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Everything posted by SCRTsqrl

  1. 9PM – JC, Haleigh, Brett, KC and Brett in the kitchen talking about production yelling at them to not hurt themselves during the HOH comp. They all thought it was going to be a double eviction. They think next week is double eviction for sure. They think it’s the last week of have nots. JC says they must be coming up with a twist. Haleigh agrees.
  2. 8:59PM – Haleigh, Angela, JC & Brett in the kitchen talking about how much fun the comp was, being able to play in a ball pit. Angela saying it was luck. They all say Scottie would have won that if he stayed.
  3. @RealVegas4sure (Twitter production source) "And another lollipop has broken. Third time for broken lollipops. The comp IMO is not effective because part of it is speed and the frantic element. They are getting to rest now as things are fixed. I am sure the HGs will talk about the disaster this is."
  4. @RealVegas4sure (Twitter production source) "They did a false start for the ep but reset and some hgs didn't even move because they were told it wasn't beginning until they get all the rules and questions answered. So yes that was just for TV." "Being controlled by someone who is refusing to flip them on despite the fact both CBS marketing and CBS BB social team asked them to turn it on. I wouldn't blame people cancelling feeds in all honesty. This was supposed to make up for last week." "HOH UPDATE: Prop broke. Competition is on pause as it is being fixed. Angela is/was in the lead though. It'll resume from where ever they left off so she will remain in lead when it starts back." "Props broken AGAIN. Disssgussstting!!!"
  5. 8PM - Pay for live feeds...watch reruns. BB is keeping this HOH comp to themselves lol
  6. 3:44PM Angela, Bayleigh & Rockstar in HOH Talking about yummy beat balls, and how Rockstar used the left overs to make beat loaf. They don’t think there is going to be have nots this week because it would have happened by now. They said they already have a lot of punishments this week. Angela says Scottie and Tyler made out well with 5k and a trip to Hawaii. Angela says they worked really hard though. They rehash the veto and talk about how athletic the houseguests are this year. They talk about the 24 hour granny punishment wreaking havoc for everyone. Messing up beds, messing up the storage closet, having Brett throw things everywhere and had him jump in the pool. They talk about enjoying Rockstar’s punishment, how they hope they can keep the food processor but they probably can’t because of the blade being removable. Bayleigh talks about how well she knows everyone by now in the house, when they are in a good mood or bad, or when Rockstar wants to be babied. Angela says she wears her emotions on her sleeve, like how she is upset with Brett right now, she can’t hide it, it’s totally obvious. She said she can’t not like someone and pretend to be their friend, she just can’t, maybe for an hour but when you’re in a house with someone 24/7 you just can’t. [obviously she can -SCRTsqrl].
  7. 2:55PM Fessy & Angela in the HOH room Fessy telling Angela she has the opportunity to make one of the biggest moves in big brother history. He rehashes the veto where Scottie and Tyler passed up the veto. Angela says she’s done so good with keeping her word though and she would have to break it but Bayleigh brought up a good point asking how many times both those guys have lied to her. Fessy says doing this will set her up for weeks to come, the entire house would back her up. They talk about Taylor and Scottie being super close in the house. Angela says she has a hard time talking to Tyler, that it’s awkward. She said she can’t figure Scottie out or what his strategy is. She said she doesn’t know if she wants to make a big move or play it safe. She said she’s going to make the decision strategically, what’s best for her game, not about emotions or friendships. Angela says what if she puts up someone who has a really good social game and they figure out how to stay and Rockstar goes home. [somehow Fessy doesn’t pick up what she just dropped -SCRTsqrl] and then Tyler walks in and tells Fessy is he has Sam’s mic and his is downstairs so Fessy leaves. As soon as he’s gone Angela is spilling everything Fessy just told her, mocking him for saying she will be a big brother legend. Angela talks about how oblivious they all are, especially Bayleigh. They discuss what her speech will be fore the veto ceremony. Angela says the other side of the house is acting so safe, she said it’s disrespectful to her how safe they are acting, like they don’t care she’s HOH.
  8. 2:43 Taylor, Haleigh and Bayleigh in the backyard B: For now we’re looking at it like ok, what happens next, who goes up now, nobody’s safe H: That’s why everyone is so paranoid and nervous and sketchy right now T: Yeah, like before I said I’m taking that veto no matter what but I don’t know, just that look in Angela’s eyes, I was like you know what, nobody’s really given me the opportunity to trust them and if I go home because I trust someone who said to my face they would save me and they don’t, then whatever. Then I’m stupid enough to do that, whatever I have to build something sometime. B: I don’t think that’s going to happen H: No, I really don’t. B: That’s what this game is about, getting people to trust you and if they do then you can build relationships.
  9. 2:20PM Kaycee, Rockstar and Bayleigh in the kitchen. Rockstar cooking beet balls? Kaycee lifting and talking about eating low to no carb since she isn’t working out outside where it’s too hot for that in her peanut costume. No game talk. Bayleigh goes outside. 2:25 Angela & Fessy in HOH Angelas wonders when they will do the have not stuff, Fessy says probably in the next hour or two. Angela says no one has slept up in the HOH with her even though they could. She said she told Haleigh and Bayleigh they could stay. Fessy says he’s never stayed up in the HOH and then talks about how long it’s been since they have been in the house. Oh JC is in the HOH bathroom. They says it’s too hot to be outside.
  10. 12:04AM Fessy & Haleigh in the BY H: All you need to know is everything is fine as of right now, and as of right now you and I are not going up F: She said that? H: Yes. He wants Haleigh to come over and talk to him but she says no, she doesn’t want to be suspicious and he asks if talking to him is suspicious, and she says yes, Sam is getting suspicious. He asks who is going up and Haleigh says she doesn’t know. Fessy still thinks he’s going on the block and Haleigh says he isn’t and that he should trust her. F: If she keeps Scottie and Tyler safe and then she doesn’t put me up, why would she take someone else’s shot for them? Meaning if me Scottie and Tyler are comp beasts why is she going to take someone their shot for them? H: What if two comp beats are sitting next to each other, what then? F: You thinks he would pull Rockstar off and put up Scottie?! Get the F*** outta here. That would be the biggest move in Big Brother history after she promised both of them safety when they could have gotten the veto. That’s gonna be the biggest move ever done in 20 seasons. One would be gunning for her but she would be protected by everyone else in the house. You know how huge your balls have to be to do that? There’s no way she would do that. H: I’m just saying, what if. F: Does she have that idea? H: Maybe. F: You can talk to me. H: Yes, she has the idea but she needs to feel protected to do it. Fessy talks about how that would be the biggest move ever and Haleigh says to tell her that, stroke her ego. Kaycee comes out, her and Haleigh do laundry stuff and Fessy goes back inside. 3:12AM Sam, Haleigh & Bayleigh talking about Mr. Pectacular’s vegan cupcakes being yummy. 3:16AM Fessy, Bayleigh & Haleigh in the bathroom talking about if Angela will put up Scottie & Tyler, how it will be a big move and what they have to say to make it happen. 3:25AM Scottie, Brett & Tyler feasting at the table, also talking about how good Jessie’s cupcakes were. [Everyone kept talking about them so I went back in the feeds to 11pm 4AUG18 in the kitchen where JC hilariously (Saying floor instead of flour, APE-el instead of apple etc.) read the recipe out loud -SCRTsqrl] Cupcake Recipe (Dozen cupcakes) 1.5 cups of flour ½ TBS baking soda ¾ TBS salt 2 TBS Cinnamon ½ Cup Sugar ½ Cup Raisins ½ Cup Applesauce 1/3 Cup Oil 2 TBS Apple Cider Vinegar 2 TBS Vanilla extract 2 Cup shredded carrots Cream Cheese Icing Heat oven to 350 F Mix flour, baking soda , salt, cinnamon, and raisins Separately mix apple cider, oil, applesauce, vanilla extract and carrots Mix both altogether. Bake 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
  11. 7:44PM Rockstar, JC & Haleigh in the lounge JC: Who wants Scottie out or who would never team up Rockstar: No one wants Scottie out, he’s playing a really good game. JC: He loves Brett. Like platonic love. JC and Haleigh whine that they are tired of slop. Rockstar talks about how much she wanted to win HOH Haleigh leaves to make some protein shakes. JC doesn’t think Scottie will put up Rockstar. Rockstar says he hopes he doesn’t put up Haleigh either, JC doesn’t think he will. JC asks if she’s seen Scottie ever hanging out with Winston and she says no but she didn’t know he liked Brett either.
  12. 7:49PM Bayleigh & Fessy in the pink room Bayleigh doesn’t believe Haleigh. Fessy doesn’t either.
  13. 7:24PM Rachel in the bathroom with JC saying it is what it is and she’s not freaking out, she has no idea what Scottie is going to do. 7:25 Rockstar & Fessy in the lounge Rockstar asks Fessy if he’s the one who flipped, he says NO! She said she just had to ask then says she wants to present something to him. He asks if she did it and she says hell no. Rockstar says Haleigh swears she didn’t flip and she believes her. She says what if Scottie flipped the vote on Steve last week and then this week and it’s all in his plan. Fessy says he 100% knows Scottie didn’t flip last week but he doesn’t know about this week. Fessy doesn’t think he flipped this week because he wore Swaggy’s T-shirt and he doesn’t know how voting him out benefits his game. He asks Rockstar who she thinks Scottie will put up and she says she doesn’t know but it would be easy to put up Haleigh because they would all be blaming her. Fessy doesn’t believe Rockstar, he thinks Haleigh flipped. Rockstar asks Fessy if he knows who flipped last week and he says no. Then she says then how do you know it’s not Scottie. Fessy says he, Steve and Scottie spent hours talking about personal shit and there is no way he voted him out. Rockstar says “unless he’s playing everyone”. 7:33PM Rockstar goes to get Haleigh and brings her into the lounge. Haleigh says she just talked to Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn told her she knows Scottie flipped. Fessy gets frustrated and starts to walk out but Rockstar tells him to come back and explains that it makes sense. Haleigh said Kaitlyn was in on it but she wants to find out how long Kaitlyn knew Scottie was going to vote out Swaggy. Haleigh says she’s screwed on the other side because now they know she didn’t flip. They all seem shocked, how he would wear the Swaggy shirt and vote him out. Rockstar says “I bet he’s not really a virgin”. Haleigh says he can’t know they are talking about him. Fessy walks out. 7:41PM Fessy goes into he Have Not Room with Kaitlyn F: You knew Scottie was going to flip? K: Scottie flipped?? Kaitlyn says she didn’t talk to Haleigh, she said she told Haleigh before the vote to vote out Swaggy because she was worried about a tie situation. She doesn’t think Scottie flipped. Kaitlyn says because she told Haleigh to vote out Swaggy she assumes she did because who else would vote him out?
  14. 7:31PM Taylor, Kaitlyn & Brett in pink room Brett tells Taylor it was Haleigh who flipped. Taylor says, I know. Brett says he thought it was Scottie. Taylor says he talks to Scottie before the vote saying he didn’t want to be on the wrong side of the vote but Scottie told him he told Swaggy he would never vote against him. Brett asks what they think he will do. Taylor says he doesn’t know but Scottie trusts him so he just has to put it in Scottie’s head who not to trust. Brett asks who and Taylor says Rockstar. Brett thinks he’s going to be loyal to the other side because they all voted with him. They say they’ll figure it out.
  15. 7:30PM Taylor & Kaitlyn in the storage room Trying to figure out how to leverage that they saved him last week. Kaitlyn saying, yeah you used the veto, but tell him I wanted you to do that. They are both figuring out what they are going to say to him so they stay safe.
  16. 7:11PM Haleigh walks into blue room where Brett thanks her and says it won’t go unnoticed. [He’s assuming she flipped and voted Swaggy out -SCRTsqrl] 7:16PM Brett and Winston in the have not room Winston: “I made the mistake of saying Scottie was my target in front of Kaitlyn, I hope I can trust Kaitlyn” Brett says he saw Fessy wink and Bayleigh and says the other side believes they have the votes, and to be honest he doesn’t know where he stands with Scottie. Winston says if anything he will be going up again. Brett says the only person Scottie could use as a pawn is Kaitlyn. Brett says he thinks Winston is good but if he isn’t at least he’ll get to fight for veto. Brett says they need to convince Scottie that Bayleigh is coming after him because of the swaggy vote. Winston says, no it was Haleigh. They recount the votes and Brett sees only one person flipped and Winston tells him not to get it twisted, Scottie voted for Swaggy to stay then added “Haleigh just admitted it to me, I asked her was that 8th one you and she said yes.” Brett says “Well then we’re fucked”
  17. 7:10PM Rockstar and Haleigh in the pink room Hayleigh is telling Rockstar she can’t believe Scottie is wearing the Swaggy shirt and headband and he voted Swaggy out. She’s worried he was trying to frame her and wants her out this week. She said he either didn’t feel safe, was trying to frame her or has a whole other agenda. She jokes that at least the other side of the house thinks she voted Swaggy out. She swears she voted Winston out and Rockstar says she believes her. She says Sam is over the moon excited and she wouldn’t be shocked if Scottie has the power from last week. She asks if she should try to convince people she didn’t flip. Angela says she would talk to Bayleigh but Haleigh doesn’t think Bayleigh will believe her. She doesn’t think she’ll ever think Scottie flipped. Rockstar says it was a genius move. She speculates for 2 seconds that Fessy flipped but then dismisses it and is now wondering “Why me”.
  18. Midnight – Brett & Winston in the HNR W: There are so many bad scenarios that could happen for me and it’s all to easy to sit back and act like we have the votes but do we? What if they have like a plus 5 vote thing or it could be anything but the only way to guarantee my safety is to take me off and it’s like next week if Scottie is sitting here and Swaggy’s here, I want you to tell everyone about this conversation, that I called it, that I saw it coming and that’s why I’m going to have two speeches on Thursday. My gut tells me something is up. B: I almost wish you just lied and said you had something W: I know and I thought about it, the moment I came out of there I thought about it. Winston was planning on telling Kaitlyn he had the app and that she should take him down so that he could save the app and use it next week to help her out. Brett says that would have been a bad idea for the long term and Winston agrees. W: It makes me sick that nobody is like thinking the way that I thought an alliance would be, if you have the option to take an alliance member off, that’s a vote for us, that’s what you do. I get trying to hide it but this is week three, when we put up Swaggy the line will be drawn anyway so why are we playing games with my game? B: You’re right W: But we’re the only ones who see it that way. B: Our game plan needs to be not to target Scottie, but how can we get Scottie to stay on the block. They speculate if Scottie or Swaggy has the app, and their argument should be that Winston has been up front that he doesn’t have it so they should but up Scottie & Swaggy to draw the power out. They don’t know why everyone else isn’t thinking that way. They think whoever has the app will be the one who stays between Scottie & Swaggy [even though they have no idea who actually has the app or what the power is -SCRTsqrl] This is the argument they want to take to Kaitlyn. Winston starts down a path of what if it’s an extra vote and Scottie has it, but Brett says they have to think in realities because they just don’t know what the power could be and it’s a waste to go down all those avenues. What they do know is that they have narrowed it down to Swaggy & Scottie based on behavior and the only way to find out who has it, is to put them both on the block. Brett concludes “If one of them goes home, the other one has it”. Winston wants to stress to Kaitlyn that “OUR alliance will stay strong” and if a line is drawn, so what, game on. Brett says the alliance isn’t trying to be disrespectful by trying to keep the alliance a secret and taking down Scottie, they are just ignorant and aren’t running through scenarios. They say next week they need to do something big to secure the trending. Winston suggest like the pots and pans [Josh, season 19 winner, banged pots and pans obnoxiously around the BB house to drive people crazy. -SCRTsqrl] Winston says it might be a little early to be that crazy and it might turn their own alliance on them. They think they should appeal to America for the app because America wouldn’t want the Bro’s to be split up. They think the reason America hasn’t given them an app is because they haven’t need it and that’s why the think Scottie has it.
  19. 5:39PM Taylor & Fessy T: Did you ask Scottie if he was alright? F: He’s as good as he can be in this situation T: I don’t think he got the power F: He didn’t. They discuss if two powers are now in play or if it expires after a week. They talk about if they would announce if they are using the power or if they can just do it in the diary room and not tell anyone. 5:40PM Kaitlyn & Scottie in the lounge K: Scottie you are not going home, I’m telling you, you are not going home. I want you to win. If you don’t I’ll pick Fessy and he’ll take you down or I’ll take you down. You are not going home I swear. I physically won’t let it happen. If you win HOH and you want to throw me up, you can, I trust you that much. Our side knows that you’re not a real thing but I need the other side to think you’re a real thing. 5:44PM K: I wonder who got the power S: I thought I was going to get it, I thought I would get Steve’s fans and have like two fan bases. K: I thought I was going to get it, but for some reason I think Swaggy got it. S: You don’t think Swaggy would tell us if he got it? If I got it I probably would have said it straight out. K: Everyone is telling me he was talking shit about me last week. S: I didn’t hear any of that. K: Because he knows we’re friends. But anyway, you’re not going home. No matter what happens, you are not going home, just trust me, it will all make sense in due time. 5:54PM Fessy writing something on the lounge wall while Rockstar & Scottie talk R: What did she tell you? S: That’s she’s putting me up but I’m safe and that I’m the pawn. R: you’re the pawn? How do you feel? S: uh I got kinda worried earlier. It’s still impossible to not be a little be a little worried. R: Did she tell you who she was putting up with you? S: Winston R: Well that should make you feel good S: But if Brett wins and takes them both off F: Then Angela goes up. R: Who are you going to pick to play veto? S: If I get to pick, Fessy or Swaggy. R: I would pick Fessy and then make him swear on his super hero cape to use it. F: Yeah man, if I tell you to pick me and you pick me I’m going to use it on you and we’ll talk to Kaitlyn and we’re all on the same page. R: So she can have a prepared whatever. 5:57PM Fessy & Kaitlyn in the pink room K: Who has the power, is it Swaggy or Scottie? F: No one fucking told me. If Scottie had it, he might not tell me. K: I know Sam doesn’t have it. You need to find out who has it. 6:01 K: Just try to trust me and just remember that no matter what happens, it’s for the highest good F: What does that mean? K: I’m doing what’s best for our game F: Ok that comment freaked me out K: Why? F: What does that mean? 6:05: Everyone is having a house dinner except Fessy & Kaitlyn who are whispering under the covers in the pink room. F: there’s no way we could get away with that K: I know F:…Something about you can’t take the camera out of the wall? After several warnings from production about covering their mics and to “stop”, they give up and join everyone at the table.
  20. 5am – Rockstar & Haleigh finally go to bed. All cameras on sleeping house guests.
  21. 4:39AM Haleigh exits toilet and Rockstar is on the couch in the bathroom h: I feel so much better, like just having a bowel movement that isn’t rushed and trying to get done before someone comes in. Apparently that’s all I needed, I feel like I could stay in this house another year. That’s another thing that fucking bothers me, that’s why I wanted to win HOH so I can poop when I want [hahaha #BBWorldProblems -SCRTsqrl]
  22. 3:58AM Rockstar & Haleigh in the Jenga room H: Let me tell you what Kaitlyn did. She went up there (HOHR) boo hooing because she thought she saw us talking about her, and we were but that’s irrelevant, she went up there crying for an hour! And he scratched her back and was telling her it’s ok so you know him. He’s fucking pissed at us for putting her in that situation. So in his mind we’re the bad guys who made Kaitlyn cry. R: Sorry, Kaitlyn was about to cheat on her man, guess we should just let it happen next time. H: I’m going to, because it will probably be with Tyler. I feel like if I hadn’t have gone up there he would have slept with her. Guaranteed, they were under the covers cuddling. R: I mean like I said, I guess that’s one of those not my money, not my circus things. R: This game is so fucked up, I wonder what any of these people are like outside of this. Are they even normal? H: I don’t even know if Kaitlyn would talk to me outside this house. I would like to think she would. Swaggy definitely wouldn’t approach me. R: Me either but if he was from where I was from, we would be friends. Me and Brett would never talk. Brett is like loaded. H: He tells stories about like the club. The country club. R: Yeah I’m like what is he even doing here. H: Well his parents are loaded, I don’t think he is. R: It’s the same thing. H: Me and Rachel would never be friends. Me and Scottie would be friends. 4:04AM H: Another thing we need to watch is Fessy and Rachel, we need to watch them closely. Did you see them today? It’s all innocent and fun, if he wants a quick fuck go get it but don’t you dare talk game with her. I think that’s another thing we need to work on with Fessy, he’s so lusty that literally any female will have power over him. It doesn’t take much and I’m not saying that to be a bitch, I’m really meaning it. If Angela floated in wearing a crop top and sat with Fessy she would have him in her fucking hand. R: I saw him with a red bandana on and they were matching H: yeah I noticed that R: And I thought damn they would make a really pretty couple if she had a personality… it almost makes you wonder if they (BB production) thought they would be a couple and you and Tyler would be a couple H: They did. 100% They thought we would be a couple because Katie (BB production) was super into knowing my impression of Tyler the first day, the second day and the third day. Honestly me and Tyler would never date outside this house. He’s not forward, I need like an aggressive—not like aggressive like I’m going to be the shit out of you-- R: But like a little cocky H: Yeah R: I like that too. H: Taylor and I would be good friends but never anything more.



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