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Everything posted by BBLurkerPlus

  1. 11:43am Feeds are back. Frankie in the WA congratulating Nicole on giving a good speech. Zach saying you have no chance against me, bro to Caleb, it seems. Frankie giving Caleb a pep talk not to get "aggressive with her" [assuming he's talking about when with Victoria in the BotB]. Seems like the nominees are Zach, Caleb, Victoria, and Jocasta. All cameras frustratingly now on KT. 11:47am Zach saying he's going to find out if Nicole and Donny worked together to "do that" [assuming talking about the Noms] and FoTH.
  2. Brit's 32000 steps is the equivalent of about 16 miles...while kicking a ball. Wow.
  3. 12:19 pm Feeds are back. Seems like Cody did not put up Caleb, but ended up putting up Donny anyway. Hayden tells Donny Cody felt pressured. Donny is quietly sulking in the nomination chair while Caleb, Christene, Haden and Amber sit silent on the couches adjacent. 12:22 pm Derrick goes to Cody on the hammock to do damage control with Cody and get their story straight so Caleb didn't find out that he almost put him up. Derrick says to blame the idea to put Caleb up on "others in the house" so there's not problems moving forward. 12:25 pm Confirmed that PoV was used and Donny was put up as a replacement nominee. Brit is still the target.
  4. 11:30 pm Brit is in the fire room massaging her feet, feeling sorry for herself. She sends Victoria away when she comes to check on her. 11:35 pm Frankie, Hayden, Christine, Zach dogging on Brit in/near the hammock. Frankie said all her complaining was stupid. If it was him, he would have just been tanning and not doing the kicking and just not play in the veto next week because she won't be here anyway. Christine says "Did she know that?" [That not playing the Veto was the penalty for not getting to 2400] Frankie looks at Christine like, "duh!" 11:40 pm Nicole going to bed so she doesn't get in trouble. Victoria going to bed, too. Both in fire room. Brit leaves to go to WA with Jocasta. Brit is planning to soak her dogs in Epsom salt.
  5. Nicole spilled on the Germantard and cleaned it up with a wet towel, then tried to dry it with a blow dryer.
  6. 2:10 pm Christine tries to give Brit hope by saying she thinks it will be an 11 person jury and a double eviction this week. Brit calls that amazing and she'd LOVE to go to Jury instead of straight home. 1870. Feeds are back in the house. 2:12 pm Hayden still angling for a kiss with Nicole in the fire room. Nicole says not on national television, and besides, what if it went super bad. Hayden asks for confirmation that she's saying there's no sexual tension whatsoever. Nicole says no. Hayden says riiiight. Nicole says how do you know what feel? Nicole then admits that she's not completely against it, but talking about it makes it worse. [Hayden has no game in the Nicole game within a game - BBLP] 2:14 pm Nicole says she hasn't kissed in a long time. Hayden says he hasn't kissed in like, 6 hours. Nicole takes the bait and says "were you making out with Victoria?!" Hayden says noooo. 1886 2:15 pm Some of the other houseguests are now on the couches in the background and Jocasta is on the elliptical. 2:18 pm Brit misses a shot and uses the time behind the net getting the ball to tighten the net again for better bounce back. 1893 - it looks like she'll hit 1900 right when she has 6 hours to go shortly. 2:21 pm Brit hits 1900 with 6 hours and 1 minute left to get the remaining 500 goals. 2:25 pm ADLs on the indoor cameras in the KT and WA. Brit still kicking in the BY - 1915. 2:27 pm BB asks Jocasta, Donny, Christine to lower the outside awnings. 1919. 2:29 pm BB calls Brit with 6 hours to go. 1929 [i'm out for now BBLP]
  7. 2:03 pm Brit asks if everybody's still sleeping. Christine says yeaap. [now we know why all cameras are on BY -BBLP] 2:05 pm Brit has done about 30 in 10 minutes, well ahead of the pace needed to complete challenge. Another "Oh my FUCK" passes Brit's filth-stained lips. 1855.
  8. 1:53 pm Brit is now hitting in with her knees/shins on a bounce to spare her aching feet, but accuracy is so/so. She missed 1/3 and says, exasperated "Oh my fucking lord." Jocasta is nowhere in sight to remind Brit she was saved. 1826. 1:56 pm Brit says she'd much rather be in labor, "this shit's real - for fucking nothing." Jocasta is still nowhere nearby to hear her potty mouth. Donny and Christine are being supportive of her effort. 1:58 pm All cameras are still on backyard, which is annoying. Brit tosses off an "Oh my fuck" [which is the R-rated version of "Oh my gravy" from the Amazing Race cowboys - BBLP] 1:59 pm Brit is asking Christine if she thinks the live-feeders are watching [against our will - all the cameras are forcing this-BBLP] and Christene says yes.
  9. 12:22 am Frankie, Cody, Zach (in Nest) and Christine in the HOH. Cody says for the millionth time, if Amber goes up we (motioning to guys) are going up. Frankie says no, he has Amber under control. 12:24 am Frankie then muses "what if we got Caleb and Amber out in a double eviction?" Cody says that would be amazing. Frankie says there's no double eviction this week. Cody would rather Caleb go to jury and Amber go out before jury. Frankie says they could manipulate Caleb to get amber out or make caleb sympathetic on the jury by making up a story that Amber came on to Cody. 12:27 am Frankie says Amber is playing the worst game ever. 12:29 am Frankie says his role in the game has become keeping people that have no fucking clue what they're doing from making really stupid mistakes. He's Mr. damage control. Frankie says that Brit, Amber, and Jocasta have a three person alliance that he calls The Witches of Eastwick. Cody says Donnie is the Jack Nicholson character in that party. 12:32 Frankie said Caleb freaked out because he forgot that Amber was from Germany and he came to Zach and begged him to trade the German vacation to him so Caleb could take Amber to Germany. 12:34 am Cody thinks Brit may be at 1000 goals downstairs - actually it's 897. He heads downstairs to check and coincidentally get his butt-kicks, and all cameras change to BY. 12:36 am Hayden takes Nicole's brat and puts it by his crotch and says "this is what I have to deal with all the time. It's a serious problem." Caleb grabs both the bean bags, strikes a pose from Johnny Dangerously, and says, well, this is what I have to deal with. 12:39 am Brit complaining about how bad her foot hurts. She says she's had 6 advils [too many - BBLP] everyone goes "oooh" in a not good way, and someone says "BB16 - Overdose" in an announcer voice. 12:40 am Caleb complaining that he's the only one from the competition that didn't get called to the DR today [Perhaps Amy's tired of hearing him whine about Amber, too? - BBLP] 12:45 am Caleb is called to the DR. 12:46 back in HoH, Frankie is talking about how great his grandpa is. He paid Frankie's tuition completely, and he still works, even at 90 years old and after surviving three bouts with Cancer - Stomach, then Colon, and now Stomach again. 12:52 am More personal Frankie stories with Christine in HoH, general chatting in BY. 1:00 am The Big Brother Houseguests are [suddenly] playing a game [???] that's secret until next TV Episode", so we get Jeff Highlights. 1:23am Feeds are back with no evidence of a secret game having been played. Maybe they were just fixing Brit's broken goal better because she's only at 936 now. [i'm out - BBLurkerPlus]
  10. 1:52 am A new HoH rotation, and Amber is back to being paranoid. Derrick comes and talks to her in the bedroom, and she motions to go to the LR so whoever's in bed (I can't tell) can't hear what they're saying. 1:53 am Amber says Frankie says she's good, but she still doesn't feel safe. Derrick tells her she's not the target, but she's still paranoid. Derrick says she's the biggest physical competitor of the girls, by far. He says Brit may be second. Amber was going to go to sleep, but she decides maybe to stay up so she doesn't miss game talk. 1:55 am Amber hopes the guys keep her as the last girl. She wants to go against the guys in the finals. Derrick reiterates that they're definitely not the target this week. 1:56 am Derrick says they should go upstairs because they're watching and he doesn't want them to think they're strategizing alone. Amber says she'll probably get called to the DR, and it's Amy tonight [handling the interviews?] and she loves her. Derrick says Amy handles the overnight stuff. 1:58 am Amber and Zach are in the Co-HOH room with Cody. Amber is laying on the bed. Cody throws a plush sock monkey at Amber, she sniffs it and says it smells like Halloween [candy?] 1:59 am Amber asks Zach if it's nominations tomorrow, he says yeah and we get WBRB. Comes back shortly, Zach is saying "that camera, though? Pain in the ass" and another WBRB. When it comes back, Derrick is saying it's not that bad. [seems like the IR illuminators on the Co-HOH camera are bright] 2:02 am The group drifts to jedi training of each other's birthdays and the competition names in order. Derrick yells in and asks Nicole what the HoH name was for week 2. No concrete answer. 2:02 am Downstairs in the WA, Jocasta is taking a shower and Brit is watching. Frankie comes in and takes Brit away to the Beehive for some game talk and she asks to know if she's going up or not. She asks to please be told if she's going up. Frankie says yeah...yeah. 2:07 am Brit confesses that she feels like the old girl in the house, and she's missing her family today. She starts crying a little and Frankie gives her a hug. [seems a little fake] Frankie asks Brit who she would put up, and she offers Victoria. Amy has Nicole called to the DR. Brit says Nicole doesn't think for herself, but Cristine controls her. Frankie says he thinks the targets will go back to the weak or floaters [hmm...that plan's not gonna work with America's task this week]. 2:10 am Brit feels a little distanced from Cody because the other girls are always fawning over him. She also says she enjoys Amber more now that Devin is gone. Brit drifts to a strange bit talking about compromising sleeping arrangements like married Derrick sharing a bed with a girl and Brit "the mom" sharing a bed with 5 guys because of limited sleeping options. 2:14 am Caleb comes in and joins Brit and Frankie. Zach comes in a minute later. 2:20 Zach is dogging on Victoria and how spoiled and useless she is and how he pumps her up artificially with completely fake and insincere compliments and he wants her put up. He tells Frankie, seriously, you have to put Victoria up. IMMEDIATELY there's a knock in the door and it's....Victoria joining the room. Zach pretends he's finishing a sentence about his brother. 2:24 Camera cuts to WA quickly for a 3 second shot of Hayden picking his butt, then back to beehive room. 2:25 Brit telling a story about how poor she was growing up with government powdered milk and her mom having a cleaning business called "Partners in Grime" and when her mom would pick her up from school, she'd tell the kids it was her aunt because she was too embarrassed to admit it was her mom. She then tells about a home invasion robbery when she was a kid, and all the cameras change to the Co-HoH room. 2:29 am Production must have broken up the party in the beehive when the cameras changed because everyone from down there is abruptly filtering up to the HOH (Frankie, Zach, Brit so far). 2:30 am Brit heads off to bed. [i'm right behind - BBLurkerPlus out]
  11. 1:51 am Derrick, Hayden, Caleb, Cody, and Brit in KT working out who to pick for Have Nots, taking into consideration Christine's gluten-free problem and Frankie and Donnie's circulation problems that would make the have not room's cold a real problem for them. 1:52 am Derrick and Caleb talk about trying to figure out their fitbit bracelets and what the dots and vibration mean when they happen. They didn't get a manual, so they have no idea what any of the indicators mean. 1:53 am Someone talks about tomorrow and says "they tell you where to sit" and we get WBRB. 1:56 am All cameras still on KT, little or no talk of consequence.
  12. 2:43 am In the HoH nest, Brit asking Amber how she puts the Latisse on [Latisse makes your eyelashes grow, but has some disturbing side effects - BBLurkerPlus]. Amber goes through one bottle of Latisse every three months because the lashes go so crazy when you use it for a while. Brit is jealous and wants to order some right now. Amber offers to ask for some more in her HoH basket. 2:46 am HoH crew (Brit, Amber, Cody, Derrick, Zack) Complaining about how much they're eating in the house, and now someone is making movie theatre popcorn. They agree not to eat it and the conversation drifts to the various types of French fries and popcorn with awesome toppings. 2:48 am Derrick says he hasn't had Chick fil a ever - the room can't believe it because it's so awesome. [Maybe for some - I say overrated - BBLurkerPlus] Amber says Chick fil a is like heaven in your mouth, and Derrick is missing out. Zach says they had two near campus in school and he went all the time. 2:57 am More small talk. Amber asks if they've seen those girls that wear clear skirts. Zach perks up and asks where you see that. Amber says...Nashville. Zach says "Damn! I got get to Nashville." and Cody says "Hoopa doopa" which we learned is from "Hoooaaah" (whore). Christine walks through to the bathroom. 3:02 am Hayden walks in to an ovation with lots of clapping. Then he turns around and leaves without a word to make some toilet time. (Caleb is Ambersulking in the bathroom while Frankie tries to cheer him up) 3:05 am Refreshed after dropping ballast, and washing appropriately, Hayden goes back to HoH to another much louder ovation. Frankie hears it from the downstairs bathroom and comes right up for his ovation, too, and brings Nicole with him. Zach asks if Frankie can get him a towel so he can jerk it real quick. Frankie says sure....and he can keep his mouth open just in case which gets a bunch of "ooooooohhh!" from the HoH room. 3:08-3:13 Frankie goes into the bathroom, strips down and returns as super-hetro "Frank" in HoH with only towel on, saying funny things and working the room. 3:16-3:20 am Devin is quietly getting ready for bed in Have not room. Caleb is crashed on bed already. Devin asks if Caleb is stressed about Amber. Caleb says no, but it's like being nice to someone and they don't give it back or appreciate it. Devin says he's on his way out the door and he has nothing to gain from it, but Amber is using him and Caleb needs to play his own game. Amber is going to hurt Caleb's game and he needs to distance himself from her, according to Devin. Devin says if Amber goes up, he needs to make sure she goes out because she will mess up Caleb's game.
  13. 2:16 am Zach uses some crude language to describe his female conquests. He apologizes to Cody about it after a bit. Then he wonders if people are keeping track of everything they say. Cody says YEAH - BB is one of the most popular shows in the US. Like 9 million people watch it. Zach says, yeah, and there's like 200 million people in the US [uh, only off by about 100 million+, I guess that education wasn't much more than a long party - BBLurkerPlus] Cody is convinced he will be a movie star when he gets out of the house [Hognado? BBLurkerPlus] - or a record deal. He says he was getting that ready, supposed to be in the studio when all "this" started.
  14. 1:40 am Derrick, Zach, Cody in the backyard strategizing for post-Devin. Zach admits he will throw the HoH Thursday. Cody thinks that's crazy since after Devin's gone, they really don't know where the house's head is at. 1:41 am Caleb on the couch in HoH. Amber in the nest. 1:43 am Derrick reiterating that Brit is a potential problem because she would have no problem putting any of them up. 1:45 am Cody is also saying that Brit spends too much time in the beehive room talking to everyone and that Donny and Jocasta are part of a group called "The Outsiders". 1:46 am Zach says the first plan of action is to start solid alliance with Hayden. The other two question that. 1:48 am Zach reiterates that he's throwing the HoH comp for sure. The group decides that they need to stay away from Caleb/Amber because Caleb hates Cody because Amber likes Cody and not Caleb and Caleb is jealous. 1:49 am Zach back to saying there's no upside to winning HoH this week. Cody says "other than protecting your boy?" Derrick says "Exactly." 1:50 am Zach "I dunno. I think we're all safe." Derrick says that's when you have a problem. 1:51 am Cody says Caleb is the next Devin. Caleb thinks he has everyone, but he has no one. 1:52 am If Cody wins it, he says he has no problem putting up Victoria and Jocasta. Now Cody and Zach are running Co-HoH nominee scenarios. They both say putting up Amber would be fine, too, but if they could get Hayden to put up Amber that would be best. 1:55 am Zach thinks Cody has Christine in his palm. Cody thinks letting Christine win HoH guarantees Donny going up because she doesn't like him. 1:57 am Derrick thinks Brit is too hot and cold for him. She'll have a deep conversation and say he's the only one she trusts, and then she won't talk to him again for 3 days. 1:58 am Zach says Donny won't put him up. Cody says Donny hates Caleb. Derrick isn't going to worry about any of that until after HoH. 2:01 am Amber comes down to the BY, says she has to pee, and goes back inside. 2:02 am Caleb and Amber come out to BY, decide they're hungry and go inside. Cody goes in to make quesadillas, Amber is making a salsa wrap [???]. 2:05 am Caleb is back out, Amber on the brain. Sex talk ensues. Caleb says he's slept with less than 10 people. Derrick says he slept with less than 5. Caleb says he didn't lose his virginity until he was 20. Zach is...silent.
  15. 1:46 am Frankie and Caleb in the hammock discussing Devin's desperate moves to stay in the house, like telling people Donnie won't use the PoV or that next week the house is coming after Caleb, etc. 1:47 am Frankie bumming that his Kabbalah bracelet broke and "they" won't give him another one. Derrick comes over and pulls up a chair next to the hammock. 1:48 am Derrick confirms that Devin is spreading two rumors: 1> Donnie might not use it on Jocasta, or 2> That Derrick won't pick Devin if he has to replace her. 1:49 am Derrick says he squashed those rumors and that they just need to stay firm as a house and Devin will be gone in a 12-0 vote on Thursday. 1:52 am Caleb tries out his speech for Thursday, saying Devin is a "Backstabber, liar, makes up rumors..." 1:53 am Caleb finally catches that Derrick kept saying 12-0 when it's actually 11-0 and mentions it. (Christene, Amber, Nicole, Cody, and Hayden are on the BY couches while Hammock tête-à-tête is going on) 1:57 am Frankie says he's not saying anything nice about Devin on his goodbye message now, but he was going to before. 1:59 am Frankie leaves after announcing his has to pee. Derrick tells Cody he's good, but don't ever put himself on the block again because it's fuckin' nuts. 2:01 am Derrick expects Devin to come out with some "crazy ass speech" when he's on the block. Derrick leaves so Cody has time to talk to some of the girls, and says he'll catch him later. 2:03 am Frankie, Victoria, Jocasta, Amber, and Brit are in the KT. 2:04 am Brit made some salmon salad (more of a chicken salad than a green salad) that everyone seems to like. 2:05 Frankie is now grousing to the girls about his broken Kabbalah bracelet and the fact that "they" won't replace it because they call it an HoH item. The bracelet is supposed to filter negative energy, and it breaks when it's "full". Amber says then of course it broke in THIS house. 2:06 am Amber is telling Jocasta that she almost slipped when changing and went full naked. 2:07 am Derrick comes in and Brit offers him her Salmon salad on a bagel to him. He gets some and chows down. 2:10 am Derrick comes to Nicole, Hayden and Christene and tells them straight up that the rumors Devin is spreading are lies. Donny is using PoV, and Derrick is putting Devin on the block. There is "no doubt in his mind" Devin is going on the block. Then Derrick leaves to go back to the KT and finish his salmon salad bagel. [i thought CoDkiller87 was out, but if he's still here, I'm out. BBLurkerPlus]
  16. 10:34 pm Cody, Frankie, Devin, Nicole, Christine, Zach are discussing how nasty tripe is in the KT. Nicole leaves for the BY. 10:36 pm KT discussion evolves to what other bad food combinations have been for have nots before. Zach said the smell of the tripe made him want to throw up. 10:38 pm Frankie and Zach geeking out on jewish foods, talking up the lox and sesame cakes that they love. Zach says lox is totally "on point." That evolves into dates at restaurants. 10:39 pm Frankie confesses that he loves "cute dates." Take Frankie to central park with a picnic basket and go rowing then a movie and you win the dating game. 10:40 pm Brittany says Frankie's date plan is the one that works for her, too. 10:43 pm Victoria, Cody, Devin, Nocole, Jocasta, Donny, and Amber are in BY talking about how awful the cold room is for the have-nots. 10:44 pm Jocasta gets called to DR. Donny helps her in. Zach is now playing pool. 10:46 pm Caleb is doling out his advice for surviving the cold room based on his experience in the room and deer hunting in the cold weather. 10:50 pm Caleb, Devin, Hayden all yawning and looking very sleepy. Caleb says it will be a long week. Devin keeps repeating "4 days" 10:52 pm Frankie and Brit are in the KT, bonding a bit. Brit says she wishes they could hit rewind on the whole thing and start over from the beginning of the show now that they know each other better. Frankie is blaming what happened in the early game on Devin's craziness - Brit agrees. 10:52 pm Nicole gets called to DR. Brit calls her the hottest frog she's ever seen as Nicole walks by to DR. 10:54 pm Donnie walks into KT and Frankie expresses his love for Donnie then gives Frankie a hug. Donnie also says he never gives his loved ones hugs at home. Brit gives Donnie hug homework. 10:56 pm Frankie says he loves people pretty much immediately, then works backwards to "I don't really like you" sometimes. 10:57 pm Brit says she's afraid of still being single mom at 40. She hates being single. 10:58 pm Brit says she never has had a date pick her up at home. She won't let someone do that unless it's serious because she wants to protect her kids. Frankie says "I want to meet your kids" - Brit says of course! Frankie drifts out of KT into fire room to talk to Amber. Amber confesses she's worried that the house will vote to keep Devin. She is getting paranoid. Frankie tries to calm her crazy head scenarios. 11:01 pm Amber asks how many votes to get Devin out. Frankie says Unanimous. Amber asks how many votes, though? [Dur - BBLurkerPlus] Frankie waits a beat. He repeats that everyone in the house will be voting Devin out. He says not to give into the paranoia. Amber continues to talk about paranoid things. [maybe her cycle is getting the best of her? - BBLurkerPlus] 11:04 pm Amber says people she trusts right now, she can see them stabbing her in the back come Thursday. Frankie says you're not going to see anything like that Thursday. 11:05 pm Frankie says he may be overconfident, and talking to Amber may give him a more realistic dose of the game - but then he say's there's "no fucking way" Amber's paranoid scenario will come to pass. 11:06 Amber says there's 4 people she doesn't want to go up against and we get WBRB. 11:07 pm More Amber paranoia and talking in circles. I'm out for now.
  17. 2:29 AM Derrick and Cody are bro-ing down in HoH, recapping about the pre-Zack vote timeframe and not trusting Brittany, thinking she was flipping. Cody says: "Caleb don't trust. Amber don't trust." 2:34 am Nicole just left Haden in BY. Devin chatting with Haden now. Devin says all the girls are on their cycles and there's a "shit ton of towels". Amber comes out, checks the washer and says Brittany is taking a shower. Amber complains she only got 45 minutes sleep because of Victoria last night. Devin laughs "I know!" 2:36 am Devin complains that he's hungry all the time. 2:37 am Haden is told to change his mic in the storage room by Big Brother. [GOOD - it sounded static-y!] 2:39 am Devin asks Hayden "Cereal or no cereal" and WBRB 2:41 am Devin looking at himself in the Kitchen mirrors debating about eating the cereal. Amber is questioning why he has to talk to his reflection about the cereal. Tons of WBRB's in here for some reason. 2:43 am Derrick and Cody still talking in HoH. Derrick metions that Caleb [not 100% sure he said Caleb, but think so] didn't want to be on BB originally, but put in for Survivor and the Bachelor and we get another WBRB. 2:45 am Cody sees Hayden coming on Spy TV and says he loves him and thinks Hayden is going to "beast" with Cody/Derrick before Hayden comes in. Derrick freaks out Hayden by opening the door before Hayden knocks. 2:47 am Hayden complains that no one downstairs is talking game. 2:48 am Derrick says he has given a game olive branch to Donny. Hayden says he likes Donny. Derrick/Hayden say they think Donny is scared he will be voted out. 2:49 am Derrick offers Hayden a pair of the slippers in the HOH bathroom, which Hayden calls "tight" and "straight up amazing." 2:50 am Cody and Derrick go back to reviewing the house, what's been said, and trying to see hidden alliances. They're now comparing notes with Hayden. 2:51 am Hayden is analyzing Amber. "She will float to whatever side she has the best opportunity." He also says that no one trusts her, but Zach, because Zach trusts everyone. 2:52 am Hayden is saying Caleb should be out because that would cut Devin and Amber loose and they would be lost. Derrick is saying that Caleb wouldn't vote Hayden out, and Devin would be the better choice. The only bad scenario is if Devin gets PoV. 2:54 am Haden is back to getting Caleb out to squash Bomb Squad continuing rumors, but Devin would have to be convinced to make a deal to promise not to go after Hayden, Cody, and Derrick. [Ain't gonna work - Devin's meds make him too flghty] 2:56 am Derrick checking in to see if everyone is down with Devin getting backdoored and Cody and Hayden say the house is good from all sides with that plan from what he heard. Cody not down with getting rid of Caleb because he doesn't trust Devin. 2:56 am Brittany and Amber in kitchen together. 2:57 am Bro game talk still happening in HoH. Cody saying Jocasta is terrible at comps. Derrick says if Devin gets PoV he should put up Victoria or Brittany. Haden is still drilling to get rid of Caleb if Devin gets PoV. 3:00 am Cody checks to see if someone is listening at the HoH door. Then says "fuckin' paranoia, I feel like they can hear me in the DR all the time too" as he lowers his voice. He keeps checking to see if someone is coming up to the HoH door. 3:01 am Derrick says Brittany isn't trustworthy, but Hayden disagrees. Derrick says Donny scares the shit out of him because he observes the game and is smart. Derrick says Donny started growing that beard for BB because when he saw Donny in the airport he didn't have it and we get WBRB. 3:02 am Derrick still saying he wouldn't be shocked to learn that Donny is really formerly military. Hayden says Donny knows lots of medical terminology and is smart about medical things - Derrick goes back to thinking he was a medic in the military. 3:04 am Derrick running more block/PoV scenarios with Jacosta coming off the block. 3:05 am The three amigos in HoH are talking about Victoria saying no one talks game to her and no one really likes her too much, so she could go on the block. Then they're back to talking about putting Caleb up again. Cody says that makes NO game sense. 3:07 am Cody says "Zach can't know shit" - Derrick says he loves him like a brother, but he agrees. 3:08 am Frankie coming up to HoH. 3:09 am They let Frankie in and Cody says "so, you didn't go back to bed?" and Frankie says, no, I did, but "they" woke me up and we get a WBRB immediately. 3:11 am Devin has come up to the HoH and is in the doorway when the feeds return. Derrick leaves HoH. WBRB. 3:13 Amber and Brittany cleaning up the KT still. 3:16 am HOH with Cody, Frankie, Devin, Hayden. Hayden saying he doesn't think he can get a boner anymore. Frankie agrees that he's lost the ability, too. Devin tells him to get his hands out of his pants as hayden asks "is it true if you don't use it, you lose it?" 3:17 am Frankie has a wand looking thing, so Devin going on about the Harry Potter wand you can get on Amazon that works like a universal remote. 3:18 am Cody tells Devin that the fart he laid down earlier was a whirlwind that was loud and smelled so bad. Devin asks if Cody saw his future, then says the girls on the spycams are like little elves in the KT. 3:19 am Devin back to talking about all the women being on their periods at the same time this week. Devin says they're all syncing to Jocasta's cycle. Derrick back at the HoH door and we get WBRB. 3:24 am Devin talking about LA geography, gangs in LA, and "the valley" then WBRB. [WBRB again. I'm out for the night - BBLurkerPlus]
  18. 10:16PM Making fun of alter egos. Judd is Ms. Juddfire. Imitating Judd's diva fits in Ms. Doubtfire's voice. 10:17PM Andy says he likes Spiderman, but Spencer calls Spiderman a bitch, then apologizes to Stan lee for the opinion. General boring superhero talk. GM making fun of Lou Ferrigno, lisping. Spencer says he's deaf. General disbelief. Andy says he can't be - he was on celebrity apprentice [hello, marlee matlin!]. Spencer says Lou has hearing aids, and McCrae responds...Lou Ferrigno has AIDS, too? 10:21PM Andy talking about pre-show sequester and BB only having the first 3 seasons available to watch, and Elissa hogging the "He's just not that into you" movie the whole time. 10:22PM McCrae is off to drop a deuce. GM and Andy are going to play a game. Spencer is still in the LR. SUPER boring evening. I'm out for now.
  19. 9:45PM Andy, Mccrae, Spencer in LR, GM making chicken nuggets in KT. Andy admitting he didn't "get" the spelling of the Beatles name had meaning until Spencer said something in the house. He thought it was another spelling for the bug. 9:46PM Spencer thinking about what he will say when his parents ask him about the terrible stuff he's said in the house. He decides to say that was "TV Spencer" and not real life. McCrae comes back into LR with gummy bears (Haribo - the good ones) and shares with the class. Andy yells to GM to ask how much time is left on the "nugs." 9:48PM GM takes the nugs out about 30 seconds early and tells the guys "done." Guys are talking about Jeremy's chances if he made it to OTEV. 9:49PM Spencer says "that picture of Keanu today looked like my buddy." Andy said the Keanu movie "The Lake House" sucked. This segues into another round of Elissa bashing. Spencer cites many cases of Elissasize fatalities. Andy says the website is loaded with porn viruses. They are bored. 9:54PM Spencer sayd Craig Thompson is Nick's real name. GM throws a pillow at him and asks if McCrae's name is even real. Andy brings a plate of nugs in and eats it on the LR table as the others talk about the soundtrack to Grease being awesome - Spencer says, no, no, no. 9:55PM Andy is eating his nugs with knife and fork, cutting the chicken nuggets like they were mini-steaks. It's weird. McCrae asks if he can have some of Andy's nugs. Andy says yes, and McCrae heads to KT to load up. 09:57PM McCrae admits to listening to the Grease soundtrack when he was training to get ready for BB. GM calls John Travolta badass, then says "Bite the weenie, Rizz....with relish." 10:01PM Spencer talking about "stars" that came into the house in previous seasons. He said "When Tori spelling came in, she was 15 months pregnant and it looked like the only work she could get was haunting fucking houses. I want a real beautiful woman like Elizabeth Shue, not Tori Spelling!" Andy pipes up "I have no problem with Tori Spelling" and GM agrees. 10:04PM Spencer offers McCrae the other two beers. McCrae says "Is it because I'm going home?" Spencer says, "NO!" ['cause it's awful Coors Light] The way McCrae is talking, it seems like Spencer is on the block with McCrae. 10:06PM McCrae says if he's the one going, he wants to know so he can dress up. He doesn't want to go out in his fucking wife beater...Spencer laughs and agrees. [seems like Andy has PoV because McCrae asked what he's doing]
  20. Judd evicted after possibly the dumbest veto ceremony speech ever. Andy wins HoH in a 3 way tie at the end.
  21. 12:04PM HoH, still. Andy still in DR. McRae and Judd are making airplanes. GM is still working on origami. Spencer is in bed flipping through the spytv channels. Random FotH. 12:08PM McRae throwing airplanes off balcony outside HoH. Spencer trying to follow it on spycam TV. McRae fails, then comes back in and admits that he used to try to make badass planes with his little friends in daycare. Says it was sad. 12:10PM Judd inquires again about whether they'll get booze tonight. He really wants to juice his xanax. McRae says "the person I was talking to says there might be something else going on tonight. They could be talking about the w..." and then FotH. 12:11PM Feeds back, Spencer saying he's up for anything. McRae says a punishment roulette would be fine. Spencer says maybe they'll take them out in the back yard and have Dr Will give them all botox so they look all fucked up. 12:12PM Spencer starts talking about horror movies...specifically Dr. Giggles. GM and her friend Kelly used to say that the blood came out in the ice cream. 12:13PM Andy comes back into HoH from DR and announces no booze tonight. Spencer says they've made an appointment for andy with Dr. Giggles for his vagina. Andy says "from now on, they said we can't say..." and FotH. 12:14PM all HG in HOH. The guys are complaining about the back yard being closed. Super-boring night in BB house. I'm out.
  22. 11:41PM Spencer speculates that Ian from BB14 had a DR before/after hosting the competition. Judd reiterates that he didn't really like Ian on BB14. 11:42PM Spencer spends a lot of time, with repeat visits, picking his nose while talking to Andy and Judd in HOH. Then he chews his fingernails.Yuck. 11:44PM Andy says October and Halloween is his favorite month. Spencer says he doesn't like Halloween. 11:45PM Spencer wonders what's happened to McRae, leaves HOH and calls down to McRae, who was talking to GM. Asks McRae to check for booze. 11:46PM Spencer reports back to Andy and Judd that McRae was down talking to GM. Judd immediately thinks the worst and says "Oh, My God!" Andy is called to DR and GM and McRae comes in to HOH. 11:48PM GM says randomly, "damn that shit hurts like a bitch." She examines her knee area and exclaims "look at that fucker..." She then pulls her bandage back to air out the wound with the stitches on her knee. 11:51PM Crew in HOH talking about punching things when angry. Judd says he punched a porch once and that's why his pinky knuckle is recessed, still. McRae admits to punching a number of holes in things, then says he's not really an angry person. 11:53PM GM requests the theme song to Mr. Belevedere tomorrow. Judd asks who that is. GM explains, "He's a butler and shit." 11:55PM McRae and maybe GM making paper airplanes (GM might be doing origami proper, still). GM asks for help with the instructions. "All right, what's this mean," she says to McRae, and we get FotH.
  23. 12:52AM Aaryn believes that the Veto will be Zingbot themed. 12:53AM More speculation from Amanda about Elissa getting some special power. Speculation on what Pandora's box will bring. Spencer wants money, but Andy things Rachel is a possibility. 12:55AM Elissa comes in to chair room, but no HOH key yet. She's putting on makeup for her closeup. Spencer is singing "Devil Went Down to Georgia" and we get FotH. 12:58AM Elissa goes into DR, then comes out with her key and the performance ramps up for the cameras. Everyone follows her upstairs. 12:59AM Elissa picks up the first picture she sees in the room and points out her husband, her stepson, her stepson, and her son. Aaryn says Elissa's son is so precious. 01:02AM GM wants to know what's in the basket. She's over the pics and is all about the basket swag. Elissa got Taylor Swift, a yoga met, and a bottle of vodka [Andy has to be jealous!]. Her letter is from Rachel. Elissa starts choking up while reading the letter. 01:05AM Elissa says she and her husband were married in Costa Rica. 01:06AM Elissa going on about Manduka yoga mats. It's the best, and the one they gave her is not a Manduka mat, and Manduka is the best. 01:09AM Elissa says she misses her little angel (son) as she kisses his picture, and then she says she misses her husband [long pause]...and all my kids. 01:10AM Elissa talking about her "angel" her husband, and her mom and what her mom sent her. Amanda commenting no candy in the whole basket. Elissa says she doesn't like sweets. Elissa says that's what you get with a fitness and nutrition instructor. Amanda looks at the bottle and it's Tequila. Elissa says she'll share. Amanda is fixated on the bottle. The tequila has triple sec already mixed in [gonna be delicious!] - someone goes to get cups so they can get that 12.5% alcohol in their bodies ASAP. 01:15AM Mcrae is back with champagne flutes for the tequila/triple sec concoction. 01:17AM Elissa talking up Manduka mats again and again. Everyone's drinking the tequila mix, except maybe Spencer. Elissa says she wants to make clear that Manduka knows she only recommends their mats. And FotH. 01:20AM Elissa makes a toast to Judd being back in the house, and Judd returns the thought by toasting her getting HoH. 01:21AM Elissa looking at the Taylor Swift album. She says her favorite song is, unsurprisingly, "Mean." 01:23AM Andy [and everyone, pretty much] commenting on how Jessie had such a bad vibe when she came in to compete to get back in the house. 01:24AM Amanda says she was surprised by how Jessie was when she came back to compete. Something like Jessie said "fuck you" to Amanda. Amanda wonders WHAT was said in the Jury house to make her do something like that when she came back. 01:26AM Judd says he's almost out of smokes. 01:27AM Elissa steers the conversation back to Elissa. "Do you think my son looks like me?" [Can't hang with this conversation until the alcohol kicks in and things undoubtedly heat up. I'm out for the night.]
  24. 12:43AM Andy talking about how that had to rerecord his noms because he called Aaryn "poopy", his pet name for her. He had to do it again and call her by her name. 12:47AM Aaryn telling Judd about Amanda and McRae's wedding and the scriptures that Andy read that were inappropriate because "the wife had to serve her husband and be his bitch." and the other passage about incest. 12:48AM GM says she can't understand the bible, Aaryn says she's never read it. 12:49AM Andy comments that Aaryn succeeded in getting out the last minority. GM pipes up and says, "no, I did!" Andy reminds her that Helen is a minority. GM says, oh yeah...she's "oriental?" Conversation shifts into conversation about lineage of HG in the room. Someone [spencer?] says they're part Mayan.
  25. 12:20AM Andy dogging on Candice to Judd in WA 12:22AM Amanda, Andy, McRae, Rudd in WA BS'ing about jury and returning player scenarios. Andy says he would have shit his heart out through his fuckin' butt if Jeremy had come back. 12:23AM McManda have split the WA and gone to the lounge to strategize. 12:24AM McRae comments that Amanda going on the block is fucked up. Amanda, "Does she [Elissa] not see that?" Judd got reprimanded for talking about production. 12:25AM Andy has joined McManda in the Lounge. 12:26AM Andy said Elissa told him she's not putting up GM, Spencer, Judd, and Andy. 12:27AM McRae's paranoia shows as he speculates that if Elissa wins veto she'll take off Aaryn and put him up against Amanda. Someone's still talking about production elsewhere. BB just popped in with a reminder about verboten production talk. 12:29AM McRae makes a halfhearted wish for Pandora's box where he gets a veto this week. 12:30AM McRae splits the lounge, leaving Andy and Amanda to chat. 12:31AM Andy says he'll try to talk to Elissa tomorrow, but isn't hopeful about changing her mind. Amanda says "She's fuckin' insane." 12:33AM Amanda says it's stupid that Elissa isn't putting Judd up to send out again. Andy chimes in with the "fact" that everyone knows how dangerous he is. [Haha! Paranoia...it's what's for breakfast.] 12:34AM Amanda and Andy exit the lounge. Andy announces to GM in the WA that he has to poop and heads to WC...then drifts back into view and chats with GM instead. GM gives Andy permission to purge and he closes the WC door as GM keeps talking to him. 12:35AM GM exits WA and heads to storeroom, finds beer and yells "muthafuckas, there's some beer heah!" out the SR door. Spencer and Judd appear to teleport into the SR with Aaryn right behind. They decide how to divide the hooch and exit the SR. 12:37AM Cameras on GM by her bed as she enthusiastically says out loud that she gets to sleep in a bed tonight! 12:40AM Spencer denying that he got one of the beers [a lie] when asked about it. 12:41AM Spencer, GM, Aaryn, Judd, Andy speculating in the chair room what various BB clothes and things would go for if people signed them and sold them. 12:42AM Aaryn saying she hated lite beer. Andy says his fantasy is to walk into the SR and see a bunch of vodka. Spencer says being too drunk to fuck "sucks."



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