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Everything posted by lemondrops

  1. Oh come on....Janelle has worked hard to keep her team safe. I'm glad she's in it alone now. Let the games begin! (I hope it the last two standing are Janelle and Dan.)
  2. No worries. We Angelenos will welcome her with open arms.
  3. Ha - Go Janelle! I hope her team comes out ahead tomorrow but I really have no clue what will happen. The back and forth this season is difficult to follow.
  4. I'd rather the coaches enter the game then bringing back Kara or JoJo. I found both Kara and JoJo's gameplay less interesting then the coaches.
  5. Jani's biggest danger is trusting Brittany. However, Dan is on to Brittany and I have to think Dan will clue Janelle in.
  6. I agree with you 100%. So much negativity! I like this season and I've been watching BB for years. This season is especially great because my all time favorite player is back....Janie! I'm also enjoying Dan and even ... Boogie.
  7. That would make me happy! Janelle and Dan for the final 2!!!
  8. Reason #999 why I love Janelle: She cares about animals. Unlike some previous house guests (ahem, Lane) that bragged of hunting and mistreating their pets, Janelle, Frank and Joe discussed raising their children to respect and love animals. Janelle suggested everyone watch the documentary, The Cove.
  9. Yep - willlie is gone and getting arrested for drunk driving out in the real world. I think we were all safer when he was in the house.
  10. I love Janelle's game and she's the ONLY one worth watching.
  11. Shane is really dumb. Guarantee he is out next week. Shoulda put up Frank.
  12. I'm a devout Janelle fan and I think she's playing a great game. Poor Britney looks like she's still in BB Kindergarten compared to Janelle, Boogie and Dan.
  13. Disagree. Janelle is gorgeous blows all the competition out of the water.
  14. Complete meltdown. I wonder if they had security standing by?
  15. I'm with you! Janelle and Dan need to team up so we have a clear - Good Guys vs. Bad Guys. J and D vs. B and B.
  16. I cant keep up! It's only Monday and it appears they are keeping Frank - however, that is probably going to change multiple times before we get to Thursday. I have a headache trying to figure out what Willie is doing. It's annoying.
  17. I find him very confusing. I have the feeds and I cant follow what he's doing. His story changes every 15 minutes.
  18. Agree on the feeds issues. They are terrible this year! I'm also very confused as to the flip flopping back and forth with this group. Willi needs to go.
  19. She's way under the radar right now....smart.
  20. Best season yet! I have no idea who they will vote out yet and I have the feeds! Thank you CBS for bringing Janelle back. My favorite all time player - ever!
  21. Rachel - I've been watching Big Brother for years and YOU played one of the best games in a long time. How Dani could call you a "floater" is beyond me. That girl is one BITTER BETTY. ENJOY YOUR WELL DESERVED WIN! Yay Rachel. (I literally was clapping in my living room when you won the final competition with Porscha. I had to laugh at myself!) Love Big Brother! AND kudos to Shelley for voting with her brain. Out of the house she is a smart woman. The others (Dani, Kahlia, Adam - not so much!
  22. Yep, that's how I saw it, too. I'm always asking myself if I'm watching the same show as everyone else!



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