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Posts posted by Hawknose

  1. Helen asked Andy to have a minute alone with Aaryn, and Helen figures that Elissa is going up, and she is pushing for Spencer to be the second nominee. I have included several other images to illustrate Aaryn's attempt at being totally emotionally blank - it is as transparent to me as Helen's "I am everyone's best friend" routine. Almost as if she is attempting to prevent her thoughts from reaching her eyes...... :)


  2. ^^^^ Well said Mr Monk! I totally agree. I especially like the last paragraph -

    We are more complex than simple labels describe as we all have multiple currents that run through and define our personalities. Remember, true racism is at it's essence a preposterously simple labeling of others that describes "them" as somehow "less" than "us" because "we" believe that "they" are "less" than "us." Simple labels are often dangerous.

    So true! :laugh4:

    (although I still like tw*t face the best :P )

  3. ^^^^ Just a little response.......

    If you go back to the beginning of the season you will see the REAL Aaryn. Call her what you will, the Aaryn on my monitor right now is a pretend version of the real thing. She is subdued, she tries hard to suppress any real emotion, and she continually reminds people how she got mixed up with the wrong crowd in the beginning of the season, and how Candice made her appear a "racist".

    Somewhere along the line I am pretty sure that someone somewhere in CBS pulled her aside and told her to cool it because she suddenly morphed into the total "pageant" face version of Aaryn that we see now.

    While I am not saying that she IS a racist, I am saying that she is a spoiled, self entitled, tw*t face, and although she wins competitions, let us not forget that she is under the daily influence of performance enhancing drugs (Adderall) to boot, which completely tarnishes any competitions that she wins in my book.

    The real Aaryn, minus the drugs, is probably an even WORSE human being than we see now. JMHO.

  4. At the same time, McCrae and Aaryn are talking in the kitchen, and McCrae is peeved at Elissa saying "if she don't want to be here she should just fucking walk". McCrae saying - "that's someone who doesn't care about anyone but herself". Back in the HOH room Amanda is comforting Helen and GM is talking angrily towards Elissa the way she did toward Candice. Elissa is public enemy #1 - good job Helen.


  5. ^^^^^He is working on Amanda right now CeCiMom!

    Spencer is telling Amanda how he was approached by Helen and Elissa and they wanted him to help them get out a big target, which was Amanda. He was also saying that he wanted to win HOH to put them both up. He has some resentment towards Helen because she has said to him - "don't worry, I'm going to let you make it to jury" and apparently he didn't like that.


  6. Helen and McCrae were talking in the lounge - talking about how Elissa was giving Aaryn some flack before the HOH comp tonight. Helen was saying that she's pretty sure that Aaryn will put up her and Elissa and McCrae was BS'ing her saying she will probably put up Amanda and Elissa. Then the signal goes down and when it comes back Andy and Elisa are there also.

    Helen also saying if she won, she was going to put up Aaryn and Spencer (I doubt that).


  7. What happened with the little 1 on 1 conversation Julie used to have with the out-going HOH .... right before the

    voting for Eviction ?

    And... yayyyy they didn't show (or bring up) The Wedding :hurray:

    You know I was wondering the same thing about the HOH exit interview - they haven't done it all season have they?

  8. AUUUGHHHH!!! She won't leave!!! I don't care who wins this game I just do not want to see her in F2!!!!

    Lol you are not alone..... :laugh4:

    She was saying to Spencer - "who talks shit right before an HOH comp? What is she stupid? And we were finally getting along."

    Can anyone tell me who she as talking about? Elissa?

    She is asking for a crown but CBS knows how we feel about her on the outside and I doubt they will give her one!



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