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Posts posted by Kaetra

  1. I knew all along Steve was working tirelessly to assure Vanessa's win. He had SO many chances to get out of her clutches, or even get rid of her but he didn't. He is the epitome of the uncool kid sucking up to the"cool" people to try and make them like him. His ridiculous crush on Julia, as if she would ever date him.

    He would gift wrap $500k and hand it to Vanessa, then cry about his mistake to his teddy afterward.

    As much as he irritates me, I feel kind of sorry for him. He seems unstable (at best). I hope there is no permanent damage to his psyche from this show.

  2. If Austin gives his planned "tear Steve a new one, time for the BOY to become a man, etc" speech, then AUSTIN is the one that gets evicted, I will laugh my hiny off. How humiliating will that be? If that happens, will Vanipulator get to call herself "Judas" from now on? Me thinks so.

    The speech plan is for the eviction speech right? Not the dumb old goodbye message? I hope so. Muhaha.

  3. I had to laugh at the houseguests' reaction to Frankie's arrival, especially Austin seemingly giving a hard pass to going on the outing, pointing at Vanessa with his eyes all wide, he seemed to be saying "not me dude!". Liz and Van seemed to be feigning their excitement through quite a few parts, though I'm sure they were happy to at least get out of the house. Their joint DR session afterward was a bit awkward, Vanessa sitting there stone faced, then after she glanced up she quickly plastered a fake smile on her face. Lol

    And Frankie, he's a cutie but omg that whole "Grande Family Promo" was awkward to watch.

    Also painful to watch were Vanessa's interrogations when she first got HOH. The expressions on her face, so angry, how dare anyone play the same game she's playing!? Obviously these people are confused, she's the ONLY person allowed to make deals with everyone. How dare people LIE to her!

    She's such a jerk.

  4. Last night Shelli admiring Vanessa's game. Jeeebus.... All that's left for Vanessa to do is decide who she wants to have 2nd place. That part is predictable. Who it will be is a toss up though, I think.

    Vanessa has got some giant balls. Tells JMac she may need to put him up but if he wins veto and uses it on himself he HAS to vote how she tells him to. She tells Steve basically 'I know we had a deal but I might have to put you up anyway, too bad for you'. She tells everyone 'if you send me to jury I'll poison all of them against you and you will not win'. And she managed to get Liz to agree to take her on the luxury trip instead of Austin.

    Sweet Baby Jesus! I don't like to resort to personal attacks, but this vile creature is truly ugly both inside and out.

  5. I have also been disappointed with the lack of twists this season, especially with this boring blood-free cast.

    I am also surprised the house is willing to send Julia home over Liz, but I guess no one wants anyone else to have goat access.

    I don't think Vanessa needs to sit next to Julia to win. I think Vanipulator wins against anyone she sits next to in final 2, especially with the jury mentor pushing for game-play > emotional votes.

  6. I'm not a huge fan of Austin, but there have been far worse houseguests. He's had some good moments. He doesn't come off as a creep to me. If anything Liz saying he smells and talking about him being a bad kisser, etc. reflects poorly on her in my eyes rather than him.

    I had read about him blowing the whistle on bad behavior by his wrestling trainer, which took some courage. I don't dislike the guy. People talk about him cheating on his RL GF with Liz, but no one really knows the situation with his GF except him and her. Sure, he's only playing BB to revive his wrestling career, but you can hardly blame him for that. I hope everything works out well for him.

  7. 1. I predict Austin's goodbye message to Liz will mention how he can't wait to "go camping" with her after he wins BB.

    2. Twin Derricks - one playing good cop, the other playing bad cop - would slightly amusing

    3. I least want to see Vanessa win. I just can't root for a bully, no matter how "good" her game play has been.

  8. During deliberations they always stick the jury with a guide though, who steers people toward voting based on game-play rather than emotions. I imagine it's easier for jury people to disconnect themselves from their emotions after they've been out of the house for a bit, too.

    I don't see JMac getting game-play votes. He would have to build a case for himself. But judging by JMac's block speeches he would just say something like "Give me the money if you want.... I guess". Lol

    JMac could only win against Julia. (Van gets to final 2 she wins no matter who she's sitting next to.)

  9. There's no way Liz truly loves Austin. You can tell when she was in the hammock whispering to Julia that he's a bad kisser. She just wants to see if there is any way she can get him to use the Veto on her (fat chance). Unless Austin wins BB she gives him the heave-ho ASAP.

    If she doesn't, he will. He's using her too. I think Liz might actually believe Austin is in love with her and that she can exploit that. Not a chance, he's here for Judas only, but if he gets to "go camping" with some fit chick - bonus.



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