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Posts posted by Kaetra

  1. I'd vote for Zingbot this year.


    JMac is sweet but he's disappointed me several times this season as Linda describes. Plus he's a floss-pusher. I just can't get behind that, I'm a water-pik gal.


    I hope Johnny Mac does not win Americas Favorite Player.  I am not a fan of Johnny Mac.  Although his DR's are slightly humorous, he comes across as silly to me, even though he is obviously intelligent.  I thought he was too quick to throw comps and help to do the dirty work for Shelli and Vanessa without being formally aligned with them. He is the ultimate floater.  He floats from one group to the other without being committed to anyone but himself. I feel that he is really cowardly, but when he told Julie that he would go after Meg, I lost what little respect I had for him. After Vanessa and the Austwins put him on the block and evicted him, he decided he would target Meg??  Personally, I cannot wait until he is evicted again!

  2. This is just another psychological game Vanessa wants to master. Putting her in with all these half wits was like watching a season of "Fox in a Hen House".

    I just hope after this season we don't ever have to see her again. Blech.

    Maybe next year we can get a "Military Strategist" pit against "Professional Slot Machine Players", Customer Service Reps, high school Super-Seniors and actual real-live sheep.

  3. Vanessa has diarrhea of the mouth. The constant blather is grating. When we see her coming we put our fingers in our ears to protect ourselves from her moutharrhea.

    There is an episode of Bob's Burgers that does a Game of Thrones parody where boring Teddy is cast as a "White Talker", who's blather can kill you of boredom. This is why we refer to Vanessa as "The White Talker".

  4. Aaron bot booed last year. From the posting on the Internet people hated Christine and called her a cheater in her marriage.


    I never felt that way but the Internet went crazy with Christine hate.

    People be crazy like that reckon.


    OK, what's the deal with this magic button? They aren't going to tell the houseguests it's "rewind" purpose and then we just wait to see if anyone pushes it or not? I thought those kinds of buttons were supposed to be red, and have a big sign on them that says "Do Not Press" lol

  5. That was the worst booing ever in BB. I was there when hated hated Jesse was evicted and nobody booed.


    I just don't get it - Why do you think that happened?? Maybe because the audience thought Christine had betrayed Nicole, and the audience really loved Nicole or something?

    Amanda was just plain evil, and she did not get the booing that Christine got tonight. It doesn't make sense.



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