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Everything posted by DRG

  1. 11:39PM BBT: Feeds one and two switch to the BY where Dallas and Ramsey are playing pool again. Ramsey is also relating what Emmett said about Dallas and whether he was controllable or not. Back in the secret room the ladies are talking about how they know what went on now and thinking it might be scary to watch the episodes. Kelsey is worried about the nights when she was drunk. Loveita is worried about what others said about her and not so much about her behavior. Kelsey tells her that folks thought she was weird because they never really go to know her. Love says she is a gamer and she did not want to be emotional. Kelsey tells her that this is not a board game and the HGs are not playing pieces like the top hat or thimble (from Monopoly). Tim and Cass enter the HOH again and he teases her asking who put you on the block this week. He gathers a few things and heads out advising her to tell BB to turn the TV off. She gets up and aligns the bed against the wall.and the feed switches to the blue bedroom. Nikki complaining about how Maddy is so sour about everything with Jared and Nick. they think that she is not the type to have girlfriends on the outside only boyfriends. Pool game continues where they talk about the show being 80 days and they are getting close to half way. Nikki complains that Maddy is cozying up to Tim and Jared says that Tims is not stupid especially when it comes to Maddy. Outside the guys agree to play another game of pool and talk about how Emmett said the season is pretty entertaining. They watched the party on the TV screen in the house but did not get any audio. Other feed in the secret room now where there is a blissful silence. Then Love starts talking about how she was HOH then a Have Not and then HOH so she spent three weeks segregated from the house. (Like BB locked you and Sharry in the HOH honey????? 0 = DRG) Cass and Tim with Raul and Phil in the kitchen now along with Joel, General silliness going on and Cass teases them about this is why she gets excited about another man being in the house. The tease her back about Jillian winning competitions and not wearing a mumu. Ladies in waiting discussing who will be their noms if they go back and win an HOH. Kelsey thinks her smartest move might be to put up Raul and Mitch and Love wonders why she would put up Mitch. Raul losing it laughing in the kitchen and someone remarks that it is becoming a frat house. The group is again imitating Nikki bursting into the High Roller Suite when the doors open to signal the end of the party. Cass asks what they can all do together tonight and Tim states that he is sleeping in the peasants area tonight. Ramsey wanders past and they all commence to shoo him to the HOH.
  2. 10:53PM BBT: Landing crew talks about having a new game, table shuffleboard, which they learned from Emmett. Love going on and on about her emotional response in the game before and how she could do so much better if given a second chance. (Not sure I buy that. - DRG) Kelsey goes back to dissing Maddy as being so full of shit. She tells Love to not trust Ramsey and to not tell him a single thing if she goes back in. She knew he was not trustworthy and tried to tell Jared time and time again. They used to go silent as soon as Ramsey came into a room. Love will still talk to Ramsey and Kelsey again insists that she not tell him any game shit. Good natured banter continuing on the landing where Nikki is now being teased for the way she listened at the door and walked right in when they opened. Kelsey complaining about having been put on the block twice and then about what Joel said at the nomination ceremony. Raul and Jared now outside having a smoke and Kelsey remarks, "Oh my boys." when they appear on the spy screen. Raul saying he cannot trust the brothers and how Emmett saying you should not give away your cards in the game. He repeats more of what Emmett said. Raul talking about how Dallas cannot be controlled but Maddy can and based on Emmett's advice that means they need to get Dallas out. Jared says he would not change anything that they did before this point as he had a ton of fun. Then out comes the BB chestnut, "We gotta win next week!" Raul thanks Jared for the smoke and says it was amazing. Watching her boys has finally quieted Kelsey down for a few minutes. Raul continuing to recount things Emmett said at the party. Secret room feed changes to show Ramsey and Phil playing pool. The boys finish their smokes and head back inside. Ramsey is told to stop talking about production for saying he did not want to talk about anything until after they had to go and talk about their feelings (DR sessions) Upstairs Joel still talking about Emmett and his reasons for taking Gary and not Talla to the final three. Tim describing the ice carving at the party then repeating Emmetts comment about being able to take the heat because he could put out the fire. Joel recalling asking Emmett questions about what it was like when Dan came into their house. Other switches to Cass and Maddy in the pantry where Maddy is eating toast and Cass is talking about how she demanded to sit next to Emmett. Now she is going on about not wanting to see the women keep leaving the house and how they need to work together even though they find each other annoying at times. She tells Maddy that she needs to trust her that she is voting Dallas out this week and next week they need to trust each other to not put one another up. Cass now teases Maddy to stop looking at her tits you are a girl you have a vagina even Emmett knew enough to look at my face. Maddy apologizes saying that her boobs are very distracting. Cass talking about having gained ten full pounds since the holidays then goes back to Emmett talking about how this was a mean girls carry season and that the women need to work together. She thinks it may have helped her relationship with Ramsey since she told him she is not going to go after Maddy. They hug it out. Landing crew chatting about nothing much then talk turns to how they got the spices off the floor. Joel says the house looks like night and day from what it was at the end of the task. Maddy and Cass talking about how to improve the dynamic with Ramsey. Tim comes in and Maddy announces that she is going to go to bed then says she will stay up a bit to listen to his iPod. Nikki now talking to BB about her Stevia and how she needs a new supply since someone put their hand in it before. Cass now with Tim and the brothers in the kitchen telling them she is a very affectionate person. Landing group that remains is discussing about the sleeping arrangements for the night. (May I suggest sooner rather than later?? - DRG) Cass and Tim now walking through the HOH talking about how they will sleep tonight. She complains that he was so mean to her last night and he says he knew she was not drunk but Nikki was and together they were being naughty and he was not in the mood for it. He accuses her of going against him the last 24 hours and she denies that she is. He warns her she needs to be careful and make the right decisions. She assures him she is and she just had a good chat with Maddy and that Dallas is going home this week. Maddy comes in and sprawls on the bed and Cass says she is going to give her the room tonight when Maddy offers her to stay with her in the HOH. Cass tells Tim that Maddy is worried about Tim being in Cassandra's bed. Cass tells Maddy she has a crush on Ramsey and she should cuddle him and Tim wants her to try and kiss him tonight. They want her to wear sexy PJs and she claims not to have any. They are on either side of her on the bed continuing to tease her about coming on to Ramsey. Cass says they really need to make out she she feels the romance between the two of them. She knew it was a joke with Nick but it is real with Ramsey. After telling her not to have sex in his bed Tim points out to Maddy where the condoms are in the room. Out on the landing Raul and Mitch and Joel still talking about Emmett and then connecting with the BB community when the game is over. Tim and Cass leave the HOH and Maddy takes the throw pillows off the bed and climbs into the bed with the iPod. Tim and CAss in the kitchen now with Jared and Nick talking about how it is the real deal with Maddy and Ramsey and then tease Nick asking him what happened with him and her. They talk about the condoms and then if they will have to wash the linens to get rid of the pubes tomorrow. They keep speculating if the two will get it on tonight. Maddy in the bathroom now also complaining about how dry her skin is. Raul and the brothers talking about cooking some bacon and the wonder if Maddy is hungry. they all head out of the room Most head to the blue room where Jared announces that this will be the first time that he has his own bed. Talk again returns to Maddy and Ramsey getting it on tonight. Phil followed Maddy into the HOH and they are chatting about her being excited that she is staying this week and how she will know when it will be her time to go. She does not think she will win. Phil tells her she needs to turn her game into a positive. She responds that she does not really want to have power next week. He and his brother will have her back next week as will Tim. He does not think that she is dead in the water. Tim told her she was positive today and that is more how she should be going forward. He says his brother likes her as a friend but does wonder what happened with the two of them. Phil points out that she also has a boyfriend on the outside.
  3. 10:35PM BBT: Nikki quizing Tim on what Emmett had to say. Raul and Jared chatting on the green couches on the landing about sticking together to the end and what Emmett said about his end game strategy and the feeds fade to black. 10:38 PM BBT: Feeds back with 1 and 2 in the hidden room and the others on the landing where Tim has joined Raul and Jared and Joel still talking about things Emmett said. Loveita and Kelsey talking about how Maddy getting rid of Loveita was a dumb move. Kelsey thinks if she goes back in she will have to lie and be fake and sneaky and conniving as she was too honest and open before. Also she needs to not spend all her time with Jared. Love telling Kelsey she will have to make peace with folks who may put her on the block if she stays. Landing crew still relating Emmett stories and Tim comments that Mitch has a little Emmett erection. Now the party crew again complements the others about their clean up job. Maddy getting teased about her comp performance and she takes offence and points out she did win one HOH and has been close in other comps. Mostly everyone is there now. Kelsey now reviewing her HOH decisions in excruciating detail. Landing crew talking about how much each had to drink at the party and wondering if they have any more. Joel now relating the story of the challenge where Emmett and Jill made out during a comp and he still won. Topaz's famous screw up is described by Joel and Raul who acts out her reaction on stage. Tim relates Emmett's advice to not be bitter when you are evicted and they all talk about how the women need to stick together and there has been a lot of cattiness so far in this season. they check the time and talk about dinner while Cass wants to keep partying. Raul says Emmett looked like James Bond and Cass says he was attractive and it was nice to see a real man. Raul going on and on to Mitch about how beautiful Emmett was in person. Back in the secret room the ladies in waiting are nibbling on the remains of their dinner which is still on the table under a dome cover as they keep talking about what they did in the game. Love complains about how she was not aloud to cry in the house based on the reactions of the others if she started to cry.
  4. 10:03PM BBT: Winning team from today's find the poker chips task still in the High Roller Suite with Emmet the Milkman holding court. The losers are still going about the task of trying to put the house back in order. The ladies in waiting in the secret room are being shown the feed of the party in the High Roller Suite. Feed from the coctail party cuts to the rest of the house who have apparently just finished cleaning up. Jared is making a final inspection. Feed goes back to the party where Tim asks Emmet how he dealt with the masturbation and he replies that it was the worst part of being in the house and that some mornings he woke up and went, "Oh shit!" He goes on to say that BBCA is so much tamer than when he was on BB South Africa when a couple was going at it in the open. He was only there for a weeks visit and was their counterpart to Dan Ghesling. Clean up crew now mostly in the blue bedroom complimenting themselves. Emmet encouraging the folks to give themselves a little pat on the back every time they make it through an eviction. He relates that he was DQd from three comps in his season. He says the adrenaline is flowing when you go out for a comp and concentrating on the rules is difficult. The more he and Jillian won the more they felt like they had to win. He says he won one comp becasue he made out with Jill in the middle. When he had fun with comps he did well because he was more relaxed. The other half of the house has mostly wandered down to the kitchen then disperse again. Jared and Dallas outside for a smoke. They are talking about who that dude was referring to Emmet. They think he has nothing to tell them as the way he played his game has nothing to do with their game. Dallas suspects that have already downed all the liquor to which Jared responds, "Well we would have." The party group is talking about how Jillian made Emmet eat when they were in the house especially when he was on slop. He suggests heating syrup up to make like a gum to suck on for energy before the HOH comps the week after they are on slop. This will Jill's idea. Tim asks what to do about the girls leaving tampons in the toilet. Back outside the guys continue with their sour grapes discussion about not wanting to see Emmet and then try to figure out what day it is in the game. They finish their cigarettes and head back inside. Dallas walks up behind Nikki who is standing facing the High Roller Suite doors listening to what is going on inside. In the secret room the ladies in waiting are discussing Mitch and how everything was a secret to him. They both trusted Mitch to their current regret. Kelsey really wants to get back in the house becasue she allowed Mitch to influence things. they are still watching the party but have no audio. Nikki still at the door and Mitch comes up behind her briefly a few times. In the party now they are finally talking about their season with most dissing Dallas to Emmett who thinks that Dallas' willingness to go after the big players is a plus. He asks what Maddy is like to live with and is told that she is a headache but she does not win comps. He asks if she is reliable at all and to a person they say NO. He says they should look at who is trustworthy and reliable and can be controlled just a little bit. Tim asks/tells if it is not true that sometimes you have to put yourself in a risky situation because afterwards you will be safer. Kelsy and Loveita now talking about how they saw each other in the game with Kelsey saying she did not see Love as a bad person. Emmett reminding the party crew that it is only Monday and they can use the next three days to watch and see what the nominees reveal about themselves in the interim. He tells them not to give it all away to the nominees and if you do not give them bullets they cannot shoot you. Not much to see in the main part of the house with folks wandering about spread out. The door to the High Roller Suite springs open and Nikki charges in and they promptly tell her to leave. The party crew starts saying their goodbyes to Emmett and leave the room. The doors close behind them leaving Emmett alone. Cass keeps carrying on about how wonderful Emmett was. Raul compliments the other team on their cleaning job. Tim and Nikki head to the HOH where he is relating Emmetts tips on eating slop.
  5. 11:55PM BBT: Joel and Jared now going at it with Jared having thrown water on Joel perhaps after he farted again while demonstrating a pick up line on him. Cass telling Nikki about how she wanted to be rescued from her chat with Maddy and that Maddy says she wants to go to the end with the three ladies. Cass tells Tim that Maddy was throwing him under the bus a little and then says that she is there to find out if there is more vodka to which Tim says it is all gone. Joel wanders in telling about Jared pouring water on him to fend off his advances. (Joel and Cass are nearly as drunk as Nikki. -DRG) Maddy now literally telling Ramsey about her conversation with Cassandra. Nikki now threatening Tim that she knows just how to push his buttons and she will do it. Cass asks Tim to sleep in her bed tonight so she can sleep in the HOH. Tim is refusing saying he enjoys the HOH room and has given it to Maddy for tomorrow night.
  6. 10:49PM BBT: Feeds back with Joel dressed and Nick being challenged to put a whole tray of ice cubes in his shorts. The ice tray is retrieved from the pantry and his brother helps load Nick's shorts with ice cubes. He is supposed to stay there for ten minutes. Jared suggest he drop his pants and just stay in his boxers. Someone else suggest he should now lick two of the cubes. Raul suggest the next dare should be for BB to give them some more wine. Nick is losing cubes down his jeans and is told to replace them or he will lose the game. Nikki tells Cass that her choice is to lick one of the cubes or lick Dallas' ass hole. She says she already licked his belly and wants a different challenge. The group starts to break up as some want to go out for a smoke. The ladies in waiting are back on feeds one and two still on the couch watching the house. Love is once again talking about what she will do if she goes back in and what Mitch does and does not know. She thinks he is playing a strategic game and Mitch respects it. she thinks she would only tell Jared what she knows and not Raul as he is so emotional. She would try and work with Jared, Raul and Joel and Mitch. Kelsy thinks she is on a good train of thought and gives her advice about how to approach Raul as he will be pissed and Love. She tells Love that her going back into the house will not be a good thing for the remaining HGs. Kelsey suggests Love needs to talk to Jared and Raul jointly and not individually. Love does not want Mitch's game to be blown up. (Has nothing to do with her wanting to have Mitch and Joel as allies to oust Jared and Raul wink, wink. - DRG) Joel left on the green couches talking about how many surgeries he has had on his chest and with a few more he will be hair free forever. He was chatting with Phil he now jumps up in responce to Cass coming out. We see a long shot of Maddy heading into the blue bedroom where she joins Ramsey briefly before they both head out. Kelsey still advising Love about how to work with her two fellas and how no one else in the house would save her including Mitch. She thinks Mitch is not so much under the radar as some think and the trio knew how much time he spent in the HOH with Love when she was in power. Other feed now in the HOH bathroom where Nikkis is working on her eyebrows and Joel comes and sits next to her. she now starts on a rant about BB telling her off about her microphone when she has done nothing. She now accuses Joel of farting and the feed jumps to the other bathroom where Cass and Maddy are chatting about staying together until like the final four when they would have to vote one another out. Cass says that sometimes she thinks that Maddy does not like her and they keep arguing about whether Cass likes her or not foreshadowing a great working relationship going forward in the game. (Can I now interest you in some land in Central Florida??? It even comes complete with the water rights. - DRG) Maddy still confronting Cass about whether she was coming against her or not in some first class campaigning. Cass talks about knowing that the women need to stick together. Maddy keeps saying she is not mad and Cass for wanting to vote her out she is only upset about her not owning up to it. Nikki and Joel now play wrestling about his farting in the HOH with Tim Raul and the brothers as an audience. Time tells them to kiss and make up. Cass and Maddy had taken their love fest into the pink bedroom (I would start a drinking game for whenever one of these fools says "literally" but no one would be standing after more than 30 minutes. DRG) Cass now talking about how she felt that Maddy and Sharry did not like her so she ended up going to Jared's side of the house. Cass thinks she reads people really well and thinks Maddy finds her annoying at times and they have not built that trust yet. Maddy tells her that Tim has told her everything. Cass says she does not know where Maddy stands and Maddy asks if she knows where Dallas stands. She goes on to say she is not there to campaign against Dallas. Maddy reviews where she has stood each week in the house in relation to the other players and what she has done especially how she was open with Loveita about hating her and not being able to work with her even Love was working with Maddy's alliance. She goes on to say that Dallas will say anything to anyone any time in order to get to stay in the house. (Not that she is campainging against him or anything. DRG The BB Viewer is acting up but the other feed shows Mitch and Nikki hugging with muffled talking due to her microphone being covered up. She seems to be telling him how much she loves him and she never wants to let him go and if they will come to visit her. (He seems to be humoring her the way one would a drunken aunt. -DRG) Joel enters and tells Mitch that he missed him streaking then Nikki starts talking about the fight she had with Joel. She is back to huggin him and carrying on and stumbles removing any doubt about her state of inebriation. Cass and Maddy talking in calmer tones now about Ramsey and who he thinks the gummies were for him. The other feed jumps to the bathroom where Nick is brushing his teeth alone. Maddy going back to how she made her move against Loveita FOR the house and for the sanity of the remaining girls as she could not stand watching Love being mean to Cassandra. Mitch comes down the stairs somehow having peeled Nikki off of him. Then wanders back upstairs. Maddy telling Cass now they just need to forget about the stupid gummy votes this week and work forward then they mutually tell one another they are bad at comps. Cass saying that women are becoming extinct in the house and for weeks has said they need to get Dallas out. Raul joins Mitch in the blue room now talking about how weird it is to be in the house on his birthday even though he does not even really care about his birthday. Raul tells Mitch he is his besty bitch in the house and they are like the queer nuts. Mitch tells him he cried a little today thinking of home and his back still hurting. When she is not saying literally every other word Maddy is trying to convince Cass that she really does trust her. Feed jumps to the HOH with Joel Tim and Nikki on the bed chatting. Jared entered the blue room without his glasses and Raul tells him he got some sun today. Raul asks him to make the bed since he made it this morning. Jared agrees. Raul yawns and asks if they are going to bed early tonight and Jared says that he is and they argue a little about the pillows they use at night. Joel now preparing to leave the HOH as Nikki is about ready to pass out. She promises to wake Joel up in the morning and he tells her never to say anything bad about him. Mitch now talking in the blue room with Ramsey about having good days and bad days. then they are counting up the gummy bear votes for Ramsey. HOH feed blacks out (minutes before Nikki will I'd bet. - DRG) Ramsey now saying he is at the bottom of the barrel in this game unless he wins something. Mitch disputes this and says he would have stayed against Dallas and Ramsey is not so sure. Mitch now says that they cannot vote out another girl so Dallas will go this week after Tim puts Maddy up at the POV ceremony tomorrow. BB tells Ramsey to stop playing with his microphone right after Ramsey tells himself. Maddy comes in now ready for bed so Ramsey has to relinquish his spot to her. Jared is there again now too. Ramsey says that Truth or Dare was fun. Maddy says she can leave again if they wer talking and they tell her she is fine. HOH feed back now with Nikki and Tim arguing about whether there are wall plugs in the room or not. The other feed skips over to the pink room where Joel is shouting out Black Eyes over and over. Cass now in the HOH telling Tim about her conversation with Maddy.
  7. 10:27PM BBT: Feed on the secret room returns with the ladies still reviewing their history in the house going back to day one and beyond talking about what they said about who they hoped would be in the house before they entered. Game and drinking ongoing on the landing with everone in good spirits though the game has changed now to truth or dare with Phil standing facing the group with tape on his forehead and something sticking out of each nostril. Jared is asked who he would like to kiss on the lips of the females left in the house and the reply is Nikki. Nikki asks Maddy has she had a sex dream about anyone in the house. Tim suggests about Loveita and then Kelsey and the talk over one another makes it hard to decipher what is being said. Finally after many names are suggested Maddy says the answer is Ramsey. Dallas wants to make a pact that they all do any dare and tell any truth but Jared is not down with nudity. Maddy asks Raul if he oould evict anyone and they all say no game so she changes the question to has he ever had a threesome. The answer is no and he says he is just more comfortable with two people. Raul turns to Tim who asks for a dare and he is told to give Cassandra a kiss. Nikki (reinforced with Tim's vodka from his HOH) jumps up and confronts Tim about the kiss not having been on the lips. Ramsey is dared to have his chest waxed and lies down on the step with several of the guys holding him down while the strip is applied and ripped off by Raul. the gang yells rip it several times before Raul pulls the strip and ramsey screams and pounds the floor. Someone suggests that they should finish the job then Tim tells him to get a razor and finish the job while someone else tells him to enjoy his cold shower. Nikki jumps up to give Ramsey a dare to use. The feed in the hidden room has gone black again and while it was up this last time the ladies were seated on the couch watching the house. Tim suggests that Dallas moon the glass pointing to one of the two way mirrors behind the gray chairs. Dallas then picks Joel who picks dare and is challenged to go from the first step to the pink bedroom completely naked with only his glasses on. Joel stands and starts unbuttoning his shirt. then it is suggested he start downstairs. All feeds now on this scene with the gang shouting Joel Joel Joel and suddenly they all go black. (Apparently Joel is too much for us feeders to take in. -DRG)
  8. 10:15PM BBT: One feed showing Loveita and Kelsey sitting in front of their TV watching the HGs and talking about them while the other feed is showing most of the HGs on the landing playing the celebrity game Maddy and Mitch played most of the afternoon in the High Roller suite. Game wise Maddy spent yesterday and the early part of today playing a helpless little girl to Ramsey and then Tim in an effort to keep the veto from being used and then to try and keep herself from being the replacement nominee. Basically they both told her to grow up and start playing the game with her brains. Meanwhile Dallas has been campaigning hard with anyone who will listen and has thrown Maddy under the bus with everyone he encounters telling them that Maddy said that her only hope of staying was to have Tim put up the brothers as a replacement nominee and that she was a big part of why he had wanted to have them put up last week and quoting what she told him that in the end only one person wins the money and she has to do what is best for her. To their faces no one is making any commitments til the ceremony is done tomorrow but behind closed doors Dallas will be going home unless BB pulls out another twist before revealing the fake eviction. While I digressed the game has continued and the ladies in waiting kept jabbering away until that feed faded to black.
  9. 11:52PM BBT: Dallas complimenting Mitch for playing his own game and they break up and head off in opposite directions. Feed changes to Tim and Cass now in the kitchen talking about prior votes as Dallas joins them saying that Maddy told him that Tim told her that she is going up. Tim denies that he told Maddy that and he starts promising Tim that if it comes to a tie he will keep Tim safe and will find ten bugs for his spider to eat. and that he did not know what Maddy was going to do last week. The other feed switches to the hidden room where Kelsey and Love are talking about what Dallas is doing and how they think it is too late in his game to do anything unless he was about to convince Cassandra. Dallas continues to throw Maddy under the bus saying that she is playing her own selfish game. The ladies in hiding also think that Maddy keeps shooting herself in the foot. Kelsey mirrors Tim's thinking that Maddy made a big mistake by going against her alliance. Dallas still talking a mile a minute to Tim and the gals comment about how sad his face looks and speculate that Tim is telling him there is nothing he can do at this point and that Dallas should have voted with his gummies instead of putting all five points on himself. Dallas now selling himself as a competitor and saying his ideal case is if he could convince Tim to put up the brothers. He is promising two weeks of safety to Tim.
  10. 11:19PM BBT: Tim talking about how Joel has changed his attitude and body language towards them and he is lying to them. Tim says that Joel is totally unaware of how his facial expressions and body language are so apparent. Feeds 1 and 2 come back on in the dining room with the four boys chatting still this time about how they drank in the baseball comp. Upstairs Tim talking about Maddy's poor game play and how they should have had Nick not use the veto. Tim says they need Jared as he is a well respected leader and has not turned on anyone on this side. Tim can't do it since he is the new guy and the brothers can't do it as they are an unknown. Furthermore if the other side gets HOH Jared will be the number one target as he is the strongest. Tim says the boys are all downstairs high fiving that they all get along but that will end once they do not have a common target. Tim telling the gals not to stress about going on the block as it would be so dumb for Maddy to put them up. Cass counters with the fact that Maddy has not been strategic so far. Tim tells them not to argue with her and that way she won't come after them. He thinks once she knows she has to win comps to stay she will want to target the biggest threats to win comps and that is not the two of them. Cass says they will have a girls night and continue to be really nice to her afterwards so they will not be on her radar. Downstairs the fellas are up and walking about the kitchen. Jared remarks that the store room was just locked. Raul is pillow fighting on the landing with Phil with Joel watching. Tim continues holding court in the HOH bathroom. Guys back in the kitchen milling about. Cass now imitating Maddy saying she is straddling Ramsey saying don't use the veto you can have these boobies for the rest of the game if you don't use the veto and keep me from going on the block. Jared now joins the trio in the HOH and Tim wonders if the BY will open again tonight. Raul comes in now looking for a blanket and give Nikki a hug. The brothers and Joel are in the pantry talking about movie titles and other random topice. Feed jumps to Ramsey and Dallas in the grey chairs on the landing as Joel brings fresh batteries to them. They speculate that the back will not open til tomorrow morning as they switch out their battery packs. Dallas says that Cass in the with Tim sucking his dick. Joel has made his way to the HOH and is delivering batteries to the folks in there. Dallas telling Ramsey that he will talk to Tim and remind him he caught a mosquito to feed his spider and Tim owes his immunity for that and he wants to collect it now. Mitch wanders by and is planning on going to bed once he gets some toilet paper. Dallas says he does not know if he can win POV every single week. In the HOH Tim asks what everone is doing and Raul replies that he is going to bed soon. Tim is waiting for the BY to open. Jared and Nikki start talking about what they can do for the birthday boy tomorrow. Dallas wants to try and leverage the brothers by telling them that Maddy has made a deal with Jared. Ramsey tells Dallas that things can change just like this as he snaps his fingers then gets up and tells Dallas good chat my ninja as he walks away. Birthday plans ongong in the HOH. Tim wants some dessert and Jared suggests he try the milk and cookies as he had some and they were pretty good. Nikki asks warm or cold milk and Jared says he can't drink hot milk and has to drink cold milk in one swig so it does not get warm. Feed leaves Dallas and shows the bathroom where Ramsey is talking to Nick who is showering. They are counting votes. Tim is now in the kitchen and Mitch has sat down next to Dallas on the landing and he starts getting lobbied hard. In the bathroom ramsey is trying to convince Phil that he and Maddy are just friends and he has not kissed her or touched her and he does not want Nick thinking otherwise as he knows Nick and Maddy hooked up. They go back to counting votes. Out on the landing Dallas complaining about Maddy leaving him in the dust last week and he does not want to be associated with Maddy any longer. he is eager to convince Mitch that he did not know what Maddy was going to do last week and does not want to be held accountable for it.
  11. 10:59 PM BBT: Tim Nikki and Cass talking the the HOH bathroom as Tim prepares a bath. Nikki giving Tim a hard time about if he cared more about the two of them than the rest of the house he would be trying to get Maddy out this week and not Dallas. Tim teases them back about just wanting to be the only females in the house. Cass is telling them that if Maddy is HOH next week the two of them will be on the block, but he tells them that would never happens. Nikki threatens that if he wants to hang out with Maddy then she and Cass will boycott him. Tim has climbed into the bath now and as they leave the room Cass tells him that they have just been kidding him. Ramsey and Maddy continuing whispering in the blue room. HOH feed switches to the High Roller room where Joel is chatting with Mitch about organizing his DVDs. Feed switches to Cass and Nikki in the bathroom talking. They leave and peek in on Maddy and Ramsey and come back to tell Tim they are lying face to face gazing into each others' eyes. Cass says that Maddy will not have a boyfriend at home anymore. They then reassure him that they will vote Dallas out and not go against his wish for Dallas to leave this week. Tim talking about how this week will show Maddy that she made a dumb move by taking out Loveita. Other feed has faded to black. Feed five continues to show the hidden room where the ladies are now also commenting about Maddy and Ramsey and how he is really a nice guy but she has a boyfriend at home and the two of them are just looking for comfort. I can't stay on these two very long as they talk nonstop in circles. Basically since being in the room they have made peace with one another and have promised respectively to look out for Jared (Loveita) and Joel (Kelsey) should they return to the house and they both recognize now how Mitch is playing both sides as is Cassandra. They have both claimed that they had wanted to work together and with Sharry but the opportunity to connect never really presented itself. The only feed up now is in the HOH bathroom where the ladies are telling Tim that they will be his sisters. Feeds one and two return showing Jared Raul and Phil and Nick at the dining table talking about past events in the house. Feed cuts to the pink room where Maddy is now vertical and is folding laundry while talking with Dallas. BB tells Dallas to fix his microphone. Maddy has changed once again and the feed fades to black as she pulls her slacks down and sits on the bed to pull on another pair of shorts.
  12. 10:30PM BBT: Back in the HOH Tim speculates that if Dallas and Maddy stay together they will have to go recruiting this week and then they speculate about who Ramsey would put up next week. Raul comes into the HOH and Tim says that they don't have to make any decisions right now. Joel aks Cass where the challenge ranks in relation to the others Cass has participated in and the feeds start loading. Other feed jumps to the High Roller room where Raul Mitch and Jared are chatting counting votes and dissing Maddy. HOH feed switches to the blue room where Maddy and Ramsey are talking she plans on telling Tim that she has a pretty good chance of going home if she goes on the block. (Technically it would be 50/50, but actually not so much - DRG) Raul complaining about the brothers telling him that he saved Jared. Maddy and Ramsey under the covers facing each other about a foot apart. Jared telling Raul about voting to keep Kelsey and who the two votes were. Tim comes in and asks about what day it is and then asks about what they want for the renom after telling them that Maddy was number three this morning. He says that Dallas was hoping for someone else besides Maddy to be up so he would have both votes (Ramsey and Maddy) to try and save himself. Jared says that he just thinks Dallas needs to go this week. Tim complains about how Dallas acted towards him in the HOH the other day and how he acted entitled but did not offer anything to tim. Tim says that Masddy is socially annoying but is not a threat in challenges and Jared says she is a one trick pony and goes on to imitate Nikki being annoyed with Maddy. Jared saying all there moves have been a reaction to the other side. Tim talks about how ridiculous it was for Maddy to take out someone from her own side when she could have kept going after the power trio. Ramsey and Maddy may be sleeping in the blue room, at least they are not talking and the feed jumps to the bathroom in the HOH where Cass is talking with Nikki about how she wants Tim to put up Maddy. Nikkis is glad Maddy will be going up and Cass thinks she needs some heat under her ass. Tim again talking about how the two remaining members of Dallas Ramsey Maddy will have to really recruit and will try and make splits in the house by telling lies. (Brief pause in posting for the end of the NCAA South Regional game.- DRG)
  13. 10:18PM BBT: Tim comes by outside and Dallas asks how the renom will be done and if it will be the third place person from this morning or a revote. Tim says he is thinking about it and invites them to chat whenever they want. Dallas remarks that he has a few options where he might have a chance to stay and they decide they will talk about it tomorrow as the POV ceremony is the day after. Tim heads back to the HOH and informs Joel and Cass that BB told him that he could not put himself on the block as HOH is immunity from eviction. He tells them what Dallas and Ramsey asked and says that the third in line this morning was Maddy. Joel is telling them that Dallas was hoping to have both Ramsey and Maddy as votes. Tim wonders why Dallas put himself up and why that side did not better organize to make sure who the second nom would be. They think that Maddy is seen as a flip flopper but is not seen as a threat by the house and that Dallas will go home no matter who else is up on the block. Tim says he feels bad as he just promied Maddy this room and she wants it for Monday night which will be the night that she goes up on the block. Joel says that downstairs she was complaining about not cooking tonight and that maybe we should back door the brothers. Cass remarks that she just does not think before she speaks. Tim comments about Dallas being hot headed and intimidating and he is a big bad wolf bur is all hot air and is all bark. Tim says that basically Dallas is gone and that is what they wanted two weeks ago. Joel second guesses his move last week and Tim reassures him that if he went the other way then Loveita would not be gone now. Joel hopes that this takes any kind of stigma off his back that he is working with anybody. Tim says he likes to win challenges but does not think that he needed to win this week. Dallas continues twisting Ramsey's arm on the green sofa on the landing. Ramsey finally tells him that he does not need to convince him. They talk about the comp and Dallas said when he saw Ramsey was at 250 he just started chilling and cheering Ramsey on. Dallas glad he gained a vote at least since he did not get the POV. He needs to campaign to Nikki and to Mitch. Ramsey reminds him they need to see who is going up as the renom. Dallas is planning to throw Maddy under the bus and they think that Maddy cost them a vote with evicting Loveita and that she just wants to be the only girl in the house.
  14. 10:07PM BBT: Joel comes into the HOH and Tim again says that he is waiting for BB to give him his iPod. Tims asks what Joel thinks he should do after Ramsey says himself. In the secret room the ladies are wondering if Maddy will sleep with Ramsey tonight. Joel talking about having given Loveita his vote and wondering if others will be sketched out about him as a result. Other feed jumps to the pink room with the brothers and Raul. Joel telling Tim tht it is best for him to stay in the middle right now. Joel does not know who would go home if the noms become Dallas and Maddy since a lot of folks think Maddy is going two ways. Cass thinks that Dallas will go home no matter who is on the block next to him. Joel says that Dallas also has made it easy for folks this week by putting himself up there. Tim reckons the others would not be comfortable with Dallas being on the jury so he needs to go sooner rathaer than later. Feed jumps from pink room to landing where Dallas is lobbying Ramsey for his vote promising that if he stays he will always have his back. He is hoping to go up against Maddy and thinks he could get the votes if he twisted Mitch's arm to be the fifth. Ramsey says that Cass is such a bitch and he dislikes her more than Maddy hated Loveita. Dallas promises to put Cass up next to Jared if he stays. They dislike the way Tim is doing things even though the say he is really smart. they fear he will do a house revote or resort back to the original gummy koala count.
  15. 10:00PM BBT: Most HGs sitting around the table after having just finished dinner following the POV comp. Tim and Cass in the pink bedroom where she is complaining about injuring her leg in the POV comp which sounds like it was the one where you roll a ball back and forth to get to a set amount but if it hits the ground your count starts over. Maddy has come in now too and is changing into shorts. Other feed is on the secret room where the fake evictees are sitting on the white sofa watching the HGs on the flat screen. Tim and Cass follow Maddy out of the pink room and he is yelling about wanting his iPod as they head into the HOH. He wants to go down and get it but would be too upset if it has not been recharged during the comp. Cass talks about Nikki and how she hates Maddy. Then she tells his when she becomes HOH she will want to listen to what he suggests then goes on to tell him that he should put Maddy up. He laments that he did not win the HOH as now he has to make another nomination. Ramsey won the POV fair and square so he thinks he should nominate the person with the next highest number of gummy koalas from the morning sessions. He suggest that maybe he will just put himself on the block and they wonder if he would be allowed to do that. He mentions possibly putting Joel up and that notion is shot down so he says he is left with either Maddy or himself. They start to count the votes if he put himself on the block and decide he should have the votes but they think since it is a possible tie this week and he would be the tie breaker that BB will not allow himself to nominate himself.
  16. 11:35 PM BBT: All feeds still blacked out possibly for the HOH reveal. 11:37 PM BBT: Feeds come back in the HOH where Tim is describing an Australian dip (Vegemite) that he says is very strong and recommends they take just a small amount. Feeds back in the secret room now too. Tim telling them that this is like a yeast extract and if you ever go to prison store this up and get some fruit and you can make alcohol then he says they could do that here. He is now describing a picture and how it was done by a professional photographer by his sister's doing. Ladies still talking away in their secret den with Love saying she would die if Maddy won the game. Kelsey saying that the only thing that worries her about Joel is Raul who has told her he would go after Joel. She tells Love that if she goes back in the house she has to talk to Jared one on one. Kelsey says that if she thought she was staying she would have come and talked to Love. They talk about Mitch and how it was better for him to have the two sides fighting each other. (All feeds in this room now as the HOH gather continues.) Jared now in the blue room getting something out of hs bag. Kelsey says she was not as close to Mitch as the brothers so it was smart for him to get rid of her. Jared and Raul got close on their own and she was originally closer to Raul than Jared except personally they had a connection from the first night. She says she did not know about the alliance business a describes how the three got together and eventually came up with the name "the third wheel". She talks about rehearsing her speech over and over and how the live shows get her so nervous moreso than the POV ceremonies. Love asks what it was like to walk out of the house and again she says she was really nervous. Love wonders if she did not love the fans and relates how she had so much fun seeing them. Talk turns to the massages in the house and how Jared would get so nervous any time she flirted with the brothers. Love says you never saw it on him and Kelsey relates how he treated her the day she got nominated and how they got drunk in the baseball comp since they were losing so badly anyway. Love compliments her for getting along very well with everyone in the house and she says it is just her she is a flirty girl. She says the fourth time he got mad at her about it she told him she was not good for his game. Love says that if she had said one word to her she had two other votes in Ramsey and Dallas. Love says at the end of the day she did not really care. Kelsey says she wanted to stay in the house but she did not want to campaign against her best friend in the house. They are taking off their faces talking about how Jared has a heart. Kelsey returns to Maddy and wondering how she will break her obsession about her. Love can't believe some of the people that are in there when she and kelsey are actually decent. They diss Ramsey as not being trustworthy and being a little dense in the game just letting Maddy run his game for him. Love says that Ramsey thought Kelsey did not like him maybe because of the situation between her and Maddy. Kelsey says that she might be getting her period really soon and if there is a time to get it this is it. Love says they have stuff for them or will get it. Love wonders what time it is. (Time to say good night, Gracie. If i had a say in it. - DRG) Talk turns to what others said about them and Love says that Maddy told her that Kelsey and Cass were enemies and wonders why Maddy would say that to her? Did someone tell her that or did she just make it up. Were Maddy and Cass friends? They wer in the first group and Kelsey says they will become friends now. Kelsey is really curious to see who Tim is going to put up. They remark about their current circumstance and how are they going to do it for a week? Love says she felt like she could breathe when she walked out on the stage and Kelsey asks her what Arissa asked. They agree that Arissa was so friendly and so nice and made them feel comfortable. Kelsey repeats Arissa's questions to her and Love mentions having predicted Joel would be the winner as he is underestimated by folks in the house.
  17. 11:25 PM BBT: Feed five now active in the hidden room with Kelsey and Loveita. They are talking about what Dallas has written on his bottle and how Maddy did not like Love getting closer to Dallas. She thinks she talked with Mitch about how Jared is a good all around guy that could make it to the end that folks will not want to keep around. They contintue talking about Maddy and how she has a boyfriend but Nick really likes her and we get blacked out. Feed comes back to Kelsey complaining about Jared telling Ramsey things and how she kept telling him that he had a big mouth and Ramsey told Maddy everything. Love does not know what Maddy's reasoning was other than they did not like each other and we get blacked out again.
  18. 10:37PM BBT: Feed jumps to Loveita and Kelsey talking about how they think Mitch was masterminding them both and how he was doing what Cass was doing but he was doing a better job of it. Love says he wants feuds. Kelsey thinks Maddy might be freaking out right now. Kelsey says Jared is wondering where is Kelsey I miss Kelsey. Jared Tim and Cass are in the pink room with her saying to him she will leave him alone this week and not follow him around. Jared says he does well in all the competitions. Love and Kelsey still talking about the divisions in the house and who Kelsey would have put up (Dallas and Maddy). Love thinks they messed up their games but she is proud that they did play and they are both proud of their "people". She promises Love that if she retruns in the house she will protect Joel. Love says that Dallas is also a good person but Kelsey replies that he openly challenged Jared. Love's number one is Joel and she relates that he know everything about ever single season. She goes on to say that she is very introverted in groups and he is too. Love could easily see Joel winning she took offensive at Jared's comment in the OxiClean comp Nikki has come into the pink room as has Maddy and Nikki is fussing about the new arrangements. Tim is packing up to move to the HOH and remarks that he does want the iPod. Nikki asks BB if she can have some Snickers please in her little girl voice. Kelsey and Love now talking again about Maddy and how Love would have saved her and given her game trust, but she was wrong. Kelsey asks if she saw the backdoor coming and she did as it was going down. Love would have felt better about Cass leaving and Kelsey is reviewing why she kept her and how she came and told Love that was happening before the vote. Love says they both know what it feels like to lose their best friend and Raul too knows what it is like to be on the block with your best friend. In the blue room Ramsey and Maddy are snuggled up on a bed chatting. (Eat your heart out Nick. - DRG) Jared is in there too and they are again talking about the HOH comp which seems to have come down to a tie breaker question that you would have lost if you guessed over the answer. Mitch and Nikki are in another of the beds in the room and Maddy is saying she wants to host the POV as hosting is fun. The other feeds show Tim in the bathroom packing up his toiletries for his big move to the HOH. The fifth feed is still blacked out. Tim back in the pink room where talk continues about the sleeping arrangements for the week. In the blue room Nikki has her eyes closed and Mitch is beside her just staring up into space and then closes his eyes as well. In the pink room Tim observes that he thinks everyone is just exhausted then shouts out that he HATES responsibility. He wishes he were dead and Phil says he will not talk to him once if he says that is what he wants. A suggestion is made that he get an assistant or he could just do a Tim. Phil and Jared are lying side by side and Jared punches his hand and says he was so close to getting Dallas out of this house. Talk continues about the details of the comp and how Tim did not want to go over but he did not actually want to win it. He did not want to go over but did not think he would be the closest. Jared comments that is was a really wild day today to Raul they are lying in the bathroom on the benches. BB calls Tim to the DR and talk turns to his HOH room. Cass heads out behind Tim carrying her mug. Nick says he does not know what is going to happen and Dallas agrees. Jared speculates that Tim will see what the house wants to do and go from there. Phil has joined them and tells them they are both still here. Jared says either he was going as the second part of the double of he was in it for the long haul so here we are. Speculaton turns to the Have Nots for the week and whether the HOH will have to pick or there will be a comp. Jared can't believe Love is gone and it is so refreshing and Cass walks in and says she is so excited about that. Phil comments about Love being an alien robot. Joel come thru and is greeted as he heads into the toilet. Jared talking about how it is a different game for him now and he will be able to hang out with the guys. Jared again regrets how close he was in the HOH and he explains his strategy in response to Phils asking him about it. Back in the pink room Cass is saying she feels so much better walking around the house now and how she does not have to worry about being attacked for her spider anymore. Nick gets up and roughly spreads his duvet on the bed and goes out the door. Cass tells Dallas that Tim was just joking about putting her up and asks how Dallas is feeling. He tells her he is OK and can deal with anything. She laments being so close to getting a letter from home but she is happy he got it. Joel has left the bathroom and Jared and Raul are vertical again and Raul has just left the room. Phil checks himself out in the mirror and follows Raul out the door. Feeds go back to Kelsey and Love chatting and Dallas and Joel are whispering in the pink room. Love thinks that it sucks that they now know this stuff about both sides. Jared and Cass now chatting in the bathroom and high five. He is telling her how he promised Joel he would be safe whether he meant it or not. She will tell Tim to nom Dallas and Ramsey and Jared agrees he wants Dallas out and then the brothers. She says Ramsey is dangerous and then lists the order as Dallas Ramsey Maddy then the brothers. Cass says that Phil called out Jared and Cass as brother and sister and its funny since they are from the same city. Kelsey and Love are snacking and watching the house. Love says that Joel and Dallas are together til the end. Kelsey says that Dallas wants Jared out and Love says she would work to switch that. kelsey can't believe this is what they are doing right now as they were going home. They are glad they have made up. Several HGs have wandered out of the bedrooms in advance of the HOH reveal. Joel Cass and Phil are on the landing once again rehashing the HOH comp questions. Love telling Kelsey that Joel was worried that the trio would hold a vendetta and kelsey says that Jared was steadfast in keeping his word to Joel. they are looking at the group on the green couches and Love feels as if she is still there. Love comments that if they had just gotten together they would have had the whole house but she only shared everything with Joel. The gals speculate about what folks are expecting them to do while they are locked together for the week. Ramsey is now on the couch with Joel with Cass on the grey chairs against the wall. Topis remains the HOH comp. Kelsey thinks it is interesting that the other side kept Raul and not her. She thought the other side would have wanted to keep her as she would have stayed a target as the duo and Raul is a strong competitor and the two boys would be left together. she thinks that it was Maddy. Kelsey says that she does not watch this show and does not know the game she has seen only episodes three through seven of one season and that is it. Love comments about Cass and Joel talking and wonders how she can talk with everyone. Kelsey says she is like that and would campaing to everyone for her. All feeds black out.
  19. 10:14PM BBT: Tim talking about how he thought someone would have been closer than his guess in the HOH comp. Maddy remarks that it has been a long day. Cassandra is called to the DR and one person says she is in trouble now but another remarks that they are going to give her alcohol. Joel is still eating something and Jared asks if there is still frozen chicken. He wonders too if there are veggies so they could make a big stir fry. Ramsey gets up and clomps up the stairs and heads into the bathroom. He blows his nose in toilet paper and walks into the toilet. Jared is digging into the standing freezer scrounging around for something and comes up with a bag of shrimp which her replaces. He belches loudly then heads back to the others while the feed remains showing us the freezer. Tim is asking when the noms will be guessing it will be tomorrow night. Phil is washing up some dishes and Ramsey is wandering about eating something. Dallas has returned to the dining room where most are sitting resting up from their two hours of work for the day. If anyone is wondering the fifth feed showing the hidden room remained blaced out til just now when feeds one and two show the ladies crawling into their bunks. They are watching the HGs of the large flat screen in the room and doing a running commentary. They speculate about what Maddy will do and remark that she is on top of the world now and the feed fades to black yet again. The other feeds are on Maddy and Cassandra in the bathroom discussing the numbers from the comp we did not see. Maddy says it is good that Tim got it but he could do some funny shit. Cass is scared and Maddy tells her not to be. They apparently were sent to pack Loveitas luggage as the remark going down the stairs that it was easy as her stuff was already packed almost as if she knew. Cass sits with Tim on the blue loveseat where he is talking to Joel who is sitting crosslegged on the side table. Maddy sits with Jared on another of the blue loveseats talking about a dessert wafer. Joel asks Tim again who his letter will be from and he replies he does not know and asks how do you know these things. He does not even know if he will be getting one. He now asks about the Showme and what he will be allowed to watch and how to find what he wants to see. Most of the house is clustered in the living room on or around the blue loveseats. Maddy is complaining about wanting her water bottle and they speculate that she left it on a table outside. She gets up to get some water and someone remarks that they are 12 now. Nikki asks Cass if she can believe that they now are just three girls. Cass asks Phil where his brother went and heads out as Tim also gets up and heads to the bathroom. Maddy returns with a blue water bottle and sits down again. Jared says, "What a day." Talk turns to vodka and Cass says she does not know where it is but she wants some. Tim is leaving the bathroom now and growls out what a waste of time it was packing his area. Cass joins him in the kitchen asking if he wants some tea which he declines. He wanders into the living room saying that he is still just processing what has happened tonight. Cass is waiting for the kettle to boil. Tim asks her if she is happy she is getting the bloody bed. He comments about her having been so close to his answer and how it could be the difference between her staying and going depending on what he is doing. She wonders why he is bugging her all the time and asks why he does not go and bug someone else.
  20. 10:12 PM BBT: Feeds come back on in the dining room with everyone having just finished eating. They are speculating about maybe there being no Have Not comp this week. Nikki asks Tim who his letter will be from and he replies from his Dad and it will be really boring so apparently Tim is the second HOH of the night.
  21. 11:01PM BBT: Mitch and Ramsey still lying silently. Raul is joined in the kitchen by Jared. They are working on some food and Jared wants yam fries then asks he Raul wants to mix the fries. Cass has returned to the pink bedroom where Tim is still unpacking and the two of them try to sort out how they can mutually arrange their clothes and cases. Tim now checking the drawers and wants to move some of Maddy's clothes out of the drawer in the bed he is sleeping in. Downstairs Ramsey and Mitch have joined Raul and Jared in the kitchen where Jared announces how much he just missed milk (Can yo act anymore like Emmett?? - DRG). They then debate the benefits of almond milk vs. regular milk. Jared now cannot wait for breakfast. and the feed in the kitchen blinks off and then back on. Upstairs Tim still unpacking and rearranging everything from his bags and Cassandra's piles in the corner of the room. Joel comes down to the kitchen and asks what is cooking. Jared talks about following what Joel ate and how he watched him eat all this week to which Joel retorts that he also watched him eat slop for two straight weeks before this one. The sound of the sizzle from the frying pan almost drowns out the conversation and the feed once again blacks out. (Someone needs to get Skippy on the master board anothe cup of coffee. - DRG) Maddy sitting on her bed sorting through her cosmetics as Phil makes up the bed next to her. She tells Tim welcome back and it is almost like they never lost him. She says he is always welcome here in the pink room. Tim is still arranging away and there is still quite a pile of clothes on his bed. Maddy tells Tim she slept in the blue room the other night and it is so dark in there that it is unfair. she then observes that they get the two wildcards sleeping with them tonight. Feed returns in the kitchen where most of the rest of the house has congregated. General chatter mostly about food still. Phil changes into a red tee shirt in the pink room as Maddy is lotioning up her legs while sitting on her bed. Feed jumps to the blue room where Kelsey is talking to Ramsey who is thaning her for continuing to have a relationship with him despite the game going on. He says that she in particular taught him that one can keep game and personal separate. He tells her he does not know how the vote is going to go and then she alludes to them knowing how the vote is going to go. They hug it out and she says that whatever happens tomorrow they will stay friends. She thanks him and walks out. the other feed is now in the HOH bathroom where Loveita is keeping Nikki company as she bathes in the tub. They are talking about what it is like in the jury house and Love disabuses Nikki of the idea that she will have her phone back in the jury house. Love says that she likes Maddy a lot even though she gets upset often and acts hot and cold. On the other feed Jared and Kelsey are now hanging out in the High Roller suite where he is telling her that he worries about her. Joel walks into the bathroom upstairs and Love says to Nikki how weird Joel is to tease him. Love talks about her bed options for tonight and asks if he is ok to share his HOH room. He replies on six conditions. 1 No whoopie, 2 That she comes up late or in a way that others don't know about it. 3 He tells her he has been told he can be pretty gassy at night. 4 No snoring 5 No yelling at me. She says she yells a lot at night so he changes it to no screeching at him. 6 If she finds a hidden power then he gets it. Nikki suggests he present her an imaginary contract to sign it. Other feed now in the dining room where Mitch has just joined Jared and Raul who are working on burgers and fries. Mitch is called to the DR and heads off. Upstairs Joel wants to add the condition that if they get restocked with ice cream that he will eat it. After some more banter they come to an agreement and shake on it. Nick has joined Jared and Raul at the table and Kelsey comes down to the kitchen. Jared asks what she is looking for to which she responds that she is not looking for anything. She starts putting condiments on her fries and heads over to the table with her bowl. HOH crew continuing to banter playfully. Loveita talking about how she always had people sleeping over in her HOH's (Has she ever moved out???? - DRG) Jared asks Kelsey why she is so quiet and Raul wonders what she knows. Raul asks if she is done packing to which she replies no and he adds that he has not even started. Jared returns from taking his plate to the sink and Mitch returns from the DR. Jared and Kelsey hugging in the kitchen after Raul is called to the DR. she heads into the pantry and he follows her saying she looks like she got bad news and she denies it saying she is good. He calls her a liar as they return to the kitchen. Hoh crew still chatting away with Love teasing him that he needs to find someone in the house. Nikki says she thinks he can find a lovely girl to be his wife and cook for him and wash for him and wait on him when he is watching tv or playing video games. Joel says he wants to have conversations and converse with them at the same time. they will be informative and full of information at the same time. Loveita sums it up by saying he just wants it all. Other feed has cut tot he blue bedroom where Kelsey is sitting alone. them back to the kitchen where Jared is directing Cassandra to go and talk to Kelsey as she is really sad and does not want him to be around her. She follows directions and heads up calling out for kelsey and is told she is in the Hundo suite. In the HOH Love has asked Joel why he just does not give Cassandra another chance, but he does not go for it. Cass telling Kelsey to go get Ramsey and she replies that he just told her he is voting her out. Cass now pantomiming stabbing Joel over and over then telling her they will have so much fun outside the house. They decide to try and get another vote so they head out to look for Tim but Kelsey ends up in the bathroom alone while Cass finds Tim in the other bedroom. BB tells Cassandra to fix her microphone. Tim is telling Cass that all Kelsey has to do is be nice to Nikki and she will vote for her that so far Raul has been nicer to Nikki than Kelsey has so she needs to be nice to her tomorrow and Nikki decide to vote for her. Cass heads out to find kelsey who has gone back to the High Roller suite with Jared, but he is called to the DR. (Everyone has to recored good bye messages tonight prior to tomorrows eviction even though there will be little time to air them on the broadcast. - DRG) Other feed is on the landing where Ramsey Mitch Joel and Nick are sitting on the green couches. Raul takes Jared's place with Kelsey and wants to know what is up with her. Mitch saying that most of his relationships have been with men even friendships. Cass strolls by. Mitch talking about definitely wanting to go to the UK after even though he has never seen any of the BB UK shows. Joel talking about some of the celebrity BB UK series and how Gary Busey won it one year. then talking about the confusion with David Bowie's wife last season when she told someone in the house that David had died without saying her ex first and it was assumed that the HG named David was the one who had passed. Raul telling Kelsey she is not herself right now and once again asks her what is wrong. He teases her that he will follow her all night and wants to know what she is looking for. She says she just wants a minute for herself and he does not believe it but he will give her a moment to herself. (So even gay men assume that if a woman is emotional about something then something is WRONG? - DRG) Kelsey heads up to the HOH passing the guys on the landing and sits quiety on the grey couches. Raul wanders back and forth past the green couches where they guys are just chatting about favorite places and such. Kelsey is clearly agitated and comes back downstairs to the High roller suite to sit alone once more. Cass comes down and joins Kelsey who relates her conversation with Tim to her as Jared comes back from the DR and sits on the opposite side of the circular couches. Joel and MItch now alone on the green couches talking about Disney Land. Raul joins the group in the High Roller suite. Jared heads out saying he will be back and a few moments later strolls past the guys upstairs and heads into the bathroom. Phil asks him how the two nominees are dong and he tells him that Kelsey had a DR and he thinks it made her sad. Downstairs Kelsey tells Raul that she is having a moment and she says no when he asks if she wants to cry.
  22. 10:37 PM BBT: Feeds back to HG calling out thank you BB as apparently the Have Nots can now eat. Tim is in the kitchen now eating and looking for what else he wants to eat. He is told to cook the bacon but says that you don't have to cook bacon because it is cooked then corrects himself to say it is smoked and keeps scarfing some down. Ramsey is spinning like a ballerina on a kitchen stool. Kelsey prances into the kitchen and Nikki asks her what she is going to do. Jared and Raul are there now too. Kelsey is making herself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She wants for them to have a party, an all nighter. Nick and Maddy come into the living room apparently having ended the story and debate about the cops. Talk continues about eating bacon without cooking it. Kelsey announces that she should probably pace herself and Cass asks if she is just dipping crackers in jam. One feed jumps to the chapel where Jared and Tim are talking about what they should eat to be ready for tomorrow and Tim is talking about pasta so Jared remarks that is what runners do before a race they carbo-load and he leaves the room. Tim has packed a bag and as he hauls it out of the chapel he says he is not finished and has another bag. Jared is folding laundry. Kelsey and Raul are still stuffing themselves in the kitchen as the brothers Joel and Nikki sit at the counter keeping an eye on their fingers. Tim is now behind the counter with Raul and Kelsey also stuffing himself. Joel carrying on about how if you play the Soviet Union nine times out of ten they will beat you but not tonight. Nikki now talking about how she is going to sleep in Phil's bed tonight. She is asked with whom and replies with Phil. One feed cuts to black again and the other remains in the kitchen then jumps to the bedroom where Mitch is telling Ramsey what he is said about his vote and how he has kept it somewhat vague. Jared brings his gear in and is given a big welcome home. Talk turns to where folks are sleeping with Nikki going all OCD about one of the beds because of the duvet and it can't be washed and dried in time. She wants to sleep with Phil and Jared and Kelsey will share a bed and Ramsey will be left to take the bed that Nikki has rejected. Other feed now back on in the pink bedroom with Tim Cass and Maddy talking about pasta some more. They then review the history of the beds in this room. Maddy is complaining and teasing Tim about getting off of being a Have Not a night early and who does he think he is Mr. Australia? Joel joins them and Cass leaves. Kelsey is looking for her hat in the other bedroom. Tim is describing to Maddy and Joel how he slept on top of his clothes in the chapel and how cold it was all the time. Ramsey and Mitch now alone in the other bedroom talking about who was in the kitchen then falling silent. The feed in the pink bedroom blacks us out once again. BB announces will Loveita please fix her microphone and the feed then comes back up in the kitchen with Raul and Cass.
  23. 10:01PM BBT: Raul Jared Mitch and Nikki chatting in the kitchen about tea. Jared has lost weight and thinks he looks good but he feels depleted. He is glad he at least had a good crew to endure a week a slop with. He says it is good to take turns cooking since it is so frustrating and sticky to deal with. (How many sentences can I end with with???? - DRG) Nikki is talking about the food that she found that Christine has stashed away. She also found some honey up in the cupboards. Raul talking about how all the food Christine had stashed was all moldy, especially the strawberries. Raul leaves to check on something in the pantry. Upon returning he hurts his hand on the door. Jared asks Nikki where she saw the honey and she points to a top cupboard so Jared goes to look for it. Mitch remarks that he loves honey water as it is soothing and sweet and he will especially drink it if he has a sore throat. Kelsey and Phil are in the bathroom and it looks like Cass is in the shower. Phil is called to the DR. Kelsey starts lamenting about how much it sucks that she will be leaving tomorrow. Feed switches to Nick and Maddy in the High Roller suite. Talking about the sleeping arrangements and how Loveita wants to sleep in Nick's bed which really bothers Maddy. Nick says this is just what he was told and she tells him that she sleeps naked. General chatter continues in the kitchen where Ramsey has joined the group. Maddy continues to rant about how much she hates Love and that she follows her around some days. She hates Love even more than she hates Kelsey. Nick remarks that he does not have anyone that follows him around the house. Maddy changes the topic to Tim promising to introduce her to Bindy since they share a love of animals. Kelsey has now also sat down at the kitchen counter where they keep talking about food and BB decides it needs to sleep. Nick talking about a cop tailgating him once without his lights on and if he had a video he would have gotten out of the ticket. Maddy declares that he would not have becasue cops can do anything they want. She has six friends that are cops and he would not have gotten out of the ticket. He is sure he would have at least gotten it reduced. It was a ticket for speeding and keeps saying that they did not have their lights on. She insists that they were not doing anything illegal and he wants to say he could have hit the brakes and they would have crashed into him and the accident would have been their fault. Back and forth they go debating whether it is legal for cops to tailgate and he is still sure he could have hit the brakes and gotten rear ended and it would have been the cops fault. He starts detailing the story. (which encourages my rear end back to the kitchen - DRG) Nikki is talking about being friends with Caesar and how he has a different girl every night. She asks Raul if he knows any Spanish football players that play for Athens and he replies that he does not. Nick continues leaking oil telling the story of being pulled over by the cops. In the kitchen they are getting rowdier with Raul and Kelsey throwing food and wrestling while standing up before hugging. The feed switches to the bathroom where Cass is in a robe with a towel wrapped turban style on her head. Tim is staring into one of the mirrors making faces at himself. Nick is getting around to talking about his court date being soon and how you have ten months from the incident to make an appearance and BB decides to black out all the feeds.
  24. 10:15PM BBT: Pool game continues outside with no real talk going on. Shouting and laughing can be heard coming from inside the house but what they are saying cannot be determined. The guys finish the game with Ramsey winning by one ball and head inside where Dallas is ribbed for being a sore loser. Feed follows them to the living room where Joel Mitch and Raul are lounging. Cass comes in as does Nick with the duvet he had outside. Cass tells them she really just wants wine. (Maybe if you whine some more you can make your own???? - DRG) BB tells Cassandra to please fix your microphone which she takes as a sign that they clearly want to hear her. She goes on to tell the group that they can come and talk with her if they want to talk about walks on the beach or wine or life in general (implying she does not want to talk game.) Outside Phil has joined the boys but is dressed with a coat on. They then debate the plumbing of the tub. Jared wishes they could have seen the moon tonight but then thinks that tomorrow is when it will be truly full. Discussion turns to the game of pervert. Jared comments that it is nicer than earlier and Tim is glad there are not too many people out there tonight. The living room is quiet and then they start giggling thinking about things that happened earlier. Feed jumps to the bedroom with Dallas and Cass and he heads out with a cigarette in his mouth. Cass talks to herself about being on a reality show and getting fat a little bit so she needs to stop eating chocolate and wonders why she does and itis because she is bored and wants to do interesting things or have someone take her shopping and on and on as she lies down on the bed eating a piece of chocolate. Joel Mitch Love and Maddy have joined her now as have Nick and Dallas. Joel is playing with the rain stick that Nikki made earlier. General chatter going on. Dallas complains about losing his water bottle and is given several suggestions about where it is as he heads out to hunt for it. Outside Tim is talking about needing to figure out what would make him want to win and how he could never rob a worthy winner as he won in his country. He will judge folks not by if they do right or wrong by him but if they do right or wrong by themselves. Tim talking about how he and Cass did not scatter as every other group did today to divert attention from themselves so as not to be seen as the next power target but all the other strong duos did mix more today. He says that is because he and Cass do not have a voting alliance til the end they are just friends. Kelsey comes out also wearing a coat. Bedroom group is talking about where the duck is. Outside Jared mentions that Kelsey gave away her number the other day and said it really slow a few times. She quips back that he started it and talk turns to how family can get tickets tot he broadcasts. Then their attention turns to the controls for the tub and they decide to play with the buttons. Inside Love is saying that she is fed up with Joel's passive aggressive insults and disses. She starts playing with the rain stick and says it is a really great idea. Talk goes back to the wearabouts of the duck as Nikki comes in. Feed jumps to the SR where the brothers are talking about Tim and how he makes judgements they decide they should not say anything about Tim and leave the room saying they are probably out there talking about them right now. they debate whether to go out or not and finally settle on wanting to go in the hot tub so they bound up the stairs to change. Outside Kelsey has stripped down to a bikini and climbed into the tub. Inside feed changes to Nikki and Raul on the green couches where she is flipping the rain stick slowly and guiding him through a relaxation imagery. BB tells Kelsey to please put on her microphone. Tim and Jared complaining about the brothers having been out there just sitting and watching them before. Tim goes on a rant about Phil saying he was an open book to him yesterday and then not talking two words to him today and how he does not like others to use his name but he talks about others all the time. Quacking and general silliness going on the the bedroom.
  25. 10:00 PM BBT: Dallas and Ramsey playing pool on one feed with Tim and Joel talking at the table about folks abusing Joel;s HOH room. The boys at the pool table are discussing how they maybe need to hand around each other a little less so as not to be perceived as being together. Tim has gone off to change into swim trunks while Cass and Nikki have joined Joel at the dining table general chatter about the name Rory going on. Tim is back announcing he might go into the spa after and Joel tells him he is a cool dude. Pool players talking about how they can't wait to hand out together in the outside world and then back to the game. Tim does not have a mic on in the pool and though he is chagging with the folks at the table his comments are unintelligible. He now passes the pool players on his way to the hot tub. Cass hums in a quite annoying manner at the table and Joel lets her know it is annoying as does Nikki and he tells her to stop. Talk returns to one of Cass's friends named Rory and Joel again tells her to tell him he has a stupid name. She is then questioned about what kind of friend he is and if they were ever an item. Jared walks by in his suit. Joel asks Nikki what she made in his HOH room and she says it is a rain stick. Joel recites the opening to Days or Our LIves. and the feed switches to the hot tub with Tim and Jared. He tells Tim that he does not know if Kelsey will stay this week. Tim asks what people are telling him and he says not much and it keeps changing. Ramsey relating about how Jared told him he needed to go talk to Kelsey and she lied to his face. Ramsey complains that because he talks to Jared people think he is working with him. Jared telling Tim that he would like Dallas and then Loveita to go home. He goes on to complain about Phil not telling him who he is voting to evict for sure saying he would keep Kelsey now but that things change. He says Mitch is good with keeping Raul. Nick comes out wanting to sit on the couches but everything is too wet so he heads back in to take the duvet he brought back in the house. Jared thinks that it will just be the three of them voting to keep Kelsey. Tim says he is just watching to see who is a worthy winner and finds some folks have good qualities but when they lie to him they are off the list.



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