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Posts posted by Keepittogether

  1. So, Day, David and Kevin have gone from 2 out of the 3 of them being nominated this week to being completely safe. That’s a big shift. More importantly, their eyes are now open to what’s going on in the house and the fact that they are targets and need to fight for their lives.


    Besides taking the heat off of themselves, Dani has done a good job of putting up two, big, male targets. As much as she bugs, glad she’s done it. Unless, Cody or Memphis decide to flip things (they’re really the men running Dani’s HOH), it looks like Ian will be going home this week.

  2. I’m glad David kept his power hidden from everyone, then used it to save himself. Very smoothly done.


    What I don’t get is his rookie mistake of lying about winning it. Why lie? Telling the truth actually gets you points in the game because it shows you won a competition. Also, he’s not a savvy enough player or a good enough liar to pull it off that someone else used the power on him. I saw some of the interaction live on the feeds and it was just so obvious he was just lying. Now he’s in a horrible position because he either has to admit he lied (which is a bad idea in BB) or keep up the lie for the rest of his game.

    Memphis who hates David, made a point last night of saying he’s going to keep after him until he admits the truth. This has the potential to get ugly.


    Too bad David didn’t just admit he won the power and used it on himself. Unless he somehow pulls a rabbit out of a hat and wins HOH next week, he’s going home.

  3. I have to say Dani pleasantly surprised me last night. I’m on the west coast and the HGs came alive last night after the disruptor power was used and David took himself off the block. In real time Dani nominated Tyler. Ballsy move, considering he’s part of her own alliance. She always wanted to backdoor him this week, but I was surprised she did it. Dani also told Day she was safe this week. Also surprising considering Enzo is really gunning for her being the replacement nom if someone wins veto. (Enzo is really pissed by how quickly Day came off the wall in the HOH comp on Thursday).


    Dani has already said if she has to do a replacement nom it will be Enzo or Xmas. She even said last night that she will have Nicole work on Xmas to volunteer herself.


    Dani still isn’t one of my favorite players, but kudos to her for actually playing the game and making some moves. Will be interesting to see if she sticks with her gameplay or caves to what her alliance wants.

  4. 2 hours ago, moonltnite said:

    Related to the group being talked about here - have any of you seen this?



    Apparently, they were making fun of Ian and some of his behavior including his self-soothing methods.  He's on the spectrum - and they should NOT be making fun of him. Nicole F has now lost endorsements from Olay and a winery due to this.  

    Yes, I mentioned this yesterday on another thread.

  5. 1 hour ago, carmen said:

    Hello, what are the sponsorships? Where are you seeing this information? And are they dropping her b/c of her behavior in the house?

    Nicole has a podcast and she has lost sponsorships from Olay and a mattress company (can’t remember the name of the company). They have both come out with written statements in the last 24 hours saying they will no no longer be doing business with her, directly related to her behavior toward Ian.


    Side note: beyond her being a nurse and knowing better, Ian is supposed to be one of her closest allies. Even if she didn’t want to defend Ian, she should have at least got up and left the room or something and not have participated in mocking him.

  6. Being the ring leader to make fun of Ian’s rocking and behavior is not a good look. Anyone that makes fun of someone with a disability tells you all you need to know about them. I was disappointed but not surprised to see Cody and Dani joining in. As a nurse Nicole should know better. People with autism often rock to self soothe, especially in stressful situations.


    These people are not in high school and should know better. Memphis is almost 40, there’s no excuse. I’m not sad to see that Nicole is already losing some of her sponsorships.

    When they get out of the house I’m sure they will all try to make excuses, but the truth is right on the feeds for all to see.

  7. This would be a good HOH for David to win. It would keep the small side of the house safe (himself, Day and Kevin), he wouldn’t have to use his power, and finally some big targets would go up, like Memphis and Xmas. It would also finally prove to Day that he is an ally and not someone she should be fighting with.


    It would also be interesting to see if it would flush out Xmas’ power, which I think allows her to block an HOH nominee. 

  8. On 9/7/2020 at 7:45 AM, Bibbs said:

    Not sure what you are saying here.  I agree with CrazyBBFan.  I am hoping you are not comparing Black girl magic to White girl power.  Black girl magic - googled it and it means to celebrate the beauty, power and resilience of Black women. White girl power - very close to White Power.  Now it makes since with your posts and why you want Bay and Day voted out.  You are upset that they used those words to lift each other up. When a minority race uses the negativity given by others of their skin color to lift them up is not the same as a majority race in power using their skin color to lift their race up.  And Yes, if the house guest would go around saying White Girl Power, or White Power, I feel the majority of the viewers would have a problem with that saying.  It is disappointing that you, who have been posting on this forum for a long time, does not get it.

    Amen Bibbs.

  9. It’s interesting though, he pokes his head out at crucial moments. Even though he missed the fight last night he was in the HOH a bit ago with Xmas, Cody and Nicole, directing the conversation of what to do on the off chance that Da’Vonne wins HOH this week. He was being very strategic and his main point was that she cannot put up two people from the main alliance. He was talking about trying to figure out a way to get her to put up Ian while making her think it’s her idea.


    This conversation solidified for me that he’s running the strategy for this alliance. He’s playing a low profile game with the rest of the house for some reason. 

  10. 36 minutes ago, WickedOne said:


    Not the sharpest crayon in the little box, are you? Explains your confusion.
    By your responses, you play the poor pitiful, repressed me card often. 

    It's not complicated. It's a double standard which is pathetic. And ignorant. If two white girls fist bumped WHITE GIRL MAGIC ... everyone would've crapped their panties. But two black girls do it? And no one bats an eye. Biased. 

    Good grief, must I explain EVERYTHING to you? I'll type slowly. Shove your cute lil shamey shamey finger up your a$$. ( Google that and hit images )


    Why are you so rude and mean? It’s really unnecessary and toxic. Most of us come on this site to discuss a show we love watching, not to take shots at other people. Please reconsider your attitude.

  11. I can’t stand this woman. She actually said about Bay/Day after putting them on the block that she was scared one of them was going to shoot her or fork her face. What? When have they ever shown any aggression towards her? Never.


    The irony. This coming from a woman who has a record for trying to mow down her boyfriend with her car. But the black girls are the angry aggressive ones. Yeah, right. What a racist tool.

  12. Tyler did that simply as a ploy. After what happened on his previous season with Bayleigh he knows that he came out of that looking really bad. This time around he doesn’t want to be perceived as a racist. He’s got to know how bad it looks to have two black women on the block together, who haven’t won anything and clearly aren’t threats in the game. By trying to “save” one of them he knows it will get him points and a good edit. I don’t think he ever had any intention of leaving the game, he just manipulated the situation to his benefit.

  13. 6 hours ago, Bibbs said:

    Not sure what you are saying here.  I agree with CrazyBBFan.  I am hoping you are not comparing Black girl magic to White girl power.  Black girl magic - googled it and it means to celebrate the beauty, power and resilience of Black women. White girl power - very close to White Power.  Now it makes since with your posts and why you want Bay and Day voted out.  You are upset that they used those words to lift each other up. When a minority race uses the negativity given by others of their skin color to lift them up is not the same as a majority race in power using their skin color to lift their race up.  And Yes, if the house guest would go around saying White Girl Power, or White Power, I feel the majority of the viewers would have a problem with that saying.  It is disappointing that you, who have been posting on this forum for a long time, does not get it.

    Well said. If you’re a targeted minority, unity takes on a different meaning.

  14. I’m starting to change my mind about David. I think he has been secretly playing dumb. In a very overt over the top way. Claiming to know nothing about the game, saying he never watched previous seasons, constantly cleaning and being a yes man. I’m not saying he’s a mastermind, but I think he has been playing stupid to not be seen by the men in the house as a threat and as a tool to get further in the game.


    If I’m right this could be interesting.

  15. It’s tragic. The only reason I keep watching, is because I keep hoping for something/someone to change up the game. 

    Also Xmas with all her racist stuff toward Bay/Day is disgusting. Saying she is afraid one of them is going to shoot her or stab her with a fork? Where exactly would that fear be coming from when neither one of them has shown any aggression toward her? In fact Xmas is the one that has a record for trying to mow down her boyfriend with her car.

    I’m so over the racial stuff that happens every season that BB does nothing about.



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