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Posts posted by turkinator28

  1. Amanda to Candice during the veto competition:

    “That’s the Shaniqua coming out of you, I guess!”

    “Am I racist now? I’m racist now.


    On the 24-hour Internet feed of the house, Amanda Zuckerman, who's white, mocked the accent of a Korean woman and referred to "Puerto Rican showers," leading to a debate about whether she's racist.

    "I'm just joking," said Zuckerman, a 28-year-old real estate agent from Boynton Beach, Fla. "I've had sex with Puerto Rican guys before."


    But wait, there's more:

    "She wore my f---in' head band and didn't ask," Zuckerman said about African American housemate Candice Stewart. "She took it off your f---in' head and put it on her greasy-ass, nappy-hair head."

    In another instance, Zuckerman referred to African American contestant Howard Overby as "the black mamba" and "the dark knight." She also referred to herself as a "f** hag" and used the term "retarded" on multiple occasions.


    Also, Amanda has made a lot of anti-gay remarks, mocking Andy as a f**, fairy and queer boy (no wait, that was Aryan.) Amanda wanted to slit Elissa's throat and wanted to pass her lifeless body around to all the men in the house to engage in necrophilia. She also wanted all the men in the house to gang rape Jessie. The examples above were just from Amanda. There are plenty of other examples from Vagina Marie and Aryan Nation.


    This is the worst cast in the worst season of Big Brother and it has brought out the worst comments in some of the posters here.



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