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Posts posted by turkinator28

  1. I am not sure I get the outrage. I have a mentally handicapped 39 year old nephew and I was not offended. I thought GM was just having trouble finding the right word.

    Maybe she's umm, "Brain dumb?"

    Ha ha no! Oh it's Autism!

    Dat's it. Youse has Autism, Ginamarie. Dem cock-a-roach-es 'n rats needs ta talk slower twos ya.

    • See what I did there?
  2. How did Aryan get a raw deal when Chenbot used Aryan's own words? You hypocrites would have blasted Chen had she not asked Aryan about her comments.

    Jeff Schroeder has two strikes in two shows spanning years. Aryan has had a dozen strikes in one show just this year. She's struck out four times.

    Since this thread is still open I will go ahead and post this


    Are we sure this picture was not taken at the pimp and ho ball in Las Vegas?

  3. 6:46PM BBT GM is comparing Elissa to "a kid I used to work with, he was slow, you had to go slow, oh what is it called?" Andy asks "Down Syndrome?" GM "No" Spencer "Brain dumb?" GM "Ha no! oh it's not ADHD it's oh Autism! They look normal but they aren't you gotta go slow" She leaves the room.
    Judd "Why does she say things like that?"

  4. From what I've heard it's something like 5 years. If they blab beforehand they could get sued for millions.

    The contract I saw said they can't blab for 5 years and the penalty for blabbing is two million dollars--though, I'm sure many attorneys would argue that the contract is unenforceable.

  5. I had a black dachshund named Kobe. Does that make me racist? dog02e.gif

    You named your wiener dog after a city in Japan or a cut of beef? I have a white cat named George Dubya. I named him that not because he's white but because he's the dumbest pet I've ever owned.

    Aaryn: "My llama, my dad named it Martin Luther."

    Spencer: "The Protestant reformer? What color was the llama?"

    Aaryn: "Black. She had a white baby though."

    Spencer: "What did y'all name that one, James Earl Ray."

    Aaryn: "Um, no, I don't remember what my dad named it."

    Oh my god, y'all. There's almost too many things about that exchange. First off, kudos to Spencer for knowing A) who Martin Luther was and B) who shot Martin Luther King Jr. You may think those things are obvious, but we're pretty sure Aaryn knows neither of those things.

    Obviously, her dad named their black llama Martin Luther King and either he (previously) or Aaryn (now) inadvertently made a funny joke by shortening the name. The white Martin Luther was, as Spencer says, one of the initiators of the Protestant Reformation roughly 500 years ago.

    Secondly, the "James Earl Ray" joke sails high over her head. And while Spencer has said many offensive things in the house, we don't think this was one of them. He was poking fun at Aaryn and her family.

    Can I get an "AMEN" to locking this topic?


  6. She's extremely ugly on the inside.

    "While I love and continue to support my daughter Aaryn, words cannot describe my disappointment in some of her comments made on 'Big Brother.' These inappropriate comments certainly do not represent the value system under which her father and I have raised her."--Elizabeth Owens, mother of Aaryn Gries


    "I know what my dad will say. My dad will say that I got evicted because people are being PC and would not vote out the "queer."--Aaryn Gries, on the block with the "queer" Andy, the night before she was evicted

  7. I highly doubt Julie will play that clip of GM saying ''nigger insurance '' or what GM said about the baby. ;)

    So? It is on the internet for the world to see for eternity. I find it odd that you want CBS to treat all racists equally, since racists by definition feel others are inferior and they are superior. Maybe Chenbot came down harder on Aaryn because of all her anti-Asian comments. I really don't care.



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