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Posts posted by Keepittogether

  1. Ian realizes that his game hinges on Nicole F staying in the game. If he was smart (which I know he is), he would make an alliance with Kaysar and move with Memphis, Bayleigh, Da'Vonne, Kevin and David to vote out Xmas. That would be key because it would give him more numbers in support (if he ever gets put up on the block) and it also doesn't really effect Nicole, since she doesn't like Xmas anyway. Ian has to know that as soon as he goes on the block as a previous winner of the game he doesn't really have protection, unless he wins the veto. Cody may protect him once, but he's not going to risk his game for Ian.


    With the backyard closed today, I hope there is some talk about flipping the house.  But, I doubt it - these players are all too scared to make a big move and be an outlier from the group.  It's sad to watch and certainly not what I was expecting from an all-star season.

  2. This season is ass. Unfortunately the pre-gaming that took place has made everything dull and predictable. That added to the fact that they had an odd mixture of so called "all-stars."  It wasn't really fair to put an obvious old school pair like Jaysar in the house with a bunch of newbies that played the game so differently than when they played without a better mix. There should have been an even mix of old school and new school so they at least had a fighting chance.  Especially since there wasn't going to be any showmances, since the majority of these all-stars are married or in relationships.  As long as these people want to play with a pack mentality, without taking any real risk it's going to be boring as heck.  Also, what's the deal with giving us players like Nicole A and David for all-stars?  Really?  It's insulting to BB fans that really respect the game.


    With Covid-19 and the political climate, I'll probably keep watching because it's one of my only distractions from all the fodder.  But man, what a disappointment this season is.

  3. I seems like Bay/Day/Kevin/David should try to convince Memphis and Ian. Then they would only  need to get Nicole on board. That seems doable since Nicole has a history of wanting to take out other women and be the last female standing. It’s also a legitimate opportunity to get her out of the game, since she is a comp beast and has a way better chance of winning comps than Kaysar does. It’s also a smart move to keep Kaysar since he’s a huge target in the game.


    BB 101 = never volunteer to go on the block!

  4. It would be great if Kaysar could try to form some type of alliance with the other side of the house, but you can’t really do it when you don’t have any power. He will probably be put up with Kevin. I would hope Enzo would put up Ian, but Cody probably won’t let that happen (in protection of Nicole).


    The other pawn possibilities with Kaysar are David or Day. Enzo and most of the others like Bayleigh, so I think she’s safe this week unless she does something to screw up.

  5. Day needs to go up on the block next week. Her game play is horrible and she’s bringing down Bays game as well (which has improved slightly since the last time she played).


    She’s constantly running her mouth to the wrong people and instead of trying to form an alliance that would be workable, has been loyal to people that could care less about her like Cody and Dani.


    Time to go.

  6. What an idiot.


    Nicole keeps trying to blame Jaysar for her current situation, when she has no one to blame but herself.


    She could have won HOH.

    She could have played in the safety suite - but didn’t - even after the HOH told her to play (which implies you’re not safe), and she didn’t.

    She could have at least lasted longer than two seconds in the veto.


    And finally, all week she’s been slamming and trash talking the ONLY two people in house that have been fighting for her stay in the game. (Much to the detriment of Jaysar ‘s game who I want to go far. They could have been laying low and working on their own game this week instead of trying to help her)


    I hope she feels like an idiot when she gets home and sees the truth.


    I hope she goes home tomorrow.

  7. She needs to see that Cody and his team aren’t really there for her or protecting her and Bay like she thinks. I think it was good that her and Bay decided to wait and see how Jaysar does next week in HOH, before committing to align with them. 

    The problem is everyone in the house can’t be in the same alliance. If Jaysar loses next week, then the people on the outskirts will be targets. Whoever wins the next HOH, if they are trying not to make enemies, will put up floaters or maybe previous winners (NicoleA or David, Ian, Kevin, NicoleF).

  8. I’m not sure about Memphis’ politics and I’m sure he c is an anti masker. He seems to be the type. One thing I do respect is that he’s playing his own game. He’s not being swayed by either side. He’s not letting Cody’s side of the house in on any of his plans. Even though he’s talking to Janelle more than anyone, he hasn’t folded to her idea of backdooring NicoleF.


    It will be interesting next week when he doesn’t have the HOH room, who he gravitates toward, hangs out with and eventually votes with. Especially if Jaysar wins HOH.


    I respect him playing his own game. Time will tell if he’s really a bigot. If he is, it will manifest as the game goes on.

  9. Memphis basically has an alliance with Cody (the commission) and also with Janelle/Kaysar. It will be interesting to see which way he votes next week, depending on who gets power. 

    His “boy” comment should be aired. CBS should know by now that when they try to hide racial stuff it only comes back to bite them. Let the viewers decide for themselves. That’s the whole point of this being a social experiment.

  10. I think she was definitely one of the second tier people that filled  in when one of the main people either dropped out or tested positive for Covid (like apparently   Josh did). There is nothing “All-Star” about her. Watching her and Kevin have a conversation is enough to make me want to poke my eyes out. She keeps wondering what it is about her that made Memphis want to put her up and what she “did” to deserve it? Obviously she is too dense to see that she is clearly not as respected as a player and on the same level as a lot of the other players in the house. She needs to get that she’s lucky to be there and try to figure out how to use it to her advantage. She’s the perfect person to take to the end, because everyone is going to feel like many other players are more deserving. Stop pouting, make a case why everyone needs to keep you and use what you have.

  11. The only way he and Janelle have a shot is if one of them win the next HOH. Otherwise, they will never have enough numbers to formulate anything. I hope they can pull it off because some of these younger players are arrogant for no reason and need to be schooled. It would be fun to see two sides really fight it out too, instead of everyone just trying to stay alive against the Cody alliance.



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