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Posts posted by Angie0207

  1. I hope she puts McManda up together or else they might wiggle their way out. I can't believe i was happy GM won hoh ! LOL

    I know! I would have never thought I would be happy GM won! The more we see her interact with the mature people in the house, the more we get to see a part of her that we can root for.

  2. I think Julie's interview was exactly what the viewers needed after such a controversial season. I really don't think Aaryn knows any better and doesn't think she did anything wrong. The truth hurts and I really think she will learn and grow from all of this. I don't think the rest of the exit interviews will be this dramatic. Lets face it, GM would probably commit suicide right on stage if she is drilled like that. As a woman, The c word doesn't really bother me. I could care less because its a general term like b**ch. however gay, racial and ethnic terms are much worse because people are born that way and its hurtful. If someone is called a c or a b it refers to how they act and not how they were born.

    • Would you let McDirtbag handle your pizza? NO!

      Would you buy a house from DeManda? NO!

      Would you hire Aryan as a midget model? NO!

      Would you let the insane stalker GM run your Honey Boo-Boo pageant? NO! Cause I hate HBB...

      Would you take a class with Professor Snake Andy? Yes

      Would you hire J-U-Double Dee to appraise your home? Hell Yes! Judd is sexy!

      Would you trust Spence with your model train set (or with your kids?) NO!

      Would you take a yoga class with instructor Elissa? Absolutely!

  3. Amen to that.

    Can you imagine the crying and screaming tantrums that would ensue is someone bullied Amanda in the same manner as she is trying to bully Elissa. Can we say "mental breakdown?"

    On the other hand, Elissa has handled Amanda's bullying with grace.


    Yeah Amanda would have screamed and cried and hid behind the trash (or McNasty as they both equally smell the same) and probably would have it all end in a violent rampage.

  4. I can't believe some people are not understanding this brilliant move? If McRae wins he will take himself down, Amamnda goes up, and either Aaryn or Amanda go home...Big plus there. If Elissa or Aaryn win, either Amanda or McRae go home....big plus there. If Amanda by some miracle wins, then still a good chance Aaryn goes hom depending on the replacement nom (very unlikely situation)...Best move BY FAR in this game and people are still complaining?? HA

  5. Exactly! Excellent post. Aryan is the biggest competitive threat to Elissa's game (no matter what Elissa told Aryan about never considering her a threat) and she's a sheer distraction for Elissa. She needs to get her out to significantly weaken that side of the house and rid herself of a personal irritant. Those two will never, ever trust each other. Elissa's a good judge of character, imo, and she has Aryan's character pegged. She'd never be loyal to anyone for long. I don't think anyone will really stay loyal to mcranda after this week anyway so Amanda's reign of terror is likely over regardless. This hoh is going to shake up the house, finally. I think Elissa has already convinced GM to cut the apron strings and Judd seems to be on board too (but Judd will have to prove himself for me to jump back on his train).

    If Elissa does go home next week, kudos to her anyway for not playing anyone else's game

    I agree...loving her game play and how she has figured everyone out. She is the only house guest deserving to win this horrible season! I just heard her tell Judd that the REAL plan is to get Aaryn off the block and put up Amanda in her place. I really kind of thought that was her plan, but she just wasn't telling anyone. It may have been a mistake to tell Judd though...hopefully it all woks out.

  6. So Amanda gets ANOTHER yeast infection and she says it is because they wear swimsuits all day? HMMM...probably doesn't have anything to do with her having sex with McNasty all the time?? Then she proceeds to tell everyone how horny she is?? This woman is just plain disgusting!

  7. 1. McRae not showering, or even worse Amanda kissing all over him after she tells him how bad he smells.

    2. GM's nasty mouth, her constantly talking about her delusional relationship with Nick, and her wanna be gangster attitude. Oh and her eating habits, smacking lips is pretty annoying as well.

  8. I can tell McFilthy spends a LOT of time getting ready :bow: for the DR. Don't know how Amanda can bear to let that sexy :hercules: hunk of man out of her sight when he goes in the DR. What if one of those handlers want to handle :hug: her (fake)husband?

    No doubt! They sit there and say crap like how smelly each other is and how there skin feels nasty...NEWS FLASH...daily showers would solve those issues. Then they are having sex with each other??? Really makes me wanna puke and I have to fast forward anytime the cameras are on them so that I don't.

  9. They can, but they know it has a good chance of getting televised, so they want to look their best. If I was in the house, they would have to call me before I cleanse my face if they wanted "made up" which isn't much to begin with, otherwise I am going in au natural.

    Yeah same here. I just don't get it or is this how people just act now? They are constantly singing, talking about stuff they shouldn't, taking an hour to go to DR...basically just ignoring all the rules and doing whatever they please and being disrespectful. I would like to see BB start punishing them for breaking/ ignoring the rules instead of warning them every minute of the day.

  10. This is the first year I have been able to watch BBAD because it is on TVGN. I have a question about DR. Why can't they go in looking however they want (ex: Aryan last night with her makeup from Andy) and WHY do they take an hour to get ready to go in? I would never do my makeup at midnight just for a diary room session. Are they told they have to look their best or what?

  11. If you're in the BB house touting morals... you're a goner.

    I would have been a goner a long time ago then. Playing the game is one thing, but to say something that extremely ignorant and so hurtful to a house guest as they are already leaving out the front door is a whole other thing. I know karma has already gotten her outside the house, but its time for the house guests inside the house to stand up to these ignorant jerks. Only problem is the nice people keep leaving...soon to be only the racist, bigot, ignorant trash left. I did enjoy Candice's stab at her about Nick.



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