dani sit and eat on the couches outside. Upstairs, Da'Vonne tells Kevin what Nicole F has been doing. Da'Vonne says she knows it's a game but she doesn't like the "lying." Kevin agrees. Outside, Kaysar and David join the others around the couch. 10:43PM BBT: Kevin has left the loft area, he's downstairs in the KT but says he needs to use the WC. Nicole A is trying to make something in the KT. The group outside is still talking about food. Nicole F is out of the DR and joined the group outside, she asks if Indian food has noodles. Kaysar and Dani tell her it's rice. Nicole F says she wishes BB would give them take out. 10:50PM BBT: Da'Vonne gives BB a hard time for following her around right after she took the wig off, she laughs and leaves the CBR. David, Ian, and Kaysar are outside chatting. Tyler, Enzo, and Cody are playing pool. General conversation throughout the house. In the KT, Kevin tells Dani he hasn't been called to the DR "at all." 10:56PM BBT: Kevin and Dani are whispering in the hammock, he tells Dani his theory of new school vs. old school. Dani says she should be in "old school" then. Dani is upset because Janelle hasn't talked to her at all and she feels like they have pushed her to the other side of the house. "I don't get it," Dani says. Kevin says it's a distraction for the "real alliance." Dani wants to know what "real alliance" is. Kevin says he doesn't know. Dani tells Kevin that Janelle is telling everyone that Dani wanted to make a four person alliance. Kevin says this is the first time he's heard this. Dani is upset. 10:59PM BBT: Bayleigh joins Dani and Kevin, their conversation stops. General chatting throughout the house.
  22. 10:52PM BBT: Kaysar walks into the HOHR and asks Memphis what he's thinking. Memphis says he could either put two people up who aren't threats or put threats up. Kaysar asks who Memphis considers a threat. Memphis says he doesn't have any right now, but he says he might just put up good game players. He throws Christmas, Cody, and Janelle's names out. Memphis doesn't think he wants to go that route just yet. Memphis considers Ian. "There's a number of people," Kaysar says. Memphis says he's telling everyone to use their safety suite, because he doesn't know who he's putting up and he doesn't know why people wouldn't use it. "You can trust me," Kaysar says. 10:55PM BBT: Memphis tells Kaysar that if they have the ability to put their game in their own hands, they should do that and play the safety suite. Memphis says it's "common sense." He says he doesn't have a relationship with Nicole A or Da'Vonne. Enzo has joined Cody and Tyler in the PBR. Cody tells Enzo about considering playing in the safety suite. In the HOHR, Kaysar explains why he "came on so strong" week one.
  23. 10:12PM BBT: Nicole F, Christmas, and Memphis are in the HOHR. Nicole tells Memphis to turn on his TV. Nicole F tells Christmas to "hurry up" with the remote because they "won't get a lot of time." Nicole F frantically tries to get the TV to turn on. Memphis tells Christmas and Nicole F his concern his the "five people" playing safety suite. Christmas wants to play the safety suite so no one will know they're working together. Nicole F asks Memphis what he's thinking. Memphis says he doesn't know yet. "There's so many options," Nicole F says. Memphis says he'll play the safety suite next week. Nicole F says they have to win safety this week. Dani enters the HOHR. 10:16PM BBT: Christmas asks Memphis to pick her if he pulls house guest choice during the veto draw. The girls talk about who should play in safety suite, Memphis says he doesn't care who plays, just that two people need to play. Memphis tells them to talk to Cody and Tyler tonight. Nicole F leaves the HOHR. Dani feels like she missed an entire conversation, she wants to know what Memphis is thinking. Memphis says he has no idea who he's putting up. Nicole F and Christmas leave the HOHR. Dani tells Memphis not to get too comfortable because they'll call him to the DR soon. They talk about the letter. 10:18PM BBT: Christmas and Nicole F are back to whispering in the havenot room. They talk about who will play the safety suite comp. Nicole F says she thinks Nicole A is going to play. "I will f***ing smash her," Christmas says. They continue to talk about who might play. In the HOHR, Memphis tells Dani about needing a few people to play in the safety suite. 10:21PM BBT: Dani leaves the HOHR. Christmas and Nicole F are still whispering in the havenot room about the safety suite. Christmas says Nicole A is not a leader, she's a worker. Nicole F says she wants to keep Da'Vonne "for a little bit." Christmas says they need to keep Bayleigh and "let her float." Christmas tells Nicole F about her conversation with Kaysar earlier. The rest of the HGs are in the KT chatting. 10:25PM BBT: David crawls into the havenot room. Da'vonne walks into the HOHR. Memphis tells her he doesn't know who he's putting up yet. "I just have to think about what makes sense," Memphis says, "tomorrow I'll figure it out." "Ok..." Da'Vonne says. Da'Vonne says Memphis is a "straight shooter" and she is a "straight shooter too." Da'Vonne tells him she doesn't have any negative feelings towards Memphis and they're both here for the "same reasons." Da'Vonne tells Memphis that he's "good with" her. Da'Vonne leaves the HOHR a few seconds later. 10:30PM BBT: Cody enters the HOHR and congratulates Memphis. They talk about the HOH comp and Memphis' win. Memphis says it could be a good time to put Ian up, he says if he's on the block he'll go home because he's won before and he's a threat. Cody doesn't seem too crazy about sending Ian home yet, he tells Memphis that Ian trusts him. "What do you think I should do?" Cody asks Memphis. Memphis thinks it would be better if Tyler played the safety suite tomorrow instead of Cody. Memphis really doesn't think Cody should play. 10:33PM BBT: Ian and Nicole F are in the KBR whispering. Ian asks Nicole F what she knows. Nicole F says she isn't going to play the safety suite, she thinks she'll be ok. Ian asks her about her alliances. Nicole F ignores the question and tells him Memphis may put up Kaysar and Janelle, or Bayleigh and Da'Vonne. Christmas walks in. 10:35PM BBT: Memphis says he's fine putting up anyone outside of their six. He says he could put Kaysar and Janelle up, but he thinks they will be beneficial to him. Cody agrees. Memphis says he's really thinking of putting Da'Vonne and Bayleigh up. Cody says he is worried about Janelle because she was "stirring it." "She's the birdie, man," Memphis says, "that's how she plays." "It's going to burn her," Cody says. Memphis says he's waiting for Christmas to win HOH and put Janelle up. "I want everyone sweatin'," Memphis says, he wants as many people to play in the safety suite. 10:38PM BBT: Christmas leaves the KBR, Ian and Nicole F whisper back and forth. Ian says if he goes for the safety suite it will look like he doesn't trust Memphis. Nicole F tells Ian "do not save anyone from the other side of the house." Ian says he won't save Nicole F because then it will be obvious they're working together. Nicole tells him not to feel "obligated." Nicole F tells Ian to try to win the safety suite, "just in case." Nicole F says she's a little worried about Ian this week. She says she wants to keep him safe. 10:39PM BBT: Cody and Memphis are still talking in the HOHR, Cody says he won't play tomorrow. They talk about the letter and Cody leaves the HOHR. Nicole F and Ian are still whispering in the KBR, Ian says he thinks Nicole F is safe this week. Nicole F says she doesn't know that for sure. Nicole says she spoke to Memphis, but Memphis wouldn't tell her anything about who he was going to put up. Nicole F says Nicole A and Janelle are really close. Ian is surprised, "Ian, it's obvious," Nicole F says. 10:42PM BBT: Both Nicole F and Ian leave the KBR. The HGs move around getting ready for bed. Enzo is called to the DR. Tyler, Nicole F, and Cody are in the PBR. Cody says they all need to play in the safety suite. Tyler says he'll play, Nicole F says Christmas is playing. Cody says he's going to wait and see who is going to play before he decides. Nicole F leaves the PBR. Cody says it looks weird for him not to play in the safety suite, because he told a lot of people he was going to play and Cody thinks it will look weird if he doesn't play. Cody says he's "pretty f**king confident in their numbers." 10:47PM BBT: Ian is in the HOHR, Memphis encourages him to play in the safety suite, he says he thinks everyone should play in it. Memphis says he hasn't made any decisions, so he thinks everyone should play. Cody tells Tyler in the PBR that they're "good this week." Cody says they'll win the next HOH, there's no way anyone else can beat them. Cody tells Tyler to watch Dani because she's "a beast." They talk about Dani. Ian leaves the HOHR and Nicole A walks in. Memphis tells Nicole A he doesn't know who he's putting up and he wants to get a good night's sleep. Memphis tells Nicole he's telling everyone to play, because they'd be dumb not to. Nicole A says they'll talk tomorrow and tells him good night.
  24. 9:53PM BBT: Memphis opens his basket present, where he finds his photos, a yellow hat, socks, a bottle of wine, Lynyrd Skynyrd's greatest hits loaded onto an iPod with headphones, and a letter. Memphis starts to tear up as he reads his letter from his son. Memphis' letter says: "I miss you and I think about you every day. Mom and I pray for you every night. My last day of summer camp I felt really proud of myself because I learned how to read. I think you're going to be so proud of me, I went to see my new school today and I'm very excited to start. I'm mostly excited about seeing my friends and meeting my new teacher on Wednesday. Mom and I went school supply shopping and I got new shoes. I went kayaking for the first time in Key West and I did so good. I miss playing with you, hanging out with you, and you making dinner for me. I miss you so so much and I can't wait to see you and give you a big hug. I love you dad." There isn't a dry eye in the HOHR. 9:57PM BBT: Memphis is excited to have won his first HOH. He goes through his gift basket and the HGs look over his photos and snacks. One of his snacks is bourbon gummy bears. Memphis and the HGs enjoy his basket. Memphis says it's "good to hear" from his son. 10:03PM BBT: The HGs don't stay in the HOHR room for long, many of them have left the room and are now getting ready for bed downstairs. Janelle hangs back to talk to Memphis in the HOHR, she gives him a hug. Janelle says it's been "such a horrible day." Janelle says they almost had the votes to save Keesha, Memphis says he almost voted to keep her to "throw a wrench" in anything. Janelle and Memphis talk about how it would have been more beneficial for them to keep Keesha. Janelle says Kaysar is convinced that Keesha was his target. Memphis disagrees. "I have no information that pointed that way," Memphis says. 10:07PM BBT: Memphis says when he puts two people up, he's going to have a clear person in mind that he wants to go home. Janelle offers Memphis her help in whatever way he needs it. Memphis says they haven't talked much, but he likes having her around. "We all have to make it over this first half," Memphis says, "the only way we're going to do that is to find a small group we trust." He says the wrong way to do things is to build a huge alliance. Janelle agrees. 10:08PM BBT: Janelle has left the HOHR. Christmas and Nicole F are in the havenot room whispering, Christmas is doubting Cody's trust. Nicole F tells Christmas that Cody is going to talk to Kevin later about how Janelle was trying to flip the votes and send Kevin home. Christmas tells Nicole F that Kaysar tried to "feel her out" to work with her. Memphis crawls into the havenot room and game talk stops.
  25. 9:50PM BBT: Cody is chatting with Dani in the PBR about how Christmas is paranoid and was freaking out before the vote. Cody said he had to explain to Christmas, again, why they had to send Keesha home instead of Kevin. 9:51AM BBT: Memphis throws open the DR door and screams "Who wants to see my HOH room?!" He scares some of the HGs, "why you gotta do it like that?!" Tyler asks. The HGs laugh and celebrate as Memphis leads the way upstairs. 9:52PM BBT: The HGs give Memphis a hard time for scaring them while they walk upstairs. "All right, guys," Memphis says as he unlocks the door. The HGs clap as they walk in, excited for Memphis to have his basket and letter.



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