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Posts posted by sayre

  1. 6:00PM BBT: Jason, Steve, and Da'Vonne are in the backyard chatting, Shelli and Clay are in the HoH talking no game talk.


    6:05PM BBT: The HGs have just been chatting, Shelli and Clay are up in HoH and Jason, Steve, and Da'Vonne are in the backyard.


    6:31PM BBT: Jason is talking to Steve about Nicole and Frankie from past seasons. 


    6:25PM BBT: Shelli and Clay are talking to Vanessa about Austin, Vanessa says, "He is some one that I like." 


    Now talking about Meg, Vanessa says, "She is someone that trusts you."


    Jason and Steve and Da'Vonne are still talking out in the backyard.


    6:33PM BBT: Vanessa is now talking about Audrey, Shelli asked if  Audrey said she would backdoor Shelli, Vanessa says "No."


    Clay is saying that we don't know if we can trust her, she will always be a target. Vanessa says she is not my target never will be. 


    6:40PM BBT: Vanessa says that she is grateful to be part of the Sleeper Cell, she couldn't asked for a better group of people to aliegn with. 


    They are trying to figure out who is Americans Player  She says, "I swear I'm not Americans Player. I swear I'm not." (there isn't one DUH) 


    6:45PM BBT: The HoH group is just going over the same things that they have already talked about and John, Jason, and Steve are just chatting in the backyard.


    6:50PM BBT: The HoH grew is going over why Jace was back-doored, and how Audrey was setup to take the fall. But Jace got it instead. 


    6:55PM BBT: Audrey has been sitting out in the backyard talking to Steve, they are just chatting, while the HoH group is just going over the same thing over and over again, I feel like I'm watching a rerun.


    7:00PM BBT: nothing new really is going on they are just going over the same thing. Liz now talking about Austin.


    7:07PM BBT: nothing new just same old same old lol.


    7:10PM BBT: Audrey is talking to Steve about School and such, and the HoH group is well talking about you guessed it same old stuff. 


    7:15PM BBT: Clay says that Da'Vonne"vonne leaving this week is a good thing, it will keep down all the drama in the house, Liz is saying that she is telling Da'Vonne that she is not voting for her, but she is. 


    7:20PM BBT: Audrey comes into the HoH to asked Clay if he is making Dinner, She is hungrey, yeah I'll make dinner. Meg, and Jeff are in the bedroom laying in bed talking.


    BB17 7:25PM BBT: Shelli asked Audrey if she is voting to keep Da'Vonne? Audrey says yes, Liz says you can't trust Da'Vonne, and now just going over the same thing that she has already said, happy to be working with you five on and on. it's Vanessa not Liz been talking in HoH. Liz is in the washroom talking to Austin now.


    7:31PM BBT: Jason is talking to Steve, and Da'Vonne, who is talking about how she got her name Da'Vonne, her mother liked the name Davon, but that's a guys name so to make it a woman's name it became Da'Vonne.


    7:35PM BBT: Jason, Da'Vonne and Steve are talking about BBCAN3 and the tasks that they had on there.


    7:40PM BBT: Jason is telling Steve about how different BBCAN is verses BBUSA, Meg comes out after her little nap. 


    7:45PM BBT: Jason says he doesn't know how to tie a tie, Steve says he learned how to tie a tie when he was a kid, cameras change to Jeff and Becky in bed talking. 


    7:50PM BBT: Meg, and Clay and Shelli are eating Meg says she says string beans, Clay says he calls them green beans. Like you say tomato I say tomoto. lol

  2. 7:00PM BBT: The HGs are sleeping, there's nothing else is going on. 


    7:15PM BBT: Steve is up talking to Shelli and also Jason is awake laying in bed talking to them everyone else is still sleeping.


    7:20PM BBT: Steve and Jason are now walking around now in the Have-Not room. Looks like it's back to bed or the chairs. BB told Jason he could only sleep in a bed. No where else in the house. He complained about it a bit but went back to his chair.


    7:25PM BBT: James is up and in the washroom, washes his hands. Now back to bed. One of those nites. 


    7:40PM BBT: Steve is up in the cabana room whispering to himself. 


    7:50PM BBT: Steve is the only one up he is now eating. 


    8:00PM BBT: Meg is talking to James, she needs to take a shower but doesn't really want to because of the cold water. She asked James if he remembers his king bed. Steven has now made him a shake, and Liz farts loudly. 


    8:05PM BBT: James and Liz are doing shout-outs so we get the FotH.


    8:10PM BBT: Austin and Audrey are up now Audrey says her back hurts from the competition. Jason is also awake in the Have-Not room. 


    8:15PM BBT: James, Liz and Jason are just talking in the Have-Not room. Austin, Shelli, and Steve are now in the kitchen. 


    8:25PM BBT: Austin is talking to Steve he is nerves about the vote, He says Shelli thinks everyone will vote Da'Vonne out but he's not so sure. He hope they have the votes to get her out. The group in the Have-Not room are just chatting. 


    8:31PM BBT: Austin, is making a slop paddy, Vanessa asked him to please do his dishes she just cleaned the kitchen. Now going over days. 


    8:35PM BBT: Clay and Audrey are now up and in the kitchen Vanessa asked Audrey if she remembers the name of the PoV competition since she hosted it. No answer from Audrey. Jeff is up and in the Have-Not room with James and Jason. Jeff is telling them about his dream, something about tree roots.


    8:45PM BBT: Jeff and Clay and Liz, are in the washroom, Clay says that he talked to Shelli about John not using the veto, But thinks he will use it. They are talking about if they will get anything for the fourth. 


    8:50PM BBT: Clay and Jeff are talking about getting Da'Vonne out this week, James, and Jason are in the Have-Not room talking about what's going to happen with Da'Vonne. Jason says that she will have a hard time of it because she is so different then this group of people James is saying that she has to fight up agaist the whole house. 


    Now talking about Frank from last season she can very easly be a Frank this year. Now Liz and Austin are talking in the storage room. Liz doesn't like being up against Da'Vonne, she thinks they are trying to backdoor her. Austin doesn't think so. It doesn't make any since. 


    9:00PM BBT: Austin is reassuring, Liz that she is not going home. He is counting the votes that she has. And Jeff and Clay are still going over things in the wash room.

  3. 7:17PM BBT: the feeds are back on, The HGs are just sitting around talking about the HoH competition.


    7:25PM BBT: Da'Vonne and Jason are in the kitchen Da'Vonne is doing dishes, Jeff, Clay and Austin are sitting on the sofa talking about Have-Nots. 


    7:31PM BBT: The HGs in the kitchen are trying to figure out what the Kathy twist is. James and Jeff and John are sitting at the kitchen table talking about Audrey, James hope she goes home next week.


    7:35PM BBT: Jason is laying on the sofa talking about Kathy and doing everyone's dishes, Meg, and Becky. They are talking about being on lock down for nine hours.


    7:40PM BBT: Clay is talking to James about his sunglasses that are missing. They are sitting at the kitchen table James is finishing eating. James wants to make it to at least jury. 



    7:45PM BBT: James and Clay are now trying to figure out the beds, and who will sleep in what room. Figuring in the Have-Nots as well, and the other HGs are making fish taco's 


    7:50PM BBT: Fish taco time, as Jackie and Becky sit down at the table to eat their fish tacos yummie. John is joining them at the table. 


    7:55PM BBT: Jason is going over the pictures of the HGs on the memory wall, saying who looks like what Audrey is all my herself in the cavanna room. Says this could have been much worst.


    8:00PM BBT: The HGs are now finishing up dinner, Becky was talking about Mary Kay products. 


    8:05PM BBT: The HGs are now talking about what they want for the fourth of July, and how pretty Julie looked tonight. Vanasse is telling us what all she has eaten today. 


    8:10PM BBT: Most of the HGs are just sitting around talking, No game talk really, James still needs a bed to sleep in. And Audrey is still all by herself.


    8:15PM BBT: nothing new is going on just drying dishes, and chatting. Austin and Clay are in the washroom, talking about who Becky or Shelli may put up? 


    8:20PM BBT: They are now trying to figure, out who is sleeping where, and they are saying that their families are embassed with them now. 


    8:25PM BBT: Jeff is now talking to Audrey, who is telling him that she is no longer agaist him. She is saying I can't do anything about it now it's spilt milk. and now is just going over what all happened. Jeff is telling her his side of what all happened. He says he just wants to get to the bottom of it. He is not too sure what all happened.


    8:31PM BBT: Audrey is blaming everything that happened on Jace. Jeff is saying that he doesn't like to see anyone in the house sitting alone. No one should feel like they have to do that. Audrey says that she feels like she voted agaist the house tonight, Everyone else seems to be in the purple room just sitting around talking. Jeff is telling audrey that he is going to look into it. But now is a good time for you to get back into the house and not shut yourself out. Clay comes into the room now.


    8:35PM BBT: Audrey is trying to explain herself and why she acted the way she did. Saying it was the Vanasse information. Clay is telling her that they came right to him with it. So I don't know if I can trust you right now. They are just going on and on with this stuff. Jeff is saying that he doesn't know if he can trust Shelli she is a wild card. 


    8:45PM BBT: Jeff is saying the he has been playing James, Why not there is no allance with him. I'm just feeling him out. Audrey is saying that she hasn't been making up rumors. in the other room the others are just sitting around, Jason is talking about how a fast foward works. And also talking about Kathy being on the show tonight.


    8:50PM BBT: the screen comes on and it say Nomanations today. Shelli and Becky now want to be in the room by themselfes to discuss who to nomanate. They are now in the cabanna room talking.

    Shelli is talking about Audrey now, Shelli doesn't want to keep her in the game, she doesn't trust her now. 

  4. 7:13PM BBT: Jace and Audrey are in the kitchen, Meg and James are up in his HoH talking, Liz talking about how gross the house is, There are ants in the draws. now talking about how gross the shower is it's green. 


    7:20PM BBT: James and Meg are actually in the Have-Not room not the HoH. Audrey is talking to Shelli in the Bedroom. James and Meg are talking about Audrey James says she gets on your nervses.


    7:25PM BBT: James tells Meg that the house will be so much better once Audrey's gone, He says that she wanted him to shake on it and he's like naw I'm good. Jeff and Austin are laying on the sofa's talking James says that I know that Audrey told him that if she wins HoH she will go after Jeff. That she will not go after him. everyone else is just talking. Now James is talking to Jace in the Have-Not room.


    7:31PM BBT: Jace is telling James that he doesn't really want to help him. Jace is saying if you can give me something I will help you but you are too power hungry. I really don't give a shit about your game. I know all about the song and the allance I can name every person in that allance. So watch your back. They are coming for you. Everyone else is sitting in the living room talking. Jace is saying you now have a loaded gun. 



    7:35PM BBT: Jace is going back and forth with James, Saying that he has given him a life line and he has saved his life now, and he will help him with Audrey. If she wins HoH and comes after him next week. And how he was so mad at Audrey. In the Bathroom Clay is blowdrying John's hair Steve is in the shower, And Jace just goes on and on.


    7:40PM BBT: Vanessa, is now talking to Audrey who is laying in bed, She thinks she will be a have not next week. Jace is whispering to James, still going on and on about the same thing. Oh now they are done. They walk out to join the others. Clay is now finishing up John's hair. 


    7:45PM BBT: it's Steve's hair that Clay was doing they say he looks like Fonzie from happy day's now, Jace is now in the Have-Not room talking Liz and Vanessa who is laying in the chair with a bandana over her eyes. everyone else is in the wash room. Telling Steve how different he looks now.


    7:50PM BBT: Audrey is now talking to Austin, about the same old thing. They are all in the Living room where Jeff is talking about the amazing race Jace is now telling Austin what he told James. 


    7:55PM BBT: Austin is now talking to Vanessa Jace comes in and is asking for votes, Audrey is now walking around, Jace is saying that James is now scared, I did a really good job on him. And on and on.


    8:00PM BBT: Audrey walks into the HoH room James is under the covers on the sofa sleeping, Jace is just going on and on how he is about the make the biggest move in BB history(yeah right where have we heard that one before) Jace walks out of the have not. Now Austin and Vanessa are talking about what the next HoH competition maybe.


    8:05PM BBT: Audrey is talking to James. Telling him that she needs to just ride the wave don't stirr shit up and Jace is back to talking to Austin in the Have-Not room. Austin is like dude  we already talked. Audrey is telling James if I win HoH I need some kind of say from you that you won't come after me the next week. Vanessa is talking to Austin or was until Da'Vonne came in. Jace is now up in the HoH going over the same thing with James and Audrey. He says he needs three or four votes.


    8:15PM BBT: Austin and Vanessa are back to talking, James is up in the HoH talking to Da'Vonne and Jason now. Telling them what all Audrey said to him, Saying that she is targetting Jeff now. 


    8:20PM BBT: Jame is just rehashing what Jace and Audrey told him to Jason and Da'Vonne, we are getting breif FotHs, eveyone else seems to be in the gray bedroom. Da'Vonne says that Audrey is spending a lot of time talking to James now. yeah James is talking about how Audrey is talking about the relationship between Jeff and Jackie now. Austin is now talking to Liz in the cabanna room getting her on board with the Audrey thing. Da'Vonne says if she doesn't win HoH next week it's a walk but if she wins HoH Ill play the game after that she's gone.


    8:25PM BBT: The HoH crew are just going over and over the same thing it's breaking up now, Jace is in the Cabanna room with Liz and Austin tring to get votes. James is saying that if she (Audrey) wins HoH next week then we get her out the next week. Jeff will work with us. Jace is saying that Jeff is now in deep shit. 


    #BB17PM BBT: 8:31PM BBT: things are now rapping up in the HoH, In the bathroom Jackie, Liz, and Jace are all doing hair. Clay and Meg are in the Storage room talking. 

  5. 10:31PM BBT: The HGs all but Sarah are just sitting in Sarah's the HoH room talking. Godfrey says it's been a crazy night. Ashleigh is talking about how people from last season get recondized in the malls and stuff, she wonders if it will be the same for them now that it's on Global.

    10:35PM BBT: Ashleigh wants to go to the bathroom in the other bathroom, Sarah walks in and says to Godfrey it sucks I wish I could keep you safe.

    Godfrey just throw us up and who ever wins the veto then we go from there. Sarah yeah, Sarah if Ashleigh takes Brittnee out then we have to compete. yeah, Now just talking about the competitions and how it will go. 

    Ashleigh comes in, they are saying it's going to be a normal week. Sarah says they aren't going to be nice to us. We are so *ucken close. PoV is day after tomorrow. 

    10:40PM BBT: Ashleigh asked Sarah if she wins the PoV will she cuts ties? Sarah I'm going to have to, now going over who will vote for who in jury. Sarah thinks she won't have the vote. Ashleigh says the jury they have isn't emotional. Godfrey, says he doesn't stand a chance with the jury, he hasn't done anything but eat and sleep. He has no friends on jury. But they think the jury will vote on who played the best game, not on emotion. 

    10:45PM BBT: Sarah says she didn't think she would make it this far she thought she would make it to jury. They are just now chillin.

    10:55PM BBT: the minute Ashleigh leaves Sarah and Godfrey start talking about her, Sarah says she thinks Kevin will vote for her? Godfrey says Zach told Ashleigh that she will be viewed has the mastermind of the season by the jury, Godfrey doesn't think he told her that at all. Sarah thinks that Bobby and Bruno will vote agaist her. Godfrey says she has five easy votes. Sarah says that JP will vote agaist her. 

    11:00PM BBT: Brittnee comes in and Sarah tells her that Ashleigh says that she doesn't have a chance agaist her. Now Sarah is rehashing what she told Ashleigh. And going over the votes. 

    11:05PM BBT: Brittnee is saying we've burnt to many people, and Ashleigh knows this, Brittnee starts jumping up and down I'm so excited. They are just going over stuff about Ashleigh.

    11:10PM BBT: and the Ashleigh bashing continues,

    Sarah says she's scared that she may win the veto and if she does then we are *ucked, it will be awful. but we can do this we're good. Godfrey says we have this veto man we have it. he says if I leave I leave happy. 

    11:20PM BBT: Now they are talking about when Sindy left Kevin gave her then papertowels, in the shape of a triangle. For the bermudatriangle

    alliance. They were three papertower rolls with socks stuck in them like a triangle. Bobby, Willow, and Bruno. Were the Bermudatriangle alliance Godfrey is called to the DR.

    11:31PM BBT: Ashleigh is now talking to Sarah and Brittnee about Willow, and how she would go back and FotH and tell them everything, And now about Bobby, and Ashleigh says she told Bobby the he was going to watch the show and feel like such and dummy. FotH

    11:35PM BBT: the feeds return with the girls still talking about Willow. and their term suck the D. They are just going all over Willow, Ashleigh is now talking about how she thought Zach had something for Willow. she says Willow is down to earth, they couldn't get a read on her in the beginning. Ashleigh says Willow came up the the parallagram thing.

    11:40PM BBT: Sarah is now looking at her 

    pictures of her dogs, she just wants to pet him. now talk turns to dogs, well her dog who is six years old now. 

    11:45PM BBT: Sarah is now talking about New Orlands and a park that is in a picture. Brittnee says it's one of the places that she likes to go. 

    11:50PM BBT: now talking about Godfrey and how he has no blood on his hands, he could actully win it. He has the votes in jury. 

    11:55PM BBT: Godfrey comes in, Sarah says she wants a make over this week, Camera zooms in on the Kanaroo. 

    12:00AM BBT: Sarah and Brittnee walk down to the kitchen to put her food away, they start talking, just rehashing things. 

    12:05AM BBT:  Sarah and Brittnee have just been rehashing the same things over and over, they see themselves has the underdogs (I bet that's going to be the name of their alliance)

    12:10AM BBT:  Brittnee and Sarah bring in ice cream and oreos for Ashleigh and Godfrey, 

    12:15AM BBT:  Sarah is just going over the order of how things went with Godfrey. nominations

    12:15AM BBT:  they are just going over things, Ashleigh says that Bruno never said a bad thing about me Graig hated Willow, Bruno wanted Brittnee gone because she was with Sarah. and how he throught she was the head of some girl alliance.


    12:25AM BBT:  Ashleigh is saying if Graig was still in the game he would have beast moded his way through the game, he could have won competitions he just didn't get the chance to play in them, 


    12:31AM BBT:  they are just going over the competitions, both HoH and veto getting the order down.


    12:35AM BBT:  they are now going over the HoH competition Sarah says that listening to Willow was so heartbreaking. They walk out leaving Ashleigh and Godfrey, They are in the blue room Sarah says Zach threw them under the bus. Brittnee says she doesn't like that Ashleigh is going to be in here with Godfrey. Sarah says that Ashleigh can't break Godfrey, He will do what he is going to do. Anyone can bring Godfrey to final two. They are moving Brits stuff into the HoH.


    12:35AM BBT:  Sarah says the house looks so empty now, with four people in it. they move more stuff to the HoH. 


    12:40AM BBT:  Brittnee asked Godfrey if he is buying her act. Godfrey says no, she has way too many friends in there. She can win this she has the votes. Now they are just going over who would vote for her. Pils for sure, Zach, they diapers can go down in history has one of theirs won. All we have in jury is Sindy. 

    12:45AM BBT:  Brittnee tells Sarah I've been on the block five times and each time you went to bat for me, Sarah says one of her pictures is a bad picture, Brittnee says it's suppose to bring you to a happy place you silly goose,

    12:50AM BBT:  Ashleigh and Godfrey are now in bed, and Sarah and Brittnee are getting into the bed, still going over things though. Good nite.

  6. 11:05PM BBT: Godfrey is going around buttering up the girls, by discripting their charactors. Like Pilar is a happy go luck gal.

    Brittnee, is a very humble girl. Ashleigh she doesn't like to lead, she doesn't want to outshine others, she doesn't want to scar other girls. Sarah knows a lot about the world. she felt guilty about everything but she holds it in. Like when Willow went home. And like when the cam broke. Sarah says so how to I fix it. Godfrey says you can't fix something that isn't broken. you have to asked yourself if it's broken. Brittnee you know yourself well, You built something on your own you fullfilled your dreams. not many people do. You took the path less traveled. 


    11:15PM BBT: Now it's the girls turn to tell Godfrey what his charactor traits are. He is very deep, and they are surprised. Godfrey says it's like his grandmother told him sometimes less is more. now talking about how a girl dresses.


    11:20PM BBT: Godfrey is talking about the different types of jobs he has done, He as never done manual labor type jobs. He just does odd jobs no so much for pay, but more for the experience now talking about the different types of books he has read. Because he likes to learn.


    11:31PM BBT: they have moved into the the HoH room now talking about coffee and chocolate, Godfrey doesn't like sweet stuff, like cake or candy he like a lot nuts. like coconut.


    11:35PM BBT: the HGs are talking about whether or not a coconut is a nut or a fruit, it's actually both a fruit and a nut it's also a seed, http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/mysteries/coconut.htmlforthose of you who didn't know.


    11:40PM BBT: Ashleigh is talking about tattoos, she wants to talk about something that she doesn't know if she can say. Something about removing tats. Godfrey is talking about his brother and when he got a tat. 


    11:45PM BBT: They say tats are so artistic, Brittnee is talking about going to a museum that she went to in New York. Ashleigh is talking about a Tim Burton museum and the Harry potter one which was cool she was going to get a wand but they were $50.


    Now talking about the titanic, and how they recreated it the cabins and dinning room and this is what they would serve. they had artifacts from the titanic. 


    11:50PM BBT: Ashleigh is still talking about the titanic museum, and how they match you up with the type of passenger you would be if you were on the titanic, like she was a 14 year old girl, her father was a first class passenger, she said she is really interested in stuff like that, like Alcatraz which is closed down now but she is talking about when she went on a tour of the prison and how it's haunted. and how when you go in the cells you get chills and stuff. they are talking about the prison.

  7. 10:00PM BBT: Ashleigh, is wanting to scare Pilar has she comes out of the DR. The other HGs are just sitting on the sofa talking.


    10:05PM BBT: Ashleigh, is standing over by the DR door waiting to scare Pilar, as she comes out of the DR, Pilar comes out and Ashleigh yells at her now Sarah jumps out at her and scares her double scares. Sarah tells Pilar that Zach wanted to throw water at her, Now Ashleigh is called to the DR.


    10:10PM BBT: Pili wants to get back at Ashleigh for scaring her, She wants to throw water at her from to top of the stairs but BB comes on and says stop that. 


    10:15PM BBT: Pilar says this is the last night for Have-Nots, Sarah says the the HoH room is so hot.


    10:20PM BBT: Godfrey says that Bobby came up  with the name the Chop Shop, and also the sign for it. They are just talking about the chop shop. Godfrey says all he can remember is eating and sleeping (Go figure)


    10:25PM BBT: They are just talking about Bobby and how loyal he and Bruno was to the Chop Shop. they pretty much just chatting.


    10:31PM BBT: Now they are talking about the best alliances of all time, "Chill Town" now talking about the Chill Town  phone call.


    10:35PM BBT: Godfrey is talking about jokes  that he used to play like putting super glue on someone. "that's so mean" says Ashleigh, Godfrey is talking about him and his sister and what kind of jokes they used to play on each other.  


    10:40PM BBT: Godfrey is talking about the slop and how in the us they get other food to eat like fungi and frys. But no all we have in CA is slop. 


    10:45PM BBT: Zach is having some Sleepy Time tea, BB comes on and tells Pilar that the pantry is now open. Has they sit on the sofa chatting.


    10:50PM BBT: Nothing new to report they are still just chatting now talking about past PoVs and such. 


    #BBCAN11:00PM BBT: Sarah, Brittnee, Pilar, and Godfrey are now upstairs Godfrey is just talking about Bruno and Bobby. They are in the corner of the landing.


  8. 11:05PM BBT: In the blue room they are talking about music and acting and such. Zach and Ashleigh are still in the HoH talking about crazy and wild cities in the world.


    11:10PM BBT: talk in the blue room continues about actor and how they are followed everywhere, and can't go out of their houses without makeup and stuff. Godfrey is talking about famous sports players. like NBA superstars and such. Ashleigh is now talking about School to Zach. and camera spiders. 


    11:15PM BBT: Zach is telling Ashleigh all the different cities in the world he would like to go to. Brittnee is checking on slop and Godfrey and Pilar are still just chatting. Sarah is now in the kitchen talking to Brittnee, Brittnee says you're not fooling anybody buddy. Godfrey really has a no vote this week. 


    11:20 feed return Brittnee is eating slop, Ashleigh and Zach are now in the blue room with Pilar and Godfrey they are just talking. Sarah is in the storage room getting chips,


    11:25PM BBT: Sarah is making hotdogs, talking to Brittnee, she says maybe Zach is digging his own grave. Brittnee is showing her how to make her hotdogs. Brittnee is going to bed early she wants this have not to be over. 


    11:31PM BBT: Brittnee is telling Sarah what she told Godfrey and Pilar in the blue room. she says everything we have said matches up with everything we have done. She says Godfrey won't be final three with anybody he has to know that. Sarah says BB knows that I'm waiting for them to call me to the DR.


    11:35PM BBT: BB comes on and says HGs the HoH is now closed, Sarah tells Brittnee to come up for a bit. They are talking about Godfrey. Sarah asked if she talks about final two with him, Brittnee says no not really. And also talking about Zach. In the Blue room is everyone else they are just laying in bed. 


    11:40PM BBT: Brittnee now says goodnite to Sarah she's is off to bed, Sarah is excised to get her movie 99% she's now watching her movie, and the rest of the house is in bed but the lights are still on. good nite HGS

  9. 10:00PM BBT: Brittnee and Sarah are in the HoH Sarah in the tub. she drops her mic into the tub. Brittnee saying no one trust Godfrey now. Zach, Ashleigh, and Pilar are in the wash room.


    Pilar is saying she would be happy if Zach stays it's been a great ride. 


    10:05PM BBT: Ashleigh gets freaked out over something gross on the floor. Zach gets it up. They walk out of the wash room. Now in the kitchen with Godfrey. 


    #BBCAN310:10PM BBT: Pilar and Ashleigh are in the HoH with Sarah and Brittnee, Ashleigh is now walking out. Pilar is talking about being on the block. She says she isn't happy about it. she says it's pretty wicked being final six. Sarah well let me know how you're feeling the feeling you're getting from people. Pilar says Ashleigh told her that she was keeping her. Brittnee tells her that she is Keeping her Godfrey and Ashleigh come in. It was a magget on the floor.


    10:15PM BBT: talk in the HoH turns to last night and how creepy it was. Godfrey is in the blue room by himself. Zach is in the kitchen talk in the HoH turns to just chit chatter.


    10:20PM BBT: In the HoH they are going over all the HGs last names. Godfrey is in bed. Pilar is telling them her mothers last name. now Sarah is talking about why she doesn't call her husband a husband put it's her partner, talking about how gay people call it partners. Ashleigh asked her if she were to get marred if she would keep her last name. Oh yeah. Now Sarah says if her dogs got out of the yard, it's like kill me I'm done.


    10:25PM BBT: Godfrey is actually downstairs sitting on the orange chairs sleeping. Zach is making slop says he thought he was hungry until I cooked this.


    10:31PM BBT: Sarah is talking about giving birth she says any woman who has given birth is like a God!! Sarah says getting hit in the "balls" hurts worst then childbirth. And how men who get hit in the "balls" are like saying nothing and men couldn't stand the pain that woman have to go though giving birth. Men would be all whimmpy about it. 


    10:35PM BBT: Nothing new to report Godfrey and Pilar 

    are in the blue room laying down, Zach and Ashleigh are in the HoH, Sarah is still in the tub, Godfrey asked Pilar if she

    is worried about the vote, she says no, Godfrey says that he will do what he said he would people say one thing then do another. Action speak louder then word. Pilar says she isn't campaigning against Zach. 


    10:45PM BBT: Pilar and Godfrey are just talking about the vote, Brittnee comes in says that Pilar has her vote and when she gives her word she means it, You can see what I'm all about, I speak with my actions. I try to be real. I don't have time to be fake.


    10:50PM BBT: Godfrey asked if they would be able to do another BB right after this, if they could Brittnee says no Id need a break I would need to get back to life. and my family. Pilar says I'm going to miss it. Godfrey says I'm going to miss the food. Now he says they food I miss from home is eating chicken from the bone like the dark meat, not the white meat. Pilar is now talking about Mexican food. and how her mom makes it.


    10:55PM BBT: Now talking about how little time they have left in the house, and what all they miss from real life, Watching TV. Brittnee says she really wants to see her family and friends. 


    11:00PM BBT: Godfrey is talking about Arnold Schwarzenegger and how he bankrupt the state of California, now just talking about different actors. Samuel Jackson and such. 

  10. #BBCAN3 11:05pm Godfrey is back from the DR,

    Pilar is practing how to say jalapeno Godfrey is saying that he thinks its CA voting on tasks for them. Like the clown thing.

    #BBCAN3 11:10pm Godfrey says his throng is hurting his Butte, "No Mercy" 

    #BBCAN3 11:15pm Sarah comes back and Ash goes

    into the DR, Sarah has to put back on her hair stuff. 

    #BBCAN3 11:20pm nothing new they are just talking about what fast food places they want to go to after the show ends, Zach says he is going to get really drunk on beers. He is talking about how he is when he drinks beers. Ash comes in Zach is called to the DR.

    #BBCAN3 11:25pm Brit, re reads the card that BB gave them for the task, Godfrey says he has a bad feeling about this, Something is going on.

    #BBCAN3 11:30pm Zach comes in wearing a white t-shirt, they asked if he went into the vault no. Just the DR.

    #BBCAN3 11:35pm BB plays a bell sound now, after playing the sticks hitting sound, the HGs still dont know whats going on they think they have to repete the rap.

    #BBCAN3 11:40pm Feeds are back the HG are downstairs and they got Pizza.

    They got a card in the BY its numbers, in the BY

    60 * 8 *v * stop time something and the sticks hitting sound is going off. its a clock ticking

    and we get Brunos voice saying you look sick.

    bell ringing again

    #BBCAN3 11:50pm HGs now think something is hiden in the house, they are looking all over the house now. They think its something in the vault.

    #BBCAN3 11:55pm 60 is 60 minutes, they think they have to stop some timer that is going off.

    #BBCAN3 12:00am HG this is your final warming the BY is now off limits.



    10:00PM BBT: The HGs are dressed up in yellow, and green outfits, They are doing raps of some kind. They are wearing yellow, pink headbands, They are now raping, rapping chill big brother chill big brother, Brittnee rapping about being on slop. they are practing for something. And they are wearing yellow and green body thongs.


    10:05PM BBT: They are blowing their lines in the BB rap, we still don't know what this is. But they are clearly practing for something. FotH.


    10:10PM BBT: the practing continues, now Brittnee is to say Oh Big Brother at the beginning. To Kick it off.


    10:15PM BBT: They are still trying to get the BB rap down, They are having problems with the first and last lines and we get the FotH again. 


    10:20PM BBT: Feeds back on and they are still dressed in their throngs, and feeds go off has they get in front of the TV screen.


    10:25 we continue to get short clips of them

    practing their rap, which they still don't have right. And then it goes back to the FotH.


    10:31PM BBT: the feeds continue to go in and out, has the HGs keep trying to get their rap down and they keep changing their lines.


    10:35PM BBT: They finally got their rap down, now they are just waiting for word from BB rather or not they passed, Sarah wants to keep her thong.


    10:40PM BBT: The HGs are just sitting around, waiting to hear word from BB, They are just talking. Godfrey is now called to the DR.


    10:45PM BBT: They are still just sitting there waiting to hear from BB, or Godfrey to come out of the DR and tell them something.


    10:50PM BBT: HGs are told to go to the the HoH room which they are now in. 


    10:55PM BBT: The HGs are now locked into the the HoH room


    Ashleigh wanted to scare Godfrey has he came back, but then figured out that the door was locked.


  12. 12:00AM BBT: Zach is now off to bed, Sarah and Brittnee are heading up to the HoH. Everyone else is in bed. Sarah is saying that they aren't even going to try to talk to me. do they feel safe. Brittnee says yeah they do. Sarah says you blew that one sisters. She goes into the blue room to say goodnite. we will talk in the morning. 


    12:05AM BBT:  Brittnee is telling Sarah how proud of her she is. and how upset Zach is over Bruno. And how Ashleigh and Pilar still are on the final four thing. Sarah says that Zach isn't even trying he knows what's up. Now talking about how Ashleigh and Pilar blew it. Sarah says she is putting you guys up if Zach wins veto then we will see. 


    12:10AM BBT:  Sarah says no one expected us to win. Sarah is talking about the HoH competition it was between her and Godfrey. who asked her who she was going to put up. She told him Zach and Ashleigh. and If Pili wins HoH I don't know. Now going over who won what. Brittnee says she is so happy. If I go next week then this is all I needed. Brittnee you aren't going next week.


    12:15AM BBT:  Brittnee is talking about how snippy Ashleigh is now being towards Pilar. And how she guessed it. she said what if they aren't just Have-Nots. what if they were given something. So good on you for guessing it. Sarah says they were really exclueing us. and now they aren't even talking to me now. And now he isn't even trying. Now Sarah is talking about DR Will. and how he was a target every week. 


    12:20AM BBT:  Sarah says that Pilar is more workable then Ashleigh is. Brittnee says yeah she is a sweet girl. All the people sitting in that jury underestimated us big time. yup the model and the stoner.


    12:25AM BBT:  now onto the PoV, Zach can't win it. Godfrey knows what's up now. He owes you now. But does he think he can beat you no. But I don't want to be in final two with anyone but you. yeah, but maybe Pili, Sarah I'm so sorry to eat in front of you I really didn't want to have a sleep over with them. Sarah they really don't like me, as a person. They didn't even try to wait up for me. Whatever, we got our family friends. and we got people in the house like Johnny.


    12:31AM BBT:  Sarah and Brittnee are telling us all about the HoH competition step by step, now onto the smoke, now the clown who is scared of clowns and so is Sarah, but it whispered their names, then they filled the coffens with ice cold water, It was cold as hell. Then they got video clips from their families. and then BB comes on and says stop that. then there was fire. we felt the heat. then last was the worms all over them. 


    12:35AM BBT:  And in the end Sarah hit the buzzard at 98 minutes, Godfrey also had 98 minutes but he didn't hit his buzzer. Sarah says we were in here with some really smart people, Brittnee says wouldn't it be funny if Bruno was an undercover cop. 


    Sarah says Zach cried when Bruno lefted. and when she was crying when Willow left Bruno was like yeah fucken cry. Now just talking about how emotional it is when people leave.


    12:40AM BBT:  Brittnee and Sarah are on cloud nine in the HoH. They are just rehashing things. 


    12:45AM BBT:  Sarah is trying to figure out when she wants to drink her beers, save for later out by the hot-tub. now looking at her pictures, now they get the HGs please stop talking about production. Zach and Ashleigh are talking in the room Zach is talking about his getting $hitty luck it's all part of the ride, Sometime you have to just eat the shit. 


    12:50AM BBT:  Zach is telling Ashleigh about some campground, he used to go to. And Brittnee and Sarah are talking about her pictures still. 


    12:55AM BBT:  Sarah and Brittnee are now just listening to music has things are winding down in the BB house. 


  13. 11:00PM BBT: Brittnee, Pilar, and Ashleigh are up in the the HoH room talking about the HoH competition Brittnee says it was weird. Godfrey and Zach are in the kitchen. Zach is making cina-slops for him and Brittnee. Who walks downstairs for cina-slops.


    11:05PM BBT: Brittnee, and Godfrey are in the room talking about how upset Zach is about Bruno leaving. Ashleigh, Pilar and Zach are now in the kitchen. 


    11:10PM BBT: Brittnee comes down and says I don't think I was supposed to pop the blood bluster. I want to know who said "Balls to the Walls." I think maybe my boys.  Says Brittnee. 


    11:15PM BBT: Nothing much going on, Brittnee is now eating her cina slop, She is saying she can't believe she is  in final six. If you were to tell me that I would have been  here six week ago I wouldn't of believed you. 


    11:20PM BBT: Ashleigh, Pili, and Zach also Brittnee are now just talking about the HoH competition and a jack in the box?


    11:25PM BBT: Pilar says that she is scared of clowns because they are so fake. Zach mentions the movie It. Pilar says that her brothers used to hold her down and make her watch IT. which creeped her out.


    11:31PM BBT: Pilar says she would like a video or a task with some kind of prize for the house. Now they are just going over the twists for this season. Brittnee is talking about how her competition went for her to get her power, it was counting. like the amount of letters in everyone's name there are 90.


    11:35PM BBT: Godfrey is off to bed, Brittnee is talking about making ice coffee, Pilar says don't put hot stuff in the freezer, because of Bacteria. Brittnee says the pitcher smells bad. Someone didn't wash it out too good. 


    11:40PM BBT: Brittnee says she thought that Godfrey was going to sleep his way through that competition. yup seems like my nap time. Zach goes into the blue room to get cloths. 


    11:45PM BBT: Brittnee is talking about how Godfrey cried during the family videos. She walks into the blue room to put something away walks out. Godfrey is in bed sleeping. She goes into the wash room with Ashleigh to brush her teeth. Zach walks in Pilar is doing her hair. 


    11:50PM BBT: The HGs are getting ready for bed now Ashleigh is taking a shower, Zach is going to go hang out on the sofa down stairs Brittnee is hanging out with Zach, Sarah is still DR.


    11:55PM BBT: Brittnee and Zach are talking about the competition and who was it that said "Balls to the Walls" Brittnee says she would have known if it was her buds that said it. During the competition. Sarah says they all got three messages from home. Brittnee says hers was "you're a shinning light."

  14. 10:55PM BBT: Bruno is cooking the hotdogs, he says to Godfrey and Ashleigh that it's weird how Brittnee has been in there all day. Brittnee is now laying down, and Bruno and Godfrey are back to talking about getting Ashleigh out next week over Brittnee.


    11:00PM BBT: nothing has changed Bruno and Godfrey are still talking about the same thing, Brittnee and getting Ashleigh out. now they are laughing and joking about it. Brittnee and Sarah are still in the Have-Not room. Bruno goes to check on the hotdogs.


    11:05PM BBT: Godfrey is now in the Have-Not room with Sarah going over the cheat calandar. they used up most of the Qtips to make the calandar. Sarah tells Godfrey she thinks that he will stay. (maybe she knows something?-sayre)


    11:10PM BBT:Bruno and Zach are now talking in the kitchen. Bruno is saying it would be nice if she goes next week. yeah lets just rotate it. Says Zach Bruno is saying the crazy part is that Brittnee hasn't left her room. Zach says I'm so glad she won that veto. (little does he know that Brittnee has one too -Sayre)


    11:15PM BBT: Ashleigh and Pili are in the the HoH room talking, Zach and Bruno are in the kitchen talking, and Sarah and Godfrey are in the Have-Not room. Sarah is telling Godfrey that if she doesn't win HoH she's going home next week, Godfrey you are right but if I win you won't. Sarah I hope so Godfrey, cause you are all I've got left. Godfrey is telling Sarah that Bruno doesn't even want to put you on the block. he is just as scared as you are. I'm the go between you too. But you can't keep going around saying that you are going after Bruno and Zach. Sarah is saying that OK so burn me on the stake because I'm honest. so they are going to lie to your face and you are going to trust them. So it's an emotional move. 


    11:20PM BBT: OK let me asked you this can you beat Brittnee in final two? No, it's way better for you if somone else puts Brittnee in jury. Then Brittnee won't be mad at you in jury. Zach and Bruno are talking about Willow and how everyone thought they had her in their group and they didn't now onto the chop shop. Meanwhile in the HoH the girls Ashleigh and Pils are just laying on the bed not talking at all.


    11:25PM BBT: Godfrey is reassuring Sarah that Bruno is not coming after her, you are not a final three. Sarah I know that. Godfrey we know they are not honorable people all I'm telling you is that Bruno is way smarter then Zach. Cause you think if Ashleigh won she would put up Bruno no. Bruno and Zach are now talking about Brittnee again and how crazy she is. I'm not worried though I'm not worried.


    11:30pm Bruno is now talking to Sarah in the have not room asking him to just trust her. Zach and Godfrey are talking in the Kitchen. 


    11:35PM BBT: Bruno is telling Sarah that she jumped the gun and that's why we are fucked. If you would have stuck to the plan we would have been fine but you didn't. Sarah is telling Bruno that he is repeating himself you just said the same thing three times. Bruno I'm a grown *ucken man Sarah. but go ahead. 


    Sarah calls out Bruno on being pissed at her for campaigning for Brittnee when he did it for Bobby last week. Brittnee comes in on Bruno  and  Sarah, Sarah tells Brittnee she's getting in trouble for campaigning. Bruno gets pissed  and  leaves the Have-Not room

  15. 10:00PM BBT: Zach and Bruno are in the wash room they have been talking about how crazy Brittnee is acting. Saying that they are related, and the final two thing on the pictures. Zach is saying that he isn't letting them get any alone time with Brittnee. Bruno says once Brittnee goes Sarah is a sitting duck. Bruno now says we are now father and son. wow you noticed how when we walk in the room she shuts up. She can't talk cause she has nothing to say to us. Brittnee is going to shut Sarah down. Says Bruno. she's pulling out all the stops now Says Zach.


    10:05PM BBT: So while Zach and Bruno are talking about how funny it is that they are now related, Sarah and Brittnee are in the Have-Not room now, Brittnee is not looking very happy right now. Zach is now in the the HoH room with Pilis talking about what all he just said to Bruno. 

    10:10PM BBT: Ashleigh walks into the the HoH room, they are laughing about how Bruno and Zach are related now, Sarah and Brittnee are making a calandar in the Have-Not room. Bruno and Godfrey are now in the kitchen talking about Brittnee and how she's lost her mind. Bruno says it's too late for her she's done if she doesn't win HoH next week. Bruno is saying he's almost trusting Zach more now because of Brittnee.


    10:15PM BBT: Godfrey is saying that the girls are paying her no mind. They don't want anything to do with her. Sarah is digger her own hole. Says Bruno she is doing it to herself now.  Once Brittnee goes, then Sarah. says Godfrey two verses one. *ucken Sarah says Bruno. it's *ucken crazy just crazy. says Bruno. 


    10:20PM BBT: Ashleigh, Pili, and Zach are going over what all Sarah has said about them, and now Willow, And Godfrey and Bruno are still talking in the kitchen now about trying to get Zach to take out Ashleigh. 


    10:25PM BBT: Bruno is saying if Zach does win a pulls Ashleigh off then we are *ucked, it all comes down to the veto. We got to win first it's a tough one. Godfrey someones going to have blood on their hands next week. Bruno we have to set the nominations up and then hammer that veto. 


    10:31PM BBT: Brittnee is working on their calandar, it's made compeletly of paper towels. They have ripped up the paper towels to form the numbers and circles to form the days. Godfrey is now in the HoH. They are talking about murder stories, now fishing stories. 


    10:35PM BBT: Ashleigh says she can never catch anything, Zach is telling a story about when a friend caught a trapper that had got caught in the river and died. 


    10:40PM BBT: Now talking about how people do sick things to get life insurance. Like calm their family is missing when they are not. Bruno asked where Brittnee is at. The Have-Not room. next week we will be down to six people crazy. There will be the same number of people in the jury house has in this house. Six and six. Godfrey says his bread itches. 


    10:45PM BBT: The HoH group is talking about making hotdogs later, now they are talking about different types of hotdogs. and now no talk at all just laying there. Bruno leaves to make coffee. now talking about big houses, and Dog the bounty hunter and how he has his face on the gate. Godfrey doesn't even think he's show is real. 


    10:50PM BBT: Godfrey is going to prep the hot dogs Ashleigh is called to the DR. Leaving Zach and Pili in the the HoH room. Sarah and Brittnee are in the Have-Not room going over the order of the competitions.

  16. 10:35PM BBT: The hgs want to go outside while its not raining. Sarah says go out now while its not raining, it will start back up again it looks like its a night for rain.


    10:40PM BBT: Godfrey walks over by the pool and says the hot tub is locked. Ash is still in the hoh by herself. BB comes on HGs the hot tub is now open they walk to the hot tub. Its not raining.


    10:45PM BBT: Zach, Bruno, Godfrey and Pili are now in the hot tub they are talking about pet monkey's. Sarah comes out of the DR and joins them by the hot tub.


    10:50PM BBT: The HGs are in the ht talking about BBCAN1 who won what. And who would have take who to the finals. Brit and Sarah are in the KT talking about whose running the show Bruno or Zach. (Gee I thought, it was Big Brother running the show)


    Then Sarah tells Brit that Godfrey said that They were with Graig. Now they are saying that Zach as more power. Brit walks over and closes the door. Now talk turns to jury.


    10:55PM BBT: Sarah says we got work to do, we have to keep your name out of their #ucken mouths. Brit why do they want me out so bad. Sarah because they hate me. I feel like this is my fault. For thinking. They hate people who think says Brit. Yeah right. We need to think about this. now back to whose running the show. They are all coming after us. But Pili and Ash if she has a brain on her head its a guy thing.


    11:00PM BBT: Now Brit and Sarah are talking about what Godfrey wants. We have to think, either way they are coming after us. But why he doesnt see Godfrey as a threat. Zach is covering his back. people turn tho. Bruno is what contects them and back and forth with this.


    11:05PM BBT: Sarah and Brit are talking about how she can make Zach see that Brit is worth keeping in the house over Godfrey. Sarah is going to tell Zach to stop playing an emotional game. She is going to tell Zach that Godfrey will come after them next week.


    11:10PM BBT: so the plan with Sarah and Brit is to win hoh next week and put Zach up. now they are talking about if Zach will bring Ash to the final two?? Brit thinks that Zach and Bruno maybe related in someway? Brit they are not related they cant be. can they??(can they be related CA?) Pili and the rest of the HGs walk in talk stops.


    11:15PM BBT: Shower time, Bruno and Godfrey are now in the blue room Zach is in the shower. Actually Zach is now out of the shower and Godfrey is in the shower. And Sarah and Brit are still going back and forth.


    11:20PM BBT: the Brit and Sarah show has now stopped (Finally) Looks like everyone is doing nightly bedtime stuff. Showering brushing teeth you get the picture.


    11:25PM BBT: Godfrey tells Bruno who is in the shower, that it all comes down to the Pilis. It works out the same. Yeah, he walks off Pili comes into the wr has Godfrey walks out. Sarah is in the Kitchen, she blurs really loud (Gross). Zach and Pili walks in. 


    11:30PM BBT: Nothing has changed, Brit is sitting at the KT counter with Pili looking like she is just pissed off. Zach is talking about how well he sleeps.


    11:35PM BBT: something fell over the railing Godfrey and Bruno used a coathanger and a fork to get it. Now they are having their midnite snacks. 


    11:40PM BBT: Sarah is off to bed, Zach Godfrey, Bruno are finishing up their snacks in the KT and Ash is still having some alone time in the HOH. Brit says her good nites.


    11:45PM BBT: and talk continues in the have not room with Brit and Sarah talking about how they are going to get out Zach or Bruno.


    11:50PM BBT: Sarah and Brit keep going round and round with the same old stuff. The rest of the gang is still in the KT.
  17. #BBCAN3 10:45pm The HGs are now in the house eating, Brit and Sarah are also eating but they dont know if in the next minute they will be back to being a have not.

    #BBCAN3 10:50pm Brit is making coffee while Sarah shows CA how gross the slop is. But as long as she isnt locked in a room she is not complaining. Godfrey is telling Brit that she is the target. Brit says if she isnt up there she wont be voting for Godfrey.

    #BBCAN3 10:55pm Godfrey says that he has no say in it. Brit is asking why they would want her out when CA just made them a have not. Well look at the Sindy thing, and how we picked her. then again it could be just bad luck. 

    #BBCAN3 11:00pm Ash and Pili are talking in the HOH, Ash said her plan was to get Sarah, Bruno wants Sarah out, Zach wants Sarah out, But I want Godfrey. because he wants Zach out. she says they have to tell Zach that. Zach is in there now filling up the bath tub for Ash.

    #BBCAN3 11:05pm Sarah and Brit are still eating slop, They still have three days of being have nots they say.

    #BBCAN3 11:10pm Ash and Pili are in the bath tub and Zach is talking to them they are talking about facal hair. Zach is talking about growing out his facal hair durning the rest of his time in the house. Ash tells him to do it. Zach says done.

    #BBCAN3 11:15pm Zach is washing a frying pan talking to Bruno about Camping. Ash and pili are still in the tub. They boys are talking about Canada day.

    #BBCAN3 11:25pm Zach and Bruno want to have a mothers day dinner tomorrow, Brit says gee thanks guy. Ive been a have not four times now. Zach oh sorry brit. Bruno is washing the slop bucket.

    #BBCAN3 11:30pm Bruno says it would be nice to get some news from outside. Now he is talking about a sports play Mayweather.

    #BBCAN3 11:36pm Brit is talking to Bruno asking him if she is going up, Bruno says he doesnt know he hasnt talken to Ash yet. But its you are me. Now trying to figure out what he wants to eat.

    #BBCAN3 11:40pm Ash and Pili are out of the tub Pili is in the shower Ash told her that Brit asked her to let her know when she knows something, Ash told her that Pili and she were having a pow wow later and would let her know something then.

    #BBCAN3 11:45pm Pili is coming out of the shower, Ash asked her how to tell Brit that she is going up Ash says she hates this. Ash gets in the shower.

    #BBCAN3 11:50pm Bruno and Godfrey are playing ball in the by, Zach is in the KT with Sarah. Brit comes out and Hugs Godfrey and thanks him for today.

    #BBCAN3 11:55pm Sarah is in the storage room explaining herself. She says it was because she was on her period now she is giving shout outs to her family and friends.

    #BBCAN3 12:00am Zach is making him a QB1 sandwich. Sarah is going to take a shower and go to bed. She cant believe they still have no beds. 


  18. #BBCAN3 10:00pm the hgs are happy to see Brit and sarah. They are talking by the HT Ash is in the DR. They are trying to guess what this have not was all about. And why it was so bad.

    #BBCAN3 10:05pm Brit is mad about being in the hn room, she is saying how at least tell me why Im in here like a *ucken dog. Zach says it would be nice to do something for their mothers for mothers day. Now they are just talking.

    #BBCAN3 10:10pm Godfrey is saying that there will always be fans that are going to be pissed at someone for voting someone out. Sarah says there are only so many of us left to vote for. yeah right. Now just sitting.

    #BBCAN3 10:15pm Now they are saying that the american BB is way meaner then the Canada BB. At least we share being on slop. Those Americans are so mean that they put the same guy on slop week after week. (since when are we so mean? guess we are just a bunch of meanies.)

    #BBCAN3 10:20pm Now they are just sitting there talking about looking back at the game and being able to say hey I was on BB.

    #BBCAN3 10:25pm Zach is talking about when his hockey team bleached their hair, Just for the hell of it.

    #BBCAN3 10:30pm talk turns to high school pictures. and face book pictures.

    #BBCAN3 10:35pm Sarah think CA hates her because they made her a have not and everyone says no they dont hate you. Now talking about where they live from each other.

    #BBCAN3 Godfrey talks about Mcdonals and we get BB coming on saying "stop that."

    #BBCAN3 10:40pm They HGs think the house is now haunted, because the door seemed to open on its own, then closed, now they are talking about Naeha who is known has "slayha". And feeds cut to the foth.

  19. #BBCAN3 12:00am the HGs are now talking about Graig, and how Sindy said that he was going to come back and take down the chop shop, and then self evict. And Bruno is just talking about Graig and what all he did while he was in the house.

    #BBCAN3 12:05am The HGs are just sitting around eating chicken nuggets and talking no game talk.

    #BBCAN3 12:15am Nothing has changed the hgs are just sitting around talking.

    #BBCAN3 12:20am The HGs are now saying good nite to each other.

    #BBCAN3 12:25am Sarah Willow and Pilar are in the Washroom talking about their periods, Sarah says she is late with hers. Bruno comes in and says did you take a prenancy test. Sarah says I need to go to the DR and asked for some vitum c. 

    #BBCAN3 12:30pm Willow says she is using the wrong toothbush, Its either Ash or Sarahs, Brit says she cant use this toothpaste, she needs to go to the DR and ask for another kind of toothpaste.

    #BBCAN3 12:35am Sarah and Willow and Bruno are in the blue room talking about rather or not Bobby will use his secret veto. The Bruno says the veto could be a double. 

    #BBCAN3 12:40am Sarah,Willow Bruno and Brit, are now talking about the veto comp and how close Sindy came to winning it. 

    #BBCAN3 12:45am Brit and Bruno are now talking about who Kevin is going to put up Not Zach, Ash Pilar, so that leaves, who Brit is saying they may try to backdoor Bobby. at this point you dont put up pawns. Tomorrow is noms. Bobby walks in. 

    #BBCAN3 12:50am and the HGs are now in the bed talking Bruno keeps saying we need to win so bad next week. Brit says it would be so great if we get a speical power next week. 

  20. #BBCAN3 11:00pm Brit and Kevin are in the HOHR listening to the IPOD, Ash, Bobby, and Pilar are in the Kitchen, Bruno, and Godfrey are out in the By Godfrey thinks he is going up with Sarah.

    #BBCAN3 11:05pm Bobby and Bruno are out by the ht talking Bobby says he needs to go up with Godfrey.He thinks he will get more votes that way. They walk back into the Kitchen. Where Ash is singing about peanut butter.

    #BBCAN3 Ash says she put pickled egg juice in the cake, along with peanutbetter yummy. Godfrey doesnt know if he wants to eat it.(Im with you on that)

    #BBCAN3 11:16pm Kevin is talking to Sarah in the Storage room about his mom. Ash, is talking about the cake "Its a sprinkle dinkle cake"

    #BBCAN3 11:20pm The HGs are talking about how they are going to do the icing on the sprinkle dinkle cake. and Brit and Zach, and Kevin are still in the hoh listening to music.

    #BBCAN3 11:25pm Sarah and Willow are in the HT area, Sarah is smoking and asking Willow why she is so upset. Kevin wont talk to me Zach threw me under the bus. Sarah, We just have to make sure Godfrey goes up. If he wins veto then Bobby needs to go up. Willow I dont care I just dont want to be on the block. I feel like If I go out with nothing, I have no family or friends cheering for me. They dont understand this dream. I dont want to let them down.

    #BBCAN3 11:30pm Willow's pity pot is continueing with Sarah, who is playing the cheerlader to Willow cheering her on and trying to cheer her up. Sarah says she is looking at everyone like puzzle pieces. and on and on.

    #BBCAN3 11:35pm YAY the cake is done, and Sarah continues to cheer up Willow.

    #BBCAN 11:40pm Ash says she wants to be a have not so she can lose six pounds. She says the cake looks gross. she flips the football cake onto a sheet and puts it in the frig. to cool.

    #BBCAN3 11:45pm They put the icing on the cake but they didnt let it cool off enough so now its melting the icing. They are now putting on the candles.

    #BBCAN3 11:50pm They bring Zach out blindfolded, take off the blindfold and shout happy birthday, they clap and cheer for him. Now hes cutting the cake, and they have chicken nuggets.

  21. #BBCAN3 12:10am Feeds are back Willow is called to the DR,

    Most of the HGs are in Bed. Zach is talking to Ash, and Kevin, Ash says we have to win this hoh, Zach is wanting a true or false. Pilar is in there too.

    #BBCAN3 12:15am Zach says there is four weeks left so thats two doubles and a instant. so for this double its four votes to send someone home. he is sure Willow will vote with them if they put up Godfrey.

    #BBCAN3 12:20am Zach says that Ash did three hours on the bike, she will sleep tonight, they are getting ready for bed now.

  22. #BBCAN3 10:30pm Ashliegh is riding on a tricycle in the BY, I dont know if its somekind of task or what at this point, Bruno,Godfrey,Bobby,Pilar, and Brit are sitting on the grey chairs. While Ashliegh is riding around red flags. As of now she has done 240 laps on the tricycle.

    #BBCAN3 10:40pm Zach and Kevin are talking in the blue room about the whole JP thing, and how Sindy was the flip vote on that.

    #BBCAN3 10:45pm Zach and Kevin are talking about Bobby and Bruno now, and how Godfrey is now with them. Kevin says we need to take out Godfrey soon. He is such a wild cat. Bobby is such a breast now. Zach is saying Godfrey will throw Pilar or Ashliegh under the bus. Or he will come after me. Yeah. Kevin is taking his cloths now to do lanudry.

    #BBCAN3 10:50pm Willow tells Ashliegh that she can do the 300 laps in two hour. She is now at 262.

    #BBCAN3 10:53pm Bruno is teaching Godfrey fighting moves, Sarah wants to make red beans and rice when they can eat again, altho she says she doesnt really know how to make them but she wants to try.

    #BBCAN3 11:00pm Looks like its snack time, Zach has made him a "QB1" sandwich, and twisto chips that they toasted up. Yummie. 

    #BBCAN3 11:05pm Ashliegh is at 282, Bobby says I hope we dont have an endurance comp tomorrow Ash is going to be burnt out afte this.

    #BBCAN3 11:15pm Ash as now done 300 laps they are clapping for her and cheering.

    #BBCAN3 11:29pm feeds are back now Bobby is on the bike. they are just riding it.

    #BBCAN3 11:25pm BB comes on HGs this is your final warning the BY is now off limits.

    #BBCAN3 11:30pm Godfrey and Brit are in the Bed, Kevin and Pilar are making out. Ash is taking a bath. 

    #BBCAN3 11:40pm Zach and Ash are in the tub, in the blue room Sarah and Bruno are talking about Risha, 

    #BBCAN3 11:45pm The Hgs are in the blue room getting ready for bed talking and such look like its a earily nite tonight. but now Kevin is talking to Bruno about maybe if its a double get Sarah and Brit out. Bobby is in too also Pilar. Pilar says backdoor Godfrey.

    #BBCAN3 12:00am Sarah is brushing Willows hair, Sindy is in bed Bruno keeps talking about if its a double eviction this week, Zach and Ash are still in the tub. 

  23. 11:25PM BBT: Brittnee just was called to the DR, Everyone else seems to be asleep, OK so Brittnee is now out. and feed go to the FotH for changing teams. to Brittnee and Sindy who are up next.


    11:30 The screen changed to down town Calvery. and they freak out.


    11:35PM BBT: Feeds are going in and out. Willow is asking if Sindy can take her place and we get the FotH.


    11:40PM BBT: Sindy is talking a mile a minute to Brittnee. Now in the Have-Not is Sarah and Willow talking about Pilar and how much she hates Sindy, and now it's going to take two weeks to get Bobby out. They are whispering. 


    11:45PM BBT: Sarah is pitching to Willow that she needs to get together with her. Willow says I need to talk to her. Now Willow is talking about Pilar and Ashleigh.


    11:50PM BBT: Sindy is talking about her boyfriend she says she can't trust her "v" and Brittnee says never trust the Vag.in the kitchen is Zach, Bruno, Bobby and Pilar. they are talking about the JP thing.


    12:00AM BBT:  Sindy and Brittnee are still driving and that's about it.


    12:05AM BBT:  Brittnee is called to the DR  and Zach steps in for her. so now it's Sindy and Zach in the car.


    12:20AM BBT:  The car blew a tire, then smoke came out of the hood and we get the FotH. I think they took the BB car into the shop, to get it fixed.


    12:31AM BBT:   The car is shot Zach and Sindy are laying in red sleeping bag, beside the car talking.


    12:35AM BBT:  While BB repairs the car Sindy is telling more lies to Zach. About what Graig said to her before she came back into the house, how they were going to go after Bobby and the chop shop, and how to get the chop shop. and so on. 


    12:35AM BBT:  Brittnee and Godfrey are in the Have-Not room talking about Bobby and Bruno, while Zach and Sindy while for BB to repair their car.


    12:40AM BBT:  Zach is telling Sindy that people think that he and Ashleigh are so close to Pilar and Kevin and they aren't, He says they don't have an allance they never did. Now Sarah is in the Have-Not talking about Johnny, Bobby, Bruno and Willow are in the washroom talking or whispering. They are talking about Ashleigh and Zach. Now hugging. And now talking about Sarah. sounds like Bruno wants to put Kevin and Pilar or Sarah up next week. Bruno and Bobby walk out.


    12:50AM BBT:  The HGs have been going back and forth with who has to go out next, who they trust or don't trust and so forth. Different groups getting together talking about what's good for their group and how to get that group out and stuff like that. BB hasn't said what is going on with their road trip. Zach and Sindy the team that is suppose to be doing the road trip are in red sleeping bags. We don't know what is happening with the road trip yet. And the screen is blank.


    1:00AM BBT:  The HGs are in the bed now and Sindy and Zach are sleeping by the car.
  24. 12:00AM BBT: Feeds are back sounds like Sindy and Godfrey have been put on the block.


    12:05AM BBT:  Pili, Sindy, Kevin and Brittnee are in the kitchen talking and eating. Ashleigh, Godfrey and Bruno are in the hot-tub. Well Bruno is now out of the the tub. Ashleigh says to Godfrey that you know Sindy's gone this week 100%. Yeah unlies she wins the veto. I just hope she doesn't win it. Her odd's are 6 to 1 to win it. Bobby wants her out so bad. he's made that clear.


    12:36AM BBT:  Feeds are back..


    12:40AM BBT:  Godfrey and Pilar are in the the HoH room talking, In the kitchen is Ashleigh, Willow, Kevin, Bruno, Brittnee and Sarah. they are all talking and eating no game talk.


    12:48AM BBT:  The HGs are wearing the same outfit Black t-shirts and Black pants that look like PJ pants. The t-shirts have their name on the front of it. The pants are black and white. Brittnee is laying in the hammock talking to Sarah, saying the Pilar can't handle this she shouldn't be here. And Sarah says why was Bobby yelling at me.


    But we will be OK. Sarah I hate them all right now all but Willow. And they are all working together now. And Sindy walks outside. now Pillow fight between Brittnee and Sindy with an S.

  25. 1:00AM BBT: Ashleigh and Zach are talking about the maze competition and how she was in there for 40 minutes out in the backyard they Willow fell she has hurt her knee.


    1:05AM BBT:  Zach says it weird not having Bobby in the house, Ashleigh says most of the people in here are nice people. Zach says that wait until we start getting fewer people in here then they won't be so nice. Feeds go to the FotH.


    1:10PM BBT: JP and Kevin are talking about Willow in the Blue room JP says that Willow drives him nuts. Now Kevin is talking about Brittnee JP says he hasn't talked to Brittnee today.Kevin says Brittnee told him that she wants to throw up Sindy has a pawn Ashleigh comes in. Now she is talking about Bruno and how Sarah says he's a nice guy and all. Kevin Ashleigh this why you are part of our team. Ashleigh says I can be total *ucken you over. Kevin I know you aren't

    *ucken Zach.


    1:25PM BBT: Pili, JP, Kevin and Ashleigh are talking in the Blue room, about what the plan would be if it's a instant eviction. Their target would be Bobby. The longer he stays around the harder he will be to get out. Says Kevin. Now talking about Zach Ashleigh says it's so easy to get into his head it's sick. Kevin says we need to get out Sarah.


    1:31PM BBT: the group in the blue room are going on with their talk. Zach says they need to get Sindy out Now JP is talking about Bobby and how lovable he is. Next week one of us wins take out Sindy, Zach one of yall take out one of those guys (Bobby or Bruno) next week then get the rest. Zach is saying the Brittnee may work with Bruno but she's weak. Bobby getting close to Brittnee is a smart move yeah. OK guys I'm going to take a shower JP walks out.


    1:40PM BBT: Bruno and Godfrey are out in the By talking Bruno OK Willow now has a bad knee, that's the problem no one has the balls to make a move. So who does Zach has Pili JP Ashleigh. Who has Pili, so just start knocking them off. *uck I need you here. We need to break them up. Ashleigh is in love with Zach says Godfrey. Oh 100% says Bruno. that's why I haven't gone to her she will go right to Zach. Willow is a player, she's the one running around telling people everything. she's a player man she's a player. Says Bruno


    1:45AM BBT:  Zach walks out to the BY talk turns to sports movies. In the the HoH room is Ashleigh who was Dancing Kevin runs out someone is in the shower.


    1:50AM BBT:  Bruno and Godfrey are now back to talking Bruno asked him if he has talked to Sarah. Yes but she wants to talk to you. Bruno I didn't know she was waiting on me. But the thing is She is so close to JP man.


    They are talking about how Bruno caught Sarah and JP coming out of the pantry. The dangerous part for me man is that I don't talk game to her. She is probably waiting for me to go after JP. doesn't matter I have to go after them now.


    1:50AM BBT:  they are just going on and on about Sarah, Godfrey says that she is a snake. Bruno says that if she wins HoH she will put me up she is going to come after me, Godfrey of couse we can't trust these people. Bruno says no. Willow is all over the place man. And on and on.



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