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Posts posted by Angie0207

  1. How do the house guests listen to GM AGAIN say disgusting hurtful things about another human being and not vote her out. At least he said it on live show so all of America could hear her. Judd is an awesome guy and for him to go while these sick people continue to stay just make me sick.

  2. Most amazing mom's don't cry to make their children feel guilty as a means of controlling them. Just saying.

    Must have missed her saying that but even so every mom is different and I would hardly qualify that giving her a "bad mom" reputation. But after reading through everyone it doesn't seem like anyone is liked by the posters!

  3. Spot on Monk. You know there are deep psychological issues when a woman in her 30's acts that way. Her delusions that she had any kind of relationship with Nick are very sad. She has no table manners which is just disgusting. I dont think she is a malicious person, but just someone who was not raised very well. I actually worry that when she finds out she lost her job and that its because of her racist actions she might try to hurt herself. She doesn't seem like the type who can recover from emotional distress easily.

  4. Mcstinky is back at it again! He hasn't bath since sat. Well I know he didn't bathe Sunday! I wasn't paying attention sat. So I'm assuming sat! Lets see how many days it would take for him to bathe! Taking bids now!

    I just can't handle it anymore! I honestly fast forward past anything with him in it cause he is so gross. What is wrong with people that can't take 10 minutes out if their day to shower? I took 3 yesterday!

  5. Please tell me McRae took a shower today! I literally can't watch BBAD and Amanda hanging all over him and kissing him when he is so dirty!!! Daily showers should be required in the house, really what else do they have to do? No excuse for it!



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