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Posts posted by IndyMom78

  1. Previously on Big Brother Canada, at a buttoned-up HoH comp, the houseguests were hardpressed to keep pressing. And when Big Brother tempted Will with a call from home, Kaela sweetened the deal, "Take the phone call and you're safe and I'm HoH." The toast of the coast spoke to his son and the smooth operator [Kaela] dialed up her first HoH win of the season.


    With the two power duos riding high, and Ryan feeling low, Kaela pulled the strings and Ryan spilled the beans.


    Fueled by fresh intel, Kaela went to work raising hell. The pint-size puppetmaster reveled in the ruckus; but after the fireworks and Maddy's waterworks, Paras worked her magic.


    Then, at the nomination ceremony, the girl with the pearls put up Will as the pawn and Ryan as her target.


    Tonight, in a trippy veto comp, who will win Big Brother's passport to safety? Where there's a Will, is there a way-- off the block? Or has Ryan punched a one-way ticket out the door? Buckle your seatbelts, it's time for take-off on Big Brother Canada.


    We pick up after the nomination ceremony and Kaela says she just called out Ryan in the ceremony and as HOH she’s going to continue to stir the post.  She doesn’t care who she has to lie to, what stories she has to make up, or how she makes people feel. She loves playing off people’s emotions. Emotional players are easy to manipulate and there are a lot of emotional players in there.


    Ryan says with this being his third straight nomination it confirms what he’s already known for awhile…no one has his back. He knows this time it’s worse than any before. He’s going to have to get in there and win the veto or do a lot of scrambling to stay in the house this week.


    Will says he thinks Kaela is a dirty liar. She said in her speech that Ryan was a manipulator and liar and he thinks Kaela is the exact same. She stabbed him in the back and used him as a pawn and thinks everything is ok? He’s going after her and he wants her blood on his hands.


    Paras can’t believe she saved Maddy and got Ryan on the block. Paras pulls Maddy to the side and says she needs to act sad and cry and blame everything on Ryan. Maddy says me? Cry on command? No problem. And she smiles for the camera. Maddy leaves and Paras celebrates and can’t believe she did that.


    Ryan wants to talk to Kaela and he says despite telling people all day that he wouldn’t go up but he needs to reinforce his version of events and remind her that it wasn’t him that set everyone against her. He tells her that her speech was harsh and it’s not true. He says the idea that he manipulated everyone is a little strong and Kaela says she does feel strong about that. Ryan says he’s been on the outside looking in and just doing what everyone has told him to do. Kaela says she’s just going off the information she was given. Ryan says she was given false information.


    Kaela wants to know who he is claiming the ring leader was and Ryan says it was Maddy and Johnny was the second person he was supposed to and then Paras and Will. Kaela tells him she was told Ryan convinced Johnny and then he went to Maddy. Ryan says that’s not true and they’ve been telling him all along Daela. Kaela asks all four of them and Ryan confirms. Ryan says if they all four sat down and told her he was the ring leader, they all lied to her. Kaela says at this point she doesn’t know who’s lying and who is not.


    Will and Maddy are downstairs and Maddy says she didn’t know that was going to happen. Will says at least she is safe and she says so are you. Will says he’s on the block, you’re never safe on the block. Will says Ryan is cuddling up to her right now right? Maddy confirms and Will says Ryan isn’t beating him in that veto competition. Will wants Maddy to go up and interrupt their conversation and thank Kaela for saving her.


    Maddy goes into the HOH and says she’d like to have a conversation when Kaela has a chance. Ryan stands up to leave and Kaela says just to confirm all four of them and Ryan again confirms.


    Ryan goes to ask Will to chat with him in the white rose room. Will says how was that for TV and Ryan says he’d rather have not been called a manipulative liar on in front of the entire country, but it is what it is. Will says no one saw that coming and now he has a huge target on his back as a pawn and Ryan says no he doesn’t, not this week. Ryan asks Will if his name came out of his mouth today and Will asks if she told him it did. Will says he’ll swear Ryan never slipped out of his mouth. Ryan says she told him that all four of them, Maddy, Paras, Johnny, and Will told her he was the ring leader behind trying to get them out. Will asks Ryan if he takes his word for it and Ryan says he takes his over most. Ryan says this is his third straight nomination and Will tells him to fight for his life tomorrow. Ryan doesn’t know that he wants to play. He lives in an honest world and this game, he has everyone lying to his face.


    Kaela and Derek are downstairs with Erica, Maddy, Alejandra, Johnny, and Paras and she tells them Ryan threw Maddy, Paras, Johnny, and Will under the bus. Kaela tells Maddy that Ryan was very adamant she was the ring leader. Maddy says she’s furious. Maddy tells us well, yeah, I was the ring leader, but Ryan is a grown man and if he thinks he can go up and blame it all on her with no implications on himself, he’s wrong. Maddy says she needs to put out this fire quickly and what better way to do that than with big crocodile tears.


    Maddy goes to talk to Ryan and asks to talk with him alone. She starts to cry and says how dare he and that she stuck up for him. Ryan says Maddy told him he needed to shift his target and she says then why did you Kaela and Derek’s name before that? He says he didn’t and says he shifted to Ali and Olivia. Maddy says Ryan says he didn’t want to go after Ali and Liv, he wanted to go after Kaela and Derek. Ryan says what do you mean I’m throwing you under the bus? She says because you said I was the ring leader. Maddy says I don’t believe you, this is heartbreaking. Maddy tells Ryan he sewered the people who voted to keep him last week.


    The HG head out to the veto competition and it’s Air Transat. Erica, Johnny, and Derek are joining Kaela, Ryan, and Will to play for the veto. Olivia is hosting and is dressed as a stewardess. Will says of all the airports he’s been in Canada, she’s the hottest customs officer he’s seen yet.


    Houseguests: Grab your passports and get ready for an adventure as you’ll be jetsetting through three of Air Transat’s 26 fabulous European destinations. The winner will win the POV, but that’s not all. The winner will also receive a trip for two to London, England. Kaela would love to go to London and she’d probably take Derek.


    First stop, the city of love, Paris, France. Each of them will transfer one champagne glass at a time to their tray and lap around their table to pick up their next glass. Once they have all 21 of their glass they must stack them in a pyramid shape. If at any point you drop one glass, you must start all over. The first four HG to successfully stack their glasses will continue on to the next destination.


    Ryan says this competition is stacked against him. Erica and Johnny have 7 comp wins between them. Kaela is a professional server. This isn’t looking good. There’s no way he survives an eviction vote, this is do or die. Johnny says this is about staying calm, cool, and collected and keeping that laser focus going. Johnny is down and has to start over. Erica also has to start over. Derek is starting over as well. Then Will. Will says it’s ten times harder than it looks.


    Kaela says she’s been a server for several years and she’s won server of the year, there is no way she has this. Kaela doesn’t think Ryan has the upper hand in this one and she doesn’t think he’ll do well at all. Ryan is the first to start on his pyramid. He takes his time as he’s shaking and he’s the first to move on. He says he beat Kaela at her own game. Sorry, not sorry, mon Cherie. Will drops again and let’s out a scream of frustration.


    Will says he needs to win this veto because if Ryan wins someone else will be next to him and he’ll be the next to go. Johnny says Will and Ryan can’t win this veto because he’s pretty sure he was on Kaela’s radar. Erica begins working on her pyramid. She finishes and moves on. Johnny begins his pyramid. Kaela says the longer she does this her arm hurts. Johnny finishes his pyramid and moves on.


    Who will get the last spot, Kaela, Derek, or Will? Will drops again and lets out another scream of frustration. Kaela starts working on her pyramid. Derek is starting his pyramid and Will drops again. Derek says he and Kaela are working and he thinks he’ll let her win because she’s his HOH and he doesn’t want to end up in the dog house. Kaela finishes her pyramid and is the final HG to move on to the next destination.


    Will is frustrated and says if Ryan wins veto and takes himself off, then Will is in trouble.


    Welcome to London! Ryan, Erica, Johnny, and Kaela, must maneuver their stick through a maze that represents London’s underground subway system. The first two HG to succeed will then move on to the final destination.


    Kaela says Ryan is her number one target and if he stays he’s definitely targeting her so she needs to make it to the next round. Erica says she’d love to go on a trip to London with her girlfriend so she’s going for it. Johnny makes quick work of the puzzle and is the first to move on. Ryan completes his puzzle and moves on with Johnny. Ryan says there is a new comp beast in town! Cheerio Kaela, you’ve been eliminated!


    Welcome to Rome, the final stage of this competition. It’s Johnny vs Ryan for the POV! Here you two will race to put together a veto symbol. First, you must smash the clay pots to uncover your puzzle pieces. Once you collect all twenty of your pieces, you can begin your puzzle. Be careful! If you smash a clay pot with black sand you will receive a time penalty! The first person to complete their puzzle will win the POV, as well as the trip to London!


    Ryan says he WILL win the veto, he WILL earn his freedom, and he WILL have his vengeance.


    Johnny recaps what they are doing and Ryan says this is Big Brother’s house and he’s trying to treat it with respect, but tell him he can smash something?!? Johnny breaks a pot and it has black sand and he has a time penalty. He says this is valuable time he’s losing and if Ryan takes himself off the block he could be Kaela’s next target. Ryan breaks a pot with black sand just as Johnny’s penalty is over. Johnny breaks a pot and he has a time penalty again and Ryan goes back and he gets a penalty back to back. Ryan says he cannot lose to Johnny because there is no way he’d use the veto on him.


    Johnny has all 20 of his pieces and is starting his puzzle. Ryan is not far behind. Johnny is frustrated and he says he needs to use his brain. Ryan is mumbling that he has to focus and figure out the pieces. Johnny says something isn’t right and he’s rearranging things. Johnny thinks he has it and he does. Ryan is devastated and kneels at his puzzle podium. Johnny tells us sorry Ryan, but he had to keep himself safe this week. Will tells Ryan good try.


    Ryan says close isn’t good enough. It means he failed his family and that’s a pretty heavy burden to carry. Alejandra goes to comfort him and Ryan says he needs time. Ryan says six years of waiting, six years of anticipation and he’s going home without even coming close.


    Kaela and Derek are in the storage room talking and she says she was thinking that if Johnny didn’t win that then he was going to be Ryan’s replacement nominee. Derek says he was thinking the same thing and Kaela says they were both literally fighting for their lives there. Derek says this is good because Ryan goes home and Johnny is even more of a target.


    Ryan, Will, Johnny, and Erica are outside and they tell Ryan good try. Johnny says Ryan doubled his time on that puzzle and Erica says Ryan caught up hugely in that puzzle. Ryan says nice try doesn’t mean squat, nice try means go home. Erica says at least you made it past the first round. Ryan says it doesn’t matter and Erica says you don’t think it matters? Ryan says it doesn’t matter if you get close if you don’t win. Today was win or go home and he is going home. Erica says there could be a secret veto out there. Canada votes are out there. Ryan says no one is using it on me, I’m toxic.


    Will tells us he just lost the veto and he’s on the block and he needs to talk to Johnny and see if he’ll use the veto on him. Johnny says he doesn’t want Will out of the game because he trusts him. Johnny tells Will he can’t ruin his entire game if Ryan is going home anyway. Johnny tells us he really likes Will and he could be a huge asset in the game to him.


    Alejandra is in the WA with Olivia and she asks her to dance. Olivia is waiting for her hair to dry. Alejandra says they escaped the block again this week and they are sitting pretty so they can be a couple of ding dongs without a care in the world. Alejandra says her and Olivia are from two very different worlds, but she’s exactly what Ali needs in the house to balance herself.


    Kaela invited Derek, Ryan, and Will to play monopoly on their game night. Kaela fleeces Will out of a property and Ryan tells Will why it was a horrible deal. Ryan says he can’t stop talking strategy. Ryan says Monopoly is like Big Brother and you have to work with people’s personalities. Ryan says Kaela believes she’s a manipulator, and Will is too trusting, and Derek….is just Derek.


    Johnny and Erica are in the red rose room talking and Erica says she thinks Johnny narrowly escaped a backdoor this week. Erica says this game looks so much easier without Daela. Johnny agrees but doesn’t know if the veto should be used. He says it’s a power he has in a game where he hasn’t enacted any power. Erica says Johnny could present facts to Kaela. Johnny says they could tell her Will is nervous. Johnny tells us saving Will could be good for his game, but he has to convince Kaela it’s also good for her game.


    Johnny goes to talk to Kaela. Johnny begins floating the idea of maybe saving Will. He asks Kaela if she thinks people want her and Derek out so bad they might be willing to keep Ryan around. Kaela thinks he has crossed too many people. Johnny tells her he had a conversation with Will and he’s bummed and feeling not safe. Kaela tells us she doesn’t know why Johnny is messing with her nominations? If everyone is on board to get Ryan out, there is no need to change anything. Kaela tells us Johnny thinks he can outsmart her, but watch her outsmart him.


    Kaela discusses putting Maddy up and then Ali. Johnny isn’t saying any names and Kaela wants to know what Johnny’s heart wants him to do. Johnny says his gut wants him to save Will.  Kaela says no one wants to be on the block. Kaela says Johnny is starting to annoy her so she’s going to drag his name around and put a huge target on his back.


    Kaela tells Ali that Johnny mentioned her as a replacement nominee. Kaela says he wants to save Will to get Will on his side. Kaela says Johnny said he wants to save Will because Will feels like he has no one and everyone is in pairs and Johnny could be a pair with Will. Kaela then says Johnny told her she could throw Ali up and made it sound like if Ryan didn’t go home, she could still get out someone she wanted to instead of an accident. Kaela then tells Ali Johnny called her sketchy. Kaela tells us Johnny didn’t really call Ali sketchy. Kaela says Johnny didn’t mention anything about Erica though. She asks Ali if she thinks Johnny has Erica more than they do and Ali says 100%. He’s in her ear and Kaela says he scares her. Ali says Johnny has go next week. Kaela says if Johnny uses that veto, maybe she’ll take a shot at Erica.


    Johnny heads to the throne room. He’s earned the right to pull down Ryan or Will or keep the nominees the same. This is his third veto and he would love to make a power move. Time is ticking in this game and the power move would be to save Will, but it could destroy his game. As for Ryan, everyone wants him out so to keep in the game and throw a bomb in everyone’s face would be hilarious. But whatever he decides will be for the big picture. He’s not playing week to week, he’s playing for the finals and if this week can help build his position for that, then he will go for it.


    It’s time for the POV Ceremony! Ryan speaks first and says in competition one mans victory is another man’s defeat. He won and Ryan didn’t and his game was on the line. His game is still on the line. Help him Johnny Mulder, he’s his only hope.


    Will says congratulations. He says if he doesn’t use the veto on him he’s going to come after him next week and send his ass out the door. All jokes aside, he trusts the decision he will make and all the HG to keep Big Willie safe and send Big Red out the door.


    Johnny has decided…not to use the POV. He realizes he has an opportunity to reach out a hand and bring one of them out of the darkness into safety. But when one hand pulls, another hand pushes and he doesn’t believe the benefits outweigh the risks. He feels like they are both great people and he wishes them the best of luck in their fight this week.


    Ryan’s head is down and he says this is going to be the toughest battle he’s faced yet if he wants to stay. Will is well liked and he is not. Will says even though everyone is telling him he’s safe and he’s a pawn, you still never feel 100% on the block. Especially when there are so many shady people in the house.


    Now that you know who’s up for eviction, Canada can save someone from eviction or keep the nominees as is. If they decide not to use it, then they will get one more chance to use it next week.

  2. Coming up in the next hour if Ryan or Merron will be saved. And they have another bombshell to drop and Canada will be involved. Arisa says Merron the pawn has turned into Merron the target and new targets fall into the crosshairs.


    We pick up after the POV ceremony and Johnny hugs both nominees. Ryan says he’s still on the block next to Merron which has been death to those who have been there before. But he just needs to lay low. Erica says there are 8 votes this week and if there is a tie she will have to vote and she hopes it doesn’t come to that.


    Merron says he’s on the block next to Ryan who is too smart for his own good and he has to secure some key votes. Paras tells us so far the house has been unanimous in votes, but this week is different and you have to decide which side of the house you are on.


    Merron is talking to Kaela and telling her that Ryan is confident he is safe and Merron is going home. Kaela tells him Ryan is trying to get Merron to freak out and put a target on his back. Merron says he doesn’t freak out. Kaela says she is voting to keep Merron because she doesn’t trust Ryan. Kaela advises Merron to throw Ryan under the bus because people are saying he doesn’t talk game.


    Alejandra, Paras, and Olivia are talking and Ali is pitching voting Ryan out and Olivia is focusing on her leg muscles. Talk returns to who they should vote out and Ali says she needs Ryan out because he’s not good for any of their games and he’s cocky and arrogant, they just need to get him out.


    Ryan is sitting upstairs on a bench and Erica comes out of the HOH room and invites him in. Ryan says he needs to make sure he has Erica’s vote, even if he has to throw Kaela under the bus. Ryan says he thinks Erica wants Daela out and if she thinks Merron is working with them maybe she’ll vote him out. Ryan tells us he thinks he has Will, Paras, Maddy, and Johnny, as well as Erica if needed to vote for him to stay. Ryan wants to throw his apple away in her garbage and Erica asks him not to. Erica says this decision this week is not so cut and dry. She says keeping Ryan might be good because he’s an open book and his targets are not her. She says keeping Merron might be good because he’s proven not to be good at comps.


    Erica is talking to Johnny and Will about her thoughts on if Merron is working with Kaela and Derek and she doesn’t think Kaela would recruit Merron because she’s too smart to align herself with someone who can’t win a competition. As she’s talking, Merron, Kaela, and Derek sneak up to the HOH and come in to do a step routine. Erica says Merron is sleeping with the enemy right now. 


    Arisa reminds Canada they can vote for which game to put in the HOH room each week. The HG love their game nights. Arisa then turns to the nominees and says we’ll check out their campaigns to stay.


    Kaela, Olivia, and Alejandra are talking in the red rose room. They are talking about what they would do if they were outside of the house. Olivia says hang out with family, watch a movie, and go to her favorite restaurant…and find a guy to sleep with. They look at Kaela and she says maybe in jury. Kaela says Derek hasn’t even French kissed her yet.


    Ryan and Paras are talking in the white rose room and they are talking about her home life and family and how she grew up. Her family moved from Iran and they were permanent residents of Canada for three years and then they became Canadian citizens. She loves the people in Canada, the open mindedness, and how people are so kind. Paras says coming from a religious background and conservative family but having liberal ideas it’s hard to find a balance. She wonders what her family is thinking watching her in the BB house because it’s important to her to make the two most important people in her life proud.


    Erica and Johnny are talking in the storage room and they are discussing who Maddy and Will are voting for and if they’d vote the other way. Erica says up to this point she’s been trying to keep the peace between the power duos of Daela and Ali and Olivia, but she’s going to have start burning bridges soon and keeping Ryan will light some fires. Erica tells Johnny if the vote is four-four she will be voting to keep Ryan.


    Merron is stressing about this vote and he has to talk to Erica because if there is a tie, she will be the tie-breaker vote. Erica tells Merron she wants to be honest with him. With Ryan she knows where his target is aimed, but with Merron she has absolutely no idea. Merron pitches working with Erica if she keeps him in the house. Merron tells Erica how confident Ryan is and Erica says she doesn’t understand how someone so smart can be so dumb. Erica says she hates that at this point it feels like it’s out of her control.


    Ryan and Merron are in the red rose room and Merron says he’s doing a bad job of campaigning. Ryan says it will either happen or it won’t. Merron wants to know why Ryan is still talking to him and acting like they are friends and it pisses him off that Ryan feels so safe. Ryan and Merron talk about how they aren’t at each other’s throats. Ryan leaves and Merron talks to himself and says Ryan is all talk and he’s too obvious. Merron says he’s walking around the house so confident. Merron says he is at Ryan’s throat, he just doesn’t want him to know that.


    This season started with 8 independent, opinionated strong women. Now there are 6 left and it’s clear they are running the show. Johnny says he loves women, they run the world. Olivia says the women are stronger than the men in the house. Hamza has said Paras has some game. They say Kaela is smart and Alejandra is so strong. Erica says Maddy has proven to be a strong woman and Ryan talks about Olivia being dangerous, he thinks she’s the smartest.


    It’s time to head back inside to see who wants it more, Merron or Ryan. Erica and Kaela are talking and Kaela says she loves have Erica for a friend, but they don’t see eye to this week. She needs to make Erica see that Ryan is not good for her game. Kaela says Ryan will be a threat in comps that require intelligence, where Merron won’t. Kaela says it’s starting to feel like there are fractures in the alliance and she needs to rally everyone and get them on the same page…her page.


    Kaela, Olivia, and Alejandra all talk about getting rid of Ryan and Kaela says Ryan has a better chance at making an alliance than Merron. Alejandra says Ryan needs to go.


    Paras tells Ali that Ryan heard her say they can’t trust that b*tch and she needs to get to the bottom of it. She talks to Ali and Ali says it didn’t happen, that it’s false. Ali says Ryan talks to much and he needs to get his butt out of the door. Ali goes to Erica and Will and says she’s going to call out Ryan and she wants them to have her back.


    Johnny, Will, Erica, Maddy, and Ali are in the white rose room and Paras comes in with Ryan and Ali confronts him. Ryan says he knows he heard her say and she wants to know who she said it about. Ryan says well he doesn’t think she’d call a man a b*tch, so by process of elimination it had to be Paras. Ali says she didn’t say that and Ryan made an assumption. Ryan says she’s been trying to get him out all week and Ali says so you’re making an assumption of an assumption? Ryan says he believes what he heard and Ali says she’s done walks out. Ryan asks the rest of the room if they are ok and things are uncomfortable.


    As we go to commercial, Arisa tells us she’s going to make another announcement that involves Canada keeping someone safe.


    It’s time to head inside for a few surprises and eviction votes. Arisa goes over what the winner of Big Brother Canada will win. She says she knows who stressful and long the weeks seem and she let’s them know they are proud of her. Arisa but they still manage to have fun and she shows them various clips of them goofing around.


    Arisa says the time for fun and games is over for now. Ryan gets to speak first and he thanks his wife and son and he can’t wait to see them and his boss. He’s lost 28 pounds and gained 15 new best friends and he can’t wait to have them as HG in his own home. Whatever the results of the vote today he’s enjoyed his experience.


    Merron gives shout outs to those at home. He says people want to know who his targets are and this is their chance to figure it out. If they vote for him to stay, then they will have his 100% loyalty.


    It’s time to vote.

    Derek votes to evict Ryan.

    Kaela votes to evict Ryan.

    Johnny votes to evict Merron.

    Maddy votes to evict Merron.

    Paras votes to evict Merron.

    Alejandra votes to evict Ryan.

    Will votes to evict Merron.

    Olivia votes to evict Merron.


    By a vote of 5-3 Merron has been evicted from the Big Brother Canada house. As Merron leaves he tells them he and Veronica were voted in by Canada and they just got rid of Canada’s boy.


    Arisa says Canada voted him but why couldn’t he win a comp? Merron says it pains him so much, he apologizes for letting them down. He feels so blessed to be there and so grateful.


    Arisa says people were strategizing all around him, why did it take him so long to talk game, where’s his killer instinct? Merron says it must have been missing. He didn’t want to go too aggressive and he just didn’t trust anyone.


    Derek is going to miss his energy and Olivia says he’s a great guy and this gam just wasn’t for him. Alejandra says she tried to save him but it wasn’t enough and she will be seeking revenge. Ryan says it sucked they were on the block together and any campaigning he had to do was strictly game. Erica says on a personal level it sucks he had to go, but she can’t win a game of chess with a board full of pawns. Kaela says he was one of her best friends in the house and it’s going to suck without him.


    It’s time to find a new HOH. It’s called buttoned up. They will reach up and push the button above them and keep it held. When they let go, they are out of the competition. There is also a temptation and the first HG to hit their button for the temptation will win it, but they will be eliminated from the competition. There will be no have-nots this week, but for every 5 minutes they are in the competition, they will be on slop for 1 hour.


    Paras switches her arms already. All HG look strong to start and Ryan asks if anyone has any good stories. Paras says her arm is already falling asleep.


    Arisa tells Canada that they will have the opportunity to save one HG next week. After Wednesday’s show they will be able to vote to save a nominee or leave the nominees the same. If they leave them the same, they will get ONE more chance to save a nominee the following week.

  3. We pick up after the nomination ceremony. Erica says she chose to nominate Ryan because he’s not popular with most of the HG and she’s trying to switch gears from making big moves to smaller moves. She nominated Merron because he’s bee a great pawn and those types of people get taken to the end and she can’t have that. Merron says this is his third time on the block and he feels nothing but frustration at this point and he has no one to blame but himself.


    Ryan says back to back nominations and he feels a little more comfortable this time. He thinks Erica has his back and wants Merron to go home, but you can never fully trust anyone in this house. Erica and Ryan talk and she tells him he’s a pawn and Ryan says Merron might be trying to pawn it to the end. Ryan’s only concern is if Merron wins veto and he thinks if Merron comes down she has to make a big move or he will go home against almost anyone.


    Olivia and Alejandra are talking and they are discussing pulling Merron in. Olivia tells us her and Ali have become a power due and they will stop at nothing to win this game. Ali is concerned about Ryan’s relationship with Erica and he might be loyal to her, but Merron will be a number for Olivia and Ali because he has no one.


    Merron is in the red rose room talking to himself. He says Erica has been having the best Big Brother experience and he’s having the worst. He’s hitting his head lightly against the wall and saying he needs to win the veto over and over. He says he needs to win the veto because he doesn’t think anyone will pull him off the block. Paras comes in and tries to pump Merron up. Merron says it really makes him angry that Erica put him up again. He wants to get off the block and do some crazy crap. Paras says he’s a really nice guy and if she’s nice to him and gives him attention and he stays he might want to work with her. She’s pumping him up and saying he can do it and Canada’s rooting for him.


    It’s time to pick players for the POV competition! Erica draws Alejandra. Merron draws Maddy. Ryan draws Johnny. Erica chooses the host as Paras.


    Ryan and Merron talk and Ryan says he doesn’t want to be nasty to each other and Merron agrees but says it’s still him vs Ryan. Ryan isn’t sure what kind of comp it will be and he’s working on shaking Merron’s confidence. He says he’s ready to win and Maddy will be motivated to win because she’s 0 for 9. Ryan says Erica might want to win it so she can do something like she did with Veronica. Ryan tells us Merron is a confident kid, but there’s some self-doubt and he’s going to keep poking at it. Ryan says he’s a nice guy, but at this point it’s him or Merron and he needs to shake him.


    It’s time for the veto competition and Alejandra is up first. They’re playing a game called Skip the Dishes and they have to scroll through ten orders on a tablet and deliver the food. If someone answers they are correct. But if someone answers and they don’t deliver the correct order, then they will have to try again. If no one answers they are incorrect and will have to try again. However, some of the orders have important information missing so they may have to scroll through the orders to get more information. The winner will win veto and $5,000.


    Alejandra goes first and she seemed to do pretty well. Maddy is next and she begins by scrolling through the orders and seems to be off to a slow start. Maddy goes to make her first delivery of a pizza, but doesn’t take it out of the bag and it gets handed back. She tries again and is still wrong. She finally realizes she has to take the pizza out of the bag. She completes her deliveries.


    Johnny is up next and he says he uses Skip the Dishes all the time at the home. He seems to be off to a good start and he says he’s not worried about time right now, he just wants to get everything right. He wants to win to protect his people and have some control. He finishes.


    Erica is up next and she wants to win because she put up her nominations for a reason and she doesn’t want them to change. She seemed to do well.


    Merron is up next. Merron feels like he will be faster than most of the people in the competition. He seems to get off a good start but then tries to make a delivery to the wrong address. He then switches the item thinking that’s what is wrong and he is wrong. He decides to skip it and go back. He does well with all of the rest of his deliveries and goes back to the one he skipped. He’s still trying to figure out what’s wrong with the order. He’s getting frustrated and says he doesn’t know what he’s missing and they highlight the worst “Use the Door Knocker”, which will help him with the address that is missing.


    Merron is still looking at the screen of the tablet and finally realizes his mistake. He’s frustrated and runs to make his delivery and buzzes in to stop his time. He is frustrated and is talking to himself asking why he rushed. He says he’s never been more disappointed himself.


    Ryan is up and he’s ready to take this one. Ryan says when he was younger he had a paper route and that experience will help with this. He says he wouldn’t have been able to do this two weeks ago and he’s dropped about 20 pounds since he’s been in the house and this is the competition where his exercise will pay off. He finishes and says he’s proud of his time because he ran every step.


    Paras is ready to reveal the times. The HG with the worst time of 11:23 is Maddy. Merron came in fifth and Ryan came in fourth. The winner with a time of 5:44 is Johnny. He has won the POV and a $5,000 gift card from Skip the Dishes.


    Merron says having the POV slipping through his fingers sucks. He doesn’t want Canada to feel like he is letting them down. He’s in the white rose room talking to himself and he says at least he wasn’t last. He’s done beating himself down, he’s over it. It is what it is.


    Olivia tells Johnny she wishes she could have watched him do that competition that fast. She tells Johnny she can’t understand why Erica wants Merron out over Ryan. Olivia wants to convince Johnny to use the veto on Merron to ensure Ryan goes home, but she’s trying to be subtle about it. Olivia can see that Johnny’s gears are turning and thinking about it and that’s exactly what she wanted.


    Erica has invited Merron, Alejandra, and Kaela to play Speak Out with her in the HOH room. Kaela says the three hardest letters to say are the B’s, R’s, and T’s. Ali says when Kaela can’t pronounce the word her eyes get really big. Erica says this game is comedy gold. Kaela and Ali won. Erica says that game was so fun.


    Ryan, Will, and Maddy are all outside talking and they are talking about how long they’ve been there already. Maddy says it’s the halfway point of the game. Will says it just makes you realize how close you are to winning and how that money could change your life. Will and Alejandra are talking about what they would do with the money in the HOH room while Will is listening to music. Ali wants to help her parents and pay off their debt and hers, but if she doesn’t get it, she’d like to see Will get it for Parker. She tells Will he’s a good dad.


    Johnny and Merron are in the white rose room talking. Merron would love for Johnny to use the veto on him. Johnny tells us Merron gets some points for asking him directly, and that’s what he wanted to hear. Merron says Johnny can trust him and he’s not gunning for him. Merron says if he stays this week he’d love to work with him. Johnny tells us Merron is saying Johnny can trust him, but Big Brother says 101 is you can’t trust anyone.


    Johnny says he needs to make sure if he uses the veto it’s the right time. He doesn’t want to jeopardize his game if he uses it. He wants to gauge the temperature of the house before making a decision. If he wants to use it, then he has to get Olivia and Alejandra on board because he realizes they are a voting block and will back him. Olivia says at least Johnny is thinking about using it, which is great for her and Ali because it means they are on the same page.


    Will comes in with Olivia and Alejandra and Johnny wants to know if they should take a shot at Daela. Will says if that’s what he wants to do. Johnny says they are on board, but he needs to talk to Ryan and see where his head is at. Ryan wants Johnny to use it on him and take out a big target. Johnny says Ryan is only worried about saving himself, but he has to worry about Erica because she might put up the wrong replacement.


    Johnny says he’s talked to everyone in the house, but now he has to talk to Erica because she’s the most important because she is the one who has to name the nominee. Johnny asks Erica if she would take a shot at Daela. Erica says she feels like they are on an island by themselves. Johnny questions that. Erica says she’d probably put up Maddy because she’s not as workable as some of the other people. But then Erica says Daela is smarter than they are letting on, Kaela is definitely smarter than people think. Johnny wants to use the veto but he needs to make sure it lands on Daela and not one of his allies.


    Johnny heads to the throne room to decide if he’s going to use his veto. He could use the veto and roll the dice and see if Erica puts up a bigger target, but he’s not sure she will and he’s not sure what to do.


    It’s time for the veto ceremony. Ryan says in a game where people’s word doesn’t necessarily mean they are truthful, but he thinks he’s proven to certain people that he is loyal and he thinks that might be important for Johnny.


    Merron says he understands Johnny may be concerned if he uses veto on him he will get blood on his hands, but they can be blood brothers and work together moving forward and if not he respects his decision.


    Johnny has chosen…not to use the power of veto. While he’d love to be the hero and swoop down and save one of them, he has to do what’s best for his game and he thinks this is the best decision for him right now.


    Merron says this puts him directly in the danger zone. That veto was his last hope to give him safety and he has no choice but to dig deep to stay in this game.


    Ryan says Johnny chose to leave him on the block so he has to go into full scramble mode to stay in the game.


    Johnny says he wanted to use veto, but the timing just wasn’t right to make a big move. But Evil Johnny is lurking inside of him waiting for the right time to come out.

  4. We come back and everyone is still outside with Merron and Olivia talking. We go inside and Ryan does remove himself from the block. Olivia names Hamza as the replacement nominee.


    It’s time for speeches. Merron says he won’t campaign against him. Hamza says the same. If they want to keep him, then keep him. If they want to get rid of him through the backdoor fair game.


    It’s time to vote.

    Maddy votes to evict Hamza.

    Johnny votes to evict Hamza.

    Erica votes to evict Merron.

    Kaela votes to evict Hamza.

    Derek votes to evict Hamza.

    Will votes to evict Hamza.

    Paras votes to evict Hamza.

    Ali votes to evict Hamza.

    Ryan votes to evict Hamza.


    By a vote of 8-1, Hamza has been evicted. As Hamza leaves he stops and says everyone, shout out Caroline. Everyone does.


    Arisa says Hamza was incredible to watch and he made some special connections and his vote came from Erica, she was devastated. Hamza says Erica is an amazing person and Merron is one of the most amazing people he’s ever met. Arisa asks who his pick to win is and he says Erica or Merron.

  5. We pick up after the veto ceremony. Maddy tells us she is safe and for one of the first times in her whole life, she is speechless. Veronica is totally pissed off. Erica made it seem like she was a phony and a liar. There is only one thing she can do and that’s go to war and rally as many troops as she can. Erica says that was an A+ backdoor and she feels like the baddest B in the house and she just reminded them. Merron is dumbstruck he and Veronica are on the block together. Veronica tells Will and Merron if you take a shot at me, you better not miss. She came here to play.


    Olivia and Alejandra are talking and they are glad they weren’t the ones to have to do it. Alejandra tells us the best thing is she and Olivia orchestrated the whole thing and the best thing is she’s wanted Veronica out since she stepped foot in the house. Maddy tells us this is her game and Veronica lost.


    Erica and Hamza are talking and Hamza says that was great. He says he has Erica until the end and all they have to do is get one more big target out and they can sail to the end. Hamza says he has mad respect for Erica. He’s so happy. He tells Erica she gave him a shot of adrenaline.


    Paras goes in to talk to Veronica and Veronica says she has mixed emotions. Paras tells her she has to campaign hard. Veronica says she’s going to and if she stays she’s going to wreak havoc in the house and if she stays she’s gunning for Erica. Johnny comes in and says he’s counted the votes and he doesn’t know how she’ll do it. Veronica it just starts with you or Will and if she stays come Thursday she’s starting a war.


    Former Big Brother Canada player, Cassandra stopped by the house this week for a makeover. Let’s take a look at their “hair raising” good time! She goes around and wakes everyone up. Merron thought he was dreaming. Cassandra tells them it’s makeover day and the guys will be giving the girls an 80s makeover. The winning team will receive a $2000 cash prize and a years worth of L’Oreals. Cassandra sends the ladies upstairs. After they leave, Cassandra informs the guys there is a twist…they have to do the WORST makeover for the win. Erica did not participate because she’s the HOH.


    They do a catwalk with all of the ladies. Cassandra then informed the ladies of the twist and she chooses the winners as Veronica and Johnny and they also win a dinner for two. Erica is their waitress and shows them into the red rose room. Johnny gives a toast to Veronica.


    Hamza tells us it’s been awhile since Erica put Veronica on the block and things are getting boring. He says it’s time for your boy to create some chaos. Hamza is encouraging Veronica to call people out at a house meeting and she can leave with her head high. She says it’s a good idea, she’s pumped. Hamza tells us he’s here to stir the pot and everyone should get their popcorn ready.


    Veronica calls everyone to the living room and she says she has nothing to lose and she’s pretty angry right now. There’s a lot of people being fake to her and telling her things she wants to hear. Veronica says if you want me out of the house then stop being fake and tell me. She says if you choose to keep me she’ll have their back and she’s the only one with something to give. She says use her as a shield in the house and stop acting like they are at summer camp. Veronica says they have a girl on the block who can be in their corner and they need to keep her in the house.


    Paras says that was really intense and she might have to keep Veronica around because she’s a huge target and she can hide behind her. Paras makes a pitch to Maddy and Maddy doesn’t seem on board. Paras says Veronica would not come for her and Maddy before some of the others. Maddy says Veronica could be a tool to go after Erica and that could be useful for her game. Paras tells Maddy they really have to think this one out.


    It’s time to head into the living room. Merron gets to speak first and he says he’s not ready to see his family yet and he’s humbled to be sitting next to such a strong woman and he loves Veronica and everyone.


    Veronica says she loves Will and she wouldn’t be surprised if she walked out the door because everyone is sheep and she’s the big bad wolf and she’d hunt them all down and probably win. If they have to get her out then so be it, but she’ll be the one sitting at home saying baaaaaaa witches.


    It’s time to vote.

    Derek votes to evict Veronica.

    Olivia votes to evict Veronica.

    Will votes to evict Merron.

    Hamza votes to evict Veronica.

    Kaela votes to evict Veronica.

    Paras votes to evict Veronica.

    Ryan votes to evict Veronica.

    Maddy votes to evict Veronica

    Alejandra votes to evict Veronica.

    Johnny votes to evict Veronica.


    By a vote of 9-1 Veronica has been evicted from the BB Canada house.


    Arisa says tough break. She says a week ago she was in a very different position and does she regret that rogue vote? Veronica says absolutely not. She says everyone is thinking they are at summer camp and she wanted to take a risk. Arisa says she did not go down with a fight.


    Arisa says let’s drop another bomb shell on the remaining HG. It’s time for a double eviction!


    The HG are in the backyard and it’s time to find a new HOH. Arisa explains two at a time the HG will face-off at the podiums and answer questions about their time in the house. It’s an elimination game and they get to choose two to go head to head. The answer will be 1, 2, or 3. The last person standing will be the new HOH.


    Earlier, they drew for the first two spots and Olivia and Ali are up first. How many male HG competed in the fisherman’s wharf. Olivia answered 2 and is correct. Olivia chooses Ryan and Merron.


    How many times has the POV been used this season. Ryan answers 1 and he is correct. Ryan selects Olivia and Maddy.


    How many former HG visited the HG on day 26. The answer is one and Maddy answered wrong. Olivia chooses Paras and Hamza.


    How many pairs of HG wore handcuffs after the have-not competition? Paras is correct and she selects Ryan and Johnny.


    How many votes were cast to evict Olivia at the time of Jesse’s eviction. Ryan is correct and he selects Olivia and Paras.


    How many of the exhibits at the BB Can museum featured a former female HG? Olivia is correct and she selects Ryan and Kaela.


    How many evictees have been male? Ryan is correct with 2 and he selects Olivia and Derek.


    How many times has the POV been won by the reigning HOH? Olivia won and she selects Ryan and Will because they are the last two left.


    How many HG did NOT compete in handle with care? The answer is 2 and Ryan is up against Olivia for the final round.


    How many POV competitions have been won by a female? Ryan rings in with 1 and the answer is 2 and Olivia is the new HOH.


    Arisa tells them all to head back inside and there are quick meetings between Olivia and the others. Hamza is upstairs praying. Arisa calls them all back to the living room and Olivia must now nominate two house mates for eviction. Olivia nominates Merron and Ryan.


    It’s time for an arcade POV. They have to knock down targets and the first to knock down all five will win the POV. It’s a pinball style game. Paras, Alejandra, and Hamza were all drawn to play. Ryan is the first to knock them down and he wins POV. Arisa thinks Ryan will use that POV, but who will the replacement nominee be? We’ll find out in a few moments.

  6. We pick up after the nomination ceremony and Erica says she just put up Merron and Maddy and says it was hard and Merron is not her target this week, but Maddy is. Veronica thought she might get put up, but she’s not and her plan worked and she stirred the pot! Merron is pumped and ready to fight for veto. Maddy is emotional and she is ready to fight and pull herself off the block.


    Maddy is upstairs crying and Johnny comes in and comforts her. Maddy says when she gets upset she gets emotional, but if it’s seen as a weakness that works too. Olivia comes in and says it’s overwhelming until you play in the POV and then it gets better. Maddy says let them think I’m weak and not threatening and they’ll forget how passionate she is about the game.


    Ali gives Maddy a hug and they go to the WA to talk. Ali is telling Maddy she still has the POV so not to give up. Paras comes in to talk. Maddy says obviously she has work to do with the house. Maddy says she’s crying on the outside, but on the inside she’s thinking there is no way she is going home week 4.


    Johnny is in the red rose room and Merron comes in and asks what’s wrong. Johnny says he gets this is the game, but he feels bad. Merron says he thinks this is moment because he wants to win a comp and scream and cheer. Merron says this is the Big Brother experience. Johnny says Merron’s perspective is probably the best mind frame to be in. Merron says regardless of what happens he will not let his head hang low. Johnny says you could not have two more different people on the block. You have Merron who is Mr. Sunshine and Maddy who is staining his clothes with her tears. It’s so emotional and he just can’t take it anymore.


    It’s time to pick players for the veto competition! Erica picks first and draws Olivia. Merron draws Alejandra and Maddy draws Ryan. Erica also selects Will to be the host of the veto competition.


    Alejandra is talking to Olivia. If she wins POV, then she wants to use it. She’d talk to Erica first. Ali says there are much bigger targets than Maddy and Merron. Olivia says Veronica is a threat in the game and she could go after anyone and she knows V was the rogue vote against her. Ali tells Olivia that she’s been passionate about getting Veronica out since she stepped foot in the house.


    It’s time for the POV competition and the HG head out to the backyard to a fishing themed competition. To start, each 6 players will have their own docks and there is “fishing line” around a series of posts. When the go is given they will be attached to one end of the fishing line and will have to wind their through the course. The first three HG to untangle their fishing line will move on to the next part.


    Erica doesn’t think she needs to win this because she’s won too many comps already. Maddy is going to win this veto to show how much of a fighter she is and how much she deserves to be there. Ryan seems to be getting dizzy and he says these vetoes are hell, just leave his chip in the bag. He’s not a comp beast, he’s a couch beast. They get squirted with water periodically through the comp. Erica says there is just something inside her where she can’t throw a comp. Erica is at her second post and Maddy is not far behind. Olivia is the first to complete and rings her bell and she is the first to move on to round two. Erica is number 2 and there is one spot left. Maddy and Alejandra are neck and neck. Maddy says that third spot is her and Ali needs to back off. Maddy finishes and makes it through to the final round.


    For Round 2 they each have a big reel in the middle of the platforms and they have to jump over to reel in their fish. The first to reel in the fish will win the POV. Olivia is tired and wants to know if she can take a break. Erica seems to have a good form. Maddy is also struggling. Erica says this competition is harder than it looks and it’s even harder to throw against these lame competitors. Erica is taking deep breaths and she stops to fix her ponytail. Maddy says Erica looks like she’s about to be sick and she feels bad for her…not.


    Maddy is struggling but she wants the veto and the other HG are encouraging all three girls to keep going. Erica finally reels in her fish and she has won the POV! She says she won the POV which means she has complete control and she also has people to talk to. Maddy says am I happy for Erica? No. But am I happy for her? Of course! Maddy wants to talk Erica into using the POV on her. Maddy and Erica are talking in the WA and Erica says Maddy went so much harder than Merron. Erica says Maddy should be so proud of herself.


    Merron, Hamza, and Ryan are talking about whether or not Erica will use the POV. They don’t think she’ll use it and Hamza says if she does, then she has to take out a big target. Merron says he’ll be shocked if Erica uses it and Hamza says that’s a gamers move.


    Alejandra, Olivia, Veronica, and Erica are talking about music in the HOH. Veronica leaves and Olivia immediate pitches taking down Maddy and putting up Veronica. They are worried about who Veronica would go after in a D/E situation. Erica says she doesn’t like to BD someone, but she understands that’s the game. Erica says she wants to make sure she has the votes because if she takes the shot and Veronica stays she will come after her. Ali says this is one of those times where people look back and say they should have taken the shot. Merron comes in and Olivia asks for another couple of minutes and he says he just wanted the MP3 player.


    Johnny is talking to Alejandra about how he’s been playing such a nice game, but he’s ready to just let go and bring chaos into the house. Ali is laughing.


    Erica has her Wendy’s meal and she invites Will to join her. Erica says he’s been missing his son a little bit and maybe this will remind him of home. Erica goes to get the food and while they eat they talk about Will’s son. Will says it’s hard, but you have to remember why you’re here. Erica says it was great to connect with Will on a friendship level.


    Olivia goes and wants to talk to Veronica. Ali says her and Olivia are trying to talk Erica into backdooring Veronica, but they don’t want her to get suspicious. Olivia wants to know if there is any way to maybe work with her. Veronica tells them it’s best to vote the way Hamza wants and she feels like she owes Hamza her loyalty. She tells them it’s a good way to build trust. Ali says Veronica is buying everything they are selling right now. Veronica leaves and Olivia says she thinks we’re dumb. Ali looks at the camera and says we’re not stupid.


    Ryan goes in to talk to Erica. Erica says even though she tried to throw the veto competition, she won and now everyone is trying to influence her decision. Ryan says if it were him, he’d try to backdoor someone. We see a series of HG knocking on the door to talk to Erica and she says BB should have just put a revolving door on the HOH room.


    Erica is talking to Maddy. Maddy says she turned on the waterworks, she showed up at the comp, and she’s not done yet. She thinks Erica needs to play to her ego and she needs to pitch that if she doesn’t use veto on her it’s a weak move and a waste of her HOH. Maddy tells Erica she has to consider whether she’ll get a chance to win another HOH and if not, they will be further in the game and people may be less forthcoming with information. Will talks to Erica and she says she can’t see herself using it, but it’s not the ceremony yet.


    Erica and Hamza are talking and she says people are throwing everything at her. Erica says she doesn’t want to grow the target on her back anymore. Hamza says but if you use it, go out swinging because that will get you more respect. Hamza says there could a double coming up, and people will take a shot at her. Erica says they should, she’s a comp beast.


    Erica says today is the veto ceremony and she really has no clue what she’s going to do. She says if she takes Maddy or Merron off the block it could put more blood on her hands and she’s not sure she wants to do that. She doesn’t think Merron will hold a grudge if she leaves him on the block, but if she saves Maddy that could be a number on her side. She says everyone wants her to make the move, but is it best for her game or theirs?


    It’s time for the veto ceremony! Merron would love for her to use the veto on him because he has a lot more game to play, especially since he came in a week later than everyone else.


    Maddy says she is standing out not due to a lack of a relationship, but a game relationship. Using the veto on her will help with that relationship that has grown over the week.


    Erica has decided…to use the POV on Maddy. She says she played with a lot of heart and proved she deserved to be here. Now Erica has to name a replacement nominee and her replacement nominee is…Veronica. Erica chose her because last week she chose to play a shady game and she doesn’t respect that. Erica says Veronica thinks she’s running the house and she’s here to remind Veronica that she does not.


    Veronica says she is shocked and her game is on now more than ever. Veronica says Erica should have thought about it a little longer because she just started a war.


    Erica says she debated to make the move, but playing it safe just isn’t her style.


    Find out Thursday who will be evicted!

  7. Previously, on Big Brother Canada: The King of Chaos dropped the hammer when he nominated Olivia and Jesse. Then at a farm-tastic PoV Hamza bagged a win and kept the power to himself.

    But when Jesse called out the King, the hammer nailed a target to the stud's back.

    With the house falling in line, the writing was on the wall, but Derek couldn't read it, so Kaela spelled it out for him.

    While Olivia, the serial (cereal) floater, just drifted along, Jesse played every card he could to stay in the house.

    Then, in the dying moments before the vote, Jesse named and shamed the enemy.

    As expected, Derek backed his buddy, and in a shocker, so did Veronica. But in a nine to two tally, Jesse was jettisoned.

    Tonight, who will make history as the next HoH? And can the fallen angel [Veronica] keep her vote a secret? And who will end up on the block? It's time to raise a little hell, on Big Brother Canada!

    We pick up after the eviction with everyone wondering where the second vote to keep Jesse came from. The girls' huddle and Veronica acts shocked and demands to know who cast the vote that is causing everyone else to look shady.

    In the DR, Veronica tells us her plan to shake things up is working just as she hoped.

    It's time to crown a new Head of Household. Tonight's competition is called, "Night at the BBCAN Museum." Earlier, the HGs got to walk through the BB Hall of Fame Museum where they got to see three former BBCAN HG legends reenacting iconic moments from past seasons of BBCAN. The current HGs had just minutes to memorize details from the museum reenactment displays.

    Arisa: "You will now be tested on how much you remember from these exhibits. The answer to each question will be either 'A' or 'B'. If you answer incorrectly you will be eliminated from the competition. The last HG standing will become the new HoH."

    First question: "What was the name on the envelope that Ika was holding in her hand?" A for Neta, B for Jon. The answer was Jon Pardy. Everyone was correct.

    Next question: In Sabrina's display, which hand did she have pointed up in the air? The answer was right. Merron and Will were wrong and they are eliminated.

    Next question: True or False, Kevin had the veto around his neck in his exhibit? The answer is false, everyone is correct.

    Next question: True or False, the title of Sabrina's exhibit was "Sabrina Delivers Good TV" Kaela, Veronica, Johnny, and Olivia were wrong and eliminated.

    From the DR, Paras tells us she knows all the answers but it's too early in the game for her to start looking like a threat, so she's going to throw this HoH.

    Next question: On the table behind Ika, how many envelopes did not have stamps on them? A for two, or B for three? Paras picks B, the answer is A. We now have Erica, Maddy, and Alejandra remaining in the competition.

    Next question: How many times did we hear the clip of Sabrina saying, "You want good TV?" A = 3, B = 4. The correct answer was B, but everyone answered A, so everyone remains in the contest.

    Next question: How many times did the word "triple" appear on Kevin's plaque? A for 2, B for 3? The correct answer is B, three times. Maddy got it wrong and was eliminated.

    Erica, Ali, and Derek are all still in the competition in a three-way tie.

    In the tie-breaker question, the players have chalkboards. The answer will be a number, and the contestant that comes closest without going over will be the winner.

    The tiebreaker question: "At the end of the competition, 'Handle With Care,' was how many pieces of fruit were successfully passed across the backyard to the other side in total? The correct answer was 206. Erica guessed 150, Derek: 420, Ali: 243. Erica is the new HoH.

    From the DR, Erica tells us it is now time to get down to business, "Tonight has just proven there are some major trust issues in the house, and now that I'm HoH I need to figure out exactly who I can trust, and what kind of move I plan on making in this game."

    In the red room, the girls assure Derek that he has nothing to worry about, that Erica has bigger targets to go after. They assume that Ryan will be going on the block.

    Meanwhile, in the white room, Merron and William try to figure out what Erica's agenda might be.

    From the DR, Merron tells us that on a personal level, he and Erica get along very well, "but from a game perspective, I'm not very sure where her head's at."

    The girls, including Erica, talk about how certain they are that Veronica was the hinky vote. They tell Erica they'll support whatever decision she makes regarding the nominations.

    Hamza asks Ryan if he thinks the hinky vote was cast be the same person he's thinking of. Kaela says Ryan thinks it was her, and Ryan says he thinks it was Kaela too, "I can tell you why I feel like you and Derek feel isolated from the house and that you are targets. So, by sitting in a room and telling everybody you're not going to vote for Jesse, it makes everyone else distrust one and other, which may take the focus off you."

    Ryan asks if Kaela thinks he was the hinky vote and she replies, "Part of me does, just because you're the one saying it's someone else." Ryan says he understands the point of a rogue vote, but it wasn't his.


    Kaela adds again the rogue vote wasn’t hers and Ryan says he’d rather it be Kaela for a strategic reason than think someone else is lying to everyone’s face. Kaela says someone else is lying. Upstairs, Veronica goes into the WA and she tells us her rogue vote is doing exactly what she wanted it to do: make everyone question everyone else. She then does a little dance meant to show she stirred the pot. She says the house is completely flipped upside down right now and she’s loving every minute of it.


    Paras tells us everyone doesn’t know who the second vote was and the house is a mess because everyone is freaking out. Will is talking to Paras and he’s questioning her and he’s not sure if he can trust her. Paras says she thinks someone did it to stir the pot. Veronica comes into the SR where Will and Paras are and Paras asks for a minute. Will and Paras are bickering about her loyalty and it turns into an argument over Paras talking loudly. Paras says she doesn’t like Will questioning her loyalty and her character.


    Paras goes up to the red rose room where Veronica is laying down and Paras is venting to Veronica about Will questioning her. Alejandra comes in and asks what’s going on and Veronica says everyone is just freaking out over the vote. Paras says Will is not someone she cares enough about to allow him to talk to her like that.


    Who wants to see Erica’s HOH room? She has pictures of her girlfriend and her family. She gets a stuffed elephant from her girlfriend, Shea and she starts to get emotional. They got Catchphrase from Hasbro.


    Erica sits down for her video:


    It’s her girlfriend, Shea and she says “Hi Babe! Congratulations on your HOH win! I am so proud of you, you deserve this so much. I watch you every day on the live feeds morning to night, at work, at the gym, it’s pretty much on 24/7. I miss you so much and life is not the same without you. It honestly kind of sucks. For now, enjoy your week as an HOH! I love you to the moon and back, forever and always. I cannot wait to see you! I’ll talk to you very, very soon. I love you babe!


    Erica says seeing the video is so overwhelming. It’s all the more motivation she needs, but obviously it’s hard to see someone you love so much that you just want to be with all of the time.


    Maddy says every week with the family videos, it’s great to see someone’s family member in front of them. But it’s impossible to forget they haven’t seen their own families. Maddy is downstairs crying and Olivia goes to comfort Maddy. Maddy says it’s not about her though, it’s about Erica and her win. Olivia says she understands it’s hard not to get frustrated though. They talk about who their family videos might be from if they got HOH.


    Will and Paras are outside talking and Will apologizes for being a jerk. Paras says she understands. She just doesn’t want Will to question her loyalty. Will says if Paras were up against Maddy or Veronica, he’d take her down. Will says no one has ever brought Paras’s name up to him, but Maddy’s name has been brought up to him. Will says she always walks in on people’s conversations and she’s getting herself in trouble. Paras says Maddy is making herself a target and that worries her a lot because she’s tight with Maddy and Will.


    Erica and Merron are talking in the HOH room. Merron is trying to figure out where Erica’s head is at because a lot of people are uncertain what she’s going to do. Erica says there are a few people she doesn’t know about, but with Merron, she is obsessed with him as a person, but they never talk game. That worries her a little bit and she’s basing her decision on people who she doesn’t know where they stand. And she tells him his name on the short list. She says there is one person she really wants on the block and the other person will be there to fill a chair.


    Erica tells us she is considering using Merron as a pawn because he doesn’t pose a threat to anyone and he doesn’t have many close relationships so it won’t make waves in the house. She’d love for him to win veto and there might be a bigger move in the works. Merron tells us Erica is considering putting him on the block and he thinks it’s a weak move because he’s not gunning for her and she knows that.


    Erica got to invite some friends to play Catchphrase and there is fruit to snack on. She invited Maddy, Ryan, Alejandra, Olivia, and Johnny. Erica says Ali is carrying the team, she’s really good at the game.


    Paras, Will, and Maddy are in the white rose room and Paras is looking forward to a relaxed week. Maddy says her relationship is blossoming, but she knows there are better relationships in the house. Maddy is concerned because she’s not sure if their relationship is enough to keep her off the block.


    Erica and Hamza are talking and Erica says they could beast through the house. Hamza says he has her until the end and she says the same. Erica tells us she is close with Hamza and he’s someone she feels like she can trust to discuss nominations with. Hamza is trying to convince Erica to put him on the block to stack the veto and Erica isn’t going for it. Erica wants to keep as many straight shooters as she can because she wants someone who will come at her from the front and not the back. Erica does not want to risk Hamza going home because the HG are too fickle.


     Erica pitches putting up Maddy and Hamza says that’s a waste of an HOH. Erica asks who else besides that and then she asks how he feels about Veronica. Hamza says she’s a bit of a wild card and that’s a great game move, but she’s a strong player so if Erica is going to take a shot then she has to win. Hamza tells her if she takes out Veronica that’s a huge target.


    Veronica wants to talk to Erica and reassure her she can trust her. Veronica thinks it would be a great move for them to work together. They discuss the rogue vote and Erica tells Veronica that Jesse told her V would vote for him. Veronica is still denying it and says what would be the point of me doing that? Veronica says she’s stronger and faster than a lot of other people in the house and if they stick together they could run the house. Veronica says she is willing to put herself on the line in comps to keep Erica safe. Erica tells us she is 100% convinced the rogue vote is Veronica and she’s been lying to everyone’s face.


    Alejandra and Erica and Erica is telling Alejandra she’s convinced the rogue vote is Veronica. Erica tells Ali that she is getting Veronica to think she believes her to get more information because she wants to see how far V will go with a lie. Ali says she is dangerous. Erica tells us it’s clear to her that Veronica not only poses a huge threat to her game, but the gave of the entire house. But what’s not so clear is if she should be the one to take her out of the game. Erica tells Ali if she takes that shot and it doesn’t land then she screws her own game. Ali says it would be sick if Erica gets Veronica out this week.


    Maddy tells us Erica being HOH this week makes her nervous because they don’t have a strong game connection and they both know that. Maddy wants to get in her ear before nominations. Erica tells Maddy she feels like she’s going to put her up and there’s nothing wrong with what they have, it’s just not where others are. Maddy says she’s disappointed this is the result because she feels like things could get better. Maddy tells Erica she doesn’t have to pit them against each other and she never wanted strong women to be against strong women. Maddy thinks her and Erica on the same team would be a shock to everyone and she doesn’t think it’s ideal for either of them for Maddy to go home. Erica appreciates that and she is listening. Maddy says she hopes she doesn’t see her name on the screen, but if it is it draws a line and she doesn’t want that. Maddy says if she sees her name on the screen, Erica has no idea how vengeful she can be and if she crosses that line there is no forgiveness for her.


    Erica heads to the throne room and she says now that she’s HOH it’s time to start putting plans in motion, not just for this week but for weeks to come. Now she has to decide if she wants to make big and rash moves, or something safer that still benefits her.


    She’s considering Merron as a nomination because they got a late start in forming a relationship and they have no game relationship at all.


    She’s considering Maddy because she’s playing a game she doesn’t understand or respect and she doesn’t want to play with people like that.


    She’s considering nominating Hamza because he’s interested in being on the block and that could be good for her if they pull out the veto win and secure control for the week.


    She’s considering nominating Veronica because she’s sure she’s lying about last week’s vote and she can’t work with dishonest people and she could be dangerous to her game.


    This is the first time she’s had to get her hands dirty in the game and she wants to make sure it’s worth something.


    It’s time for the nomination ceremony. Erica has nominated Merron and Maddy. Erica chose to nominate Merron because even though their personal relationship has begun to develop, their game relationship hasn’t. Erica has chosen to nominate Maddy because she is an extremely social player and that coupled with their own lack of game chats has left her wondering where her head is at. She respects them both as people and players and she expects them to kick butt in the POV.


    Merron says he’s pumped to be on the block. It’s part of the Big Brother experience and he’s ready to go out and win the POV and take his fate into his own hands.


    Maddy says Erica did exactly what she would have done in her position. She respects the move, but she won’t forget the move either.

  8. We pick up after the POV ceremony. Jesse tells us he had no choice, Hamza swore on his fiances life that he’d save him and he went back on his word. He had to let people know. Hamza says Jesse brought his wife into the game and he thinks he’s so slick. He says keep the game, game and don’t make it personal. Olivia says now that Jesse has made a scene, she can just sit back and let him dig his grave a little deeper.


    Will and Hamza are talking and Hamza says he’s disrespectful and he was fine with the speech until he made it personal. He says it made it so much easier to vote him out. All Hamza has to do is sit in his HOH room and chill.


    Maddy asks if Jesse planned that and Jesse asks how she felt about the speech. Maddy doesn’t know if that was smart or if it put a bigger target on his back. Jesse says it might not have been smarter but if they feel more comfortable siding with him over Hamza, then they should do. Jesse says it’s a win win to keep him around. Maddy says she doesn’t know.


    Merron says as HOH, you get your own bed, an MP3 player, and when someone else wins HOH he wants to see what they have on their MP3 players because that’s how he’s going to judge them. Merron says Hamza has the fire on the music player.


    Paras tells Derek she doesn’t know about this. Derek says they have the votes, they have him, Kaela, and Paras so that’s three. Derek says Hamza is the one who brought his wife into the game. Paras says she’ll see how it works out. Derek says we know we’ll be here next week, but we want to go as far as we can. We’re playing the game now.


    Kaela is in the red rose room changing and Derek comes in and says Olivia never talks to him, but she told him today nice sweater. Kaela says Derek is getting emotional over Jesse. Kaela tells him not to ruin his game over Jesse. Kaela is not going to ruin her game if the house chooses to throw Jesse out. Kaela says if Olivia gets HOH next week, they will be up. Kaela says she isn’t here to protect anyone else except for her and Derek.


    Arisa says Hamza was HOH this week and by the end of the night, the house will send either Jesse or Olivia packing. A few days ago it was Veronica’s birthday and the HG wanted to make a cake and do something special, but it got out of hand.


    They have yellow balloons and they bring Veronica in blindfolded. She wants to know if Will is going to strip for her and he says Magic Will. Alejandra says hang on everyone, this party is about to get weird. The HG are in the hot tub and they are playing truth or dare. It’s a lot of daring the girls to kiss each other.


    Upstairs in the WA, Jesse is talking to Olivia and he’s saying he likes a girly girl, the make-up and hair. They start talking about why Jesse is target. Olivia says she’s been trying to keep from getting distracted by Jesse and she is trying to keep herself from toughing him. It’s not personal, it’s just her trying to play the game. Jesse looks frustrated and Olivia says they had chemistry at the start, but she backed off because he can be persuaded so easily. Then Paras wonders in and back out. Jesse and Olivia stare at each other and then Jesse says ok, let’s hit the hot tub.


    Kaela, Paras, Veronica, and Erica are talking about their make-out session. Kaela says Veronica was her first make out with a girl and Veronica says she’s a great kisser. Kaela says tell that to Derek. Erica says girls are much better kissers than guys.


    Will, Paras, Kaela, and Maddy are talking and Will tells them Hamza wants Jesse out. Paras says Hamza already put up who wanted to target. Kaela says Hamza doesn’t get a vote. Paras says they aren’t there to play Hamza’s game, Paras doesn’t get why Hamza wants to switch anyway.


    Arisa says before we get to the vote, let’s see how they handle the task of cleaning a very dirty house. Merron calls everyone to the living room. He reads that it’s time to put their cleaning skills and their dancing skills to the test. When the music plays they must clean and dance. If they complete the task, they will get a tasty reward. Paras says this is pretty cool, but she’s kind of tired of it already. They are complaining about they are exhausted and their heads hurt. The music ends and they said it wasn’t easy but they rocked out. Their reward is to order from Skip the Dishes. The delivery guy rings the doorbell, enters, and reveals their food. The HG thank Big Brother and dig in.


    Alejandra and Olivia are talking and Ali says she thinks Olivia is ok. Olivia doesn’t want to campaign because she thinks it’s tacky and it seems like begging. She wants to keep her pride. Olivia goes to talk to Maddy and Maddy says she doesn’t know what she’s going to do yet, but it’s cool Olivia did come and talk to her.


    Hamza and Jesse go to the HOH room and Jesse tells us he’s at a point where he’ll say or do anything to stay in the game. Hamza tells him he has a few who will vote however he wants them to. Jesse says if he stays and wins HOH, he’s willing to put up whoever Hamza wants. Jesse says he knows Hamza wants a big move, but that only last temporarily. Hamza tells Jesse he respects Jesse coming to him. Veronica comes in and Jesse continues his pitch by saying he doesn’t want to be affiliated with big targets in the house. He’d work with them and he thinks they should trust him 100%. Hamza says if we keep you, then you have to put up the showmances. Jesse says done and Hamza says you’re ok with that? Jesse says they are good people, but whatever. They have to go at some point. Veronica says that was the smartest thing he’s ever said. Jesse says he was playing for the wrong team.


    Jesse is in the red rose room talking to Paras, Maddy, Kaela, and Derek and he’s telling them they are screwed if they vote him out. He tells them there’s a tight four on the other side with Hamza and they are gunning for Derek next.


    It’s time to check in and get the live vote. Olivia thanks everyone for her being there and she tells the HG she wants to stay and play. Jesse talks to the group he previously talked to and tells them to put the plan in an action and keep him.


    It’s time to vote!


    Merron votes to evict Jesse.

    Derek votes to evict Olivia.

    Alejandra votes to evict Jesse.

    Maddy votes to evict Jesse.

    Paras votes to evict Jesse.

    Veronica votes to evict Olivia.

    Kaela votes to evict Jesse.

    Will votes to evict Jesse.

    Ryan votes to evict Jesse.

    Erica votes to evict Jesse.

    Johnny votes to evict Jesse.

    With a vote of 9-2 Jesse has been evicted from the Big Brother Canada house.


    Arisa says tough break! She says you went from completely safe to evicted. What happened? Jesse says he spoke all the logic he could to those people, but they didn’t want to hear it.


    Arisa says Veronica and Derek voted to keep him, but the others didn’t. Why do you think that was? Jesse says he knew Veronica was because she told him she would and he was banking on it. But Kaela and Paras wouldn’t commit.


    The HG go into the backyard and there are three “displays” set up with three former HG, Ika, Sabrina, and Kevin. The HG are screaming and excited. Derek doesn’t understand why everyone is so excited. There are plaques in front of the “displays” and they are trying to memorize what they are wearing and the “rooms” around them. They only had 5 minutes to look at the displays.


    It’s time for the HOH comp!


    What was the name on the envelope that Ika was holding in her hand? The answer was Jon. Everyone was correct.


    In Sabrina’s display, which hand did she have pointed up in the air? The answer was right. Merron and Will were wrong and they are eliminated.


    Kevin had the veto around his neck, true or false? Answer is false, everyone is correct.


    That’s all for tonight! Join us Monday to find out who is the new HOH! And next week is a Double Elimination!

  9. We pick up after the nomination ceremony and Hamza tells us he put up Olivia because the whole house wanted her up. Then he shocked the house by putting Jesse on the block. It’s time to break up the popular kids who had it too easy for too long. He’s tired of them controlling the votes. Jesse is pissed that he’s nominated. He didn’t know until a minute before the ceremony. We see Derek talking to Jesse and Jesse saying it doesn’t make sense to nominate him. Jesse says he had no time to talk to Hamza and this doesn’t make sense.


    Jesse thought they made an alliance and he doesn’t know what Hamza is doing. On the inside he is freaking out a little. He wants to talk to Hamza and see if he’s the target or if there’s another plan. Hamza tells Jesse if it’s close in a POV he’ll bow out and let him have it. Hamza tells us he’s just telling Jesse what he wants to hear. He doesn’t know who his target is and he wants to see how Jesse handles the pressure. Jesse leaves and Hamza whispers shots fired.


    Olivia goes and talks to Hamza and says she totally gets his decision and it makes complete sense. She tells him if she wins, then she’s going to take herself off. She asks if Hamza wins veto if he’s going to keep it the same and he says he has a bigger plan. He wants to see how the veto plays out, but he’s not here to do what the house wants. He wishes her luck and if she takes herself off, then it makes his plan easier.


    Paras is talking to Jesse and she says she’s afraid Hamza would take Olivia off and put Derek next to him. Jesse says Hamza is an idiot. Paras tells us she has been playing both sides, but now that Jesse is on the block she’s kind of freaked out. She says wake up Jesse, you’re a target! Jesse tells Paras about the alliance he made with Hamza along with Derek and Will. Jesse tells Paras he’s good, he’s not worried, everything works out. Paras says Jesse! You should be worried!


    Derek goes to talk to Hamza and Hamza tells him that move was not meant to be a shot at him. Derek wants to know if Hamza is wins veto if he’s going to take Jesse down and Hamza says yes. Derek says I don’t want to ask you to swear on Caroline and Hamza says I will. Hamza tells us if Derek wants to bring his fiance’s name into the game, then he’ll tell him what he wants to hear.


    Will peeks in and leaves and they call him in. Hamza tells us he’s telling Derek Jesse is safe, but no one is safe. He’s trying to cause as much chaos and confusion as possible. Will comes in and Hamza says if they’re going to be in an alliance together they have to keep it low key and take jabs at each other. Will says ok and Derek says he feels a lot better. Derek leaves. Will asks Hamza if he was just feeding Derek bull. Hamza says the best case scenario is to leave nominations the same and make up their mind later in the week who they want to get out. It’s time to sit back and eat hummus and watch what happens.


    Jesse, Derek, and Kaela are talking and Kaela says she thinks Hamza wants to backdoor someone, her or Derek next to Jesse. Derek doesn’t think so. Derek recaps his conversation with Hamza to Jesse and Kaela and Jesse says that doesn’t make sense. Derek says Hamza has never waivered that Olivia was the target and Kaela says it’s a game and you say anything. Alejandra comes in and Jesse says he just doesn’t understand the noms at all and she says she doesn’t either. Jesse says well Big Brother is starting, start your engines.


    It’s time to pick players for the veto competition. Hamza draws Derek’s name. Olivia draws Ryan. Jesse draws Erica. Hamza chooses Maddy to be the host.


    Jesse, Hamza, and Derek all go into the catacombs and Jesse says it doesn’t make sense to go after each other. Hamza says if we all suck and don’t win veto, Olivia still goes home.


    It’s time for the veto competition! We have a garden in the backyard and there are balls frozen in ice. Maddy comes out dressed as a tomato. The HG have to run across a balance beam and some vegetables to “the other guys” freezer and use a tool to chip through the block of ice to free their ball. Once they have their ball they have to run back and throw it to knock down targets in their garden. After they knock down 4 targets, they can search their garden for a key to unlock a larger tool. The first HG to knock down all of their targets wins the power of veto. AND, Wendy’s will also give the winning HG $5,000.


    They are all over at the freezer chipping away. Olivia says she’s stronger than the average woman and she isn’t make much progress. Erica says the guys are ice cold psychos. Hamza is the first to get a ball free. Hamza throws his ball three times before knocking down his first target. Jesse makes it across and he gets his first target. Hamza and Jesse go back to get another ball and Derek knocks down his first target.


    Derek tells us Hamza swore Jesse was safe, but he wants to win this to take his boy off the block. Hamza has his second ball. Hamza and Jesse both have their second ball and Olivia is frustrated because she’s still on her first ball. Ryan says Hamza is a mad man as he gets his first ball. Hamza has his third ball. Ryan gets his first target and says someone pass him a bacon cheeseburger already and he will call it a day.


    Hamza knocks down his third target. Jesse gets his third. Hamza comes back and gets his fourth target and Jesse is right behind. Jesse starts searching for the key in the garden because he thinks the bigger tool will help him take home the win. Hamza has another ball and has knocked down his fifth target and he has two more. Jesse says Hamza is running away with the veto and he needs to find that key.


    Jesse is still looking for his key and he tells us he needs to take this risk to make up some time. Hamza gets another ball and he knocks it down and he has one target left. Jesse can’t believe it and says searching for that key was a huge waste of time. Jesse says his only choice is to burn through the course and try and catch up. Jesse has a ball and Hamza has his final ball. Olivia is hoping Hamza wins and takes her down and puts a bigger target up next to Jesse. Both Jesse and Hamza miss their targets. They both miss a second time. Hamza hits his last target and he has won the Power of Veto and $5,000.


    Hamza says he has all the power in the house and King Hamza is going to make this a week to remember. Jesse is super pissed. This is his fifth competition and he hasn’t been able to pull out the win. He doesn’t think anyone has had a worse day. Erica wants to know if he’s more upset about the money or the competition? Jesse says both. He says he’s been crying because he can’t play in comps and he gets to play in two and he doesn’t win either. He says this is brutal! He says Hamza promised to pull him down if he won, but he doesn’t trust him and it sucks that his life in this game is in his hands.


    Jesse and Derek are talking and Jesse is sure he will stay this week. Jesse says the thing with Hamza is because he’s not kissing his ass Hamza doesn’t like that. Derek is telling Jesse he needs to stay calm. Jesse says he doesn’t want to ask people not to vote him out and Derek says he needs to swallow his pride and talk to people.


    Hamza says he’s been causing chaos, but he decided to be nice for once and he’s invited the have-nots and a few other friends to Hasbro game night and pizza. Will, Veronica, Merron, Paras, Hamza, Erica, Derek, and Kaela enjoy the pizza and play Hearing Things. Veronica says Will does not make a great partner and Kaela says Derek is good with lips at other things, but not this.


    Jesse tells us he heard that Hamza has told people that he disrespected him in some kind of way so he wants to talk to Hamza and see if he is still going to use the veto on him. Jesse says he’s just super pissed that he’s sucked in comps and he thinks they have a good crew of strong guys and he hopes they feel the same. Jesse says if you don’t feel that way, just let me know. Hamza says he’s a straight up person and would tell him to his face. Hamza says Jesse is on the block and he’s wondering if he should stay on the block. Hamza says he’s been a big baby and buckled under the stress and he’s failed the test miserably.


    Hamza talks to Derek and says they don’t want to make waves and piss the house off. Hamza says maybe they should leave things the same. Derek isn’t receptive and says he doesn’t think taking Jesse down would bother the house. Hamza thinks it would and people are lying to Derek. Derek says if Hamza doesn’t take Jesse down it will leave a sour taste in his mouth. Derek tells Hamza if he’s loyal then he needs to stick to his word. Hamza tells us Derek is acting annoying and no one is going to tell him what moves to make.


    Hamza is talking to Merron and they are discussing Hamza’s talk with Derek. Merron says he is down for getting Jesse out now. He says if Hamza doesn’t take Jesse down or even if he does, Jesse is going to be hunting him regardless. Hamza says it would be a big game move to take him out. Hamza wants to see people’s faces if they make it happen. Hamza and Merron discuss putting Derek up, since Derek is so concerned about Jesse staying. Hamza says he can take Olivia down and put up Derek and see if he still wants Jesse to stay.


    It’s time for the veto ceremony. Hamza heads to the throne room. He knows he promised Jesse he’d take him off the block, but he’s been pissing him off. He says Olivia hasn’t seemed to be a big threat and maybe he should take her down and put up Derek. Jesse says Hamza promised to take him down and he just hopes he goes through with it.


    Hamza takes his place at the front and gives Olivia the chance to plead her case first. Olivia says she wouldn’t hate it if he used the veto on her. But he won it fair and square. Jesse congratulates him and he beat them fairly. Jesse says he doesn’t think there’s any debate because Hamza promised to use it on him and he knows Hamza is a man of his word.


    Hamza has chosen to not use the power of veto. He thinks they are both great competitors, but right now he has to do what’s right for Team Hummus. He starts to complete the meeting but Jesse stops him. Jesse wants to point out a few things that are untrue from Hamza. Jesse says if he won veto he’d use it to pull him off the block because there’s a bigger plan and they promised on personal things and it went to a deeper level and Jesse wouldn’t put his trust in someone who does that. Hamza says this POV ceremony is complete.


    Jesse says Hamza is all talk and he just started a war. He’s going to do everything in his power this week to stay and take Hamza down. Hamza says Jesse keep running your mouth, but now you made it personal. Hamza says Jesse pack your bags and say goodbye to your buddy Derek.

  10. Previously, on Big Brother Canada, in a grueling POV challenge, Erica burned the fuel and earned the jewel! Then HOH Ryan pressured Erica to use her veto so he could backdoor Olivia. But when Erica shut the door, Andrew and Hamza were still on the block. With Hamza laying low, Ryan tried one last time to flip the house against him, but his pitch sank like a stone.


    With the vote looming, the battle of the bedrooms began. With Kaela and Derek in full swing, Olivia got a Paras agreement on a touchy subject…L’Amour. On eviction night, there was one thing the entire house could still agree on, but Andrew didn’t stick around to hear it. Tonight, with the HG “boxed in” who will win the cratest HOH competition of all time? Who will be “singled out” as the next have nots? Will a showmance end up on the block? It’s all happening now on Big Brother Canada!


    We pick up on day 13 after Andrew’s eviction and Will says what a poor sport. Ryan tells us he’s feeling incredibly guilty about Andrew going home because that wasn’t his plan. His plan to backdoor Olivia backfired and he doesn’t know where he fits in the game.


    Jesse tells us Andrew just got evicted and he feels fantastic! He’s working with Derek, Kaela, and Paras and he has good relationships with everyone in the house. He’s feeling pretty good. Hamza is feeling good about the vote being unanimous, he made some solid social moves this week, but now it’s time for him to get some power. He wants to win this HOH because he wants people to scramble in this game. He just came off the block and it’s time to turn up the house.


    We see the start of the HOH competition and Erica is safe for the week. Welcome to the BB Can petting zoo, where you are the precious cargo. Working together and from inside your crate, each team will work together to transfer 8 pieces of each fruit from one end of the yard to the other. One HG will take the fruit halfway and then pass it to their partner through the hole in their crate who will then deposit it at the other end of the yard. The first team to transfer all of their fruit will win and they will decide amongst themselves who will be the new HOH.


    The pairs competing in this competition are: Hamza and Veronica, Jesse and Alejandra, Olivia and Maddy, Will and Johnny, Paras, and Merron, and Derek and Kaela. Veronica wastes no time getting started. Erica says it’s like bumper cars on steroids. Alejandra really wants to win HOH because she’s been on the block before and it sucks. Paras doesn’t want to win HOH because she’s been working both sides of the house and she doesn’t want to be forced to take a shot at either side.


    Will barely fits in his box. Kaela says this competition is right up her alley. Kaela says working with Derek is perfect because they are both physically fit and competitive. Ryan announces that in the lead right now are Hamza and Veronica and Kaela and Derek.


    Hamza wants to win this HOH because he’s tired of people being nice. He wants to pit people against each other. He likes that he’s paired with Veronica because she seems pretty athletic and seems pretty determined to win. Veronica says she’s hell on wheels out there, she’s not losing this one. She’s new to the house but she wants to show people what she’s capable of.


    Olivia wants to win HOH because the newbies are huge threats and the only way to make sure Veronica or Merron are out the door is if she is in charge. Ryan announces Olivia and Maddy are in last place. Olivia says this comp is ridiculously hard. She can’t see where she’s going and it’s like bumper cars. She doesn’t understand why they have to transfer so many pieces of fruit.


    Olivia realizes halfway through the competition they aren’t going to win, so they need a new strategy. They decide to block people. Olivia says if they can’t win, then they need to block the newbies to make sure they don’t win. Olivia goes to block Veronica. Veronica tells us she’s putting her blood, sweat, and tears into this competition and nothing and no one is going to stand in her way.


    Erica and Ryan are discussing how close the competition is. They see Derek and Kaela don’t have many left to transfer. Derek tells Kaela one more red apple and Kaela says all they have to do is get it across the yard and the HOH is theirs. Hamza and Veronica need one more banana. It’s a race back and Hamza and Veronica have won the competition.


    Ryan congratulates Hamza and Veronica on the win and now they have to decide who gets the HOH. Veronica says she knows Hamza wants to see Carolyn, so she’s giving this one to him. Veronica says this competition was a huge win for her, but it was a selfless thing to do to give the HOH to Hamza and it least it will benefit her game by keeping her safe this week and maybe she can influence his decisions moving forward. Hamza says there are people in this house that feel safe, but this is Big Brother and no one should feel safe.


    Hamza tells us he just won HOH and he wants to divide the house. He doesn’t like the showmances, and he doesn’t like the floaters. He wants to make everyone feel uncomfortable. He’s sick of tired of everyone going with the house and he’s not afraid to piss anyone off. He’ll hear everyone out, but he’s going to do what’s best for his game.


    Veronica says even though Hamza is HOH, she propelled him to that win. She showed the other HG what she’s capable of and she’s a force to be reckoned with. She talks to herself and says this is her house and they are all scared of her.


    Alejandra is mumbling to herself that Hamza might be best case scenario for her, but not with Veronica in his ear. Alejandra is extremely relieved it’s Hamza and not Veronica as HOH. She says it’s going to be a tough week and it’s time to go play nice.


    Paras says she’s working both sides of the house. She has the “real deal’, and then she has the white room. And in the white room she feels closest with Will and Maddy. Will and Maddy and Paras are talking and Will says Hamza is ready to flip the house upside down. Paras realizes the white room is targeting Olivia. Paras is planting seeds of doubt about Olivia and Will says the white room is about to bounce back and rule the game.


    Erica and Olivia talking and Erica is saying Hamza is so unpredictable. Olivia tells us Hamza winning is not ideal because she doesn’t know where his head at. He’s a wildcard. Erica says it seems Hamza has gotten closer with Jesse and Derek since they all went to the catacombs. Erica says she doesn’t think Hamza would go for Merron because they are buddies, but that’s who she would like to see gone and Olivia agrees. Olivia tells Erica she doesn’t think she’s on Hamza’s radar and Erica agrees. Olivia tells us she knows nothing about Hamza’s game and that means she could be a potential target. Erica says she’ll talk crap about Olivia saying she’s a horrible competitor and isn’t great socially and if Hamza targets her it’s a waste of a week. Erica will encourage ‘big moves’.


    Who wants to see Hamza’s HOH room? He has pictures of his parents and his fiancé. He says seeing the picture of Carolyn just made his day so much better. They got the game Hearing Things. Veronica says it’s fun and Ryan agrees. Hamza settles in to watch his video.


    It’s from Carolyn and she says: Hamz in the cam! She points out her shirt which says Team Hummus. She misses him like crazy, these days feel like years and it has definitely made it even more clear to her how much she loves him and how important he is to her and how excited she is to spend the rest of her life with him. She can’t wait until the day she sees him so she can run and give him the biggest hug and tell him don’t let go. Have fun and she can’t wait to see him.


    Everyone claps and say how much they love her. Hamza is emotional and tells us this is the hardest thing he’s ever been through. Being so far away from her for this long, she’s his life and he’s a lucky guy.


    Merron says his first real week of Big Brother has begun and he wants to talk to Hamza. He’s asking if Olivia is the target or if they are getting a showmance out. Merron wants to know Olivia is the back-up plan or the showmance? Hamza says the showmance is the back-up plan. Merron wants to know why Olivia is a threat. Hamza says Olivia is a marathon runner she’s just lingering and getting good with everyone. Plus, she’s napping all the time saying she wants alone time, but she’s really analyzing everything. Hamza says she’s a law student so she’s not dumb and she’s the type of player who can fly under the radar and slide into the end. Merron says but those type of players don’t get any love in the end, so anyone up against her, she’s going to lose. Merron doesn’t feel like Olivia is a threat and people are making her seem more mischevious than she is. Hamza says at the end of the week she’ll be up against Derek or Kaela and we can decide who we want to get out. Merron says that’s a nice feeling and Hamza is the one person he 100% trusts and they agree to have each other’s backs.


    Welcome, from the BB Can house, it’s Will You Showmance? Please welcome your host, Hamza. We have a newlywed style game set up. This is Will You Showmance, the game that shows you how well you know your partner, whether you’re in a showmance, bromance, or nomance. As HOH, Big Brother asked Hamza to choose four couples to compete and the four couples he chose are: Erica and Merron, Paras and Jesse, Kaela and Derek, and finally Veronica and Will. He’ll ask one member of each team a question and their partner will try and guess the answer. If they get it right they will earn a point. The two teams with the most points will be haves for the week. The two teams with the fewest points will be have-nots for the week. Get ready to play Will You Showmance?


    First question-If you were taking your partner on a first date outside the Big Brother Canada house, do you think they’d rather go for a romantic dinner or BB Can and Chill? Merron guesses romantic dinner and he is correct. Jesse guesses romantic dinner and he’s correct. Derek guesses BB Can and Chill and he’s wrong. Will guesses BB Can and Chill and he is correct. Erica and Merron, Jesse and Paras, and Will and Veronica all have 1 point. Derek and Kaela have 0.


    Second question-What did your partner think you would say is their best physical feature? Merron says Erica has very beautiful eyes and he is correct. Jesse guesses Paras’ eyes and he is correct. Derek says they’ve all seen the Kaela twerk so he has to go with “dat booty” and he is correct. Will says her beautiful ass and he is wrong, she said breasts. Merron and Erica and Jesse and Paras each have 2 points. Derek and Kaela and Veronica and Will have 1 point. Will is getting frustrated because he was a have-not the first week and he doesn’t want to do it again.


    Third question-Does your partner think you’ll be remembered as a comp beast, a strategic mastermind, or a floater? Veronica guesses comp beast and she is correct. Kaela guesses comp beast and she is incorrect, he said mastermind. Paras guesses floater and she is correct. Erica guesses comp beast and she is correct. Merron and Erica and Jesse and Paras have 3 points. Veronica and Will have 2 points, and Derek and Kaela have 1 point.


    Fourth question-What emoji did your partner say best describes you? Veronica makes a face and sticks her tongue out and she is correct. Kaela guesses the heart eyed emoji and she is incorrect, he said laughing face. Paras guesses a smiley face and she is incorrect, he said weird/funny face. Erica guesses two girls holding hands and she is incorrect, he said cool smiley face with sunglasses. Merron and Erica, Jesse and Paras, and Veronica and Will each have 3 points, and Derek and Kaela have 1 point.


    Fifth question-Your partner was asked if they’d be willing to be handcuffed to you for an extra point. And if both of you answer yes, then you have to do it for the rest of the night. What do you think they answered? Erica guesses heck yes and she is correct. Paras guesses yes and she is correct. Veronica says yes absolutely and she is correct. Kaela and Derek are too far behind to catch up. They will be have-nots for the week.


    All the remaining teams are in a three-way tie for first. Final question-Did your partner think you’d be more embarrassed by coming in last in an endurance competition or have your parents see you fool around with someone on the live feeds? Veronica guesses if she came last in an endurance competition and she is correct. Paras guesses her parents seeing her fool around on live feeds and she is correct. Erica guesses her parents seeing her fool around and she is incorrect. Merron and Erica are have-nots for the week. Erica is not happy about being a have-not two weeks in a row.


    Hamza hands out the handcuffs to the teams. Veronica and Will seem to be good natured about it, Erica and Merron are less than thrilled because they lost, and Paras is excited and Jesse looks less than thrilled.


    Veronica wants to chat with Hamza. She tells us she’s a big part of the reason Hamza is HOH this week because she was a driving force in that competition so she feels she should have 50% of the say this week. Veronica tells Hamza everyone is down to send Olivia home if that’s where his head is still at, but she also wanted to know what Hamza thinks about putting Alejandra on the block with her. Hamza wants to know why Veronica doesn’t like Ali so much and she says because all she does is play both sides and she’s sketchy about her. Veronica just wants Ali on the block. Hamza says he’s here to cause some chaos so he has to decide if those the best options.


    Hamza says him and Derek kind of bonded last week so he selects Derek for the Wendy’s meal. Derek says he was on slop last week and he’s going to be on it again this week, so he’s ecstatic to be eating Wendy’s because he knows it’s going to be his last delicious meal for awhile. Derek tells Hamza it sucks being on slop, but it will be better this week because he’ll have Kaela to cuddle with in the catacombs. Hamza says he’s liking his time with Derek right now and he’s thinking Derek could be someone he could work with in the future. Derek tosses out him and Jesse with Hamza and Will as an alliance. Derek is floating Olivia and Ali’s names to Hamza because they were working together, but they’ve been sketchy since.


    Veronica and Will are taking a bath together and they are squirting bubbles on each other. Veronica says she’s in her happy place when she’s in a bubble bath. They are laughing and having a good time and Hamza comes in and tells them to be quiet and not make a noise because Olivia is coming in next. Olivia says she’ll keep it short and sweet but she feels like they are both straight shooters. Olivia says she hasn’t really talked game with anyone except for basic strategy. Olivia says she has talked and she was thinking the consensus was to get the newbies out. Hamza says he doesn’t want another unanimous vote. Olivia wants to know if she’s going up she’d like to know so she can mentally prepare for it. Hamza says he doesn’t have just one target, he has a bunch of targets in mind, but he’s going to make his own decision. Veronica and Will heard the entire conversation and they high five each other.


    Jesse and Paras are talking to Hamza and Jesse asks if everyone is talking his ear off. Jesse says why is it I never talk to the HOH? Hamza says Paras wanted to talk to him and she says but he’s here, indicating Jesse. Hamza suggests Jesse could go to the restroom and Jesse says he’s pretty sure they are on the same page. Paras asks Hamza if his mind is already made up. Paras tells Jesse to go to the restroom because she can’t talk with him there. He heads off and she says she only needs two minutes. She whispers to Hamza that she’s down with taking a shot at the other room if that’s what he wants. She just didn’t know how the votes would go and she didn’t want to say anything in front of Jesse. Hamza says they are taking a shot. They high five and hug. Hamza says I promise we’re taking a shot at the other room. Paras also tosses out Olivia and Ali’s names and Hamza asks if she has anyone else in mind. Paras says she thinks Jesse and Derek and Kaela would work with them, but if he has to take a shot she understands.


    Jesse and Paras switch places and Jesse says he doesn’t talk game a lot, just let him know what he’s thinking and he’ll vote that way. Hamza wants to know what Jesse is thinking though and he responds Ali, Liv, and Ryan are the names getting tossed around the house. Jesse says targeting anyone other than those three would be a mistake because Hamza is in a good place. Jesse thinks they are all in a good place moving forward for another four or five weeks. Paras returns.


    Alejandra tells us Olivia is her right hand in the house and the person she trusts the most. She needs to talk to Hamza and make sure Olivia isn’t on his radar. Alejandra tells Hamza he can trust her in the game, not just this week but moving forward. Hamza tells Ali that her name has been mentioned a lot. Alejandra says she is tight with Olivia and if he needs an extra number she could be it because her and Olivia think alike. Hamza says he’ll consider it. Alejandra asks if he knows who he’s putting up and he says he has an idea and she’ll see. She asks if it’s people from the red room and he says yeah. People from the red room until now have been feeling pretty safe and it’s time to shake things up.


    Olivia is in the red room talking while Jesse is listening and laying on a bed. She’s recapping her conversation with Hamza and she says Hamza said he knew who his target was, but he didn’t know who he was putting up. She thinks Hamza is coming for them and she says they have the numbers but she couldn’t tell Hamza that without giving away that there were a bunch of them working together. Jesse says Hamza is the kind of guy who just goes against the house. Jesse wants to know if Hamza would put one of them up and she doesn’t think so. Jesse says he talked to Hamza for maybe five minutes.


    Hamza tells us he was on the block last week and people were ready to get rid of him, so everyone in the house should feel unsafe. Hamza says the last two weeks have been unanimous votes. This week he’s going to get out who he wants to get out.


    Hamza is considering nominating Ryan because he put him on the block last week, made him a have-not, and sent Andrew home.


    He’s considering nominating Olivia because she’s a smart player, she knows what she’s doing, and she’ll float by until the end. She has to go.


    He’s considering nominating Alejandra because she’s a flippy floppy player. One day she’s against you and the next she’s with you. She has no loyalty and that’s what is most important to him.


    He’s considering nominating Jesse because he’s a physical threat and he’s got a good social game. He’s smarter than people perceive. Aside from that, putting him on the block will split the house in half.


    A line is going to get drawn in the sand. He’s going to out the person that he wants out.


    It’s time for the nomination ceremony! Hamza has nominated Olivia and Jesse. As Jesse takes his seat he says “Jokes!”. Hamza says he chose to nominate Olivia because she’s smart and strategic and it’s week 3 and he doesn’t know where her allegiances lie. Hamza says he nominated Jesse because he’s a physical and social player and at this point in the game, he doesn’t know where his head is at. Sometimes in this game, you just have to trust the process. Jesse gets up and says it doesn’t make any sense man but he goes to give Hamza a hug.


    Jesse tells us Hamza just nominated him for eviction and he is shocked! He thought they were on good terms. What the hell?!? Now he has to go out and try his hardest to win the veto so he can take himself off the block this week.


    Olivia tells us she didn’t think she’d be on the block this early, but she did see this coming. She feels like her back is sort of against the wall at this point and she really feels like she has to go out and win this POV.


    Who will win the Power of Veto? Will Jesse or Olivia fight their way off the block? Find out Wednesday!

  11. Previously on Big Brother Canada, after Andrew’s aggressive assault failed to flip the house, Big Brother sent out one HG then brought in two more! No one bought the Gate Crashers story, least of all Olivia. At the HoH competition, the HG hit the bar, and the bar hit back.  In the end, Ryan was toasted the new HoH.  Thinking his bearded buddy had his back, Andrew wasn’t ready for the news.  Feeling cornered, the Grizzly Bear got steamed, which made him an easy target.  Then, Lone Wolf Hamza joined the hunt when he volunteered for the block. And for Ryan, the hunt was over. At the nom ceremony, Ryan followed the script and put up Andrew and Hamza for eviction.


    Tonight, is Big Red’s power play all that it’s quacked up to be? Who will raid Big Brother’s tomb for the most valuable jewel of all? Is Big Brother’s Back Door open for business? It’s all happening now on Big Brother Canada!


    We pick up with Ryan’s nominations of Andrew and Hamza. Ryan tells us he nominated the two people he’s closest to because the house is against them., but that’s what the house wanted. Ryan says he has to think long term and the only way to get the HG behind him is to go with what they want. He says don’t worry, Canada, he has a plan so neither of these guys home.


    Hamza says he nominated himself because he wanted to make sure he could play in the veto. That way he can play in the veto, win, and keep himself in the house. Andrew says he knew he was going to be nominated but at the end of the day he doesn’t want to go home.


    Andrew says he is humbled, but annoyed and he thinks this is a weak move by Ryan. He thought they were loyal to each other but obviously, he was wrong. Andrew is talking to Alejandra and she tells us if he’s looking for sympathy, he won’t get it from her. He put her in that position last week.


    Andrew says he has to talk to Ryan because he’s his boy. Andrew tells Ryan that Canada is going say Ryan put his buddy up. Ryan says there’s still veto and Andrew says what if he doesn’t win. Ryan says let’s see what happens, but he’s trying to put something in place, but he can’t do it without Andrew or Hamza pulling themselves off.


    Andrew tells Hamza that Ryan says he has a plan and he has to trust the beard. Hamza says putting them both up is risky. He’s confident he’ll win Veto. Andrew says he’s comfortable, having a good time. He compares himself to Shaq and gets no reaction (or recognition from Hamza). He tells Canada he learned his lesson and is going to be calm and play it cool.


    Time to pick the POV players! Johnny (Ryan), Erica (Hamza), and Jesse (Andrew) have been chosen and they will join Hamza, Andrew, and Ryan. Ali will be hosting the POV competition. Ryan grossly reveals he hasn’t showered because he’s been too busy chatting.  Ryan says since the three chosen to play in veto stand in the way of his plan so he has to ask them to throw the comp. Ryan has to go to each one of them and convince them to throw the competition. He thinks he’s convinced Johnny to throw the comp, now he has to do the same with Erica. He thinks she believed his claim that she would get a target on her back if perceived as a comp threat.


    When Ryan talks to Jesse, Jesse doesn’t seem like he’s on board and he’s immediately suspicious of why Ryan wants him to throw it. The three Veto players start to think there’s a backdoor plan in play. Ryan comes in and says, “Hey Kid…”  He talks to everyone in the red rose bedroom and tells them it’s better to throw the comp and let one of them pull themselves off because the other will go home. Ryan says “Dad says” he’s seen every season on of Big Brother and the backdoor does not work. They laugh at him after he leaves.


    Ryan then goes to Andrew and tells him that whatever he hears, he needs to know Ryan has his back. Ryan says if something goes wrong, then just know whoever sits next to Andrew will be the one going home.


    It’s the veto competition! It’s a Tomb Raider themed comp. It’s time for the HG to channel their inner Lara Croft. They will start with their hands tied and they’ll have to free themselves. They will then use a bow and arrow to get their first puzzle piece. Then they’ll have to search through the jungle for the rest of their puzzle pieces. They will then assemble their puzzle and memorize the code on the puzzle to unlock the Tomb of the Mother of Death. The winner will also get an advanced screening of the movie before it hits theaters and $5000!.


    Hamza says it’s time to put up or shut up. Andrew says it’s up to him to save himself. Ryan says they had a plan to throw it, but $5,000 is a lot of money so the plan is out the window. They all start freeing themselves and they  get moving. Johnny is the first to get free and Andrew is the last to free himself. Erica is motivated to win and is the first to knock off her first puzzle piece and now she’s off to find the rest. Jesse is the second to knock off his puzzle piece and quickly finds his first puzzle piece from the jungle.


    Hamza, Andrew, and Ryan all knock their pieces off. Johnny is still struggling with his bow and arrow. Johnny finally gets his piece off and everyone is searching the jungle for their puzzle pieces. The rules say you can only bring one piece back at a time. Erica is trying to find as many pieces as she can so she doesn’t have to expend a lot of energy going back and forth plus searching.


    Andrew and Ryan are breathing heavy and Ryan says he does not work out like this. Andrew is exhausted. Ryan says he can barely stand and he can barely breathe. He has no chance of winning. In order for him to backdoor Olivia, he needs Hamza or Andrew to win and pull themselves off the block. Hamza is struggling too, he says this comp is no joke.


    Andrew is barely moving and says he can’t do this he rolls over the hill on the other side of the wall and he’s breathing heavy. He doesn’t know how he’s going to make it through. He’s going back over and falls hard and is struggling. Ryan asks if he’s ok and Andrew is just moaning. Pulling himself up from the ditch leaves him too tired to search for puzzle pieces.


    People are still cheering Andrew on and tell him to keep fighting. He says he’s trying his best, but this is not the competition for him. Ryan says since Andrew is out, he needs Hamza to pull out the win. Hamza is starting to work on his puzzle. Erica now has all her pieces and is working on her puzzle. Hamza says he sees that Erica is in the lead and there is no way she’s taking it from him. It’s time to kick it into a higher gear so he can win and take himself off the block.


    Jesse and Johnny are also working on their puzzles. Erica has her puzzle together and she’s memorizing symbols so she can input them into the lock. She leaps over the wall but doesn’t get it on the first try. Hamza sees Erica’s mistake but he’s still working on his puzzle. Erica takes a second look and runs back and this time she is successful. Erica wins POV!  And $5000!  Tomb Raider is about a female powerhouse and that’s her in the game right now.  Hamza says she beasted and feasted but this sucks.


    The HG go inside in the living room and they see a message from two of the actors from Tomb Raider and everyone congratulates Erica. Ryan says he needed Andrew or Hamza to win the veto, but they didn’t do it. He blames BB for offering the $5k.  Hamza says he was two pieces away. Ryan says Erica winning ruined everything he set in motion and it’s going to take awhile to get over it.


    [Not as long as it will take for Andrew. – Morty]


    Veronica is rapping and Merron is providing the beat for Will, Hamza, and Andrew. Ryan comes in and joins in as well. Veronica says she loves to rap. Will joins in for a couple verses and everyone is laughing.


    The HG come downstairs and there are snacks and balloons and a huge twister mat on the floor. Jesse says twister is one of those games that brings HG together…literally. Kaela says she is enjoying watching Derek, all she could do was stare. Will says twister is like Big Brother, you always have to be aware and you can’t let your guard down. One by one the HG fall until Paras is the winner of twister and she says it was fun to step away from the game for a moment and get closer to Jesse.


    Paras and Jesse are in the red rose room and they are having a pillow fight. Paras says Jesse is not the type of guy she typically goes for. Jesse says she’s cute and they jive well, but he doesn’t think a public showmance is good for his game. Paras says she doesn’t know what to think yet. She knows what she came here for. Neither wants a showmance and yet they cannot help flirting with each other.


    Ryan tells Hamza if it wasn’t for that $5,000, everyone would have thrown it. Or at least that’s what everyone was telling him. Ryan tells Hamza some people lied to his face. He’s still going to try and make it happen and have Erica pull him down.. Hamza says those chances are slim.


    Erica and Hamza are talking and Erica is reassuring Hamza they have the numbers. Hamza tells her he thinks they need Andrew in the game and she disagrees. She knows she can bounce ideas off him and that he’s super cool and not bothered by anything. She thinks they will be fine without Andrew and if she thinks Hamza is the target she will let him know. Hamza says he’s happy Erica won, but he would be happier if he won himself.


    Ryan talks to Erica and asks if she’d pull someone down if she knew the replacement nominee would go home. Erica says it depends on who. Ryan throws out Maddy and says he thinks people would vote her out. Erica doesn’t believe people would vote out Maddy over Andrew. Ryan says he thinks because of the conversations he’s having, they would. She could remove an actual power player.  Ryan asks if she would make that move and she says she’d think about it.


    Erica talks to Andrew and she says she’s proud of him. Andrew says it’s all love and Erica says she’s just been trying to keep emotions out of the game and just stay in her head. Andrew says he understands but he wouldn’t be him if he didn’t say he’d be thrilled if she pulled him off the block. Erica can see he’s a genuine and honest person, but she has to do what’s best for her personal game. Andrew says whatever happens, he’d just love to stay another week.


    It’s time for the veto ceremony. Erica is in the throne room and she’s reviewing her options. Erica knows the house wants Hamza and Andrew nominated and she’s not sure she wants to ruffle feathers yet. Ryan wants Erica to use the veto and if she doesn’t he’s screwed.


    Erica is now in front of the HG and she gives them an opportunity to tell her why she should use veto. Andrew has a little poem and says he’s given her meals filled with love and held her in his arms with big bear hugs and he’d love for her to put the Veto in his hands. Hamza congratulates her for winning the Veto and asks her to save him because there’s still more episodes of Hamz in the Cams to come.


    Erica has decided not to use the power of veto. Erica says their game play has landed them in the position they are in. She says she has decided to respect Ryan’s nominations and the overall consensus of the house. Andrew feels betrayed and like a sucker and it’s looking pretty rough. Hamza feels pretty safe on the block against Andrew and it’s going to be a unanimous vote and Hamza is going to stay in the house. Ryan says he’s screwed. He tried his best but has a lot of work to do to recover but. he’s like a duck in water, calm on top, and furious underneath.  

  12. Previously, on Big Brother Canada, with Andrew and his posse safe in heaven, a hellacious HOH competition left Johnny fired up by the win and the losers feeling the heat. When the campaigning began, Johnny turned on the waterworks. Then Johnny dried his crocodile tears and put up Alejandra and Rozina, but lone wolf Hamza howled at the idea.


    At the POV competition, every inch counted. In the end, Johnny wormed his way to the win, then locked down his nominations. On the first eviction night of the season, a unanimous vote sent Rozina packing. Then Big Brother dropped a second bombshell…with a catch. Tonight, will the gate crashers get their story straight or will it go up in flames? Who will make a splash as the next HOH? Can the have nots handle their tomb with a view? It’s all happening now on Big Brother Canada!


    We pick up after Rozina’s eviction and Alejandra says she is sad to see her go, but she’s so glad it wasn’t her. Jesse says the vote made the house look united, but it’s a totally different story. Jesse tells us Andrew was relentless on eviction day trying to flip the house to save Rozina and that rubbed people the wrong way. We see Andrew going to different groups and trying to sway them to evict Alejandra.


    We then see Arisa explaining the rules to the gate crashers and them entering the house. Olivia says what they heck? They just got rid of one person and now Big Brother is adding two more. Merron and Veronica are telling them they were in the audience and they were randomly selected to enter the house. They were made-up over a break before entering. Olivia is immediately skeptical. Veronica is explaining there was a super fan draw and they thought it was for front row, but it was a twist.


    Olivia says if they were in the audience then they seen the first eviction, but they said they don’t know who was evicted. There is speculation they are lying because their bios were out a week before the show was started and so the new people should know at least who was there. Jesse tells Derek he doesn’t believe their story and they are holding something back. He is going to try and get to Merron before Andrew does and bunk with him so he can keep an eye on him.


    Merron tells us he can’t believe he’s in the Big Brother Canada house, but he doesn’t think people are buying their story. Merron and Veronica are talking in the red rose room and Merron tells her their story was awful. Veronica says it will be horrible if they get called out. Merron says when they were asked if they seen everyone’s bios he knew it was a wrap.


    Erica comes into the red rose room so Merron leaves to put stuff in the WA and Andrew is in there and he tells Merron he’s got his back and he will not send any votes his way. Andrew says if he hears anything he’ll pass it to Merron and vice versa. Andrew tells him to play dumb and say less. Andrew tells us he’s at the bottom but he’s going to come through and make something happen.


    It’s time for the HOH competition! Welcome the BB Canada Cocktail Lounge! Earlier, Big Brother had us all fill out a survey based off our first impressions of each other. The results will be the basis of tonight’s HOH competition. This competition is called Right in the Kisser and here’s how it works:


    Johnny will ask a question and the first to buzz in will bring their martini glass to him. Johnny will pour them a drink and the HG will answer by throwing their drink right in the kisser of the HG they think is the answer. If correct, they will choose a HG to be “cutoff”, eliminating them from the competition. If incorrect, they will be “cutoff”. The last person remaining in the competition will be the new HOH. Merron and Veronica will not be playing and they are safe for the week.


    Question #1-Who did the house decide smells the worst? Andrew buzzes in and answers Ryan. The correct answer is Ryan and Andrew is correct and he chooses to cutoff Olivia.


    Question #2-Who did the house decide is only here for a showmance? Erica buzzed in first and she answers Derek. The correct answer is Derek and Erica eliminates Andrew.


    Question #3-Who did the house decide is most likely to cry when nominated? Maddy buzzes in and answers herself. The correct answer is Kaela and Maddy is eliminated.


    Question #4-Who did the house decide is the easiest to manipulate? Jesse buzzes in and answers Kaela. The correct answer is Paras and Jesse is eliminated.


    Question #5-Who did the house decide would have the least amount of people to attend their funeral? Paras buzzes in and answers herself. The correct answer is Olivia and Paras is eliminated.

    So far, 5 HG have been eliminated and they are Olivia, Andrew, Maddy, Jesse, and Paras. Remaining in the competition is Erica, Kaela, Derek, Ryan, Alejandra, William, and Hamza.


    Question #6-Who is the house most surprised to see cast this season? Kaela buzzes in, apologizes, and breaks her glass as she answers Hamza. The correct answer is Hamza. Kaela is correct and she chooses to eliminate Hamza.


    Question #7-Who did the house decide is the dumbest HG? No one wants to ring in but Derek buzzes in and answers William. The correct answer is Paras and Derek is eliminated.


    Question #8-Who did the house decide is the least trustworthy HG? Ryan buzzes in and answers Andrew. The correct answer is Andrew and Ryan eliminates Kaela.


    Question #9-Who did the house decide would have the least people at their birthday party? Erica buzzes in and answers Ryan. The correct answer is Hamza. Erica is eliminated.


    Question #10-Who did the house decide would cause the most drama this season? Alejandra buzzes in and she answers Andrew. The correct answer is Erica and Alejandra has been eliminated.


    Ryan and William are the last two HG remaining and one of them will be the next HOH. It’s time for the final question. Who did the house decide was least deserving of the grand prize? William buzzes in and answers Hamza. The correct answer is…Olivia. William is eliminated and Ryan is the new HOH!


    Paras and Alejandra are talking and Paras tells Alejandra her feelings are a little hurt. Alejandra tells us Paras has been struggling a little with her confidence and she’s glad Paras is opening up. We see Paras go into the white rose room and she celebrates that people thinks she is dumb and easy to manipulate. Paras says it’s part of her strategy to play dumb.


    Hamza asks Ryan if he’s ready for the whole house to kiss his butt. Ryan says he’s ready and he’s going to play everything by ear. Hamza says next week will be a physical competition so he needs to plan for that. Erica comes in and wants to speak to Andrew after eliminating him from the HOH competition. Erica tells him everyone beforehand wanted Andrew out first. Andrew wants to know who said it and Erica said everyone, the entire house. Andrew says Erica jumped ship on him and she says it was just numbers. Erica says it doesn’t change how she feels about him as a person.


    Erica and Olivia are sitting on the couch downstairs talking about what a weird day it’s been and Andrew comes down. Olivia asks what’s up and Erica asks if he’s just going to follow her around the house now and Andrew says maybe. Things are tense and Olivia changes the subject and says the house is pretty messy. Andrew tells us he’s shooting daggers at her and she’s uncomfortable but she shouldn’t have done that to him. Andrew is bringing up she was the one of the first people he put in heaven the first week and saved and fed her. She asks how she’s supposed to stand beside him when he’s saying questionable things like trying to flip the house week one. She says those are things she can’t associate herself with. Andrew says we’ll figure it out, but don’t be surprised when the time comes.


    Everyone is hanging out in the living room and Alejandra is dancing and singing it feels good to be off the slop. Ryan comes out and says who wants to see my HOH room? He has a picture of his wife and son and he got a shirt his son made for him with his Ryan’s face on it.


    Ryan picks up a card and reads: HG, Canada will vote each week and choose a Hasbro game for you to play. The first game choice went to Big Brother and he chose Twister.


    Ryan sits down to watch his video. His son, Carter, comes and says Hey Dad! If you’re seeing this you won HOH! Congratulations! So far you are doing great and now he has something to tell him about himself. Their hockey team is doing very well. They have two tournaments left and he is going to practice very hard. I love you! Bye for now!


    Several HG have tears in their eyes and Ryan is emotional. He says he’s so proud every day to be Carter’s dad.


    Alejandra and Jesse are talking and she asks if he feels good with Ryan. Jesse doesn’t know who he’s targeting but he wonders if Ryan will go with Andrew. Alejandra thinks he does. Alejandra tells us Ryan winning HOH makes her nervous because she doesn’t know where his head is. Alejandra and Jesse are talking about how smart Ryan is. Alejandra thinks Ryan has been laying low and no one should underestimate him.


    It’s a new day and Andrew says he went to bed mad but he got up and put on his dad’s sweater and it’s time to go to work. It’s time for hug city. Andrew pulls Erica to the side first and apologizes. He says with the questions from the competition and then Erica taking him out it made him lash out and snap at her. They hug.


    Next, Andrew goes to Olivia. He didn’t mean to get mad at her, she was a victim of circumstance. But he messed up and it’s time to go to work. He apologizes to her and Olivia says it’s all good, apology accepted. And we have another hug. Andrew is giving out hugs today and hugs Maddy and William.


    Everyone is in the living room and Merron and Veronica are standing in front of everyone. Merron says HG, it’s time to name the first four have-nots of the season. Veronica reads: Ryan since you’re the HOH this week, it is your responsibility to decide who will be eating slop and sleeping in the most hellish have not room ever! Merron and Veronica will be haves for the week.


    Ryan stands and says he already decided if he had to choose it was only going to be heaven people because he didn’t want to put anyone on slop for back to back weeks. Ryan says Andrew saved him from slop last week so he can’t put him on it. The four HG he chooses are Jesse, Derek, Hamza, and Erica. That’s the decision for the week.


    Merron says have-nots, it’s time to enter Big Brother’s catacombs. They are all grossed out. Hamza says it’s his first time in the have-not room and he’s already shaking in his pants. There’s skulls everywhere, a tomb, nowhere to sleep, and funky water that smells bad. Erica climbs onto the tomb and says she can sleep on that.


    Ryan and Erica are talking in the HOH and Ryan is glad he gets time alone with her. Ryan gets to share a meal from Wendy’s so he wants to sit down with Erica and see what she’s all about. Erica says Ryan has knowledge she doesn’t and she finds that very valuable. Erica tells us she could potentially see herself working with him. Ryan chose Erica for two reasons, he made her a have not and they might be able to build connections to use down the line.


    Ryan orders Wendy’s through an order thing and their order is ready in the pantry. Ryan goes down to get it. There is a Wendy’s window with an employee handing out the food. Erica is annoyed she’s on slop this week, but she’s excited to have one last meal. She thanks Ryan.


    Kaela and Derek are laying down in bed in the red rose room and they are basically playing twenty questions to get to know each other. Kaela says they’ve been spending a lot of time together. They seem to be on the same page game wise and they are having a great time together. Derek says Kaela is super cute. Kaela says she is definitely a little smitten.


    Merron and Veronica are talking and Merron says people think they have like some weird power or something. Merron tells us he doesn’t think him or Veronica are in the clear but being safe gives them some time to figure things out. Veronica says they have to win HOH next week. Merron says whether he likes or not Veronica is with him because no one understands where he is like she does. Veronica says even though it puts them in a bad spot, they are the ones stirring the pot.


    Ryan is talking to Paras and asks if she thinks it’s red room vs white room. Ryan wants to put up who the house wants because that’s going to gain him trust. He needs to gather as much information as he can before nominations. Paras says Liv is very smart and she’s afraid of her because she plays a good game and she’s quiet and listens and she’s smarter than she lets on. Ryan says he’s concerned about her physically. Paras also tosses out Erica. Ryan says he thinks Liv is the most dangerous.


    Andrew is talking to Hamza about who Ryan is meeting with. Hamza says you realize he hasn’t talked to us at all. Andrew says he’s distancing himself from us, which is smart for his game, and the writing is on the wall. Hamza says Ryan will never get in with the others and they have the numbers, but someone like Ryan doesn’t want to go against the house. Hamza tells us no one wants to play the game and if he hears one more time they want to do what the house wants he’s going to lose his mind. Andrew is going to try and go eavesdrop on some conversations.


    Hamza tells us he knows Ryan is putting up Andrew this week and he doesn’t trust anyone in the house. If he doesn’t get put up next to Andrew, then he knows he’s being backdoored, and no one is going to backdoor him. He decides to nominate himself to guarantee he can play in the veto competition. He tells Ryan he wants to be put up. Ryan says asking to be nominated is asking to be evicted. Why anyone would willing do that is crazy to him. Hamza says he wants to go up because he wants to make sure he can play veto. Hamza tells us he knows it was a risky move, but he’s a smart guy and he doesn’t want to be backdoored.


    It's time for nominations. Ryan heads to the throne room. Ryan says this week is tough. Does he take a shot or play it safe? He has to play it right. He says no matter who you fire at early in the game, you have to deal with the repercussions of that. He says the house wants Andrew up but he has to decide what’s best for his game. He says the house doesn’t trust Hamza and the guy asked him to put him on the block. Ryan says Erica is in the mix for a nomination because she has a lot of friends in the house and he’s not certain where she stands. Ryan says as a marathon runner and a law school student, Olivia is a threat and could be dangerous. Ryan has locked in his nominations.


    Everyone gathers in the living room for nominations. Ryan has nominated Andrew and Hamza. Ryan nominated Andrew because of the events last week and it was a house consensus to put him up. Ryan nominated Hamza because he asked to be nominated. They both get to play in veto and good luck.


    Hamza says he’s playing the game with a bunch of sheep so he decided to nominate himself so he can play in veto. He says the only way they are going to get him out of the house is to backdoor him.


    Andrew says seeing his face burning in hell was not what he wanted to see. He’s going to work super hard for the POV and he’s ready for action. Hibernation is over and Canada is about to see the grizzly bear!


    Who will win the Power of Veto? Will Andrew or Hamza fight their way off the block? Find out Wednesday!

  13. Last night, 14 HG entered Big Brother Canada’s version of Heaven and Hell. Right away, they were rocked by the massive impact of the first bombshell. Tonight, not only will one person be evicted, but we’ll find out which two gate crashers got voted in.


    Previously, on Big Brother Canada, when 14 hopeful HG entered the house they thought they entered heaven. But when Big Brother charmed a chalice, all hell broke loose. With the power to put half the house in heaven and half in hell, Andrew gave seven lucky HG immunity for the week and then sent the rest straight to hell to face the fire of the first HOH competition. Alejandra was the first to burn out. One by one the rest saw their hope go up in flames except Johnny who held on for the win. Tonight, who will Johnny nominate for eviction? Will anyone worm their way off the block? Which two gate crashers will you vote into the house: angels or devils? It all happens now on Big Brother Canada.


    In just moments, one HG will begin their Big Brother afterlife. After that will be a huge reveal. We’ll find out which two gate crashers Canada voted into the house. Let’s see what happened after the HOH competition. We begin with seeing the end of the HOH competition and Johnny winning. Paras feels awful because Johnny wouldn’t take her deal. Hamza doesn’t care who Johnny nominates because he’s safe and he doesn’t care about anyone in hell.


    Johnny and Alejandra are talking about Andrew laughing during the HOH competition. Alejandra knows she’s an easy target since she fell first so she’s hoping to sway Johnny. Alejandra throws Paras’ name out as a potential nominee and also tells Johnny Rozina wanted a girl to win. We see the HG sleeping and Johnny is pacing and thinking who he’s going to nominate. Johnny says there is an angel and devil fighting in his mind. The angel is saying he’s really a nice guy and he doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. The devil is saying no, they are there to win $100,000.


    Day 2 dawns and all the HG are in the living room chatting and getting to know each other. Johnny comes out and it’s time to see the HOH room. He loves seeing his pictures. He then says he needs to nominate the two people who will get the least amount of blood on his hands. He wants to make people think he’s incapable of making this decision and he wants them to feel sorry for him. He’s using the sad puppy strategy to not make himself a target and people won’t see him as a threat.


    Johnny meets with Rozina and he tells her he will probably nominate her and she wants to know why. He says because the other girls told her Rozina wanted a girl to win. Rozina says the other girls were cheering for Paras as well and she tells him the other girls called him weak. Rozina pleads with Johnny to reconsider his decision and maybe target one of the other girls.


    It’s time to find out who’s in danger tonight. Johnny goes in to sit on the throne and lock in his nominations. He then goes to the living room to face the HG and reveal his nominations. His first nomination is Rozina and his second nominee is Alejandra. He nominated Rozina because he thinks she was cheering against him in the first HOH and he nominated Alejandra because she was the first to fall. He wishes them both the best in the veto competition.


    Alejandra says this week couldn’t be off to a worse start and Rozina can’t believe she’s nominated because she was cheering for a girl. Alejandra goes to lay down and she tells herself to stay focused. Paras comes in and says she doesn’t think she’s the target. Hamza says Johnny nominated Rozina, and wow what a great game move to nominate the oldest person in the house. He’s on Rozina’s side because she’ll be a vote for him, she’s a good cook, and she can’t do anything in competitions.


    Kaela is attracted to Derek and she likes Paras and Jesse. Kaela, Derek, Jesse, and Paras form an alliance. They think they will have the most influence in the whole house. They name their alliance the “Real Deal”. Paras says they should not tell anyone about their alliance because it puts them all in jeopardy. Kaela hopes the alliance is the ‘real deal’ because her and Paras could still be replacement nominees, but it’s nice to have two allies in heaven.


    It’s time for the veto competition! Kaela is in a butterfly costume and Derek says she’s the sexiest butterfly he’s ever seen. Competing in this competition will be Johnny, Alejandra, Rozina, Jesse, Olivia, and Hamza. They are all in inch word costumes. On go, they will slide down their leaf and grab an egg and then nudge it inch by inch to the other end. At the 5 inch mark they can no longer use their hands to push the egg where they’ll try and land it in one of the five holes. Each HG also has one golden egg and the first HG to land their golden egg will freeze the other HG for 30 seconds. The first HG to land all five eggs will win veto.


    Alejandra lands her first egg. Alejandra lands a second egg. Hamza has his first egg. Hamza scores a second egg. Rozina looks exhausted. Johnny lands his first egg. Hamza has his golden egg and is going to attempt to land it. Hamza misses the golden egg and Alejandra lands her third egg. Alejandra misses on her golden egg. Johnny gets his golden egg and he scores. Everyone else is frozen and only Johnny can play. Johnny scores an egg. Johnny has 4 eggs and is in first place and everyone can continue again. Hamza gets his third egg. Alejandra just misses her fourth egg and Johnny scores his fifth egg. Johnny has won the POV!


    We go straight into the veto ceremony where Johnny decides he will not use the power of veto. Hamza can’t believe they are going to vote out the oldest person and he talks to a few people to try and sway them to keep Rozina. Hamza says Alejandra could be a threat in future competitions. Hamza says he came to play and he’s going to try and dictate every single vote this season and if it backfires and ruins his game, then so be it.


    It’s time for the first eviction vote of season 6. Arisa gives Alejandra 30 seconds to plead their case. Alejandra apologizes for the dress and she appreciates all the HG and she’s not ready to go home and she’s here to compete. Rozina is next and she tells the HG she loves them and she wants them to keep her in the game because she’s a great cook and she’s weak. She’s not a strong player but she can be the vote they need to move themselves forward in the game.


    It’s time for the vote. Johnny will not be voting. The magic number for eviction is 6 and there is no talking or communicating in any way during the vote.












    By a unanimous vote, Rozina has been evicted from the Big Brother Canada house.


    Rozina joins Arisa on stage. Arisa tells Rozina she was trending across Canada and people have strong feelings about her. Arisa says Rozina, you made a compelling argument, why didn’t they listen? Rozina says it’s because they are youngsters. Arisa asks about her relationship with Hamza and Rozina says they were close and everyone is playing scared and if she were in there she’d make big moves.


    Coming up, we’ll find out which two gate crashers Canada voted into the house. Arisa says just moments ago Rozina was evicted, but if the 13 remaining HG think the night is over, they are mistaken. Arisa brings out the four gate crashers.


    Arisa asks before they enter what would they want people to know or not to know about them inside the house. Kirsten would not want people to know she’s a big fan of the game. Veronica doesn’t want anyone to know she’s a newbie and has only seen two seasons. Merron wants people to know he’s trustworthy. Mikey wants people to know he’s a fun guy and that’s it.


    Arisa has some news. She reveals they are a little late to the party and their new roomies have no idea they are coming. Only one man and one woman will be heading in. Arisa reveals the woman going in is…Veronica. The man who will be going in is…Merron.


    Arisa tells Veronica and Merron they may NOT tell their fellow HG they were voted in by Canada. They will enter through the diary room and they have to come up with their own believable story why they are there. The good news is they’ll both be safe for a week. Arisa sends them off to go in through the diary room where they start working on their story. What story will the gate crashers come up with? And how will the 13 HG react?


    The story they concocted is there was a draw for a superfan and instead they were selected to enter the house. Merron says Veronica can scope out the girl situation and he’ll scope out the guys. Arisa reminds them they can’t tell their HG Canada voted them in. Arisa says they can now officially enter the Big Brother Canada house. Those who were upstairs head downstairs to greet the new HG and introductions are being made.


    Join us Monday to find out who will be the next HOH.

  14. Enter the new realm of Big Brother, where he controls everything, both in the light and darkness. Witness the resurgence and step into a season of mythic proportions! When you’re on top, it’s magical. But in a flash, your wildest dreams can descend into nightmares forcing the question: Are you an angel or a devil? Destined to triumph or fail? Big Brother will make you confront the darkness inside of you, because if you want to be the last one standing the only way to survive is to fight. This season on Big Brother Canada, the battle between Heaven and Hell rages on, but once the dust settles the only one with ultimate power is you!


    We welcome our host, Arissa Cox. We are back and there’s just one thing Arisa wants to say, thank you to all the fans for making it happen. The fans saved us and for the next ten week, we plan on thanking you in a big, bad way! Unlike ever before, this is your season. Starting tonight, Big Brother is prepared to give the fans unprecedented new powers. Let’s take a look inside the house. Welcome to Heaven and Hell, Big Brother style!


    Even before the houseguests move in, the house has been divided like no other seasons. Upstairs it’s heavenly, but downstairs it’s pure hell. One house. Two completely opposite realities. The two worlds are built to be the angel and devil inside of each HG. Lucky HG will roam the angelic accomodations, and those few fortunate enough to gain power will have access to an HOH oasis. But down in the fires below, the unlucky have nots will endure the torment of Big Brother’s catacombs, and little do they know a ghost lurks within its crypt. In the house’s darkest corner lies the blinding power of the throne, a power so great that it will unleash the good and evil within each HG. But in this mythic clash, what the HG won’t know is that’s it’s Canada that holds the ultimate control in Big Brother Canada’s most epic season ever!


    It’s time to meet the HG. First we meet Erica who is 21 from Toronto, ON and she’s currently a server at a restaurant. Her motto in life is why not and she’s down with anything fun. Next we see Will who is 25 and from Trepassy, NL and he works on an oilfield tanker. He had a son when he was 19 and it’s forced him to grow up and he wants to stay focused for his son.


    The next HG we meet is Kaela who is 25 from St. Johns, NB and she’s a wine ambassador. She’s very competitive, she plays ice hockey, touch football, and rugby. We then meet Hamza who is 27 from Thunder Bay, ON and he’s a soccer coach. He’s loud, obnoxious, and he talks with his hands and he’s going to crush the competition. Finally, we meet Alejandra Martinez who is 30 and now lives in Vancouver, BC and she is a personal trainer. She’s a spicy Latina.


    We bring out the first five HG who will enter the house for season 6. Arisa greets them and tells them not to talk to each other until they are in the house. Arisa tells them they can now enter the house. Alejandra says it’s so pretty as she enters and the introductions begin. They say this is the coolest house yet. They head downstairs to look and then head back up to find the bedrooms.


    While the first five get settled into their divide new home, let’s meet the next five HG. We meet Rozina who is 49 is from Toronto, ON, and is a religious educator. She’s a story teller and if you have to lie, you have to lie. You want a Big Brother? Well you got yourself a Big brother, it’s Andrew who is 36 from Scarbrough, ON and he’s a not-for-profit founder. What you see is what you get with him, he just wants to be his authentic self.


    Next we meet Johnny who is 28 from Victoria, BC and he’s a house husband. He considers himself to be a stay-at-home dad, he just doesn’t have kids yet and he’s going to leave all his good qualities at the door, and take a key and unlock all the demons inside of him. Then we have Jesse who is 24 from Saskatoon, SK and he’s a sales executive. He deals with big egos with a lot of money and power and dealing with people in the house will be easy. Finally, we have Olivia who is 21 from Guelph, ON and she’s a beauty consultant who is high maintenance. Skin care is a must, her hair down and nails done and everything and she comes off controlling.


    Arisa brings out the five HG we just met and she sends them into the house. More introductions begin as the new 5 meet the first 5 in. Rozina seems to be extremely excited and is screaming. Arisa lets them get settled as we prepare to meet the final HG who will be entering tonight and get ready for the first HOH competition of the season. BB HG are competing for a $100,000 cash prize, a European dream vacation for two, and a $30,000 home furnishing makeover.


    The first 10 HG are already inside and it’s time to meet the rest. First, we meet Maddy who is 25 from Ottawa, ON and she’s a bartender. When people first meet her they think she is sweet, but she has a petty and manipulative side to her. Next is Derek who is 27 from Beaumont, AB and he has his own lifestyle brand. He is a small town boy, and he loves country music. He’s small town meets big city.


    Next is Ryan who is 39 from Calgary, AB and he is a fire safety technician. He intends to be BB super villain and he has an IQ of 153. Finally, we meet Paras who is 23 from Port Coquillam, BC and she’s a law student. She loves video games and she’s not going in there with the thought to meet a guy, her goal is to win.


    Arisa welcomes the last four to the stage and sends them on into the house. They enter and more introductions ensue. Coming up is the first bombshell of the season. One HG is about to send 7 other straight to Hell!


    Arisa is back and the one of the fourteen HG is about to be given an enormous amount of power. Before the HG went in, Big Brother placed several goblets on the table. One of them is different from the others. The person who chooses it randomly will be given a huge decision to make. Arisa tells them they need to toast and to go grab a goblet from the dining table. Andrew’s goblet is a little different and he needs to head to the diary room right now. Maddy is the one who handed him his goblet.


    Andrew is going into the diary room and he says this is crazy. Arisa tells him he’s about to make an enormous decision. She tells him he will be splitting the house in half. He’ll send seven HG to heaven where they’ll be safe for the week. The other seven will live in hell. That means they’ll be living on slop and without their personal belongings for the whole week. They’ll also be the only HG competing in the HOH comp and two of them will be nominated for eviction. In other words, the next HOH and the person who will be evicted will be in this group.


    Andrew puts himself in heaven first. He puts Rozina in hell because she talked too much. Andrew has placed a few people but seems to be reconsidering the placement. He thinks he needs to switch things around. The other HG’s are speculating that it’s nominations. Andrew finally has his decision ready and goes out to join the others.


    Arisa explains to the HG what Andrew has just done. Everything becomes serious and none of them look too happy. Andrew apologizes to them. It’s time to find out what Andrew decided. If the HG hears their name, then it is not good news. They’ll be in hell for the week. Johnny, Will, Alejandra, Paras, Kaela, Rozina, and Maddy are the seven selected to live in hell. They need to get ready for the first HOH competition of the season.


    It's time for the first HOH. The seven HG competing are standing on a ledge and it’s called Feel the Burn. The goal is to hold on as long as they can. The competition begins and the ledge tilts forward. They have rocks to hold onto and there is a fire behind them. Paras says she has a condition where she gets sweaty palms and now she has to hold on with fire behind her. Rozina is struggling and even though she’s older than everyone else she wants to prove she can do it and win. Alejandra is struggling and she is the first to fall.


    The wall tilts forward even more and Maddy struggles and she is the next to fall. The wall tilts forward more and Rozina and Kaela fall. Will tells Paras they are good and they are discussing who wants it. Johnny doesn’t want to make a deal because he doesn’t trust them. Will and Paras are both struggling and Paras tells us she just wants to Johnny to take the deal so they have to stay there forever. Will finally loses his grip and it’s down to Johnny and Paras. Paras wants to drop but every time she hears Rozina screaming at her. Paras finally drops and Johnny is the first HOH of the season.


    Next, we’ll meet the four gate crashers that need fan votes to enter the house. First we meet Kirsten and she says she’s an acquired taste and she loves BB and watches live feeds. She says she could be compared to Cassandra. On the other side we have Veronica, who may have tattoos and crazy colored hair, but she’s kind and genuine and that’s how she’ll be in the house.


    We meet Mikey and his strategy is to find flaws in people and exploit them and lying and manipulation. He says it’s already in the bank and he’s counting his money. On the other side we have Merron and he will be legendary, iconic, humble, and confidence. He’s aiming to make his family proud and he’s not looking for a showmance. So which gate crashers will be going in? It’s up to Canada! The 14 HG already inside have no idea about this new bombshell.

  15. 10:00 PM BBT They are speculating what the evicted HG are doing. They think Shannon might be watching live feeds and Keisha is playing with her baby. Ross says Shannon probably isn’t watching and is in a hotel. Omarosa says Shannon was talking to Metta and explaining why she was all alone and Omarosa says it was important for her to listen and understand Shannon’s thought process. Metta says he was just listening because he was worried about her. Omarosa says Metta just kept her talking. They think she didn’t adapt to the game well because she was a solo child.


    10:05 PM BBT Ross and Marissa go to the BR and are talking. Ross says Brandi lied to him about the vote. Ross thinks it will be him and Brandi on the block and Ross says he needs to Marissa to help him if it is. Marissa says she’ll need him to help if it’s her. Ross says if he goes home, it’s ok. He’ll still get the same check, it will be fabulous.


    10:10 PM BBT Metta is laying down and Marissa asks if he’s ok. Brandi comes in and asks for some pills from Metta. They talk about pain from the HOH comp again. Marissa tells Metta that Ari is really upset about Brandi’s vote. Metta asks why she did that and Marissa says to get Shannon’s vote. Metta says Shannon didn’t deserve to go 7-0 because she played too well.


    10:15 PM BBT Marissa tells Metta Omarosa is going to break up their alliance because she’s going to go after the pairs. Marissa says she thought Brandi made a stupid move. It just makes her sad because Ari is so upset. Metta says Omarosa has to have four votes to get out who she wants and Marissa says she doesn’t have to have anything because she’s the HOH. Marissa says she might have to make a deal to avoid going up. Omarosa walks through and they ask her to come back and talk after she’s finished what she’s doing. They are trying to figure out the upcoming schedule for the week.


    10:20 PM BBT Metta and Marissa have turned to talking about their family videos and Omarosa comes back. Metta loved Mark’s speech and Omarosa says it was epic. Omarosa says it was the longest she heard in BB history. Mark comes in and he says Shannon’s was longer. Metta says Shannon is passionate about animals and she’s a special lady.  The speculate there will be a double eviction Monday and Friday.


    10:25 PM BBT Omarosa thought today would be a D/E. Talk has returned to the HOH comp and Omarosa says she was solid on the wall. Marissa says she could tell. Metta is asking what D/E’s are like and Omarosa says they are an experience. Omarosa is asked to move her hair away from her microphone. Ross is experimenting with the slop and brings some in for Metta to try and he says it’s good. Ari has joined Marissa, Metta, and Omarosa. Metta, Mark, and Ross are all eating some of the slop. Ross made slop biscuits and they are calling them “sliscuits”. Brandi has joined the room as well with her glass of wine.

  16. 9:00 PM BBT Ross is in the KT cooking. Mark is putting stuff away in the bedroom. Metta, Ari, and Marissa are all also in the KT looking in the refrigerator and washing hands. Ross is reading the nutritional information on the slop. Mark is putting his suitcase back in the SR and Marissa is in the refrigerator and asks who voted for him. Mark thinks it was Omarosa or Metta. Marissa says she knows it wasn’t Metta and she tells Mark it wasn’t Omarosa either.


    9:05 PM BBT Marissa has grabbed a pizza and most everyone is in the KT talking about the competition. Marissa tells Brandi she did good for having no tushy. General chatter about the competition going on and everyone cooking.


    9:10 PM BBT Ross and Marissa head into the lounge. Ross and Marissa are talking about Brandi’s rogue vote and Marissa tells Ross that Ari is upset. Ari comes in and they are asking where everyone’s twitter handles are so they can tweet out.


    9:15 PM BBT Marissa and Ari talk scenarios and Marissa says Brandi might have to go. Marissa thinks she could go up thought. Ari gets a little emotional and Marissa comforts her.


    9:20 PM BBT Most everyone is in the KT still chatting. Omarosa is in the bedroom putting her stuff away.


    9:25 PM BBT Everyone is still in the KT except Omarosa. Mark asks Ross if he likes oatmeal. Ross likes it and Mark says he’ll be ok. Metta wants to know if Big Brother is watching them and what they eat.


    9:30 PM BBT Ross wants to know if he can fry them in coconut oil. He says he’s not trying to add flavor to it, he just wants to fry it in that because there is more of that available. There is speculation there will be a double elimination on Monday. And they think there will be another double Friday.


    9:35 PM BBT Omarosa has joined the KT. Everyone is now eating and a few are trying the slop. Omarosa says they can survive off that. They are eating slop nuggets and dipping them in ketchup. Omarosa reads the slop list of instructions and she tells them condiments will not be replenished.


    9:40 PM BBT Ross says they are going to be very regular after having slop. Metta says he bet Shannon would have loved slop. General chatter all around while everyone is eating.


    9:45 PM BBT More talk about the HOH competition. They are telling Omarosa James was shaking.


    9:50 PM BBT They are talking about slop and Ross asks Omarosa if people are usually on slop for a week and she says yes and sometimes they can get 2 weeks in a row. She also says there’s a competition where they can choose to take slop the rest of the summer. Marissa says she would have volunteered and Mark asks why she just didn’t drop then. Marissa says she thought she was doing good. Talk turns to their videos from home.


    9:55 PM BBT Everyone still in the KT talking about family videos and slop. Omarosa says you can lose weight on slop, but not in 48 hours. Marissa says the numbers on their jerseys were their birthdays. Ross says Metta was shaking the whole wall.

  17. 11:00 PM BBT Talk has turned to Raven and Matt and them having sex and then they’d come out and eat. Josh says Matt came for vacation. Paul says ate a lot of cereal, took a lot of showers, went to journey. He thinks Matt won BB. Josh says Matt and Raven got the worst zings. Paul says Mark’s was funny. Josh says his campaign to stay was so desperate and painful to watch.


    11:05 PM BBT Christmas is called to the DR. As soon as she’s inside talk turns to Christmas and the way she cuddles with Paul. Paul says he understands she needs affection, he doesn’t know what it’s like to almost get married and then not. Paul says she’s 11 years older than him. Paul hopes his girl understands, he’s just trying to be a friend. Josh says she’ll understand. Josh tells Paul to tell his girl how he feels about her and Paul says he will. Josh says Christmas is beautiful.


    11:10 PM BBT Christmas goes to the DR then comes out to the red bedroom and is looking for something. She heads to the WA then outside to look in the washer or dryer. Josh says done and she says no. Josh says comp and Christmas says yes. Christmas is changing back into the clothes she wore for the comp for her DR. Christmas stops to touch up her make-up. Josh and Paul are back to talking about relationships. Josh says he’s ready to just get out of the house and go to a bar and have a conversation with girls other than the ones they’ve been living with. Josh says Christmas looks like a girl out of a movie, like the girl next door. Paul says she’s super pretty. Josh says when he first walked in, the first girl he laid eyes on was Christmas.


    11:15 PM BBT Christmas finally makes her way back to the DR. Paul says he can read people well, that’s how he made it so far in the game. Josh says he can read people’s demeanor, he got it from his dad. Josh is talking about his family. He says his dad speaks Spanglish, he’ll say a word or two in Spanish then switch to English. He then says his mom is the Cuban version of Sofia Vergara. Paul says Victor didn’t have an accent but Natalie had a little bit of one. Josh says he can’t believe Paul didn’t like Natalie and Paul says she wasn’t his type. Josh says she went with James and Paul says no comment. Josh says she was a pretty girl and Paul says tell her that, I’m sure she’ll appreciate it. Josh says Big Meech was a pretty girl too. Paul says there were more girls his type this season.


    11:20 PM BBT Paul thinks Christmas, Elena, and Dominique were the prettiest. Josh says Christmas, Elena, and Jessica. Paul says Jessica was pretty but not his type. They talk about how pretty Dominque was. Josh says her laugh, she had a very cute laugh. Josh says Mark wouldn’t let Josh sleep next to Elena so Mark would go to bed early.


    11:25 PM BBT General chatter between Paul and Josh. Christmas is in DR.

  18. 10:10 PM BBT Paul is eating ice cream. Christmas is going to make a Fanta milkshake. Josh wants to know if the moose tracks are any good. Paul is getting whip cream out of the can. Josh can’t find the ice cream.


    10:15 PM BBT Christmas is heading outside. Josh asks who wants popcorn. Christmas and Paul are headed out to the hammock and Josh is still getting his snacks together in the KT. Paul wants something, but not ice cream. Like popcorn. Paul heads back inside. Christmas says her shake is like a dreamsicle.


    10:20 PM BBT Paul says he messed up the last few days of his diet. He wants something, but he doesn’t know what. Josh says he walked in chubs and he’s walking out chubs. Christmas is called to the DR and Paul says she got played. She says a second later she got played. Christmas asks someone to take her shake, she doesn’t know how long she’ll be in there. Josh tells Paul to come out to the hammock with him because he doesn’t want to be alone. Josh yells at Paul to close the door and he yells back for him to close the door. Christmas is back out of the DR and Paul says what did they want? Christmas says nothing. Josh wants to know what’s going on and Paul says she’s self-evicting. Christmas says you know what would be really good? Champagne and ice cream.


    10:25 PM BBT They bicker as all three get comfortable in the hammock.


    10:30 PM BBT Paul says this might be the last day we have on the hammock and Josh and Christmas think they will have the BY tomorrow. Josh wants to know why they didn’t ask a questions about the ants issue. Paul says he thinks Josh needs a girlfriend who will clown on him. Josh starts whistling the Jeopardy song and we hear please stop whistling.


    10:35 PM BBT Paul is asking Josh what he likes about them. He wants to know what it is about women that he enjoys. Just general chatter. They also ask Christmas what she likes about men.


    10:40 PM BBT Still general chatter. You can hear sirens in the background.


    10:45 PM BBT Josh is talking about a girl he likes and had feelings for. Paul tells him you have to get over her before dating anyone else.


    10:50 PM BBT Still general chatter about relationships.


    10:55 PM BBT They are still talking about relationships. Josh turns to talking about Elena. Josh says Mark was jealous of Elena flirting with the others. He talks about Elena massaging Paul and Mark walked in and seen it and walked back out. They are talking about showmances and how some of them went straight to being intimate. They mention Jess and Cody on day 6 in the HOH. Josh says really? Christmas says everyone knew. Josh says he’d never have sex with cameras around. They are talking about when they went out to a comp Jess would twerk on Cody and he’d be slapping her bottom.

  19. 9:00 PM BBT Josh and Paul are talking in the BY on the hammock. Christmas is just out of the shower. Josh says he’s going to be a mess at the final and he’s worried about jury questions. Paul says he’ll help him. Josh says he wants to go to bed and Paul says they can’t go to bed yet. Paul says there was an episode today and Josh asked what aired. Paul says jury round table and part 1 of the HOH. Josh is saying when Christmas came out of the DR last night she seemed upset. Paul says he thinks she was just frustrated. Paul says Christmas has about 18 things to get back to in real life. He says something about her supposed to have gotten married and they are just kids to her. Josh is talking about Elena and Raven irritating him with trying to guilt them into keeping them or letting them win comps. Josh mentions Raven begging to win HOH’s because she wanted a letter from home and Josh says they all wanted a letter from home.


    9:05 PM BBT Josh asks Paul why he’s so gassed right now and he says he’s bored. He says he’s staring at a $2 toy from China. (A fidget spinner) Josh says that HOH comp was really hard. They are arguing how much longer Paul and Christmas was up after Josh fell. Paul is talking about how hard it is for him because of the emotions of the game and he never thought he’d make it this far. He thought every week he was going home. He says it feels like a dream, it doesn’t feel real. Paul didn’t think he’d come back this soon and he didn’t think he’d be the only vet. He thought after last year he got second place and that was it, that was his Big Brother experience. He says it’s a blessing they brought him back. Josh says and you would do it again and Paul says yeah, he’d want to play one more time against vets, good vets, like top 3 vets. Josh asks like who? Paul says Derrick, Frankie, Dan G., and Vanessa. Paul says Frankie wasn’t top 3, but he was a great game player, a comp beast, and had a great social game. Josh asks if he was a bigger fan after playing than he was before and he says yes because he lived it.


    9:10 PM BBT Paul knows Dr. Will has won first place and second place. Josh thinks Paul will go down in BB history. Paul says he’s proud he can say he came back and played BB. He didn’t float, lay low, he played the whole game and he won comps. Josh says he doesn’t care what the jury asks because he can tell them at least he wasn’t a wussy like them. Paul hopes he wasn’t a disappointing player because fans sometimes gets disappointed when a vet comes back and doesn’t do anything. Josh asks if Paul played harder this season than last and Paul says oh yeah. Paul says he played a different game last season because he had to scramble to stay in the game, this season he was always on top of it. Paul says last season he was the biggest target because he was the loudest and craziest, this season he had the biggest target because he was a vet. Josh asks where Christmas is and Paul says she went to shower. Paul says this experience will boost Christmas’s career and he wishes her the best and he’s happy for her. Paul says he isn’t even going to try and guess what questions the jury will ask him. Josh asks if you give a speech and Paul says a short one.


    9:15 PM BBT Paul and Josh talk about seeing their families after the finale. Josh asks if they get to walk out together and Paul says yeah, we’re done, we won. Paul wants to relax when he’s out and Josh agrees. Christmas is called to the DR as she’s in the middle of putting make-up on. Paul says maybe it’s something for POP. Josh says POP send us something and Paul says or they are DRing. Paul is talking about reinvesting money back into his business.


    9:20 PM BBT Josh is excited to get booked in things and go. He wants to go to Canada. Christmas is called to DR again and she says she is going. Paul says his biggest fan base is in New York and he still hasn’t done anything there yet. Josh says it’s crazy that they might get recognized and Paul says airports are the craziest. Josh says it’s very humbling. Josh says he can set something up for them in New York and Paul says if you can do New York and Florida that would be great because those are two places he hasn’t been in. They start talking about Bobby Moynihan and his visit.


    9:25 PM BBT Christmas is out of DR and calls everyone to the LR. They are wondering what’s going on and Josh is saying oh no! Christmas reads from a card Dear Houseguests! Smile at your own Big Brother After Dark and Paul and Josh cheer. Orwell’s night owls have been watching you all season long and have some questions for you. Take turns picking a card and let’s play a game of Truth or Truth! Your friends at POP! Josh picks a card and Christmas says if the card is for him he has to answer out loud and if it’s for someone else they have to answer. Josh reads is it easier to gain weight, lose weight, or maintain your weight living in the Big Brother house? He’s laughing and says he would pick that questions. He says hands down gain weight and Paul says. They talk about stress eating and eating when you’re stressed, happy, sad. Christmas says and it’s all junk food, she doesn’t buy the stuff they are given in the house at home.


    9:30 PM BBT Paul pulls a card and reads Paul, who is the first person you are going to call when you’re out of the house? Paul hesitates and says we’ll he’s going to see his family at finale, so probably his grandparents. He’ll probably call his grandparents right away just to hear his grandmother’s little voice. He says actually, let me re-answer that. The ghostbusters. Christmas picks a card next and reads Everyone, what food do you miss eating from home? Josh says Chipotle! Chipotle and his mom’s cooking. Christmas likes doing her own BBQ in the BY. She talks about salmon on the grill and poppers and grilled corn. She misses eating breakfast at her table watching the sun come up. Paul says In and Out, all day every day, California Vibes, animal style burger, animal style fries, neopolitan shake. His mom’s cooking. Josh draws a card and reads Josh, do you play any instruments, or were pots and pans your first? He starts laughing and says he’s never played instruments even though he’d love to learn to play the guitar. Hopefully Paul teaches him. Christmas thinks he would not be ok if Paul tried to teach him guitar. Paul draws a card and says Christmas! What’s one of your most meaningful tattoos and why? Christmas says she likes all of her tattoos. She says each one has it’s own meaning and own story and each one is a representation of something she loves. She says people would be surprised that one of her favorites is her brother and sister tattoo. She just wanted to celebrate their life and that’s one of her favorites, but she likes all of them.


    9:35 PM BBT Christmas draws the next card and Josh says this is fun. Christmas reads Josh, what is your favorite family tradition. Josh says the holidays? Paul says what tradition do you do? Josh says Family Sundays, his aunts and uncles and cousins come over and there’s music playing all day and everyone together playing and eating and watching whatever is on TV. His favorite holiday tradition is his family together in Jersey, he says 60 of them in one house. Christmas asks Paul if they have a holiday tradition and he says they usually go to Canada to his aunt’s house and all his families travels in and he gets to see snow. Christmas says they do a dish for each person every year and they do oyster stew and his sister makes milktoast and homemade custard. They have this big spread and eat all day long and they open one present on Christmas Eve. Josh’s turn to draw and he reads Josh, which was harder eating slop or sleeping on a bed of spikes. Josh says slop! Slop sucks. He says luckily he had a guy who played last year to help with the slop and make it good with all the sauces and Ramses made good slop. Josh says except when Mark threw a fit and took his pillows, he slept pretty well on the spike beds. Josh says the hype is real, slop sucks.


    9:40 PM BBT Paul draws a card and reads everyone, besides your family, what do you miss most in the outside world? Christmas says her little friend, driving her car, her gym, the smell of sweat. Josh says going on a hike and driving his car. Paul says for sure driving his nova, his hairless cat, his pups, pooches, and just being able to go do anything. He needs his guitar in his hand. Christmas says interaction with friends. Josh says just being able to drink a beer. Christmas draws everyone, which former HG are you excited to meet? Paul says he’s met a lot of them but he wants to meet Dan G, the funeral director and he wants to see Dr. Will again. Christmas says who’s the dentist guy, he made her laugh and Paul says Dr. Will then says no, the super-geeky guy. They can’t remember his name and Paul says he had really good DR’s. Paul says he still hasn’t met Evel Dick and he wants to meet him and Josh says he wants to meet him too. Josh says he was the first to do pots and pans, but Josh thinks he did them better. Paul says ED is hyped they are giving him the shoutout. Josh is next and reads Josh, are meatballs your favorite food? He says yes! I love meatballs! Paul says he played himself. Josh says he loves Italian food besides Cuban food and Mexican food, but he lies meatballs. He’d rather call Mark a meatball. Josh says Raven always messed up her meatballs. Paul reads everyone, who’s going to take Orwell the owl home with them after the show. Josh runs to the red bedroom to grab him from the round bed. Josh says Orwell is his buddy and they’ve been friends since Jessica’s HOH. He has another owl and their name is Theodore and they are his only friends.


    9:45 PM BBT Christmas reads everyone, if you can have one item from home what would it be? Paul says his guitar and Josh says his laptop so he can see how his business is doing. Christmas says Fran and Paul says that’s a person not an item, so she says her bed or her shower. Josh reads everyone what’s your favorite comp this year? Paul says either strangest things, the terminal comp, or the weather comp. Josh says for him it’s terminal and OTEV was fun. Christmas lists the one she didn’t get to play in and she says the lemon truck because it’s the first one she got to be physical in. Christmas says it definitely wasn’t the last one they played. Paul reads everyone, it would drive me crazy to not be able to use pen and paper. Do you miss writing things down. Christmas and Josh say yes and Paul says no. Christmas says she’s a lister and Josh says he thinks things through by writing things down. Paul says he misses drawing. Christmas says she’s a list person and as she checks off her tasks she feels productive.


    10:00 PM BBT Christmas reads how hard is it to be without your phone for 81 days. Josh says he forgot his password so he’s screwed. Paul says it’s kind of nice you just get used to it because you have other things to worry about. Paul says having a phone is a pain in the ass. Christmas says she’s felt free. Paul says you’re a slave to your phone and you learn to appreciate more without it. Josh says drop the phone when you’re with family and friends.


    10:02 PM BBT Josh reads Paul, how many of last years HG do you still hang out with. Paul says elfit Vic! He says him and Vic talk a lot, right before he came in Glenn and him went to a game. He talks to Nicole a lot and Corey was in LA doing modeling stuff. He says Paulie came to LA to do a fitness thing. Paul says Bridget, he loves her to death. Paul says he saw Bronte a lot and she’s a sweetheart. Paul says he sees Momma Day every now and then. He says that’s pretty much all that talks to him. He says he hopes Natalie and James are having a good time. He really doesn’t talk to everyone else. He shouts out to season 18.


    10:03 PM BBT Paul’s turn and he reads Christmas, and then he laughs, what’s the funniest joke she’s heard about her name. She says they are so bad. She says her old boss used to call her Halloween Scary he says someone in a bar says he’s never seen a White Christmas before. Christmas says if you’re going to say something about her name, get creative and make her laugh.


    10:04 PM BBT Christmas reads Christmas, if she could have one celebrity sign her cast, who would it be? She immediately answers Mark Wahlburg. She says he’s easy on the eyes and everything he’s done is legit. Josh says he’s one of his favorite actors. They talk about Good Vibrations. They thank POP for the questions. Josh says they pick on him all day!

  20. 12:24 AM BBT Feeds are back. The HG are covered in different colored powder and their shirts have unicorns on them. It was an endurance comp. Christmas tells Paul good job and he tells her the same. Josh says they were out there a long time. Christmas was able to compete.


    12:30 AM BBT More talk about the comp but generalities. Josh says it was the most difficult endurance comp and Christmas said she’d do that any day over the one where they had to hold their disk up with a stick. Paul talks about last year’s endurance comp.


    12:35 AM BBT Paul still talking about last year’s endurance comp, he says it was 3 comps in one. He says this year’s comp was just weird. Paul says he looked over and thought Christmas was wiping off sweat and he thought he lost. Christmas says no, she went down. Paul gets called to the DR.


    12:40 AM BBT Christmas asks what the next comp would be and Josh says mental/physical and the last one is luck. Josh asks Christmas what she’s thinking and she says she wishes she didn’t have the boot on her foot. Josh can’t wait to see the reaction of people when they see Christmas competed. Josh says they were on 30 minutes longer than he was. Christmas says when those things farted pixie dust the guys just stood there. Josh says as soon as he gets out he’s doing crossfit. Josh hopes his mom comes to finale. FotH. Josh says he feels good whatever happens.


    12:45 AM BBT Christmas says she didn’t get to compete in OTEV, the temple of doom, zingbot and she thinks she could have done well in them if it wasn’t for her foot. Josh says she wouldn’t have half-assed any of those comps. Josh says Christmas was underestimated in the game. People didn’t know how smart she was. Christmas says she didn’t put pressure on the front of her foot, she fell properly, thanks for letting her play. FotH.


    12:50 AM BBT Paul is out of DR. Christmas and Josh are just looking at the memory wall. Christmas says unicorn tears? Paul says they wanted tears and we get FotH. Paul is saying he literally thought he was going to be gone every week, so for him to be there he is shocked. Josh says people thought he was crazy week 1 and they wanted him out. He says he felt that way in high school. Christmas says she was never part of the cool kids she was always an outlier.


    12:55 AM BBT Josh is hungry and Paul says he’s so full. Christmas is getting something from the SR. Josh starts humming and we get FotH. Christmas is going to take a shower.

  21. 2:00 PM BBT Alex finishes her rosary and heads to the DR. Paul tells Christmas and Josh they can’t act any different around her. Josh says he will be straight forward with her. Christmas says he was straight forward with her and he’s been doing great, he doesn’t have to change his position. Christmas says Josh said what he needed to say when he nominated her. Paul says that was tough and Christmas says it was long. Paul says Alex isn’t his enemy and it sucks it went this way. Paul says he told her getting Kevin out next week is easier than she would be. Josh says he knows what he’s going to say her. Christmas says Jason went against what they said and that’s why thinks went the way they did. Paul says Alex implied she threw the veto.


    2:05 PM BBT Christmas and Josh says no way she threw it. Paul says Alex walked because she hoped Paul would win. Christmas said no way and besides Paul has played that competition before. Josh says he’ll never do this again. Paul says imagine doing it alone with no vet helping you and then losing. And then doing it again. Josh says you’re crazy. Paul says that was tough, but not as tough as it would be to send one of them home. Paul says he doesn’t think she will buck and kick and go crazy. He made it heartfelt and honest. Kevin is walking the yard and it’s quiet all around the house.

  22. 1:30 PM BBT Alex says she was walking in the veto and she’s not mad at him, she’s mad at herself. Paul says the circumstances suck and he’s trying not to cry in front of her and he knows she’s not a fan of that. He says it hurts him and he would be lying if he said it didn’t hurt him. He says she’s his friend in there and he would vote for her to win and this is where the emotions of BB come into game play decisions. Paul says if he lets his emotions take over he secures his loss in the game. Alex says they don’t have to keep going over it and this secures her not winning at all. Alex says if the situation was flipped she still would have taken him even if she thought she was getting second. She says she was worried about jury too, but she wouldn’t have taken Josh over Paul even though it would have been a slam dunk. Paul says she would have won over everyone and he’s not doubting she would take him, but being the only vet he knows is a mark against him. He says no one else knows how hard it was being the only vet in the game. Alex says she gets it but she doesn’t want to keep talking about it but this secures a loss for it. She totally gets it, she knows it kills him. Paul says those people don’t give a F that he’s eating himself alive with this decision. Paul says if this was his first time play he would happily make this mistake. But it’s his second time playing and if he makes the same mistake twice…Alex says she doesn’t want to talk about. Paul says he will talk with them and see if he can get in their heads and talk them into keeping her. Alex says they both already expressed Kevin is a better option because they can beat him. Paul says but he can still try. Alex says it’s a lost cause at this point.


    1:35 PM BBT Paul says he can still try but he knows if he goes against them he loses those three votes. He says it is his pivotal decision that leads to that point and they aren’t voting for him and he knows that. Paul says he’s not afraid of them and he’s sure they could get to F2 but he knows he would lose. Alex says she just wished Paul had listened to her earlier about Christmas and Kevin. She said Christmas was getting cocky with her foot and Kevin was sliding by. Alex says she set Jason up to go home. Paul says she can’t blame herself for that. Paul says if it’s any consolation he’s almost positive Alex will get AFP because she was the only other “player”. Alex says that doesn’t make it better so let’s not talk about it. Paul says he wasn’t going to not talk to her and she says she appreciates it. Paul says he wanted to be honest with her and if that dictates her hating him, then so be it. He doesn’t want her to feel like he’s selfishly Fing her over. Alex says honestly, it doesn’t feel like that. 100%. Alex says she had times she thought Jason would clean sweep her or Paul but she didn’t care. Paul says he’s playing this game the second time and it’s hard to get this far and not want to win. Alex says do you think it was easy for me to throw comps to you? She explained to Jason you don’t have to win every comp to win BB and she was ok with it. She doesn’t want to make him feel worse, and she doesn’t want to keep talking about it. Paul says he’s eating himself up but he wants to talk it out because her feelings are just as valid as his. Paul says you said I’m securing losing, but if I save you, then I’m securing my own loss.


    1:40 PM BBT Alex says she cares about the money, she wants to take care of her baby. Paul says this game has taken a physical and emotional toll on me. Alex says it just sucks, I worked really hard. Paul says everyone knows how hard you worked which is what makes it even harder for him. Paul says I wish you hadn’t done crap all season. Alex says we don’t have to keep talking about it because it only makes it worse. Alex says Christmas is not going to lay down for this because she wants it now. Paul says he's going to try and talk them in to keeping him, he just can’t save her because he would lose those votes. But maybe he can talk them into keeping her. He says there is nothing he wants more than to be in F2 with her. Christmas comes in from outside and goes upstairs. Paul tells Alex he worked super hard last year and he fell short. He says his anxiety attacks and panic attacks and it would crush his soul if he made the same mistake as last year and lose by one vote.


    1:45 PM BBT Christmas and Josh are talking about days again. She’s running down the HOH wins. Paul tells Alex he’s always doubted himself his whole life and his capabilities and with this decision there might be a shred of confidence he can pull it off. He says it’s super hard to say to her and he’s trying to be as open and honest with his feelings as he can. Alex says she understands and she keeps saying they don’t have to talk about it because it just makes him feel worse. Paul asks if they think they’ll do anything today? Alex doesn’t think so and then mentions maybe a special eviction on Tuesday and then another on Thursday. Paul says final 3 is at least 5 or 6 days. Alex says they probably won’t have a show today because of football all day and they won’t have a special show on Monday because of football. Alex says she wishes they would have just voted out Kevin and then she wouldn’t feel so bad going before him. Paul says we all wanted Raven out. Paul says at that point he was overtrumped with the vote. Paul says they were set on getting Raven out over Kevin. Alex says Christmas is obviously playing the game now because she’s trying to sneak by and get to the end. Paul asks Alex if she thinks he can do it and she says he can. Alex says she’ll vote for Paul and Jason will. Paul says Jason hates me right now. Alex says she’ll talk to him that Jason will think it was Paul’s plan all along and Alex is stupid but she will tell him to vote for Paul. Paul says he hasn’t done jury damage control all season, but neither have they. Paul says he’s going to talk to Josh and Christmas and see what he can do. He apologizes to her because he let her down.


    1:50 PM BBT Alex says you got my vote, you probably just won’t see me right after. Paul just wants her to know he genuinely thinks she’s one of the coolest people he’s ever met. She says she’s going to the WC. Christmas and Josh have moved on to talking about evictions. Paul is pacing back and forth between rooms and he is upset and sniffling. He is crying. Kevin comes inside and holds the door open for Alex and she goes outside and says thank you. Kevin asks Paul if he’s alright and he says he’s fine and Kevin asks if you are sure. Paul heads into the HOH room and Christmas gives him a hug. Alex is outside on the couch saying Hail Mary’s with her rosary. Paul is crying and Josh comes up to hug him as well.


    1:55 PM BBT Paul tells them he told Alex he would talk to them about keeping her. He then goes over everything he told her. Paul says Alex called him selfish and she doesn’t know he’s protecting them. Josh asked if Alex was ok and Paul says she said thanks for being honest. Paul tells them they need to give her a straight no and not give her hope because it will hurt her even more. Alex is called to the DR and she asks for 5 minutes so she can finish her rosary.

  23. 10:00 PM BBT Christmas, Josh, and Paul are in the lounge studying days.


    10:05 PM BBT Christmas, Josh, and Paul are still studying days. Josh still wants to call out Kevin. Christmas says to do it before the next HOH so he’s distracted.


    10:10 PM BBT Josh is still upset about being a meatball. Paul says what did you think they were going to name you? Josh says he thought he’d be throwing meatballs. Christmas liked her comic so much. Josh asks Paul if the jury last year hated him and Nicole as much as they are hated this year. Paul says he was hated last year. Paul says he was motormouth last year, this year he’s potty mouth. Christmas says it might be because they talked crap and Paul says but why call me that? Josh says fool! What are you complaining about? Paul says his mom is going to kill him and Josh says his mom is going to kill him. Christmas mentions Big Meech as the baby on last year’s comic. Josh says he’s rampaging through a city he says he’s probably spazzing on all the episodes. Paul says why potty mouth? He says he hates it he wishes they’d have made him a snake.


    10:15 PM BBT Christmas wants a massage after they are done. Josh says he needs to decompress after this. Christmas says a real moment, she doesn’t care what happens after F3, but they swept the F out of the house. Josh says yes they did. Christmas says they should put this in their playbook. Paul’s comic said the toxic toilet turned motor mouth into potty mouth. Josh says he doesn’t get the toilet thing. Paul thought they were saying he had bad breath or something. Josh says Mark and Jason were brutal sometimes and Elena sometimes. Josh says he wouldn’t get close enough to Raven. Josh says he felt Alex was a super hero one but all the rest were villains. Paul says he for sure was a villain. Paul says Jessica and Cody’s weren’t that bad. Christmas asks if the comics are accurate to their character in the show and Paul says pretty accurate.


    10:20 PM BBT Paul says Jessica’s said Hex appeal and she was holding a book. Christmas thinks the show had her portrayed as a good girl until she took Cody’s chance away to save his girlfriend. Christmas wishes Jillian could have played longer, but she was on the block with her. Paul says they were probably portrayed as the aggressive ones all season. Paul says he probably made a lot of people cry in the DR, then he says Dominique for sure. Josh says when Paul came in to confront Dominique he was sleeping but immediately rose up and wanted to know what was going on.


    10:25 PM BBT Paul says he likes Dominique but he doesn’t think she will want to be friends. Christmas thinks Dominique’s personality will keep her from talking to them because she’ll think she’s better than all of them. Josh liked Elena’s comic and he says Elena will probably like it. Christmas says she wants to go back and watch clips of Elena throwing a temper tantrum. They talk about Josh taking the apple night one.

  24. 9:30 PM BBT Paul, Christmas, and Josh are in the lounge room still talking things out. Kevin is in the green bedroom by himself. Alex is in the HOH shower. Paul again goes over the plan for talking to Alex.


    9:35 PM BBT Paul finishes going over his plan. Josh wants to know when he can question Kevin about this veto. Christmas and Paul say after the eviction.


    9:40 PM BBT Paul is asking again if everyone is comfortable with the plan. Josh says yes. Christmas agrees. Christmas says she should have taken this HOH and it could have been a split vote and she wouldn’t have minded taking Alex out. Josh is in the SR thinking and he whispers Christmas is such a fool twice. Christmas tells Paul she is sick of Alex’s arrogance. Paul tells Christmas he doesn’t think anyone will vote for him in jury. He says he doesn’t know how he can win, he doesn’t think he can win. He says he’s just trying to get as far as he can. Josh whispers again Christmas is such a fool. Josh comes out and Kevin asks if he’s tired and Josh says yes. Kevin asks if he’s going to bed early and Josh says yeah. Josh then says he’s going to lay down. Josh goes to the HOH room and Alex is out of the shower. Alex says she just got called to the DR. Christmas asks Paul if he didn’t think he could potentially win why didn’t he play a different game. Paul says he just wanted to go as far as he could, but now that he’s this far it’s hard not to think about it.


    9:45 PM BBT Paul says he’s going to try and go as far as he can. Paul starts going over jury votes and Christmas says yeah, but they all respected you in some way. Christmas says collectively they all respected your game even though you blew up on them. Christmas says they just see her as a lump on a log in the corner. Josh is in his bed in the HOH and he says for him to have Paul and Christmas’s back the whole game and to stand by them and never cross them and Paul is literally putting all the blood on him and Christmas. Josh says he has no blood or anything and to put it on someone who’s had your back in order to secure your game and not give a chance…Josh says he’s been honest, loyal, straightforward. He says yeah he’s told white lies but for him to orchestrate all this and put all the blood on him so he can secure his jury votes and Christmas is so naïve she is eating everything he says. Josh says they don’t even let me speak, he can’t even get a word and now he can’t take a shot. He says now he has to go to F3 with him. He says Paul thinks he will go to F2 with his hands clean but he might just blow up the house. Josh says he’s earned his spot there, he’s protected Paul and Christmas and had their back and now what does he do? Josh says they think he’s stupid? Josh says they think he’s stupid like he doesn’t Fing know that Paul told Kevin to throw that Fing comp so it Fing looks like he is in with Fing Christmas? Josh says if he doesn’t make it to 3 and then 2 he doesn’t give a flying F at this point because he has not turned on anyone and he’s forcing him to turn on him. Paul is forcing Josh to take him out and take a shot at him. Josh says little does Paul know Josh knows they have a F3 and he’s sure he’s spreading that crap like wildfire in jury.


    9:50 PM BBT Josh says he’s played a clean game and now he has someone he trusts, someone he looked out for, an alliance and now they are Fing up his game. Josh says if he wins he’s in a house full of Fing snakes. Josh is not going to throw crap on an ally to ensure he wins, he would have been happy for the best to win. He wouldn’t have crapped on someone to win. Josh says Christmas is worried about a rogue vote but she’s not pissed about Paul crapping on them to get to F2 and win the game. Josh says he is playing the F out of Christmas. Josh says he stood by this kid the whole game and for him not to be the one to taint his game, but for an ally to do it and he called people out and had enemies to protect those two?


    9:55 PM BBT He says he’s not going to change, he’s going to be loyal, but if he makes that scale he’s taking Paul out. Josh says he’s going to F3 but they better beat him. And in his speech you better believe Josh is exposing the three of them. Josh says everyone is going to know when he’s in F2 he played a loyal game, stood by him and never turned on him and people never gave that in return. Josh says either the F’ing jury will respect his game play or F the jury too because he doesn’t give three F’s at this point. Josh says he didn’t ruin his game, thank his allies for that. Josh goes back downstairs. Christmas and Paul have been going over days. Josh comes in and Paul asks where Alex and Kevin are and Josh says DR and his corner. Paul asks Josh if he remembers anything from the Inked and Tatted comp. He wants to know what number was on Jillian’s cover. Josh says he’s screwed on that because he hasn’t studied days. They all start going over days.

  25. 9:00 PM BBT Paul says Josh was a giant meatball with pots and pans. Alex starts a story with this one time in college. It’s about a partner who was color blind. Paul goes downstairs and talks to Kevin and he tells Kevin he has to tell Alex he’s not using POV. Paul says she’s going to hate him. Kevin says she doesn’t like you anyway. Kevin says who would go up Christmas? Paul says yeah but Alex will feel he betrayed her. Kevin doesn’t want Paul to tell her tonight because she’ll be miserable. Paul says tell her you need to think it over. Josh didn’t want to play chess. Paul and Christmas go to the lounge. Paul says he’s going to be straight forward with her. Paul says Alex has been securing jury the whole time and Paul has none. Paul says Alex may ask Christmas for a vote and send it to Josh to break the tie. Paul says we can blindside her but that will be even worse.


    9:05 PM BBT Christmas says she’s not sure Josh will see they will all share the blood in this. Josh comes in and Paul asks where Alex is and Josh says she’s in the shower. Paul says they all need to tell Alex they want her out in their own way. Paul is explaining his strategy to tell Alex to Josh. He says he will tell her even if they make F2 (Alex and Paul) Paul would lose Christmas, Josh, and Kevin’s votes and he’s lost Jason’s, Cody’s, and Mark’s. Josh says Alex is telling Josh they have a plan and he’s screwed her over three times and he can’t do it a fourth time.


    9:10 PM BBT Paul explains that they all have to be on the same page and say no otherwise Alex will go to Christmas and ask for a tie and put it on Josh to break the tie. Paul says Alex is expecting him to use it on her. Christmas says that’s why it was imperative for Kevin to win. Josh says Kevin threw it because he screwed up big time and even he didn’t max out. Christmas says let’s focus on Kevin later, let’s figure out the Alex thing before she gets out of the shower. Christmas asks Josh if he’s ok with telling Alex he told Paul he wouldn’t get his jury vote if he used POV. Josh says he’s not ok with it. Paul says you just said yes twice. Josh says he’s not ok with it but he’ll do it. Paul wants to know why he’s not ok with it. Christmas says we need to talk through it. Paul says our other options are to blindside her or expose ourselves. Christmas says those two options are not ok. Paul says if we expose ourselves she goes to jury and blows it for all of us. Josh says he doesn’t want it to seem like he gave Paul an ultimatum.


    9:15 PM BBT Paul says Alex really wants to win and she knows she can. Christmas says Alex’s arrogance is annoying. Paul says he doesn’t want to something they aren’t ok with. Josh says fine. Christmas says you can’t just say fine or go off on a tangent. Josh says what’s a tangent? Christmas looks at Paul and says I’m done. Paul explains. Christmas says you need to talk to us and work through things and for all of us to be comfortable with the plan because if we make a decision and then you second guess it, then I will lose my crap. Paul says they are 2 comps away from final 3. He will intimidate the crap out of Kevin next week. Paul again goes over his speech to Alex. Josh says Alex is questioning Kevin throwing that comp.


    9:20 PM BBT Josh says Alex is going to link him and Paul to Kevin. Paul says he doesn’t know what Kevin was thinking. Christmas says she will just say Alex will sweep her in comps. Paul says Alex could sweep over all of us. Kevin is walking through to the KT and talking to himself. He says Kevin, stop that! He says it three times. Christmas says ok, we have our plan in place. She tells Josh he needs to be cold hearted and Josh says he can’t do that. Christmas tells him not to make empty promises. Kevin put something in the microwave. He takes the bowl and stands in front of a camera and waves the spoon back and forth and then eats it.


    9:25 PM BBT Christmas, Josh, and Paul are still hashing things out. They start talking about jury. Christmas curses Kevin out. Then says they haven’t seen C word Christmas come out, she will rape Kevin’s soul with her words.



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