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Posts posted by Somerandomguy

  1. No disrespect to Steve, well maybe a little disrespect, but I feel that he rode to the finals on Vanessa's coattail. And frankly, if I were in the jury I would never vote for a nerdy, teddy bear hugging, socially inept geek to win my season of Big Brother. Because what does that say about me and my self- respect that such a person was smart enough or strong enough to beat me at this game? What does that say about all my other housemates if such a person was the best of the bunch? If I had any kind of pride at all, I would vote for a person who it could be argued was either a master manipulator or stronger and/or smarter than I am. Now Steve evicting Vanessa would show that he outplayed/outmanipulated the master and Steve would then, and only then, earn my vote.

    What would it say? Maybe, it says You should learn to not judge a book by its cover?
  2. Sure the end of the season can be tough. With the unlikeable, boring , and stupid cast we have, tonights show may have been the worst single episode in 17 years. My apologies to the 4 people who like VanAssa

    A clip show was like breaking up a final movie into two parts. You know Harry Potter Finale Part 1: Harry walks around for 3 hours. Big Brother finale. For most of the country who can't stand Van, here are some clips of her.

  3. Does anyone remember on survivor when that Erik kid gave up his immunity necklace to Natalie at the final five to gain trust? Even though he was not part of the alliance of the four left he did it. They had told him before the challenge he was the next to go. Dumbest move ever in Survivor. These HG's have been that kind of stupid.

    As for me, I feel like like a horse with a broken leg, waiting for the vet to arrive with the needle to end my misery. C'mon finale needle!

  4. I have pretty much the same thought on comp wins. My thought is that to base a vote solely on comp wins is a lame metric that is used by the intellectually lazy.

    If Derek had taken Victoria to the final two last season, I would have voted for her. Sure she could no right as far as comps were concerned, but she did her job as pawn the entire season. So we would have had the sly and conniving vs the obedient and dutiful. Both would be at final two, so why would only comp wins be the primary criteria.

    Many say that they would never vote for Meg. I would. She was a nice person to have in the house. I would have given my vote to her had she not been culled like the weakling runt of the herd.

    Steve played his part as the meek red-headed stepchild or the hired mule (you pick). He took the abuse and condescension from them all. They called him "boy" and berated him for wanting to cook a damned pork chop. He did his duty as a loyal alliance member and suffered the abuse without complaint until the end when the time was right to revolt. Then he lead the blood shed to final three.

    JMac was this season's court jester, or at least that is how he presented himself. Again, the arrogant narcissists discounted him and used him until very late into the season (final five?). Disarming goof ball? Yes, but he was still kicking.

    The slick and the vicious make for great TV, but why do they always have to be the only ones rewarded. Many times, they are just not nice or likable.

    That final paragraph sums up exactly how feel.
  5. If Liz is not in Final Two, I'm curious to see if Austin will stick to his guns about not voting for Vanessa.

    Obviously, his wound over her betrayal, back-stabbing and evicting him, was only moments old and still very fresh when he said it.

    Possibly, given time to decompress in the jury house, and maybe a visit from a guest advisor during jusry debating could open his mind to changing his opinion.

    It might depend on who wins final HoH, and who takes whom to Final Two.

    I have never liked the advisor idea. Many are saying Vanessa should win and only loses if the jury is bitter or spiteful. I personally put more stock in the fitness of the game. It is not, or should not be who just ran roughshod over everybody and the jury should respect that. Its running people over and them still not being mad.

    Russell Hanz lost survivor several times for that reason. Van has played the hardest, but she assumed the jury would forgive.

  6. Great call on the Russell Hanz.

    My point is there is so little difference in comp total. Hoh veto and Bob totals are, as best I can remember

    Van 7 wins

    Steve 6 wins

    Jmac 6 wins

    Liz 5 wins

    Even if this is not 100% correct, my point is that comp wins are close in total. I agree that Vanessa is the run away winner of the mental aspect of the game. But she cancels that out with being the run away loser at the social aspect of the game.

    I just fail to see why most every year we are told that this is the type, the game winner should be. The most complete I think other three players have each played a more rounded game.

    As the show starts I admit I am happy that I am not 100% sure who is going home for the first time this year. Mostly sure but...

  7. If that is the case, she is making it very hard for the jury to vote against her. At some point, you have to accept that her accomplishments in the game are too overwhelming.

    why do you have to accept that? Her social game is a zero. Unless she plays flawlessly at comps and mentally, i wouldnt respect that and neither will this jury. She cannot win. Someone mentioned Russell Hanz earlier.

  8. Jmac referred to Van as "the devil you know" when he returned to the game. In his weird gameplay, I think he believes he has already written the end of the story, in that he thinks the jury votes are his. He just is trying to find anyway to get to the end and Van was the best way to get there. He still does not care for her and I agree he would flip on her on any chance to send her home.probably would get her vote too.

  9. I could not have made it any clearer. At no point were any posters comments construed to be attacking me or men or anyone for that matter.

    It is my firm belief that some people today search out for any possible word or situation so that may claim a prejudice against them. It cheapens the very real and numerous cases that do exist in our culture. I believe Vanessa to be one of those types of personalities. IMO when she acts like a bitch she does get respect. I call that ownership of strong character traits. On the other hand when she acts that way and then turns on the tears and the world is against me, I'm all alone crap, its my belief then is when she is looked at as a bad person.

    As for Linda... I am often a butthole ;)

  10. I don't know if she was talking about the jury either.

    Yet another reason to dislike her. The large majority of people are tired of having to give in to crybaby demands because of these "cards". We are not misogynists! We are not homophobic! You are just a Butthole. Fake victimhood ruins the world and dimeans the very real cases of discrimination.

    ( to be clear, my comments would be directed at whom i believe Vanessa to be rather than any poster here) not for repressing any opinions even ones I disagree with.)

  11. Manipulation and bullying are accepted in this game. In fact people love to hate them when they own it, ala Evil Dick. She has done this and then plays victim. That is why most hate her and her game. I believe she has lived her life this way. A vile human that runs people over and cries poor me when faced with the truth. I wish nothing good for her

  12. Well said. My distaste for Van is well documented. Austin's memory wall photo does look like a creepy magician. He certainly does look like he is dirty and smelly. However, his gameplay has been quite good for the reasons mentioned above.

    Handling Van the way he has is a minor miracle. She is delusional and he had navigated that several times. I have been resigned to the fact a player I dislike will win for weeks now. Its castings fault.

    I have heard several posts state cases against JMac and Steve and what would be best. I would again say Becky, James, Jackie, and Meg will not vote for Vanipulator. No gameplay respect move will move them if any other decent option is available. She would be a fool to go with Steve or Jmac to F2. Probably no shot with Liz either.



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