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Posts posted by Angie0207

  1. I was sorta rooting for her till I see what she said about Elissa's son, however I really thought the slur about Candice's mom was really bad, then she chilled for a bit and now she's back at it,I guess outside of Elissa and Judd the others are soooo bad, I cannot root for any of them

    Exact same for me...except I am one of the few people that don't really mind Andy too much. I guess it's because he reminds me of a friend I had in college. He backstabs everyone but everyone knows and no one minds cause he is not that bad to hang out with. You never trust him, but in the same sense you don't value him enough to care.

  2. For instance, there was the conversation between GM and Aaryn about the lawns. GM asked if Mexicans did her lawn and Aaryn said something racial. Everyone jumped all over Aaryn's comment, but isn't it a slur just to ask if "Mexicans do the lawn?"

    My point is that not only did child porn, homosexual and nasty sexual comments against women not count, but only certain ethnicities qualify as slurs too. Go figure.

    Not to defend the term but I highly doubt GM has any clue that she shouldn't say Mexicans. When I first moved tithe south I didn't know what was p.c. And I called the blacks the colored people (thinking that was ok to say) and you can imagine I got an earful!

  3. Okay, I just read on the update page that "It looks like Gina Marie will be putting up Andy as the replacement." I don't get the live feeds so I'm wondering when that changed. Last night when they all went to bed, Spencer had volunteered to go up as the replacement.

    I watched the live feeds until late and didn't ever hear that. As of late late last night Spencer was still going up as the pawn.

  4. Whoa there Angie! I'm from the south and my husband is a truck driver. He doesn't cuss, doesn't drink much beer, etc. For someone who doesn't like Elissa being called duckface is certainly saying some mean things about people from the south.

    Good point and I also live in the south. Sorry if I offended you, as certainly wasn't my intention, just that I see "Spencer's" everywhere and am used to his type of behavior.

  5. Julie is the host of the show. She conducts the exit interviews. She should absolutely question evictees about their behavior in the house. Frankly, I think it's the most significant part of her job. Although that bit a couple weeks ago where she had the house guests guessing who had a baby and what they named it was quite compelling. :inquisitive: (couldn't find a good old fashioned eye roll smiley down there. :P)

    I really don't think Julie has say in what she asks...I imagine everything is written for her and pre-approved.

  6. ROFLMAO!!

    While I am entirely on board in believing that BB sometimes rig the contest for certain contestants to win, I still need to see some type of credible evidence.

    Without a doubt, this is the biggest piece of unsubstantiated crap that I have read in this forum this entire season.

    What in the world are you smoking and can I have a drag of it? All of the heresay "evidence" that you are posting as FACT is merely speculation on your part.

    I dislike Amanda with a passion, but there is no need to fabricate situations that do not or did not exist.

    The hands pushing Helen off the wall was ingenious, hilarious, and a nice touch, but obviously fake.

    Nevertheless, if Amanda has the DPOV, then I will send Morty's a $100 contribution as soon as it is revealed on air. He will let you know if I renege on my word.

    ^^^^ Totally agree

    BTW:...didn't you hear that Elvis was still alive, 9/11 was a hoax and that the Holocaust never happened?? I just love conspiracy theories...at least they make me laugh!

  7. She did give McCrae some and Judd some...but Judd traded his to McRae for a couple smokes. Elissa asked her for a glass and she said "I didn't have any for the past two days...so no" Then she proceeded to stand up and pour a little more into McRae's glass. Once again Elissa handled it like a champ, while Amanda kept staring at her and wanting her to say something.

  8. I have heard Amanda being called Amazon woman and that is what McRae calls her and he supposedly loves her. I will call them the McNasty or McDirty because they are both have such poor hygiene issues, but that is a choice they make, not how they were born.

    That is what you should do and I will do the same.

    If I want to comment on Elissa's ducklips, I should be free to do so without judgment or baiting comments. Just saying.

    Well I guess if you feel she looks like a duck because she had work done on her lips, that's your opinion. I just don't see it.

  9. Some folks on the board have been calling her "duckface".

    I like many things about Elissa, and there are some things she has done that I don't like. I wish that those who don't like her at all could perhaps comment on her actions rather than her appearance. She's not the only HG who is ridiculed on here based on her appearance. :(

    I bet those calling her duck face have the most perfect body/face themselves!

  10. I'm thinking none of the guys are going to try to win the POV Comp (except McC of course).

    They don't want to be the one to have to choose who comes off the block... let someone else do it.

    lol... let someone else get blood on their hands for having to choose.

    Judd and Spencer both said they were going to fight hard for it. Andy is the only one who said he wasn't going to and I believe if GM knows this and one of them come down, he will go up as the pawn for not trying.

  11. Have you people never been to the south? Spencer is a typical foul mouth,beer drinking, truck driving red neck. There are millions of Spencer's out there. With that being said, I like how he put aside his early homophobia and is now best buds with Andy, and he shows many signs of caring for people in general. I don't mind him and I can get past his foul mouth.

  12. How does anyone keep a straight face when GM goes on about her "relationship" with Nick?

    There are a lot of weird things in the BB house, but that particular delusion takes the cake. It's embarrassing. :no:

    Poor little lamb...I think even when Nick totally blows her off after the show she still won't get it.



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