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Posts posted by sayre

  1. 9:00PM BBT: Andy McCrae, and Spencer and in the lounge room Andy is talking about summer camp.
    Aaryn and GinaMarie are up in the HoH talking.

    9:05PM BBT: Andy says that if he wins the 5k he want to travel, he's never been acrossed the ocean. Andy is saying he wants to give
    Elissa one week of his commute to his job. Andy is saying that he told GinaMarie that he will do whatever it takes to win. Spencer says I f*** up the veto but it's cool.

    9:10PM BBT: McCrae asked Andy why he hates Jessie so much, Spencer she knew her goose was cooked, I wonder what information she will
    bring to Judd. Spencer is telling a sex dream now (go goodie) GinaMarie and Aaryn are still in the HoH just chillin out talking about hair. (Id rather listen to them talk about hair then Spencers sex dream)

    9:15PM BBT: Aaryn is called to the DR, Amanda is making slop cookie now, Elissa is in the kitchen, GinaMarie is now in the lounge room.

    9:20PM BBT: in the lounge room they are talking about the comp, and if the backyard will be open tonight (no) Andy wants acohol tonight.
    humm Andy is saying in the competition they had to pull coins and something about Judd and Candices coins were not pulled out. He wonders why they didn't have
    their coins in there has pass houseguesses. Maybe they are coming back. Asked Andy.

    9:25PM BBT: GinaMarie is talking about what races of guys she will not date, Blacks and so on, they are talking about dating in the lounge room.
    in the kitchen Helen and Elissa are cleaning and cooking.

    9:30PM BBT: in the lounge room they are just talking, Helen asked Elissa about the Zigbot and what kind of competitions he does.

    9:35PM BBT: McManda are now making out in the colorful room oh she complaining about slop muffins. Helen is talking to Andy about her fake allace with McCranda.
    Andy is saying you are not going home this week. Elissa is in the colorful room with McManda. Helen is pitch Spencer leaving over Elissa. Amanda is telling Elissa to play hard for the veto.

    9:40PM BBT: Andy and Helen are done talking Amanda is giving Elissa a pep talk about winning the veto, tomorrow in order to save herself. it's the only way to save her.
    GinaMarie is eating slop. Helen is talking to GinaMarie about what they can do for her birthday on thursday. Spencer is called to the DR.

    9:50PM BBT: not much is happening Amanda is still talking to Elissa, GinaMarie is compling about the slop, she doesn't feel good she has a fever, Andy is now in the color room. Aaryn is getting
    ready to do her wash. they are having a nail party.

    9:55PM BBT: Andy is talking to Aaryn, in the HoH about his talk with Helen, Aaryn says that's good, Helen walks in, Elissa says if they put Rachel in the house this week oh my gosh it's game on
    and she gets the you are not allowed to talk about production.

    10:00PM BBT: Helen really thinks that zigbot is coming tomorrow because Elissa loves to zig, and she is on the block. they are talking about the zigbot.

    10:05PM BBT: McManda are now making out because Elissa left, Helen says her mom has no arm pit hairs or leg hairs.

    10:10PM BBT: GinaMarie is sick from the slop she is farting a lot from it. and it's stinking up the room. Helen and Aaryn are the only ones having a nail
    party in the HoH.

    10:15PM BBT: McCrae has his hand in Amandas pants GinaMarie tummie is making grawing noises she is in the HoH room she has joined the nail party. They are talking about
    the Bacherette.

    10:20PM BBT: Elissa is called to the DR up in HoH they are talking about jury house. Spencer is in the HoH now.

    10:35PM BBT: not much is happening just talking in the HoH talking about selling their BB key on ebay and would they do it or not.

    10:40PM BBT: up in the HoH, Helen has been telling them what kind of foods her boys like to eat. Aaryn is talking about using aloe vera. Aaryn is saying that she wants Andy to fight for the veto.

  2. #BB15 9:00pm BBT Aayrn in in the color room with Gm changing, Andy, Spencer, and Mccrea are in the
    LR joking around. Helen is cooking stakes and mash potatoes for dinner.

    #BB15 9:05pm BBT Spencer is talking about how he is going to get GM back for the baby power. They are joking around laughing alot.
    Andy asked how much they think Jessie and Judd will get it on in the jury house(of course thats not how they put it). Spencer alot.
    now hes saying I can pull my bread hair all the way to my ear. Aayrn is still changing, we can hear Helen mashing the potatoes in the background.
    Spencer says he wants to tar and fleather GM.

    #BB15 9:10pm BBT in the living room they wonder how hard Judd can get his dick and how long he can keep it hard? now talking about the twitter about
    not making big moves. They didnt like that one american. Aayrn and Amanda are in the wr talking, about Aayrn putting up Helen and Elissa this week.

    #BB15 9:15pm BBT its now dinner time and this time the stakes are done and so are the potatoes. YAY! they are doing alot of singing tonight we keep
    fish. They are singing CBS themes.

    #BB15 9:20pm BBT they are now eat their 56th dinner in the BB house.

    #BB15 9:25pm BBT they are saying everyone now has their own bed, now talking about how big or small the house is, compared to their aparments, or houses.
    Amanda is onto Realistate. For Aayrn asked about how much houses cost in Colorado. they are now talking about Colorado.

    #BB15 9:30pm BBT Aayrn asked if Jessie really did graduate from the college she said she did, she said she doesnt believe she did graduate from there.
    Maybe she lied about it. Now Helen is telling a story. Spencer has hiden Nicks hat from GM who is now going nuts over it.

    #BB15 9:35pm BBT Amanda says she lost the hoh comp because she has a mental disablity. Aayrn asked to pass the potatoes please now the pepper.

    #BB15 9:40pm BBT They have been Elissa bashing, and talking about hair dry, GM says she is going to get really gross with Elissa. GM is asking if Spencer really hid Nicks hat.
    Spencer no, I didnt touch it. Now Amanda is talking about the comp, Aayrn said she was trying to give the comp to Amanda.

    #BB15 9:45pm BBT Aayrn is saying that she was debating on throwing the hoh comp to Amanda because Amanda whispered in her hear give it to me. But Amanda just stood there and Aayrn says
    she didnt know if Amanda was going to do anything so shes like f*** it. and hit the button.

    #BB15 9:50pm BBT Aayrn says she think she may have a kidney infection, GM and Andy are in the SR. Mccrea is talking about how Dr Will didnt win anything in both his seasons. Elissa has been asleep, and Helen is in the DR

    #BB159:55pm BBT they hg are just sitting around talking Helen is doing the dishing, in the chair they are hoping to get a masterbation booth.
    still talking about how they can play a joke on GM.

    #BB15 10:00pm BBT in the chair room they are now Elissa bashing, in the cockpit Helen is talking to Mccrea, asking him who Aayrn is putting up, Elissa and GM.
    He doesnt tell her that she is going up. He is telling her that they are putting Elissa up because she is missing her family, They are just talking about Elissa and why she should go up
    Helen is saying and a no signal is now up

    #BB15 10:10pm BBT Mccrea and Helen and Andy are in the cockpit talking,
    Helen is pitching putting up Spencer over Elissa.

    #BB15 10:15pm BBT Helen wants to talk to GM, Elissa is in the cockpit with them,
    Spencer is talking to Amanda. Spencer is hoping that Elissa will just walk off and not go to jury.
    Amanda is talking about americas player. Elissa asked Mccre why he said she snapped at him. Mccrea is like I
    dont know. Helen is talking to Amanda, and Spencer, pitching putting up GM not Spencer over Elissa. Amanda is saying
    that she will get americas player. thats $25,000

    #BB15 10:25pm BBT Aayrn comes out Who wants to see my hoh room, they all head upstairs, they are yelling for GM, they walk in cheering yay
    alot of shouting, baby Aayrn pictures, she got a carrie underwood cd letter from her friend merritha. she got veleeta mac and cheese. Letter talks about
    their girls trips, she got beers, cheese and fruit and ice cream.

  3. #BB159:00pm BBT up in the hohr is Helen, Aayrn, Elissa and GM they are getting ready for the wedding just sitting around talking, GM is sick
    has a fever, Amaanda brings up some water. all four cams are on the hoh. Aayrn wants to make coffee now in the by which is setup for the wedding, Andy and Spencer and Mccrea are talking.
    Jessie is in the hoh. They do a wedding toast real quick.

    #BB15 9:05pm BBT Andy says the girls are going to destory his bathroom. Spencer is talking about Helen using his bed sheet that he never washes has a togoa. Aayrn is downstairs making coffee, Mccrea says I think anything I pull out of the bible, Elissa is going to be pissed.
    now he is onto Elissa bashing. And the bible. GM is doing Amandas makeup. the girls are in the hoh and the guys are in the BY its too funny.
    the girls are doing makeup and the guys are bashing Elissa. asking are you taking any pills. oh Elissa asking if Jessie is taking pills. Mccrea is really going off on it. he saying how he was really offended by Elissa saying that.

    #BB15 9:10pm BBT the girls are doing Amandas hair and makeup now in the hoh, and the guys are still talking now about GM and Candice. its kind of funny girls doing makeup guys bashing the gals.

    #BB159 9:15pm BBT Helen comes out and asked to use Mccreas finger for a twistie tie, Andy asked how long to the wedding Helen about an hour. Mccrea I hope there is no drama durning the wedding, Helen yea lets have a good time tonight.

    #BB15 9:20pm BBT Aayrn comes in the hoh coffee is ready who wants some. Spencer is saying something like if you vote for me to win Ill slice the money with you. Helen you cant do that. They are now talking about what all you can and cant do after the show is over. Helen is making Mccreas wedding ring.
    Andy is talking about the mom squad again.

    #BB15 9:25 BBt nothing has changed just getting ready for the wedding and chit chatting.

    #BB15 9:30pm BBT more hair doing is going on in the hoh oh and Amanda wants wine now. the guys Mccrea and Spencer now walk into the house. Amanda gets her coffee. Spencer goes to pee. Exciding isnt it.

    #BB15 9:35pm BBT Elissa is telling everyone what to do in the wedding who is to stand where and how to walk and so on. who will be the mother of the bride Helen. Andy they only gave us one bottle of wine and no beer. Aayrn is now talking about how the wedding will go and what Amanda should say. and so on. Mccrea
    is drinking Coffee. Spencer is in the KT with him.

    #BB15 9:45pm BBt they are upset that they only got one bottle of wine, Andy and Mccrea are joking around saying that they want it to be ruined so badly. Amanda is now making a sheet togoa for a wedding dress, Mccrea is beating spoons on bottles. they are now looking at the memory wall
    and talking about how Candice would have ruined the wedding. Now talking about Jeremy. Elissa is getting a blue sheet togoa dress. Jessie comes in. Amanda asked her if they are getting more alcohol Jessie yea they are working on it. Jessie gets her a togoa sheet dress. they actually dont look to bad.

    #BB15 9:50pm BBT in the KT the guys are going over hoh winners and veto winners. up in the hoh they are getting ready for the wedding.

    #BB15 9:55pm BBt the guys are in the chair room talking about the BB greats. Andy has his suit out for the wedding is getting dressed, Aayrn yells Andy did they say they were giving us more alcohol. Spencer, unless Amanda asked for it f*** no.

    #BB15 10:00pm BBT Andy is the only guy wearing a suit, Mccrea isnt wearing a suit Spencer isnt wearing one, Mccrea is wearing grey jumpsuit. Spencer is in red shirt and short. and blue ball cap.

    #BB15 10:05pm BBT Jessie is talking to Amanda about her game, Spencer says the have nots can not eat or drink anything.

    #BB15 10:10pm BBT Mccrea is going to wear sun glasses Amanda is telling Andy what she said to Jessie, saying that she took things too personally.

    #BB15 10:15pm BBt wedding time. Amanda is yelling at the top of the stairs Helen is called to the Dr Jessie is saying shes sorry to Aayrn.

    #BB15 10:20pm BBT Amanda is going nuts waiting to get her wedding started everyone is taking their time. Spencer is changing Jessie is now saying shes sorry to Helen, for taking things personal.now it Elissa turn for her to say shes sorry to Elissa. fine time for her to say Im sorry. (good timing Jessie)

    #BB15 10;25pm BBT Amanda asked BB for more Alocol but they still dont know. Amanda is yelling I need more alcohol can we start this thing I need more alcohol. ok now wedding time. oh and they are going to throw the mudd beans.

    #BB15 10:30pm BBT Wedding on da da da
    Helen and Mccrea walking, now Aayrn flower girl, GM is next, Jessie, and now Elissa now Amanda walks down and they start da da da and Andy starts to read from the bible

    #BB15 10:35pm BBT Andy gives a speech about the bb house, after reading from the bible, now for the rings, dearly beloved and so on now the voes Amanda I voe to lay next to you though have and have not and so on Mccrea who knew crazy pizza boy and jewis girl would get together and love each other. and more shout outs.
    now Andy rings Amanda do you take Mccrea as your husband if you dont the house will be coming after you. I do. Mccrea do you take Amanda as your wife Mccrea yes. and now they are married now the smashing of the glass.

    #BB15 10:40pm BBT now for the wedding toasts, and the banquet,

    #BB15 10:45pm BBT it now time to eat, the have nots are eating slop balls and slop muffins, everyone else is eating bugars.

  4. #BB15 9:00pm BBT mcamanda are in the wr brushing teeth at the same time, spencer walks in with Andy.
    GM and Elissa are in the kt,Elissa walks outside Aaryn follows,now back in.there is just chit chat going on. no game talk.

    #BB149:05pm BBT mcamanda is in their room, Mccrea is reading the bible to Amanda, who is wondering what the angels in sodum look like,
    mccrea is saying angels dont have a penis. Aayrn and GM are doing their toe nails in the WR. Mccrea continues to read the story of Lot.

    #BB15 9"10pm BBT GM is showing them how her ex moves when he has sex with her. Andy is talking about Judd talking about him being
    Miss Juddfire. from the movie Miss doubtfire. Helen is in the DR oh there goes mcamanda kissing.

    #BB15 9:15pm BBT Andy goes in to talk to mcamanda about Jessie fliflopping, saying that just shows she really has to go.
    Amanda yea nothing can change my mind about that. Helen and Spencer are playing pool. Andy goes to take a show he smells bad.
    now Andy is talking to GM about Jessie making sure she is on the same page.

    #BB15 9:20pm BBT Jessie is talking to Elissa who is in the hot tub about movies, with Andy who is going to run before he takes a shower.
    Aayrn and GM are in the wr GM eating ice cream. Aayrn doing her nails, they are talking about jury. GM goes pee.

    #BB15 9:25pm BBT Jessie and Elissa are talking about changing cloths on the live feeds and how much they really show. now talking about jerking off on the live feeds
    which Elissa thinks is so gross. talking about Amanda. Jessie says GM wont where at tampon. now they are talking about how GM wont do anything like a normal person does its weird.
    now talking about why she wont wear a tampon or bathing suits. feeds change to Helen and Spencer playing pool.

    #BB15 9:30pm BBT Aayrn says Jessie made a deal with her to keep her safe next week. Aayrn I dont want her out. GM walks out.

    #BB15 9:35pm BBT Mccrea is out of the DR and Aayrn is called to the DR Mccrea and Amanda are kissing lets count how many times they kiss.
    one two three....

    #BB15 9:40pm BBT andy is wondering what to say to Jessie in his goodbye message, Elissa asked if you get your own room in jury house, Jessie yea I think you do. Elissa is talking about being a have not and what pain she had.
    now Jessie, BB is really on Mccrea tonight.

  5. #BB15 9:00pm BBT Andy is in his hohr listening to music, Aayrn and GM are in the color room,
    Helen, Elissa and Spencer are in the KT talking, Mcamanda are in bed.

    #BB15 9:05pm BBT Aayrn is in the shower, Mcamanda is talking in the bed, Amanda is saying no that makes me look dumb, why dont you tell me how you feel, and so on.
    Spencer is laying in the hammock by himself in the BY. Mccrea you are not allowed to talk about your DR sessions with other HG so says BB.

    #BB15 9:10 BBT Andy walks into the BY and lays in the hammock with Spencer oh and there is a spider in the yard, and thats about it.

    #BB15 9:15pm BBt Andy is telling Spencer that Jessie has to go, he asked Spencer if she has asked him if he talked to Andy about using the veto.
    Spencer is like no. Andy is saying how Jessie is trying to get him to use the veto to backdoor Amanda. Andy like thats going to happen. (not). now they are talking about the
    Howard, Judd thing.

    #BB15 9:20pm BBT Spencer is saying that he doesnt feel sorry about cutting Howard lose, now they are talking about hoh, Spencer is asking who do you think I should put up if I
    win hoh. Andy is talking about Helen and how he really doesnt want to see her go. Now just talking about Helen. and reasons to trust her. Spencer is saying if I get hoh I will talk to you about it.
    heres my thing if Helen fell then Elissa will follow. Helen is holding Elissa up right now. Andy if Elissa went it would lite Helens fire, Spencer is saying the GM wants
    Elissa out really badly so does Aayrn. Andy is like yea.

    #BB15 9:25pm BBT now they are talking about on down the road they will have to deal with Amanda and Mccrea, Spencer is now talking about Amanda saying shes so fing stupid, its really bugging me.
    Andy is like yea, yea. Now he just talking about Amanda. There is somekind of music playing in the background.
    team mccrea is making out in the color room alot of kissing noises. (Yuckie). in th wr GM and Helen is doing makeup it looks like (thanks BB for changing the cam from team mccrea kissing).

    BB15 9:30pm BBT GM and Helen are in the wr doing makeup Andy and Spencer are just talking about different hoh comp Gm is told to go to the SR (feeds are buffing alittle tonight they are repeting alittle.)

    #BB15 9:35pm BBT Aayrn and Elissa are baking in the KT. Spencer and Andy are in the BY , Elissa is saying that she wants to win hoh just once to get to see her family, Andy and Spencer talk about how america sees GM.
    Andy is saying I bet america really likes GM (no we dont) feeds are really acting up tonight. Spencer is wondering how america sees Jessie. and we get the foth.

    #BB15 9:40pm BBT Spencer is like I think Aayrn thinks that we are all so fing stupid, shes like ugh I have to listen to you again, ok you talk Ill just sit here are do my nails and pretend to be listening to you. Spencer is like shes really pretty but its an empty pretty.
    she has this cheereleader attude about life. Andy is saying that she probably wasnt well liked has a child, and missed out on alot that maybe why she is the way she is.

    #BB15 9:45pm BBT Aayrn is asking Elissa what they used when they put on her eyelashes, she asked GM if she wants a cookie. Spencer is onto Jessie, Helen comes out to fold cloths.
    They want to play hot potatoe later, Helen burnt the fish it was gross. Aayrn and Elissa are talking about protaine. And what it taste like. Spencer and Andy go to round people up for hot potatoe.
    Andy asked Elissa or poops whats you making (I guess Elissa is now poops), Andy asked team mccrea what they are doing under the covers Amanda says playig tent. (I think they were doing more then that.)
    Amanda says she want alcohol tonight.

    #BB15 10:00pm BBT Amanda is saying tomorrow is the wedding, yay Andy is saying he cant wait for the wedding sleepover.
    they are now talking about playing hot potato. Aayrn is like I want to play with a real hot potatoe. Spencer that wont work it would cool off. they are trying to get team Mccrea to play hot potatoe
    they dont want to.

    #BB15 10:05pm BBT Aayrn says she feels like she is in a alcohol rehab. Elissa is taking out the protain muffins. they are getting ready to
    play hot potatoe and the frog game.

    #BB15 10:10pm BBT Jessie is telling Aayrn about a dream she just had, Everyone else is getting ready to play the game Andy and Spencer are in the SR getting snacks.

    #BB15 10:15 BBT Jessie is talking to Aayrn saying the Helen told her that she is really the target this week, Aayrn is like no youre not. Amanda and Mccrea are outside. Andy Elissa, GM Aayrn are in the kT Jessie is in the BY
    Helen is doing cloths. Jessie is now telling Amanda her dream.

    #BB15 10:20pm BBT nothing new to report, Elissa and Andy are talking about cake batter and how good it tastes, Jessie is still telling her dream.

    #BB15 10:30pm BBT they are in the LR getting ready to play hot potatoe.

    #BB15 10:35pm BBT Aayrn is talking about how many wrinkles she has on her face and how rubbing alcohol is really bad for your skin. (personal note I dont think so)
    they are now playing hot potatoe.

    #BB15 10:40pm BBT they are just playing hot potatoe

  6. BB15 9:10pm BBT Mccrea and Amanda are in the hoh tub talking Aaryn and Andy are talking in the lounge room about Jessie and Spencer

    #BB15 9:15pm BBT Andy is saying that he is scared of Spencer more the Jessie, He is leaning towards letting go of Jessie, but Jessie is so loyal to him,
    Aayrn is like she can win veto, she wont backdoor Helen or Elissa Spencer would. its worth keeping Spencer over Jessie. Andy there are really good reasons to keep both.
    I think Jessie is the bigger threat, My gut is telling me to let Spencer go. I need to figure out if Spencer is 100% with us he is so hard to read, Aayrn is saying he swore up and down he wouldnt come after us to me

    #BB15 9:20pm BBT Aayrn is saying the longer Jessie is here, the more chances she has to put us up. we need to just wait and see, we are in a good spot now.
    right now you are pushing for Jessie, Andy yea, Im pushing for her too. Andy I want them both to be blindsighted, Ill talk to Jessie and tell her shes safe, Its crazy because they
    both trust me, neither one of them can see it coming thats why it has to be a blindsight, He is now saying that Spencer is a shady f*** Aayrn yea he is,

    #BB15 9:25pm Mccrea and Amanda are talking about how they look on tv, and what american thinks of them, Aayrn and Andy are going back and forth the same thing, So basically wait and see, who gets hoh next.
    and who will put up Amanda. who is telling Mccrea not to be someones elses problem and just yelling at him for not taking her side, and taking Aayrns side. you never stick up for me. Now Andy and Aayrn are talking about Ginamarie and how worried they
    are about her. and they walk out. Amanda is saying that Mccrea is upset why are you so upset. Mccrea Im not.

    #BB15 9:30pm BBT Aayrn is now in the color room telling Jessie that she is safe for sure she just talked to Andy about it. they are going after Spencer (they are not)
    Amanda is still going on about Ginamarie and her hat thing, and now she meant it has a joke but she didnt take it that way. Aayrn is still talking to Jessie in the color room about if she wins hoh who she
    should put up. if she doesnt win hoh she will be on the block. if you win hoh would you put up Ginamarie, Jessie yes. if you win would you put up Amanda, Jessie yes. Jessie I think that like Andy, and I have a bond even Ginamarie after this week we
    need to make a big move. Aayrn yea we will see. Jessie should I go talk to Andy, Aayrn if you want to. Ginamarie walks in looking for her water bottle,

    BB15 9:35pm BBT Aayrn and Jessie are talking about what deals they have made, Helen Andy and Ginamarie are in the kT ginamarie is still looking for her water bottle.
    Helen is eating and Andy is standing there Helen makes a comment about Andy drinking ice tea. Ginamarie says she hates ice tea. Aayrn is just telling Jessie that Andy is going to blindside Spencer. Andy and Mccrea are talking in the lounge room Andy is just
    regoing over what he told Aayrn.

    #BB15 9:40pm BBT they are getting ready to play some kind of game, Mccrea is reading Amanda, is upset Elissa goes and hugs her they are in the wr I think she is upset at Mccrea and their fight in the lr GM Spencer Andy and Jessie are playing hot potatoe. They are throwing around a potate. Helen comes in
    GM is explaining the rules. Elissa and Amanda are talking Amanda is talking about Mccrea being mad at her, she is talking about when she was joking around with Aayrn and GM and they didnt take it as a joke and got upset about it.

    #BB15 9:55pm BBT Elissa and Amanda are talking about jury house Elissa is saying I dont really want to be in jury house with these people, Amanda I know. Now she is onto to Spencer and Jessie and saying how you never know who they will put up if they win hoh. Elissa is saying that shes missing the first day of school for her son, but its worth it,
    when she sits in that jury house and gets her money. Amanda is like I dont want to do what everyone else is doing right now making f4 f2 deals its too earily for that at this point. its pointless, you never know. they are talking about Jessie now and how she is good at comps. Elissa is saying shes not trustworthy either.

    #BB15 10:00pm BBT Elissa is saying we dont talk game that much, Amanda yea I know but thats good people wont think that we are working together, Elissa Yea we are both on the same page alot. Amanda is like yea always, now they are talking about Helen and how good she is. Elissa is saying that Helen gets her head in the zone in comps.
    she is saying the Judd is more mad at her then Helen. She is saying I dont mind going third or something like that, I just dont want to be in jury house with these people, Ive taken alot from them already.
    Elissa is saying she cant eat the slop because it hurts her tummy, she thinks she is alleric to slop.

    #BB15 10:05pm BBT Elissa is saying they are really active tonight, Amanda they ate all that candy, you didnt, I had like five jr mints I like those. that comp was so fun oh my gosh, Amanda you were really close to that one.
    Everyone else has been playing hot potato in the LR. Elissa and Amanda are talking about the Veto comp and that it was hard to see the bats. Amanda is counting how many grey hairs she has. Elissa is like its kind of like we are on survivor. now they are talking about how different BB is compared to survivor.

    #BB15 10:10pm BBT Elissa and Amanda are now talking about the comp still, Elissa and Amanda are talking about Kaitlin now, and they are now talking about Judd telling Aayrn everything.

    #BB15 10:15pm BBT Elissa is doing a pretty funny impresonation of Aayrn, (flashback) they are just talking about Kaitlin now and how she was just here to enjoy the ride. Elissa is saying who all makes her laught in the house Andy.
    Elissa is now doing her impersonation of Candice.

    #BB15 10:20pm BBT Elissa and Amanda are talking about the Candice Ginamarie fight. and how it wasnt right but they were both wrong, but hey at least she made it to jury and good for her. Amanda walks out

    #BB15 10:25pm BBT Mccrea has been in the lounge room reading, Andy asked if anyone, has asked for alcohol yet no Amanda you want to go do that yea.

    #BB15 10:30pm BBT its been pretty quite in the house the hot potato game is in full swing, and Mccrea is have quite time in the lounge.
    Elissa is now playing the hot potatoe game.

    #BB15 10:35 BBT Mcamanda is now in the hoh, Amanda is now telling Mccrea everything she said to Elissa, she says that she was just BS Elissa she didnt mean any of it. Amanda says it was all just so annoying but I like sucked it up.

    #BB15 10:40 BBT Mcamanda are saying that they should get Elissa out now, because she maybe voted back into the house, now they are talking about Judd and if he comes back into the house, someone is going to be voted by america back into the house.
    now they are just sitting on the bed. Mccrea is talking about how Elissa talking about how Elissa wouldnt last one day on survivor. Mccrea says shes a grown fing adult whose a fing lier, shes such a fing lier. I dont think shed mind going to jury, Amanda I dont freaken care.
    and they are just Elissa bashing. downstairs they are playing simon says.

    #BB15 10:45pm BBT Mcamanda is just talking about how everyone can be a big A** in here. Mccrea is like everyone gets to be a freaken dick why cant I. he is on the pity pot. Amanda who gives a f*** about Elissa you are letting her get you upset.
    Mccrea is saying Im just fing pissed off right now.

    #BB15 10:50pm BBT Amanda is telling Mccrea you are being a brat right now suck it up, you cant let Elissa get to you, now they are kissing, I think she is trying to cheere him up.

    #BB15 10:55pm BBT meanwhile downstairs its been game night, they are now onto some kind of frog game that they have made up (fun). and we get the foth.

  7. #BB15 9:00pm BBT not much is happening its a pretty quite nite in the house,
    Jessie is outside smoking byherself, everyone else is Judd and Candice bashing in the chair room.

    #BB15 9:05pm BBT Jessie gets some ice cream then joins everyone in the chair room, they are just chatting, about
    the show and such.

    #BB14 9:10pm BBT they are still candice bashing in the chair room. nothing new

    #BB15 9:15pm BBT Aayrn is talking about drugs and we keep getting the fish, spencer is now telling a story about drugs, its drugs
    story telling and we keep getting fish durning the drug stories.

    #BB15 9:20pm BBT they have been telling stories of drugs drinking, and getting arrested. Elissa and Andy are in
    the hohr Elissa is saying that she didnt agree with what they are talking about, She is asking Andy what his plan is.
    Elissa my gosh that would be so funny, she is saying how Ginamarie may have "issues" with eating and we get fish, Elissa was saying that production must know about it.
    and so on.

    #BB15 9:25pm BBT Andy is talking about how Ginamarie was saying that she has a problem drinking water, thats why she drinks soda.
    Andy is saying you cant just drink soda you have to drink water. Elissa is saying she can get what she needs without being unhealthy about it. She is talking about healthy eating.
    like eating small meals is better then eating large meals snacking. in the chair room they are just chatting now.

    #BB15 9:30pm BBT Elissa is really worried about Ginamarie not eating, Andy is saying maybe Helen should go talk to her, if anyone can talk to her its Helen, Elissa is saying
    its good that shes eating the protain, now they are talking about different health food. Helen is in the chair room Amanda is in the DR.

    #BB15 9:35pm BBT Elissa and Andy walk downstairs now, in the chair room they are talking about the have not room. Amanda is now in the wr doing her hair.
    they are talking about getting up and going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Aayrn we are talking about prodution again and she gets the you are not allowed to talk
    about production.

    #BB15 9:40pm BBT Now they are talking about how to cook the fish, Helen says she doesnt know how to cook it. they are talking about what kind of beans they got more cans ones then dry beans,
    Helen Spencer tell us a story, Andy no Helen you tell one.

    #BB15 9:45pm BBT They are now just joking around up in the chair room, Amanda is cutting her split ends on her hair, and thats about it

    #BB15 9:50pm BBT they are now talking about throwing up durning the live show and what would Julie do is someone threw up durning the live show. pretty much just sitting around talking about throwing up.

    #BB15 9:55pm BBT they are now talking about the saw movies, and about the girl that had to cut off her arm, verse the fat guy that was cutting out his belly. they are just talking about the different saw movies.

    #BB15 10:00pm BBT the are still talking about the saw movies and Aayrn is now called to the DR.

    #BB15 10:05pm BBT they are just talking about different horror movies the others, therea a spider in the room they kill it, cam shows us the dead spider, its a small black one, Ginamarie is called to the DR, now they are
    talking about guess what spider movies.

    #BB15 10:10pm BBT Aayrn is talking about her four wheeling, and how much fun it is, they do it around the ranch she has. they do it for fun, Spencer and Helen are in the Wr Spencer had to go pee so did Helen they are not saying anything,
    Jessie comes in. I have to go really bad. Helen you can go next, thanks. Spencer washes his hands. they are talking about how close to the bathroom the have not room is. Helen and Spencer are now going to play pool.

  8. #BB15 9:00pm BBT up in the hohr Ginamarie and Mcamanda are Jessie bashing with Judd,
    who says he is done with her. In the lounge Helen Candice and Elissa are talking about weight. Ginamarie is just going off on Jessie.
    Andy is like you dont want to piss her off what if she gets hoh. Spencer she will put me up. Ginamarie says Jessie said she doesnt want to work with Aayrn anymore. and that
    She told Helen that Helen didnt need the money.

    #BB15 9:05pm BBT now in the hoh they are talking about past seasons of BB, In the lounge they are just talking about kids, and how its sad when they get older. Helen says she has
    brainwashed her kids for somethings, Candice is called to the DR so Helen and Elissa start talking, well Jessie walks in and asked whats poping, before Jessie walked in Helen says My Gosh we have to win hoh
    Elissa if its a double eviction I dont want to win it. Now they are asking Jessie whats going on. Candice walks in and out. Helen says Amanda is upset. Candice is called to the dr again, Now talking about how Amanda is upset because she
    cant dance. Jessie was listening to music, and dancing and Amanda got upset. up in the hoh they are still on Jessie bashing.
    Elissa says Aayrn mooned the door. Jessie says the Candice told her that Aayrn said to Candice that Jessie is going home next week. Jessie that would really suck if yall send me home over her.
    Helen is like I didnt hear her say that, Jessie is saying if thats the road she is going down I hope people see that.

    #BB15 9:10pm BBT Helen is talking about how Jessie said that she doesnt need the money, she says she dont want people to keep talking about it, Its done and Im over it I would really like people to stop talking about it
    Jessie is like if its a house vote and people are talking about me, and how everyone said they had her back and now Helen is saying I would love our side to stay together, but now people protecting people that I didnt know we were protecting,
    Elissa is Ginamarie is the scariest hoh, Elissa is whispering I dont know something is weird, Jessie is now talking about Aayrn in the cockpit the other day, Now they are talking about Ginamarie and Aayrn, Elissa is saying that they have alot in common in every way.
    Jessie is talking about them bashing her, and she cant trust them now Helen is saying you get the last word by your vote. Jessie is talking about if its a double eviction we can make some big moves then Im ready to shock the house tomorrow. now just talking about the hoh. and the double eviction.

    #BB15 9:20pm BBT Now Elissa is talking about Amanda having an advantage because she is taking Adderal, and how its not fair because it gives you a boost.
    and its not fair, Elissa is saying that its meth, and its makes you really smart. Now they are just talking about Adderal Jessie says its a super drug.
    Jessie so Amanda and Mccrea are protecting Aayrn now right. up in the hoh they are just talking. Elissa is leaving the cockpit now. Helen asked her if she is doing Candices hair yea,
    Now Helen and Jessie are talking about who will win hoh, and that people are lieing to her face now. now onto the mvp and how it screws up the votes.

    #BB15 9:25pm BBT Jessie is saying that Judd is pulling away from her now, Helen is like why didnt we keep Kaitlin, Ginamarie is saying that she now has two mouths until she sees Nick,
    Helen is talking about who are her target, Ginamarie, is talking about flipflopping again Helen and Jessie walk into the WR, Mccrea goes to get some pizza,

    #BB15 9:30pm BBT Helen tries on Candice clown wig and bust out singing that song from Annie "Tomorrow". Amanda is passed out in the hohr. or she looks like she is, GM wants her bed to lay in. Andy and Spencer are in it,
    Elissa is now in the clown outfit, GM is in the color room Andy is called to the DR. Not much else is happening.

    #BB15 9:35pm BBT GM and Helen are in the KT talking GM has completed her water thing, now talking about the microwave, Elissa is wearing Candices Clown skirt, GM is telling Elissa how grateful she is for her doing her hair,
    and its the best she has ever had done. Elissa is like Im so happy youre happy, They smell tina GM is saying that we are set with the beds now. Talking about Elissas skin senivies,

    #BB15 9:40pm BBT Helen walks into the hoh asked GM if she can listen to music and lay on her bed, GM says go for it, Elissa is cleaning in the KT, Amanda is on the bed, they are watching Elissa on the spy cam and asking how much food is left not much,
    They ate alot of food this week, because there was no have nots. they are talking about when Amanda was a have not and how bad it was. now just chit chatting.

    #BB15 9:45pm BBT Helen wants to do the sheet thing GM and Helen walk downstairs to do the sheet thing Aayrn is now in the hohr, GM is saying that she doesnt like chocolate cake, they are changing the beds now getting GM sheets,
    Spencer says he is going to bed at 11:00 Judd says me too. they walk out, Judd hugs Amanda, Spencer god I hope its a double eviction tomorrow (you will get your wish) they are now saying good night. and they walk out. now its just Aayrn, and Amanda in the hoh
    they are now talking about drinking,

    #BB15 9:50pm Aayrn and Amanda is now Jessie bashing, Aayrn is saying that they are upset because they are rejects, Candice and Jessie, she cant win hoh the only thing she can win it the veto. Now talking about who was good at the game today,
    Looks like everyone is winding down for the night, Helen and Jessie are putting away the pizza Mccrea and Judd are talking about Jessie in the cockpit, Mccrea I didnt hear that talk, she was trying to throw us under the bus, I didnt really hear it so I have no ideal.
    Judd GM was in her ear, they make the crazy sign with their hands, Judd says he is going to bed nite nite, Amanda is saying that she knows Helen and Elissa wont vote agaist her that she knows. Aayrn is asking I dont know why you think that Jessie and Judd wont vote you out.
    Amanda is saying I know that for a face Helen and Elissa wont vote for her it will be a 331, Now talking about the double eviction and it will be a free for all. Amanda Im not threating you If you feel threaten I dont know why Im not threaten you. and so on.

    #BB15 10:00pm BBT Spencer talks to Andy for a second to let him in on what Judd and him talked about Amanda and Aayrn are going back and forth with the same thing, Aayrn is going nuts on Amanda, they are just going off on each other, (FLASHBACK ALERT)
    Aayrn and Amanda fight.

    #BB15 1:05pm BBT Amanda is now yelling at Mccrea and GM, Andy is up there now GM asked if Aayrn took her meds today because when she doesnt take her meds she gets like this,
    now they are just rehashing what happened.

    #BB15 10:10pm BBT GM is talking about Aayrn getting weird about the game sometimes, they are still just going back and forth now, back onto Candice and Elissa thing, and if its a double eviction guess whose going up.
    Amanda if anyone trys to pull anything before the show tomorrow dont believe it. Aayrn is in the cockpit with Spencer, Aayrn is telling Spencer Amanda just threated me upstaires, that if the votes dont go my youre next,
    Spencer, thats just fing stupid, Andy says if its a double eviction all hell will break lose, Amanda is going off on Mccrea defending Aayrn, spencer is saying he really is hoping for a double eviction tomorrow. Amanda is still going off.
    GM says I understand where both are you are coming from. Amanda is really yelling at Mccrea for taking her side. You do that all the time you never protect me. Aayrn is still talking about Amanda and GM is saying that she will talk to everyone 15 minutes before the show.
    Aayrn is like they didnt put us in here to get along with each other.

    #BB15 10:15pm BBT Helen is called to the DR, Judd and Spencer are talking in the cockpit, same thing that they have been talking about all night, Aayrn walks in, Aayrn throws the clown shoes on the floor
    and says I dont want these, Judd calls Elissa in and says you look good in those, Andy is in there he was sent downstairs to see if it was calm by GM.

    #BB15 10:20pm BBT talk now turns to rats and roches, ( the real ones) in the cockpit, up in the hoh they are still onto the Aayn thing, Amanda is like Youre threating me are you a fing pussy or something really. Amanda Im going to get some ice cream Mccrea dont go down there and start sh**
    Amanda is now yelling A youre not my father dont talk to me like that, Im just going to get some ice cream, and now shes off.

    #BB15 10:25pm BBT GM and Mccrea are talking about Amanda now GM is saying Im not going down with her sh** I dig myself out of that sh** with jeremy Im not going down like that, Amanda and Elissa are talking, Amanda is saying I dont trust her now, I dont trust Judd now, couldnt really hear they were whispering. Andy has a face mask on his face its cream.
    It looks really funny. up in the hoh they are back to the Aayrn thing, Mccrea is watching on the spy where Aayrn is at in the cockpit. Spencer says "If you can forget about her clan membership she is a cool chick) Aayrn,

    #BB15 10:30pm BBT Aayrn is now back in the hoh are Amanda is like can we clear the air with this , Amanda Im sorry you felt like I was attacking you I wasnt, Im sorry Im sorry, Aayrn is like yea I know Amanda I do trust you Spencer is called to the DR. Aayrn is saying the proof is in the pudding, and thats true if its a double eviction everyone should be scared.
    I dont know whose telling the truth now. shes just talking about when she was on the block. they are just going back and forth.

  9. #BBT15 9:00 BBT In the hohr Aayrn, Andy and GM are Candice bashing and laughting at her becasue she still has to wear
    the clown suit. Arryn, You are wearing that suit because you are such a joke. Now talking about what kind of questions there
    will be at a fast foward. Helen is still making fried rice in the KT with Candice and Elissa and Jessie now.

    #BB15 9:05pm BBT now they are talking about Amandas party and wheather it will be tonight, Aayrn is now upset about GM hair and how good it looks
    she says I get mine done spend alot of money, and you get boot leg hair done in here and you look great its not fair. Now talking about Jessie, Andy is like if
    she would just shut up she would be fine. Aayrn is saying that she is so fake. now talking about who she would put up if she won hoh. Aayrn says me GM and Spencer.
    in the KT Elissa wants to make a salad. Aayrn says she cant wait for Helens chicken fried rice. Now they are congrads on final 10 YAY.

    #BB15 9:10pm BBT Aayrn is talking about when she had to get her hair colored in Colorando. Now back to Candice bashing, Andy has to go wake up Spencer.
    Andy clowie your hair looks funny. Candice shut the f*** up. Andy is going to wake up Spencer, in the hoh Aayrn and GM are talking about her hair.

    #BB15 9:15pm BBT Aayrn walks downstair to wait for food to be done, nothing much else is happening just dinner.
    Helens fryed rice is looking good actually.

    #BB15 9:15pm BBT talk turns to how no one every gets sick in the BB house Elissa says that its like in the casinos they pump stuff in the air to make you stay up all night.
    wondering if BB does something like that the no make them get sick. now talking about green grapes vs red grapes. pretty much just standing around. Elissa says everyone wants to see Rachel in here. Andy says yeah bring Rachel into the house.
    Elissa says Andy is my man in the house. Just joking around with him. GM is messing with her hair.

    #BB15 9:20pm BBT its dinner time, Chicken fried rice and salad. everyone is getting food, Jessie is in the color room. Elissa is joking around with Andy,
    They are just getting ready to eat. Spencer is talking about some bad pot going around the US. Says if you think you got some bad pot mail it to me and Ill test it for you for free.
    Andy put a hot dog in the salad its a hot dog salad.

    #BB15 9:25pm BBT everyone is eating up Mcamanda who is asleep, Candice is also not eating she is just sitting here. Now talking about wedding. and having sex before they are married.

    #BB15 9:30pm BBT talk at the table is on movies and mtv so just eating and talking GM is still up in her hohr.

    #9:40pm BBT GM comes downstairs everyone says how nice her hair looks, she gets her some rice to eat and sits down to eat.

    #BB15 9:45pm BBT talk turns to tag away Candice says that is such a gross comerical. and we get a short foth, now they are just sitting around talking mcamanda is still asleep.
    spencer wants to do a shout out. Asking if he can do it. dinner is over HG are making their way outside to smoke its cold out. Elissa and Helen are now cleaning up someone is singing we get a short foth.

    #BB15 9:50pm BBT talk in the by is about cigs and how much they cost and whats the difference between them, Helen and GM and Aayrn are still in the KT. they are also just talking. no game talk going on.

    #BB15 9:55pm BBT GM is telling a story about her exboyfriend, for in the KT they are talking about boyfriends, theres just chit chat going on.

    #BB15 10:00pm BBT its been a quite nite in the BB house tonight Candice is telling a story about her girlfriend when they were in a hotel.

    #BB15 10:05pm BBT the HG are just telling stories tonight in both the by and KT.

    #BB15 10:10pm BBT Jessie is reading the bible in the room, Andy is talking about prostitutes. Mcamanda is still asleep we can hear Helen yelling in the background.

    #BB15 10:15pm BBT Andy wants to left weights, Candice is giving him a hard time. Now Helen is telling a story. About some guys she knows.

    #BB15 1o:20pm BBT The bat is back it landed behind Candice who is flipping out over it. Candice walks into the house to go pee. Jessie and Spencer are playing pool now. Spencer doesnt know what a pj party is as he asked Jessie what it is.

  10. #BB15 9:00pm BBT Judd is talking about Mike Boogies resturant, Amanda is now in the KT with most of the HG now Aayrn is taking a shower.
    they want to play vollieball tonight they are all eating Jessie is in the BY says I miss you mom. she is by herself over by the HT Spencer walks over gets her
    over by the couch.

    #BB15 9:05pm BBT McCrea and Spencer and Jessie are talking about their moms. Aayrn walks into the by Jessie is asking them about their moms and what they do,
    Spencers mom is a teacher math, So is Jessies mom who also teachs math. Everyone else is still eating. Helen is looking at the memory wall.

    #BB15 9:10pm BBT out in the BY they are talking about the golf of mexico for Jessie lives in texas by the golf of mexico. Amanda is out there now they are now talking about
    golf the game. Everyone else is inside Aayrn is in the Hot Tub now.

    #BB15 9:15pm BBT in the KT Andy and Elissa are say they are the new chilltown, Elissa thinks she is Will Andy says no way, out in the BY Jessie is now asking Candice about her mom.
    Inside they are cleaning up now.

    #BB15 9:20pm BBT Mccrea is talking to Judd in the WR. They are whispering I didnt hear what they were saying there was alot of voices in the background.
    Helen is now in the BY talking about her mom now.

    #BB15 9:25pm BBT Judd says he can speak four different languages. Helen says her mom watches alot of Karana tv.
    she doesnt know what she will think of her being on tv. Mcamanda is in the hoh Amanda asked Mccrea if he talked to Jessie about his deal with her.
    he says yes. Mccrea says no more game talk with anyone we dont have to worry about Helen. Amanda is saying that Aayrn is saying that she wants to put up Spencer and Elissa next week.
    They are talking about getting Elissa out next week. now talking about Aaryn outing Jessie,

    #BB15 9:30pm BBT Amanda is now saying that Aayrn is working with Judd, now onto Jessie flip flopping. Helen is talking about all the books her husband reads, Mccrea is now telling her
    to stop thinking about it. Amanda is saying that Aayrn really wants her out bad. Andy is now talking about his mom. Now Aayrn is telling us what her mom like to do which is drink wine. DUH.

    #BB15 9:35pm BBT Jessie asked Judd about his mom and what she likes to do for fun, Judd says I dont know. Elissa is now talking to Amanda about her medication, it appears Amanda hasnt been taking it.
    She just took two of them the Addidarl. Aayrn wants to take a shower in hoh. GM is eating in hoh now Amanda is talking to GM asking if she has heard anything about flipping the house on her, GM is telling
    her people, are walking around with their tails between their legs. Amanda is just going off about people going agaist her.

    #BB15 9:40pm BBT Amanda is wondering if she should drink alcohol durning her party if it will interact with he medication (YES) Mccrea tells her she shouldnt drink. Out in the BY Andy is talking about when his
    pets died and what all happened with that.

    #BB15 9:45pm BBT not much is going on the girls in the hohr are talking about Amandas wedding party and making penis cookies, out in the BY they are just talking no game talk.

    #BB15 9:50pm BBT in the BY Candice is talking about her family naming all of them. Aayrn is in the shower, GM asked if she can take a dump. and thats whats going on

    #BB15 9:55pm BBT Elissa and Andy are in the sr playing what color is the mm Judd is talking to Amanda now in the room. Andy says people will think we are talking we
    we are just playing what color is the mm.

    #BB15 10:00pm Amanda says her meds are making her feel sick Andy and Elissa are joking around and we get the foth.

    #BB15 10:05pm BBT feeds back Elissa is joking around with Mccmanda Elissa is saying that she is now not Rachels sister she is actually DR Wills sister and he told her
    to come in here and kick their A$$. now talk out in the BY is about the laundary. GM is told to put on her microphone. It is on BB. Now Helen is talking about jobs where she felt abused.

  11. #BB15 9:00pm BBT out in the BY Andy is talking to Spencer, in the lounge is Jessie Aayrn
    and Mcamanda. They are all just talking, Andy and Spencer are talking about Andy's partner and his job.

    #BB15 9:05pm BBT Amanda is saying that she hurts people with her words then she feels bad about it afterwards.
    Judd walks into the lounge they are eating pita chips, Andy is talking about his job. talking about how he can do part of his
    job online. now talking about how crazy Judd can get. and Andy saying I pity the person who has to put him on the block.

    #BB15 9:10pm BBT Houseguests you are not allowed to talk about production. Andy knock it off says BB. Andy play the tanning music we want another
    tan. Mcamanda are now in the BY Aayrn is now in the KT. Eating ice cream. Judd is also in the by, Jessie is in the KT Helen is in the hot tub. Amanda says at 1:30 she can
    take a shower. Ginamarie is over by the hot tub in her dog collar, and so is Aayrn by the hot tub now.

    #BB15 9:15pm BBT Judd is called into the DR and we get fish with really fast music for a few feeds back Judd is going to the DR.
    The girls are just talking over by the hot tub. Aayrn is talking about her looks and where they came from in her family her nose comes from her dad and so on.

    #BB15 9:20pm BBT Spencer is now telling us about the time he smoked a joint and his mother could smell it on him. now saying it would be really funny if GM got sick
    and threw up in the cone. Andy really wants alcohol tonight. He says he will get SH** faced drunk. Judd is wine gives him heartburn. now they are talking about what heartburn
    feels like. and what relieves it pickel juice (that I didnt know). we can hear Helen telling us another story.

    #BB15 9:25pm BBT Judd and Spencer, now talking about the party what do we do at the party. I dont know get sh** faced drunk.
    Judd afterdark is on now go get clowny up. now talking about scaring her or playing a joke on her. Mcamanda is in the lounge. the guys are talking about what kind of joke they are going to play on clowny.
    Spencer is saying Candice didnt like the candyland joke. Amanda is rubbing Mccreas feet now.

    #BB15 9:30pm BBT Spencer and Judd want the tanning music, Amanda Mccrea you are not allowed to talk about your Dr says BB. Now Amanda wants her feet rubbed Judd is still looking for his hoh slippers. Mcamanda are rubbing each others
    feets. Helen is onto another story over by the Hot tub. High school boyfriend it sounds like. Amanda is cracking Mccreas toes now. Judd wakes up clowny,

    #BB15 9:35pm BBT Andy is now in the lounge with Mcamanda talking about Candice and why she so upset. Andy is saying that shes is sad because she is not welcome in the hohr and Howard leaving. And now they are just talking about Candice and the Kaitlin thing.
    Everyone else is in the BY Amanda is now talking about Candice and the racist remarks and how she wont let it go. she is still holding on to it.

    #BB15 9:40pm BBT GM is talking about her cone and that she really cant lay in it for its hard. Andy is now talking about Spencer with Mcamanda. now they are just talking.

    bb15 9:40pm BBT now in the lounge is Judd and Spencer, they are talking about the veto comp and the fight. GM is in her hohr. Judd says the Candice told him that Amanda was coming after him. Amanda is like when I never said that. and we get the fish.

    #BB15 9:50pm BBT Jessie is giving shout outs which is why we are getting short fishes. Aayrn is in the WR and the lounge crew is just talking. Andy asked if the beers got drankin. Helen is in the WR changes. Andy is now talking about drunk Elissa isnt a good thing.
    now Amanda is talking about how Candice rubs her the wrong way.
    Judd and Aayrn are laying in the hoh bed. talking about peanuts, because Judd smells like peanuts. GM says she wants a movie to watch Mccrea is checking the SR for alochol. GM has to shower with the cone on.
    Aayrn is telling her to take it off and F*** it. GM says no Ill leave it on. Aayrn says its funny that Candice is in bed with the wig on thats funny.

    #BB15 9:55pm BBT Spencer said that Candice made a Jewish joke when Amanda was getting her tan. Andy is now talking about joking around with Elissa and the mvp. Now they are joking around about the mvp. GM is wearing the cone in the bath tub. its really funny.
    Spencer says they should really throw all the frogs into GMs cone.

    #BB15 10:00pm BBT not much as changed they are just chillin out talking. no game talk

    #BB15 10:05pm BBT GM thinks that she is more funny with a cone on the Candice in the clown tart. Aayrn says candyland joke is on you GM.
    and everyone else is still just talking.

    #BB15 10:10pm BBT GM is trying to put on headphones with the cone on its really funny to watch her. well she got them on finally. and they are still just talking in the lounge they were talking about
    Dan from last season and his game play. they are all looking for acohol now. nope no drinks.

    #BB15 10:15pm BBT The Hg really want acohol tonight, Mcamanda is in the BY talking about how cold it is. Judd is with them they are talking about Amanda's tanning. Aayrn and GM are in her hoh bed.

    #BB15 10;20pm BBT GM music keeps going off on her, she is tring to fix the player. Spencer and the by crew are just talking now.

    #BB15 10:25pm BBT Amanda is guessing if the mvp which is a witch hunt now but she thinks its american. Judd thinks its Candice now they are Candice bashing Elissa is doing yoga in the room.

  12. BB15 9:00pm BBT The house is pretty quite, they are waiting to play the BBQ
    contest. Aayrn is in the hoh bathroom, putting her feet in the tub. Ginamarie who wants to take a bath
    is once again called to the DR. everyone else is in the beds.

    #BB15 9:05pm BBT we are getting a bunch of short foths.
    Elissa tells Andy to stop cussing on a childrens show? Mccrea says he really doesnt want to do
    this contest. He is trying to wake up Amanda who doesnt want to get up. Ginamarie finally gets her bubble
    bath. Elissa is called to the DR.

    #BB15 9:10pm BBT Andy is playing with Elissa tampax. Ginamarie is telling Aayrn what all she said to Jessie.
    and thats about it.

    #BB15 9:15pm BBT Elissa starts to talk about her DR with Mccrea and they get the BB warning you are not allowed to
    talk about your DR session with other HG. Ginamarie and Aayrn are now talking about how fat their legs are. and Ginamarie
    is once again called to the DR she wants to have a bubble fight with Aayrn. Helen and Spencer are playing chess. Ginamarie is
    looking for her bra now. Darn it my boob fell out says Ginamarie.

    #BB15 9:20pm BBT Elissa is really joking around with Andy saying that shes is going to dump all of the ice out of the ice maker
    in his bed tonight. they are eating candy. Elissa is asking Andy who he is going to put up. DUH you. They are going to start Helens contest
    when Ginamarie gets out of the DR. Elissa is laughing alot. Ginamarie is out of the DR trying to get people up.

    #BB15 9:25pm BBT the HG are joking around tonight they are in a very playful mood. Elissa want to make portain muffins
    she is showing Andy how to use the oven. She is showing him the Bake button. Ginamarie wants to wake everyone else up. so they are waiting like
    another 1/2 hours. Elissa says BB didnt want to talk to her tonight in the DR they kicked her out says some people dont know how to wash a dish
    in the BB house. She is now showing Andy how to wash out a bowl the right way.

    #BB15 9:30pm BBT and now Cooking with Elissa continues, showing Andy how to stir now, and laughing alot pure the soy milk oh its called making healthy snacks with Elissa
    in the BB house. Now other stuff goes in go get the mop powerd sugar Andy found his mm. Isnt this just so much fun.

    #BB15 9:35pm BBT Helen and Spencers chess game is over Helen won Elissa we are doing Baking with Elissa and Andy. Amanda walks in Elissa says Andy is eating all the mm.
    Amanda your wedding cake is going to be a protain cake says Elissa. Helen is in the WR doing make up. ok contest time,

    #BB15 9:40pm BBT Ginamarie is yelling for everyone to get up for the contest, Andy is saying he doesnt want to go to the BBQ so he is not playing.
    ginamarie is yelling at Aayrn Helen says they are waking us up at 7:30 tomorrow. everyone slowly goes into the LR. Spencer Mccrea Amanda and Jessie are playing and Elissa is doing it to.
    Candice is a judge Andy is a judge. There are six people playing.

    #BB15 9:45pm BBT they are using mms Judds not playing Ginamarie yells welcome everyone to the Ginamarie impersonation BBQ contest. Spencer please come up Amanda come up. Mccrea come up.
    and now Elissa come up. and last is Jessie. and Helen now and judges Candice, Andy, and Aayrn. Candice looks bored. ok Ginamarie is now calling out her stuff. On the count of three you have 7 minutes to put on whatever, the props
    and they have to talk like her and walk like her. Ginamarie. on the count of three and go.

    #BB15 9:50pm BBT the Ginamarie dress up contest continues, they are dressing up like Ginamarie, Mccrea is wearing her jeans, Amanda has the pink bear hat, Spence aint playing He sits down. Mccrea, is wearing a bra, Amanda just has on the pink hat nothing else,
    Mccrea is wearing the pink boots too or trying to put them on they dont fit. nope he cant wear them too small.
    2 minute warning. Mccrea comes out also wearing her shades. and blue bra, Mccrea is practising his talk in the lounge. and his walk. Helen is wearing a pink top pink shoes and black pants. Jessie is wearing her hair extentions. boots and nicks hat and sun glasses Elissa is also wearing
    her hair extentions.

    #BB15 9:55pm BBT Helen is also wearing hair extentions. ok Spencer first, isnt wearing anything. Amanda is up next, alot of laughing, Helen is up next.
    Mccrea is next, Jessie is next. last Elissa. now judging, its mccrea and spencer, Jessie, Ginamarie says Mccrea sounds like its Mccrea and Jessie. get to battle it out with rock paper sissor.
    special awards go out. for the most creative Spencer

    #BB15 10:00pm and Mccrea wins it, yea he gets the crown and Jessie gets the room wait the change Mccrea doesnt want the BBQ he wants the room. So Jessie
    gets the BBQ and Mccrea gets the room.

    #BB15 10:10pm BBT Jessie is doing another Ginamarie act, and so ends the BBQ contest. Mcamanda gets the hoh room for one night. Makeout warning. Judd slept thought the whole thing.
    Aayrn and Amanda are now in the hohr with Helen.

    #BB15 10:15pm BBT they are just all up in the HOH room talking about the contest and how much fun it was, Helen and Jessie are in the wr, so is Candice.
    Elissa is still playing with Andy shes been messing around with Andy all night.

    #BB15 10:20pm BBT Helen is talking to Jessie about the BBQ its going to be tomorrow night or Sunday. and no game talk is allowed.
    Everyone else is in the hohr just talking.

    #BB15 10:25pm BBT Amanda says that the wedding is Sunday or monday, they are just laying aroound talking now no game talk.
    Candice is still in the WR now by herself, Helen and Jessie are in the hohr.

  13. #BB15 9:00 BBT in the wr is Judd, Ginamarie, and Aayrn talking about
    the hoh comp. Andy and Mccrea are in the colore room talking.

    #BB15 9:05 BBT Mcamanda are talking with Andy about who Ginamarie may put up.
    Jessie is in the shower, Ginamarie and Aayrn, with Judd are still talking in the WR.. we
    get the foth.

    #BB15 9:10 BBT Ginamarie and Aayrn are talking in the lounge room, Aayrn is telling her to put up
    Spencer, and Jessie. Elissa is in the color room with Andy and Mcamanda. Ginamarie is telling Aayrn
    that she was her friend from day one. now talking about Helen, they are talking about Helen and Elissa coming
    after their group. And alot about Nick. how Spencer lied to her about Nick thats why your are going up. Aayrn is telling her
    that if Helen tries to tell her anything to tell her to shut the f*** up.

    #BB15 9:15 BBT in the color room they are talking about the fact that no one is a
    have not this week, the girls in the lounge are just going back and forth now. on who should go up this week.

    #BB15 9:20 BBT in the lounge Ginamarie is talking about how Amanda needs to go.
    in the Kt now is Elissa Mcrea and Amanda. Andy walks into the lounge now talking about putting up Jessie and Candice, hoping one
    of them wins the veto then Spencer will go up. Jessie has a better chance at winning veto. Ginamarie I cant put up Judd are Mccrea I gave them
    my word. Now talking about Candice flipping. Aayrn I just dont want Spencer to come back and win hoh next week.

    #BB15 9:20 BBT Aayrn is saying that she really wants Candice out this week, Now talking about the MVP. Andy it doesnt matter who MVP up put we have
    the numbers. sounds like Candice is going up for sure. Maybe Jessie.

    #BB15 9:25 BBT in the storage room Mcamanda is talking about the possibily of them
    being backdoored this week. they walk out. Helen walks into the lounge talking about the contest for the BBQ.
    Ginamarie is talking to Andy about what she will say to Spencer if she puts him up. Everyone else is in the KT.

    #BB15 9:30 BBT its dinner time in the BB house they are having taco. Candice is laying down in the color room Ginamarie walks in. Candice
    says her back is hurting. Everyone is eating tacos.

    #BB15 9:35 BBT The gh are eating will all but the have nots who cant eat until 12am. They want alcohol tonight. They are playing around with the
    megaphone. Andy tells Elissa I dont want you to fart into the megaphone.

    #BB15 9:40 BBT Eilssa is playing around with Andy and the megaphone. now just eating and talking about the hoh comp.

    #BB15 9:45 BBT Aayrn and Ginamarie are in the color room talking about doing another chilltown phone call. and what the phone call
    will be A dumb blond joke. Helen is now playing around with the megaphone. Now Aayrn is saying the veto will be important Jessie walks in and lays down.
    Ginamarie is saying that she just needs to be smart about this. Aayrn says that she doesnt want to go up for MVP. but if she does she will just take herself off
    with the Veto.

    #BB15 9:50 BBT Spencer is now making farting noises by the toilet in the mega phone is walking around the house making farting noises into the megaphone.

    #BB15 9:55 BBT Andy and Helen are talking in the lounge. Andy is telling Helen what Ginamarie said to him who she is putting up Candice and Jessie. Ginamarie really wants Candice to
    go home. Elissa comes in with the megaphone and yells Andy. Helen was telling Andy she is fine with Candice and Jessi going up. They are now just playing around with the megaphone.
    Aayrn is going off about Candice now.

    #BB15 10:00 BBT Helen and Elissa are now in the lounge with Andy talking about how great a person Ginamarie is. Helen is telling Elissa that she loves to
    make fun of Andy. Shes like yea its so funny. Now talking about the HOH comp. Ginamarie is talking about her telling Mccrea that she will not put him or Amanda up
    everyone else is fair game. Everyone else lied to me. ballfaced lied to me. Now talking about Spencer and how he lied to her. Now onto Candice and how much she hates her.
    she has too much drama in the house I dont like the drama. And Ill say that to her face. I dont like the drama you cause in the house.

    #BB15 10:05 BBT Aayrn is called to the DR Ginamarie is talking to Jessie not Aayrn. the girls in the lounge are still talking about the comp.

    #BB15 10:10 BBT Helen and Elissa are talking about the MVP Helen is saying she hates it and she just wants it to go away. She is saying that
    this season is so much harder then other seasons. so much more work. Ginamarie is onto to Nick again.

    #BB15 10:15 BBT spencer is talking about winning the blowhorn YAY, Helen and Elissa are just talking in the lounge room.

    #BB15 10:20 BBT Mcamanda is making out. Judd walks into the lounge room Helen is talking about the BBQ contest. and if Boogie ever won an HOH.
    and who won the most HOHs Jenelle. Andy comes in who won the most hohs Jodie did.

    #BB15 10:30 BBT nothing new to report they are just waiting for Ginamarie to get her hohr.

    #BB15 10:35 BBT Helen is talking about her contest for the BBQ Aayrn walks in and then goes into the room with Ginamarie and Mcamanda and tells them what all Helen
    said in the lounge room. Spencer is making noises again with the blowhorn. now they are all in the room with Ginamarie and elissa Helen is cleaning up in the KT.
    the have not happy hour is in thirty minutes Aayrn is now telling Helen what the plan is. Helen is talking about the BBQ saying how she was caught off guard with everyone saying no to
    her BBQ.

    #BB15 10:40 Now talking about Candice and how they dont want her in jury, Aayrn is saying that she will win
    Americana player. Helen is talking about how Candice was all last week trying to derail her plan. Aayrn is saying how she lied about how Helen and Elissa
    told her that they wanted Her out. Helen is like we didnt say that that is a lie. Now they are doing the votes. Everyones else is in the other room just talking.
    Aayrn says she feels bad for Candice. They walk out.

  14. #BB15 9:00 BBT The girls Elissa, Helen, Amanda, Jessie and Andy
    are in the hohr having a nail party with Aayrn. Helen is tell them a story about
    her honeymoon. the guys are in the KT cooking dinner. forth

    #BB15 9:05 BBt the nail party is continueing in the hohr. While the guys are
    in the KT. Jessie is showing off her nails to the cam. They are talking about colors now.

    #BB15 9:10 BBT the nail party is over Amanda is out in the BY with Mccea and Judd.
    Howard and Judd are starting to play pool.

    #BB15 9:15 BBT Howard is praying in the have not Andy is there Candice just woke up,
    Helen and some of the girls are still in the HOHr.

    #BB15 9:20 BBT Candice is crying in the have not room, with Andy, she is talking about Aayrn putting her on
    the block being backdoored. Candice is saying that she should have just put them up at the beginning. its just hurtful.
    and shes just going on with this.

    #BB15 9:25 BBT Helen is telling another story, and Candice is still going off with Andy in the Have not room.
    Andy is telling Candice that she is not the target, Dont worry.

    #BB15 9:30 BBT Amanda and the guys are talking about what guys cum taste like, (Yuck)
    up in the hohr the girls are talking about going to the playboy house.

    #BB15 9:35 BBT the girls are talking about the have not diet and how bad it is, and how you lose weight while
    on the have not diet. in the by Amanda and the guy are just talking, there is no game talk at all going on.

    #BB15 9:40 BBT its a pretty quite night in the house tonight, just alot of small talk going
    on in both the hohr and BY.

    BB15 9:45 BBT up in the hoh they have been talking about past BB season, and pandoras boxes and the one that Rachel was in. And now
    Aayrn is talking about her letter. Mccrea and Howard are playing pool.

    #BB15 9:50 BBT now in the Wr is Amanda and Elissa, who asked where Candice has been, in the have not room.
    Amanda shes been in there all day. she is washing her hair in the sink, Judd is laying there. (I guess she doesnt want to take a cold shower.)
    wonder if Amanda is using cold water to wash her hair?

    #BB15 9:55 BBT Elissa is talking about how much in love with BB she is. now playing pool is Howard and Spencer.

    #BB15 10:00 BBT up in the hoh they are talking about how your family supports you in the game. Judd is now in the room laying down, ginamarie Mccrea and Amanda are there.
    Spencer and Howard, are talking Spencer is saying he came here to play.. Howard saying at some point you need somekind of allance. and so on.

    BB15 10:05 BBT in the room they are talking about Candice. They are worried if shes ok. At least Judd is he is going to talk to Candice.
    back in the hoh they are still just talking, Howard and Spencer are talking about past seasons.

    #BB15 10:10 in the hoh they are talking about songs, Spencer asked if Jessie wants to play pool. we are getting quite a few short foths because of them singing in the hoh.

    #BB15 10:15 BBT Amanda is brushing her hair now done, in the KT is Ginamarie and Elissa, Howard and Spencer are still playing pool.
    Amanda is now in the have not room Spencer is talking about paying off his girlfriends car. Now Amanda is talking to Candice saying that she understands how she feels.
    With Howard. she is telling Candice not to let herself go out for him. Candice is crying again, saying how her and Howard bonded. Now talking about Aayrn, its good verus bad. getting some short foths.
    Candice is just going on and on.

    #BB15 10:20 BBT Candice is saying you really dont want to F*** with me. pick another person to F*** with. Candice is asking why do I have to sit on the block.
    Amanda because she knew you are a vote for him to stay and you to go. Now talking about Aayrn not being a nice person and everyone knows that.

    #BB15 Elissa and Helen are listening to Candice and Amanda talking in the HN they are standing outside the door listening to Candice going off.

    #BB15 10:25 BBT Howard comes in and back out. Candice is saying that for her its personal, saying how Aayrn is trying to make a joke about it.
    Now onto the bed flipping thing. and the raical stuff with Aayrn, saying it was hurtful to her. and she just rehashing stuff that happened with Aayrn. Elissa walks in now
    Amanda is saying that she did mean to say anything personal towards you, it was a game thing. Helen walks in,

    #BB15 10:30 BBT Amanda is now telling Candice the she yelled at Aayrn about the rasical stuff, shes saying that she went off on her more then once, saying with Kaitlin it was a game move.
    saying that you are not my target you have never been my target. Shes just saying that on my part its not personal, it never was, Helen now saying howard never told her what his game was.

    #BB15 10:35 BBT now back to the bed thing with Aayrn Candice is just going back and forth.

    #BB15 10:40 BBT they girls are all just going on and on with Candice and the Howard thing and why he is such a
    big target now. Amanda is saying that Candice wants him here for personal reasons not a game reason. Hes not helping you. Hes not good for your game.
    its personla with you not a game move.

    #BB15 10:45 BBT Amanda is asking Candice not to target it her, She isnt targetting her, there are bigger fish to fry.
    Candice is saying that shes not really with you guys. Helen we have always had your back. she is saying she cant play the game with Howard,
    because he has lied to her from day one.

    BB15 10:50 BBT so Candice and Amanda Helen and Elissa, are just going round and round with the same thing, Ginamarie comes in
    with her night grown it has a stain on it. Amanda did the wash so she put the stain
    on it.

  15. #BB15 9:30 BBT Feeds are up Amanda and Mccrea are talking Candice and Andy are also talking.

    #BB15 9:35 BBT Mcamanda doesnt look happy, Mccrea says he is going to keep talking about production he doesnt care, He is trying to cheer up Amanda says she
    is going to jury with him so they can bang all the time. Now in the storage roon is Helen and Elissa talking about Keeping Amanda and getting Howard out this week.
    now talking about how Amanda and Aayrn are getting close. Helen doesnt want Amanda coming after Elissa. Helen heres my thing we keep Howard for Candice getting her on our side.
    Andy will go with us. Now shes just talking about whose with them they are going back and forth on Keeping Amanda over Howard. Or Howard over Amanda.

    #BB15 9:40 BBT In the end with Helen she says Howard is going out this week try to get Amanda out next week. In the color room Judd Andy and Candice are just talking.
    Helen and Elissa are going back and forth. Now with the MVP and so on.

    #BB15 9:45 BBT Elissa is saying if Howards goes Candice will go nuts she will come after us.
    they are now talking about next week. Helen keeps going back to Amanda and Aayrn getting close and that scares her. (little does she know that they are working together so she is right on target with that.)
    no saying after next week two more week to jury. Saying they need to get Aayrn out before jury.

    #BB15 9:50 BBT Elissa is saying that Aayrn is now trying to be so nice when for awhile she was the dveil. and Helen is saying over and over
    we need to get Aayrn and Amanda out before jury. BB Andy you are not allowed to talk about production. Elissa and Helen are just trying to figure out how to get them (Aayrn and Amanda) out.
    Helen right now we are going after Howard. Helen its not that I just dont want Amanda is jury I dont want they both in jury Helen ok dont say anything about this. Now talking about what to make to eat
    Amanda and Mccrea are still in the lounge. Elissa and Helen are now in the KT with Aayrn.

    #BB15 9:55 BBT nothing new to report, Aayrn is cleaning out the refreg. Helen is cutting something, they are cooking chicken Mcamanda are stuggingle and kissing,
    Howard and Candice are in bed together. Judd is sleeping. Amanda is telling Mccrea that he makes this game so much more fun to play. Jessie and Andy are now talking in the SR.
    Jessie is talking aboout how Candice came up to her to talk about Amanda, she saying that Candice isnt being really nice to her, throwing Amanda in her face threating her. Now they are looking for nuts. walks out.

    #BB15 10:00 BBT Candice is saying how Andy came up to her and says the house wants Howard out and all this now shes talking about if she stays they will come after her now.
    now talking about the votes. All we need is five people. Judd is now in the lounge with Mcamanda and Elissa walks in. They are talking about the Veto comp now.

    #BB15 10:05 BBT Candice and Howard are just talking about the same thing, in the lounge they are talking about the Dimond power of veto, Elissa is talking about how her husband treats her like gold
    shes now saying that she has no advantages in this game at all. She couldnt even put up who she wanted to when she was mvp.

    BB15 10:10 BBT in the lounge they are just talking about the veto and how much fun it was

    #BB15 10:15 not much going on just chit chatting.

    #BB15 10:20 BBt Ginamarie come into the lounge and yells f*** you dick I dont want to hear it and walks out.
    in the kt now is Helen, cooking fryed rice, Aayrn,Jessie and Elissa Spencer is called to the DR. its dinner time.

    #BB15 10:25 BBT the HG are starting to eat all but Amanda and Mccrea and Judd, everyone else in at the table eating chicken and salad.

    #BB15 10:30 BBT now eating is Andy, Helen, Elissa, Jessie, Ginamarie is sitting not eating. Candice is sitting at the counter not eating. they are talking about other dinners they have had.
    Judd and Candice are in the have not room. the light goes out so they can go to sleep. Amanda and Mcrea are in the lounge room.

    #BB15 10:35 BBT the dinner talk is about the veto comp.
    talk is also on Helens fryed rice (reminds me of when Aayrn told Helen to go make some fryed rice well now she did and it was good.)

  16. #BB15 9:00 BBT Howard and Candice are in the lounge talking Candice thinks they maybe trying to backdoor her.

    Amanda and Mccrea are lying in the hammock just talking. Spencer and Ginamarie are playing pool.

    #BB15 9:05 BBT Candice is talking to Andy and Spencer in the lounge talking about the have not comp, Mcamanda are

    still lying on the hammock Elissa is running.

    #BB15 9:10 BBT Candice is talking about how many calories are in the noodles theres 380. Amanda gets up and goes in the KT

    now Candice is talking about how her and Howard cant sleep together. Mccrea walks by the KT.

    #BB15 9:15 Andy wonders about the what the veto comp would be since they are not setting up tonight. Spencer is now asking who the mvp maybe.

    He says he hates being up agaist Howard. Candice hopes the mvp puts up a bigger target then Howard now talking about season 13

    #BB15 9:20 BBT Candice is still talking about season 13 comparing it to this season, Amanda is making raison jam. calls Andy over is asking him if

    he got mvp. Andy no.

    #BB15 9:25 BBT Candice says that the third person the mvp puts up never gets any votes, It happened with Jessie and Helen.(fact is Jessie and Helen were not the MVP noims that week.)

    #BB15 9:30 BBt Howard, comes out the DR Ginamarie is called to the DR. Aayrn is in the KT getting ice cream. Candice is sleeping in the lounge, Howard is making grill cheese toast.

    #BB15 9:35 BBT Helen says she feels bad for Candice being a have not for two weeks in a row. Helen and Jessie are playing pool. Judd is in the Have not room with Spencer, who was giving him a wake up call

    Judd is called to the DR. Mccrea and Spencer are talking, about Howard being the target this week. Helen and Jessie are talking about goals in life. Mccrea is telling Spencer that they the girls were going to put up Candice.

    But Helen wanted him and Howard up. Mccrea is telling him that he wants him here and if he wins veto he will take him off the block.

    #BB15 9:40 BBT Spencer and Mccrea are trying to guess who the mvp is this week. and who they will put up. Mccrea thinks the mvp is Candice Judd and Howard are talking about how long

    it takes them to go to sleep in the have not room. Andy joins Mccrea and Spencer talk stops Andy then walks back out. They continue talking about the mvp. also who will go up if someone comes down

    by veto. Elissa.

    #BB15 9:45 BBT Elissa and Andy are talking in the KT about what time they usually go to bed outside the house. Andy walks out.

    Out in the by now are Andy Howard Judd Mccrea and Spencer. they are just talking.

    #BB15 9:50 BBT Elissa is in the WR talking to Ginamarie about Hydrogen Peroxide Amanda burns the slop. She is trying to make Slop balls with raisens, cinnion, and powerd sugar.

    while the by crew is just smoking and talking.

    #BB15 9:55 BBT Elissa is taking a shower now. Jessie joins the By crew Helen is in the BY now eating nuts. Jessie is talking about how she was flashing back to her High school days.

    They want alcohol tonight now talking about the tv show sex in the city.

    #BB15 10:00 BBT The BY crew is still talking about Tv shows Aayrn is in her hoh room with Andy, who is eating her oreos Aayrn is talking about her childhood friend

    Mccrea comes in, Aayrn offers him some of her snacks The cheeseits Judd walks in. talking about Jessie crying after her noims. they are digging into her snacks with her. Aayrn is saying she wanted Jessie to see how it felt to

    have someone she cared about being on the block. Andy asked if Jessie is likable.

    now in the hohr they are talking about red necks and Honey BooBoo???

    #BB15 10:05 not too much is going on right now, Really no game talk just chit chatting

    Aayrn is just saying that no one is going after Elissa now because shes on everyones side.

    Mccrea is saying even if they come after them they dont have the number. now talking about who mvp will put up. Elissa again maybe

    Ginamarie. Mccrea think Elissa will go up again.

    #BB15 10;10 BBT Aayrn is talking about EvelDick saying that he will just hate her. Talking about how he

    was really bad towards his daughter on his season. They are now talking about the veto and houseguest choice.

    out in the by Helen and Jessie and Spencer are just talking.

    #BB15 10:15 BBT In the By they are still just talking, Jessie is talking about a ranch house her family owns, Amanda is

    now in the hohr. Aayrn is saying how the bench Elissa had to go under durning a comp, was bent and how she said something about it.

    you can hear BB say you are not allowed to talk about prodution Elissa is now in the BY

    #BB15 10:20 BBT Helen is telling a story about some mobile home, and a farm and what all they grow on it,

    its one of her families friends. up in HOH they are just sitting around.

    #BB15 10:25 BBT Helen Andy, Spencer, Elissa and Amanda. are all at the memeory wall talking about the HG that they kicked out. Ginamarie is up in hohr talking to Aayrn, who is saying that she told everyone that her major was phycology, she says she lied.

    Ginamarie says people lied to her face, they got alcohol so they are all happy now even the have not get to drink some Candice has some wine.

    #BB15 10:30 BBT the HG are getting their drinks

    #BB15 10:35 BBT

  17. #BB15 9:00 BBT In the room is Ginamarie, Judd,and Amanda, they are just talking,
    In the lounge is Mccrea Spencer and Candice, Andy was there walked out. They are just talking, Andy comes back in.

    #BB15 9:05 BBT Now in the KT is Aayrn, Amanda Jessie, in the lounge Candice is painting Andys nails, Elissa is in the room with Mccrea doing excuses. Amanda is now in the room with Elissa.
    Ginamarie is called to the DR. Howie is in the lounge and so is Spencer.

    #BB15 9:10 BBT Candice is saying that shes not going to have a fake conversion with Aayrn simply because shes hoh. Spencer, is talking to Howard.
    Saying that it Bugs him if Candice keeps going up to Aayrn talking to her. Now talking about both of them going to jury now talking about who Aayrn
    is going to put up. Amanda is talking to Elissa in the room, they are talking about the Helen and Aayrn deal. Elissa is like I dont care. Amanda is saying
    that Candice Howard and Spencer are lieing to her. and so on.

    #BB15 9:15 BBT Mccrea is saying let me go talk to Howard and Spencer, to Amanda and Elissa. Saying to Elissa dont go talking to them.
    Amanda is saying the target is Howard. either Spencer or Howard has to go this week, Jessie is in the lounge room now they are not talking game.
    Amanda is saying that they both cant go up on the block the same time because of the veto. shes saying we have to garentee one of those two goes how this week.
    Aayrn now walks into the lounge room walks out Andy and Judd are now in the room with Amanda and Mcrea they are talking about being a have not this week.
    there is a chair in the dinning room gone.

    #BB15 9:20 BBT Amanda is talking about Howard and Spencer trying to flip the house, this week
    Spencer and Mccrea are talking in the WR Mccrea is telling him what was said in the room. Helen walks in.
    Spencer asked her to make slop balls. Helen is called to the DR. Mccrea is in the room telling them what Spencer said, they are whispering so kind of hard to hear.
    Spencer is now in the lounge with Candice. In the room they are still on the Spencer Howard thing.

    #BB15 9:25 BBT Now in both the room and the lounge there is just chit chat going on Judd has on a patch and so does Mccrea. Smoking patch that is.
    Jessie and Howard are still in the lounge with Candice and Spencer, Candice is eating Noddles and slop balls. Since have nots cant eat until 12BBT

    #BB15 9:30 BBT now in the room with Mcamanda and them is Aayrn and Ginamarie, Aayrn says Helen told her to put up Spencer and Howard. Aayrn says they are
    going up no matter what. Judd pack your bags badies he yells it out in the hall. Aayrn says its because of Kaitlin. Spencer is the target.

    #BB15 9:35 BBT Aayrn is saying that when she goes to bed shes going to lock her door. she is saying that whenever theres a rumor going on around the house Im always the target of it.
    they are always trying to make deals with me. Aayrn is saying that she was never mean to Kaitlin. Amanda is saying that she was smart about being on the block. And now they are talking about
    her creepy clown she says that going to be a running joke now. Aayrn and her creepy clown.

    #BB15 9:45 BBT Aayrn is in the room with Mcamanda and Helen they were talking about how Howard said to Aayrn that he was throwing every comp. And how Spencer asked Aayrn to save him and she said we will see.
    Now Helen is talking about how she goes to sleep and how many sheep she has to count before she goes to sleep. they are just talking about sleep habbits.

    #BB15 9:50 BBT Judd is called into the DR. in the room Mcamanda is whispering about Howard and Spencer going up this week, Now Amanda is talking about when everyone turned their backs on Elissa
    how she was there for her. Helen is in the lounge room having a pillow fight with Jessie and Andy. Jessie scared Helen by jumping out from under pillows. Now Andy is talking to Mcamanda about the votes. Helen
    says foods ready for anyone who wants it. Elissa is in the room wants someone to walk on her back. Elissa wants someone to put her hands to her feet. Yogo thing. In the color room is Ginamarie and Howard.

    #BB15 10:00 BBT Ginamarie and Howie are talking about what went down tonight with Kaitlin, Howard is talking about Candice now. And what all he told her
    Not to talk to Aayrn. saying how he told her to just be cool with Aayrn.

    #BB15 10:05 BBT Howard walks up the Aayrn in the KT and says I just
    want you to know that we are cool. And Aayrn says yea. Howard is in the Wr saying to himself play it cool man play it cool.
    Everyone else is in the room joking around.

    #BB15 10:10 BBT Howard walks into the room and asked if the Have not can eat now yea you can. He is in the kT getting food. while everyone else is in the room sitting
    around talking no game talk going on.

    #BB15 10:15 BBT Aayrn is talking about everyone eating her oreos last time she was HOH, talking to Helen about doing another nail party when she gets her room.
    Now talking about what all was in Judds hoh basket that he didnt put on his list. Amanda is singing in the room and gets the please stop singing warming.

    #BB15 10:20 BBT Howard is eating alone in the KT while everyone else in the room waiting for Aayrn to get her hoh room.
    Ginamarie has meds in the DR. Andy and Amanda are dancing. being silly (must be silly night in the bb house)

    #BB15 10:25 BBT the HG all of them are hiding up by Aayrns hoh room waiting for her to come out of the DR. they are all under the big chess table.
    (amazing that they can all fit in there.) They are all going to jump out and suprise her. now just waiting, for Aayrn. still waiting,

    #BB15 10:30 BBT still waiting for Aayrn under the chess table,

    BB15 10:40 BBT Here she comes, 123 who wants to see my hoh room and nothing where are you all you better cheere and they all jump out and yelling. Aayrn that was the worst who wants to see my hoh ever
    and she cant get the door open. Finally they are in, and there is her creepy clown. Got pictures of her two best friends. got a letter from her sister again, got shampoo and conditioner white wine, makeup oreos new nail colors for
    nail party.

  18. #BB15 9:00 BBt The drama with Elissa continues in the house they are in an uproar, Helen going off in the Hoh Jessie comes in.
    Judd is talking to Elissa on the couch in the BY. Andy comes into the HOHR. Andy says they are all lieing, now they are going on and on about Elissa,
    she has a personal venetta agaist Aayrn. Andy is saying shes still mad and he and Mccrea for nothing, Andy is saying that they are such Fing liers.
    Elissa is saying its not my fault is confronted the whole house, asking Judd why he didnt say anything we they were attacking her.

    #BB15 9:05 BBT Mccrea is saying how she is such a Sh*** game player, Amanda this isnt the first time shes gone f-ing crazy, Elissa is talking to Kaitlin,
    she is saying that its not fair that they asked me to vote agaist you, They are lieing, they walk inside. Judd is in the HOHR telling them about his talk with Elissa.
    Elissa and Kaitlin, and Ginamarie are in the KT. Elissa and Kaitlin are talking they are saying someone is lieing, they are watching on the spy cam in the hoh. (they are freaking out totally)
    Andy I wish we had Rachel, Spencer is in the KT and so is Judd. Amanda saids she has her period too shes F-ing crazy. Helen is in the KT Kaitlin says she didnt think it would be a screaming match.
    Amanda walks by.

    #BB15 9:10 BBT Now in the By is Amanda, Spencer, and Andy rehashing the Elissa drama between Andy and Howard.
    Amanda asking question about what happened. Andy saying she throw all of us under the bus. Andys upstairs still not outside.
    Amanda is mad now, asking who threw her name around. Mccrea onto the Howard has mvp thing. they think Elissa has some kind of power. It will be all out war. (like its not already?)
    Judd said Elissa saying they are all liers they are all liers. Kaitlin comes over and sits down. And tells them what Elissa said to her.
    Ginamarie and Helen are they now.

    #BB15 9:15 BBT two different talks going on now all about Elissa. one in the HOHR one in the By, Kaitlin saying that Elissa says the five alliance thing, up in the HOH with Andy, Jessie, and Mccrea all agree she has to go She has to go.
    In the color room now is Aayrn laying in bed talking to Judd, who is telling her whats going on. Judd is saying that she made herself a target now everyone is mad at her. he tells her she can walk around its her house too. walks out and they are just going round and round (I feel like Im on the BB merry go around)

    #BB15 9:20 BBT Kaitlin is now talking about her talk in the KT with Elissa Helen is saying that I dont know how all this got started.
    up in HOH they are just going on with the same thing, Ginamarie is talking about her staying up late talking, and how that looks like Im in an alliance?
    when we are just talking. Kaitlin is now talking about Elissa threatening her eariler, Judd is in the hohr Elissa is in the DR, Andy is talking about the four people lieing, Andy saids Elissa is a crazy robot. Jessie is asking if Howard thinks Judd said anything Judd im sure he does.
    Aayrn walks out into the BY. Candice comes out now to join the party,

    #BB15 9:25 BBT its Aayrn that is filling Candice in on all the Elissa drama now. Up in the HOH they are joking around now.
    and now Kaitlin is doing the fill in for Candice who slept though it.

    #BB15 9:30 BBT Helen, and Spencer are now on the hammock trying to figure all this out. it seems like things have now calmed down alittle

    #BB15 9:40 BBT but the Elissa drama continues, with he said she said, and back and forth with Kaitlin, Judd and Aayrn now out in the couch, Judd now saying everyone hates her now.
    they are talking about who will vote her out now, Helen will now. Helen and Spencer are still on the hammock talking Ginamarie whispering about the hoh, Aayrn saying that she just talking to Candice who says this is the first shes heard of it.
    Elissa is talking to Howard she saying that she has no feelings for Aayrn she just has poor charactor, Howard is telling her dont worry about that, Elissa is saying I cant be around her she attacks me all the time she needs to go. Howard says Im not MVP. Elissa just got out of the shower,
    she has a tower wrapped around her. shes saying Im just not going to talk to any of them they are lieing now shes talking about them making fun of her and her family from day one. Candice says I was looking for you asked whats going on. Elissa tells her about the secret alliance. Candice says Im not in one.
    tells Elissa she smells good. Back to the BY.

    #BB15 9:45 BBT now they are onto the staying up talking all night thing out in the BY, Howard comes out, Spencer is saying how all this SH** shouldnt be this hard, Helen is like no it shouldnt be. Howard and Jessie are playing pool now. and Ginamarie and Kaitlin are still on the Elissa drama Judd is in the SR
    Helen is saying that she doesnt like all this drama. It drives me nuts I cant stand it. I cant deal with it. up in HOH is Mcamanda and Andy going round with all this. Helen is going to asked BB for alcohol, ( I think they can use it)

    #BB15 9:50 BBT Howard and Jessie are playing pool Mccrea is outside with Candice smoking, with Amanda, Spencer is watching them play pool. Candice is talking about how long she slept. Looks like they have calme down now in the sr is Helen and Judd, talking about Elissa saying that they are all liers, Helen asked whats wrong with her today.
    Judd says shes going crazy (Elissa) they walk out.

    #BB15 9:55 BBT Judd is now in the By with that group in the KT is Kaitlin, Aayrn and Ginamarie and Helen walks by on her way to the SR.
    Aayrns outside now. Ginamarie is sitting there eating dryed mangos like crazy. Out in the By they are just talking now. Helen wants to make coffee cake. Aayrn says she will make the frosting.

    #BB15 10:00 BBT Amanda is in the wr with Elissa who is telling her what all went down, Amanda is telling her dont worry about it. blow drying her hair now. And they are now cooking in the KT. making cookies not the cake.

    #BB15 10:15 BBt Amanda is talking to Elissa saying that their fight durning Mccreas birthday some people are saying they staged it. they are just going on Andy walks in Elissa says she going to bed shes tired . walks out.
    Candice is talking to Jessie about her dreams about her mom. Andy is asking Amanda what Elissa said. Elissa is in the KT They got alcohol yay.

    #BB15 10:20BBT they are making up different names for the moving company. Elissa is in the room with Amaanda turns out the lights and goes to bed. Now its bannana bread not cookies Kaitlin is making.
    they are now diving up the drinks who drinks what. Howard and
    Spencer are playing pool.

    #BB15 10:30 BBt the drama as seemed to stop now the H
    g are sitting around chilling out drinking.

    #BB15 10:45 BBT to suming things up the house went nuts tonight but with them now getting alcohol all is quite. And with Elissa now in bed there is no drama to report.

  19. #BB15 9:00 BBT Mcamanda are in the tub talking, Andy, Candice, Jessie, and Helen are on
    the hammock just chatting. I think Mcamanda are talking about Elissa. oh now they are kissing.

    #BB15 9:05 BBT Amanda is whispering really low cant hear her at all. Helen is now talking about how much she loves her job.
    talking about how she doesnt want to move. shes very happy now. Jessie asking Andy about his boyfriend and how long they have been together.
    and so on. so basically boyfriend-husband talk.

    #BB15 9:10 BBT Family talk continues on the hammock, and Mcamanda continue making out in the tub.
    Ginamarie is running labs.

    #BB15 9:15 BBT Amanda is now onto Judd, and Jessie, she is saying Judd is a creepy little dude.
    He scars her. all cams are on Mcamanda now. Amanda is saying I cant stand him hes such a lier, shes messing with Mccreas hair now
    now just chatting. Mccrea needs to shave his legs so says Amanda.

    #BB15 9:20 BBT And now Amanda is talking about the fish oh and Mccrea just farted in the tub Kissing, (oh this is fun)
    why are you farting? asked Amanda. she says he scared to touch her in public. now messes with his hair again.
    Howard please go to the DR. Says BB. (change cams plz)

    #BB15 9:25 BBT Amanda is making funny fish noises, But Aayrn is talking to Judd about the votes, in one of the rooms.
    Shes telling him who said they are voting for her. shes wrapped in a towel. she asked what have you been telling people.
    Judd says the he said he was going to wait, for something they are whispering. Judd says he told people to vote for Kaitlin. Aayrn says they told her that he wants her out.
    Judd says no, Amanda is shaving her legs now, Aayrn walks out to go to the hot tub.

    #BB15 9:30 BBT Judd, is asking Andy now why everyone is at the hammock, he walks outside Mccrea is out of the tub while Amanda shaves her legs. Mccrea stop that says BB
    Candice is talking about her old boyfriends now. They are talking about their old boyfriends outside. Now Basic Guy talk and what a guy should do for a woman ETC ETC

    #BB15 9:35 BBT Ginamarie is asking Jessie about the MVP, Jessie says whoever put you on the block is a shady f*** ( oh thanks for saying that about american Jessie)
    Jessie is telling Ginamarie she needs to handle being on the block better shes not playing it cool. People who have been on the block before her have been cool. You need to be cool.
    Ginamarie wants a reason why she is on the block. Jessie says its because whose shes with. Ginamarie is saying thats not fair. and so on.

    #BB15 9:40 BBT And Jessie is still trying to make Ginamarie feel better about being on the block. Elissa is in the hohr with Amanda They thinks mvp is american. Elissa is talking about Enzo now Amanda is talking about Ginamarie
    and how shes mad at them about the engagment thing. Shes not doing well says Amanda. now she onto the numbers. Elissa is asking if Aayrn needs to go home this week, Elissa is told to change her microphone. Shes talking about Aayrn. she doesnt want Aayrn to
    put her up next week. Amanda is talking about american being the mvp. Andy walks in, Im scared theres like a moving company thing going on. Now talking about Howard how he doesnt say anything and he is always in the DR.

    #BB15 9:45 BBT Andy is asking Elissa who she is scared of, Elissa is like Aayrn, Kaitlin, Howard.
    Andy is onto the Howard and him being in the Dr all the time. Amanda is talking about Aayrn Helen is talking to Judd about the votes and HOH next week. and if Aayrn wins it. Elissa is talking about if Howard wins HOH next week who he will go after.
    Helen says she will tell Judd what Elissa says you go talk to Mccrea. The group in hoh is still onto Howard.

    #BB15 9:55 BBT Ginamarie comes in and they all tell her she is safe they are not voting for her. This is five votes she is saying.
    now they are asking her who she thinks is more danageous, She is giving reports on both, Aayrn need to growup and hold her tough, Kaitlin is loyal or can be. Amanda is asking who she thinks they
    will put up if they win hoh. Ginamarie is say she has no clue, They are loners now they have no one now, Helen is asking who they said was a threat. Ginamarie says the only one they really talked about what Howard. Spencer and Howard and Jessie are by the pool table Howard is tickeling Jessie Aayrn walks by saids theres no sugar
    The guys are playing pool.

    #BB15 1:05 BBT Ginamarie is now onto Nick and where they are going to go on their date outside the house, to a giants game in Jerey. Everyone says they love her and she can come to them when ever. and Ginamarie is saying how much she loves them and thankyou for letting me stay.
    The guys are still playing pool.

    #BB15 1:10 BBT Now they are just Joking around up in the hohr, and the guys start another game of pool.

    #BB15 10:15 BBt. the girls are in the SR looking for alcohol, Helen and Elissa are talking about Howard, they think his is MVP. They are talking about Aayrn and her deal, Helen is saying shes going make that deal, Elissa is saying we want to choose her noim. Helen thinks shes telling the truth.
    Elissa doesnt trust Aayrn. But agrees they need to get Kaitlin out. Aayrn told Helen that Spencer and Howard are coming after her. Ginamarie is call to the DR. Helen wants to tell Judd, but how do they tell Candice, Howard and Spence, We cant tell Candice about the deal. We need to get Howard out next week.
    Do you think they are really after us? Helen I dont know, They think its Howard MVP and he put Elissa up. Helen we are screwed. Helen he never talks game to me. Amanda is called to the Dr. They just keep going back and forth.

    #BB15 10:20 BBt Elissa and Helen are still talking about people saying that Elissa put herself on the block and how silly that is why would I stress myself out like that? Helen is like whose more dangous Aayrn or Kaitlin, we can get Aayrn out next week But Kaitlin we may not be able to get her out next week.
    Elissa lets just wait it out. Yea I agree and they walk out.

    #BB15 10:25 BBT out in the By with Howar Spencer, Judd and Jessie they are just chatting. Helen and Elissa are in the KT now with Andy.

    #BB15 10:30 BBT In the KT Helen saids and Ms Helen made to many noodles Andy walks out into the By and gives report to everyone on this.

  20. BB15 9:00 BBT Spencer, Candice, Howard, Elissa, and Mcmanda are all in the hOhr Elissa is doing
    excurses, Judd is in his room, Helen is in bed Aayrn and Ginamarie are in the WR Andy is getting mangos for
    the hoh crew.

    #BB15 9:05 BBT Up in the hohr Elissa is asking Amanda if you are suppose to eat the skin on a mango (that would be a no)
    they are just sitting around eating their mangos talking. Judd is trying to sleep in his room. (I dont know how he does it with that alarm going off)

    #BB15 9:10 BBT Spencer tells Andy that he sucked hosting the comp today, but it was ok the way he say Judds in the Mud. and Kaitlins getting dirty.
    Aayrn and Ginamarie are still in the wr just talking.

    #BB15 9:15 BBT Elissa asked why they called Kaitlin into the DR maybe shes mvp. Kaitlin comes in and tells them the BY is now opened.
    They head out to the BY. well some do.

    #BB15 9:20 in the wr Aayrn is talking to Spencer, shes saying how shes trying to start out anew, she is saying how shes just listen when she says something it comes
    back and bites her in the A**. now whispering, Spencer is saying that theres something going around here. BB told them outside to close the blinds. Spencer says he thinks
    he knows who the MVP is. its not Judd. Aayrn its Elissa. Spencer says the house wants Aayrn to go next, Aayrn why me? Spencer is saying because shes being seen as a bigett.
    they go outside.

    #BB15 9:30 BBT Ginamarie is telling Spencer that its not right they are all in Judds hohr. They didnt even asked the poor kid.
    (and this is weird, we are getting fish on two cams but we can hear sound.) Spencer is now in the the hammock with Aayrn saying you can trust me.
    Youre 22 and you think you know everything, Aayrn saying shes not the MVP. Spencer is now telling her the target could be Kaitling just dont give up hope.
    Spencer is saying hes scared to even talk to her Mcamanda is in control now and shes gotten on their bad side now. He saying he hear that Amanda may go up. Hes not Mvp.

    #BB15 9:30 BBT Ginamarie is telling Spencer that its not right they are all in Judds hohr. They didnt even asked the poor kid.
    (and this is weird, we are getting fish on two cams but we can hear sound.) Spencer is now in the the hammock with Aayrn saying you can trust me.
    Youre 22 and you think you know everything, Aayrn saying shes not the MVP. Spencer is now telling her the target could be Kaitling just dont give up hope.
    Spencer is saying hes scared to even talk to her Mcamanda is in control now and shes gotten on their bad side now. He saying he hear that Amanda may go up. Hes not Mvp.
    They think someone is lieing about the mvp. (no they arent)

    #BB15 9:40 BBt Spencer and Howard are playing pool Amanda and Andy are now in the HOHr talking about Elissa and if shes lieing about being the MVP. Amanda is saying Candice is so annoying
    Candice asked Amanda why everyone is going around saying that Aayrn is safe. and they go on and on with this. Andy is like I wonder if she got to Helen. and now Amanda is onto how Kaitlin said that she told Elissa not to
    use the Veto. Andy says he will talk to her tomorrow dont worry about it. I will fix it. dont say anything else or shell know I said something. Amanda is just going on and on with this.

    #BB15 9:45 BBT Spencer and Elissa are talking about church and Bible study groups, Spencer is talking about a precher he likes to watch on TV. Andy walks out of the HOH Mcmanda is in there alone Mccrea is sleeping.
    Andy is in the BY. and Spencer is going on and on about God and the bible and so on.

    #BB15 9:50 BBT Spencer asked Howard, howd that sound. Howard says that was good. Howard is now onto Candice and he says shes a live wire. And now hes talking about Andy. and Amanda is just sitting up in the hohr looking all mad. Mccrea is up
    asked her whats wrong. and now shes off. about how no one believes me now and how people are telling lies about her and so on. (talking about Elissa). the cams are acting funny we are getting little lights on two cams now a blue and a white one for a few.
    Candice says a fuse blew. the hg are told to go into the house now by BB something happened in the BY BB HG this is a lockdown please go into the House.)

    #BB15 9:55 BBT Amanda is now going off about Elissa with Aayrn Jessie is saying she sorry to Kaitlin for coming after her. Kaitlin is saying that shes not freaken out because shes on the block
    and Amanda is still going off about the Elissa Helen thing with Aayrn and the MVp.
    theres something going on in the BY and the HG are trying to figure out what. Its the light. it appears it went out and its pitch black in the BY

    #BB15 10:00 BBT Now Candice and Howard, are talking about Elissa, in the wr Candice is saying how shes trying not to look stupid (too late)
    Judd alarm goes off every 9 minutes. Hes talking to Kaitlin. now in the LR Andy, Spencer Mccrea, and Kaitlin its Jessie talking to Judd. Ginamarie walks in

  21. #BB15 9:00 BBT Amanda and Mccrea are in the hohr alone in bed, now out in the By is Howard, Candice, and Spencer, Andy, Judd
    just talking Spencer saids yall should have been better at boncing cans talking about the have not comp. Oh in case you didnt know
    Amanda and Mccrea are making out in the hohr (Yuck)

    #BB15 9:05 BBT Kaitlin in pounding chocolate chips in a bag with a can of soup, She is told to put on her microphone
    Judd, is in the hohr with Mccrea and Amanda, Judd is talking about his pictures now

    #BB15 9:10 BBT Kaitlin says she told DR that Jeremy was a bad kisser and she gets the youre not allowed to talk about the DR from BB
    Amanda and Mccrea are now in the hohr alone and its walnuts shes banging not chocolate chips. Aayrn wants to do the Amazing Race with Kaitlin.
    Judd says Helen needs to control her voice you can hear her all the way downstair, and now its onto the texas tornado thing Ginamarie and Elissa are now
    in the KT

    #BB15 9:15 BBT Judd says he is tired, Elissa walks into the HOHR Amanda does an empression of Elissa walking into the HOHR.
    Elissa says she didnt get the MVP yet they are talking about the twist. Ginamarie was in the DR like 30 minutes can it be her
    Amanda no Fing way. Elissa thinks shes going to get it (no youre not)
    In the hammock is Spencer and Candice Spencer is talking about his girlfriend.

    #BB15 9:20 BBT Spencer and Candice are just talking, In the HOHR they are still talking about the MVP and who Elissa should put up if she get it. (Which we know she wont)
    Aayrn is still talking about wanted to be on the amazing race

    #BB15 9:25 BBT Judd is wearing his crown now, and he is now talking about what he likes about his room.
    Spencer is talking to Candice about the mvp. and in the hohr they are still talking about the twist, and the veto comp now

    #BB15 9:30 BBT Spencer and Candice are talking about Nick being a shaddy F*** Ginamarie and kaitlin are whispering about something can really hear what
    with Aayrn I think they are talking about Jeremy really hard to hear over banging the spoon and whispering Howard walks in and talk stops. until he walks out

    #BB15 9:35 BBT Spencer and Candice are now talking about Jeremy Candice ask Howard if he is going to play
    pool or stuggle. She says you got your hands in to many pots. The girls in the KT are talking about Jeremy and how Kaitlin misses him
    Aayrn is called into the DR. she tells BB to wait a minutes shes knee deep in chocolate right now

    #BB15 9:40 BBT Mccrea says that Howard is trying to split the house, and how he was saying that he wants to be on the good side now
    Amanda says she wants to go to bed in like an hour. Elissa is told to put on her microphone she was doing a flip of some kind. Elissa says she hates ice cream. she is putting her feet over her head in
    a flip of somekind.

    #BB15 9:45 BBT Judd says that when he told Ginamarie that he was going to put her up as a pawn she went nuts. Judd says he threw up
    in one comp. I think the have not comp they are talking about the have not Elissa is saying that she feels bad about Jessie being a have not
    They are really hoping Elissa gets the MVP (Not going to happen and we know that)

    #BB15 9:50 BBT Elissa is still doing excuses in the hohr because shes bored now Judd keeps saying the she better get that MVP hes said it like I dont know how many times now
    they are talking about who will get the least. And how Aayrn has a fan base Mccrea says some people are here just for the fight Aayrn made finals for the real world and she picked BB
    Elissa saying I wish she had gone on that Judd says would you be mad if she turns over your mattress and Elissa says I wont be suprised.

    #BB15 9:55 BBT Judd is now in the BY talking about rather or not Elissa has the mvp
    he doesnt believe she doesnt have it. ( aw Judd she doesnt have it)

    #BB15 10:00 BBT HG are just sitting around talking now not really any game talk right now Howard and Candice are now
    in the hammock.

    #BB15 10:05 BBT Howard is now talking about Jeremy, and Elissa Howard is saying that Elissa has a power that other people in the
    house dont have and how Elissa is using her power to bullie people in the house. Much like Jeremy did. How Elissa is using Helen. And how much he likes Candices game over Elissa
    he tells her to pay attention to her. She nice and people will listen to her, And that shes fake. She a good woman and nice and all that Im not retared I just dont say nothing. Now Candice is onto Helen
    and how Elissa and Amanda ganged up on Helen when she was HoH. Now shes talking about when Mccrea said he had the MVP.
    #BB15 10:10 bbt Candice is now saying how she wants to make Aayrn a friend, no one will believe that her and Aayrn will work together, And they are now talking about Elissa again,
    and also Amanda Candice says that Amanda tried to threat her and she wasnt having it. And now shes saying how Amanda is playing kaitlin. they are saying Helen will do whatever Elissa says so we cant count Helen.
    If aayrn wins veto who is Judd putting up. put up Elissa Ginamarie as a pawn. This if Candice wins hoh They just go round and round with this

    #BB15 10:20 BBT Judd is called to the DR Elissa is saying maybe Judd got the MVP. Mccrea is like he will tell us he would not tell us. Mccrea is like Aayrn was in there awhile Elissa keep the crama down there to see
    how long Judd is in there. now talking about the designing of the house. and now nothing, Mccrea says the twist worries him.
    Elissa is like they are not going to bring back someone. she wants something fun and crazy. she saying it would be so silly at this point to bring someone back doesnt make sense.

  22. #BB15 9:00 BBT Nothing much is going on. Judd and jessie and andy are in the bedroom Kaitlin is there,
    amanda and mccrea are in the lounge room. Just chatting.

    #bb15 9:05 Kaitlin is talking about her pet mice, with Andy and Spencer. while in the lounge room, Amanda and Mccrea are both
    told by BB to please put on your microphone

    #BB15 9:10 Judd would like a picture of Stevie his dog, Aayrn is in the room with them, Stevie is a Boston Terror
    in the KT, is Howie and Candice and Amanda and Mccrea are still in the lounge room, now Aayrn is talking about her dog that she had
    to put down.

    #BB15 9:15 BBT Ginamarie is called to the DR Candice is now in the lounge room with Amanda, and MCcrea, Howie has finished his
    Bible study in the have not room, and Aayrn is telling a story about her dog still

    #BB15 9:20 BBT Helen is now telling us a story about a dog that she had and Mccrea and Amanda are still in the lounge room.
    Helens dog it appears ate all her shoes and everything else.

    #BB15 9:25 BBT and the doggie stories continue on.

    #BB15 9:30 BBT Jessie, and Spencer are at the chess table talking about the twist and what it might be
    Kaitlin is now called to the Dr.

    #BB15 9:35 BBT now in the lounge room is Judd, Jessie, and Andy, oh and Amanda, Mccrea who are all waiting for
    the lock down to be over with. Elissa is in there with them

    #BB15 9:35 BBT Amanda reminds everyone that tomorrow is the burial for Nick, and Aayrn is telling another story of some kind (exciding night in the BB house)

    #BB15 9:40 BBT Judd is talking about putting Aayrn up with Ginamarie, and they are now talking about how mean she has been.
    now talking about how Ginamarie and Helen are three years apart in age from each other Amanda says if they were normal they wouldnt be in this game
    Mccrea and Spencer are in the bathroom talking

    #BB15 9:45 BBT Elissa says if they do anything else mean to her she is going to jump off the BB cliff, Elissa says she(Aayrn) goes into the DR
    everyday with a glass of champain. now they are talking about how many gallons the pool has. Aayrn is in the washroom with Spencer and Judd, Mccrea. They are waiting
    for the BY to open up

    #BB15 9:50 BBT Judd wants a cirg, beer and a porkchop. (what no frog legs?) now Amanda is in the WR with Aayrn, Judd and Spencer, Judd is still talking about
    his beer, Cirg, and porkchop. (Quick someone get this boy a porkchop so he can stop talking about it)

    #BB15 9:55 BBT so now they are all just laying around doing a whole heck of a lot of nothing, but talking about past seasons now.

    #BB15 10:00 BBT Elissa is saying that Jeremy was being to mean to the woman, but she doesnt take it to heart. Kaitlin, is eating chips in the wr with Aayrn and Amanda.

    #BB15 10:05 BBT Kaitlin now wants to go to tacobell, Mccrea walks in and Andy Elissa and Spencer are now talking about the twist.

    #BB15 10:10 BBT Judd is now called to the DR sounds like he is getting his room now. Ginamarie is now in the WR. Howard is in the KT with Helen, Elissa who is talking about
    making protain muffens. They are healthier, Aayrn is looking for Icy hot for her leg.

    #BB15 10:15 BBT Howard is now in the color room with Candice who is in bed Ginamarie is talking about running around in your underwear?
    Candice asked Howard to get her lotion and yellow shorts, Ginamarie tells Andy to shutup.

    #BB15 10:20 BBT all quite in the BB house, Candice asked Andy what the twist maybe he says no point in guessing Howard says its a pandora box maybe. They are now
    talking about beds and who is sleeping where.

    #BB15 10:25 BBT In the KT talk turns to protain bars, at the counter is Helen, Jessie, Elissa, and Ginamarie. Howard and Candice are in the Color room Candice is getting up
    they are waiting for Judd to get out of the Dr so they can see his room

    #BB 10:30 BBT Judd comes out who wants to see my HOHR they all run upstairs. Judd wearing his crown. Opens the door and yelling starts
    Judd the stud He got pictures, got somekind of nickless, picture of his friend Gorden, and his dog Stevie and his High school graduation picture, now what is snacks are
    he got chicken no porkchops beer cokes orange shorts. tictacs letter From his mom and Dad, they are telling him its his dream come true. Hope they all see how loving and caring he is, play the best he can

    #BB15 10:35 BBT They are asking Judd about his family and childhood now Judd says he doesnt remember much about his childhood, Judds happy now that he is no longer a have not and can eat. They dig into his basket. They told him that he can eat now
    in the DR. His music is the Chilli peppers. He got a picture of him has mario for halloween. pictures of his grandma and grandpapa.

  23. #BB15 9:50BBT candice and howie are playing pool or rather,
    howie is teaching candice how to play pool, jeremy is talking about the fish tank and where
    the camra is and aayrn is talking about the live feeds.

    #BB15 9:55BBT elissa and helen are in the hohr talking about jeremy offering them a deal
    and helen is saying no we dont need him. its too much has happened and elissa is like he has to go
    helen is saying that we cant take his offer and elissa is like no and they go on with this

    #BB15 10:00BBT now over by the hot tub is aayrn, jeremy kaitlin and ginamarie everyone else is at the couches they
    are eating ice cream

    #BB15 10:05BBt aayrn,kaitlin, ginamarie are on the hammock ginamarie is saying the amanda and mccrea dont want jeremy out
    aayrn is saying the shes quite because they can hear through the wall, aayrn asked kaitlin what helen said in hoh kaitlin is saying
    that helen feels bad about it, jeremy was trying to do a final four deal kaitlin is saying that she told helen that if they keep jeremy here
    for a few weeks until jury then she would vote him out. ginamarie asked if we can save him kaitlin say i dont know, they arent giving him the option
    jeremys trying to get them to vote out spencer hes pushing them hard on it

    #BB15 10:10BBT jeremy is talking to amanda in the havenot room talking about his talking to helen
    amanda asked him whats going on with howie and jeremy is saying that he threw him under the bus.
    jeremy is like they are thinking about my offer jeremy is saying that they are now saying they want aayrn out
    over him mccrea comes in jeremy is like Im trying to get them on his side (too bad it aint working dude)
    jeremy is saying he want spencer and howie out the aayrn candice. they said they are not voting agaist the house.
    amanda says they are not with them. the Knockoffs

    #BB15 10:17BBT jeremy walks out and walks back in and says please dont tell them what I said, amanda is saying is helen retared or what, it works
    for us but its stupid, mccrea saids howie came talking to him. we are getting alot of short forths here, the hg are playing volley ball now jeremy howie and helen and andy and judd

  24. #BB15 9:00BBT The talking in the HOHR continues, between helen, kaitlin and andy aayrn is in the KT doing dishes
    howie and elissa are fixing food. in the By is ginamarie judd candice amanda and mccrea just talking
    kaitlin saying that if she gets hoh this week shes not putting them up she will put up aayrn, spencer jessie and amanda are in the hottube candice is sitting on a chair

    #BB15 9:05BBt in the hot tub is spencer, amanda, jessie and candice who is sitting on a chair, helen just told kaitlin that howie is throwing comps, kaitlin I fucken knew it I fucken knew it
    helen thinks that howie is going to win on thursday he has to go shes worried about it andy says he is going to fight for it, and now they are talking about who howie would put up if he won it

    #BB15 9:10 BBT kaitlin now goes to jeremy and tells him what they said in the hohr jeremy is saying
    that he isnt going to honor the deal he made with them. she tells him everything helen and andy told her in the hohr

    #BB15 9:15BBT most of the HG are over at the hot tub all but aayrn who is now by herself still
    cleaning in the kT helen says she made
    a quest for alcohol. they are just talking no game talk

    #BB15 9:16BBT nothing has changed only howie is in the have not room doing his bible study

    #BB15 9:23BBT HG are telling airplane stories everyone is out there now all but aayrn who is still cleaning

    BB15 9:30BBT kaitlin goes in to check on aayrn after andy asked where she is at and walks back out and we are getting alot of
    short forths

    BB15 9:35BBT ginamarie is talking about being a green jollyrancher,
    post-29297-0-33553200-1374036472_thumb.jjeremy says he once was a jar of jelly beans
    and aayrn is still cleaning now in the BY the hg namely ginamarie are talking about jollyrancher favors now feed three has the fish tank on
    theres some kind of bug on the pillow and kaitlin is showing him around trying to figure out what kind of bug it is camra is doing a close up on the bug (YAY)
    aayrn is now outside with the others

  25. #BB15 9:00BBT jeremy is getting two more pieces of chicken, while judd is getting a pickel spencer and howie are playing pool

    spencer says he feels bad for jessie burning herself howie says shes on her period spencer says mccrea isnt mvp and so does howie they say it was

    elissa. spencer says that he told h that they were safe with them that they wont come after them. now hes going on about the order they need to go out

    aayrn kaitlin and leave ginamarie for last.

    #BB15 9:05BBT spencer and mccrea and amanda are talking about the hoh comp this week and being on slop and that it gives you no engery to do anything

    spencer says make sure you drink like three shakes before hoh comp just for engery. now they are onto chit chat candice comes out and saids theres a

    party upstairs come on up mccrea and amanda are still on the hammock talking about the votes everyone else is upstairs all four cams are on mccrea and amanda

    #BB15 9:11BBT jessie comes out and says jeremy is so annoying and amanda is like what did he do, jessie is like we were having an all girls nail party

    and jeremy comes in and starts being an ass, we were talking about first kisses I was telling mine and jeremy calls me a whore, so I just walked out and shes

    going on and on about jeremy now they are onto elissa they are saying shes just trying to stir up shit amanda says shitstirrs, mccrea is talking about her (Elissa) lieing all the time

    she a pathalogic lier. amanda is now making up some kind of story about a baby t-rex mccrea is just going on about how much elissa annoyes him

    #BB15 9:20BBt amanda is telling mccrea that she is really really scared of us, losing him mccrea is like well it has to happen at some point

    we have to plan for the worst and hope for the best. that would be kick ass if we won it. amanda is like all we have to do is lay low and agree with people dont be

    so powerful helen is now talking to jessie about what happen upstairs with kaitlin, and saying that kaitlin was saying that jessie is such a bitch, and they are just going on

    helen is like Im so sorry that happen to you.

    #BB15 9:30 BBT helen and jessie are going on about the party and helen is saying jeremy had balls crashing her party, we well have another party next week, jeremys going home,

    amanda and mccrea are still going on about kaitlin now and the veto. mccrea is saying she screwed herself over. and jessie is still going off andy is out there with them now

    #BB15 9:35BBT aayrn is onto the fish again and how the whites ones are still on the top, now they are talking about how long they have been in the house jeremy isnt in the hoh

    now they are guess that there maybe two double evictions. guessing with the number of people left in the house now. andy is now talking to ginamarie and kaitlin about jessie and ginamarie

    says lets go upstairs and thank her for the party and they go upstairs jeremy and kaitlin are at the chess table kaitlin is telling jeremy what andy said and shes like I didnt do anything

    jeremy says shes a sad excuse shes a hoe you know it jessie is now talking to spencer at the pool table spencer trying to make her feel better

    #BB15 9:45BBT elissa is now talking to judd on the couch talking about she dont mind being along all the time she just doesnt like people following her around saying bad things about her

    judd is asking elissa if she won hoh who would she put up, she like kaitlin, ginamarie maybe. judd like not howard or spencer elissa like no. now shes talking about the party. and saying like its not ok

    to asked me personal questions after being so mean to me (talking about aayrn) elissa is saying she wouldnt be around people like that and she talking about porcsa from last season

    #BB15 9:54BBT elissa judd and andy talking about jeremy and how he told them about a girl, from high school that he took to his prom and how if she said no he would do a recording calling her a bitch

    jeremy is called to the DR

    #BB15 10:00BBT Helen is onto the spencer howard and the mc thing and how she cant trust them now its like what have you done for me lately and candice say janet jackson right

    #BB15 10:05 BBT up in the hoh they are talking about past veto comps and elissa judd howie and spence are just talking on the couches

    BB comes on HG this is a reminder sleeping is only allowed in the bedrooms

    #BB15 10:15BBT helen is now talking about her big nose BB"candice please do not obstruct your microphone" andy is called to the DR



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