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Posts posted by sayre

  1. From 12:00pm to 1:00pm big fight between Gary and talla over dirty dishes and people not doing their dishes, Gary called a housemeeting for tonight to talk about the fact that people are not doing their dishes. The fight when on for quite sometime, alot of yelling and cusing between talla and Gary and then we had a really short foth and all was quite when the feeds came back on

  2. Hello;

    FYI for those who do not want to pay ten dollars for this software there is a program that I use all the time to change your date to the installment date. Thus making the test period last as long as you like. Its called RUN AS DATE just google it. Sorry dont have a link. Ive installed this private wifi and Im still not able to see any of the videos on slicetv. Its still giving me the block but we'll see tonight hope this helps.

  3. Hi;

    This may have already been posted, but I am in the us and want to watch bb canada. but I cant find a link for it. Can someone post a link besides slicetv to watch bb canada when it aires. Also if we can watch the live feeds in the us. Any new word on that?? Would be really bad if we cant watch the live feeds in the us. We would miss most of the show and it really wouldnt be worth watching it. Also is anyone else upset that bb canada didnt put in any older houseguests? All of these houseguests are really young, oldest one is 39. I would have really like to have seen some older houseguests in the mix. Also who knows if there is a gay houseguest in this group and if so who???



    Note; found this on google I dont know if they will stream the show but may want to bookmark just in case http://sharetv.org/shows/big_brother_canada_ca



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