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Everything posted by SCRTsqrl

  1. 3:02AM Swaggy & Bayleigh making out in bed, meanwhile in the bed next to them Haleigh is JC's big spoon and he's talking about apple pie. 3:15AM All cameras on sleeping people and Swaggy & Bayleigh who are in bed but uh...not sleeping. 3:17AM Fessy walks in, gets in bed with JC. Hayleigh moves over and asks if Fessy saw Rockstar, then Healeigh leaves. 3:27AM Rockstar comes out of the DR, Haleigh was waiting for her in the living room and they walk to the Jenga room together. Rockstar: I was just in there having a nervous breakdown. I didn't know where else to go, I thought you were asleep. H: JC wanted me to rub his back until he fell asleep. Rockstar: I want to feel good for Kaitlyn, but it's rough. She was looking at her picture and reading her letter and like, she just keeps doing that baby voice talking to her boyfriend. I dunno, I'm being a judgy dick I guess. I want to trust her but there's just something. H: There's a disconnect there for sure R: She just likes all these guy and I just don't understand. I guess I just haven't figured out how to connect with all these people. The one person I connected with was Steve and I didn't realize he was that important to me because really sometimes he go on my nerves but at the end of the day there was a dude that was married and had kids and wasn't going to be flirting with all of you to keep his game going and it was someone I was kinda bouncing off to be like ok, you know, it's not just about like flirt or fuck. Not to say that's what you guys are doing but there's definitely an aspect of like, laying in each other's laps. I just don't want to. I don't even know if Chris watches this show but God can you imagine if someone was in my lap and I was just caressing their face or hair, jumping on their backs or any of that shit. I can only image that Christ would be like WTF Angela. And then I really believed in our 5 person thing and I really think the only person who doesn't believe in it is Kaitlyn. I don't care how many deals Swaggy is making around this house, I really believe he would have stayed loyal to the 5 person thing. K: The good thing about the 5 is that even if Kaitlyn isn't on board, we have Bayleigh to replace her. I feel good about Scottie, that's six. That's not enough, we still need one more. R: I think a lot of these white kids are intimidated by Swaggy. K: I think it's also his demeanor. Winston listens to country music and shoot guns and he's a trumper, he and Swaggy don't have anything to connect on. They have different backgrounds and then you have Angela and it's the same thing. The same way I can't connect with Winston, we have nothing in common. The problem is everyone has that disconnect with Swaggy except us and Bayleigh. R: We're all cool people, I really do think he's just cool. Kaitlyn can say she's got her spirit guides or whatever the fuck she talks about and I actually believe in that shit but I think she's wrong about Swaggy. I thinks she's dead wrong about him. I would almost bet 500k on it. You know what I'm saying, I think she's wrong. I think our 5 people, even though he added Bayleigh and whatever, would be loyal. Maybe I'm wrong but I just don't feel it. I'm good at people and I think she has a master plan. H: Another thing about her is she's so trusting, she wants everyone to know she trusts them. She ust 100% believes everything and she can't be like that. R: Before she won HOH she said she would put up Brett and Winston and then today it's JC and Kaycee. h: I don't trust her. R: I really believe in our 5 people, I think it's a smart mix of people and I do get like bothered that it seems like, it's so strange to me, here's this girl who is in a relationship and she's into all the same things I'm into and yet she's like literally laying-- I mean you can be that way with your girlfriends. I don't know if she's never had tight girlfriends before. H: Maybe she just feels more comfortable around men. R: I mean I feel comfortable with men but I'm not all like (she lays in Haleigh's lap as an example). You know what I'm saying. H: That's another thing that pisses me off about her, she thinks she has everyone wrapped around her finger R: She really really does. H: I think our best move is to keep up with the three, as far as this week goes and focus on Scottie and Kaycee and I feel good about Fessy still and we already have Swaggy and Bayleigh because they don’t have anyone else. I don't know much about Kaycee and I think working at that angle we're safe. I mean I already can already guarantee you and I are safe this week 100%. R: And let me just say it, if she’s trying to put up the two gay people or the two black people, girl, let’s not. Can we not. It’s really bad. If she’s not thinking about that the rest of the world will. H: If she brings up JC and Kaycee again I’m just going to pull her aside and really tell her to think about it because if you send another pawn home when I’m HOH there won’t be any and that puts me in a situation. Kaycee and JC could be assets and she’s so blinded by the idea that the other side likes her. It’s pissing me off. I’m thinking we really have to evaluate her. 3:49AM Rockstar: I wish all these camera’s weren’t on me. I just can’t imagine Kaitlyn’s boyfriend being ok with how she’s acting, I mean maybe he is. I don’t mean to be judgy about it but it’s just hard to imagine, it’s just so over the top. I mean she acts like a single girl. Haleigh talks about shutting Fessy down on a showmance because he’s a liability, if she weren’t in the house things would be different but he would get too emotionally invested in her and then ignore Kaitlyn. R: I think Kaycee and JC are on the other side just because they don’t like Swaggy.
  2. Midnight Scottie, Haleigh & Rockstar in HOH (Rockstar listening to headphones) H: Who did you vote to evict? The walking dead? S: Uh, no. H: Game of Thrones?! S: Yeah H: WOW! Scottie! Did you really? S: I did what Steve told me to do H: I'll get past it. They briefly discuss that maybe there will be a battle back. (Rockstar is playing with a camera that shows up in the bathroom where Kaitlyn and Taylor are. Then Kaitlyn walks into HOH) R: Did you catch what I was throwing at you? K: Yeah. 12:04AM Swaggy, Bayleigh and Fessy playing Jenga and talking about how if they win HOH next week they are set and even if they don't win, they would still have to try to get Fessy out and he's a strong competitor. They think it will be an easy week if they all just stay cool, to include Kaitlyn. Bayleigh tells Fessy he needs to be a good best friend to Kaitlyn this week. F: Right now Kaitlyn feels closest to Tyler B: I know which is crazy but when she was mad at us and said we were excluding her she said he was there for her. F: Tyler is playing the otherside but he's doing a really good job. B: Tyler has to go. Swaggy: For sure. F: In a couple weeks we can put him up as a pawn B: Easy Swaggy: Simple as that. B: And then they are going to turn on him quickly because they don't give a F*** about him and then we'll see. I have any easy way out because he told me he had no other way out, and no other option (to put her on the block if the veto was used) They spectulate if Rockstar flipped. 1208AM Sam & JC in the bathroom discusing the votes. JC: The votes against you were Swaggy, Fessy, Bayleigh, Rockstar, Scottie, and Haleigh those were the six votes. 1232AM Haleigh & JC in bed H: Today was stressful, I wish I would have listend to you. (Lots of low whispering I can't quite hear) The good thing is that we have the HOH this week JC: I don't know who flipped H: You're not telling me things They discuss trusting each other and then Rachel walks in and they change the subject. JC says he's going to be trending this week because he's going to shave his head. 1238AM Rockstar crying and Fessy trying to comfort her. She's upset she didn't win HOH and wants a letter. Rockstar said she was super close with Steve because they had the parents thing in common and he understood. 1:40AM Fessy & Rockstar wshipering in pink room F: Well hopefully she puts two of them (L6) on the block Rockstar: Hopefully, but Tyler has been in her ear. She's interesting. Hopefully she has some sort of loyalty. I feel like I've studied this game a lot and the people who stick with their group go far. I don't know. Whoever she puts up I'm just going to be like ok. I think Tyler is with the other side and he's in her ear a lot and like it's weird because she felt like there was tension between you, Haleigh, Bayleigh and Swaggy and instead of coming to me to talk she went to Tyler. That's not, I dunno. I have a lot of female and male friends but we're women, we should be going to each other. (Rockstar gets up and leaves the room and goes up to HOHR as Tyler is walking out of HOHR)
  3. 8:14 Angela, Winston & JC in the bathroom Winston tells JC, as a friend he wanted to tell him to watch his back. He asks JC if he is really going to volunteer to be a have not. He says he doesn't know and Angela says she might. JC: She needs to make a big move W: Well we don't have any control over that. JC: She needs to know that they were all coming for her for switching her vote. (JC leaves.) Winston: It worked out great plus the fact that Sam didn't have to use it, I just wonder how long she has it. This is so stupid, I shouldn't have even said a word but it doesn't matter because they aren't in power. A: Yeah, I just want to chill this week. Winston asks what are they going to tell Scottie, he's whispering about how Scottie came up to him and Brett and hour before the vote (not sure exactly what he said) something about it looks pretty bad for him and Brett so he's going to try not being alone with Scottie. (Right on cue, Scottie walks in and conversation stops)
  4. 7:28pm Bayleigh & Swaggy C in the bathroom Bayleigh tells Swaggy there's a girls sleepover tonight with Kaitlyn, Bayleigh, Hayleigh, Rockstar and she'll update him on what's going on after that. Swaggy tells Bayleigh to maybe not sleep with him everynight, to sleep with her maybe alternating nights, be her best friend so she can find out what's going on. He said he'll obvioulsy miss her but they have to do what's good for the game. Swaggy says Kaitlyn was bailed out because he knows she's the one who flipped and if she hadn't won HOH he was not going to talk to her. Swaggy thinks her and Rockstar flipped.
  5. 7:02 Rockstar, Bayleigh, Kaitlyn, & Haleigh Bayleigh trying to figure out who flipped and Kaitlyn saying she'll find out [Shouldn't be hard since it was her -SCRTsqrl] 7:12 Rockstar, Swaggy & Bayleigh Rockstar tells Bayleigh and Swaggy she shouldn't have tried for the middle one, but she got it when they practiced. Bayleigh says she has a good feeling in her heart and they should trust Kaitlyn until the meeting then they can go from there. Bayleigh says the "Worse case scenario, she puts two floaters up but I know for a fact she won't put none of us up right. So let's just rock" Bayleigh leaves the room to get some bread. 7:14 Fessy & Kaitlyn dancing in the bathroom K: I'm not palying around this week. Do you know what I'm doing? I don't. F: We gonna find out girl. K: Your ass is up. I'm just kidding. F: Yeah, I know you are. Kaitlyn talks about how they were screaming for her and she didn't want to win it. Tells Fessy to "never underestimate me ever again, because you did and now I'm the F'ing champion" F: You know what's going to be funny? Watching everyone suck up to you. K: Oh I'm excited. I'm doing what's best. I'm so ready for it, I'll be like I'm ready for one an one's now. F: I just want to sit back and watch everyone-- K: Crumble. F: I'm proud of you They discuss the timeline for nominations and veto. Rockstar comes into the bathroom with pizza. Swaggy comes in and volunteers to be a have not, Fessy says he would too. Haleigh walks in and says she wants wine. Kaitlyn says she wants to talk to everyone first because she doesn't want to make them have nots if she doesn't have to. Swaggy leaves and Kaitlyn sins "I'm getting wasted tonight." K: I just want ya'll to know in this room, I love you to death. I don't know what I'm doing this week. I want to wait until I hear more about this power which they are gonna have to tell me about and keep you updated but you three specifically (Rockstar, Haleigh & Fessy) are not an option but I'm just letting you know I need to hear what this fucking power is because if there's more to it, you know what I'm saying? F: That's the thing, they are gonna have to say something to you. K: Right, so to be continued.
  6. 6:00 PM All cameras on the backyard where Swaggy C & Taylor playing with balls on the pool table, Rockstar and Faysal in the hot tub. JC, Bayleigh, Steve and Kaycee lifting weights. Scottie in the hammock. Rachel just standing there. Then we get fish.
  7. 5:36PM Sam & Tyler in HOHR Tyler tells Sam he's working, that he needs Sam to stay. Sam tells him to stop freaking out, Sam says she'll be there for Tyler no matter what and says she has his back. He says he has her back and he trusts her. Sam says she's told everyone the same thing, she's going to do what she says and say what she means. Tyler saying he's trying to make sure she stays no matter what. Sam tells him not to stress so much. Sam continues to reassure Tyler to trust her and that it's ok. Sam says it's a sure thing that she's not going anywhere. Tyler says, even if you're on the block? She says yeah. Tyler tries to get her to reveal how she knows that and she says she's only going to tell him what he needs to know, to trust her and she doesn't want him to have to keep that secret.
  8. 5:17PM Swagy C & Taylor in the HOHR SC: So what would happen if someone from my side put you on the block and says since you're playing the opposite side let's keep it that way but you're a pawn. T: I don't know man, I don't know how much I trust the other side SC: You got trust in me T: Yeah but if it is someone from your side, that's one vote that's not there since they can't vote. I don't know it depends on the numbers at the time. SC: I know for a fact I'm going to win the next HOH and once I do that-- T: If I win this veto, people are going to be gunning for me. SC: To use it? T: To get me out, they will say I'm a physical threat. They discuss how they don't want Bayleigh to go home but she's emotional and they are here to play for themselves. She won't be calm until the veto is done. Taylor will keep the noms the same if he wins veto. Swaggy says he'll leave noms the same too. Swaggy says he doesn't care if he's a physical threat, he's going to keep winning competitions. 5:21PM Taylor says he doesn't want her to stay (Sam) but he wants to have a talk with her because what if she does stay and wins HOH. Swaggy says she keeps throwing jabs at him like 'I haven't talked to you once'. Taylor says he has to deflect her too. 5:24PM JC enters HOHR JC wants to know where everyone is, he's bored. Everyone is sleeping. 5:24PM Sam big spoon cuddles up to Kaycee She's telling Kaycee she's tough as nails and she's proud of her. She said we're bonded by week one BS. She said she rocks that rainbow s*** and that's she awesome, just tons of compliments. They say they will go to Vegas one day. Sam gets up and lets Kaycee nap. 5:33PM Shaggy C and Taylor in HOHR talking about Swaggy hookin up with Bayleigh Swaggy C: We were asleep one night, and when I say asleep, I don't mean laying down, I mean dead ass sleep and then she rolled over, her head was really close to my face so I woke up and she woke up and we were like Hrmmm Taylor: It just happened out of nowhere? Swaggy C: Just randomly. It just kept going and kept going and going. The DR was like, you got really intimate with someone the other night. They said describe what happened in the bathroom because I got up and went to the bathroom and was like 'you're a f'n idiot' It was like 5 in the morning bro, it's going to make for good TV bro. Like they gonna show me and Bayleigh just like kissing and taking our clothes off, they gonna play the music and all that s*** and then they are gonna show me getting up 30 minutes later going to the bathroom all pissed saying F*** (Sam walks in and conversation changes)
  9. 1113 HOHBR JC: Do you think we should talk to Scottie? SC: No, he's going to use the veto. JC: Maybe we can talk to him beacuse I actually do like him. SC: Yeah but you're trying to save your ass, and he's trying to save his best friends ass. Steve and Scottie are best friends. Basically explaining nothing will change his mind. You just have to hope he doesn't win. That's like if Bayleigh were on the block, I would take her off, no matter what you said. If one of your best friends is on the block you are going to take them off. I don't want Scottie to use the veto but playing devils advocate you have to look at it from his prespective, it's good for his game if he takes Steve off the block. It may not be good for our game but we have to respect it if that makes sense. (Kaitlyn & Bayleigh enter) K: Where's Ty? SC: In the bathroom K to JC: Babe you ok? JC: Yeah I'm ok. K: What's going on? Jc: I don't know, just thinking. KC: Well I'm here for you if you need me. (K or Thinking about what? JC: Thinking about Scottie playing the veto K: What about Scottie? JC: Nothing. K: Tyler I love that shirt, that color is so pretty B: Where is Scottie, do you know? K: I think last time I saw him he was laying down. B: I'm going to go check on him really quickly. I'll be right back. (Bayleigh leaves) 1118 Camera shifts to Kaycee and Angela Kaycee telling Angela to be quiet but not scared, not too obvious or over the top. KC talking about Swaggy saying everyone here is fucked up, like everyone needs to shut the fuck up, like he's so like intense. Calm the fuck down, he just has such bad energy, it's so fucking annoying. We all knew he was going to be picked for houseguests choice. They got their whole team up there and he feels so confident. Angela: We left the meeting and they all went upstairs straight to the HOH KC: He's going to be exposed when he puts someone up. Angela:It's good that he picked Swaggy and he said he would put Bayleigh up as a pawn. KC: Swaggy is on top of the world right now. Angela: Yeah but I think Sam is going home, there's like 80% chance unless she wins. If she wins they won't send Bayleigh home before Steven. (JC walks in) Angela: Are you excited to host? JC: Swaggy just kicked me out of the HOHR KC: They kicked you out? Angela: Are you fucking kidding me? JC: ...when he (Swaggy) opens his mouth I don't trust him at all... They are totally planning something...they are going to have the numbers. They are planning something, that's 100% for sure. KC: Is Tyler up there too? JC: Yeah Angela: They think I have power. JC: I think they are going to play so they can take Sam out, if it comes down to it they will throw it to Steve or Scottie {Who they have said will save Steve -SCRTsqrl} ...Swaggy is up there running the HOH room like he's running the world...I fucking want him out. KC: Just stay cool. Angela: I would have just sat down and smiled and said no, you can go somewhere else. JC: I can't do stuff like that because I don't know who is going to be HOH next week.
  10. 1107 HOHBR - Swaggy C, Bayleigh and Faysal B: At least people I trust got pulled. Scottie's on fire. He's like, I'm gonna kill this competition. Bayleigh exits. SC: Asking Faysal what happened last night. F: She came in crying and said 'Tyler said flat out that if the veto gets used I'm getting putup, or me and Kaitlyn is getting put up because they know for sure I won't go home..and then I went to Swaggy and Swaggy said we need to distance ourselves and I wish he woulda said that on day two or day three when I tried to get out of the bed and go sleep with Kaycee and he said to stay' she was just emotional abut that. I guess she was just made because not only did she hear she was going on the block but then hearing that from you I guess just messed with her head. SC: I was just looking at it from her perspective, that they were putting her on the block to get back at me, I was telling her to save her game. She just kind walked away and started crying. F: I feel like we have to use that veto SC: I know we have to use that veto. F: We have to tell Tyler up front-- (JC walks in and they stop talking) JC: We still on the same plan right? I don't know what's in your head right now. SC: Scottie wins the veto he's using it on Steve F: If Scottie, Steve or Sam win noms are changing. If Tyler wins they are staying the same. JC: What are you guys gonna do? You keeping them the same? F: What do you think we should do, keep them the same? JC: I don't know F: I didn't even think I would get picked as houseguests choice, I wasn't even planning on playing. (Tyler walks in) JC: It was meant to be Scottie playing T: It was meant to be you (Faysal) playing. (SC or F, not sure): I knew me and Scottie would be playing. F: Every veto there is like a fighting chance because you get the person you want. SC: Big brother freaking rigs it. They out like 10 Swaggy C's in there and 10 houseguest choice and 10 Scottie's because they knew it would make for good TV. I garuntee you they didn't just pick me, there were a bunch of my name in there. JC: I'm pretty sure of that too. T: Should have just reached in and grabbed all of them out to look SC: They can do that. F: They can't mess with the game like that. JC: Why can't they? SC: there's past winners who-- F: It's agains the law to mess with -- SC: They don't get caught F: Ok but if you pull it out and get caught they are F***ed so you can't do that. (Camera switches to Steve) Playing veto (so far): Sam, Steve, Tyler, Scottie, Swaggy C, Faysal
  11. 2:25pm BBT: Austin telling James in the bathroom that he respects his decision, he’s not mad and he understand why he made the choice to put up Jace. Austin says he still trusts James, he does wish he were just more in the loop on everything and hopefully he will be in the future. 2:55pm BBT: Jase & Shelli in the comic book room. Shelli says she’s not in any alliances and she hasn’t been in the conversations and she wants Jase to know that she wants him here. She starts crying saying it’s breaking her heart to see him on the block. Now Jase started crying. She tells him from an outside perspective that he’s just a big threat and paired with Austin it was just too big of a threat. Jase says he doesn’t even have a house to go back to. He said he had an awesome house and now he has nothing. He goes on to say how he didn’t get to fight to save himself and he says he should have played a more quiet game, be less competitive. He said it wasn’t in his nature. Shelli gives him a pep talk about how he’s a great guy and he has real friends in the house regardless of what happens. Jace wants to know who stabbed him in the back because he doesn’t think this was all James’ decision. Shelli says people have to play the game and it’s just awkward. More boo hoo about going home the first week from Jase. More, hopeful, no matter what happens it will be ok from Shelli. 3:07pm BBT: Jeff is lying in bed with Meg, he just called her a dirty bitch in Spanish. 3:08pm BBT: Liz & Austin in the hammock talking about how Audrey is running the game and she has to go. Liz said she trusts Austin and they can only trust each other, and can’t talk in front of other people anymore. Austin says not to be around Jace right now, he said he can hang around him because everyone knows they are friends, but she can’t go cuddling with him or anything. Austin says Audrey and Clay are winning this game. Austin talking about how to manipulate Clay & Audrey to their advantage by only giving them information they already know and constantly act vulnerable and asking them for advice on what they should do. Austin tells Liz to work the Jeff angle to see if they can get him on their side. 3:23pm BBT: Liz and Austin still in the hammock. Liz talking about James being creepy. He asked Liz where she was sleeping one night and one day when she was getting in the pool he was like “Damn Liz” and Liz says he says really disgusting thing to her like ‘I’d be your one night stand’ or ‘you’d be my weekend girl’. Austin says, what is wrong with these people. Austin says for today they should just lay low and work Jeff.
  12. 1:35pm BBT: Becky and Audrey talking in the HOH room about how hard it is to be HOH and how a week of safety comes at a price, yet Audrey still would like to win HOH. They are discussing the differences between watching the show and being on the show. Becky must have cramps, she is curled up saying she hurting and then said “I just wanna sell my uterus on ebay” 1:39pm BBT: Julia, Shelli & Meg in the blue bedroom discussing how you just gotta keep telling yourself “fuck it, it’s a game”. Stay respectful and kind, be a good person and just know the game has to be played, that’s the least people could do. Jason comes in and conversation turns to Dunkin doughnuts and how awesome Burlington Coat Factory is, where he got his shoes for $9. 1:42pm BBT: Jase pacing the comic room, flicks off cameras and says “bastards” under his breath. Then begins whistling loudly while changing into swim stuff to go outside. 1:53 pm BBT: James & Clay talk in HOH room about how intense the POV ceremony was. James saying maybe he needs to talk to Austin about making the next vote to backdoor Jace a house vote so he doesn’t paint a target on his back. Clay agrees saying he should just go to Austin like he has his best interest at heart and what is the better game move. James says it’s probably a good move in case Austin wins HOH and wants revenge for Jace. James said Jace came in the game too hot all ‘I’m a beast, and I’m going to win all these competitions’. Clay agrees he doesn’t want to go against him in competitions. James says he understands why Jace is mad because he doesn’t get any chances to pull himself off the block because they back doored him. 1:49pm BBT: Jace asks to speak to James alone in the HOH. Jace says he’s had James back since day one with every decision he’s made and he wants to know why he put him up. James says he respects him as a person but game wise, I don’t want to compete with you. It all comes down to a strategic move. That’s all it is, it’s not personal. Jace said it is personal, and he’s asking if he’s been lying to him the entire time. James said it was kind of a last minute decision. Jace said everyone has been lying to him, the whole house is full of liar and James fucked up because he wasn’t one of the liars. Jace goes on to tell him that even if he doesn’t stay, this move will bite him in the ass and there is no way he can win this game. Jace continues his rant about how he trusted James and how he’s full of shit. James is just kind of taking it and saying, “It is what it is”. James tells Jace, all I can tell you is to go rally up votes and do what you gotta do as a game player. Jace tells him he came into the game to strong and people are afraid of him as a competitor and maybe when the game is done and Jace can see how things went down they can be friends. Jace says no way, you ruined it because you tried to get me out the first week, you embarrassed me and you embarrassed my family. James says why did you sign up for this game, did you think everyone is going to tell you the truth and tell you what you want to hear? This is big brother! James tried to compliment him by saying he respects him as a competitor and doesn’t want to go against him in competitions. Jace says he’s actually a man of his word unlike James and he hopes America sees that. He points out the bracelet James is wearing “WWJD”, and says “You know what Jesus would do, he wouldn’t go back on his fucking word” [bahahahahaha] and James replies, ‘Hey this is What would James Do, why are you bringing Jesus into this?’. James then says what were you planning to do, tell the truth and make it through the whole game? Jace says, exactly 100% [Has he seen Big Brother before?] James reminds him that this IS big brother and you can’t make it through the game like that. Jace says you don’t have to play dirty, you can be a man of your word. Jace says no one is taking to him like he’s a leper and James tells him it’s because everyone is afraid he’s going to blow up. Jace wants to know why people would think that [gee I wonder why]. James tell him his aura is aggressive, he gives off aggressive vibes. Jace rants again about how James stuck a knife in his back, and how he’s afraid of him and he can’t be trusted. The conversation kind of ends on, “it just sucks”. 2:05pm BBT: James rehashes his conversation with Jace to Clay in HOH room. James said he already made up in his mind he won’t hate anyone in the house, it’s just a game and he would reach out to everyone after the game. It might suck but he said he’ll see it as ‘you got me’ instead of something hateful. 2:10pm BBT: Jeff talks on the glass bridge with James about Liz throwing Austin under the bus because she knows she doesn’t have the numbers in the game. Jeff says he can’t trust her but they should come up with a plan to play her. Jeff jokes he should ask her to join him and James in the hot tub. Jeff says he can manipulate Liz but he can’t manipulate Austin and they need to get him out next.
  13. 4:08PM BBT Derrick, Cody, Donny, Victoria & Christine in the living room talking about the awesomness of chick-fil-a and how they always seem to want it on Sunday when it’s closed. Derrick said he’s heard of it but he’s never seen one. Talking then covers Chipotle, Moe’s, Johnny Rockets, Sonic and Panera. 4:13PM BBT Everyone talking about accidental naked moments on camera, and on purpose naked moments like Joey & Hayden streaking.
  14. 3:36PM BBT Derrick, Cody, Zach, Christine, Victoria & Donny in the living room. Derrick talks about how no matter how BB portrays you, a good edit or bad edit, the live feeders know the truth because they are the real fans. 3:42PM BBT Christine says ‘Timothy (her husband) I love you, never mind you aren’t watching. Mom, tell Timothy I love him’ 3:45PM BBT Zach talking into the camera ‘Why is that camera on me? Mom, Dad, Hayden, I love you guys to death, keep working hard. Keep doing your thing, I’ll see you in 30 days. Hopefully I’ll have some money with me, I’ll take you guys to dinner. I’ll take you to the outback! And yes dad, you can get the Melbourne Steak even though it’s like $30 but it’s no problem, I got you. I’ll fill up your cars with gas, I’ll buy dog food. Maybe I’ll even pay my own cell phone bill for a month’ Talk turns to cell phone services and how expensive they are. 3:49PM BBT Now Zach, Victoria & Donny are talking about credit cards. Donny says he used to have one but he doesn’t anymore. Donny said he was afraid someone would get the number. Zach says that’s good, credit cards are risky. Zach says his parents don’t have credit cards. Topic shift again, now they are talking about apple computers, Derrick comes back from talking to Frankie in the HOH to join the conversation. 3:53PM BBT Christine comes out of the diary room, to join Donny, Victoria and Zach in the living room talking about Hanukkah and Christmas. Zach says he drives a skateboard to work. Zach says he gets small things for Hanukkah like gloves or something. Christine said she grew up with a $40 limit per kid and one year she told her mom she just wanted lots of presents so she got a whole bunch of stuff from the dollar store but she was happy because she just wanted to tell her siblings she got more. Victoria says her mom told her never to buy cheap sunglasses or purses. She said she didn’t care but she just started caring now because she’s making money and really working hard. Victoria says she has connections and got a $600 dollar watch for $150. Donny says you don’t need a watch, you have a cell phone. 4:00PM BBT Victoria, Donny, Zach, Derrick and Christine in the living room talking about shopping. Zach said these days it’s all about Ross, TJ Max and Marshalls. Christine says YES! Victoria makes a face and says sometimes her mom and sister got there but she doesn’t have patience for that stuff, she doesn’t want to look through all those clothes. She only shops online.
  15. 9:16AM BBT Frankie is up in the kitchen by himself. He is wearing several layers of clothes, and oven mittens. 9:18AM BBT Hayden, who is also wearing several layers of clothes, gets up and joins Frankie in the kitchen. BB turns the lights on in the common areas. Hayden complains that it’s morning but they still don’t have the backyard open. 9:23AM BBT Frankie says his “jingly bits are freezing”. Frankie & Hayden contemplate going back to bed but think as soon as they do they will wake the houseguests up for the day. The backyard opens and Hayden says “Good morning house guests, it’s time to thaw out for the day!” Both Frankie & Hayden run outside and lay sprawled out in the grass with all their layers still on. Frankie says once he’s sweating he might go back inside. 9:27AM BBT Frankie says to Hayden “So how do we convince Nicole to keep Zach?” There is a long pause and then Hayden says “uh, that’s a question. I don’t know” and Frankie just laughs and says “Me either”. General discussion about how cold the have not room is. 9:30AM BBT BB plays that announcement about only being permitted to sleep in the bedrooms. Hayden & Frankie both say they are awake, and talk about how they couldn’t have fallen asleep that quick. Frankie says “We’re awake, but thank you for the subtle reminder. Don’t worry I’ll go back to my dungeon of hell”. More talk about how cold the Have Not room is. 9:36AM BBT Hayden & Frankie prop the door open to the Have Not room and go back to bed.
  16. 9:23AM BBT In the earth room Victoria, Caleb, Cody and Zach lying in bed awake. The guys are joking that Victoria is selfish for not shaving her head. Cody keeps singing, and says he won’t stop which resulted in fish. 9:25AM BBT Cody tells Zach in a girl voice he’s a dingus. [i think they are mocking Nicole -SCRTsqrl]. Zach says “I’d rather be a dingus than a fruit loop nincompoop” Now they are talking about Victoria farting in her sleep last night. Cody says “you were letting the rip!” and Zach throws in “It was disgusting” and Caleb says “Very un-lady like” Then talk turns to Jim Carey, how much they love him and his movies. They start quoting lines they like. 9:28AM BBT Donny walks into the earth room briefly and Zach, Caleb and Cody chant “Shave the beard! Shave the beard!” 9:29AM BBT Caleb says he wants to “scare the sh*t out of Christine today” 9:31AM BBT Caleb is STILL complaining about having to shave his head. He says it doesn’t look as bad as he thought though, he thinks even though it doesn’t look as good as his hair, he looks like a “handsome young man”. 9:33AM BBT In the earth room (Zach, Caleb, Cody and sleeping Victoria) Talk turns to the show family guy. They are doing character impressions. Zach mentions Mila Kunis is the voice of Meg. Caleb says she’s one of the hottest girls in the world. Zach says she’s a “Dime piece for my time piece, she is so hot”. Zach says “can you imagine having sex with Mila Kunis?!” Zach says “you could cut my dick off afterwards” and Caleb says “It would be life changing” At some point in this Frankie has walked in and he says “Are you serious?” He doesn’t think she is hot at all. Cody says she’s “just ok” They talk about how hot she was in the movie “Friends with Benefits” and Zach says “Justin Timberlake is the man!” 10:00AM BBT Victoria is tied to the DR handle doing her make-up while Caleb is in there. 10:09AM BBT Christine, Zach, Caleb and Frankie eating because they are worried about being Have Nots later today. 10:10AM BBT Frankie says the vacuum might as well be a dust buster. They need a “legit mop and bucket”. He and Christine remain in the kitchen complaining that they don’t have proper cleaning supplies or opportunity to really clean the house. Meanwhile Donny walks around the kitchen making fart noises with his hands. 10:33AM BBT Cody yelling for Victoria, she is doing her make-up in the bathroom. She yells back asking what he wants and that she is in the bathroom. Annoyed, Caleb says he is doing it on purpose. Victoria says she is finally done with her make-up and Caleb is relieved but then she says “But now I have to do my hair” he sighs and shakes his head. 10:35AM BBT Christine, Frankie and Nicole in the HOH talking about the “eye shadow incident” where Victoria made him go all the way upstairs for eye shadow and it wasn’t even up there. Christine says it’s hilarious. Nicole steps out to get a shirt and Christine tells Frankie “Zach needs to win the veto” and says if he doesn’t the whole other side will come after us. Frankie says he thinks Hayden is on board for keeping Zach. Christine says do you think he could convince Nicole of that? Frankie says “I don’t know, I’m not going to try to stick my neck out to try and convince Nicole”. Frankie says he thinks Nicole would back door Donny. Frankie says this is a really important veto. Chrstine and Frankie agree if it had been Victoria and Caleb on the block they would have voted Caleb out easily. 10:42AM BBT Christine & Frankie are watching the HOH camera feed and Christine says how great it is that the two people she doesn’t like are tied together so she can just leave the room and be rid of both of them. 10:44AM BBT Frankie tells Christine I feel like Derrick plays the game closer to the hilt than we do. He’s a strategist. Christine says he’s kind of scary. Every time he says something it seems very well thought out. Frankie says “exactly”. Frankie says he doesn’t know right off if he’s working with this person or that person, he feels like he’s legitimately playing his own game and using everyone. Christine says Derrick is very smart. Talk turns to Donny with the diluted blood on his hands [something he said during the nomination ceremony –SCRTsqrl]. Frankie says Donny wears that Harvard shirt, told someone to drink by osmosis, he wins the memory challenge, he spells the longest word, he wins the dice flipping challenge, he is a genius! Christine says he’s brilliant and Frankie says he’s a medical professor. Frankie says it’s amazing; het gets information out of everyone. 10:52AM BBT Christine, Donny & Nicole in the HOH bathroom talking about who to vote out for double eviction. Christine said she wants to win it so bad. They are throwing out Donny’s name. More talk about how Donny is secretly a genius professor. 11:02AM BBT Nicole & Christine are in the HOH room. Nicole asks Christine if he wants Zach gone and Christine says yes but she wants Jacosta to win because she thinks the votes will be split if she stays on the block. Nicole asks who would keep Zach and Christine says she’s 100% positive Derrick, Cody & Caleb would keep Zack because she thinks there is a guy alliance.
  17. 6:20PM BBT: Derrick, Nicole, Hayden, Donny, Cody, Christine, Victoria and Jacosta in the HOH room. Nicole is worried she showed her bare bum to live feeders by accident in the HOH bathroom earlier. Jacosta said she put a scarf on the door knob to the bathroom when she had to poop. Others say they hold the door knob if they hear someone walking nearby. [i guess the door doesn’t lock] 6:24PM BBT Cody & Frankie in the kitchen. Frankie says his nap wasn’t long enough but he doesn’t want to be up all night, and adds that there is no point to do so. Cody agrees. 6:27PM BBT Christine, Jocosta, Donny, Hayden and Nicole in the HOH room. Hayden is concentrating on painting Nicole’s nails. Jacosta says Hayden is the full package. Nicole is critiquing his efforts and telling Hayden how to correct his mistakes. She said it’s streaky, too thin, he got a little on her skin but ends up saying “it’s good enough for me” 6:33PM BBT Hayden and Donny comment on how scared Nicole looked on her first day in the BB house. Nicole said she was, that everyone was so loud! Nicole said she felt like an outsider right away. Christine mentions that Nicole is the only girl left from the group she came in with. Talk turns to how crazy Joey was streaking around the house. Jacosta wonders if Joey would get married nude because she said she’s a nudist and it is what she prefers. Victoria walks in and they speculate what her costume is going to look like. Will it be before or after Eve eats the apple? Victoria says she wants it to be cute. Donny says it will probably be a leotard with leaves. Christine says the paper she had said bikini. 6:44PM BBT Jacosta says her birthday is in a week. 7:05PM BBT Everyone except Zack in the living room waiting for the Adam & Eve costumes to be revealed.
  18. 4:03pm BBT Cody tells Nicole if he wins POV he won’t use it. 4:06pm BBT Victoria says she doesn’t want to be chosen for POV because she just wants to chill. 4:07pm BBT Cody, Christine, Nicole and Victoria in the HOH room. Nicole says “Who would take Zach down?” Christine and Cody don’t think Caleb would. Christine says Zach and Jocasta are the only people who would use it. Nicole says “What about Frankie?” Cody and Christine say he wouldn’t. 4:12pm BBT Victoria says she just wants to sleep for the next 48 hours. 4:14pm BBT Nicole is worried about not being able to compete for HOH next week.
  19. 3:19pm BBT Caleb has to shave his head, he and Victoria are on slop for two weeks and they have to walk around tied to each other as Adam and Eve for 48 hours. 3:38pm BBT Sounds like the BotB was some sort of dominos game with punishments involved. 3:43pm BBT Caleb tells Zach in the storage room that he should have lost on purpose because all the punishments suck so much.
  20. 3:10pm BBT - Victoria and Caleb won, Zach and Jacosta are still on the block. Donny is dethroned and Nicole is the sole HOH.
  21. 1:49pm BBT Donny says “Who would have thought it would be this quiet at two O’clock in the afternoon! If only it were this quiet at two O’clock in the morning we could all sleep good”. Donny brings up that since there was no double eviction this week, it may be next week so two people would be in the jury house together. They discuss what they think it will be like in the jury house. Donny says even if they get kicked out now, at least they have a say so in the end. 1:53pm BBT Victoria asks Donny, “Do you want to get married? Donny says, “uuuhhhhh… one day”. He continues to say that he’s a little nervous about it because he’s never been married and he doesn’t want it to end. He says a lot of them end. Christine gets called to the diary room (she’s the host for the competition).
  22. 1:28pm BBT Welcome to the Donny show. Everyone sleeps, Donny re-reads his letter from home then paces in his room. Donny then walks downstairs to check the time, see if anyone else is up [nope], uses the bathroom, refills his water bottle and paces the kitchen. 1:39pm BBT Victoria is up. Donny pounces on the opportunity to talk to someone. He encourages her to stay awake so she is alert when the competition begins. Victoria makes herself something in the kitchen. Donny paces around the table. 1:44pm BBT Donny sits at the log island with Victoria. Donny says maybe people aren’t afraid of you because they don’t see you as a competitor, maybe if you won some things they would be more afraid of you. Victoria says she’s not intimidating because she’s just way too nice.
  23. 1211 BBT Jacosta, Donny & Nicole in nest HOH. Donny is literally too big for his britches, he comes out in overalls that have become too big for him. Donny tells Jacosta to think positive thoughts and that she isn’t anyone’s target. Jacosta says I’m not sad but it’s not exciting because she’s been up four times. Nicole says she’s sorry to Jocasta. Jocasta is already coming up with excuses saying she can’t eat, that every time she prepares to compete her stomach has issues because of something and it turns out for the worst for her and its happening again today. Donny keeps saying she has friends that will keep her here. Pep talk ends when Frankie walks in with food for Nicole.
  24. 1150 BBT Zach & Jacosta in the beehive room talking strategy. “Never panic, stay focused, and talk to each other”. Jacosta said she had this talk with Victoria last week and it didn’t work but she knows it will work with Zach. He agrees saying they have to win the battle of the block. Jacosta continues to rant about how poorly Victoria did with her in the last BOTB. 1150 BBT Frankie coaching Victoria in the bathroom. Frankie tells Victoria it’s really important for Victoria to connect with Caleb before he battle of the block. Frankie warns her Caleb is military and not to take his direction as yelling at her but more like precise instructions. Victoria says she knows and she needs that. He urges her to go make amends and do some team bonding with Caleb. Victoria immediately calls Caleb into the fire room and does exactly what Frankie told her to do. Caleb says she’s stronger than Jacosta and he’s definitely stronger than Zach and he thinks they will be fine. Caleb says if the competition is something she just really isn’t good at then he should be strong enough to carry them both through it. He says to go in with a good mine, fight hard and they will make it happen. As they leave they remark that the Princess and Beast mode are ready to play. 1200 BBT Victoria asks Donny in his HOH room “what if we (Caleb & Victoria) throw it and Caleb pulls himself off with the POV?” Donny tells her not to panic and says he’s thought it through. He’s hoping that Victoria and Caleb win the BOTB. Donny says he likes Jocasta but if it’s hot outside she won’t perform as well as Victoria. He says even if they don’t win, she has enough friends in the house to be saved and not to worry about it this early. Donny reassures her she is definitely not the target. 1202 BBT Derrick & Cody (The Hit Men) in the nest HOH room. Derrick says we need Caleb and Victoria to win. They know Zach won’t throw it. Cody says Nicole wants Zach out. Sounds like Derrick & Caleb want to solidify an alliance with Nicole and Hayden before Frankie does. Derrick says Nicole doesn’t trust Christine as far as she can throw her. Cody says he feels the same way about Frankie. They agree they would rather Zach come down and Frankie go up. Cody said he already planted the seed with Nicole asking her if she wanted to sit next to Frankie at the end and she said no.



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