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Everything posted by Kelly6

  1. 8:00PM BBT: BB cuts the feeds on and off for the 8 o'clock hour. Most of the HGs are sitting around playing games or being silent as they wait for dinner. Dani and Kevin talk in the CBR about his job, Christmas sits at the KT table and watches Tyler and David in the KT. Memphis walks around the KT. Memphis eventually sits with Christmas at the table, he wants to name all of the cameras in the house. He calls one in the KT "Dr. Jones." 9:00PM BBT: Kevin and Christmas are talking in the CBR, Kevin says the eviction will be a triple. BB cuts the feeds immediately.
  2. 12:11AM BBT: Kevin and Cody are still chatting in the have-not room as Kevin tells Enzo about a conversation he had. They're talking about Da'Vonne. Enzo says he told Da'Vonne that it won't be long before he follows her into the jury. Enzo says Da'Vonne is "good people" and he likes her a lot. "It just sucks, man," Enzo says. He says he likes Bayleigh too. "This game though, man." 1:00AM BBT: Enzo and Kevin continue to chat in the have-not room. They discuss rookies vs. vets and the fans. They move on to talking about cars and then their personal lives. 1:40AM BBT: The lights are still on in the have-not room. Enzo talks about how happy he is that they get to eat tomorrow. They talk about how greasy slop is.
  3. 7:00PM BBT: The HGs have finished their game of PIG in the LR and are now scattered throughout the house, general chatter fills the house. 7:08PM BBT: BB cuts the feeds for almost ten minutes. 7:30PM BBT: Most of the HGs are in the KT getting ready for dinner. Memphis and Enzo are seated at the table, Dani is seasoning cut sweet potatoes and Kevin watches as she does. 7:45PM BBT: Christmas and Tyler are lounging on the couch in the LR. Cody is now helping cook dinner in the KT, David and Kevin watch. 7:50PM BBT: Dani and Nicole are whispering in the CBR, Nicole says David hasn't pitched to her at all. They talk about David and what he says, Dani says David is just always telling her what she wants to hear. She says David blamed everything on Da'Vonne. BB cuts the feeds on and off during the conversation. 8:30PM BBT: BB has cut the feeds on and off for the last thirty minutes. The HGs are now all in the LR or the KT, waiting for dinner. General chatter fills the house.
  4. 12:25AM BBT: BB calls Tyler to the SR. The rest of the HGs chat about BB Comics and what they'll be called. Enzo hopes that "meow meow" makes its way into his comic. General chatter fills the kitchen. BB has turned the lights off in the CBR and Nicole tries to fall asleep. 12:40AM BBT: David gets into bed and asks BB to turn off the lights. David says his bed smells like "Crisco." Dani and Tyler are in the KT chatting. 12:56AM BBT: Cody, Tyler, Enzo, and Cody talk about Toy Story and who the HGs would be. Dani says Kaysar and Janelle are "Mr and Mrs Potato head." They say David is "Rex" and Enzo is "Sid." Dani jokes that none of them are good enough to be Woody or Buzz. Cody wants to be one of the army men toys. Tyler says the army men always die. "Toy Story is dark," Cody says. Enzo can't wait to watch all these movies with his kids. They continue to talk about the Toy Story series. Cody thinks he's Buzz Lightyear. Enzo is called to the DR. 1:11AM BBT: Cody and Enzo are in the HoHR. Cody wants to know who Christmas would nominate. Enzo thinks she would nominate Dani or David. Enzo says Christmas isn't going to win anything. He thinks Nicole will win the next HoH. They discuss it being a double, Cody says there's a "strong" possibility that it won't be a double this week. They both agree Nicole would nominate David, but if it's a double she'll go after Memphis. Enzo and Cody both agree that they're going after Christmas because she's in with everyone. Cody says he needs to figure out where Tyler is with Christmas. Enzo thinks Tyler will go after Nicole and Dani. 1:13AM BBT: Enzo doesn't think Memphis will try to win the HoH because he doesn't want to show his cards. Cody thinks Memphis will go for it and try to backdoor Tyler. "If he does that, I have a lot of respect for him," Enzo says. Enzo thinks he's closer to Christmas than Tyler is, but he isn't sure. Enzo believes Christmas, Tyler, and Memphis have an alliance together. Enzo tries to figure out Memphis' thought process behind the "Wise Guys" alliance. Cody says Memphis didn't pick Tyler to be part of it, because Memphis is scared of Tyler and wants him to go. 1:16AM BBT: Dani and Tyler are getting ready for bed silently in the WA. In the HoHR, Cody and Enzo both believe that Dani is badmouthing them to Tyler in the WA right now. Enzo doesn't know who to put up if he wins HoH. They go through the house, Enzo thinks putting up Memphis, Dani, or David up as an option. Enzo says he would use David as a pawn and explain it's because they think David won the $10,000. They talk about Dani putting up Christmas and David and then backdooring Tyler. 1:18AM BBT: Cody and Enzo go through the order of the have-nots for the season. Dani is in the WA alone, continuing to get ready for bed. When she leaves the WA, she walks to the KT and cleans the KT up a bit. Enzo and Cody watch her on the feed, they want her to go to bed and not come up to the HoHr. "Please go to bed," Cody says. 2:05AM BBT: Enzo and Cody talk about Memphis and Kevin. Enzo talks about them having trouble fitting in. Enzo says he can fit in with anyone, he says you have to "make people laugh" and "do some sh*t." They talk about Kevin not being able to fit in. Enzo says Kevin hurt himself by aligning with Da'Vonne. He says he loves Da'Vonne, but she's not a good player. "Yo, it's Big Brother," Enzo says, people talk about each other all the time in this house. They talk about the David/Da'Vonne drama. Cody says Dani plays the same way. Enzo says he doesn't say anything to Dani anymore. 2:13AM BBT: Enzo says Christmas isn't going to win anything, he says the comps she has won were "handed to her." Cody agrees. Enzo hopes Tyler follows him on Instagram. Cody laughs. Enzo and Cody talk about what they want to say in Memphis' GBM. They hope BB will let them do the message for Memphis together. 2:37AM BBT: Enzo and Cody discuss the early days in the house and how everyone wanted to backdoor Cody early on, but Christmas put a stop to it. Enzo says Christmas is better with guys than she is with girls. Enzo says he and Christmas really started to talk game after Tyler won HoH. Enzo says Christmas called Nicole an "emotional player," and Dani is "playing the whole house." They continue to talk about Christmas. BB cuts the feeds. 2:50AM BBT: Feeds are back, Enzo and Cody are talking about previous BB seasons. BB cuts the feeds on and off while Enzo talks about his season. 3:13AM BBT: Cody and Enzo are ready for Dani to leave the house, they both talk about how they'll be able to talk freely after she's gone and they won't have to look over their shoulders. They hope Memphis will take that shot. They talk about "the Wise Guys" alliance. Cody says Memphis is smart. Enzo disagrees. 3:19AM BBT: Enzo leaves the HoHR and is in the WA getting ready for bed. Cody listens to music in the HOHR while he gets ready for bed. 7:45AM BBT: The HGs are all still sleeping, BB cuts the feeds for two minutes. When it returns, the HGs are still asleep.
  5. 12:06AM BBT: Enzo wants BB to "cut the have-nots" soon. He says they're almost in the final six and it needs to end. Cody says it'll end when there are six left in the house. Cody leaves the CBR. Kevin and Enzo chat while Nicole tries to rest in bed. 12:12AM BBT: David, Enzo, Cody, and Tyler chat in the KT. Enzo doesn't understand how there is often an ice rink under the basketball courts. He doesn't understand how they put the basketball court on top of the ice rink. David explains it to him. Enzo isn't feeling well because his allergic reaction, he's not having a good time as a have-not. Kevin walks in, he says he's been eating a lot of slop and feels bloated. "Today started hitting me," Enzo says. He says his face breaking out is "f***ing" him up. Enzo says he doesn't feel right. 12:19AM BBT: Dani joins Kevin, Enzo, and David in the KT. David talks about Jackson Michie eating in the shower when he was supposed to be a have-not during last season. Enzo and Dani laugh, they try to figure out what Jackson would bring into the shower to eat and how he would try to get away with it. Cody and Tyler walks in. Enzo says he can't wait until Wednesday night, he says he's going to make a sandwich and a quesadilla. Cody wants to make nuggets, Tyler says he'll have some. Cody is called to the DR, the HGs give him a hard time, they say he's been in the DR eight times today and that he must be causing trouble.
  6. 9:40PM BBT: Feeds are back, the HGs move around the house and someone is showering. BB cuts the feeds again. 10:40PM BBT: Feeds are back again, all four cameras are in the KBR where Nicole is rubbing lotion on her neck and face. She talks to herself, but she doesn't have her microphone on. 10:41PM BBT: Nicole leaves the KBR and BB cuts the feeds again. 10:55PM BBT: Feeds are back. Christmas and Nicole are chatting in the CBR about their eyesight. David is in the PBR hanging up towels. 11:02PM BBT: BB cuts the feeds on and off every two or three minutes for a minute or two. 11:08PM BBT: Feeds are back, Kevin has joined Christmas and Nicole in the CBR, they chat about clothes. Christmas leaves, Kevin asks Nicole how her neck feels. 11:10PM BBT: BB cuts the feeds again, this time for about twenty minutes. 11:58PM BBT: Kevin and Memphis have joined the group in the CBR. Memphis talks about the cameras always following him. The HGs joke around. Nicole wants a subject change.
  7. 2:00AM BBT: Christmas thanks Cody for "hanging out" with her. Meanwhile, Dani is sitting in the WA alone, looking off into space. She appears deep in thought. 2:17AM BBT: The house has started to settle into bed. Enzo and Tyler are chatting in bed in the PBR, Tyler has his eyemask over his eyes. Enzi says he's going to stop saying "motherfer." He says he's going to be a better person, he says he loves the vegan world. He's trying to figure out why the "outside world" hates him. In the KT, Dani stands in front of the memory wall and stares at it. Dani walks into the PBR, Enzo has apparently passed very bad gas and Dani sprays air freshener. "Enzo, you need to eat better," Dani says, "there's something dead inside of you." 2:19AM BBT: Dani gets into bed in the PBR and the HGs settle into bed. Enzo lifts his blankets and apparently more bad gas escapes. Dani is very grossed out, she gives him a hard time. David and Tyler laugh in their beds. They tell Enzo not to open the blankets again. Enzo goes on and on about how bad it smells. BB turns the lights off. 2:30AM BBT: The lights are off in the BB house and everyone appears to be sleeping.
  8. 12:03AM BBT: Kevin and Da'Vonne are talking in the hammock outside. Kevin tells her about his conversation with David. Inside, Tyler, Cody, Nicole, and Dani are chatting in the CBR. BB cuts the feeds. 3:20AM BBT: The feeds switch from stars to kitten and puppy cam. If you fall in love with one of the animals on the feeds, they are all at the Rancho Coastal Humane Society and available for adoption. Or visit your local chapter or the shelter closest to you in order to save a life. Adopt, don't shop. 7:30AM BBT: Feeds are still down and showing puppies and kitties from the Rancho Coastal Humane Society.
  9. 8:34PM BBT: Da'Vonne and Kevin are whispering in the hot tub, they don't have their microphones on, so we can't hear anything they're saying. In the LR, Cody scares Dani as she walks out of the DR. He's very proud of himself, "I got a scare!" He shouts. 8:50PM BBT: Da'Vonne and Kevin are still in the hot tub, no one is talking. David is lounging on the hammock outside. Da'Vonne is called to the DR. Christmas, Dani, and Nicole are in the CBR. Dani says "everyone is so boring." Nicole complains about "being on the show," she says she still wants to be in the house, but doesn't want to be on TV. She says she's sick of the DR. Dani says the DR "hates us." 9:12PM BBT: The HGs have been given alcohol, two bottles of wine and a few cans of beer. They celebrate and everyone walks into the KT to get a drink. Da'Vonne doesn't want anything to drink, Nicole really wants Da'Vonne to "have a beer" with her. Dani pours everyone a glass of wine who wants one. "They're f***ing hooking us up, every week," Cody is very happy. They all thank BB. BB replies back, "you're welcome." 9:20PM BBT: Dani and Da'Vonne are whispering in the lounge. Da'Vonne talks about her VETO speech and how Christmas has behaved. Da'Vonne says Christmas was "a f***ing wreck," and "it was a lot." Da'Vonne wants to know "what was it" that got her to "this point." She says she asked Tyler, but he didn't tell her anything. Dani wants to know if Da'Vonne is going to campaign. Da'Vonne says she told Nicole not to "be crazy" and not to "stick her neck out" for Da'Vonne. Da'Vonne says she's going to "fish" some more tonight. She asks Dani to talk to Cody. Dani agrees to talk to Cody. "It's an uphill battle," Dani says. 9:23PM BBT: Da'Vonne says she's "no sucker" and isn't going to "roll over and die." She says they've gotten to the part of the game where people have to start telling the truth, because they're going to jury now. Da'Vonne asks Dani not to repeat any of this to anyone else. Dani promises not to. Da'Vonne says Kevin is worried that he's going home, but Da'Vonne doesn't want to tell him that it's her going home. "What do you want me to tell him?" Dani asks, in the same breath she talks about how much she misses Bayleigh. Nicole is called to the DR, she asks if she can trust Cody and Christmas to watch her drink. Christmas tells Nicole to take it with her. 9:27PM BBT: Dani tells Da'Vonne that she'll talk to Cody and they leave the lounge. Christmas and Cody are playing backgammon outside. Da'Vonne says the wine is "disgusting." Kevin walks into to the KT, Da'Vonne tells Kevin about her conversation with Dani. She says "no one is taking the bait," when she asks them why she and Kevin are on the block. Da'Vonne blames David. 9:58PM BBT: General conversation throughout the house. The HGs are mostly outside chatting or playing pool, some are in the KT cooking. Christmas complains about being an have-not and not being able to eat anything. Da'Vonne gets ready for the DR. 10:13PM BBT: Memphis is chatting with Christmas, Dani, and Nicole outside on the couches. He says he's "really confused by this situation." Memphis says he doesn't understand why when two people get on the block together, they're "inseparable." He says he really doesn't understand and makes no sense. Memphis says Kevin told him earlier that he just wants to spend as much time with Da'Vonne as he can. Memphis says he doesn't "give a f**k" and "doesn't get it." He says Kevin's about to get to spend an entire month with Da'Vonne in the jury house. David is called to the DR. 10:18PM BBT: Memphis continues to discuss his confusion about people on the block "being glued" to each other. It's only Memphis and Christmas on the couches now. Dani and Nicole are whispering in the SR. Dani wants to know what's up with Christmas, Nicole says she thinks it's the slop. Nicole has hidden a few beers in the SR, she fishes them out. Dani wants them to "pound" the beers, Nicole says she doesn't want one right now and she tells Dani not to show anyone the hidden beer. 10:19PM BBT: Dani says Memphis is too much for her and she's having trouble with him. Nicole agrees. Dani says Memphis is "gross" and is sometimes nice. Dani says she doesn't know what else to say without being mean. They switch the conversation to Da'Vonne, Nicole wants to know what to do, she's worried about the jury vote. Dani tells Nicole to tell Da'Vonne everything in the GBM and to tell the truth about everything. Dani says she's going to do that as well. 10:21PM BBT: Christmas and Memphis continue to talk outside on the couches, Christmas talks about how tired she is on slop and how Da'Vonne tried to talk to her. They discuss Kevin and Da'Vonne. Memphis talks about telling Nicole A to play in the comp at the beginning of the season. They talk about who has said what this season and who has told what this season. In the SR, Dani and and Nicole are still whispering. Da'Vonne throws open the door and scares them. Nicole and Da'Vonne leave the SR, Nicole walks back in after a few seconds. 10:24PM BBT: Nicole tells Dani that she's had to "lie to two people" that she links two weeks in a row and she's done with that. Dani agrees, she says they need to turn both around in their favor. Dani says they've had the "whole game" go in their favor. Outside, Christmas talks to Memphis about Da'Vonne's VETO speech and how that was the Da'Vonne Christmas has been waiting for to come out. Christmas says she told Da'Vonne that the house is leaning towards evicting Kevin. 10:31PM BBT: Christmas has joined Nicole and Dani in the SR. They talk about the food in the SR. Outside, Enzo and Tyler are whispering around the pool table. Enzo talks about what might happen if Nicole or Dani win HoH. Enzo says he's not putting David on the block if he wins HoH, he says David has had "enough already" and he's tired of the "bullying" in the house. He says "America hates Memphis" and that "Christmas is out of her f***ing mind." He says this is why they have so many yellers and people on the megaphones. Cody scares Dani really bad, she chases him out of the house. 10:45PM BBT: Enzo, Christmas, Tyler, and Cody are chatting around the pool table. BB gets on to the HGs for talking about production. Christmas says people are being really weird today. They talk about Kevin and Da'Vonne. Tyler says Da'Vonne tried to get him to tell her why she was really on the block. Tyler says it didn't work. Cody wants to know what Da'Vonne really expected Tyler to say. Christmas says it's a "ballsy move to use the VETO." Everyone agrees. Tyler says if Da'Vonne hadn't used the VETO last week, she wouldn't be on the block. 10:57PM BBT: David has joined Tyler, Enzo, and Christmas around the pool table. In the KT, Cody makes a protein shake while Kevin and Da'Vonne talk around the KT island. Nicole is getting ready for bed in the WA. 11:10PM BBT: Nicole is in bed in the CBR, Christmas sits on her bed and they whisper. Christmas asks Nicole what she's going to say in her GBM. Christmas says Da'Vonne respects game play. Christmas says if Nicole tells Da'Vonne everything while Da'Vonne is still in the house, it could expose everyone. Christmas says she thinks the Committee would survive. Nicole says she'll wait for her GBM. Outside, Kevin and David are chatting in the hammock. David says Da'Vonne doesn't trust him. 11:30PM BBT: Dani joins Christmas and Nicole in the CBR for a few seconds. She's trying to figure out how to scare Cody again. She runs out to try to find a place to hide. She manages to scare Cody coming out of the DR. Cody screams, he say says it's "unfair." Dani joins Christmas and Nicole in the CBR, they talk about Dani scaring Cody all season.
  10. 12:08AM BBT: Cody and Christmas are chatting in the havenot room. It sounds like they're rehashing all of the same conversations from the day and talking about how the game should be played. They talk about David and how he doesn't know how to play. 12:15AM BBT: In the same breath that Christmas talks about how you can't take things personally in the game and how David doesn't know how to do that, she talks about how she's upset that Da'Vonne made her a have-not. 12:56AM BBT: Cody and Christmas continue to chat in the have-not room, they just circle around on all their conversations about complaining the other HGs. They talk about Kaysar, Bayleigh, and Da'Vonne. 1:18AM BBT: The lights are off in the BB house and it looks like everyone is asleep. 3:33AM BBT: BB has cut the feeds. 3:39AM BBT: The feeds are back, all of the HGs are still asleep and the house is dark. 6:07AM BBT: David is up and out of bed, he uses the WA and then walks through the dark KT to fill his water bottle with Sprite. He hovers around the KT for several minutes, looking at the memory wall and standing in the dark before going back to bed. 8:21AM BBT: Kevin is up and out of bed, he walks to the WA. After washing his hands, he walks around the KT and then gets back into bed.
  11. 12:21AM BBT: Tyler says he's going to act like David is his "number one" just to "f**k" with Da'Vonne. Tyler says he just wants to "throw some distrust" to Da'Vonne and Kevin about David. Cody says he doesn't trust Da'Vonne at all. Tyler agrees. They don't understand the Da'Vonne and Dani friendship and try to figure out what happened there. 12:23AM BBT: Cody and Tyler talk about Memphis. Tyler says there's "something" about Memphis and Da'Vonne. Both Cody and Tyler agree there's some kind of agreement between them. Cody says he doesn't think it's a serious alliance, but there's something there. Tyler says he just overestimates everyone. Cody says that's not a bad thing. 12:36AM BBT: The HGs are starting to get ready for bed. David and Enzo are in the LR whispering about Ian. Enzo says he just wants to "relax" because he's "f***ing tired." David asks Enzo what he's going to do on the vote. David says the house is going to keep Ian. Enzo disagrees, he says the house isn't going to keep Ian. "We'll find out tomorrow," Enzo says, "they're not coming after me so I don't care." David agrees. David says the whole thing with Bayleigh left a bad taste in David's mouth when it comes to Tyler. Enzo says Tyler isn't coming after him now and he knows Tyler's going after other people. David says Ian will too. 12:39AM BBT: Enzo tells David he needs to get some blood on his hands, "once you taste that blood, yo." David and Enzo laugh. Enzo says once you get that "first kill" you're addicted to the HoH. Enzo says he believes in David and says David will win an HoH. "Ty f**ked up his own game," David says. Enzo agrees, "he's a sitting duck." Enzo talks about the girls in the house. 12:41AM BBT: Enzo asks David what Da'Vonne wants to do. "She wants to get Tyler out?" Enzo asks. David says yes, he says "Tyler did her dirty." Enzo agrees. In the havenot room, Da'Vonne is getting ready for bed. Kevin walks in and says he's "hiding from Ian." Da'Vonne laughs. Kevin says David is talking with Enzo in the LR. Kevin says he "feels bad" for Ian. Da'Vonne says they can't realistically keep Ian. 12:45AM BBT: David tells Enzo that he and Tyler "got into it." David says he told Tyler that he kept "making moves" but wouldn't talk game. David says he told Tyler that Tyler was "playing games." Enzo gets up, says he needs to use the WC. In the havenot room, Da'Vonne and Kevin try to figure out who is going to win the next HoH. Ian is in the WA, David walks in and sits down as well while Enzo uses the WC. 12:55AM BBT: Enzo and David are chatting in the lounge, Enzo talks about making the vote a tie so that Dani has to decide. Enzo says he "doesn't give a f**k" who leaves and who stays and says Dani needs to decide. They talk about Memphis not voting for Ian. "You need to watch out for Memphis," Enzo says if Memphis wins HoH. David says he's tried to talk to Memphis but Memphis doesn't want to talk to him. "Motherf***er is too comfortable in this house," Enzo says, "motherf***er's are dumb in this house." 12:59AM BBT: David says he asked Dani why she didn't put up Memphis. David says Dani says Memphis is "scary." "His f***ing back is broke," Enzo says. He says Dani's reasoning is dumb and he can't believe these are the players they have. Enzo says Memphis is dumb and old. Enzo says if he wins HoH, he's going after big targets. He doesn't want to go after someone that doesn't matter. "I got no problems with anyone in this house," Enzo says. David says he'll win the next HoH. Enzo says he has a good chance of winning. David says he hopes he gets to choose havenots if he wins, "oooooh sh*t," Enzo says. 1:01AM BBT: Upstairs in the havenot room, Kevin wants Da'Vonne to tell him who has the powers and what they are. Da'Vonne says she won't do that, because Kevin will slip up and say she told him. Kevin wants to know if the powers will "f**k up" his game. Da'Vonne says they won't. Downstairs, Enzo tells David he could see Da'Vonne winning HoH because as soon as you win one thing, you get the confidence to win more. Enzo tells David that "you can't get bullied" for voting the way you want to vote. He says it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, you should vote the way you want to vote. Enzo says he's leaning towards voting Ian out. "It is what it is, yo," Enzo says, "but you're safe with me, bro." 1:06AM BBT: Ian walks into the lounge, Enzo asks if Ian is going to be up late tonight. Ian says yes. Enzo tells Ian that he's doing a "great job" campaigning. "I want to stay," Ian says, "I've been watching this sh*t since I was ten, I care a lot." "That's a true champion, bro," Enzo says. They talk about their seasons. Upstairs Kevin is trying to get the powers and who has them out of Da'Vonne. She's not budging. 1:33AM BBT: Enzo has left the lounge, David gets up to leave and says he's going to bed. Ian tells him good night. Ian leaves the lounge and walks into the WA to sit on the couch. David asks if Ian's just going to sit in the WA. Ian says he's going to stay up a little longer and talk to the cams a bit. David asks if Ian's going to try to "catch people" in the WA to talk to them. Ian says no. 2:00AM BBT: The lights are off in the BB house, but Ian may still be awake in the WA. All of the cameras are on sleeping HGs.
  12. 12:05AM BBT: After David agrees to give Ian his vote and they shake on it, David leaves the lounge. Da'Vonne, Enzo, and Keivn are in the KT as the havenots get ready to eat. David, Cody, and Nicole join them and they watch the clock count down. 12:09AM BBT: Cody and Tyler are in the PBR, Cody tells Tyler about his conversation with Ian in the lounge earlier. Cody says Ian is "f***ing spiraling." Tyler says Nicole told him it would be unanimous to keep Tyler. Cody says David is "all over the place," and updates Tyler on what David said to Nicole earlier. Cody calls David a "f***ing mouthpiece" and BB quickly cuts the cameras away from their conversation to the KT where various HGs are eating. 12:14AM BBT: BB finally puts the cameras back on Tyler and Cody in the PBR. Cody is saying he's not "f***ing dumb" and he's tired of playing nice. He says he had to play nice with Kaysar the entire time. Cody says he's very upset that Dani didn't put Da'Vonne on the block. Tyler says everyone is spiraling. Cody says he's "so frustrated." Tyler says now he has to pretend to be forever grateful for them to keep him. They talk about Nicole telling Tyler it would be unanimous. They joke around about what bad things Ian could possibly say on his way out of the house. They talk about Ian never having been on the block before. 12:17AM BBT: Cody talks about how frustrated he is over and over again. He says he doesn't understand how they've gotten to the spot. Tyler tells Cody he's only going to vent to Cody about this. Cody says he's tired of this being Dani's HoH and people are still talking about him. "We've just got to win and go from there," Tyler says. Cody agrees. Tyler is frustrated that the "girls" are wanting to make a "girls alliance." He doesn't understand why they would want to. Both Cody and Tyler agree that Da'Vonne has to go next week. They're both very frustrated with her. Cody talks about Bayleigh and what Bayleigh would have done if she stayed.
  13. 2:08AM BBT: Enzo leaves the WA and sits with David and Ian in the LR. Tyler and Cody whisper in the WA, Cody says Dani wants it to be a 5-3 vote. Tyler says he doesn't. Tyler says he was talking to Dani earlier and she was talking "so f***ing loud." Cody says Dani was "pissed" when Ian walked upstairs earlier. They whisper back and forth about Dani, then David, and then Christmas. They talk about the drama in the house. 2:16AM BBT: Cody says he tries to talk Tyler up to Dani, but he doesn't want to make her nervous. Tyler says he appreciates that. BB cuts the feeds on and off, so it's hard to get their full conversation. They talk about the rest of the house as well, Cody says Nicole is going to vote to keep Tyler, but that she's going to be upset about. Cody says he just needs to hear that she'll keep Tyler. Tyler talks about Dani and Nicole. Tyler tells Cody about his conversation with Nicole in the CBR earlier. 2:24AM BBT: Tyler tells Cody to be careful about how much time he spends in the HOHR with Dani. He says Nicole is starting to get "pissed." Cody says "f**k that," and that he's going to win the next HOH. Tyler says that will be an easy week. Tyler leaves to go to bed. Cody joins Ian and Enzo in the LR. Dan is talking to herself in the HOHR as she watches the feeds. She says every week she's picked who has gone home. "Except for Nicole A," Dani says. 2:28AM BBT: David and Enzo appear to be the last few up as they chat on the LR couches. Dani starts to get ready to go to sleep in the HOHR. She keeps repeating "five weeks, five weeks, five weeks," over and over again. She gives herself a pep talk, "I can do this, final three!" 2:39AM BBT: David has moved to the WA, he whispers various HG names to himself as he sits there. In the HOHR, Dani is listening to music while she counts the days on a pillow. 3:05AM BBT: Dani leaves the HOHR, she walks downstairs to look at the memory wall. She stands there in silence as she looks at it. 3:10AM BBT: Dani walks back upstairs to the HOHR, she hangs over the balcony and yells down to Cody as he walks through the KT. "What are you doing?" Dani asks, "why are you awake? Why are you in the DR?" Cody says he's getting ready to go to bed, but they called him to the DR. "What are you doing? Scheming?" "No, I was in the DR," Cody says, "what are you doing?" Dani says she was "looking at stuff." They keep asking each other what they are doing awake. Dani keeps asking Cody a million questions, but doesn't give him anytime to answer. She really wants to know why he was in the DR "at three am." 3:12AM BBT: Cody says he was telling the DR about his college experience and his dad. Dani says, "at three am?" She says Cody need more friends. Cody points out all his friends on the memory wall, he says he's slightly terrified of Bayleigh. Cody and Dani talk about who is scarier in the house, Memphis or Christmas. Cody says Memphis, Dani laughs and says Christmas. Cody whispers to Dani about talking to Tyler. Cody is still standing in the KT by the memory wall and Dani is leaning over the upstairs balcony to whisper down to him. 3:20AM BBT: Dani has joined Cody in the KT, they joke around about the food. The KT island is covered in food. Dani says it smells. Cody says he'll clean up the mess he made. They whisper about conversations they've had throughout the day. 3:36AM BBT: Dani talks about season 8 of BB. Cody says he's going to bed, but realizes more of the mess in the KT is his. He cleans up the rest of his mess. Dani calls it "disgusting." 3:42AM BBT: Dani is back up in the HOHR and Cody starts to get ready for bed downstairs as well. 4:00AM BBT: The lights are off in the BB house, everyone is in bed, and all is quiet. 7:22AM BBT: Dani is sitting up in bed, she appears to have been having trouble sleeping tonight and has tossed and turned. She leaves the HOHR to get water downstairs, before coming back upstairs to the HOHR. She sits up in bed and listens to music while looking through the feeds.
  14. 1:27AM BBT: Tyler and Enzo are whispering in the PBR, the lights are off. Enzo says he's just going to "pop people up" on the block if he wins HOH and isn't going to talk to anyone. Tyler laughs. Kevin has left the lounge. In the HOHR, Cody talks about his season of BB. David and Ian are sitting in the LR. Ian says everyone is in bed, except for Cody and Dani who are in the HOHR. Cody gets up to leave in the HOHR, Dani really wants him to stay, she says if Cody leaves she'll just "wallow in self pity." Cody tells her not to do that, because she's playing the game of BB. Dani begs Cody to stay. Cody says he's tired. "Sit down, you're not even tired!" Dani says, "hang out with me or else!" 1:39AM BBT: Dani continues to beg Cody to stay, trying to get him to stay. Cody says he'll talk to Dani tomorrow. "Please?" Dani begs. "Dani," Cody sighs. "Hang out with me a little bit longer, I'm guilting you." "I don't get guilted," Cody says as he tries to leave. Dani threatens to scare Cody if he leaves. Cody opens the door and Dani continues to beg. Cody leaves. 1:43AM BBT: Dani lays on the couch in the HOHR watching the feeds. She wines to herself as she searched through her feeds. "Why do I care about Ian so much?" She asks herself, "Kevin has to go next week." Cody walks through the KT and greets Ian and David. Ian asks how everything is going. Cody says everything is fine and asks if they've been up this whole time. Enzo is out of bed and walks into the WA. Nicole is out of the DR, she also walks to the WA. Dani sees Nicole on the feeds and hopes Nicole comes up to the HOHR. "Anything she tells us is a lie at this point," Dani says about Da'Vonne. She talks to herself about Enzo and Christmas and if they'll put her on the block. She says Enzo will, but Christmas won't. 2:01AM BBT: General conversation in the LR with David and Ian. In the WA, Cody and Enzo whisper back and forth. Enzo says he's in a "bad spot" because "none of the girls like me." Tyler walks into the WA. They joke around about Dani watching the feeds in the HOHR. Cody tells Enzo and Tyler about parts of his conversations with Dani.
  15. 12:18AM BBT: Ian joins Christmas and Tyler in the CBR [MamaLong has that conversation above.] Cody and Dani are chatting in the HOHR, Cody is talking about David and all of the conversations that have happened throughout the day. Dani seems to be a little annoyed about some of Kevin's conversations today. "I wish I never gave you half a glass of wine," Dani tells Cody. BB cuts the feeds. 12:21AM BBT: Dani and Cody continue to talk about the day. Dani says she wouldn't do what she's done to Tyler to Cody or Nicole. Cody talks about the "Enzo thing" and then they talk about Ian. Cody talks about having to "lie to someone's face." Dani and Cody's conversation is all over the place, they change subjects every few seconds and talk in half sentences, no one is drunk but they're definitely feeling better after some wine. 12:29AM BBT: Cody says he has a "more comforting feeling" with Ian than he does Tyler. Cody says this whole thing will bring Dani closer to Tyler. Dani agrees, she says she told Tyler that Dani is "sacrificing a jury vote and Nicole is sacrificing a friend." Dani says she spoke with Memphis and Memphis is "really opening up" to her. "Oh sh*t," Cody says. Dani talks about Memphis, she tells Cody not to repeat this to anyone. Dani says Memphis says he would like Tyler and Nicole to be evicted. Dani says they have to "cut Christmas" soon. "Who has to go first? Tyler or Nicole?" Cody asks. "Tyler," Dani says, but goes on to say "Christmas has to go." Cody says Tyler has to go before Christmas. Dani says that Memphis says Christmas has to go because if a "single mother" is on the block she'll win. Cody says he wants Tyler to go before Christmas, but is fine with the other way. "Next week, Kevin has to go," Dani says. Cody agrees, says after next week he's down to get "f***ing dirty." 12:34AM BBT: Dani and Cody continue to talk about their alliance and who they want to get rid of first. They talk about Dani's "magic beans" and Dani probably having to break a tie on Thursday. Cody says he needs to talk to Memphis. Downstairs, David, Kevin, and Da'Vonne are whispering in the lounge. They talk about the pros and cons of Tyler and Ian. David says he wants to disrupt the house. Da'Vonne says she doesn't care how they vote, but the three of them need to all vote together. She leaves the lounge. 12:39AM BBT: David and Kevin talk about a bigger alliance. Kevin talks about Da'Vonne not ever confirming with him that she would use the VETO on him. Kevin says that means he can really tell people that he didn't know she was going to use it. They talk about Ian, as well as Dani and Nicole. David says that Dani and Nicole had a "pregame" alliance. He also wonders if Ian and Nicole did too. In the HOHR, Cody and Dani are talking about Cody's previous BB season. 12:48AM BBT: BB moves the cameras away from the HOHR when Dani and Cody start to talk about how much BB has changed. In the CBR, Ian, Nicole, Tyler, and Christmas are talking about Ian's previous BB season. In the lounge, David and Kevin talk about Ian and Tyler. Kevin says if Ian came back into the house, he wouldn't be as upset as Tyler. Kevin says Ian is a "high valued target," and says this week is the "perfect week." 12:55AM BBT: Kevin says he thinks Cody is in two alliances, he says there's the one with Dani and Nicole, but he thinks Cody is also in an alliance with Tyler and Enzo. "A dude's alliance," Kevin says. Kevin also thinks Nicole is also in multiple alliances and that all these alliances overlap. "It's wild," Kevin says. They talk about Tyler's pitch to stay. 12:58AM BBT: Nicole and Christmas whisper in the CBR after Ian and Tyler leave. Nicole says she's "very upset" with Cody, because she feels like Cody doesn't care about her feelings. Nicole says she's also upset with Dani and that they need to stop "shutting down" her feelings. Christmas says that Cody is not "emotionally mature." Nicole says she's used to Victor letting her talk and seeing her points. But Cody just shuts her down and doesn't care. "I had no say in the decision," Nicole says about Ian going on the block and that Cody probably did have a say. Nicole is crying, "I'm doing the best I can," she says and would like "a little empathy." 1:01AM BBT: Ian and Tyler are playing backgammon in the loft area upstairs. They both agree that whatever happens on Thursday happens. Tyler says he's "used to losing" and that he's been a "f***ing loser his whole life." [Says the BB20 runner up and the winner of America's Favorite Houseguest.] Tyler continues to talk about how terrible his "adult life" has been. Kevin and David continue to talk in the lounge, they circle around on their conversation. Talking about what they've done throughout the day and who they've spoken to. They discuss Ian and his ability to sneak around the house and into conversations. 1:06AM BBT: Nicole continues to be upset about Ian on the block, she tells Christmas in the CBR that Dani leaves the room when she walks in. They discuss Dani and her HOH. Nicole is very upset, she says Ian is "just so innocent." In the lounge, Kevin and David continue to whisper. They want to talk to Da'Vonne more tomorrow. Kevin says he's going to be "open-minded to Tyler" tomorrow and he wants to hear what he has to say. David wonders if Tyler has a power. "He better not sh*t on me," Kevin says, "that would be irritating as f**k." Kevin says Tyler needs to tell him who he has secured to vote for him to stay. 1:11AM BBT: David and Kevin discuss Ian and Tyler. Kevin says Ian just "asks questions." "At least he talks," David says, "Tyler doesn't f***ing talk." Kevin and Tyler also agree that Tyler probably has a final two deal with everyone in the house. They say that's just the way he plays the game. They continue to do a pro/con list of Tyler and Ian. In the CBR, Nicole reads a Bible verse to Christmas. Ian walks in to check in on Nicole. 1:14AM BBT: Ian tells Christmas and Nicole that he tried to walk into the HOHR, but the door is locked. He says he knocked but no one answered. Christmas tells him that it's probably better for Ian to just "leave it" and try again tomorrow. BB calls Nicole to the DR. Christmas says she's going to bed so BB doesn't call her. In the lounge, Kevin and David talk about Dani. In the HOHR, Cody is telling Dani that he "f***ing loves Enzo." Dani says Enzo will be really hard to beat. 1:15AM BBT: Kevin and David talk about putting Cody on the block if they win HOH. David says he wouldn't even try to backdoor Cody, says he'll put him on the block and let him play for VETO. He says if Cody takes himself off, he'll put Dani up. Kevin wants to make the other side of the house "shoot at other people." David tells Kevin about his conversation with Dani. He says he asked Dani why she wouldn't put Memphis up instead of Ian, because Memphis has been "acting crazy" and is "kind of scary." Cody and Dani discuss who is closer to who in the HOHR.
  16. 9:00PM BBT: Da'Vonne and Kevin are in the hammock chatting, Kevin asks how it's going with Dani. Da'Vonne says Dani gave her a hug and said that she wasn't mad at her. Da'Vonne says she doesn't care, says this is one of the reasons she hates the game. Kevin says he "doesn't get why" Tyler isn't "shook." "I think he's got the votes," Da'Vonne says. Kevin says Ian has the votes. 9:08PM BBT: Kevin tells Da'Vonne about his conversation with Ian early and when Ian came to campaign. Kevin says he told Ian that he's "90%" that Cody is voting for Tyler to stay and thinks that people are just telling Ian that he's safe. "He seems to think he has the numbers," Kevin says about Ian, "he is counting you and I though." Ian walks over. The other HGs are scattered around the house, some getting ready for bed others eating in the KT. 9:12PM BBT: Things feel awkward on the hammock since Ian has joined Kevin and Da'Vonne. They try to figure out if anyone has made it through the game without ever being on the block. Ian doesn't think so. Silence falls over the three before they talk about the rest of the week. BB cuts the feeds on and off. 9:20PM BBT: Kevin has left the hammock and is now on the outdoor couches with Enzo talking about the upcoming vote and what Ian told him earlier in the day. Kevin says Ian thinks he has Cody's vote and Kevin told him he didn't have Cody's vote. Enzo says he told Ian he would vote for Ian to stay. Enzo talks about his conversation with Ian earlier. On the hammock, Ian and Da'Vonne are talking about the votes and who Ian has. Ian says Christmas "implied" that she would be voting for him to stay. Ian says he feels good about Nicole. 9:24PM BBT: Ian and Da'Vonne continue to discuss the votes, Ian says he's not quite sure he has Cody's vote. Da'Vonne says Ian only needs two more votes and then Dani would break the tie in his favor. On the couches, Enzo and Kevin whisper about the vote as well. Enzo says Ian has already "won his money" and he'll get to be the first in jury. Across the yard, David and Christmas are whispering near the pool table about previous seasons of BB. 9:28PM BBT: Ian leaves the hammock, says he's going to go find Memphis before they call in into the DR. He says hello to Christmas and David as he walks by, the chat about sleeping soon and getting their evening medicine. Christmas tells David that Ian is a very skilled player. In the WA, Nicole is doing her make up while Dani watches.
  17. 4:40AM BBT: Nicole continues to talk to Christmas about how this vote will "expose" her. Christmas says it will do that to her too. Upstairs in the HOHR, Dani is reading her letter and looking at her pictures. 4:50AM BBT: It looks like the house has finally settled down and the lights are off in all the rooms. Dani is still awake and just watching the HOHR feeds, but she is in bed with the lights off. 5:36AM BBT: Christmas is up and out of bed, she walks to the SR and looks through the drawers for something before going back to bed.
  18. 4:22AM BBT: The group has left the HOHR and gone their separate ways. Some have gone back to bed, others are wandering around the house. Cody uses the WC and Nicole sits on the couch in the WA with her water. Nicole whispers to Cody that "this will make us look bad." She says Da'Vonne will put Nicole up on the block. "It's fine, I'll do it," Nicole says. Cody says if he wins HOH then Da'Vonne is going on the block and will then be evicted. They whisper about Ian and Dani. Cody tells Nicole that if Ian goes up, he's going to be evicted and Dani will have to break a tie. "It's bad all around," Cody says. Cody says they may be able to pin it on David. 4:25AM BBT: Cody says he told Nicole eventually they would have to draw the line in the stand, and this is that time. Nicole is upset that Dani says she needs to vote out Ian and vote out who she wants. Nicole says that "pisses" her off and she's upset. Nicole says she won't vote to evict Ian and they'll have to get David to flip. Nicole says Ian is her "best ally" and she won't be voting him out. Cody tries to convince her to vote Ian out if Ian has to go up. Nicole says they can talk about allies, but Cody and Dani have more than she does. Cody starts to get frustrated. Nicole says it's "not fair," and Cody says the game isn't fair. Memphis walks in. "I don't see this going great," Cody tells him. 4:28AM BBT: Cody leaves the WA, Nicole uses the WC, she stops and tells Memphis this plan will make them look worse. Memphis leaves the WA. Nicole washes her hands and then also leaves the WA. She sighs heavily and says this is "messed up" as she walks through the KT to refill her water. It looks like Nicole is the last one awake, except for Dani who is in the DR. Nicole mumbles to herself about how bad this plan is as she walks back to bed. Dani leaves the DR and Nicole wants to know what BB said. BB cuts the feeds as Dani tells her. 4:32AM BBT: Feeds are back, Christmas and Nicole are in bed in the CBR whispering. They're talking about GBM. Nicole says she needs to think about what to say. Christmas starts to talk about "untouchables" again. Nicole is upset that the alliance expects her to vote Ian out. Nicole says she's mad that she can't even give Ian a "pity vote." Nicole says she doesn't care if Ian is voted out, she just wants the choice to give him a pity vote. Nicole says she'll "figure it out" when it happens. She just wants to make sure that Ian will have some votes to say. "I hate this unanimous sh*t," Nicole says. "I hate it too," Christmas says. Nicole talks about her previous season. 4:35AM BBT: Nicole says she knows she has "no choice" but to vote Ian out. Nicole says it's going to take her a few days to come to terms with it. Christmas says she's "sorry." Nicole says "it's fine" and it's just part of the game. Nicole says it's hard because she knows Ian would come after her and here she is going after him. "People just don't frickin' understand it," Nicole says.
  19. 4:02AM BBT: Memphis says asking Tyler and Kevin to leave the room while Dani calls for a vote is a good idea. He thinks BB will let them do that during the ceremony. Cody says he doesn't think Kevin will agree to do that. Dani says she'll tell Kevin to leave. Nicole says she would walk away if someone told her to. Dani says she'll tell BB so they can have the cameras in place. 4:04AM BBT: Memphis says Da'Vonne is going to tell Tyler in the morning if she is going to use the VETO or not. Christmas says that's against the rules. Memphis disagrees, he says they're allowed to do that for the VETO. "She'll probably tell Kevin too," Memphis says. Christmas doesn't think they're allowed to say if they're going to use the VETO. Nicole says she's "good with" whatever they want to do and she'll do whatever they want to do. Nicole says Dani needs to talk to BB first. 4:09AM BBT: The group in the HOHR circles around on their conversation, trying to decide if it's a good idea to go with Dani's plan or not. Memphis says there isn't a bigger target in this house, except for himself, than Tyler and Da'Vonne is going to be "f***ing pissed" when he isn't evicted Thursday. Memphis says it doesn't matter if they do the plan, because if she were to win HOH she'll have to put two of them up anyway because there aren't many people left in the house. Dani says if Da'Vonne uses the VETO, she's putting Ian up on the block. 4:12AM BBT: Memphis starts to talk about "burning bridges" with Da'Vonne and BB cuts the feeds for a few seconds. Nicole says now that she "thinks about it" she thinks Dani's plan is a bad idea. Dani says if she doesn't do it, Da'Vonne will 100% use the VETO. Nicole thinks Dani just needs to tell Da'Vonne to "please not use it." No one says anything. Memphis talks about potential repercussions for doing it, they try to figure out who Da'Vonne would put on the block if she were to win HOH. 4:16AM BBT: Memphis says they may be able to pin it on Enzo if thinks go south and Da'Vonne gets upset. Memphis says using Enzo as a shield would protect them and Da'Vonne will be upset with Enzo. Memphis says if Da'Vonne's mad, they need to push Enzo on her so she focuses on him. Nicole says she's played with Da'Vonne before, and whoever raises their hand is who Da'Vonne would be going after. 4:20AM BBT: Dani keeps saying she doesn't understand why Da'Vonne would want to use the VETO. Christmas says Da'Vonne hasn't ever been in this position before. Memphis says he likes the idea of using Enzo as a shield to protect them. Memphis says Dani needs to see if BB will let them ask Tyler and Kevin to leave. Nicole says she's thirsty and wants to get something to drink. The group agrees it's time for bed and starts to get up. Dani says she's going to go to the DR and talk to BB now.
  20. 3:30AM BBT: Dani leaves the HOHR to go wake up the Committee. She wakes up Christmas and Nicole first and tells them to go to the HOHR. Dani tries to wake up Memphis, he kicks her. She tries again and succeeds, Memphis follows the rest of them upstairs. 3:31AM BBT: Everyone is groggy, except for Dani and Christmas who run around the HOHR and laugh. Memphis walks upstairs, stops and then walks downstairs. The others in the HOHR laugh about Memphis forgetting his microphone and having to go back and get it. Memphis walks very slowly, you can tell he is very very groggy. Memphis grabs his mic and shirt and walks back to the HOHR. He shakes his head as he walks in. They all laugh for several seconds. 3:32AM BBT: Dani tells Christmas, Memphis, Cody, Nicole about what she wants to do during the VETO ceremony and how she wants everyone to raise their hands to vote for Tyler. Dani says she doesn't want Da'Vonne to use the VETO and she wants to put Da'Vonne on the spot like Da'Vonne would do if she uses the VETO. Cody agrees to the plan, Memphis says he has a few concerns, he says Dani's plan for their alliance to raise their hands is a bad idea. Dani says she'll get the whole house to raise their hand, Memphis says that works. Nicole says something, but her mic is off or fallen and we can't hear what she says. 3:34AM BBT: The group in the HOHR talk about Da'Vonne. Christmas says she's frustrated. Dani tells them all about her conversation with Da'Vonne. Dani says she's "so annoyed" and Da'Vonne using the VETO is just giving Dani "the middle finger." They all agree. Memphis wants to know more about her conversation with Da'Vonne, Dani answers his questions and tells him what Da'Vonne said. 3:37AM BBT: Memphis wants to know if BB will let her do this. Dani says she'll talk to BB about it in the morning. She explains her plan more, everyone seems to agree with it. They have a few hesitations, but Dani squashes them. Christmas says this will be a warning for Da'Vonne. Memphis says Da'Vonne knows the game, Christmas says she doesn't. Memphis says Da'Vonne is going to know that by the raise your hand vote plan that everyone is in an alliance. Memphis says he just wants to "see it from every angle." Christmas talks about her conversation with Da'Vonne and how Da'Vonne is only wanting to do what's best for Da'Vonne's game. Christmas doesn't understand why she would want to save Kevin. 3:41AM BBT: Memphis wants to know if this plan is all worth saving one person. He says his question to everyone is "is this worth it?" Memphis says after Thursday they will have one "f***ing furious woman" and he wants to know if it's really worth doing this. Dani says she won't be aggressive. Memphis says he's not worried about the speech during the VETO, he's worried about what will happen after Thursday if Da'Vonne doesn't use the VETO and Kevin goes home. They all agree that it will be a unanimous vote to send Kevin to jury. Christmas says they have "great numbers in their favor." Memphis says he can deal with a "pissed off woman," but he just wants everyone to understand that by doing this to Da'Vonne they aren't just playing the game, they're "making someone look like a fool." 3:43AM BBT: Memphis clarifies that he doesn't care about any of that, he just wants everyone to understand what will happen if they decide to go with Dani's plan. Memphis says he wants them to think about everything and every angle. Memphis says he doesn't care about "pissing" anyone off, he just wants them to understand what happens next. Christmas says it doesn't matter, because Da'Vonne is going to "be pissed" either way. Dani says Memphis has a good point, because it would make Da'vonne look "really stupid." Dani says she's not sure she likes that or not. 3:46AM BBT: The group sits in silence for a few seconds, Nicole says Da'Vonne will feel "played" no matter what because it doesn't matter who is on the block Tyler isn't going to be evicted. Memphis says he's fine with taking this shot, he says it's "worth the risk." Memphis says Kevin is a "hard core competitor" and they need to get him out. "He's coming after us, for sure," Dani says. They all feel bad for Dani having to make these decisions during her HOH. 3:50AM BBT: Christmas suggests to threaten Da'Vonne into not using the VETO right before the ceremony. Cody says threatening Da'Vonne isn't the way to go. Christmas tries to backtrack, she says she doesn't want to "threaten her but..." Christmas stops talking. The rest of the group go back to discussing how to proceed with Dani's plan. Christmas says they need to have a house meeting, but exclude Kevin, Da'Vonne, and David. 3:53AM BBT: Cody says there's no way of telling how this plan will go and how mad Da'Vonne will or won't be. Nicole says she would never raise her hand saying she's going to evict someone while they're watching. Dani says she'll ask Tyler and Kevin to leave while they do the raise your hand vote. Nicole doesn't think BB will let them do that. Memphis agrees that the "raise your hand plan" isn't natural. Dani tries to defend her plan. Nicole says Dani should ask Tyler and Kevin to "close their eyes." Cody and Christmas say they wouldn't close their eyes if they were on the block. 3:55AM BBT: Memphis says Dani should just call a house meeting and ask for the raise the hand vote there. Memphis says doing it during the VETO ceremony isn't a good idea. Nicole says she thinks doing it before the VETO ceremony will allow Da'Vonne time to think about it before the meeting, Nicole says doing it during VETO will catch Da'Vonne off guard and she won't have time to think about what happened. 3:58AM BBT: Memphis and Christmas both agree that if they weren't part of the plan, they would not be raising their hands. Memphis says it looks weird. Cody says it's sound more and more like they shouldn't do this plan. "Should we really do this?" Cody asks. "YEAH!" Christmas says. Memphis says it's "fine" and "worth a try." Cody suggests they give David and Kevin a heads up that Dani is feeling nervous and may call for a vote during the ceremony just so they know something may happen. Memphis disagrees, he says not to tell Daivd anything because "that idiot doesn't know his mouth from his f***ing a**h***." 3:59AM BBT: Memphis says David will walk right up to Da'Vonne and tell her what he was just told. Cody agrees. Memphis says David doesn't have a "brain" when it comes to this game and they cannot tell him. Nicole agrees, she doesn't want Dani to come across as mean or aggressive. They talk about Dani's plan more.
  21. 3:01AM BBT: Da'Vonne gets up, she says "I don't know man," and she says whatever happens she "loves" Dani and she hopes this week doesn't ruin whatever they are building. Dani hopes so too. They hug and Da'Vonne leaves. Dani gets out of bed and walks to the HOH WA to get ready for bed. Once she's done, Dani leaves the HOHR and walks downstairs, she pulls Cody upstairs to the HOHR. 3:10AM BBT: Dani says she's so frustrated right now and tells Cody everything that she and Da'Vonne talked about. Dani says Da'Vonne isn't listening and is going to use the VETO. Cody says Dani is caring too much about Ian, BB cuts the cameras away to the HGs sleeping in the CBR while they talk about Ian. When the cameras are back in the HOHR, Dani is talking about her conversation with Da'Vonne again. Dani says she's really "pissed off" with Nicole too. Dani just keeps saying that Da'Vonne doesn't understand. Dani says she's really upset with Nicole because Nicole told her earlier tonight that she doesn't care if Da'Vonne uses the VETO. 3:15AM BBT: Dani says she's really frustrated with Nicole, she says the last three times Nicole has talked to someone she's said "the wrong thing." Cody agrees. Dani continues to tell Cody about her conversation with Da'Vonne and what Da'Vonne said. Cody says Da'Vonne has "shot herself in the foot," and he doesn't understand why she would "do this" to Dani. Cody thinks Dani should do the thing she wants to do about calling for a quick raise a hand vote to try to get Da'Vonne not to use the VETO. Cody says Ian needs to feel like he's a pawn if Da'Vonne does use the VETO and Dani puts him up. They both agree if it's Tyler and Ian on the block, it will probably be a tie and Dani would have to vote to send Ian home. Dani says if Nicole doesn't vote with them to send Ian home, then she's "done" with Nicole. 3:19AM BBT: Dani continues to tell Cody about her conversation with Da'Vonne. They talk about Nicole not wanting to vote to evict Ian. Dani says she's "so freaking frustrated." She rants about Da'Vonne and the VETO. Cody is also upset as well, they're both mad at Da'Vonne for wanting to use the VETO. Dani says Da'Vonne is "planning it all out." Cody says Da'Vonne doesn't understand what she's doing. He says he will win the next HOH comp and put her on the block. He says he'll tell Memphis, Tyler, Enzo, and Christmas to vote to evict Da'Vonne. Cody says he'll put Kevin and Da'Vonne up together and send Da'Vonne to jury. 3:23AM BBT: Dani and Cody both think Dani's option 2 is the best idea. Dani plans to talk to everyone in the house, except for Da'Vonne and Kevin, and convince them to raise their hands during the ceremony. She also plans to tell Tyler about her plan. Her plan is to ask everyone during the VETO ceremony if they will vote to evict Tyler if the nominations stay the same. She wants everyone to raise their hands so Da'Vonne feels like Kevin is safe and won't use the VETO. Dani and Cody both agree that even if Da'Vonne uses the VETO, the "raise the hand vote" will make Ian feel better about being a replacement nom. 3:24AM BBT: Both Cody and Dani are frustrated and they go over what Dani should say during the VETO to try to get Da'Vonne not to use the VETO. "Freakin' A," Dani says. Cody says, "real talk," he says this makes him "1 billion percent want to blindside her." Dani says Da'Vonne is going to use it. She says they sat up here in "dead silence." She continues to talk to Cody about her conversation with Da'Vonne. Dani wants to wake up Memphis and Nicole and talk about what they're going to do right now.
  22. 2:16AM BBT: Da'Vonne and Dani are in the HOH discussing VETO and what Dani will do if Da'Vonne uses it. Dani says she doesn't want to nominate Ian. Da'Vonne says it's "Big Brother." "But it's Ian, though," Dani says. Da'Vonne says she knows it's hard, but Ian is playing Big Brother. Dani says she doesn't want to be the one to go after Ian. Da'Vonne says she understands, BB cuts the feeds briefly. 2:17AM BBT: Dani tells Da'Vonne in the HOHR that she really doesn't want Da'Vonne to use the VETO. Dani says she would have to put up four people on the block during her HOH and they'll be coming after her. Da'Vonne says neither Kevin nor David are coming after Dani. Dani disagrees. Da'Vonne says she's "been working on that" and that David's "itch for Memphis is too heavy." Da'Vonne understands the "whole Ian thing." Dani doesn't understand why Kevin would be mad at Da'Vonne if she doesn't use the VETO on him. Da'Vonne tries to explain why Kevin would be mad. "He has nobody else," Dani says, "you're his number one." Da'Vonne says that's why he wants her to use the VETO on him. Dani says Kevin "will come back" to Da'Vonne. They talk about a surprise eviction and BB cuts the feeds 2:21AM BBT: Dani talks about the jury votes and that Kevin threatening her about a jury vote is all a lie. She says Kevin wouldn't want people to think he was bitter. Dani says he "pulled the same thing" with her and that Kevin's way of playing is a "messy way of playing." Da'Vonne tries to explain Kevin's reasoning, Dani says it's "so stupid" and doesn't understand why he's here if he's going to play like that. BB cuts the feeds on and off for the next several seconds. 2:27AM BBT: Feeds are down for about five minutes, when they're back Dani and Da'Vonne are still talking in the HOHR. Dani is telling Da'Vonne to trust her. Dani talks about how she's "done with him" and "all his lies." Dani asks if Da'Vonne would be open to her going to get Cody to talk with them. Da'Vonne says that's fine, but she still needs to make her own decision about using the VETO on Kevin because Kevin is her "back up." Dani says they are her backups too. Da'Vonne says Kevin was "so happy" that she won the VETO and could now save him. BB cuts the feeds again. 2:29AM BBT: Cody and Enzo are still in the WA talking about the last VETO comp. Enzo thinks the upcoming eviction will be a double, he says he could "see Nicole winning" so that she doesn't have to deal with the drama. Cody asks Enzo who are the next three people to be evicted. Enzo says it depends on who wins HOH. Cody says he knows, but wants to know who the next three are that Enzo wants to go. "I don't give a f**k about Memphis and Christmas," Enzo says. Cody says he doesn't want to send Memphis and Christmas to jury with other people still left in the house. They talk about Kevin being a threat. Cody says sending Tyler home this week is a big deal. Cody thinks Ian needs to go ASAP. He thinks the next three people to go should be Tyler, Kevin, Ian, and David. Enzo disagrees, he says if he wins HOH he's putting Christmas and Memphis up. "I don't give a f**k," Enzo says. 2:34AM BBT: All four cameras are on Cody and Enzo as they search for the mosquito that is "eating" them up alive. They miss killing it and go back to talking about evictions. Cody is saying they need Memphis to go after Da'Vonne. Cody says he would rather put up Kevin and David and if one of them wins VETO he would think about putting Ian up. Back in the HOHR, Dani is trying to assure Da'Vonne that they will have the votes to save Kevin. Dani says she doesn't know if it will be unanimous, but they will have the votes. Da'Vonne wants to know how long Dani will be mad at her if she uses the VETO. Dani says she doesn't know. Da'Vonne tries to explain that not using the VETO is in Dani's "favor." Dani says using the VETO isn't best for Da'Vonne's game. Da'Vonne disagrees and wants Dani to explain. 2:37AM BBT: Dani struggles to explain her reasoning. She says that Da'Vonne and Kevin are friends, but that it's not best for Da'Vonne's game because it's a "big move." Da'Vonne just kind of shrugs and shakes her head, she doesn't say anything for awhile so Dani continues to scramble. Dani says it's Da'Vonne's decision and Dani understands that, but she doesn't want Da'Vonne to use it. In the WA, Enzo is saying he's tired of the "buddy-buddy sh*t" and wants to start sending people home. Both Cody and Enzo talk about Ian and how badly they want him gone. BB switches all four cameras to a silent HOHR where Dani is staring at Da'Vonne and Da'Vonne is looking off in space. 2:41AM BBT: After a few minutes of silence in the HOHR, Da'Vonne says she "doesn't know" what to do. She says the house didn't care about her and Bayleigh on the block last week. She says the house doesn't care about Kevin being on the block and Da'Vonne having the opportunity to save him. She starts to hint that she doesn't understand why everyone starts to care when Ian, Nicole, and Cody may be put in danger. Da'Vonne says everyone else has to be "protected" and everyone is "off limits" except for Da'Vonne, Bayleigh, and Kevin. Dani disagrees. 2:42AM BBT: Dani says it wasn't about people wanting Bayleigh gone, it was people wanting to keep Da'Vonne. Da'Vonne wants to know how her saving Kevin changes how people feel. Dani says she doesn't know, but that some moves change the way targets are placed. Da'Vonne says she "doesn't get it." Dani tries to explain, she says if she were to save Nicole, everyone would pair them up. Da'Vonne says everyone already expects her to use the VETO. Dani says no one thinks that. She claims everyone has come up to her saying that Da'Vonne won't use it. Da'Vonne wants to know why the house is panicking. Dani doesn't know. BB cuts the feeds. 2:47AM BBT: When the feeds are back, Da'Vonne and Dani are sitting in silence again. Dani says they should get sleep and talk before the VETO ceremony. Da'Vonne says Nicole said she would support Da'Vonne in whatever decision she makes about the VETO. BB cuts the feeds again when Da'Vonne starts talk about Nicole lying. Da'Vonne is saying Dani is her "biggest concern" about if she should use the VETO. Da'Vonne says she "did the work" to make sure Kevin and David won't be coming after Dani. Da'Vonne says "Tyler is leaving" and if Da'Vonne uses the VETO, Ian is the only person who would potentially be upset with Dani. Da'Vonne hopes their conversation stays between the two of them. 2:52AM BBT: Dani and Da'Vonne's conversation starts to circle around. Da'Vonne lists the reasons why she wants to use the VETO on Kevin. Da'Vonne says it's "a lot" and she "doesn't know what to do." Dani says not to use the VETO, she says Kevin isn't beneficial to Da'Vonne's game. "That's my honest opinion," Dani says, she says Kevin will be a pawn again. They talk about Ian, Da'Vonne doesn't understand why Dani won't put Ian on the block. She says Ian would have the votes to stay, she says if Kevin has the votes then Ian would have the votes. Dani says she doesn't want to break a tie breaker. She worries about Cody and Enzo. Da'Vonne says it should speak to Dani if Cody and Enzo don't want to vote the way Dani wants them to vote. 2:57AM BBT: Dani says Tyler and Ian on the block is very different than Tyler and Kevin on the block and Da'Vonne needs to understand that. Da'Vonne says Dani shouldn't worry about breaking a tie. Da'Vonne tries to explain that the people who vote for Kevin will be the same people who vote to keep Ian. Dani disagrees. Both seem to be getting frustrated, they both say they're hearing the other. Silence falls over the HOHR again.
  23. 2:15AM BBT: The feeds have finally returned, Cody and Enzo are whispering in the WA that Christmas told Dani and Nicole that she doesn't want to sit next to Cody in the final two. Cody says he's going to send "Christmas' a** out the door." Enzo agrees, he says he wants Nicole and Dani to get their hands dirty too. Kevin and David walk in and game talk stops, they discuss how someone has been missing when aiming for the toilet. [Mamalong has that conversation above]
  24. 12:15AM BBT: Dani, Enzo, David, and Kevin are still chatting in the KT. Enzo talks about what he told his daughter when he had to leave to come play BB. David leaves to shower. Ian is out of bed, he starts to make some food. They talk about how the house was in their seasons. 12:45AM BBT: The group in the KT breaks up and starts to get ready for bed, David gets a blanket and sits in the KT quietly with his sunglasses on. 1:05AM BBT: David is now in bed, the lights are off in the BB house and all is quiet. 7:20AM BBT: The HGs are all still asleep, they've tossed and turned most of the night.
  25. 2:30AM BBT: David stays in the lounge for another thirty minutes, sharing his thoughts with the cameras before moving into the KT to get a snack. He wishes they had tea. He stares at the memory wall for several moments before going to bed. 3:05AM BBT: Cody is out of bed, he walks into the WA and lays down on the couch. He's awake, but appears lost in his thoughts. 3:50AM BBT: Cody gets off the couch in the WA and walks into the KT to look through the refrigerator to get a snack. The lights are off in the KT and BB eventually turns them back on as Cody sits at the island to eat. 4:00AM BBT: Cody cleans up his mess and walks back into the KBR to get into bed. The lights are once again turned off throughout the house and everyone is in bed. 6:17AM BBT: Kevin is awake and walks into the lounge. It's hard to hear what he's saying, either BB doesn't have his mic up all the way or it's muffled by his blanket. 6:25AM BBT: Kevin discusses his two "allies" on the block and his thoughts behind that and how he feels right now. He discusses the game so far and how he was hoping this week would be the week where things turned in his favor. [Mamalong has more on his conversation with the cameras] Kevin does eventually leave the lounge about an hour later and walks into the SR. 7:42AM BBT: Memphis is awake, he uses the WC before getting back into bed. Haven't seen Kevin go back to bed yet, so he must be awake somewhere in the BB house. All four cameras are on sleeping HGs. 8:15AM BBT: BB cuts the feeds for the wake-up call. 8:24AM BBT: Feeds are back and the HGs are up and moving around, getting ready for the day. General conversation as they wake up and get ready. 8:54AM BBT: Christmas is singing in the KT, BB cuts the feeds. Christmas and Memphis are sitting at the KT island when the feeds are back. Memphis talks about Thursday potentially being a double. BB calls Christmas to the SR and BB cuts the feeds. 9:00AM BBT: Da'Vonne pulls Memphis into the lounge. Memphis says he's the "lone wolf" in the house. He says he will give Da'Vonne his vote, but he needs something in return. He says he doesn't really need anything, he only needs help with one thing and if she helps him with it he will be willing to vote for her to stay. Memphis says the only person in the house that is going for him is David. Memphis says if David wins HOH, he needs Da'Vonne to "go to bat" for Memphis. BB cuts the feeds. 9:10AM BBT: The feeds are finally back. Da'Vonne is still in the lounge with Memphis and they are now talking about Ian and Christmas. Christmas is sitting at the KT island alone whispering to the cameras. Dani walks into the KT and gives Christmas a hug. Christmas says she spoke to either Da'Vonne or Bayleigh yesterday and apologized to one of the two. It sounds like she's talking about Bayleigh, but she doesn't ever say a name. Dani is glad they spoke, BB cuts the feeds. 9:15AM BBT: The feeds are back and Christmas is talking with Dani in the KT about the "six" and the "eight." They talk about Bayleigh being further in this game than she was in her first. Christmas says she wants her to be "top eight" or "top seven." Da'Vonne and Memphis are still chatting in the lounge, Memphis says Bayleigh is the bigger target for the house, he says she's not for him, but she is for the rest of the house. He says that's his "feeling" of what's going on in the house. Memphis says he can read people, but not many people talk to him. Da'Vonne thanks him for talking with her and they leave the room. 9:19AM BBT: Christmas and Memphis are talking in the KT about the next HOH comp. They hope it's not endurance. Memphis tells Christmas about his conversation with Da'Vonne. Christmas tells Memphis that what he said to Da'Vonne was good.



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