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Everything posted by AntiBrenchelArmy

  1. I have my money on GinaMarie putting the team on her back for the next Have-Not competition
  2. Yup, and the 3rd nominee is somewhat up in the air.
  3. I like how he didn't even try and still got a respectable score in the HoH comp He basically stepped on Andy's heels to roll the ball
  4. God damn. Aaryn has been a pro at avoiding being a Have-Not. Ok, I don't want her gone until she experiences slop
  5. Not nearly as much as the other 2 mean girlz. Lesson to aspiring HGs: Never almost win consecutive HoHs
  6. GM at least gives everyone the lols, Jessie is worth less than worthless
  7. if its not GM I will be satisfied. Don't waste the vote America!
  8. lol I posted that exact same thing a few minutes before
  9. Who cares? Don't be surprised if Judd+Howard+Spencer offer Aaryn an alliance
  10. This was the only scenario that I'd want Aaryn to stay over Kaitlin, good thing she won HoH
  11. McCrae+Amanda or Helen+Elissa would be very satisfying
  12. GM would be next in line, they just need to get rid of the MVP in general
  13. Not that I'm supporting Aaryn (I want her out more than Elissa) but it'd be hilarious if she made it to jury
  14. that was the most short-lived alliance ever. It's official
  15. I agree that this is a horrible idea, but anything that gets the MVP out of Elissa's hands will suffice for now
  16. Amanda's one of the few interesting people left in the house. We need someone to control the ants
  17. We could've had a great season had the Moving Company voted out Elissa instead of David. They were too shortsighted and threatened by a dumbo on the leash of a witch. Neither of whom were coming after them Not all hope is lost for this season; Amanda is interesting but compared to everyone else that's not saying much
  18. This season definitely has gotten a crutch. The first few weeks have definitely been the most entertaining out of any season I can remember but that'll be the only highlight of the summer (the physical threats getting booted out first) It will no doubt be a downward spiral from here. Too many wallflowers piling up Sure there's still plenty of time--2 months--I could get proven wrong, but this season is looking to be one of the most disappointing ever
  19. We just want a game with no previous houseguests or established fanbases. Admittedly, last season was entertaining as hell but the 2 seasons before that were horrible (this one is still TBD) Join the army!
  20. There wouldn't be enough time, the person with the next highest number of votes who's not already on the block would be automatically nominated Edit: I'm too slow
  21. Hopefully America is full of idiots and people have gotten into the routine of voting Elissa every week and didn't pay attention to the announcement It'd be priceless if she was the 3rd nominee...but even if this happened the votes would be skewed anyways to save fembot
  22. I want America on the block, because this is the lamest idea ever Elissa as the replacement of course



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