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Everything posted by DRG

  1. 1:12AM BBT Andrew and Jillian talking scenarios and he says he would not take Lala to the final two. Jillian is scared that Emmett could win HOH and Andrew the Veto in final HOH, He says he would take her over Talla. She would prefer that Emmett win the POV after Andrew won the HOH. He is suggesting that they should make a F2 with one another and he does not think she has a F2 deal with Emmett. She says she has not made a F2 deal with him. He starts bashing how Emmett talks down to folks in the house. Jillian says she calls him on it when he does it to her. She says it is not like I am going to marry the guy. Andrew says we decided to be F3 and he definitely wants Jillian there and not Talla since Talla could not win the final HOH comp. He says that he is sure that she could beat Emmett in the final 2. They review jury votes and each make the case that the other has a better chance than they do. He is selling the F2 pledge between them hard. [Can you tell he teaches folks how to sell insurance?? - DRG] 1:19AM BBT Andrew says Emmett if he wins will definitely be looking at who he could beat in F2. Andrew says lets stick to our F3 deal 100% and then we can have an F2, and Jillian adds and not tell Emmett. 1:21AM BBT They say goodnight and Andrew heads off to the loo while Jillian heads. . . 3 guesses folks and the first 4 don't count. 1:23AM BBT Actually she headed to the couch in the kitchen to put in her eye drops and screeches saying it hurts much more than the doctor said it should. Andrew tells Jillian that Lala told him Peter said he was not going to campaign and she was not going to either. Now Andrew back to bed and Jillian brushing her hair in the downstairs WA.
  2. 1:06AM BBT Andrew climbs stairs to HOH landing, listens at the door and then heads to the downstairs WA. Now back to the LR where he finally encounters Jillian. BB tells him to put on his microphone. He asks if Jillian wants anything and she says she is fine. He says he was going to the bathroom but saw that Peter was in there and he sometimes has "stomach problems" He asks to use her HOH bathroom to pee. Jillian finally saying to Andrew that this is what we wanted. Andrew says he was thinking about 10K for me. He lists off appliances he could buy with the money and still have enough for a kick-ass TV. He says he has a three bedroom house with a sh tty dishwasher. He must have won a gift card to Lowes the way they are talking. Jillian is saying that Pete was supposed to be the smart guy but she beat him and said, "Pete you need to practice your puzzles."
  3. 12:55AM BBT [Night Morty, I'm not gonna wait for Talla to come back and complain or for Jillian to crawl back downstairs and in to bed with Emmett. Looks like your gaping canyon of coverage today was easily swallowed up by the Black Hole that has been BBCA Live Feed Saturdays. When I saw your post earlier today I said to myself I should remind you about Rule Number One, em-blazed in friendly red letters on the front cover of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. It says simply, "Don't Panic!" Should that not work, refer to Rule Number Two which says, "See Rule Number One."] 12:58 AM BBT Talla comes out of the DR and makes her way straight into the Have-Not room and climbs in bed. She asks when the lights went out and says something to Andrew about the money he won in the comp today. Amazingly she lies down and gets quiet. Peter got up and left the bedroom but the camera did not follow him. Feed four now in HOH with full lights on and Jillian in the shower getting dressed. Andrew now up to WA and returns to bed. [These hamsters are harder to put to bed than todlers. - DRG] 1:03 AM BBT Jillian making her way downstairs to the kitchen where she takes some pills. She is wearing stunning ensemble of hot pink short shorts, orange baggy tee shirt and white towel on her head turban style. Andrew is now up again and walking the carpeted area behind the LR couches.
  4. 12:08AM BBT This scintillating conversation has now moved on to the women of wrestling. [sorry wrestling fans I can't keep up with the names and frankly, they are all cartoon characters to me. - DRG] 12:10AM BBT Talla seems to have really been into wrestling almost as much as Peter is. She thinks there were a lot of attractive women. She turns to her favorite subject, herself, and remarks about how she has not been working out in the house and will put herself on a strict schedule of working out when she gets home. She says they were both thin when they got in the house. Talla says she is just going to bed and will not wait to get called to the DR any longer. [Like they were gonna call her anyway. - DRG] 12:14PM BBT Jillians voice heard saying at this time a rule may have been broken and she does not know why she assumes she is the guilty one [DR leak?] Talla heads to bed, Andrew flossing teeth in bathroom when Talla gets there. Peter now in the bedroom talking to Emmett. He says he knows how Emmett feels apparrently Emmett may have been DQ'd in the comp again today. Andrew teading Talla, saying he hates her with a passion. She tells him she told Peter they should just try and enjoy the week. Andrew brushing his teeth and Talla flossing without slowing down her talking one little bit even when she switches to brushing. 12:18 AM BBT Peter and Emmett quiet in bed. Talla and Andrew still in WA. She is saying that she really thought she was going to be called to the DR. She asks what week is this 8 or 7 no its 7. She says she is hungry and can hardly bear being on slop. She is using face cream to remove her makeup, but talking so much she gets some in her eyes. Then she blows her nose over the sink while splashing water on her face. she puts in her mouth pieces and still does not slow down talking the least bit. 12:22AM BBT Andrew announces he is leaving after asking her if she wanted him to wait. "I'll see you in our room darling. I hate you." Andrew now positioning himself on the cot in the Have-Not room. Talla enters and puts a towel to cover the space underneath the door before climbing onto the round bed. The main bedroom is quiet. Jillian still in the DR. Talla has just set a new personal record of not speaking for over a minute. Andrew complains about the mattress and then they say good night to one another. The lights are dim in the main bedroom now, but still bright in the Have-Not room. 12:28 AM BBT All quiet in the BB house. Andrew is shown lying on his back in multi-colored boxers. He appears to be deep in thought, but then closes his eyes. Jillian emerges from the DR and wakes Talls by entering the room and slamming the door. Talla is irate that she is now being summoned to the DR. "Are you f ing kidding me. I just took off my face!!!!!" 12:33 AM BBT Jillian goes to Emmett and tells him she is going up to her HOH room. She kisses him and heads out and up the stairs. Andrew is now returning to his bed. Jillian back down stairs and into WA where Talla is seen re-applying her face. Jillian grabs some towels and Talla tells her to enjoy her shower. Jillian says it is the good one in the DR and asks Talla if he is her lover. Andrew now up again moving the cot mattress to the floor and lying down again. 12:39 AM BBT Only activity in the house is in the HOH where Jillian is likely showering and in the DR with Talla, neither of which is on camera. Wait, breaking news, Emmett just rolled over onto his right side. [You heard it here first folks. - DRG] 12:43 AM BBT Lights now dim in the Have-Not room and cams are switching to night vision mode on all four feeds. 12:46 AM BBT Andrew says Goodnight Big Brother and readjusts his bedding.
  5. 12:03AM BBT Andrew Talla and mainly Peter continue wrestling talk. [sorry wrestling fans, I can't catch the names and frankly they are all cartoon characters to me. -DRG]
  6. 12:01AM BBT Emmett still resting. Kitchen crew still talking about wrestlers from the past and present.
  7. 11:26PM BBT Peter eating cheese. Jillian comes out of HOH and from the landing complains that she was told she would go to the DR next (Andrew is in there now). She wines that her eyes are hurting and have been bad for two days. She states that BB is being rude. She tells Talla that she really wants to go in the DR because she thinks that it helps. Talla replies that it does. Jillian says that it sucks that she has to eat food that is prepared for us. Peter says that they have not gotten their luxury item today or yesterday. He states he would like a replica championship belt from his favorite wrestler. 11:31PM BBT Peter and Talla in kitchen still talking about wrestlers they liked in the past. Jillian and Emmett in bedroom and she is again whining about her eyes hurting. They are on the bed and her leg is over his. She is saying she cannot do this anymore and $10K sounds like nothing to her. 11:34PM BBT Peter still telling elaborate story about the demise of a famous wrestler to Talla. Emmett trying to console Jillian and get her to have a more positive outlook. She asks who would Andrew take to finals. Emmett says Talla and you, he is not gonna take another guy so you just have to chill out. She asks should we get rid of Lala so he has to take me and you. Emmett says no then he would likely take Pete. She says she will take him and he says he will take her. 11:37PM BBT Peter and Talla still reminiscing about wrestling when they were younger. Emmett and Jillian still in the bed. She is talking about BB catching something and they wanted Pete to compete. She is admonished to stop talking about production by the deep bass BB voice. Emmett tells her to look forward to the luxury items they should get this week. Jillian says that she does not care about them anyway. She says she likes him and he says he likes her too. She can't wait to go home and be in the real world. "This is stupid crazy shit that is happening." He says he did awesome last year with very little money and he is looking forward to doing better this year. He knows what he is getting into this year and everything is all built already. 11:42PM BBT Peter droning on about how wrestling is more serious like a real sport like the NFL with wellness programs and drug testing and on and on and on. . . Jillian now more upbeat talking with Emmett about an event he will run again this year. They both think participation will be way up in part because it is his second year and in part due to his BB exposure. 11:46PM BBT Peter talking about how the audience can bet on the outcome of Wrestlemania even though it is prescripted. The producers know the outcome in advance but the general public does not. Jillian looking at Emmett with the goofy little girl smile she gives his much of the time. She said she had so much confidence because of winning HOHs but now not so much. Jillian said she felt relief when she beat Peter in the puzzle, but it was luck. She cannot believe that they have not called her to the DR yet. Emmett tells her to just take off her shirt, but she says they have no choice and they don't care about her eyes. The doctor told her to take out her contacts after comps but BB does not care about her eyes. BB deep voice again says, "HGs please stop talking about production." 11:52PM BBT Jillian kisses Emmett and says they are lucky to be here together this long. She says she is so upset tonight because Emmett got so upset and you are the one that keeps me. Andrew enters and calls Jillian to the DR. [if she is this much of a basket case with Andrew holding the POV imagine if Peter had won it or Talla won it and took down Andrew leaving Emmett as the only possible replacement. - DRG] 11:55PM BBT Talla and Peter talking about Alan Gregory a short-lived TV program when Andrew joins them. Emmett is resting with his eyes shut on the bed. The kitchen group moves to talking about New Girl and other shows they like that did not last long. 11:58PM BBT Talla asks who is Ted Turner? Peter says he was in communications and bought WWF. [sure that is what he is know for, not TNT network, colorizing movies of having been married to Jane Fonda.- DRG]
  8. 11:13PM BBT Talla and Andrew in the kitchen. He is reassuring her that he is voting to keep her so it does not really matter what Emmett chooses to do. He holds the veto upside down and asks her what it looks like, She realizes it is an A. Peter has not been on the feeds except for a few moments when the feeds returned when he was moping in the bedroom. BB asks Andrew to take the veto into the storage room. Talla asks BB if she is allowed to go to bed and she is upset that BB will not answer her. 11:16PM BBT Andrew telling Talla that she needs to "shut up." Jillian and Emmett are in the HOH but all we see is Emmett eating the orange that Talla cut up for him. Talla asks if Adrew farted and he acknowledges he did, she remarks that she has been good today "Nothing is coming out of me." They are reviewing the events of the day. Andrew and Peter were nominees and now that Andrew has the POV Talla will be the replacement. Talla is not worried that Jillian would vote her out should the vote be tied. 11:20PM BBT Peter now out of the DR and Andrew is taking his dinner order when BB calls him to the DR. Talla now has to prepare Peter's dinner. He asks for her to cut up some cheese and give him a soda. He tells her he is not going to campaign against her. He does not dislike her, she says the same to him. I am a have not and you are a have and we will be sitting together, so lets just have a good week. Upstairs Emmett says he cannot let Andrew win HOH. Jillian emotional while working on her face in the HOH mirror. Peter in store room telling BB that he requires more Pepsi Cola. Costumes from POV comp hanging on mobile rack in the SR still. 11:24PM BBT Talla cutting cheese for Peter. Emmett and Jillian in solemn conversation going over worst case scenarios. He says he would throw the endurance so she could win and then he would have to beat Andrew in the physical portion of the three part HOH comp.
  9. 12:08PM BBT Talla and Topaz continue their rambling conversation in the hot tub. Everyone else on camera appears to be asleep, but there is no view of the HOH. Talla climbs out of the tub wearing panties and a t shirt. She is quite taken with her wedgie and makes sure Topaz sees it. Heaven help us the bottle was not totally empty yet and they have replenished their glasses once again. 12:13PM BBT Topaz telling Talla they would not be aligned now except for Alec because they are two different people. Topaz saying she is only saying some things about Alec because she has heard about what he has been doing. Otherwise I would just say let the house choose. Topaz is now giving the last of her drink to Talla because now she feels tipsy. Talla cheers. 12:16PM BBT They are now bashing the guys performance in comps and quickly switch to topic to what they will wear tomorrow. Talla reassures Topaz again that she is staying. Talla does not want it to be a double eviction tomorrow. Topaz says Alec told her he wants a double tomorrow because then we can go into the jury house together. He further told her he did not want Peter in the jury house with him. Talla cannot believe Topaz is taking that from Alec, she would be gone and in another bed. Topaz says this relationship will definitely not carry on outside the house and not even in jury. Talla wants to know what Peter has done in this game [Perhaps confirming Peter's thinking?? - DRG] 12:20PM BBT Alec up and pacing the hallway between the bedroom and the bathroom. Peter is also in the bathroom washing his hands now and heads back to bedroom. Alec now to the john. The girls congratulating themselves for making it on the show and saying they will be friends forever. [Goodnight folks, these two may be turning their bodies into stew meat, but they are turning my brain into mush.]
  10. 12:02AM BBT Talla asks Topaz if she is sleeping with Alec tonight and she says she will cause it is their last night no matter which one goes home tomorrow. Topaz tells Talla that she will be screwed if she goes home and Talla says she is not going and that she has her vote.
  11. 11:41PM BBT Talla and Topaz reappear on the feeds in the hot tub with an alcohol bottle just behind them. Talla talking about how two girls gotta win tomorrow STAT. She is gonna really try to win as is Topaz. They think it will be a mental comp. They are still drinking beer, but at least they are speaking quietly. Topaz says if she wins she has to put up 2 guys tomorrow. Talla says you have to aim for the big players now there is no more time to aim low. Topaz says if Emmett wins the noms will be Topaz and Talla. If Peter wins it will be Jillian and Talla. [actually it would be Jillian and Emmett - DRG] 11:49PM BBT Andrew now in bedroom with Alec and Peter. They are talking about the afterparty and he says he will talk with AJ in the corner because you guys will want to talk game and I won't. Talla now bashing Alec because he messed up his relationships. Topaz saying he thinks she is not worthy cause she sleeps all day. He has probably been throwing comps because he does not want blood on his hands, but I have done better than he has in the comps. 11:53PM BBT Guys talking about likelihood of one more double eviction while Talla talking a mile a minute still bashing Alec. saying Alec is the reason that Tom is gone. [The bottle is finally empty, thank goodness. - DRG] 11:55PM BBT The guys say goodnight and seem to be settling in for the night. Talla and Topaz now bashing Suzette saying she played too hard and too early. Talla talking about her not winning anything, but she is making Canada laugh their butts off.
  12. 11:31PM BBT Peter now claiming that he can point to everyone on the board and state what it was that he did that sent each person home. He is sure that he and Alec are the stars of the show and they are really good at it. "I am really good at blending into humans." Alec thinks Gary and Andrew will be easy to convince in the jury. Peter LOVES this game and does not want to leave and have the WRONG person win the first season. Alec will be uncomfortable if anyone other than Peter or Andrew wins. The HOH crew is talking about how they don't want Talla in the final three. Emmett asks BB to turn down the lights as they are heating up the room too much. Andrew gets up to leave. 11:38PM BBT Peter is certain if he can get to the three he can get to the two and therefore will win. they now think it is good that Alec is going because they would have messed up each other's games down the stretch. Peter says he will just be nice to everyone from here to the end. They are talking about how the house is full of headstrong dumb people and this was Peter's greatest fear going into the house, dumb people. Peter again says that when they come back for all stars they will win. Alec again lamenting his one dumb, emotional move that totally screwed him over.
  13. 11:20PM BBT Peter now lamenting his conversation with Jillian. He says he should have gone up with Peter and stayed calm. He thinks Andrew now has a ton of power. Jillian talking about how Talla is closer to Topaz than she is to Jillian. Andrew is definitely "half in the bag" as he would say too. He says that the comps they have had no one could have really prepared for. An obvious excuse for not doing any Jedi training. Peter still convincing himself that he is pulling all the strings and can still pull out a victory.Alec talking about his strategy is to make deals that are mutually beneficial and wonders why no one is responding to him. [Really????? - DRG] 11:27PM BBT Jillian now relating all the things Topaz has told her since the beginning of the game about her "cuddlemance." Peter thinks that he has played "on expert" until we were put up. They think Peter is under the radar again now that he has won one comp. They think they are so much better than the others in the house and are galled by the fact that "the Jillian player" is the one that put them up. [What is that old saying, Pride goeth before an eviction?? - DRG]
  14. 11:12PM BBT Emmett and Andrew in HOH and we now have audio from them. They are bashing Peter and Alec saying that the only tactic they have not tried is to talk to the two of them at the same time. Jillian wants to know what is happening and sits in the middle of the couch between them. Alec and Peter talking about how they will be the first two HGs for all stars. Jillian now regaling the boys with tales of the girls conversations from earlier. Jillian says the three girls were in the DR for about an hour tonight. BB tells them to stop talking about production. Alec and Peter running alternative scenarios about what might have been.
  15. 10:13PM BBT Boys have moved from the hot tub to the pool and have every noodle in with them and they need all these noodles to play football. Girls in the HOH talking about what will happen when the game is over. 10:15PM BBT The guys minus Peter continue being guys and the girls continue being girls like every dinner party living room-kitchen gender divide. 10:20PM BBT Girls now heading downstairs. Boys using the noodles as straws to spit water through and then as spears. the ladies disappear from the feeds and we have four cams on testosterone soup. 10:21PM BBT Guys slowing down a bit before resuming noodle wars. Peter sitting on a lounge chair out of range, watching. Emmett and Andrew the major combatants. Alec now alongside Andrew. [Foreshadowing or wishful thinking? - DRG] 10:25PM BBT Andrew has tied some of the noodles into "balloon animals" yet they continue to spar with them. Andrew pacing around aimlessly then starts collecting towels to pile by the washer. Guys now toweling off and heading indoors. 10:28PM BBT Peter pacing and talking to himself about how he really really needs to win HOH tomorrow. Andrew and Alec hitting the showers. Peter now wearing a towel like a shawl and fooling around with the dryer, but shows no signs of actually doing any of the laundry piles that surround the machines. 10:31PM BBT Sounds like Peter may have actually figure out how to work one of the machines but then it shuts off. He is now taking towels out of the washer and putting them in the dryer followed by scooping towels off the ground to throw in the washer. Can't really tell if either of the machines is running when he walks away. 10:34PM BBT Ladies finally reappear in the kitchen. Andrew in HOH listening to music. Gals still really hyper and giggly. Talla says she needs a smoke. they are marching to the bedroom looking for the guys and find only Alec in there. They say they have come from going crazy in the DR. Now screeching and running back to kitchen. Emmett with Andrew in HOH on the couches. 10:38PM BBT Peter and Alec now talking strategy and counting jury votes as if Alec is in jury and Peter is in F2. Peter again says he made a mistake by voting out AJ over Andrew. They do not trust Emmett and Jillian and would put them up next week if Peter wins HOH. His plan is to make an alliance with Topaz and Andrew and not to try and work with Emmett and Jillian. They speculate about who other HGs would put up if they won HOH. They think Peter might work with Andrew because Andrew thinks he can beat Peter in the end. Girls in the kitchen eating and possible still drinking some alcohol. 10:43PM BBT Alec thinks Talla is more easily swayed than one might think and could be pulled away from Andrew. They think Andrew and Jillian have a strong connection. Alec assumes Emmett and Jillian will be on the block next week and he might keep Emmett in the game since Jillian could possibly sway Talls while Emmett would not try. Peter says he has to be at the end with a girl, he would not win against Emmett or Andrew given the composition of the jury. Andrew and Emmett talking in HOH but audio is of the girls in the kitchen. [Wake up skippy!] Talla definitely drinking wine still and holding bowl to her mouth to slurp spaghetti. 10:48PM BBT Alec telling Peter to not let Andrew or Emmett get too far. [Does he not realize his best thinking is sending him home tomorrow? DRG] He advises Peter to align with Jillian but not Emmett. Girls in kitchen now bashing Alec albeit with alcohol thick tongues. 10:53PM BBT Peter saying his game is all about subtle manipulation and the people in the house are not bright enough to realize this. Alec again telling Peter to go to the end in an alliance with the girls. They are talking all over one another and so rapidly it is almost impossible to keep up with their conversation. Emmett and Andrew still talking in HOH but the audio on that feed is still the girls in the kitchen. 10:56PM BBT Alec saying Jillian has played a better game than Talla but she does not have the jury votes. They think the season will be boring from this point on. Peter thinks he needs to take a girl as his Memphis, and Alec suggest Jillian again. They don't think anyone will be targeting Peter in the next two evictions. Emmet and Andrew descend from the HOH and drunk Talla says something unintelligible to them. andrew mocks her and keeps on moving. 11:00PM BBT Guys meet up in the bedroom and game talk stops. they remark about the lights not being dim and think that BB got them up at like 7AM. They think it must be really late but don't know for sure as the clock on the stove has been changed several times today. They are talking about how the girls all seem to be half in the bag especially Talla and Topaz. 11:02PM BBT Jillian now drinking water while continuing to listen to Talla's drunken rant about someone back home. Topaz chiming in. Andrew leaves but the other three guys lying on the beds talking about how much booze they are getting these days. 11:06PM BBT Topaz appeared to pour some more wine from a bottle into her glass. She says she still has more beer to drink. Emmett now in kitchen next to Jillian. Emmett takes the last muffin and Topaz and Talla try to climb his body to get it out of his raised hand. Emmett heading off to bed and Jillian getting ready to leave too. Talla kisses Jillian goodnight and she goes upstairs to join Emmett.
  16. 6:10PM BBT Andrew now complaining about folks, like Gary, who came in to the house for fame and/or popularity. He is there to play the game and does not care what other people think about him. Emmett now on top of Jillian on HOH couch. They are talking about the age difference and Emmett says she can just say that he lied to her. Would you like it better if I was 25? she says yes and that no one in her life would believe this situation, her being with a 21 year old. 6:16PM BBT NEWS FLASH: Topaz is now vertical. Well she was till she sat back down on the bed with Alec and then draped herself over him. [believe it or not it is back to work for me. Hope someone else is around to document this thrilling drama.]
  17. 5:25PM BBT Topaz continues to spill her guts to Jillian about the entire history of the showmance and the bromance and all Alec's other alliances. Jillian is trying to convince Topaz that she can trust her. Topaz going on saying that Alec kept Andrew because he wanted Andrew to put up Emmett and Jillian. More general Alec bashing going on. 5:29PM BBT Topaz saying that Alec finally admitted to her that he would take Peter to F2 over her. Jillian saying she has the votes to keep Topaz safe this week no matter what andrew does, but she thinks the vote will be 3-1 to send Alec out. 5:31PM BBT Andrew swimming and Alec on lounge chair talking to him about past events in the house. Jillian and Topaz continue Alec bashing. [Why do the HGs always seem to need to justify voting people out.? It is the way the game is played.] 5:35PM BBT Alec steamroller finally runs out of steam and Jillian leaves Topaz to resume her napping. After she remarks that Alec thinks he is the smartest person in the house. 5:40PM BBT Talla torturing ah, ah talking to Emmett in the kitchen. He must have finished his steak and she is eating something from a bowl. They are talking about past jobs. Jillian joins them. 5:43PM BBT Talla tells Jillian that she and Emmett are becoming family, "we are bonding." Jillian picking at some steak pieces still in the frying pan. Talla remarking about how much fun it was to put Visine in Jillian's eyes. [What a cheap date she could be.] 5:45PM BBT Jillian says she is going to do a workout. Talla says Good for you and tells her she smells really good. Jillian asks what kind of steak this is and Talla tells her it is "that good stuff." [glad she cleared that up]. Peter has been parked in the corner on the couch this whole time. 5:50 Andrew toweling off after climbing out of the pool. Talla now talking with Topaz and taking up where Jillian left off bashing Alec. Topaz telling Talla the guys want us out, and Talla says well, we want them out too. Alec comes and asks Topaz if she wants to hang out. they talk about dinner and how long it will take to make the ribs. Topaz guesses she will start with the ribs soon. andrew in getting some clothes and they talk about him naming Talla's noodle boat, "poo la la" 5:53PM BBT Emmett and Jillian in HOH. She is telling him she talked with Topaz for an hour or so. Emmet says that Peter is throwing Topaz under the bus even now. Alec and Topaz lying in bed. Jillian relating her conversation with Topaz. Topaz and Alec quiet. 5:56PM BBT Feeds crossed again, Sound of Talla and Andrew coming over video of Topaz and Alec. Jillian still repeating what she and Topaz just talked about. 5:57PM BBT Peter still sleeping on couch adjacent to dinning room. Andrew cleaning coffee pot to brew a fresh batch. Talla asking a million nonsensical questions. 6:00PM BBT Jillian continuing to tell Emmett about how alec thinks he is the smartest player and everyone in the house think they have the tightest bond with him. He gave Andrew the HOH to keep blood off his hands by having Andrew put up Gary and Topaz. Topaz also told her that getting Emmett and Jillian out of the house was Alec's main objective right now. Jillian also relates how Topaz complained about Talla copying everything she does in the house like making a boat out of the noodles. She further says that Topaz told her that Peter would avenge Alec if he went home. 6:05PM BBT Emmett tells Jillian, Remember the time you told me Liza was a good person, and the smooching begins. Andrew and Talla talking on the couches in the BY. He is remarking that he is going crazy in the house. Talla saying she is so glad that Topaz was exposed in the HOH room during the instant eviction. [she said her diary but this is what she meant]
  18. 5:20PM BBT Talla talking to Andrew who is in the pool. Jillian and Topaz continuing to talk in circles about Alec's behavior and past votes.
  19. 4:46PM BBT Talla putting drops in Jillians eyes and enjoying it way too much. 4:49PM BBT Boys back to exercise station. Jillian and Topaz whispering in bedroom. They are talking about all the conflicting deals that Alec is offering everyone in the house. Topaz looking shocked. She tells Jillian about Alec being restless and saying that it sucks being on the block. She says he came into the room to talk to Andrew, but clearly I blew that. 4:53PM BBT Topaz goes on to tell Jillian that she is sure Alec would throw her under the bus again if given the chance. they review his changes in behavior towards her as the events of the last two weeks have played out. Andrew, Emmett and occasionally Peter still working out. 4:55PM BBT Topaz saying to Jillian that it would be better to just be honest in the game and say who you want to put up. Jillian saying that Alec told her that Topaz would be after her next week and that Peter would be too. topaz confirms that Peter is Alec's only one true friend in the house, but says that Alec should not throw him under the bus like that. Jillian says that Alec pitched Talla and Topaz for the block this week, but he wanted Talla gone. 4:58PM BBT Jillian telling Topaz how she walked into the SR and scared them and they got totally quiet. then Alec told her to keep him because if Talla was HOH next week she would put him up and never would put up Topaz. 5:00PM BBT Alec throwing the football to himself in the BY, Andrew and Emmett still lifting. Jillian and Topaz continuing to share stories about Alec in the bedroom. 5:03PM BBT Guys doing pushups on the mats. Topaz saying that the only one who would benefit from Alec staying would be Peter. Jillian remarks that Emmett has observed how Peter is digging himself a huge hole by continuing to scheme with Alec. 5:06PM BBT Topaz does not want Andrew to know that Peter is the only one who would benefit from Alec staying. Emmett walks past and game talks ends. He wants to know if they are cooking dinner. Jillian says they are doing ribs. Emmett says that will take two and a half hours so he is going to cook some steaks real quick. Jillian says she might have a few bites of his steak. 5:08PM BBT Topaz and Jillian resume talking about Alec and how Peter can't lose Alec and Alec does not want to leave so Alec is trying to make a connection with everyone in the house except Jillian and Emmett. 5:10PM BBT Emmett and Alec in the kitchen. Andrew joins them. Alec complaining about there being no milk. Andrew grabs a pair of oranges and some water, Emmett trimming the beef.
  20. 4:42PM BBT Talla in bedroom telling Jillian about all the exciting things she has been up to in the past hour. She thinks it is now about 4:30 [pretty close]. Her talking has now awakened Topaz. she tells them about the boat she made from the tubes in the pool and how she named it.
  21. 4:36PM BBT Talla now fully dressed and brushing her hair in front of the mirror in the WA. Now time for lipstick followed by deodorant. Now putting on her mic before grabbing the hair dryer. Next the flat iron. [its going to be a long slow evening.]
  22. 4:34PM BBT Talla finally out of shower stall having managed to remove her bikini and put on panties and a shirt. She has a towel wrapped around her waist and goes to bedroom for more clothes, then into the john.
  23. 4:28PM BBT Talla makes her way to the bathroom and goes into the shower to change out of her bikini. Andrew and Emmett talking about comps in the past and possibility of a luxury comp. Andrew telling emmett it is funny that now Peter is trying to work you. They joke about whether Alec is going this week or not. Talk turns to Andrew's blue sneakers.
  24. 4:25PM BBT Talla climbs out of the pool and when complimented that she looks good, she says that she has gained what she lost. She has a hard time taking compliments, but says that she loves that she talks. She plays with two noodles in front of her and says that she is a seal. Andrew says "You're something." She goes in the kitchen and Emmett remarks, "She's crazy."
  25. 4:23PM BBT Talls sitting/laying in the pool spread eagle, for some reason 3 cams on her and only one on the boys lifting.



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